DATED at Port Hope this 13th day of November, 1957- ERDMAN FRIESEN, 31 Wal- ton Street, Port Hope, Ont- ario, Solicitor for the, Execu- tor. : A. Itoy Willmott, Q.C. Profits for the year rose to Millbrook, Ontario $8,181,934. an increase of Solicitor for the Administrators $305,867. Income taxes were - higher by $880,000, leaving net- NOTICE TO CREDITORS profit. after taxes, at $4,081,934, AND OTHERS ,up $425.86?" over a year ago. In the Estate of ‘ This is equivalent to $2.04 per Margaret Caroline Steer, share. Rest account rose .to‘ Deceased. '$4a'i.(hf‘g().000 as compared With‘ ' ' - ‘ 343,671,406 a year an“. All persons havmg clanns T Another Year )f D'ubstantial against the Estate of .llal'garet'prawn,Sq is i‘eflectedbiï¬ the bal Caroline Steer. late of the C ‘ ‘ ' x -- . . . vanee sheet fivures which show Town ot (.obourg, 1n the Countv *‘ ot‘Northumberlaud, but former-‘grl'ggsrgize HEOTOSI 331:1“ 3; 1y 0f the T()\V11$hip 'O'f Manvers, ' ‘1 382 57;) 33:) m the County 0f Durham, Spins-l; ' Total deposits increased by ter, who died on or about thel-‘is39 646 631 Personal saviiivs 51h day of June. 1957, are here- ', g“ i .' h), I e, i ‘i‘. . ~ ‘ .4 ‘;10.59 b) $1.3,b_-$,03_ and other b} notltieu u) send particulars ~'-' '3‘." 2: 7 . of same to Erdman Friesen,ldel,)o'l,ts $ 0’8.5‘).99 . . . ROI-"to 1' th E: t fie A strong liquid posmon :s thelsaidrestfte 0:1 orX‘tfgtlbfertlge shown bythe Statement. Cash 14th (lav Kof becember 1957 assets, at $254’137’863’ are equi- . ’ after which date the Estate will valem to 199% Of total hablh' V .‘ . .- ties to the public. Immediately 251:1ftZlfgltcigimzaggnghiizgiï¬g available assets at $720,890,952 said ngecutor shall then have represent 55.4% of such liabili- notice. and the said Executor 195ng Loans d irino th 1: will not be liable to any person ‘ I s e pas . . . year increased by $18,336,371 ï¬ï¬xihï¬iiiï¬lm 1* Shall 1Ҡthe“ to $91,487,933. Current Loans NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS in the Estate of William Harvey Wood, late of the Township of Cara“ in the County of Dur- ham, Farmer, deceased. Any Person having claims 1 against. \Villiam Harvey \Vood' who died on the 8th day of 0etober, A.D. 1957. are re-- quired to send proof of the! same to the undersigned before, the 5th day of December. 1957,‘ after which date this estate will be distributed, having ra-I gard only to such claims as the} undersigned then has notice. } DATED at. Millbrook this 5th day of November, 1957. A. Roy Willmott, Q.C. Millbrovk, Ontario Termszâ€"IOO/o of purchaso price (lay of rale, 40% at end of sale. I‘izllance 53% can be arranged when sale completed. R. J. Payne, Allctioneer. An auction sale of Household Furniture and Real Estate, the property of the late Isabella Olan, will be held in Bethany on Saturday, December 7th at 1 o clock. Terms Cash. Real Estate:â€"There Will be offered ‘lor sale (subject to a rest-rte bid) a 10 room frame hm use and lot, with a good roof, bath room, and furnace, all in excellent shape. This IS an ex- (-elleut propertv, W811 situated and buy or can haVe almost im- mediate possession. _ 5 , K-â€"â€"4~ » )‘ ' y ‘ ' .; L i ‘ â€"-"-/ . l‘ ‘;,“ ‘ ' ‘Y ) .. = » *r 1 r“... I] '1" 3 '1’1" °u 3" I i mug... . VISITINQ (IVER THE HOLIDAYS? PAGE FOUR Insure your holiday fun plansâ€"by making your CNR reservation now! Check too, the money-saving features of our Family Fare Plan. Ask about CNR Gift Certiï¬cates, ideal for holiday giving! Go CNRâ€"the stare, the comfortable way. N o matter where you're going, Whether you're traVelling solo or with your familyâ€"you can make your plans now! Snow-ï¬lled skies or icy roads will make no differenceâ€"you’ll get where you want to go, and you’ll enjoy every. relaxing minute of your trip. AUCTION SALE For tickets apd iqfoymation contact your local Canadxm Nauonal representauve. a 111 Detnany mber 7th at Cash. here will be subject to a The merchants, business and professional men of Millbrook are donating generously to the Santa Claus Parade Fund and are to be commended fer, theirl room frame interest and generosity. Their a 300d rOQf, donations will take care of at 'Qacf" all m least 75% of the cost of the, hls 15_311 ex- Parade. A handsome contri- 9H s1tuated buti-on indeed. Contributions almost 1m‘ are coming in from private _ eitizens which are very wel- 3 purchaso come. AnyOne wishing to do ‘ 0% at “1d so may leave their donations“ L>70 can b9 with any Millbrook Merchant ' completed. and a receipt will be forwarded ‘ Lm-t10neer.lfn them. 7 it U. l\l ,UUU’JI J. to $91 487 ,933 Current Loans {\ ere dovm $28, 462, 527 to $586, - 082 243. : Holdings of N H. A. Mortga-_ ges rose to $40, 570, 238. Every year, more and m re people who are going visitiu g ovter 9C1)†ristmas 3' A strong liquid position is shown by the Statement. Cash assets, at $254,137,663, are equi- valent to 19.5% of total liabili- ties to the public. Immediately available assets at $720,890,952 represent 55.4% of such liabili- ties. _ Total deposits increased by $39,646.63]. Personal ‘savihgs rose by $13,823,032 and other deposits $25,823,599. The Toronto-Dominion bank a-Wain reports peak camninus, deposits and assets for the veal- ended October {lst last. Thi< “as rewalvd in the 102ml An- nual (mnmal Statement of Th) Bank, 1"eleased Tuesday of last week TORONTO-DOMINION BANK REPORT SHOWS PROGRESS l haw one and possiblv tw «tra band<. \V 0rd is being rec-eh ed everv I av of indixiduals. Dumps and families who are planning 911- 1': (‘5 fm thl Parade. Join in the fun and make this a banner :lav for Millbrook 110 hope] iMILLBROOK MERCHANTS GIVE GENEROUSLY IN SUPPORT SANTA PARADE you: subscription. l The present Rector, Rev. H. ,0. Quinn, was assisted by a _ former Rector of Cavan Parish, Rev. A. A. Chote, Toronto, and a very dear friend of the ’family. Scripture passage 3 tread included “Lord, Thou 'hast been our dwelling place‘ .1 in all generations. Psalm 90. 1; Let not your heart be troubled e . . . . I go to prepare a place d for you. John 14:1-3, and. r Revelation, chapter 21:1-4, the r description of the Heavenly t Home. The Rector, Rev. Mr. Quinn, then spoke of his frequent ; visits with Mr. Campbell, and . how his heart was not troubled . at the thought of death, but actually he fared it with a - happy anticipation of the Heavenly Home, prepared for all believers in their Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Follow- ing this word of testimony the whole congregation was given the opportunity to express their faith by repeating in unison “‘The Apostles Creedâ€, , Rev. Mr. (‘hote lead in the} i i ) concluding prayers. Friends in attendance from 42 a distance included Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Campbell and their daughter Mrs. Marjorie;- g The Brethren of J. B. Hall Masonic Lodge, Millbrook, con- ducted their service on Satur- day evening at his residence, Millbrook, with Wor. Bro. T. 'A. \Vatt in charge. A private service for the family was also held at the residence for the immediate family at 1:30 p.111. Monday, with the public ser- vice in St. Thomas’ Anglican Church at 2 p.111. [former Margaret Walsh, and [husband of Bel'vie Martin, Mill- brook, and bro‘ther of Mr. Arthur Campbell, Bowmanx ille, ‘W-ho “passed on’ ’in Civic Hos- pital, Peterborough, 0n Fridav, Nox ember 22nd,1957 ll THOMAS A. CAMPBELL l ‘ Millbrook folk turned out in‘ large numbers on Monday, Nov. 3 25th, for the funeral service at 2 p. m. inSt Thomas’ Anglican Church, of the late Thomas A.[ Campbell, son 05 Mr. George Campbell and his wife, the 1": ALL the authorities on financial matters are warning that Canadians as a whole are spending too much and a too fast. and your member of parliament are alwgys glad to hear from you. As a people, should we not delay for a while some of the things governments are providing, or planning to provide for us out of our taxes? Reducing govern- ment spending to a genuine minimum is absolutely necessary if inflation is to be halted. Your aldermen, your 2i: "‘"LIMirâ€"Eor magma HAMILTON . ammo , the “7 vvu U‘ the late John, Campbell, firstl cousin of deceased; George T. Walsh, Q.C., and son George†Barrister, Toronto, and son; Ronald Walsh, Peterboroug‘h,: in}‘ and their Wives; Miss Florence. v. Patterson and Mrs. Bert Daw-l it135m, Port Hope; Mr. and Mrs. .Reg Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. ' Gordon Powell, and Mr. and) l I 11 '8 ’3 Mrs. Ford, Peterborough. 1 Interment was in the family' plot in St. Paul’s Cemetery,. d 4th line of Gavan with Breth- [_ ren of the Lodge, J. S. McGill, [George Berry, Cliff6rd Hall, “'Alex Watts, Reginald Fallis : “ml-and A. L. Edwrds, PEP†( -! serving as pallbearers. I l YOUR SAVINGS EARN The people of Millbrook and vicinity realize that in the passing of? Mr. Thomas Camp- bell they have lost one who de- voted his skill in craftmanship, in adding to the beauty of; church sanctuaries of many} denominations, in helping to!; construct ‘Our Arena, and To‘ rc-condition as a member of’ the Lions Club, our \Vailinuâ€, Room, and in active service in‘ Red Cross work during many years. Smut, Bowmanvnle; \Mr- Fred Campbell, 4P9terbor0ugh, son of mauv- WCTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY member of the legislature 0311310 Authorized by Law for flu Investment of Trust Funds .w7¢~~ .uuru. nan, aanva-sser from the Bible nald Fallis Society will be contacting you rds, , BR, one of these days if not already. .~s. [Major revisions of the Holy lbrook and ’ Bible are now going on in more. Lt in the than 90 languages in the world, tnas Camp- and further tranSlating in an. me who do- other 175 languages. Other f‘tmanship, translators are at work to pro- beauty of, duce the Holy Scriptures in at of many; least 200 languages which have! helping tojnever had mnrfhinn Me U†I‘m-ever had anything of the Word of God. I \Vhat you give as: a conrtibu- .tion to Bible Society will help {in the great work of giving the Bible to others as God has given it to us. BIBLE SOCIETY CANVASS { PETERBOROUGH Thursday, Navanher 23, 1957 I.“ 01‘ Dead suck mm; HIGHEST mans PAID ,‘_ Attention Farmers â€" Potato Bags for sale, 50 lb paper bags, bundle of 150 bags $18. Bundle of 100 bags $12.50. Small quantities 13¢ each. Crowley's Red and White, phone. 22 Millbrook. 2: For Saleâ€"Bungalow with 2 bedrooms, Kitchen, large. lounge, 3 piece bath, hot and cold water, full basement, oil heater, heavy duty Wiring. Apply T. Skipp, Millbrook, phone 274mm, 2: -â€" ~o~.â€" . _ For Fa1e~Kitchen Stove, coal 24-Hour Service Nick Peconi "‘P‘EOPR'IETOR mâ€"_ or Rentâ€"Farm house, reason- able ren:t for good tennant; 3 miles west of Gavan on 7A Highway. Electricity, Hen House. Garage, and Garden. Phone Merv. Smith 2_14-r-22 Millbrook, or write R.R. 1, Gavan. 1* or wood, with hot water front; Kitchen Sink and. sup- ports: Electric Stove; Queen Heater for wood; Gasoline Pump. Phone IOO-j Mill- brook. 1‘ For 831:6}: (:er if 12 inch maple wood. phone Mill- brook 208-r-121. 1t Start Prion comer: Peterborouh 2.2030 .00bourg 1787 )r 510â€"6 Pigs 8 weeks old. Phone Allan Kinsman, Mill- brook 107-Wâ€"2] . 1t VV_... w“v“\4°‘3 : You can earn money first day. Strictly your own boss. Sell daily necessities in: BO‘waï¬'ville, Hampton. Mill‘ brookLNewc-astle, Port Hope and surroundings. All fami- lies are users of our many products. Write to Dept. JS~Familexâ€" 1600 Delori- mier, Station C, Montreal, Que. 4t JOstâ€"Srraye Rawleigh Business Now Open in Durham C0. Trade well established. Excellent op- portunity. Full time. \Vrite at once. Rawleigh’s Dept. K-283-189, 4005 Richelieu Montreal. Que. l: A Turkey Dinner under the auspices of Gavan Church W.A. Will be held in Cavan Hall on Tuesday, December 3rd com- mencing at 5 o’clock until all served. A good variety pro- gramme after the supper. Ad- mission $1.50, children 750. All welcome. 9* Rwyâ€"Small house ostâ€"Srrayed from Lot 1, Con. 7, Cavan, one red and white yearling heifer. Will finder please phone Millbrook 2Q4-r-124 . 1t FOR RENT FOR SALE year-round business! WANTED LOST Mill- 1t THE SALE OF INTOXI‘ SHIP OP CAVAN. THE MILLBROOK-C‘AVA CHURCH or CANADA, 6 THE OPENING or AN 0‘ Tuesday. 26th of No- was passed without 0: ‘ ‘RESOLVED THAT At a welLattended meet Brook-Gavan charge of FROM 9 Admission . For seats on the Co Joseph Burns lead th 511 votes. The othe were Messrs. â€" George and Joseph Thorn. Kinsman was low m fore unsuccessful to former seat. How th For Reeve Don Cathcart.......i Lloyd Hooton. . . . . . .j For Councillors George Howden . . . . J oseph Thorn ....... John Kinsman ..... Joseph Burns ....... Mr. Lloyd Hooton ed Reeve of Cavan for a fifth term on M‘ was opposed by Mr. cart, a member of th: May the New Ye Happy one, and your L. HOOTON RETU REEVE 0F CAVAN Ladies and Gen‘ me and ;worked so 1 cept my thanks. I w you have placed in me Bacon 1:9: lb. Gummer’sS FREE delivery Hinds of Baby Be wrapped for freeze: 97th. Year. No. FRIDAY, I In The Mill MlllBROOK WEEK-END THE GER The El Smoked l Sausage