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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 7 Dec 1893, p. 4

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sort. But it is surprising how apatheâ€" tic men whose whole interests are centered in the town, and who have large property interests at stake, have become when the practical questiOn is put to them, What are you doing to better things ’5 Yet these same men are not willing to abolish representative government an’l hand over our muni- cipal administration to an irresponsible body. Apparently they.think it pos- sible to enjoy the representative system without the labor and the cost of main- tilining its integrity. A vigorous, cap- ‘ble, honest and progressive municipal 231k}! would do much for the town. At It is nearly useless trying to reform Village policy and rehabilitate the Municipal Council in public confidence if our leading citizens do not help in the work. There is a. kind of distaste abroad for municipal duty. Our prin cipal men consider that they have neither the time nor inclination to go into the.Counci1 and help on that work of regeneration which they profess themselves anxious to see. Now, we admit that to engage in municipal poli- tics is a. thankless; '.0b The only pay ' lscriticism, often Jof a disagi eealole Turner’s For Cha‘flfid Hands, Sore Lips, DP. Bland’s C.P.R. Liniment BB. H. A. TUBNER’S DRUG STORE. Fro’istil'e W. S. GIVEN :l'he name of the City of Birmingham 18 Femknml the world over for enter- ynse, ability and success in municipal managfmfgt, and Joseph Chamberlain, Gbe miilbrooh 1keporter. 1337;“; THURSDAY. DECEMBER 7. 1893. For Horses and Cattle. .4 FE W PLAIN WORDS. Fof Coughs and Cc; Cp’figh Syrup/.1 o .’s chief statesmen, 18 EDITOR Last Friday evening a. meeting of the rate- payers of ward No. 5, (Damn, was held in the I.O.G.T. hall. Mr. C. R. Courtney was elected chairman. and Mr. “’alter McLean, secretary. The following were nominated as representatives for the coming municipal contest: \I r. Robert Hootan, Mr. Daniel Jones and Mr. John Rutherford. A vote by ballot. gave Mr. Hootan a sweeping majorin- and then a standing unanimous vote declared him the choice. Meeting of the Ratepayersâ€"Member Select. odâ€"Geneml News. to make room for fresh blood it will reflect nothing upon their past label's. New men are always delicate in seem- ing to intrude upon sittino members althoutrh no man has any Vested claim to perpetu: 11 otficeship, this should not so be. \Ve want :1 council board for 1894 who will give us better street repair, electxic light and :1 0e11e1 a1 tone to the appearance of the villmre which seem to sit in sile‘t decay, :1 shadow of former beauty 11d activity, and do it for 15 mills on the (1011211, and it can be done. rate Council. ‘ Ponden these things. The time is close at hand‘to apply the remedy. \Vhile these general remarks are applicable to almost every munici- pality as well as to Millbrook we wish to emphasize if possible the fact that just as “ England expects every man to do his duty ” so it is the bounded duty of each and every elector in Millâ€" brook to see to it that the best material is selected to represent the interests of our village, upon our municipal and school boards. Being entirely a new comer, we may be allowed to make these remarks divested of any personal animus or private predilections. The very best men may be now at- the helm for ought that we know, but of one thing we are convinced and that is for all there is in sight to show for the outlay, the levy of 2 cents on the dollar for our village is too high by one quarter, but the 20 mills we are in- formed are not sufficient to carry the business forward until the. taxes of 1894 are due, it requires 24 mills according to the estimates of the council themselves, which deficiency will have to be borrowed to complete the year’s expectations. No doubt this phase of the question will be fully explained to the electors on nomina- proud of the part he took while mayor in putting the elty in the front rank of well-administered communities. Let our leading men get rid of the notion that; civic affairs can take care of them- .selves, and that no particular harm is done to material interests by a second- tion night. There are a. number of citizens spoken of as new aspirants to the municipal board? For reeve, Messrs. J. C. Kells, Thexton, Nun-cut and John Gillott: for councillors, Messrs. \Valter (neen, Dr. H. A. Tu1ne13Isaac Richardsou, \V. G. Hetherington, T1108. (.41z1ncl1',H111'11 Nattrass. These me only a. few of the many electo1s of Millbiook who me in everv respect co 11pete11t to rri1e us well administmed municipal «50101-11- ment, and if those 01' some or those 11110 hme home the burden and 1e- ceived the honor of ofiice, feel inclined Mr. Hootan was then called on to give an “ Now’s the day And no“ 3 the hour. " 31 0 l'NT a, "LEA S‘LVT. address and he responded to the call, very briefly, acknowledging the honor conferred on him and expressing his gratitude for the same. He asked the active support; of all in the ward towards making his election a. reality and concluded by promising, if elect- ed, his honest and best efforts for the wel- fare of the nmnicipality. â€"Dr. {cat’s Red Regulators cure to stay cured. Ask A. LEAUH for a. box. 16. This is the. fourth time Miss Alexander has appeared in Owen Sound inside of a year, and it is safe to say that. there is not, a. single clocutionisy whq ever visited our Her selections were well chosen and arranged, and truly represented many of the various shades of character which are found in every day lifeâ€"Kingston Whig. The SQIGCuiOD of reading and recitations had been made with great care, 3.qu con- tained inst the right proportions of “ gfive, gay and medium,"â€"- London Free Press. n. {a nu msv for her to recite a selection Mr. Ferguson obngrat-ulated Mr. Hoomn on his election and then proceeded to speak on various topics of interest relating to the working of both township and county councils. It is reported that Mr. Isaiah Best has sold his foundry and residence to Mr. John Sudlcr of Toronto. Town Hall. Milllorook, Monday. Dot-ember mu: » i'mler Auspices of Mlllbrook Vlcflemlis: Sabbath School. .rmzs‘s Sorrel-Is. Not 2m (mpty seat. was to he found in the hall, and the large audienoe was composed of that refined class of people who tum out when there is. a high-class concert, or a. pure and elevating entertainment on the card.â€" Toronto Empire. It was (In..- m’aging to her when she appeared on the stage to find before her the largest and perhaps the most select, audi- ence which ever met in that vast edifice.â€" Tm'outo (L'iobc. w n...- .' -.-, townâ€"â€"aml we number Scott-Slddons and Belfm‘d among themâ€"who has so comphtely enthralled her hearers, and can attract, un- aided, so large an audience as Miss Jessie Alexander.â€"Owen Sound Times. It is as easy for her to recite a selection from the (Immune, which she does with grand effect, as to render one of light- humor. --P0rt- Arthur Sentinel. What a, Wonderful Discovery is Perry Davis’ PAIN-KILLER! It not only cures, the ills of the human family, but is also the sure remedy forhm‘ses and cattle. It; has never been known to fail in a .cure of the cases of bow-.1 complaint ; and for sprains, galls, 61.0.. it- never failsâ€"my it once. Dir- ections chL-ompany each bottle. Sold by drliggists generally for ‘25 cents a bottle, large size. fare of the municipality. “ . - Reeve S. E. Ferguson being present, the chairman intimated the willingness of the meeting to listen to him on any subject or supiccts of municipal integest. _ His speech was closely listened to and (if we dare suspmb him of wishing to again be a candidate for the reeveship) we might- add that his remarks were very influential and practical. He thanked the chairman for the opportunity of addressing the meet- ing and resumed his seat amidst applauses. The chairman after expressing the hope that- Nr. Houtan would head the poll on Jan. 1533 next, declared the meeting closed. Last \\ mlncsdav at the rector y in Mill b1',ook Miss Lizzie Scney was united in the holy bowls of uedlock to M1. Wm m. Tinney of L 11V1uniile.“ e wish the young couple all the J0\ 111111 is good fox them and many yams of unbounded felicity. v Our cheese factory has been bought by J umicson Bros. and the business in it, W111 be carried on as usual. Constipation is the parent, of innumerable diseases, and should, therefore, be promptly remedied by use of Aycr‘s Cathartic Pills. These pills do not gripe, are pelfectly safe to take, and remove all tendency to livex‘und bowel complaints. Mi's. Samuel’s conditio‘il is slightly im- prgved. , J [$519113 ALEXANDER. Ferl hesulalue in Anal Teas, ,1 - Geff s, é Sp ces, iinesh Go to PETERBOROUGH, Peterboro,’ : Ontario. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. ‘ N.B.â€"â€"The highest price paid for butter and F. S. SCHNEIDER, Watchmaker and Jeweller 3 ven pursuant to the R. S 0.1887. Chap. 110. and at a creditors and others ainst the estate of Thomas Eekins, late of e'l‘ownship of Mam ers in the County of Du am Y oemzm Deceased. who died on or abou the 2lstd21y of July, 1893.1“ Manvers afores ,are regucsted to deliv er, on or before the 23d day December. 1893.150 Robert Ruddy of 0 Village of Millbrook in the siud County ham, soliei administrator of the es 1 eceased, full particulais of their claim. together with their christian and surnames and the hat ire of the security (it 31113111 eld_by them. _ VOTICE is her J. revisions amen acts havingm c aims Dated at‘m‘nbrook', this mh day of Novem- ber, 1893. R. RUDDY, 7 Solicitor for Thomas Eakins. Administrator of the Estate. Shaving, Hair-cutting, Shampooing and every fight]: else in the tonsorial line carefully attend â€"_v --V.r.- \u. .-...y ..v.u v1 v-.v-... And take notice that thé said administrator, will on and after the said Zord day of December. 1893 p1 oceed to distribute the assets of the said estate. among the parties entitled thcxeto. hav ing regard only to the claims of \\ hich .1e shall th_en hax e had notice. I’ARLORâ€"King-st., Millbrook, opposite \Vood 8c Ken‘s bank. We have at last fl. will receive money back. Des- demonstnted : Q§ ' V cripgion: Cut is 2-3 3;”; that n ood f- “3 . mom)". 43 c2.; Amenem watch cgn be q_i‘\ "<..Levcr Movemwt,” .\ 2:223. ._," ’ w ucrn Pinion, 240m ‘ to minute; Patent winding nudge: ting attavhmem xeqniring no key: Patent Escaxcmem and Regula- made for a. very low price. In 10:: of 10,090 we make tins watch aur. ,: prisingly : cheap. and ; cmeeHittor 5'» , 01.75. Every 1“ ‘ ‘ L‘ :8“, part is made A _ ' ' .L .' @3360ch and put to. , ‘ 7‘ .'-. ‘. V , popmo tetherin our - ‘y 1 “#16 _ New Eugiand ‘_, ~‘ ' .. V ‘ ., ., N? ox factory, a n d . _ . u ‘ P I c k 01 every watch is : ~‘- ‘ laced h eiegan tly ,, fi nished; Boar. Hin- . ute andse. . condfimds; also 24-hour. . ti me system shown on dig. timed and gun:- anteed bv us. The publishers of this paper will tell u: you that. our guur. amee is good. 1: is just as shown in cut and descriptiongnd anv- one not pgrfcctlx satisfied . Meutxon thus paper, and we ml] prepay postage or shipping charges to any partpf Gamma. This watch will not vary a. minute 1:) 3%) days. None sent C.O.D.. but all warranted as above. CITY BffiER SHOP. T. . BRYANS M. L. HENRY 30., ADHINISTRATORS’ Notice 4:0 Gredi’cars! GENUINE . AMERIGAM LEVER . . . General Groceries, will receive money back. Des- " U ' ‘ cription: Cut is 273 size: ,. weight. 43 (2.; America: I “'a.1.evcr Movement, Luv Learn Pinion, 240mm to minute ; rum winding and“: ting atgayument qumrmg no key: Patent Esra! cmem eiegan tly ,, 1! n i shed; Roar, mn- n in cut. mmnd anv- :tlv satisfied 391 George Street, i Watsh $175" 341 George Street, Toba’ccpsg, Prowsuons ONTARIO. HBLANKETS E “CGI‘FEC‘N L‘;:.._,..:_" 1.." 3’" most vane-d :(n a o: (;€T;ft,‘¢'f.'cr.;«.:'_ brook. Don’f Forget thatfixca: (hwdga . reg-r '1~(.‘ "1 Young, Comprism" (mm! . “12532331231"; 03' L‘ 11".“. :0! d Sdlltcr‘ Dons-t . :u‘. z * Zena \‘arict: . 1'3. that'we m" and fun-jg: 3" Don't far-4a: the; ;:3..-::’, flYSTER FRRLGR and LURE?L fififihfi ‘ D5) you want have the best, ; ‘ ‘- . .xrges‘; .‘..~‘-< dent in town. ' ‘3 ié Burngw 113% on your min ’ I \\ Hi i an: IE: us < to perfection. \Vith the b , good workmanship I can satisfy yc: (‘5 u- v 4 2'} vb. f: a 7 1“make c‘m. \\ hips, (£42135, Brush-:9 .. Jeverything “i111 pnces :0 axis the :1 (Wind see me before purchau ”1 \"c . ‘. “if! “THE GGFECTIGEEBâ€"O To The Front E: Nmam-owd Chcsicr W'hite Boar, “ K ,1 ; .' 5. E0. .3“: fin-rowed March mm. .151":'.,"".,§”f nghsh Berkshire, “Stonewall. ‘ KO. '43-- 7 . ‘ '0“'edApri110t.h, 1893 . Win ‘5": v 13_ ‘7; Hope he kept, {on sex-vie on .ot . ham °. Terms ‘usual, $1.00 101‘ waxw. y»: fibcmmg my any 3n more Ifor 1h: ‘13} m I] ‘ t. '19. MM years .9“, “‘0 eextcn 941m me e p. fun e .wine businbss. I would weren- "91m :3 A . continuance 6f the same this yrs-.3. mfg? “1 before going qlscwhgfi. 1:336 boars hook 0“ applicamon. e u and second places at. Millbr‘mf no relatives to any on: Bouts FOR SERVICE. “01118 33' “Kwuur 01 brown and wmw .9015- “ble. ' me fine young cockerle (or sale roman FRANCI§ SMITH. q r t \ bampbcllcroft. \ - i THOMAS GI LLOTT El‘aabinefitfiiér f? DO not fail to call and see him, 16°32! on hand 312a c snack of COFFleS. G KETS and a 1 kinds of {Index-taut? moo“ ,Bcdroomtl’arlor and all othqk ,x» I“"ll'mtm-e. hand-made, at lowm pm \ a 'Posite J. (.iiilutt'k‘ Ciiirili': rcmms. King'- . t‘Vee: J. ROBINSON YOU NG. [Our stock i~ \u‘g Comma“ “Canned Goods Biscui’s and Fancy Ca ke es 1 , . A reacted Heck u: M.%.\"~_‘FI=( 1729.} f‘u‘. :;l .-c. u W. STRAIN. Undertaker, ‘d rice}: beautifier of the can l8]. Try it. Ath and White LGE‘ no â€"The Home Ci evening, Dec. 1] attendance reque: y ance is to be tan O’clogk pan. just the thing fl Lucn's. Liberal-Conserva‘ -â€"lf you w Overshocs at, AMERICA â€"Pr? ver 3.: Writing m. ”Mr. Birch q Tuesday with hi. black ponies. â€"â€"For choice Citron Peels, I'm 00 R. E. fitanton â€"Da.lton McCa give an addras I The exact day is -â€"The Fresh! 3. Russian Tea evening. -The Hon. J 1 Lieut-(hvernor â€"The Iarges fumes at A. LE â€"Mr. gal-1 N visiting E‘.‘ Mrs. â€"RubÂ¥.~e- Co: neatly remix-ed Rubber cement 1 â€"Mr. “'ilé I visiting his 1x365! Buffalo. LEMfiT’S, 3! ille -3Eass Beat; Hope. In Bulk or PEAU D’ ESPA “'HITE ROSE. CRAB APPLE. ROSE GER ANIL‘.‘ WHITE HELIOTI “'EITE IRIS. ALBI'NS'. 1’ beat odor ;? 0. Cd makgg. ROGER 01:61.3», .9 “'HITE LILAC. PBFfiI the most .sati checdully rec .ciauz: adapte plaints. I in pulmonary an study, and I 11 than Ager’s ( position pro-e dues of the ‘ Dover, N, J. cfi‘ectfihen and 1130! who keep it not conside out it.” Ayer’s "' I have femoral in Prepared by Dr. Promptt‘ Writes Post Forest Hill, chial tronbl and stubhoi doctor prom ordinary m me to try 1 1 did so, 3.3 For the lad 11:58 -C ' hrxs' mas. TOY DH .flXI)

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