bed Goods {x aux L'FAC'M'RE'RE. } Sp 1 can satisfy you as no hips, Combs, Brushes and yprices to suit. the times. before purchasing. éINSON YOUNG. given - '. Musical Ingtrcnwngpi, Fan 3-9. .Qous ant: ‘z‘cya ,n end- uranetj'. In on: serve: on 20313 cm! 19, a usual 81. 00 !or season. In any cuv-tomerq for the '01“? extended to me the t 6679: ac business I w 6 maï¬a“ :tinnance ofthc samethiaIW teforegoing elsewhere, Bay" on application. The abo'.‘ nd second place: a; “brook Q? relatives to an! 0111013 ’" "has" lerof Brown and White LOS‘ 'youngeockexlalornlereuol 111.5ng 3mm. LA; :arters for cyst} | c. Jn~£ am act! stock of _ :0 can and see him, 1-11. ‘reapest, and élargest assort- he pkce, tr “'hite Boar. “ King Eric-‘3. rd March 3621!. 1893. W e,“Stonew;!3. No. 252"}; 131',- nous-3 Cabinet King-st; West. ERVICE. d a?) time of Uncertain-3* 31. Paflor and all other kinds Ind-made, at Lowest prices. R and wanes new. a r room on OO‘uuuzm. .- r. I .: r. «d Dblb)r5ls lean. ing t ‘u Vtry Complete. s 13 Wei] I can ï¬t you it}: the best of stock ‘qd Fancy Cakes WEETEBE‘éEï¬â€"O e Front ! W. STRAIN. naRer Undertaker, .8 GI LLQTT ETS I Imes. 35‘ Harness you DS, 9pm: If. (21?: mm I6- o, OWE gm. wwéï¬Ã©g just. the thing; LEACH‘S. â€"The Home Circle will meet on evening, Dec. 11th, at 8 dubs; attendance requested as bIJSilicss of ance xs to be transacted. -â€"If you waPQFeit, . Rub! Overshoes at . ' ma prices go Ancnu‘g. -â€"â€"Mr. Birch of Pontypool was i Tuesday with his haï¬dsome 131.11 black ponies. ~For choice fresthc men Bfange and Citron Peels, Pure W extracts go -â€"Da.lton McCarthy, M. P., is. expected to give an address here in about two weeks. The exact day is not yet- ï¬xed. -â€"The Presbyterian church intend giving a. Russian Tea in the town hall on Xmas evening. â€"â€"The larges and hes ' menu of Per- fumes at A. men’zg ' ' rook. 43 ‘â€"The Hon. John Boyd recently appointed Lieut-Governor of New Brunswick is dead. â€"Rub}:ea: Coats. Rug neatly remired at Rubber cement for sale. â€"Mr. Wili Broun, who has been hexe visiting his mai-her, left on Friday last for Buffalo. â€"Chrisfmas g00ds in great variety at A. LEAL'wE-f’s, M illbrook. 4S â€"M'ziss Beaty is visiting friends in Port Hope. Ix) Bulk or in Far): <.11111ab1c for Km ALBITMF P LUSH GOODS, XMAS mm )5 xx» Booxmrr. ' ,TOY zoom . 0!: CHâ€. MRI-I , S; '. â€"Mr. Jan-.1 Mrs. Ryley of Toronto are visiting 8:": Mrs. A. J ohnston’s. WHITE ROSE. ROSE 0ERANI§11,¢.£<_¢_._ CRAB APPLE. SE ELY, WHITE HELIOTROPE. R ICKSEGKER WfllTE IRIS. PEAU D’ ESPAGNE, This am: we 11:1,“: in Stock the best C(11): : Lhc 1mmwmch1w-rat- ed ma ~ : ‘ 309:8 GALLET, 5’ sounamg Per-fumes. “’HITE LILAC, TAYLOR, -"‘I have been :using :Ayer’s Cherry IPectoraJ in .my familyifor 30 years, with the most satisfactory .results, and can cheerfully mecommendjtas being espe- m’ally adapted to all -pu]monary comâ€" ‘plaints. I have, fox-many years, made pulmonaryand other medicines a special study, and I have cometotheconclusion that Ajyer’s Cherry Pectoral occupies a. position preeminent over .other medi- cines o! the c1ass.â€â€"Chas. Davenport, Dover, N. J. Aye r’s Cherry Pectoral Writes Postmaster J. C. WOODSON. Fprest Hill, W. Va., “1 had a. bron- chm! trouble of such a persistent and stubborn character, that the «doctor pronounced it incurable with ordinary medicines, and advised acne to tryAyar’s Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and, nebottle- cured me. a ï¬fteen years, I have used 1. ' preparation with good out it. and IWumbers of people who keep itiin the‘house all the time. .not considering ,it ,safe a to . be with- For the 1 ï¬fteen years, I ha\ ' preparation with goo «effec henev er‘I. take A Bad 1. , , "w and 1 numbers of DeOP] Prepared by Dz. J.. .C. Ayer_-CO,,.Lowesi,:-Masl. ~The annual meeting of the East end-Conservatives will be in t] L, Mfllbrook, on Tuesflay next “When ‘i'was a Boy,†Promptto act, sure to-cme .. E. ï¬tantons. A. T. ELLIOTT, 'TO‘VN TALK THE DRUGGIST. “(Wiel- articles for Christmas,Liegentsa . A. “Hymn Banks, gpd'Wershoes Archer’s, also Just ‘ Durham 11 the town next at one i l VINOLIA Jars and $ to W31, 48 {mm on team of H onda y A full Impor Bibles, 4S For pity's sake, don’t- growl and grumble because you are trouble with indigestion. No good was evereï¬ected by snarling and fretting. Be a man (unless you happen to be a wmnaxg), agd take Aye‘r‘s ‘ Sarsparilla, which woman. encourage them to remember that trials and tribulations are insparable from church Work as well as from mundane undertakings. Mr. Thunscy did very well notwithstanding some of his productions were a. repetition of of What Fax gave at the band concert. The local talent was of ï¬rst-class order and from young :0 oh} the parts were so well taken a..- V: £1133: to single anyone out for special praise is impossible. Better luck next. time. In fuét. our local followers of John Knox appeal tohave more than a. share of the angle: of the elements, no doubt n; is to â€"Tl:e Presbyterian concert on Tuesday evening of last week was not so successful as expected,"on account of the bad Weather. â€"Jurlge Benson w as in town on Thin sday last, making a. ï¬nal revision of the \ oter 3 List. Only a. few changes were made of an important charactci. W'hat was more im- portant, \\ctlx011glx*,was objected to \iz. , giving yc editor the opportunity of being buttonholed by the would- be candidates for municipal and legislative honors. 0’ well if we’re not of age and can t vote, we and (um don cmi be on hand at the 0:1 icr part of the game. â€"Mr. Hex. Vance, Barrister, son of our worthy Pest Mast-er has hungtout his shingle in Shelbourne. (:eo. was well liked here, and we bespeak for him a successful career in his new home. \Ve have no hesitancy in reccmmending him tn those who require legal assistance as one thoroualy uprinlit careful and =11reml 1n the ways mid devices of the pxofession. â€"A meeting of the friends of temperance was held in the Y. M. C. A. Hall, Port Hope on Friday. Messrs. Rev. \V. G. Clarke, T. B. Jenkins and Wm. Archer were named as an executive committee for Millbrook. Rev. W. G. Clarke , was appointed to Conduct meetings in Millbrook and Gavan. â€"In the Examiner of last week we notice thdt a. rowdy who kicked up a. disturbance and smashed a man’s Iace was ï¬ned $100 and costs. Now perhaps the man’s skull was too thin and not a. ï¬t one to go into a. ï¬ght wid, but if those lOngl’lS who raise disturb- ances in our town were treated to the same dose of justice, we d have less of our bar- room ruï¬ianism in Millbtook. “Mr. Ira Naittrass, who has been engag- ed in the butcher business here for a number of years, has disposed of his interest; in the husiness, and is now engaged killing for farmers and others requiring such work. Ira is a. good man in the business and those engaging him will be sure of good Work at the lowest prices. â€"IL pays to advre tisc in the REPURI‘ER for your local “ants. One of our townsmen inserted a. few lines last; week, no doubt expecting, it- to remain a. month .at. least before satisfactory results were obtained but one issue brought the desired object. The REPORTER did. it, not J u J ah. â€"All the church attenders on Sunday last both morning and evening might have found lots of breathing and sitting space in any one of our tabernacles, which reminds one of Scotch Sandies description of the state of 1e1i3tion 1n his parish: There 5 just me and Jamie the sexton, thaJ me at, a’ xe- ligeom and now I’ve me doubts about J anne. â€"-Now doth the small boy hie him fotthâ€" so soon as snow shrouds mother earth ; with tuke and mittens, sleigh in tow, to top of hill, what £01 to do? J 11% watch him give the sleigh a kick, to place its light, then 0’ how quick, he lays him flatâ€"«key: wliizz, kex chuckâ€"the boy, the sleigh, both bottom- side up. ‘ ~Well friend how did you come out? Asked .011-1' Bland man of one who had got though “1111121 macristmia'l Court- and stepped out unto the side w alk opposite the: Domi1» ion. Oh I came out of the 110mm; 11 as the lac-01119101315. And now our inte1-e'sted en- quirer is wondering what tthe boys laughed at so uproa-riously. â€J. J. Preston, Deputy Reeve, Manvers was in town on Tuesday, we did not notice that "" glad to see you †smile on his. face, but then J. J ~s., natural contour is so be- witching that it- requires no put on election good humor to beg‘nile the people. “The North Bruce bye-election for the Legislature on Saturday 'resulted in the election of Mr. McNaughton, the Patron candidate. In East Lambton Mr. McCaL km, the nominee of the Protestant jPrutec- Live Association, was successful. -0n account of the Storm on Sun-day last the Sacrament of the Lords Supper which was to have been dispensed_ in the Presby- terinn church has been postpbneil ygï¬l next Sunday at the same hour. .,._Miss Moscript and Miss McKee of Peter- boro were visiting at \V. O’Brien’s this week. __I thought I heard the music, come Waited on the air, the new bells timely warning, to daily work repair, when from mv dream I awakened, and tumbled out of 1,91}, and glancing through the window, {was hell-s upon a sled. \ â€(jhz‘ist’mas is almost here! Have you boughtyour 1f ' R. 1a, Stanton‘s ‘ a stock of Raisms, Currents ., 10y are better than any 01 her years stock. No trouble to show the goods. will r‘élieve you 'Whethex man or Came unto the premise 0f the ï¬ndersigned part Lot 10, Con. 4. an, on or about the middle Jzune. a. red ifer wi ' spots. {Ema two yea}. oyner is re. C spots, rféing two yaw owner is re: quested to come and D ve property, pay ex- penses and take her away. WM. BROWN, Tame unto the premises of. the undersigned on or about Sept. 15, two head of ~1mg year old Steers. one red-and white ï¬nd one s on; also two tw0 year old H ers, spo e owner 15 requested to come IOperty pay expenses, and remove the animals. JOHN G. VEALS. Lot '22, Con. 6, Gavan, 48 Fraserville, P. 0, reason, that the luau who is able to work, and can get work, but won’t work, should‘ be made work, but then that petition, like the sword of Democlees, was hanging by a cord only three weeks long over their heads. Upon resuming position the matter was laid over for future determination. Then Josh. McMahon came before the board plead- ing inability to address such ass-tuned wis- dom, but his life-long and intimate knowledge of the Aged Patriarch since the days of our esteemed poor old Steam Bob gave bin: cour- age. He was tickled to see such 2t ï¬ne lot of citizens and if they would allow him two days wages for opening a. drain he would pass upon them as individuals worthy of the blessings of a broken leged man. A some- what heated discussion took place between the Patriach and Councillors Botcson and Campbell upon the remission of taxes to Robt. Lackey on the new street property which after a few personul stabs which would be better left out of council discussions, was left over until next meeting. Probably if the Reeve Would tax all the streets the rate would be lower next year. r Syrup of Figs is for sale \in‘ 75g bottles by all leading dxggggib‘ts. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will rocure it promptly for any one w 0 Wishes yo try it. Manufactured only by the GALIFURNIA FIG SYRUP 60., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. 1.0‘7'9‘731-1-3- KY; NEW YORK" RT. y; whiff they might better adjudicate upon the serious matter. The whole matter would have beenspeeghly (lispmclxed for the suï¬icient [ \Ve dropped into the council chamber ‘on Monday evening to witness our City Futherselear off the slate ofmnniciga work. After routine business of passing accounts had been disposed of, a petition was pre- sented signed by a. large number of village ratepayers (in all earnestness no doubt) asking that the humble village Councillors be pleased to grant; a pension to an old veteran, Sir Willum Gordon. Councillor Bateson suggested with all modest, com- posure. that certain warm quarLex-s in the County Castle be called into requisition, but, the aged Patriarch in the chair of oflice objected; not, so much from principle but, on account of the personal abuse he had received for a similar action before. The board at this junction took a recess of ten minutes, So that, aided by a, ...L:LK‘-1,, - 1 . v . 1- .. - Both the me 0d and results when Syrup of Figs '5 taken; it is pleasant and refreshin o the taste, and acts ently yet rom lyon theKidneys, iver and owels, - tem effectually, dispe ‘ 5, head- aches and fevers and cures a ' a1 constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind everpro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, rompt in its action and truly bene cial in its effects pre ared only from the most healthy anu agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. '77 1‘..- ~A1A in HR... v_-,‘vv,4 Al. The total of admissou on passes was 9,059, 380, making the grand total 27,537,521. The STAR Almanac of Montreal for 1894 has 450 pages. Thirl y thousand facts and twenty thousand subjects It is the great popular Almanac of the day, and it is not sur- prising that the demand for it is so enormous even before a. single copy is ready for sale. TRAYED. The following are the oliiciul fa“ for the “'01'111‘3 Fair, fgr paid adm- a; 2:113 by months up to and mcluding Ouobex' 30, when the ofï¬cial l1fe of the Fair ended ; May ...................... ............ 1.050.037 June .................................. 2.675,]13 July ...................... . . . . . . ..'_’.67.'),262 August ............................. 3,515,493 September ........................... 4.659.871 OCCObeI‘ ...................... p: 01 n 9.: I ( Thousands of lives are saved mfnua] the use of AyerTS Cherry Pectoxkl. J treatment of croup and whooping :ng Pectoml has a most marvelous :ï¬'ec allays inflammation, frees the $511 air- passages, and contmls the desi cough. The latest shle of “cf! card, reads as f ï¬lm‘s. “ presents is requested at Mz.â€"â€"â€"â€" to witness the (laughter to Mr.“- â€"~â€"uu~ Signed Miss ’ â€"W. Thextoxr is selling hardw per cord for gash. It. is goingf orders quickly. ' God at $3.50 ust, seml your 46- STRAY CATTLE. Total. . .. The (‘ity Fathers“ hiding invitation “ 3‘ iss-y0ur ut the housd of marriage of his “at 5 u‘clock. .21 ,480,141 Passes w as 9 ,0 )9, wâ€" _- 3,675,262 3,515,493 .4,659.871 .6,819,364 "011311 the “.flect. It snncted desire to 1w \VE HAVE‘A GOOD ONE. One x3310 knows how 16 out. He makes the chin and we cut the prices. Order our Overcoat or Suit now while It an in moi sud humor over the success of our REA]: REALIZATION SALE. As our GREAT REALIZATION SALE advances, in uder that every department may take a share m makmq thls the Greatest sale 01' the kind ever held by us, we have decided to make another DEEP CUT in prices. The ï¬rst we draw var.) 3119213303‘. in :1! w" THE CUTTER DOES IT. We mean he makes the clothes ï¬t. Nine «mm of ti: looks of a suit of glothes is in the cgtting: 1'.“ u- . e--- f. A .-â€"- A-..“ - _ , 7 “’e have never had such success in this Departx'ncm. Our stock is fast diminishing. In fact. it has got; W that we have decided to clear the balance of :he ism-ck of JACKETS, CAP 23. A MAN TLES at clearing on: prices. Do not delay}? u want these bargains The original prices were hard time quota.- t-ions, as a result ‘ . _ sold already this season 700 ready-made J ackets. I! you dcn’t believe this we can show you the plain ï¬gures for it. MOQUETTE CARPETS are going. We have repeated our order for :20 pieceszmere. Although some interested party would like to make you believe that these gocds wont wear, we are not afraid to give you our word for it, that they wear just as well as when we sold them at $1.75 per yard and more that the mill is now turning out 400 pieces every day. If you want. cheap Carpets call on us whether it is Hemp, Tapestr , Brussels or Moquetts, and we will give you rock bottom prices for the most reliable goo s. ' D|-ul__4_ _._.1 I‘\-_-£__,L_,,, _,,_ L, - , n - . . u . . - _ ,__ u. muqucma, mm we wm give you we}; uouom przces 101' we most rename goods. Blankets and Comforters are havmg thezr turn ; while they last the prices win he :3: same as last week. ‘ TAILORIN G DEPARTMENT. U v is 77777-_â€" v- O-v- «w. --v â€"--- â€"v bv-r V'VM ‘IK’ IVMMVVH LIL“. 25 pieces of Ruching Velvet, Triming, this seasoï¬â€™s importations, at Bargain prices; still a. few pieces left of the $1.00, $1.25, Tweed Dress Goods at, 75c. N GTEâ€"Buy nothing in Dress Goods until you have ï¬rst seen our goods and heard our prices. No trouble to show them, even if you do not, buy: For the next 39 days we have decided to make up dresses :1; GREATLY REDUCE PRICES, so that, every one who is tempted 30 purchase the cheap Dress Goods offered at our sale may have them made up in FIRST-CLASS STYLE for :he price paid for «heap work. Remember this is only for 30 days, so act promptly and leave orders. All work GUARANTEED FIRST-CLASS. e "‘6! om? choicest goods put out on the BARGAIN TABLE with a. DEEP CUT in the prices. We prefer to give our customers bargain lots out of our stock rather than buy any lines of last winter’s goodg we migptget evep'at. red‘uged prices. ‘3: -3434- -3 'n--- :_ M 17-1,“. m - - NOT 130-134 smco: STREET. Peterboro, - Ont Another Crash the Building Paper, Glass Puï¬y? ‘ Lanterns, Cow Ties, At Heasonabie Prices AT woman’s. HEQUEEMENTS ! Fall HOOD'S PILLS do not purge, pain or gripe, but act promptly, easily and emeiently. 25c. and my wife for my restoratién to perfect health.†HARVEY HERD, Laceyvme, 0. At Death’s Door but was entirely cured by Hood’s Sarsaparma. After talkin with Mr. Smith, I concluded to try Hood’s rsaparma. When I had taken two bottles I tel}: ver much better. I have continued taking 1t, an am new feeling excel- lent. I thank God, and Hood’s Sarsaparilla could Scarcely Walk I had 3. vs “5?» ~ \el1of pa1alysis of the throat some 111116.? †$313 mat seemed closed and I could ialr- 1. The doctors said it was caused by 111' a! name and g'axemedicine which I took according odirect1ons,butit did not seem to do me any good. My wife 111' ed me to tr Hood’s Sarsapaulla, telling me of 11. Joseph Smith, who had been “I Thank God and Hood's Sarsaâ€" pariua jan- Perfect Health.†‘“ Gentlemen :' for the beneï¬t of suffering 1m. manity I wish tfstate a few facts: For sevexal ears I have 5 flex ed from catarrh and heal: ailure, getting so bad I could not work and CARPETS "Ami HbUSE FURNISHINGS. Ha_!!,__Gilch_rist Co., DRESSMAKIN G DEPARTMENT. â€"-SU(‘U AS ~â€" JACKETS AND MANTLES. prices. The first we draw your attention to â€"-‘r.‘11ghSpavin Linimnzz e:.1(.vésâ€al 111-1513 11.11931 calloused L;-r1ps andB]e:..ishes 111-11 horses. Blood szwin, 5311:1351, 51:13:11.6, Ring Bone, Sweeney, S r'ins '4 w A; . - an 8110314311 Throat, Cougm, etc. Save 3: O by 1119 me of one bottte. Wu. 3% LIMA“; aux-'9’" 1 l ‘51-: AI‘I’E‘S AND NOSEHS‘ IN TH BEAU“ perm. amntly Luzrtffd by a new. abso 111111.11 1235:1217. '"316: most e..:.ra.or- .1scs have new 52311113 . 2%ated‘m Fm} pa}.n?lm3" 15321- «1 1: <5 of :_;.Zendid wry-t3" " » V teem ‘ 11211: H]: soy-‘13: I-lerber‘ G " "-1, u ,3‘1.'- 1‘. 11â€.: kegsng (1} 1.2370, “0:10 0,53. ‘12.. -}y ‘1. (I 0:“ .a‘ "low! titer“ .w-n " MPRVOV’ED YORK RICE â€Â£30.“. 3-! tr‘ PEI: VK' E. Jim- :24 "nomz‘sium nah: :M: pig that. it: being: kept, In wnicc in 13.2w M :‘L on this: yo: 1‘, am. 9.2,;ch “ii: an, nu}: “f. :y (mn utmost by nsin 'fhjm. IE- is- u hm " worth your a .tc ion. (Ev , .r_u Ezc‘ ore goinvcisewhure. ’ __ to her mi? :: 1 male 0. m2; \EU‘. I! no; 90 paid $.25» Jsi'? 11-.- t ! raged. IHOM 1h HENPV \p. 454‘; 1€t 16. “011‘ 10 'l nu 21;} is . ‘ (FM .0 take: a .i-dom M 2 MY or (‘ï¬mnï¬hm : stow pmmp: pay. f 6pc Nursers numnelm me. Most com- plete in the World. V1 1M, ELLVJANGâ€" ER 6: BARRY Rochester. N. V. ( #5 s YOU SAVE Perseverance In usmg n M“ gwc xclm. «en 9'†use: ol Dong standmg. when: a nut seemed WWI»: and Me seemed hudly womb mung ' '4‘ m AGENTS WAN ..:.-?i Per Bottle,25c,50c.or $1.00 TH US La, 16, can.";o;‘u=am~, ~AT ONCE Ontario a heavy doctor's bll. much diséomfort. mum}; Li . 1‘ .-A pig 11011