Was-.vrwa-ï¬um“veg-.555. County, is now availing 1; E; duct sales anywhere in com, Your patronage respectfully {accused Auctioneer. ,7 ,____..-VV.. Saturday, December 14th, Will 001' Patterson assured 11513119 support himself in his mission be spOnsored by the Club and citizens Of this community will my work. The calling W< Lion Joe LeQuire will be 100k_ be proud of the Millbrook insti- 0110058 should be one which we ing for the usual good co-opera- tution- and the results it will can carry 011 to the Glory of um from the Lion members fOr ultimately achieve from its re- rod, and get a Glory ourselves this task. habilitation. The Colonel was Ollt of the work we are enabled The high light of the even- introduced by Lion Earl L'iese-'t0 dO- _ , ing was a splendid address mer and the. Clubs appreciation! W9 $11.11* 0f priests, mODkS, given by Col. Patterson, super- for his fine address was “Pres-(mans, ministers, as being called intendent at the Millbrook Re. ‘ 39d by Lion Howard Lancashirc, - to a very special task, but man- fmmatory‘ He gave a vernyion Jack Wright thanked the ual skille should be recognized interesting outline of the work‘La'dy LiOD-S,‘ under the eonven- ae- VocétIQPS, t0 be regarded at the different reform institm ’ership Mrs. IJiesemer, MTS- With digmty, and all our lives Ianssh’ire for ‘the very fine show Christian character and dinner. , personality. The Santa Claus floatfor the parade to be held in Millbrook Saturday, December 14th, will be sponsored by the Club and Lion Joe LeQuire will be look- ing for the usual good co-opera- ï¬rm from the Lion members ford this task. 1 The business session was of a brief nature with the commit- tees investigatin-g the problems connected with much needed swimming pool, making brief reports and asking for a little more time to get all the facts. The fiendish Tailtwister, Lion Homer Ouellette, patrolled the dinner table with the fine box in one hand and a decapitating instrument in the other that looked as if it had been once used to cut the ends oï¬f rail- road spikes. Those who hesi- tated to 'drop their dime in the box for small infractions were; liable to have their tie shaved off just below the knot. Seven al ties fell victim of this pre- historic weapon, the Tailtwist-- er ’5 included . I The monthly dinner meeting Was held last Monday, Nov. 18, at the waiting room when twen- ty~two members and four guests partook of a delicious roast ‘beef dinner with the accom- panying vegetables, pie, etc. The boys were in particularly (good voice and shook the raf- ters with the good old “IJiIons Roar†and. several of the good old favourites. 21- '1’!!! 3 lion Notes JOHN PAYNE Four Club members journey- ed to Omemee last Thursday for the annual zone dinner and rally, they were Lions Stu Snelgmve, Joe LeQuire, Earl Lievsemer and Perc Hamilton. was already being felt as it absorbed the trouble formen- ters from the other reforma- tories allowing those places to conduct their programme one one hundred per cent more efficient. basis. 1 tions and stated that the opera. tion of this new reformatox y Don’t forget the Lions An- Nine†may be heard regularly on‘ CBC radio. Progressive Nimmons 8W3“ . . . ,. . Themeâ€"Chnstlan Vocatmn. If the world OI modern Jazz! , “ . . considers coolness to be a good ] Ephesmns 4‘1 I therefore, Th}? thing then indeed Phil Nim- prlsoner of the Lord, beseech mons, as the leader of Canada ’5 you that ye walk worthy of the top progressive ifiZZ groub, vocation wherewith ye are could be termed ‘tr1g1d’. Pml called 77 ‘ and his group “Nimmons ‘11" when There being only one nomi- nated for Reeve the Clerk pro- claimed Ray Bothwellfo fill that positicn by am-lamafion': This marks HP begimï¬ng of 1’31» sixth year in succer‘sion that Mr. Bofhw‘éfl has held thi. rnsitiwn midi-3 the first one to $0,. " .-‘" u':,r,"~;-«"§,.~' : .' On the “$61366? “Board ‘Mr .‘ '0 Noble Beebe, by Willis Pat- fun and Earl Wilson. For School Truétees:â€"Ear1 \Vilmn, by MertOn Thompson and Gerald Anderson. Melville Heaslip, by Art Bee- be and Russel Cruse .» ecrge Dean, by Ray Both- Well and \Villi-s Cunningham. Russel Cruse, by â€OrviI-Ie Young and Willis Patton. Gerald Anderson by Alan Dawson and Willis Patton. For Council :â€"Herb Syer, by Henry Jewison and Harold Dean. G evorge ard . In accordance with by-law No. 631 the (191k called to order the nomination meeting for the Municipality of the T01K11si11p of South Monaghan on November 22nd at " p.111. Nominations were as follows; For Reev eâ€"Ray Bothwell by Robert Fisher, by Charles Barnard and Fred Perrin. SOUTH MONAGHAN TWP. ELECT COUNCIL AND SCHOOL BOARD FOR 1958 BY ACCLAMATION The junior choir sang “In The G olden Moming Lightâ€. F. L. H. The “Christian Youth Under Christ†group conducted part of the worship service with ‘Miss Elinore Crowley reading the Scripture, The parable of the talents. Matt. 25 :14-30.| Misc. Carol Ridge, president of} the C.Y.U.C., spoke on the work of their Society. Miss Lenore Ouellette gave the meditation. I 7- - V. ..~ - vng vv a.u.\; , auu I will make you to become the best‘ possible, by the Grace of ,w‘od. Jesus’ call to his early dis- ciples was “Follow Meâ€, and and ideals, so as to choose a calling that will mean develop- ing of: his best abilities, and using them for the benefit of humanity. The Apostle Paul was a tent-maker by trade, and belonged to a guild of tent- maklers, and so was able to support himself in his mission- {ary work. The calling we choose should be one which we can carry on to the Glory of lod, and get a Glory ourselves ‘ out of the work we are enabled to do. ,’ l A young person needs ideas, ‘nual Christmas Bingo to be held Saturday evening, Dec. 1. 215! in the Town Hall. Get ; X'Cur tickets now, for the Bingo " and turkey draw. All the Liuns have them. Vocation means. a calling to some task for which you are fittedt Sunday Morning At St. Andrew’s There are a few ttckets left for the big draw for lst prize of $150.00, 2nd $75.00, 3rd, $25.00. You may Win (me of these draws and some child may need eye attention. “Christian Youth Uner Ch‘ist†Dean andVC‘harles Ban;- 'ustees:â€"Earl q lified to give you even bet- :On Thompson teuxf service than I have done in 50.11 the past and if I am elected as ,by Art Bee- your Reeve I ~will at all times Se. have the interests of this muni- v NVillis Pat- cipality and its good citizens :on. at heart both- here and as your 13' one nomi- representatire on a county 1e Clerk pro- level. hwell"to fill I am at this time. asking you an lamationz (all £91 30111' ery loyal support TEE ERROR-REPORTER, MILLEROOK, CHANG " -‘ " "L. A.‘ ’Hoo’torï¬" and influence at the for'coming 919‘ Hon on December 2nd. Thanking you again for the. “Tixi'l. 95:9 0f? erving you b l I wish to thank the ones that proposed me for Reeve for an- other term. I would also wish to take. this opportunity in ex- pressing my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the good people of Cavan Tounhip for the loyal support and confi- l dence that you have placed in! lme in the past. i I 1 I am at present a member of 4 i the Executive Board of the Municipal iA‘ so<iation for the, Province of Ontario, which I: feel is of vital importance not! only to Ontario but very im-l portant to our own local mum-1 cipality insonnv h as the boardl ‘at the present time is trying to impress upon the Government the need for legislation, per-l mitting the various municipali ties to assess and levy taxes on Government owned Buildings and Institutions. This would be of vital concern to Gavan Township. My representation on that board depends entirely on whether or not I am a men:- ber of Council in my own muni- cipality: I feel I am very well To The (them Of (avan Township Accordingly the Clerk de- clared the old council elected by acclamation. They are:â€" Reeve, Ray Bothwell; Council, G. Anderson, H. Syer, Geo. Dean, Robert Fisher, and also by acclamation on the School Board for a term of two years, M. Heaslip and Earl Wilson. The School Board having been elected by acclamation, Mr. Cruse the new name on the council sheet declined to qualify because that would cause an election for one councillor. Wilson and Mr. Beebe had served their term of two years. Mr. Beebe did not wish to qualify and the Trustees were declared elected by acclama- tion. ‘ ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH MWWM.CM,LLD,M Left to right, Frances Begg, Port Hope; Reta Kennedy, Millbrook; Pat Kelly, Lindsay; Sharon Greenï¬eld, Peterborough; who will graduate soon from the Certiï¬ed Nursing Assistants’ Centre at Toronto. They will receive a certiï¬cate from the Ontario Department of Health and will be registered as Certiï¬ed Nursing Assistants. This is the only auxiliary nursing course ofï¬cially recognized by hospitals and health authorities in Ontario. PRESEII‘IlY III TRAIIIIIIG AS CERTIFIED IIIIRSIIIG ASSISTAII'IS January 6th, 1958. Requirementsâ€"Ages 17 to n ENROLI. NOW for next 10-month course to start 45, Grade VIII Ffducatiog. Trainees receive $60 Send ooupoffor full inf$£hÂ¥113§ a Phone Ba11.ebo 0 30 _ ‘ g Phone Millbrook 87-j III-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII §Lequire Presiden Mrs. E.. Liesemer éonduoted the meeting which involved the planning of a Christmas Dinner Party for Lions and Lady Lions to be held Monday, December 2nd at. 6.30 p.m. at the Waiting Room. Conveners appointed Whmmmx-.szï¬mx _ The November meeting of the Lady Lians was held Monday evening at the home of Mrs. E. Nattress. MRS. C. BRACKENRIDGE WINS CUP AND SAUCER AT LADY LIONS MEETING Pump Repairs Trenching and, Digging Plumbing Heating Furnace and Oil-Burners Eavgstroughing and Having served you on this year’s Council, and having the honour of being nominated for the coming year, I have allowed my name to stand, and hereby solicit your Vote and Influence at the polls on Mon day, December 2nd, 1957 ‘ To (avan Township Electors: Ladies and Gentlemen: NURSING ASSISTANTS CENTRE, ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, 67 co.†5m, Tm, Dumb. .11... .. :o:ao: 0.....‘0 YOURS SINCERELY, George Howden no... a... .u: a... n... u... u..- u... nu" nu "no Plastics are made from wood pulp. The cup and saucer draw was won by Mrs. Chas. Bracken- ridge. Luncheon was served by Mrs. S.‘ Snelgrove and Mrs. W. Kennedy. The ladies enjoyed the fine pictures shown by Mrs. W. W. Kennedy and Mrs. J. W. Wright of their recent trip to Europe. are Mrs. E. Nattress and ’ J. McMaster. Thursday, November 28, 1957 gassmuï¬ou Please send me FREE mam Christ Church, Bailiebo: J30 p.311.-â€"Eveni-rg Pray 7 9. 45 a. :11. â€"Ho‘;;. Cr“, Church School 11 21: .1. $1.: at St. “01111 x. Ida. St. Thomas’ Church Mfllb 11.15 a. m. â€"H01y ( 0111:1111 Church School 10. 3.121.911: at Millhrook. Grace Church. Killian 10.45 a.m.â€"Church Sc 7.30 p.m.-â€"Divine W0 PRESBYTERLAN Gmmvine and Millb] Rev. W. H. Heusdn, I Minister . Rev. Walter Patterson, 11.15 a. m. â€"Ser\ice nf The Hymns nf Charles “Adoration of Quiet†Anglican Church of Ca] PARISH OF CAVA] lev. H. 0. Quinn, B.A., Zion Pentecostal The Churc. SUNDAY, DECEMBEI Mr. Henry Hayel Organist and Choir Din “O Come, Let Us War: St. Andrew’s lash. The last of Au called in his brothers ‘ them his plight but th‘ not help him. Desperately he sougl: swerâ€"he searched for of hope. Where was †Then pressure began up. By Auguet the a] on his houses showed ability to even mee Bankruptcy reared i head, and the fruits of i 0f hard work hung by 4"), a.m.â€"Ser\~ica (of and Sunday Sciu u]. At that time he had ij 15 new houses. He mi franchise on neu and u as well as trueks and ‘ He aISO owned a trucki a whole block andh buildings on it. Busii tinned to boom untfl 1956. Y He opened a dry gm then a used car lot and sell semi~trailers; aft. furniture and applian Finally the brothers b Millbrook Pastoral C] 2v. Fgaqcis Chisholm, Bobby R. was born i: of Kentucky on a 1 farm. He attended a ' school house as: a hard While going to school girl with brown eyes a hair. He married her < Sunday two years lat‘ year later he moved to began a grocery busi: his brother. The fix they lost $600 but ‘ business began to grou‘ Taith Saved Him Fro: . Abundant Centrevflle Church Minister Emeritus. Rector . Advent Sunday St. J ohn's, Ida (By Oral Robe Gavan Pastor, M .