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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 21 Dec 1893, p. 7

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Y,‘ on the field no matter What the critics u cold, - - Snparlor knowledge may assume, - Lady, the barns are very o . . . . A. i . . . think or what the cons l 11 Wine aes:aaerr:.n::wee w. o. . .. mention: all: surrealismrum- waqfhs. 1- . 1 t9 f w' ipe" on 11:15:91]“ One cloud of the profound eclipse. ltJhat tgedse rugged gpmgg, in Which, it may Oh take memto-nrght. e po ice magic re. 0 mil 5’. 3 see: amid ; estand e sai eprecating y at the element of . be ed and plead at manya (1001' Saturday, dismissed the two criiiilllfilllbe:I W ltlllneace aniigyfv‘ifigiggfieih‘foughout the danger sometimes adds too much to the Ilavift evggywhere I’ve been. , ' cases brought by Mr. A. W. Ross agall’sh Whilearillg' ‘ _ zest of the contest, are only one form of They’ve bid me roughll’? to move on! Ml" R" 1" Rl°hard59ne in connection ET 0f every 5:131:31; “915%ng gtliéilia‘érifii“ the manifestation of the general disposition Oh lady. take me ”1' the alleged personation at the recent ye Th ° w“ e L “ ' to go afield, to spend as much time as possi- I seemed to hear another voice; election. Toelilhlift? ur inmost souls ascend in praisa ble in the open air and enjoy that exalta- Naked Icame to tgiec. o T... Mon. we... .1... we. .h. screw over who we of spine which comes from pleasure Smkerndti‘é‘it’éita as“ P° ‘- Post-Ofice Inspector of Toronto is Paid find 1101‘ “.3 lruly thank him. one and all, able excitement. It. is tr ue th,“ compara- An ye , . . $2,300 a year. the Montreal Inspector 01'“ h‘SChrists and Vedas great andsmali tlvely few Ere Pfizyglcallq’ equllpped to en- Irllpew thetctipég 3mg: $131813!!!" ' - : , as ' a e in sue con 3 s as oot’oa, 1 om cu , , ~ . receives pnly $2,600, which .t denoui‘icgs . fiutloh. alas! that we should only see gasgeball 010 etc and that th ’ acrosseg Irubbed the little stiffened hands, another injustice towards the Frencn- an 15 OVe and care in fun prosperity? . ’ P . ’. . " . e measureo And chafed the frozen feet. adians. gfigfifg’ giscomfort for a single hour enjoyment ls hfimltaed 1“ fonsequence. Bill? 1 ttl t - . 1'0th us to deny his fostering power! it is not con no to tie players for the I laid him in a i e 09 as _ . The Allan Line Steamship Company h d , h _ contagious enthusmsm of an immense as- And watched him smk to rest. been awarded four thousand four hundre 0h . W on Shall it be clearly understood . - And thanked the Lord for giving me Pounds salvage by the British Admiralty :Ilzfia: S‘V’l's but the darkest shade of good ?â€" :fimbly,;he exhilaratipg plileasurle 0f “will That night 9- Ohild for guest. ° - - - a 8.0% re. t tion ma be blcnt 01133” peop e, en ers “'89 y into t e . 09“.” for safely towmg into. port ihe Do Darkness 8S thgtiugh 93353.. light’df true comple- same total of the enjOYment. And as I Wached his heavy sleep, mrnion Line steamer Sarnia which was ment 2 . Beside his humble bed. . picked u last Au ust b th liontevideane The assembling 0f large. 01'0st on the M tears, unchecked, fell thick and fast P g y e l . ”d But now that we are all assembled here lacrosse, and football field is an evidence of ilpon the tangled head. (1 Ad map named Roger Allan yvrasdiogwd on this glad day, the whitestone of the yearâ€" publicapproval that must count for some- H h h the difference kind Heavenâ€" ea ear y t e other morning on W 00 W As on‘ this elcmtcd plane we stand, thing in our designation of the sport as A . W lielt ed safe ”id warm avenue, St. Thomas. His threat was cut Let us gil’e those below a helping hand. either barbarious or demoralizing. There V‘é‘gillleetlli; p331. wait to me is driven, 230?], car rm ear. CNN?“ 19 at presen; Let each produce what treasure he has got is certainly some danger to the contestant, By peltings of the storm ?” iVic ed be..ween the theories of suicnle 8-11 From any lore he loves â€"no matter what : but it can hardly be said to extend to life t t1 the came to me murder. 'llg‘llaiil th? Christian needs, on 11136:}:000111315 and limb and those are not assured to the Ofigagegicfifif food and rest. On Saturday the Governor-General forrli- 1 5 mp 5 be the Serlll°n;hl‘2‘£1:;t‘)cth man on the street no more than to the con- And warmed him at my kitchen fire, ally °Pp0ned the ROYal Victoria. hospital I: “I u 1a" ' testant in the field. Even the use of the A self invited guest. Montreal, in the presence of a large an - ---â€" bicycle is attended with more or less danger, . . . . . - . . . . . ,and months asscd o distinguished gathering of citizens. Ellie The Beautiful Story. yet its increasmg popularity With both sexes Bililgufififigfiglnfame no more, p n, structure, which is one of the finest 0 its . . may also be taken as anevidence toshowhow Thouvh oft I listened tor the sound kind in the world, 0083 more than 8 million T’s Italézqutiful story that down through the quickly the public seizes and indorses, so to or {Tapping on the door. and a half Of dollars. Comes ‘0 gladden our hearts With its mean- speak, any appliance that increases the Then when the leaves were dead and brown, lco BRITISE L: sublime, ‘ , opportunity for healthful out of door exer- Aniessage came to me, . . . A 33“?“ 350W Inscribed on the _hOllOeft pages, cises and recreation. There are of course “ A child is dying in the town n Lord RgbertfsMnfi 3.23m declined the “ héfrl’llgl‘e bound 1“ the mystical ‘ olume or certain limitations which those who directly And would the lady see. ’ aovernors ip o a. a. ' engage in what are known as strong and . . . . . . dh t,on au erbed Lord Randolph Churchill Is laid up Willi On the girth evil reigned, and deep death- rugged sports must. not refuse to recognize Inxzrvifigtglgie fiwatci‘,‘ intend, ’ a severe attack of influenza. Ovegiflflrgc-‘j 1310.“?th h es like a pall or they will cease to be mainly tests of skill Breathing his sufferinglife away. The total general loss caused by the re- As to ruin :dullulrgfideigd 13:? error deluded. and come to be regarded 8-8 mere exhibitions There lay my little friend. cent strike of the English coal miners is With no hand to deliver from sin’s fatal of brute force. In that event they Will lose With feeble smile he turned and said. now Placed at £33,000,000. thrall- ‘ tie appfival and Patronage of decent peo- Raising his little hand», . . . . d ultimatel interdicted bv law “I’m 201“ to e an ange “We The reat shi canal connectin Man- God so 10Ved the doomed world in its lomz- P e an . ’. y, - ' - h els stand!” Chester fivith the psea has been opened for bondage grieving. . . In modifying the rules Of these games And Mt t o ang tralfie Vainly yearning for peace amid discord and changes should be made so as to give a Wider Poor little Joe! earth gave at last , i" . _ . . . ‘. strife. , 1 b scope to the contest and prevent it from Aplace tolay the head, Ille BrltlSh Admiralty Wlll immediately That £:‘€:XO his dear SOD, SO 0111' OSt race 0- becoming 3, Scrap or a scrimmage. The de. l VVhere nglnelmayxigi'lrgifbgg “move 0D.” peg? if _he constructipn at Chatham Of a In his name might inherit the heavenly life. feet in. this respect is due to the general From t y ow. ' 9'“ es lP 311ml“ tOt e Magnificent. The sad burdens of human sin, sorrow. and dispOSition to bring every game down to And oft the thought will come to me, Mrs. Gladstone and Chief Secretary Mop. weakness. the fine thing. Then it is essentially a game A solace ’mxdmy carts, _ Icy, who are suffering from influenza, show Christ descended from bright glory realms and cannot be characterized as a sport in Pihips gpagngivgplteincntertamed consxderable improvement. to assume. , , the practical or gentlemanly sense. n ng L rd D h F d i For our guilt to atone With ingmiblegicqlinessi: â€"[Sarah H. Bradford. 0 unraven 83 3“ .ere 1’0"! an And achieve joyful triump o'er ea an _,.._.__...___..._h__._.___ _. exceptionally severe attack of influenza, the tomb. outcils now making satisfactory progress to- Earth afforded no place but a manger-bed , Condition otitaly. Energy orthc 31131181! Race. war srecovery. ‘ The authorities at Dublin have decided to institute. a private inquiry into the . v, t' ' hca t-tem les murder of Patrick Recd, also i’ito the But wmh lonng dcvo mu m r p cent discoveries of explcsives. A boy named Vernon, a resident of Edin- burgh, Scotland, has inventrd for photographing projectiles . . a . . 1 . ‘ . With the aid of electricity. And Q’E‘gd be all glory for mercy that frees republicans. The report in Circulation on Wednesday us in London that King Lobengula had been From sin-fetters, and grants usglad life from captured by the South Africa Company’s above. . . forces Was not confirmed at the Colonial â€"[Jcnnie Wilson. Oflice. ___ It it stated that Prof. Tyndall’s death This OhHStma-s' ’ was he was accustomed to take to alleviate sufferings from indigestion, and The British troopship Malabar has been disabled, and is bein This disabled recently, a fact which caused the I Va .. __\~____- THE WEEK’S NEW’ 1’0sz . :0 _ . . CANADIAN. Wm Whats,” linstmas Musings . The steamship W'aldo R. Avery, * Theyared day in the Straits of Mackinaw. That sun is Capt. Burke, of the Canadi‘m tug ASrar chain from the American Governmenl f9? rescuing the crew of an American tug m the Georgian Bay. John Duffy, who said he bebnged t3 Napanee, was stealing a. ride onaGmll. Trunk freight train running from Ham! ton to Toronto when he fell off the “’3’ and was killed. A young man named Thomas Carlwn’ of Orangeville, was instantly killed on a. railway crossing near Inglewood. He was throwu out of a waggon and stnwk by 9. And purer lu~tre on mankind. To wthrough th 3 And What May be That litbu To shed er Whatc‘e many an eastern Buddha’s r the Cling, and mystery must to all Else Prog Hero none lowly and release; ’9' holy. ' of Peace. an apparatus 0ft~repeaied. yet over new story of J cans, in transit ca: ésed by an overdose of chloral.wnich l This Christmas. two little stockings; his Last Christmrlis therclwefrenthree, d ' When m lovc( ones :5 _ee 11 y essaye rheumatism To "spyan " the glittering tree. Laden with all that loving pride Could suggest, With purse-strings free. insomnia. g towed to Malta. . . . ‘ ' . brave] tried, is the third of the four big troopships Hand m hand they y Harr . and V011, and Nan; . inlvfalas! ‘ Then Harry cried: British Government to charter the steam- ! “Once more! Try the heme“ you can! ship India. It is reported that Sir William Harcourt, De" Baby Nell 1°°ked troubled. . - - . th b'g tth mc Bothnia in order to convey troops to 2 Baby Nell. 1f 3 0“ wath 3‘ l a . , my warm-embrace. chancellor of the British Exchequer, is l I‘égéilfigigéfrls‘grow fast." Isaid: considering, among other expedients to “My little treasure. take heart 0 grace, meet to place a. tax of one penny on the shilling on theatre admissions. Eleven prisoners escaped from goal at 3 Camden, Ark” early on Sunday morning. i The wreck of the British ship Jason, lost! the deficit in the budget, a proposal . year soon goes. then we Shall 800 Nam B. b Nell looks troubled, Antllllle gold moon shines so bright 1 0n the sparkling snow 0 er her little grava Far 01? on the hillside to-night. UN ITED STATES. Cnl two Stockin this Christmasâ€" i’sliig deeply thegflhristmas bellâ€"- off Highland Light, Mass, on Tuesday, re- T Hm? and Nan are in my arms‘ sulted in the loss of twenty-six of herl cre W. The official estimates sent to Congress ask f0 1895, as against $421,612,215 for 1834. :Mr. Littledale, of whose travels While Col. A.F. Rodgers and Mr. John 2 inmfggxrfigs reached us from time to H. Coppinger, United States Consul at ' _ . .~ :time have com leted their interesting Toronto, were in conversation on Friday inf jonrfiey and argived at Shanghai. The Alton, . . . advent“ cou 1e left London at the end was reVived,_ and a fight ensued, in which i ofJanua:;113ast fgl‘ Constantinople, whence Consul Coppinger shot Col. Rodgers in the ! ti: ' leg. A dissolution of the Portuguese Cabinet; Oflicials is imminent. ' Forty-three deaths resulted from the , railway collision near Milan on Wednesday l L°b110r and Kokonor the guides were night. The theft of a quantity a train caused a. panic among the inhabitants of Zurich. Influenza is spreading very rapidly in . died t . Austria. One of the presidents and both from lack 0f W5 er the vice-presidents of the Reichsrath are prostrated by the disease. . TheQ mg symptoms of paralysis, and the symp- l the girl’ toms indicate a dangerous attack GeA Berlin correspondent says that two , father informed her that it was the gift of r man Orleans outrages. The wi of the royal tacked with cholera symptoms, and she with her the hospital. Lord Colin Campbell has turned up in They nestle close and whispering fell â€"[W. B. Cossitt. r $411,879,061 for the fiscal year 111., and old dispute between them = en route was through Russia, Tartary, GENERAL‘ mEt with marked courtesy from the Russian when passing through RilSSian ' terI'itory. Their severest trials were in i Thibet and crossing the Pamirs. Between :tfelicherous and finally deserted, leaving r. Littedale and his Wife to direct their course as best they could by the aid of a sextant. A large proportion of the animals succumbed on this part of the road, which took about two months to traverse. Most ‘ of dynamite'from on the Zurich and Zug railway has .m J..â€" The Weddins Ring- The Wedding ring in India is an im- ueen of Roumania is again develop- mense nose ring which often hangs below 3 chin. A beautiful little girl of 12 ' y ears Was presented an elegant ring. Her tramps have been arrested near j ehnsband who was coming next week to in connection with the dynamite e the Wedding feast. There is little or no ‘ { cfiremony merely a grand feast and an ex- ° c “I e ’ , U on the day appoint- f9 0f onle Of :Eefpfliciall] mefiengem l ed ‘1ng olfillllezsedht: begecked with jewels, P3 ace ome as en at- l arrayed in handsbme clothing, in 111.158,. '1 t ‘ ’ l Monty’s” (1 forward to meet the ri e- the farm y have been sent to i grOOmwhoriPilrhe had never seen. Behold, he was White with leprosy! Turning an appeal- ing glance toward her father, who frown- _Hâ€"fi Bombay as a. counsellor employed to defend l megmOt‘iotzled her to advance,she approach- twenty-nine Mohammedans implicated in ' the great ed the le A riest mumbled a few words), thigh sashpover their heads, and “16} Were man and wife. 0, India! i2: facts or fancies of our creed1 3, 65- An as if the but serve our nee s ; 70,000 bushels of corn.was burned on Tu d (gases the brightness of that 810riou called the Star of Bethlehem"â€" Relianee, is to receive a. gold Watch and To shed gerond all other stars, designed 0 various lenses of the soul arm and cheer and elevate the whole. although its broad. supernal beams and muscle even in th n tcOucentrations of the 3108-313 ewhile their radiance o’er the west In ese . train or color of the flame, Bothssylgffi‘] ‘Eht and love are a‘lthe same: To receive Him whose filming brought rest We rejoice. in thy meesage of measureless We could eathy thpan the Christmath tree! : How easy you’ll ‘span ’ the Christmas tree 1” How they loved little sisterâ€"dear Baby Nell. Samarkand, Khokand, and Kashgar. They College Athelellc Sports. One of the most m of the times is the atte letic sports .by the colleges of the breast. the country is natur and socialâ€"but the things patronize the sports The Parliamentary and . im ortant than the results to Jail olit- we may nowfondly welcome thepurc Prmce ical). It is true enough Ella? tlie fibudbncy of the disclosures is to discredit the mon- archical Ministry, and indirectly the mon- archy itself, and thus to strengthen the But the republican party in Italy will take a great deal of strength- ening before it becomes a party with which cal The redemptzqi; tured the krapll in whiph the chief’sltreas. - ure, arms, an ammuni ion were gat iere , - - - 108' scattered his followers, and driven him to £32: 23%: for vehicles, and sidewalks or such straits that he has invited a meeting 9 " ' The person give any who has set out to meet him is not an Eng- lish General, nor an official of the colonial gsggggf tgléfznh bridge. service, but the chief agent of the South g ’ it is necessary to reckon. and the unification of Italy are events recent to be ignored in current polit The house of Savoy . people on account of them, to The claims of the royal family upon people have been as by the unification of Italy as the claims the Hohenzollerns by the unification Germany. the powers that be. her means is manifest, and there may be upon the triple alliance. As a matter ical ambition. engagements equally onerous would doub weight into the opposite scale. ever, is practically out of the statesman would venture to main neutral. tiuue the course he laid out. that cause widespread distress. There is no device that can convert into prosperity and happiness the state of one who must spend more than his income to keep up ap- pearances. Extreme frugality in all de- partments in which excessive expenditure is not a political necessity is the only means by which such a. condition can be mitigated and made tolerable. .To enforce that frugality will be the dlficult and thankless task of the next Indian Minis- try, of whomever it may be composed. _.-â€"â€"__ The more judgment in man has the slower sand the more careful he will be to condemn. ___â€"___, arked characteristics ntion given to‘ ath- ’Twas Christmas Eveâ€"a bitter night. this is so the young men will be found ersonal results . . of the report to the Italiaanhamoer upon r ulc has brought 0“ more strikingly the u - n - 'unrostin , but not restless, energy of the Panamino are likely to be more race. Diricg the past month three col- umns of troops have marched against the Matabele chief, Lobengula, and not only l by their superior a;ms,llput by the use of 'ust the ualities t att e savage warriors - w lire belieiiled to excel in, by swiftness, cun~ 221,133; 1:711:13? £2; at Liver ning, and unflinching endurance of physi- y is too inextricably connected with those events and entitled to too much of the gratitude of the Italian promise of success to any effort for the de- thronement of the second king of Italy. grea tly strengthened It is true that Italy is in trouble, and that all external troubles tend to discredit As Sir Charles Dilke has shown, Italy is the country in which the strain of huge armaments has come nearest to passing the ,limit of elasticity. That her expenditures have been beyond increasing disposition to charge the burden of expenditure. aggravated by corruption, fact, however, the maintenance of an army and navy beyond the ability of the country fairly to sustain has been a matter quite as much of a. popular demand as of monarch~ A proposition to retrench at the expense of the prestige of Italy and her importance in Europe would have no chance of success. Austria and Germany will hold Italy to her engagements, but less be imposed upon her if she threw her That, how. question. An alliance or an “entente” With France would be a most unpopular measure in the present temper of the Italian people, em- bittered as it has been by a series of irri- tating events, of which the newest are very recent. It would be so unpopular that no propose it. It is quite out of the question for Italy to re- A declaration of neutrality now would convert her recent allies into enemies Without making her new friends, and would expose her to the brunt of the next European conflict, in which, whoever might be the gainer, she would be the sure loser. Italy is, in fact, irretrievably com- mitted as to her foreign policy. The suc- cessors of Crispi have no choice but to con- It is a course that binds the nation to engagements that .keep her on the verge of bankruptcy and Poor Little Joe- The wind raved. fierce and wild. country The hour when came fro The holy Savior Child. 'nes assemble to Six stockings round my chimney hung Well laden every one, “Sf one is forcibly re- And now I sat me down to rest, My pleasant duty done. day were brought to- Above, in warmth and comfort lay Six precious little heads. pOWer of skill Safe from the storm that raged without, Th fl‘e Ogqule calisthenics ee cc 0 this devotion . ' _“ ' ' to outdoor sports from the manhood of Fierce howled the Wind Oh God, this night Snug in their little beds. Have pity on the poor!” . ally _being discussed Just then I thought I heard a tap from many paints of Viewâ€"medical, moral crowds continue to . . and flock from all sprinress has no source from which to aides to Witness them, and 33 0f fingers on the door. “ ’Tis but the wind.” I said. but then Trim tappipg came again; (1 An now a my vaice e r long at ' Outside the window pane. Nothing in the recent history of Eng for the purpose of surrender. the African Trading of or because trade and the the primary object. They are even, one sense, the controlling object. 15 that it is inconsistent with the pursuit order, justice, and civilization. During the recent debates in the Hon 8.1) Of land could carry social laws by which the new country she. t- cious plunderers, fifty years been any time or means for labor. of the Matabele is not necessarily justified by their dispossession or persecution of the people of Mashona. But no one doubts that when this latest dispossession shall have been completed the Matabele will have fair chance at a pcaceable and decent life of which they may or may not avail them- selves. In the meanwhile the English will replace the industry of warâ€"the only one known to the Matabeleâ€"by those of min- ing, agriculture, and trade, in some of which the Mashona men will engage gladly and prosperously, and from which an in- finitely greater advantage to the human race will come than from the wild sav- agery of the race that is now undergoing conquest. * M We cannot control but a good life enabl nies. An element of the tongues of others, es us to despise colum- power necessary in every i kind 0‘ work, is quietness and evenness of . southern gate of Damascusâ€"[Sh Louis Re- l m heavenly light on the motion of Mr. Labouchere it was t° complete. The pan will be 1,670 feet ' conceded by Mr. Balfour as it was main- R the total length from “eh" to anchor, 3" taiped by the Ministers that an agency of 200 feet. The towers "11.1 be 280 feet high, this sort was the only one by which Eng- “Pd the center 0f the bridge, .above mean on its work in South high water mark, Wlll be _140 Ieet, five feet Africa, but it was also made clear that the higher than the present hr “136‘ 'There will South African Company would not be left befour railroad tracks. The North River without supervision or control to make war bridge, for Whlch the 11°31“ 9i representa- and peace and to decide on the civil and tives has 1““ passed 3 bill, 13 required ‘50 spirit. . i public; are cocculus indicus, capsicum, quassia, wormwood, cals‘uus root, way and. coriander seeds, czopperas, sul- phunc acxd, cream of tartar, c‘lum, carbon- ate of potash, ground oyster shells, nux vomica, picrotum and strychnine. Of Sixty-seven queens of France only thir- teen have died without leaving their his- tories a record of misery. Eleven were divorced, two executed, nine died young. seven were soon widowed, three cruelly treated, three exiled: the poisoned and broken-hearted made up the rest. That' May marriages are unlucky is a superstition as old as Ovid’s time, and had then passed into a proverb amon the e0 18 which puzzled even Plutarch. g p P ’ The greatest depth recorded of Lake ichigan is 870 feet, or about one-sixth of a mile. . The mean depth is about 325 feet or one-Sixteenth of a mile. Eccentric Richard Webber died at Ma- sontown, Pa., recently. One of his pecul- iarities was to keep his two old horses in the house with himself. Since the beginning of the century France has fallen from the second to the fourth place in point of population among European countries. Our earth has swarms of meteors, than thirty brilliant within an hour. Henry Brock, who is an postmastership of Yellow Springs, 0., is said to weigh over 600 pounds. Nine women out of ten will fuss about a trifle and meet calamity with a calm-eyed iand fearless smile. Statistics show that Russia produces and. nsumes a smaller quantity of beer than any other nation. just passed through and of late no fewer ones have been noted .\ It has been calculated that 800 shots were fired for every man wounded during the own war in the States. An uncut diamond looks very much like a bit of the best gum arable. Traces of the bicycle are found as far back as the fifteenth century. A woman usually likes flattery, even when she recognizes it. The best opals are obtained from Hun- gary and Honduras. Australia produces annually 130,000,000 pounds of wool. The eye that laughs is the eye that weeps easily. California has women tramps. Venezuela has milk trees. Paris taxes funerals. H lish BIG BRIDGES. the There Are Many in Europe, but the U. S. Beats Them All. They are indulging in some big bridge The high-level bridge pool is to con- . ‘ t of three spans on the arched suspen- hardship, have overcome a force at sis - . . .. least five times as great as their own, cap- eion principle, ”Ch 1’100 feet, 100 feet above the river at high water. There is to be a double railway track, a roadway 40 The railway bridge proposed across the Bosphorus at Constantinople would be 8,645 feet long, or nearly the The projected between England and Company. And here is France. runs me. straight line from the the sign of the peculiar spirit that prevails . in English operations of this sort. They structure, as now proposed, would consist are carried on by a commercial company, profits of trade are South Foreland to Cape Blanz Nez. The of 73 spans, alternately 1,300 feet and 1,625 feet long. It would give a clear headway . of 175 feet at every point between the piers. :1: Two bridges just completed across the new while this cannot be held to be a noble pur- North Sea and Baltic Canal have spans Of pose, it would be a. grave mistake to infer 150 feet each, and, besides railways, carry of also a common roadway and footpaths. The new East River (New York) bridge, as as projected, is to take six or seven years 11 have a clear waterway of 2,000 feet and a be regulated. It was even intimated that clear headway above h‘gh water of spring in the course of time the Matabele who tidesof notless than 150 f8?“ . . have now been defeated in fight will be is unique among the world 5. cities of the found supplying the armed police for the first glass in the greatness of its need of MV- British rulers. To Mr. Labouchere, who on or bridges, and m the almost total lack Of this occasion seems to have quite lost his usual . . . cynical self-control and to have fallen into though thirteen 1“ number on the W0 river, a curiously emotional extravagance, these can never serve the purpose 0f bridges for Matabele are a greatly wronged and very . . . . estimable race. They seem in reality to be a London or Paris It 18 an enigma how the race of extraordinarily cruel and rapa- people Of Brooklyn and Jersey City manage who have for some to transfer themselves from one part to on- living on the la- other of what is Virtually one great town. ' ors of t ‘ ' ° Svhen theireslzfitggllxtlzil- 3:35hb232in2:m::i the Columbus festival, transferred 258,953 plunderings have left the poor wretches P51339383” The plans now m progress are Two wrongs to double its capacity. The era. is one of do not make a right, and the dispossession great bridge building. New York such accommodation. The ferry lines, .1. heavy city traffic. To the visitor from The Brooklyn bridge, on October l2,during ....__.__._____._ (fulfilling the Holy Land with Rails. There is now a. great railway system in the course of construction which will girdle the Holy land from one end to the other. A French company has secured a concession for a lme from Beyrouth to Damascus, and has already commenced work on a narrow- gauge road. An English syndicate is now building a railway from Haifa to Damascus, which will be about 140 miles long, starting from Haifa, finding its way along the north- ern base of the range of Carmel to the plain of Esharion, through the valley east of Nazareth, Leaving Mount Tabor it will cross the River Jordan on a trestle and then to the point known as Majemeh, where the Little Jordan joins the great river. At_this point the road will border on the southern shore of Galilee, and almost withouta curve ,along the famous wheat region, biblically. j known as the plains of Bashan, then to the

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