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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 7 Dec 1893, p. 1

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H LEACH’S 'nest and Best ecte"! 6c F' In To ks consistigg 9‘ Dr? GéOdS. Clo} higg, quts and 11‘ v‘ Show, Hats animal», Fresh Gé’oceries, aw: Chap for cash: All kin'ls of produce want. ed and the [ugliest price in cash paid for 3128 at the shop upon the road. «c are now a large of yarns 33' “2mg. Flannels Hon ado Blanket:f wad Hoeexefeap pfor cash. th for RF! a: Co 3.. Die Works and 590853. 14984141133 Feather Beds and Pillow. p. WA‘I‘Foltl). ACCOUNTANT asqignec, Books ppcncd and close . count» collected. Asmgnmentst c and all details commuted. Sp cial giV‘T- 2‘0 book-keepers work where 3 pp“) yancnt boo ’-kecpcx_' are required. Cowiuunicatxons from ncxghb ' g towns re- ceive prompt attentlon and sex-wees in such 1399.- performed moderatetly and satisfac- ry. Office: 379 water street. Address. Post omcc box 125. Pcteraoro. Ont. 7 -6m rvices of J W. BLAND, VETERINARY S . {Sub-mam to T. H. Hamil-d.) and Hon. Graduate of Ontario Vet egc, Toronto. Late Veterinarv SI “'9“, Mounted Police. " ' Clinical Lectures, Royal '3“ Landoniglg.’ 001?th 8-K 3 Y- - magmas amma treated" rding to latent scientific methods. omce on ' ' Boga-Ion hotel. Millbrook. ngfl"°p133m° B. COLLINS 5: CO.. BANKER MILL. o BROOK. Farmers‘aud ot‘wer discounted. Drafts issued on A uda and uh; United States at w collection 0! sale and other otfis’a specialty. Mannie on real estate. “No commission lunged. Onfice. porth szde of King Street. Menace-Cum Bank of Commem. natural teeth, Nitrous Oxid ~ 1' less extraction of teeth. Go wn ’uaran teed. W'ill be at Bethany the 2nd 8. . iondays 0! “ch month. Pontypool lst and 3x11 Mbudays. Do sttention giv'en to the preéfirvati 7 «Th: ‘C H RISTMAS W. FISHER, VEI‘ERINW 061630)! 0 Office and residence. Bai ié t W iii be at Queen' 3 Hotel, Millbroo, ”383m; 11: Ban-Esters. Solicitors. Notaries, eté.‘ ()3 ho and Brighton. W. R. iiidden, 2A., LL. A.J. Armstrong. B. A. * W esbitt B. A. I-‘irst- class loans laced. y loaned unmade lad invested. Mercanti e collec and general law business. ARCHIBALD WOOD. ISSUER 05:4 RIAGE mcsxsms. Minorook, :. c.MeK1\N0\: M. D.. 6.2M M... 0 301° to Dr. Aiddrie) Toronto 812 V oma Universities. Licentiate Royal goons. Edinburgh. Member boneg e and Surgeons, Ontario. Office at. gA. lliozt's After ofllce hours at Mr. Wm. store. BicEardsou‘ ‘s residence, King at... Millbrook. A. WARD. BARRISTER. AfibRNEY- at Law, Solicitor, etc. Office in- Ontario Block. ’Walton Street. Port Hone. Mpd‘e'y to Send on the sec rity of real estaté. _ V vn and “I'm property ?br 58.19. my“ D J. A. V. Preston) Bax-fist «awn " ”rs. Romeo. are. Offices, Wood 3: K ' ere‘blo i11- irook. Cat, and Bethany on the d it]: Mondays in every month. Money to loan at lowest. rates. 36 JOHN GILLQ Keeps constantly on hand aluge SM n:- mun-e of all kinds. Three large sham No tumble to show oods. Manufacturer of 6 1:11:39“ Washing V Manufaaurer of (Equce ‘3 Machine. The best 1n the V31. XXXVI. W. LANG 25'ch to inform the public nat e has 011‘ I of the , _.,-/“‘ HIKE _ PRESTON _(SUCCE§SORS IQDELL. ARAISTROYG a; “EM “SBIT'I’. w. 01.48339. 1413.“ DENTIST SP: LLLLLLL -7 HELLO ! CENTR MARRIAGE LICENSEE CABIN ET MAK PROFESSIONAL ALL KENDS OF MUSIC. D. CHAMBERS. All Kinds of Repairing CARRIAGE PAINTING. ’5 tb ‘ nin , and is a general Tamr- ite. (iglgltffiorggl otgsnrqngth gnd dmbfluty. “5 gears are soaked in boxhng 011, expelhng all moxsture and imparting great. £0331? to mt: ' axle “00¢ The tent truss loontrol the sale or the val I t e w n. _ this Wagezgn in the ownslupo of ’0‘?“ ma Mam-ere. has arranged to sell the Brantford Carriage Co.’s Buggies, and Cut: THE FINEST IN THE DOMINION. THE BAIN wAccou Buqqms,, WAGUNS, "I r 3.--)0 - - - â€" 2.25 3.75 - - - 2.50 4.- 9.3 â€" - - - 2.75 4-50 - â€" . - - â€" â€" 3.00 6.00 - » - - - - - 4.00 Sale prices are all under cost but they must be sold. WawWfllarke Regular Price. $2.75 - - _ 3.50 . - - See Some of Our Prices:â€" Clearing BOYS’ Robes Blankets .47.. 8.3 on’s aownAYS z and they are ofl'erod tt low price. Shingles All Grades, Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Lumber of all kinds kept in stock. Dry: and pressed Lumber a Specialty. Lime and fort- land Cement, fresh and good. I have a. good square Ra ‘ant Home coal stove, I dont need it, and Will '1: cheap. Delivery made in town or country, where desired. - Pearless BarWle. It, beats the world. § GOAL WOOD. I have a Good Supply of Coal and Wood which I will Sell Cheap for Gash. : Sale of 117.3110! arm 20 Fearless Ba: AND MILLBROOK. ONT.. THURSDAY. DECEI‘BER 7, 1893‘ W. THEXTON. Sale Price. - $1.75 The Post, Ofiice Departmerfi announces the issue of a. new eight-cent registration letter stamp. Five cent registered stamp cannot now be purchased, and those regis- tering letters will have to purchase the eight oefit stamp issued for that. purpose. Cannot be disputed, and the case is yet to be heard from in which Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor has failed to preform a per- fect cure. This with painless and rapid actiogx and freedom from. annoyance during use. -'.'The great; corn and bunion cure stands unrivalled. Sure, safe, and painless. Be- ware of frauds offered as substitutes for the great corn cureâ€"Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor. N. C. Polson 8; 00., Kingston, proprietors. Use no other. Omemee. On Monday another of our old and much respected citizens pissed quietly away. Mrs. Thornton came from Ireland to this country while it. was sparsely settled. She and her husband made their first home a short distance east of Omemee, but after- wards moved to a farm west of the village where they resided for a. great number of years. Mrs. Thornton had one of those peculiarly pleasant and sympathizing natures which call forth the love of even mere acquaintances. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the community even though the deceased was called away at the ripe old age of eighty. Senior III.~Violet \Vatt, Wilma. Coc, Hainlan Sisson, Jennie Vance. Junior III. â€"â€"G1advs Henderson. )essic Stuart. Senior II. ~-â€"Cassic Bullen, Lama Coe, Elva. Elliott, Bettie Rea, Annie Twamlq, Ella. Gzah am, equal, Maud McKni rht. (kwanville. Standing of pupils in No. 5, Gavan, for last week :â€" V classâ€"Eva. Coe, Adah Vance. Senior IVâ€"Fred Cathcart, Winnie Hillier, He_1en _ Lough. Junior TV.â€"Bextha. Touchburn, Birdie Elliott. All Seasonable Goods At. W. VANCE’S. Janetville. ‘ On Thanksgiving day Mr. Richard Lee of Mount Hereby passed over to the great majority. He had suffered for about. {lame weeks with an abeess on the liver, but had only been under regular treatment. for a. few days. Mr. Lee was a son of Mr. Thoma Lee, who is still living, although considerably over onehund red years of age. He was a. brother to Mr. \Villiam Lee of Mount Horeb, and Mrs. Thomas Paul of the r3th concession. M r. Lee was 53 years of age and unmarried. Christmas SHELLED UNSHELLKD ALMONDS. LEMON, ‘ ORANGE 8: CITRON PEEL. 00232me 3.20m §m>fl PM-SOZG. 9320; m5: Ran. Universal Testimony . Stomach Ashenâ€"“'3 all know what it is; we “Quired' a perfect knowledge of fine “Pct ” in our youth, after a raid on things We were expressly forbidden to touch. Our mether gave us Perry Davis’ PAIN-KILLER then, and, strange to say, no other remedy has been discovered to this day to equal 1t. 01d Popular price, 25c. for Big New Bottle. AGeor ia. editor, in a. fit; of desperation dashedo the following: “The wind blow~ eth the farmer soweth, the subscribexs oweth, and the Loi‘d knoweth that, we are in need of our dues. So come a. runnin’ '81:. we 8° a. gunnin’, this thing of dunnina gives us the blues.” The best. medical authorities say the Drape}- “‘37 to treat, catarrh is to take a consultation] remedy like Hood’s Sarsa- â€"- _!‘I Commendable. All claims not consistent with the high character of Syrup of Figs are purposely avoided by the California Fig Syrup Com- pany. It acts gently on the kidne 3, liver and bowels, cleansing the system e actually, but it is not a. cure-all and makes no pre- tensions thab every bottle will not sub- stantiate. We are to have a. grand concert in the Agricultural Hall here on Thursday the 14:11 inst. The Stuart Concert Co’y of Peter- boro have engaged the hall for that night. From their pas: record we anticipate great. things. From our acquaintance with Prof. Stuart- we are confident it will be worth hearing. Prof. Stuart, is a great. comic and impersonator. His several characters are very amusing. The arkvis not" yet campleted, nor is it likely to be for some time. (.‘ENTREVILLEâ€"AS OTHER conmzsrox nms'r. Things are very quiet. here‘ at present, so there is not much news. Our general store is closed and 10 likglylzood of its being opened for some little time. We are glad to hear that Mrs. R. Dawson and daughter, who on Thanksgiving day were thrown fwm their buv -gy ,are recover- ing although \cl y slowly. ("I _ _ My Dear Young Friends,â€"This valuable gift of which I had not. even an inkling and that, I do not deserve from you is quite an agreeable surprise to me. Although I can- not find words to express my thanks yet I assure you that when I feel its warmth the kindly feeling which I cherish in my heart for you all will be stirred up to take a still deeper interest in your spiritual welfare. Accept my thanks for your gift and many kindnesses to me since I have come among you. ‘ Centrcville. y} The ladies of the Centrevillf‘: Presbyterian church deserve great praise for the elaborate dinner which they prepared ‘for the many friends that partook of it on Thanksgiving day, after which there was a grand concert in which both Peterborough and home talent took part admirably. The Rev. Mr. Pilkie of Bailiebora gave an excellent address, and the chair was ably occupied by the pastor, Rev. James Cattanach. Pro- ceeds about $75. .F W)» ,4 7“_ i" v ,7 '~ my. .133. CATTANACIL DEAR FRIEND AND PASTORâ€"“"0. the mem- bers of the Y.P.S.C.E. thought- it meet. to show in a mugible manner that we value the interest you take in our welfare and the effort you put forth to gather the young people of the flock under the Master and our banner. We hope 'and pray that for many years you may be spared to gqu'e us with your counsel and that we may be mutually encoum ed and benefitted by our intercourse. We des re you to accept this cent as a. bond which if possible. may bind us more closely in our relationship to each other: we hope also. that it may remind you that the members our society will always strive 3(1) futrther the good you are trying to do for the as or. Quite a. family gatherin tOOkâ€" place on Wednesday, at Mr. J ames organ’s of this section, the occasion being the marriage Of his daughter, Maggie, to Mr. Bow of Toronto. The young couple Jib the same evening for their home in Torwnto, carrying with them the good wishes of [he PCOPIG for their future happincs§. , J,” b, -‘I II Miss Effie Larmer of A’Vcstwood spent a few days Thanksgiving week at. the home- stead. 7' school section No. 11 13mm. {7 We have recently had another visit from MngVandeuson of Grimsby, and it is the wom er of this neighborhood What these, of late frequent, visits will result in. Some tinie'h‘éo leere/ nar'cansidcrable talk of repairs being made house in this section, but as y been done. Now, your hm“ A 1? dent- would suggeet that 1.; be erected over the door to‘ cold winter blasts. \V e migh.’ ,g. correspon- sit a. porch 1 $9 out the . ,0 suggest .7 that the tiustees make a littf. ,aise in the teachers salary, as never betae has this school been in a more flourishing condition and the credit- is entirely due t" Yur present teacher. We hope these mat 'ers will be duly considered by Our worthy ‘ stees and that they will not consider th suggestions gresumptious on the part of y( r correspon- cut. ,. Misses Allie and Dell Fanning of LindSay soent Thanksgiving day with the Misses )rown. Some of the members of the Y.P.S.(} E. went to the residence of Mr. J. Robert, South Monaghan, on Monday night, . 20th, Where their pastor, Rev. Jas. Cat- tanach, boards and presented him with a. beautiful ur coat, thus showing their due appreciation of his ministerial labours among them, which only commenced last summer. After the presentation they had refreshments and spenta. pleasant- time with thgififl'w and host. aims-tees. I remain your ever loving pastor. REPLY BY THE PASTOR. . "\r. MONDAY, DECEMBER 18,893 Relief in Six Hom's.â€"â€"1)istressiug Kidney and Bladder Diseases relieved in six hours by the “ Great South American Kidney Cure.” The new remedy is :3. great; surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys. back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It "relieves re- tention of water and pain passing it almost. immediately. If you want. qhick‘rclief and cure this is your remedy. SoldFyTA'kmen. Miss Jessie Alexander; A a'mz'ssz'on, Reserved Seals, Druggisb, Do you know that, right now, we are ready for business, with a. Grand Assort- ment of bargains never before offered. lVe al- ways lead, and are alive to the wants Of our trade and the times. Remember, we ask no one to buy on the strength of our ad- vex‘usement; we only ask you to come on our representation. The quality and price of what, we olfer, W111 appeal to you): own judgement: and sell the goods. (‘1 We have secured a ‘Lal'ge lot of Dress Goods fresh from the loom for this Season’s Trade, at a price away below Cost of Many- facture, and are selling them accordingly. (5 yds. Scotch Plaid, good colors, for 756., well worth $1.50. 8 yards Diagonal Snow Flake Serge, $1.20, well worth $2.40. 6 yards Fine Fancy Snow Flake Serge $1.40, well worth $1} 70. 6 yards Knit-3:21" Plaid $1.50, well worth $3.00. 6 yards Finest Hopsacking, all colors $2.34, well worth 554.50. 6 yards 54-inch Dress Tweeds, $270, well worth $4.80, A set of Ladies’ 12119 11111433 \Vhite Under wem, 1" arm: 111000;;1111‘ $1.20 Fine \Vool Guernsey Underskirts, new make, 0111‘: $l._1'1. A fine range of Oxmuoatinas to choose from, to be made up .13 113~ below 9111‘ 10111113.: prices. 3 3 Silk Fl‘iils for 10$. 9 F11a‘12-T7""""‘ 7 E‘_. .«h' ‘1'}1'przb 3.7;: '4 Cakes Old Bmwn \\ 111dsor Soap for 10¢. A range of Ladies Mantlcs, Ulstexs and Dolmans, from S“::. up to "“4 8!) Some of these “nods 31 me as hiwh as $12, our onlv reason fr 1' seliing them at these low prices is, they lune the plain sleeves Also a choice easso: 1111/; 11: of the latest style: at clearing prices. 0111‘ Milliner \1111 have neatly 11 1111111611 fo Saturday momiuu. 11119111101111 and evening trade @11110111-411113 H1115 1:) select from at- 551 1091.2 mom. Customers with horses can drive to our Simcoe Street entrance. wirhoub danger of them scaring at. the Street (741's. Dramatic 8 Emma; RECETAL BY Turnbull’s 6 yards black all wool Henrietta, $2.60, well “orth $3. (3'. Fancv Telsex Mantle Cloth, for 75¢. per var_d, vC’cll \\ ox L1: $25. Fine Silk . calcite $6. 00. . ., _,__ best Ifiakcs, at close, cash prjces. 30 yards 35-inch Urey Cotton, for only $1 \Vhite Cotton, 35 inches wide, onhv 53c. per 1 A full rangeiof Heavy Weight Sealettes, the Town Hall, Millbpook, George and Sim we Streets, PET ERSORO UG $358? $1726 J. C. TESRNBULL, "j for $3.96, well worth 2 5c. 35c. N0. 448

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