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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 20 Nov 1958, p. 2

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Phone B‘ailiebOro 30 !!I!II!I!!!!lnIII 1101' uus year 1300. The Eastern Ontario Water Works Association, announcing . the inangural meetmg of_thlsfm.9€tmg 01’ 'fhe Manvers Mum-I Malcolm that the petition for association to be held at Kings-9 cipal Council was held on the a street light on Hillside Ave,’ ton on November 19th’ 1958' above date, With all members he acted upon and th‘evadrof The Ontario Water Resources; present and Reeve Argue pre- duly notified to instal same} Commission, re waste disposal. ISiding- Carried. | MN?“ by Councillors CTOW" The minutes 0f the OCtObel" Moved by J akeman, seconded: ley and Raymes that 00191111111“! meeting were read and approv-l by Malcolm that the annual re-, cations be received and filed. ed on motion of Brown and: port ot fhe Attendance Officer Mr. Leonard Owers P. Eng. MeGill. Carried. be accepted and filed. and Mr. E- W Johnston 1?! The following communica- Reeve Argue at this time' Eng -: representmg the Optarmitions were received and read: asked leave of absence for half Water Resources Commissmn, Three applications for Hydro an. hour in order to attend to ”Id-,Mr- Pasternak'l’... Eng. 9f. service -, Counties Assessor indi-f a County road-.mtlt‘er. the Department Of Ifubhc eating that the County' Court; On iilotdo11-~)f’Malcoln1 and! Works WW8 present to discuss of Revision will be held in the Jakeman, Deputy-Reeve Mc-,' Quill?! sevvag-e disposal 1n (3011-! Township Hall at Bethany on Gill was appointed- to take over} Jrunctlon With the Reformatory- November 13th, 1958,.‘a't 10.001119, duties of- the ‘ Chair until N0 action W33 taken by the alm.; The annual report from; the return of the Reeve. Car-l COIIBCil until the Water Re- attendance officer for the Twp. ried. . ! sources Commisswn had obtain-' of Manvers, A. H. Monk; Newi Moved by Brown, seconded; .___._~ .-___--â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" rate schedule from the Con-i by Jakeman that the ‘Hydro‘l CARL-BY. STANDISI, mm sumer’s Gas Co.: Petition from arrears on the S'..H fof Lot 8'} Bethany, Omt., Nvov, 4th,1'coming Municipal function» . o Carried. " 1958â€" The rebular monthly! Moved by McGill, secondd by O CABLE? a LECH ratepayens on Hillside Ave.,i in the 3rd Concession be striekJ. Barristers and Solicitor: Pontypool, requesting street! m from the Municipal books as' 425 Water Street - lights; Hydro E19(‘t1‘i0 P .C l the Hydro had withdrawn their inf’orming Manvers Gounciliclaim. Carried. « that the Hydro contract on the; On mo‘tion of Brown and PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO Licensed Auctioneer. Dm'ham County, is now available to con. duct sales anywhere in County. Your patronage respectfully The Eastern Ontario Water Works Association, announcing the inaugural meeting of this association to be held at Kings- ton on November 19th, 1958. Department of Municipal Af- fairs, re unconditional per capita grant. Cheque enclosed Mr. Gordon Reynolds of Frederick Street, making ap- plication for street lighting. in the amount of $1,210.50. This being the final payment for this year 1958. Dept. ofi Highways, Toronto, enclosing cheque in the amount of $9,163.19, interm subsidy on bridges and streets, 1958. 425 Water Street PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO 'l'. J. Carley 0.0. (1896-1050) B. 0. Stand“: 0.0. '1'. E. Clarke. RA. 3.1!. Carley B. Con. W. C. Lech BA. Mr. Garnet Shield, Counties Assessor, advising that a Court of Revision to revise if neces- sary and confirm the assessment roll of the municipality for this year 1958, Will be held Friday, November 14th, 1958, at the hour of 10 o’clock, in the Coun- cil Chamber of the Town Hall, Ontario Hospital Services Commission, re Hospital Insur- ance, hospital indigents. The Northumberland and Durham Healt Uni’r, re the con- trol of Rabies in the United Counties, also, reporting for the month of September. From The Liquor Control Board of Ontario which advised that no consideration can be given to establishing a store in Millbrook at the present time. me: no, m The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the Clerk and on motion ofl Councillors Crowley and North were con. firmed. The following communica- tions were read: No liqu 3r Outlet In Sight Geo. F. Harrington, Council-l lots Frank North, J. T. Crow‘ Icy, Lavern Gibson and George‘ Rsaymes. I Millbrook, Nov. 3, 1958. â€"- A regular monthly meeting of the Municipal Council of the' Village of Millbrook was held on the above date with the fol: lowing members present: Reeve} JOHN PAYNE Pontypool â€"â€" 01 Plumbing and Heating PROBLEMS 3â€"! $_â€"_!$_1 If you have steady employment and would like to budget your Plumbing and Heating Cost, please ask for one of our booklets and fill an application to-day. lequire Plumbing Heating We now have a plan that shall take care of your Attention Home Builders ., .V- ‘MMIJcW S. H. of lot 8, Con. '3 had been; eaneelled and all arrears re zl-ly'dzo cancelled; See Treas. , uof the V. C. D. H S.A. infmm.l ling Mamers Coumil that the' hearing of the appeal re Town of Lindsay will be held on Fri- day, Nov 14, 1958 at Lindsay Council Cham..es; N. and D.‘ Health Unit Monthly report? Interim road subsidy received, ineluding grader and mad 8.6-; 0 v The treasurer reported cm- rent taxes collected as of Oct. é‘I30th, $21,802. 84, arrears $2,- 9:629. 85. [and mileage .......... 221.66 [Stu-art Murney, labour. 8.00 lTalbert Kellett, labour 139.24 iUnited Counties, hos- ' pitalization .......... 69 . 00 Treasurer, salary, post» ‘ age and Ump. Ins ..... 105. 72 lN. and D. Health Unit, ‘ plumbing pts ......... 1.9.001 Council fees ......... 21.00 Treas, selecting Jurors 8.00 {Millbrook Public Utili- ties ................. 110.48 Council adjourned to meet December 1st, 1958 I The following bills were pre- ‘sented and on motion of Goun- lcillors Crowley hnd Gibson lwere ordered paid: Docon Telephones ....$ 9.15 Stanford Sloan, care- taking WR and labour. 20.50 ,Clifford Scott, salary Manvers Twp. Council Minutes Fire Chief Douglas Sheppard reported fire practice with 19 firemen responding to call. All eqmrmctt in good order. Motion by Councillors Crow- ley and Gibson that we hold a Corut of Revision for the Municipality, to make certain adjustments in the tax roll of 1958 caused by fire and changes in businm. Carried. Mr James McMaster repre- senting the Millbrook Chamber of Commerce addressed Council solicitizig its ihfluence to have an: outlet established in the village for the issuing 53f car and truck licenses. The Coun- cil promised to coâ€"Qperate. ed more information from the ccnsulttmt engineers and re- port back to this Council. Phone Millbrook 87r2 T. W. Belch, Clerk. i Moved by Brown, seconded; plumbing permits.. 32.50 iby J‘akeman that the .‘HydrofTownship ofi Clarke, ‘arrears on the S'..H tot Lot 8 relief charge-back .. 10.69 ! in the 3rd Concession be strick-' A. Ward, tickets . ‘ . , 7,00 I en from the Municipal books as' F.- Argue, selecting I the Hydro had Withdrawn their J'urrors ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4,00 iclaim, Carried. ‘ IA Johnston, selecting : On mo‘tion of Brown and Jurors ............. 4.00 .Jakeman a by-law was ill-LR, Davidson, selecting :tl'ud'llCPd, whereby a l'ire area:.]-ur0rs ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 4.00 Iwas establish-ed in aeoordaneegfi Davidson, on gal. . , 150.00 iWith 21 136431011- 11309in at 311i Moved by Jakeman, seconded I earlier date, designating NO- 9‘ by Brown, that the meeting ad- SI'I‘OOI 9905011 and a portion Ofgjourn until December 9, 1958, No. 8 school section. within the,“ at 1 pm. Carried. _fire area. After giving the; ‘ Ross Davison, Chunk. said by-law the 3 neeessaryI ____.4_ readings, it was duly signed,’ MRS LYLE NATTRESS R N smiled and numbered 1352.1 -\ I GUEST SPEAKER AT : Carri ed: ~â€" Moved by Jakeman, secv0nded remembrance day be declared ! by Malcolm that the 311111131 1‘9' a holiday in and for the Town- .port 0t fhe Attendance Officer ship of Manvers. Carlied. be accepted and flled- i Moved by Malcolm, seconded Reeve Argue 3* thls time by Brown, that the Reeve and asked leave of absence f01' half Treasurer be authorized to an hour in order to attend to sign cheques for the followintr a County r-oad- matter. accounts: ! On motmon of Malcolm anleoad voucher No.12, l ,Jakeman, Deputy-Reeve VIC-gfor transfer to road }ill was appointed to take over accmmt . . . . . . .. . . . $2208. 81 the duties of the Chair until A H Monk attend- Ethe return of the Reeve Car- anee Offucer 1958. 75.00 ried. 1 _ _iN. D. Health Unit, Mr. John Armstrong- ’rhog grader Opera’mr intervimved; the (7‘ ~1mvil I'vu‘m'dingr tho mat; fer of being: off work in the; muly \'.\'in’rm emlv “pring and' periods durinw The Winter when! the} v i; litth mm“ To plow with the main’rahwr. Mr. Arm-I strong requested that the On motion of Malcolm and Brown a by-law was presented, setting forth the, Mention of the pulling l’moths and person- nel to look after same in the event there should be. an elec- l’inn on Deeemlwr Isl, 1958. Affer giving the, byolaw the 3 neeesszn'y readings, it, was duly signed, sealed and numbered 1.353. Carried. a street light on Hillside Ave,’ be acted upon and th‘evadrof duly notified to instal same.l Carried . I Moved by Jakeman, second- ed by Brown that tickets be obtained for two Township re- presentatives to attend a forth- coming Mmlicipal function. Carried . count up to August 1 1958 a- Council give consideration to mounting .‘t‘o $16360 84 and the matter whereby a plan two suh'e ep claims. mmoxmonm m; so both are building up bank accounts THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY Putting money in a bank is the first step most people take to get what they want or need. Of the ll million deposit accounts in the chartered banks, more than 9 million are personal savings accounts, designed for this very purpose. Other types of The \Vr<:»1neii‘s l'mtitute met, at the, home of Mrs. Harryi Arms‘rong, Friday, November) 7th, at 2.30 p.m. Mrs. Allie‘ Fallis, president, opened The: meeting. Eleven members an-j mvered the roll MILâ€"“Health Hints“ and three visitors were present. ' There will be a gift exchange. a‘ Deeember meeting: to be] held at hvnme of Mrs. Tbomas‘l Harkness, December 12. Each? member is to be responsible for! $2.00 talent to be handed in‘; by February. I Members were reminded of the Twoedsmuir Book Work Moved by MeG-ill, seconded by Malcolm ’that Mr. Arthur Rowan be appointed to be the representative {of M‘anvers town- ship on the Victoria County D. High School Area. Board. Ap- pointment to take effect Janru. ary 1st, 1959. Carried. MRS. LYLE NATTRESS R.N GUEST SPEAKER AT W.I. MEETING Moved by Brown, seconded .y MeGill that November 11th, remembrance day be declared could be work-ed out'that would offer greater income security during the slack periods. She also emphasized some Health Rules, take a rest now} g and then from strenuous work ,1 208 81 have regular check-ups and] I Wear your clothing for comfort 75 00 instead of style. Meeting closed with “God 32.50 Save The Quee-n’. l l Lunch was served 1n the form 10. 69 ofl a birthday party for Miss. 7. 00 Mary Widdis. : 1 Mrs. G00 Dean was thos Will- ? ner of the Automatic Toaster ",1 I Coul’rer Bros Annual Fall Sale Draw was made Saturday, Nox. 8th Our congratulations go g’m Mrs; Dean. CLERK’S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING 0F VOTERS LIST Voters’ List, 1958 Village of Millbrook. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentiond in Sec- tion 7 of the Ontario Voters List Act, the copies required by said Section to be transmitted or delivered of the List made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of Municipality of the Township of South Monaghan to be en- titled to vote at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elecdions; and that the said list was first posted up at my office at South Monaghan, On- tario, on November 12th, 1958, and remains there for inspec- tion. T. W. Belch, Clerk, The guest speaker for the programme was Mrs. Lyle Nat- tress of Durham and North- umbe-rland Health Unit. She chose as :her topicâ€"“Food For Thought”. She asked us to think about an Entertainment Centre for elder citizens in Mill-‘ brookâ€"a place Where older people could go for social acti- vities with their friends. Other centres are doing it why not Millbrook? 1 . . ! . “Ififie E32133” gfivfilgltheff' The Legion chnreh pantie to was in charge of programme. :Pontypool Umted Church held There were two readings,_;Sunday morning, was h'eaded “Peace” by Mrs. J. Lunn and by the Legion Bugle Band “Henos” read by Mrs. Hilton. gof Millbrook, led by H. Y. The guest speaker. f_or_§hel Kent. Shop to be held in Bailje- boro on Wednesday, November 26th from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. accounts feature the convenience of chequingâ€"the simple, time-saving way to pay bills. A chartered bank provides the type of deposit account and other banking services that permit you to look after your needs simply, speedily, safely. PRIZE Coultor Bros L d. many, new no, as Co]. A. V. Thorn- took the salute during the march past. R. J. Payne (Mayor of Ponty- pool) thanked the members for turning out in such a fine num- ber. Refieshments were served the band members'by the ladies A of the church under the direcs {ti'on oi Mrs. R. J. Payne. __.. -.- LEGION BUGLE BAND HEAD PONTYPOOL PARADE Good Reading for the Whole Family . News . facts - Family Features Dead Stock Removed Nick Peconi The Christian Science Monitor One Norway 51., Boston 15, Moss. Send your newspaper {or the time checked. Enclosed find my check or money order. I year $18 [I 6 months 59 D 3 months $4.50 [I 24â€"Hour Service- HIGHEST PRIOR PAD PHONE COLLEC?‘ Peterboronh 2 3080 Cobonrg 1787. #4-<-'-'-. Zion Pentecostal Chum Gentreville and Millbrook Rev. Walter Patterson, ALA Minister Emeritus. Grace Church. mm Sunday Schoolâ€"10.45 21.1: 9.45 aimâ€"Divine Worship. My, love-her so, Mr. Sta an .éRev . H ' “O Cm lib,” A Q -....: A Telephone collect Keene S3W1, if no answer Peterborough Ri-24330. Barrett Fur Farm I.."..".IIIIIIIIIII Centrevflle Church 10.00 a.m.â€"-C‘hurch School 11.00 armâ€"Divine Worship Northumberland Durha Securities Phone Tu-5-4588 Albert Waxer 31 Walton SI Sole owner Port Hop DIRECT WIRE TO TORONT‘ Member Brokerâ€"Dealers’ Assoc - aflon of Ontario Service withdrawn. 10.00 a.m.â€"-â€"Church School CA7“ Minutes of last regular 5‘ «sion read, on motion of Depu Reeve Bradiburn and Council] Howden that minutes be adol ed as read. Carried. cum. in the Council Chamba Town Hall, Millbrook, all me: hers present, Reeve L. A. H< ton in the Chair. The United Church of Canada; Millbrook â€"â€" Gavan 1 Mr. Stan Northrop, organii ' and choir director. fiev. H. B. Herringmn, mini her in charge. “0 Come, Let Us Worship’. Millbrook, Nov. 5th. 1958. Gavan Council met on abo date in regular sessmn at 10 Mathim 11.30 a .m. St. Thomas’ Church K 7.00 p.m.â€"Evensong. Sunday Services 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"Wcrs}:ip Servic 7.30 p.n1.â€"Evening Service 8.00 p.n1.â€"Wedne-sday, Pra The Sunday next before Adm St. John's, Ida Mattins 9.45 a.m. Christ Church, Bailiebcro Mr. Barry Kennedy addr‘ sed the Council re a rebate ”barn burned. The Reeve ‘ iormed Mr. Kennedy 11 er and Bible Study. 8.00 p.m.â€"Friday, Young P1 plea Meeting. The Churches SUNDAY, NOVEMBER '2. CASH for dead or crippl- ed Horses and Cows. Top price for old horses. Mirror-Reporter Pentecostal Assemblies Dead Stock! MILLBROOK D. L. Johns, Pastor. PARISH 01' CAVAN Than Church of Can: . Palfrey

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