1 any but at with It: greater A #.........:$ It not «Mandy 1999005 “mm rsmwmmmmï¬m y ' °- MRMmumswhighthï¬ â€œpmdounndmbymt' Nmmmpoi-m with†faf themmostlikely‘tobe'dw JuA-A1__. .8 " flPaiamjhe‘Eï¬m ‘MQJM “with s a M Gw‘. A?“ m mmaww‘dfl anemia-amen mile: nduy, it Tu Haw: Funâ€"he ï¬leoï¬l'ie homo ~3th “Miâ€"'1‘ mï¬yintho engmmï¬ve â€bswwRusmï¬ï¬‚-‘W r h‘ mtg: in the month (1‘ W ' wmged' adultpa'od. Rimwhow hnglivodtflyis. ï¬gdï¬ï¬whï¬hmborn inAugJ qtï¬u hr Imb‘lil‘six Nb. and its! in “goth“, either from oddctheMdï¬ESOid ‘3- A; Mag-"r. W saw-KM? m'mâ€"wm there'is time, ad- disfa- chlorine m the shape of soda or at Hot hnndyand water, harmhorn â€mwmwflm “WW Thereissoupons «(‘5'- bean-hound!†camerasâ€, moduhich hvemgehistories. In lflzoqmflhinselfduï¬ngmver- dprlOO-ï¬mcbiflssboutthe madupon thethestresteps; some 43.061113â€th and gm he got mangledin tï¬e â€mummmvebym .WOa-ohsving nnoymoesofsllkinds hh’ujust now, notoneof the bust bingthoa‘rcnlat'wn offdao loo-franc uh. Whmhhankhkmevu'ypm- dating-ibis, but‘thjsti-eseemsto hasuhbmgmptothe N. InBIedeVellieretheremim- "MUM (:1:me Mmmmbmmhowgood WM hohld putl,603 hundred hm 11mm arcuhtion, and that the Moth-uncohadnimbmed the sum of 1â€,!†hues. He was condemned to _hdflu' forlife, and sent to Gay- “thrice-mo to: mosthorrible did. My with Poncet (who died nth was!) he trial bompe, but 05.323 3330: A3» goï¬vsaoagggi oakfldwudï¬amabon dag 83x05??? . $8335 33:33.31 gagaahnggtg gvopenaï¬igai; 34.3333??? fluagaéAEgâ€"gv Si .83 £33. 5 4 18.3 aaBEavoijaï¬t all. Opiumâ€"First give a strong emetic of “and anwater, then strong coffee and “drinks; dash ooldwateronthe head. of August, 1861, and went be- Com" d'Assisas, where it was thud...) WhoAfluer undagoingoonâ€" ' qnd imp-imam, retired to w addtook the name ofDuc de, M Twentyyeamhterthebgnk “admin:- siege: false lOO-ï¬-anc Wmhwithdisoonngingreguhrity, odthehnk, anthem-than discrédit its meantinuedto pay. 'At lastdn“ ml,aï¬ereightymofpatient research, ; oucfitaqants, M.Seanille (ammepre. destined), discovered the forgerâ€"e oer- hinGhnddeGate Bourse (anamelike- thundestined). He marmted on fab Innis XVII}; by nape Namibi- wï¬uMy mixed mu: water, or give whatflonrnndwaterorsoapand water ï¬nely. _ mm of eggs and emetim. moon: or night henbanwâ€"Give undo ndthen plentyofv‘inegar and â€in, ï¬fth i. done ofeither ifhandy. We of ï¬lm (lunar caustic)â€"Give bdfln‘aohtion ofcommon sultand then ‘1‘, W and the prepamtian' of Ira, particuhr ly hydrate. Indâ€"White lead and 5113;: of leadâ€" Mâ€"Alnn and Wheaties, sucbas «no: oil and Epsom salts especially. ' hullâ€"In palms by carbonic gas mfll ptient to open air, dash cold “d kind and body and stimul- do “and lungs by hartsborn, at thou-b time rubbing the chest briskly. Cum-in sublimteâ€"Give white of â€My mixed with water, or give mmmm Waughâ€"Sam: as opium: “Medina thanhii yoqu- ileu'éalsouseful. out, wemtwoeohm"aidthomugi ninmtothe husband. “My'vifak “â€ddhgfl‘wehsveheenmbhodby flammmt rest†“Fetch â€Â£32.?†-‘ 132Ҡb :_ 3mm: ‘ , '4 'ï¬uw'ï¬gï¬ew 323,300 in ‘ itto chm- dm,tmw.. _ ofthat rare. spectacle, a woman. - Baily anemorning itmnoisedtbout m the Canon Camp that a. woman had arrived I pinata-o of seeing us flag:- cinch. 0th} Ninth, nder the title of Count Ruï¬bI would flOdi‘i'n movvrds to, catch a glimpse uniï¬es frietién, which will rack it to W506! when it'ilnextneeded forum. A08 as soon a you can, t it over. Paint pre- nerves your and keeps it from such cracksand rot. Iï¬it is sheltered and paint,- ed.and kept fromrnsting. and the nuts ly scrum} ween in use. a. good mrjfll 1m dam years with oc- edonally a renewal of the tickle.†the compliance with her @511 would cause." In 1852 Lord Albemarle was a guestd‘ the Duke aty'uhe annual banquet 'ven on the annive'mary of the battle of %aterloo. “ We aenied that day,†says the Earl, “ ad‘s superb chinawviee giv- emtotheanp by'the ‘ ofPrussis, Frederick William 111., plate hav- ingrefn‘etï¬anosomeevent inghegxéotlt Captain’s 'fe, begnnmg ' with ton - loge and ending with Waterloo. His Grace, who append in Width and spirits, hoped that he shonlé have cicsla. Under the title of Count Rum) hehsdnrvadstwmhossanm ant inthsEnniskillenD'agoou. In Sihome'sluthe appeussmongthski‘ll- ed; buttherohesatthstsmnhginm Imam ‘Iwillgm sud’his Gm‘tbhsaltholm “micr- eigmrwhaulhsd- ihshmcrafhnvilg undamymmudummm, Primâ€"hmhostoppd. Wasllknow whom he manhbuididaot dareto pmpthim. AtMIadSKndyawho aladArthm-Hfll,hsdbemhisseï¬or side-(1mm!) intho 806011.43“!th ‘The MW mastheheslthaf PrinceCusslacals.’ .so,’ said theDuke; ‘thst’sthenameâ€" Gas. hacienda} These are the lastwwords I mutter.†Itwa'sthanks’s lastbanuet, and,oftheeigh§y~fourwho sstgown with gins“ dignermnlythree The Duke of Wellington seems to have, regarded the ï¬eld of Waterloo with the feelings of a. humanitarian rather than those of a conqueror. The Earl of Albe- marle relates that, in the summer of 1816, Mrs. Pattersonâ€"aï¬erwards the wife of the victorious Generalâ€"and her sisters, Lady Hervey and Miss Caton, were at Brussels: “ The illustrious Prince of Waterloo was also there at the time. Aft- er much entreaty, the sisters obtained his reluctant consent to accompany them to his last battle-ï¬eld. He had not been there since the day of the action. The ladies dined with him on their return Minx-rive. Of these, tho‘Eu-l BfAlbe- mhle, who was the youngest odiou- in theaetion “Waterloo, inane. The Duke died in November of 1852. from Waterloo. During the whole ev en- inghe scarcely utteredaword, and by his deep-drawn sighs showed how sad a. picture was brought to mind by revisit- ingthe sceneof his greatesidvictor-y.1 Duly Wellington frequent y to ‘me that, e- sirousasshe had beento visit sofamed a spot under such auspices, she would not have made the request she did if she could have foreseen the genial anguish which The Farmm' Union can. Now that harvesting is over, tthl we of the tools. A harvester that cost 8200 istoo expensive 3 piece of machinery to be out in ell weath- ers, exposed to wind, sun and rain. One of our correspondents some time since made the startling announocment that on an average they did not do over two months work before they were worn out -estimet- ing that two weeks labor wasgot out of them each year. and in four years they were used up. New this ought not tobe so, and .yet it is on :par with much of the farm- “ 0“ til uotouly destroys yonrmachinzht omies friction, which will rack 1t to ï¬Ã©oes ing in the West. Build a shelter, be it everso cheap, and store your machinery in it the ï¬rst thing after your grain is in the stack. Take out the sickle, oil it and lay it away for safe keeping in your hopse.‘ w Law-.5» is £3559†‘ 0" '1" afoot ofthe‘eun’e gym gassing throughbluegl‘nasisexphin in‘ ’e ’ Natural Phiheophy,’ as follows: Anyof light is composed of thee pï¬ndpleqvkzlï¬gheutnndechenie- d ' ciplecelle’dtliem Wehow “webbtonpentetlmn in am Mfr-anemia“. no: the, lu- minousprinciplepeneereeQily through: ‘thinplateofslumbutneuflynll ofthe ‘heatisabsorbed. Corbin datk colored bodieaontheoonmry,sllow needy all the hmtwmbutobm-uct the 7, t. Ablueglmobetructsneulyallthq lit andtheheetofthesolarny,but mm; the chemical principle to pus freely-,3 while a yellow glass allows lightandheeti tapas, but obetructsthepemgeofthe chemical influence. Ther'earemanyrear sons for supposing that each of the three? principles, light, heat and aotinism, in“ ï¬xdedintlxe solar my exemises a disâ€"l tinct and peculiar inlluence upon _vegeta. l 4;-.. 1- y- M minute under blue glass in two or three days. On the contrary it it'nnfly im- possible to make seeds germinate under yellow, because it includes nearly all the chemical influence of the 30hr ray. u may for safe keeping in your Clean '2th a}! the metal you :33!) ' 03' with allow, to cave maxi tion. This the luminous priidple "con- trols the growth and coloring of plants ; the caloriï¬c prindple, the ripening and ï¬'uctiï¬cstion. Another chemiul pi-in- ciple isthe garmmation of the seedsâ€"e museum W3 Shelter foxtoob. The Iron Duke. “""Was‘" “mum aw . OfPrusma,‘ WWW ï¬phbhav- tyofl utof‘ 1t. inthegrea mound stian( Christ h [it]: EWCOI' ina withï¬ev Mex-loo. His ‘ Mr W Width awai'ï¬adm for ’3ԠEx: *5 h. 15.1 me the jaws†“213732? and muodma #110 :5 hmel‘l', making no rafamnce of makng a simple d9- m5 the lat- mite;- eannow judgeooneemin 'ï¬-nddeugnof thine I ,, ‘vednm: S m puma . win her. mu; moral and reli ‘ ‘3 character has been of late widely circule throughout the towmhip‘ Wigâ€"fl I tun informedâ€"in your Own . ' hem-hood: ithea heenfx'eely spoken of mprivute, andinplacesefpuhhcresort For more than ï¬ve weeks I have been hearing it from several members of our Church and con- gregations, some of whom have objected to your occupation of the pulpit. At ï¬rst. I (learn. ed it unworthy of attention, and thought it would soon die out. I ï¬nd I was was mistak- en, ‘for no longer ago than yeeterday it was mentioned to me in my own house by three re- : table members' of our Church; who state t they have ‘frequently heard it. One of them said he had just beentold of it by a. man in the villa. , much respected, and that it was believed. hardly know what to do in the matter. Your character and ueefulnaaare in~ jail. Iti- oneeftheremainingégloriesoi our Church, that she will tolerate any thing in her preacher! rather thanimmorelity. I should {wholly have? weited on you. personally, wl Waited 5nd? nnwmpuloï¬s men. I recommena to yo attention tt the present time; H Ven- ï¬g is a reward for the ri ghteous- ; verily in aGalthatjudgethintho earth." I an. Den-Brother, Yours truly, manna, Superintendent. m.Wj11hm-Eyru. Springville. eanutrmyf into the mutton.» that hearing {r'om {:11 a statement of mnocence, we might sble to defend your mjured reputation. Having neglected my duty in both respectl. owing to 5 want of experience in efl‘airs' of this kind, I know not that loan do better than write you in conï¬dence, to enquire if there be any foundation‘for the regert 1n question. and if notâ€"as I assume there 18 notâ€"to ask for a distinct 'avowal of . your Innocence. Well knowing the damagmg eï¬'ect of such a foul â€P0113. upon the repntetlon of a brother of your chnrncter and mm, .you have my pro- found aynpathy. e conuderation that has giyen _me great comfort, when tradueed by we" note, which, fortumfly for me, throws light on ï¬lth“ has occurred since. in publish. in; it I violate no law; for hey“ it man em- deuce. and Badly gave me pmnissidu, in his Int lotto. ,VHI‘, In m} former letter, I challenged my cruel persecutor to publish the evidence by which he attempted to prove me guilty of lying and slender. I have waited for it a 10110 time, but for obvious reasons it is not yet profuced. Uu~ til it appears I will say, as I said in Conference, “The man who charges me with 1 inc' is a. liar; the man who charges me with s anger is a slanderer.†I am anxious to have the evi- dence published for another reasonâ€"that your modem may be able to form a. correct judrv- mental the second committee, so well descri - ed by Mn ‘ res es “ learned, intelligml,†and “MW. Aooonlin to the ï¬nding of We “ ‘heclgen emenI wasnotguil- ty of l ' at of “ a want of that ingenuous- “WSW Cnndour which are becom- in a Christian Minister ;" and “ slander in ‘ without evidence†in belief concern- Mx. gm. \Vhen the evxdence is laced your readers the will decide w ether Mm honest, andâ€, and Mfulmen, or 0 net of ham Atfill expats flue-public will [mun ] ‘ Mink-oak. Julym 1873. MY Dun Badman, ;â€"You must be swan-g of m fact M9 sews veryweiwlisi‘l-mxotrr creatures with some means of self defencu ; either awiftness to flee from the ursuer, cr some weapons to ï¬ght. At- ï¬rst ran, until. my pursuers overtook me and insinted upon enjoying the brutish pleasure-of tearing me in pieces. ,Then I thought it better to ï¬ ht as I did not choose to be eaten of dogs. or this mason they have howled ever einee. Mm of van: readers will remember them ‘fuï¬eoncerninng. E . ugluch “mew-Ede. emulated about the ginning of June 1828. £113 gentleman was a 10cal preacher of more thnn ordinary pretensions. In all directions I found the people rotesting against his pub 't union, whale e repom were uncontre. 'cï¬ed. \Vho could blame them? I was then about†makes. new “ Planâ€â€"r ou know what tbs: ‘nâ€"and delayed for weeis. hop' he would anal-this innocence. Iliad no an on ity, and as little desire to have his name oï¬â€˜ thephn'. I did notebooseto insistupon an invatiggtion‘ and ammo the unpleasant duti- es of prooecngor. Under time"; yexplexing cir- a of prosecutor Under theta axing cir- nuances I wrote h_im the Witw__“pri- A51 Mr. Eyr'es still insists that the ï¬rst commit~ tee falsiï¬ed the evidence, and that they are thereforeâ€"as I showed in my former letterâ€" a set of lyin and perjured villains ! This is whit he in estly asks your readers to believe. and what they must believe, if they believe that his witnesses swore the truth. These swearing witnesses he tells you “ an e above sus- picion,†but not so with the committee compos- of Enoch Wood, D. D., James Brock, and ï¬ve others as decent as either of them, whose names he has already published on your page. Your readers will judge betWeen the commit- tee snd the witnesses, and decide where the 'ury lies. I am not surprised that Mr. Esq and his witnesses feel a little tender on this point. My private opinion is, that better men swore that the immaculate Jesus, and the hL-ly Stephen, were traitors and blasphemers. Some of them will never leave the world till they confess their iniquity, and reveal the curs- ed_conspiracy. - .u u 1 w â€" , , lulu a WWII are to he 2mm Onoof the comm-shud- Medanâ€"uttinthe presenceofhmsheds, minintmandhvmen, that Iwasdeaih-M very mlyleniently, And that I might have been, ed; according to the evidence. he made is chumtenstio deliverance before the document was read at my request. After that he was modestly math 35% I ask for LL_ ,~ thoeï¬denoe. _ â€".:'v_._-__ v 7 popularity. I unnot without the b that after I shall hue Mittenâ€). tee or foul-mun. . he mll conic. hiemelty to me and many oth- ~inanimate, make reltitut on , and praniae,be- "God. sigma ofthechque herepreeents VII promise! already, tint Richard Clarke ï¬lth. lat preacher hewin ever ittempt to kill. Be as not satisï¬ed with n 1y defence, for {and reasons. "Me I listened, in silence, to ' unmeasured 351188. he grew more furious. When It length I thought proper .to say a word in my defence, he became more exaspented than ever, groelly perverted my 31' mph statev ment of facts, and upon his own pervenipn of n‘xy words lief-cumled his lyi_ng and maheiolu 7’9 the Mm" 075: Millbrook Messenger- ‘ Dun Sm,-â€"In your issue of October 18th, you publish. Iecondletter signed by my frienc'l. Mr. W. Eyre. It‘is weak enough to be hm own. . It u like himself, and may thereforebe Mind by the" word, ‘ u. I gather from 1.! that m latter need more 95°“ II: n hm: than ,oxyected. I have:- suppoled Iconldyhoot an arrow enough to PM hi! Ihn. ‘ 173m (10' ted‘toï¬nd mmï¬awï¬dv illnpernbe ‘ons to factl 1:: _ on on y ginstoseett . that km“! “0.10:5“ prophets in a. bad bum- : harem ï¬myin g to his mtm. It 9“ PF put success willtorment him 1_n F!“ f!“ Persecution ha; lostjta Landsat: Wad, orelu depuhgion‘ anthénï¬gfl Partï¬rst “tm‘m’ 1n ï¬'gn', Kwangmm a! butfhg't‘ouï¬on o: guilt . n... 4).. J... 4:... 9* “3° W1! .."_ __~‘ â€"v â€"â€"â€"â€"v 7 such“: m b: Mich , 8a 'otfenccé WM“? “this!“ A‘.‘ ‘3‘! “SW ‘9" ._ AA-.-â€" an explanzmon ; but 1 Ind to «1 With Mr. W. Eyru. and the learned CMIMif-tbe. Obscurity and olumsiness of style ' not a capital crime. IF it were, my mom I and must of that committee won «I have 'wen Imp; long ago. ane but a set of dune ’gv ".1 fuynd such}, monstms‘ ' ' .Ld ..n a decent man, on such a ï¬gment. ' ‘ .v -r. ï¬tment m as eleven the sun. W1? f 5,- D.’s and. ‘- speak in living ‘ 1! â€Es in†t in the ead Ian «fiscal vgutencgemt‘han the one forw '0 they oem m4 ? Let me give “again: “I ‘ve. IV ut- fmr a. ‘ Int- ments on the Ian, what: he 119."! not enied- the report, b{ which I mean that he had not anaweredmy otter.†This fact is in evidence given by “15118.“, Whose vemm; and intel- igenoe no'mm in the County wiU dispute. I wdl give their woes, because it Q52 am honour to write and mint them gâ€"Rnlgix Gardiner, Wm. Might, mes Bi- V son, Thomas H. Richardson and Wm; , "ï¬eld. ’i‘he latter gentleman was sentz'to give the gametes- ti any uthe o erg-gut in": not required. A! the hots ofthe’mfl'imm the beginning. wage knowizto mvynï¬bk no. “31031, given ed, and Handles}: Kimmie. In his case it was of abuse quite‘unneeilny to.pay any actuation to law, or the form: of jushce ; In}! thence... ofhiaenemies was more cam without them.“ E'u men were great men. gndhewuonfhewrongyide: othewu nah: mg some enqmry rmum oi qnclean- nqss: It wag mom gamma? to ‘9. "NJ J' “3““, ' 3‘â€, ’1' a.“ time oeto MflIbropk on whigfl. ““9‘106' tzoz; 1 duo net can a. 59 mm. amntiOS-Q were knownto wn , ble â€p. Wood. given upder my hand f ' ’ho summoned me to trial “ wilbowï¬milf’ M1 mat be tried, and tried too'vuntilcl any 4, ' 'i e worthy Dr. must display his jig :bilit) before he goes doWn from the judgment seat. and this {night he ï¬e last 0pm Thurs ‘eould o la ‘ ,AAm- an explanation ; but I Ind to «1% with Mr. W. Eyru. and the learned CMIMif-tbe. Obscurity and olumsiness of style ' not a capital crime. Iiit were, my rlecut I and must of that committee won «I have 'wen hung long ago. ane but a set of dune ’gv ".1 found such} monetms‘ ' ' .Ld ..n a decent man, on such a ï¬gment. ' 3 .ha Cement m as ï¬lm u Q‘LA Ann “'-1' “STE-K “ ’- nil-H 523° 9'91! insxperi? contents}: my 9.21 ': ,n swam else, madmï¬aig bl? . m a «639% hafm‘de I (“OHM m -. mam ~~x~1~athingl \‘Bl‘ denied. mi an m; mu; raw-0mm . me of Wthikz' M "\aamxwh. w it! minimums 39d wagers-m. «hanged my 0 WM concerning Ina innmanm‘ ind wen. “$11 thg chamteï¬nio dishonesty or“) falsehood of my persem'ï¬ou, whqnthpy law aprenchgy â€the throat. they vamly “trained to evade and deny the lath“ pan of ale,“ staminaut, in which} 531d. “ I‘mgma alt! not‘_an«wcr mg. letter. " If there had been any obscurity of style in me words I 11% 1. nothing more would have bean requxm- lw gantlpmen, ac. co tothe usages reelof on 11120 iety than anex t_i9n; but I_ had to .lgwitl} Mr.W mew-an me sup. “rt 1" me u. 1155 um- VM. 4.13 o_f_ tpe 13:51.9 1 mp winwtite _or maï¬a; I inf-IMF itâ€! Mr. ' rm 01L" four ‘ ‘- ments I am 15: e d ‘1'“ mama, 3! ߠChmh ammunition, f6. havqagweghm 50 may; flow I am {y the m?“ “ 9510?†Supmmwwt “$0 ew- gave 9. mm; four ap- Wmï¬s my the Phn..‘m'a time, win; “‘3' coming: cu hm 0mm sém‘mt. ‘every my" and“ woman. m w WM} 1‘;- charged him with udultely.’ sud WM be: H! not denied the :9- port as-I mmted‘“ 5 @15de It ,. Mr. Eyre. Want-y xx; ‘5: oially, in. mm for a. denial of themgï¬â€™i’; 'm waived hom- Iw. Here. a_ kind a-." "‘mvndenooâ€"«well mm the Maine: dunk «it Of WWW 1118:th Wrmuawmegosed by such a WAX gm its“ ï¬rm t2: rpm {NM}? of mundgx mdmg. a Inwamfmwmg what I hat} and weemugth ». Magi-Aim unLv point dmput‘ ed. The am; 11‘}; ahead the. voids. “When. he mm} mm dwé. '1 the. wagon." um- ilemm at mar n <1.sn'.â€"-t,.»_ any and clawing MlthQX‘of t'::a 31.94») q-qun' my. maid, “ by. Mr; Gui-‘3:- u'lut (in ‘: 1.1a“! Do you mean he d§ a M mpg-'1: -r laltor 2“ 1 mg golf, “year: «m. 3. “mat I m" ‘ fwji; ‘3: -.'Iid-'- :q, mgn 99 man will dare to contra-met. ’3. w, c s . .1 c; the myi: nton m1.†oinvic! :. i: 1% f9:- having ,M‘ .1 . The intonaadmhy 31m» anevex‘du- edtoqy h-the “mitt )1 Tuner. Thur LA, L\~_ _;.... A" n ., rm 1. 1;?“ ti?"“‘-" ‘ talkntrmdom’ L n.3,.“ ngfl A *~ fin- she had son; , - - > u: u .in a waterproo cloak. when tho ‘= ‘ggnehngmdic’ated 95 de- grees of heat. Whit the was. out driving some- , times, with the master, while the mistress was it home, was wail} accounted for by the fact that the latter was the better housekeeper. I have given these few particulars, of this great speech and current rents, ï¬homv memory. Many of cyour readers can «met-me if it is at fault, an add much more. The effect of this speech. and the remarks it elicited, on many preheatâ€"myself among them â€"was' unfavour- able to Mr. Eyi'es. Tm. he gave the storya kind of contrndiction, but in sucl‘na. way as to make 151:5 egawt‘rse t1}: if he bah said ï¬fth- in . y .. pres.__ sum :1: was; and! st‘ in, that, ifinnig: ‘ he gmtly injured himself by that speed); '. .make these retnarke on the speech because it is at the founlatiomof the charges brought azuinst me, and because he challenges me to cunt :uiict his dieniali of the report. It Was a may denial. \Vithout re- ceiving from Mr. liyres any assurance-of his innocence I gave his) four appointments on the Plan then made, in ‘, twat; where I thnuglm he would be best received. I supposed I variatio- ing him a great kinllv , 51:44.1 giving him somnny appointments, and?» norl: ; but never thought that if he was innocmt. ne could be induced: to take the pulpit mthout giving some satisâ€" faction to the public. I was mistaken. Hie: was hugely offended by .--.ui.se I had given him. only four appointments in six months. Find; ing that my kindness was not appreciated, I! was cruel enough to give him four or ï¬ve tlHIC‘lt as many, on the next Pl an, well knowin,’ that the people would not he at him. At the Quar- terly Meeting (May 187- l) nine months'aftcr I made the ï¬rst Plan abovo mentioned. and three months after the date of the second, he attac“- ed me ï¬ercely, and charged me with lying, be- cause at ï¬rst I had said and written that I as- sumed he was innocent; and at the same time had given him only four appointments on the Plan. Here. I may mention the undeniable fact, that before he opened the attack, he held a caucus meeting of his select friends, conven. cd by messengers and letters. to make prepar- atio‘u. The rumour at the time was, that some of his most zealous followers went {rum the chuc‘w to the tav 1, for fresh inspiration, and thene. to the Qu tcrly Meeting, towni- plate the conspiracy] When the onslaught , “fume. “‘1‘â€:th ’ umstm r ,Ithonght l pmoertnmhiumx’ our â€Leann PM" But he than,“ ven ce against my Wife, beanie she had heard tlï¬lthy sto , and m private convey-mien with a venerab lady, menu weeks aha-it ms published. the ‘rel'mrk PM “New them that it was asad thus for such 9 M‘flue of their preachersâ€"- “havethot 3:1in notopigty. Afterwards, he attem ted t9 imgisy himself in charging Mrs. C18? 3 With 0n hating the report. by decknng tut he hd feel pranpted to do so by two of the mm m , en in Gavanâ€"even V0?“ than 11M I Mk mother proof of their mm .Qeugh I had 'r'nany more. I have‘been ‘0“? fl In‘y moderation, ever since ; for I should-hm 'hipped the manâ€"no. he is not a man-th dare oï¬er such an: insult to my decenmft. As thelpeech roceoded he declared, m M mulling w of vanity. that the report «to from the git of'hell, ad that it Wt}! 3 “unï¬t“ the evil; He told u a .gloymg ‘13}er [6. ml}: cor-wenion‘ and ‘ of hï¬mself. mmelloualgr‘ virtncmn, a prodi fpuflty. She had always: ‘ been very modest much so during his wifdsw as at my other time-41‘ but not morejo himself. And yet beach; mitted seven] t ‘ v-uluded in the fake res; port. Form r_ theactsofk ‘1 whom ‘22° 97-1 runes Ri- aon,‘ ‘11on13: H. 1 Wm," 'tï¬ald. 'i‘he latter i senbï¬t'o give she gametes- ; hex-15W Fitwsm “at required. t e’ f mm the bqgmm'n . v33. ble â€p. Wood, givgn r! f' in aummoaed me to ï¬n'E" Migrant be tried, and 1 any 4 ' ' 'i a worthy 5y his jig :bilit) befgrth “.5 u 95411:†:dior mini am}: ' from Profoundl facholu‘g.“ “cï¬wan niece"! â€me betteth flan on c “an: m tor- mentou, hehadhhey truthï¬m md cinder .to say. “Iï¬ndino fault ihfli'nman." He. had too much conscience and? self-respect to .uy, “Wdhdllhonghhodï¬nyhom ' fï¬gghuzgqoï¬mhundbm min Wm. Armstrong was heard in regard i.) the loss of a lamb. On beili‘! SW01"), he abpoeed thatLhe climd one lambycn'ied, an posed to be ‘5’ ogs. Value roman, $31.) Twothirds allo‘wed. P Moved by Robert 1-“qu seconded by J. Wow. That the Ree?“ am? John Wat. orman get a gmnt of Three Dollars, each, for defending the suit of R. Stc\:'art us. This Municipality and A. Goodfellow, 8 witness: on said amt, $1.-â€".0am¢d, themed t3 iaaua hifl orders on the â€hw- “m ibr the flowing amounts: ‘1“ mmwd. gravelwon. 1 819 50 R. he, eu‘ttma Irwin’s hill 33 00 Win- Rxs erfmï¬â€˜ gravel on com 3 81 Tu Wm. B: , Orrison,'gra\fel etc: 4 SQ me in 1 new experience. You never head of a Chief Justice rushing down from Tonontdto .Mmbmkv t0 Hike the mgigtnte’q pbae in the .____‘.L....L2__ .- W, 4.4 __-_:JI- imr " ‘ tion 6:35;; 7:7;Eimpreside at the. ivinion Court. â€3:; tumble Dr., and the ptrty he was and; were evidently ,:_A:.l 1' _:_LA H, 1,,71, tion fox J‘w "r ‘7 «1. if,†A 5 ' . V, armmo ,4. Tue: “W QR Motion, the Clerk was instructed *0 hill R. Stewart with the m ofsaid with On nation, Jaaeph Wood was appainta edtqsauthetimheron Camafromhot‘ 15 to tpe River. at a time to suit his own mwmenee. MOHXZ Ly Hebert Poe semndw by J. Wood, That all the timber on 3rd} Gem. {mm Lot No.15 in) the River, he sold, and that the Corporate Seal be afï¬xed to this Resolutim. 0n mgtipp, Wm. Ruthei‘ï¬xrd was in- atmesed toexpernd Four Dallara, M Ma Naval}. an indlgtgntgersam .fnid I‘mig'ht “:9;_-w " V ' . . uni maker hands. :1‘0 thqxrever‘hst-mghm hiltrooorded, that tmrious Dlguhry, and highdly less illus- l . mboninntu. mud» sage con- g'ungmwoflhj yqï¬thejrfndiéalmmen, “that OA mum“ at†J. Waterman mended by Wu Rutheï¬od. the 1%qu wga au- ly cwï¬ï¬‚num d that ï¬gm- neu L‘hlistin-elni'otvhich unbecoming maChï¬ntismMinisten†Willthe readatm back “dread what I Sid! Then let him judge alto-tine he can. Ed “falaehood,†and “flu want" ofï¬gmuoum and Christian cranium." Now, is; I sud-91¢ eno h to helium. thtiflthu‘mlmneflpnflemm ound zip-lying. ihihastatement, that mmam ao‘tawr my letter, they found nothing but truth. glen-1y expressed. Their deliverance toms didngennousnest and want of cm.â€" J. A._WPull. a mum Marx Wesley Tyompaoa, gave!“ the _ ' dmï¬eï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©ï¬m n’ot been 91139111 "J“: {that “ Brother Chljke is just- 3‘35}th ' '. m ' 1? g3 .. ewe mom ,, . 39mm T. Fisheni'iï¬wl M ‘ 1 5,0 D. Armstrong, gram} 4 50 Counoiugra, one thy agd mm 15‘ 00 Reeve,‘Wat9rqga. “d A. 6mi- ~ fellow, defending suit Wm. Armstrong, loss on M Wm. Dawson. gravel gymevmy mm, mm! Store, lately occupied as a Harness Estab- lishment. Moved thereto, yesterday evening. This morning, we found him, 8A¢81lhis help, mixed up with every- thing in general. being in a perfect mass of confusion. However, under the guid- ance of " Generalâ€"H. W. J UDDâ€"Dealâ€" er,†he will soon have things in shape. Elsewhere, he announces his removal. LogfaE mm», mdlï¬ieEvid’emesoï¬R‘eli‘gfbn.†The high px-iest, and his worthy' associates, were lease cmpulous, because more holy.- They band witnesses to sweaty, “ This Jknow said I am able to destroy the temple of God,,a.nd.to build it in thme.-.days"â€"~he is tblasphemar. The Suzhedrin saiéanothing about the “"want‘ of' ingenuousness and! Main candor ;" for hang! measures ï¬dw'mwmem ‘ - boli nrpose. e-- "paint ' ' “ Be hath‘s en blasphemy.†“ W'hat think ye ?‘ They answered undirszid Hbis guil of death. " All honour to new emu, I an: ,.that 'the chief priests who h: I; . 3m with theiroom demnation have 1331190th ï¬lm their "pint predeceeeoxzs, S‘elgh farthehi'nd Pilate. Cenmoï¬wm,ï¬ov.. 27, 1876. '5 Cow-nail. met; this day. Membexs in pmsent. The have in the chit. Min- utesmï¬ 1m meeï¬hgztzaé‘anï¬aapprovedu . Swen} accounting. for gave}; saliries, 0th were 53126213 in.» ’ My crime. consists ui “WWII“ no ouezver dare to Wmf Ey res four- ap- pointmenta- om Wale flan Whamhe had not de- nied the report, by which I mean that he had not msweredlm; letten†mverdiofz of the chief priests is, “ The chge of deliberate falsehood hmAmgbmaqmine‘hz" hut- “ Bro. falsehood has mkbaenmntsinehz" but “ Bro. Clarke is justly c .. . tinithnmwant aim ingenuousnesa lnd' ' [11-181mm candor which ni‘c becoming; in. o W Midway?" Your readers Will" say. “\Yhatxthey.jiibely wrote of their victirlnh may I; lrufloï¬illy said. of them- selves." 15 mm: at it; tm the: t men who signed' the verdiét to knowwthgrtesif die)? should even-die, andi Bo:buried.under a. pyramid, they had thqpriviihgmxï¬ writi the Best inscription, containing the trust-dc inc aï¬cmoi their character, that could die written By. hum hand. " ‘thwl'flojamtiw Association: ..... IR 3MB; notice on?» Meeï¬ng of thy RICEIARD CHARM Nomei'iANov. 27, 1876. ‘ Friend Judd, having leased Mr. Might: Push 41m. m mm. W Council Maw-r is.» 840 ï¬cysten in Toronto for 15mm per ‘3 They asked me what kind alpeople bl Canadians were, to eat what our negro“ ~who hog. from door to door, would not 0.8 â€"thot In, the river oyster. Althonév some oftheadmpsck then ondsliy ~them :0 Canada only y3~Â¥o§ganpqt buy to an of owe-rs in the city “31? more for lmthan 35 cents per cm from the retail dealhns, where oysters come in by the ship loadi every day. “moisten :sold ina'lloronto-as 15oents per mm are oystm's- that live in the Bay of Baltimore where the dirt and ï¬lth of the city is ï¬ll-own. Oysters only feed when: the mew down ,nows fancy the- tide going down and those oysters taking-.9. drink. of .that Bayand City mm Sucfl are tllq oysters thatare sold at 1.5% pet can 11: 1 Canada. Every person. that swallows one of those cheep oystemfâ€"What does ‘ he swallow! Xomt'olk of the eulogy meatofhbnmeah it doesaï¬wmgfl's v» with those oystem... Mn. Bibi-BM like ymwm amnion: valuable 'paperfon mam positive feet; It want \ the peoglertmknnmwhat. those ch33}? oys To the Editor ofle Tina: DEAR Sm.â€"I write mi. for the we ï¬t of the oyster loving people of M more especth for those in Tom When I was in Toronto the other day,. I noticed a. sign stuck out, “Oysters 1? cents per can." I thought to. myselfxf the. people only knew what kind of oysfr ere-they were eating at 15 cents per can they wouldpass that shop in a hurry. Fuhtmtiomthe empty cans cost 5 cents each, shucking, ï¬lling and sealing Zéamis, freight from Baltimore, Md, to Twonto 5 cents pet can, inall 12} cents; now comes the oyster, what is it worth,“ 2} cents? No! It hptwoiflleven olie cent. It is not ï¬t forfly “I“ to eat. The people in thy-MW at me when I told theth IMF!!! . A38 an item of information, and for the ieredit oilMillbrook, we give the follow- .ing ï¬rr sures, in relation to the “ Registry " .D;pa.i-‘tment of the Millbrook Post Oï¬ice; whichi's’u akin indication that that source commodity, “ Money," guesses freely through our Post Oï¬iee. As a. matter of ‘, 17? L5. receive}. from «be: Weâ€! be lorwarded t6 fleeting?“ 93.do. received far distribution :1; the 3131ka Oï¬ice 2 making in all 540 -Begisféredeet$ex-s during the month of November; When we cam-to recollect that all, or mbstoï¬ï¬‚sem, have had to pass thmngh the handed the young man who "' is nof ï¬gfortheposiï¬on. he~hnkh,â€a.nd Committeeâ€"R. Elliott, J. Isa-mg, WA. ancay, J. Richarddon, H. Eur}. Director of Oeremonied~R Guy. thai‘ we ha;e\yet to 1mm o£ the ï¬rst we ‘ getting astiuy>~itâ€"i$â€"Wâ€"M' Mr- John Davy, far several' years in the employ of Mr. Might, has bought out his Stock. and the good will ofthe Esta!) Want, and 18 going to continue the Saddle and Hm business. Ha ha. reamed to the West Store in Dawson'8 Block. when the humus public will ï¬nd him evevreadyto doequaIIyasgood work as he 18 noted for harm d0†{9" his late mayor. ters are; Iat'you; could. see: them before they are shnnked: ands. the manner in wide-hathey are handlednym wouldé never eat». anothan chap oyster.. I will; not mepï¬oniang: of the packets in Baltimore, but only my to the people you had bet- ter be shot with a “ Big Gun," or hve your head knocked off with an “ 0. K." rock than‘ be poisoned by eating those cheap oysters sold in Toronto and other able ! course, the ï¬gures would be far less, were it ,not fur the rushing business done at the - Mr. Wm. Rowland, Genepql Agent for the Counties qf Fetal-bard, Victoria . Northmpberland and Durham, for Huest- ed’q Cgpying Hqgse, Mansï¬eld. N. Y.. 031194 .on us. yeatï¬rdny. with Specimens. Whig}; were really gplonqm. The publw will ï¬hortly be “4‘55 99» for orders, 91" whisk they will 9,9 doubt get. a lange drains pass: of flaunt!» School, Exhibition. ' 31116 School Exhibition in the '1‘pr HAIL Bethany, on Thumday Evening last was a grand sum, domewhore ova}: {.00 being present. Readings, MW, Dmlogues and Singing. by the (3.4312511, and Music by Prof. Windlow, made me \‘268 Roglstercd WEE emi ved’ m: '3' my“. -W:cc,..-: fir, ‘ 562.13%: abet. m Treasurerâ€"3 Musterâ€"John Deyell. Dep. Matchâ€"Wm. Wine“. Secretaryâ€"James Francoy L, 0_. L. No. 79.*S WHAT DO WE EAT; illâ€"~RBY. J. W. Davis. Minbrook east-m Chance Of Business. AN OYSTER EATER. magma.†A. W 3 Book mm; Including m certinas, 133$ Pianos, My Joni-null. Goldmnd 8% 29a; Ml: ï¬ned and MW and Vie-cl; hire-ids My“ Billing's Fat-C's Aflminâ€" 9.2,. W: New Mbnthly Mugabe, m: Landleaa variety of Papitrie, AMA:- WM, Wdedki-g PM inducing the red Odd It“: f BIRTHS. if Ab‘Tomnto. on the 29th 897., tho vibrat- We'understand that Mr. Crewe, Inc apector of Vital Statistics, paid an oï¬cill visittoourfriomer. Soothenu. Bog- MofBirths, Marriages and Death forthe Twaship of Cum, on Hondsy' hgt, andhasmmucbdhhntopmoemfe. several persons who has negleoï¬ tp mks ‘ thenecessaryregistratiom. Shouldlt. s.‘fail'tocm-yout his instructious,’ hug ,intumwfllbepmtedfounegloct of duty. Webeg to an mo. toh'ul udveruupment, withmwngim dominanothaoolnmn. Isl mania 3358.33 :2 x33. 2...: 8 =8 55333053 33.98! Egonâ€"8%? n5 .5 giéï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬: gigâ€"£51.83 3588.3... .43.: .aB...! attains, son and hCavan, on the 4th Dee-lbs, “them dance of his nephew. Mr. Fanci- Haitian, ;Mn.John'Uiark, aged 83 yam. HF- undersigned has received paâ€. in- «misting, {mm the Government mm 0: (WW Statistia,» that“ inquired. 31“:er cf wyBasth, Mating; or M, om in this Tan-ship. dusing fli- ym 18% Th: Wmmmm of am.“ he- mle bruit-Mt» 056 'flechikLitipm daysaftemhc My. Thcretnmoripaiflénï¬-s chum bf thggï¬idatingmcrgym; and Thereturtoi Inwalmoftmt.’ one onedtheyusoismidinghwzhï¬' theMtook placqbdaethcmd. body. Tthhyddwbthmh- flmhgivedwmofdaï¬ ï¬rmwforneglm mint“. Inl‘ . ~ given: 21,131: hi. cum-W57†M ' w 3.‘ .grl mowed mwwï¬h EMMWMM. gamma «3%,W‘ â€(1th ammuw‘omd ,, A _~3LI TL‘AYED hum.- m'ae a. Sub- S sci-ï¬ber. â€MN. Ilia mm Col. fiC-vau, sbquï¬gmtpmSISBXS! " ~ 7 . _‘-.’A‘~ H. W. J'U'Dm REMOVED: maible, nd u] ‘ orNoto. a] vich to n'i gfbé";2".z;nmmd a}; r â€P“ » alum. was“ a" an, 0'“ the likehho-d of my um; ‘41.!me “2359111“- A mam m whichw Myhrmh ' ' Anitiloned the belt!!! 1%. 999368. them will be; saved the méonvemenclzennd “peg; of east!- to Port 0 m: wh w ego! the kind'klf'wnng nth thé prices will be WOOUMOquï¬thinthen-o oinll. toueeinrichorpoor; none need bow of the griee W“ Alloying wit EGM‘I. winbepun @4523 .._-.1 ‘ L_-__ I... made .kigoyvp 'by Night’s 31¢:ka Mimu'ook. Cur-n. Dec. 6. 1376: 4'49 Gavan, Doc. 6. 1876. MMM£M Millme gays, {876. STRAY SHEEP. FEM. ' n vac-Minn- weâ€. P. r... 3" 49.. tau-Elm a); u dtbwu-km Mam m"? "in-them '1meth “bide-sedan Ankhbofl’un dull-haw“! I the Inc «an, an hil n m. Widen". 3nd Inn (ion. and Sailors. ! hf din-u emu-act ignited in (be of†W". Guy Iout: Land “.1 van pub? ‘93! 1 am, (o. m; the privilege of Ion- mnchimry. ulicit a call from Goo-h. II I Met! .A‘UF Min .1! is! Guyl-‘Illctoahu Nook or M( CH of â€'9. o {om-Qu‘: shot-1M name Ali-woo! Men Ah-wool While 1 White otgrgy. m pond and. â€mfv'uy no pl- :0in on get 'CASHMW Whit! 0f ï¬le}: M Bhutan, 4:me Pexsm All Fedeal n and l‘ ï¬im EM 7""? - '0' Greg no.0...