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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 28 Dec 1893, p. 1

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“’5. VOL XXXVI. CH RSSTMAS W. BLAND. VETERINARY SURGEON . 0 (33320350: to '1‘. H.1iassard.) Registered .and Hon. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col. Vegv, Toronto. Lat» terinary Surgeon North “'C5t Moantcd olicc. Bulgary (Attended linioal Lectures Royal Veto ‘ ‘ry Cone c. LondomEng. Dc tistrya s alty. All 0. mortimwd anima treats scientific methods. Dominion hotel. Mi! took. 91y. lory. 011%”: 119 w'a'zer xii reef. Kddress. Post ofiice box 13'). Peterooro. Ont. 7 -6m RCHIBALD 609, $7151: OF MAR- RIAGE LIC N535” illorook, 0n: C. MCKIXNON. M. D., C. 15.1., (SUCCES 0 so; to Dr. Aiddrie) Toronto nd Victoria Unxversxties. Mccntja‘te R0)" College Sur. xeons. Edinburgh, ember Gollcge Ph 'sicians md Surgeons, Ont '0. Office at A. ’1‘. ‘liioit's (3ng store. Afte ‘ c hours at Mr. Wm. RI ardson’s residence, King St... Millbrook, PARENTS AND THE E ‘ 10 GENERAL LY are res cc 2? informed that "hos. Pemberton. :0 are fins" and late Band MasterC Royal hool of antry, Toronto, is now prepared rccciv upils, vocal or instru- mental, athis r ‘ e. Center Street. Private Instruction at any :our. Orders for music and Musical instrumcpts of any and every class promptly attended to. Desires to 3: form the public that he has one of the 74“", Finest and Beaf’Seieci: tacks In Noam, consisting of Dry G . digrg. 310-313 and Shoes, Hats and Ca. , . rush Groceries, (as. Chomp for cash. All knfis 0} produce want- ed and ‘ the highest pyxce :11 cash paid for Eggs at the shop or on the road. T B. COLLINS 8.: (30., BANKEJS, MILL- . BROOK. Farmers: and miner (1 notes discounted. Draurwtésucd on a‘.‘ Ants of (Jan Ida and th: Unit States at, '83: rates. 'lhe collection 0! sale :25. 06 notes a. specialty. Loansmade on t ate. No commission hinged, 0:5 cc, north side of King Sweet. Referenceâ€"Canadian Bank of Commerce. N9 1:" 1 _ . ale to Show MITH 8c PRESTON (SUCCESSORS .0 J. A. V. Fasten) Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries.- kc. Ofiwes, “bed 8; Kells' block, Mill- hrook, Out”, a etrhany on the 2d and 4th 18 Mondays in csarmqnm. Money to loan at lawn, vuy" a Mondays m c‘ lowea: IDDELL ARM IRONG 21 NESBITT. Barristers. Sci itors. Notaries etc.. 00 hour and Bxig to. W.1’. Ridden, B. A. LL. . A. J. Arms. '- .B.A_. )Y. H. N‘csbitt: â€"- '* v 8. A. __ First clay; loans placed Money loaned and invested. Mcxcantize ceflcctwns made an (1 general law buslnesa. W. CLARKE. L. .. DENTIST SPECIAL o nttention given 0 the p ‘ crvation or the natural teeth. Nitr us Oxide Gas for tho'pain~ less extraction of tee ‘ 00d worx guaranteed. Will be at Bethany the 2nd and 4L2: n-londays of each month. Pontypool 15%; and 3rd Monday‘s. Keene: cons may on hand marge stock of Fur- 93mm of kinds. ’1‘:ch showrooms. A. WARD. BARRISTER, ATTORNEY- a: Law, Solicitor, etc. Office in Ontario Block, \Valtun S 'eet,_P6rt Hove. Money to land on the scour real estate. Town and [arm property for sale. J \V. FISHER, Vi'IZERiNARY SURGEON. o Office and resiMcc, Baillieboro, Ont. Will be at. Queen‘s Hotel, Millbrook. every'Samrday. ' Hangman "jr of Maclnne. ’ ' clczx nod We ham. 1 now a large 3H kinds. Flannel: Twscdr‘! qua Hoser â€"y:n- 1 J. t‘ ; £13" u“... --- Agent for R: 1’: Shaun A fiunury. 1-. wuroaa. ACCOUNTANrAND HELLO! CENTRAL. MARRIAGE LICENSES PROFESSIONAL . LANG U" u a“- Hanncls Home-made 3111:1ch Rosary cheap {91' ca 511,...â€" - L Parser 5; Co 3.. fig, “’orks mm firv. Feat-her 1% and Pillows. MUSI$-_ G" 5, “king. Boots-and )5, , csh Groceries, 1’40. All kin/X's of produce want- cst price in cash paid for or on the road. V'Ecelsion Washing in the market. KlNDS 0F awortmcm of firm or“ GOODS. AMBERS. C GA L 5%. Q Q Q. R0 bes ateSog'fs A WEASS NEW GLADSTONE CUTTER ” FOR SALE. HUGHES, “GUNS, TEE FINEST IN THE ,an mason .k the lightest. running and is a general favor- “"~ It of ’cren th amL durability. "anew-:1 32233.1 insboiligur oil. expelling!“ its earsarasoakod'in boilingoil. expelling all $3011. Tfind incur-12:33 greatl tau bags :03; e nt 88. x e e . they“file of ewag on. gtbbntrol the sale: at ghwmonin the ' owmffipg 01 Gwen and “Vera. ‘ All Kinds of Repairing CARRIAGE PAINTING. has arranged to sell tho Brantford Carriage Co.’s and they are offered at. low price- Shmgles All Grades, Doors, Sash, Mauldlngs, Lumber of all kinds Rent in stock. Dry and Dressed Lumber a Specialty. Lime and Port- land Cement, fresh and good. a have a good Sauare Radiant Home coal stove, I dont need it, and will sell it cheap. Delivery made in town or country, where desired. Fearless Barrel Salt for sale. It beats the world. I have a Good Suppiy of Coal and Wood which /»â€"-~~ I wiii Sell Cheap for Cash. ' J AM DJ GARTS. Buggies, and. Cam anketg ATTENTION GIVE)? TO MILLBROOK. ONT... THURSDAY. DEéEMBER 28, 1393. W. THEXTON. Christmas All Seassnabie Gfiefis At W. VANCE‘S, The Villa. (re Clerk, ‘Wm. Turmw, took l'is seat in the Council chamber on Fl‘idav Lt twcl '8 o’clock to receive nominations for council and 011st for 1894. The following were nominated : REEVEâ€"â€"A. FE HG USON, Elected by auchunation. COUNCILLORS. 1’. Campbell, S. 3atosun, Jno. Clark, 3.1). E11i0b,(n \Valtel Greene. Dr. H. A, Turner, Isuzu: Richmdson, “. Pickup. TRUSTEES. A. F01 «119011 I) 01111 Allan, A. Lemh, Geo. Campbell, I. Needham, D. Chamh ers, L. Clam-y. Nominatiuns being closed. Bateson demanded a. poll f cillors and Mr. \V. D. Nu school trustees, and the 11131 journed. Fly sheets were scattered in the afternoon calling a. meeting of village electors in the hall at 7.30 o’clock, p.m., to discuss matters municipal. Mr. W. D. Nugent was appointed chairman and called first upon Reeve Ferguson to speak. ,LL-_ flu'lln :ni-n The Reeve went pretty quy 111w County council business (of which we cannot give a satisfactory report on account of arriving late) but his reâ€" marks on the Poor House question were worthy of consideration. A1- thuugh the maintainance of our indi gent poor should cosu more (which does not seem to be the case from the ex- perience of places Where houses of ref- uge are in existence) still from a sani- tary, humane and civilized standpoint, it seems to us the only proper way to look after the aged poor. A few re- marks followed on local and school afâ€" fairs, after which he took his seat. I Councillor Clark was not ashamed of anything he had done. lie had lived in the place for th1rty-five years and paid taxes for thirty-one. He WE fifiagiéswgm SHELLED 3: UNSHELLED ’ ALMONDS. RAISINS CURRANTS, KICS. W’ GRANGE £2: arr-mm PEEL. CONDENSED 9. MINGE MEAT.“ " LEMONS, CHANGES, c., 84c. PUBLIC MEETING. rvéént pretfix fglly into » p011 for coun- D. Nugenn for the meeting ad- M 1'. Fl. spent his money he eâ€"~not going to Peterboro’ 01' Port Hope. He con cluded by wishing all a happy new year. 1 :1 1. ,1 11 J Isaac Richardson thought the old heads should speak first. He was sur- prised at the Reeve supporting Port Hope back into the counties. He tlmght since Mr. Elliot was retiring he would like to represent his seat for_ that end of the village. He made no promises, but was independent of any man, click or clan. 'Then he. went into anything he didn’t like to be beat, but could not see everybody. He wished one and all a merq Christmas. Mr. W. S. Pickup neverhad inflict- ed a. speech upon such an occasion and thought he would go to But-eson’s on Sunday evening after church and get one from him, which he did, but had lost it in the well. He would he sure to find it in the spring and would give it to them then. He had no serious complaint with the 01d council or with those who were running, they had all promised to vote for him and he for them. He did not want them to H. H. Cmnpbell supposed they expected a great speech from him as they always . . r ‘ 'I ) . ‘I . J . got such. lhe rzaeexc mad mane ex- nlzumtinn for thsga 01d council. He had (Lyme what he thought best, but- the )- hump, buL to vote fur him and three )1: H. .51.. Turner 11." 1. been called 31111; and Consequcn fly did 11131 respond 11) his 11111129. 1‘51. 130.112.9011 had plousuw 111 11131161111119 1 1:11’111‘0 them again for we second time ’11) answer for his dec1ls,l1e had 11:11! <1 11111 pleasant times 10 1ei'lecs 1111 in the 1111111011 and. some not 1.1) pleasant. As regards THE REPORTI: R stat-e ments tne new streets were paid 101‘, ex cept one for which they 11:1 110 deed 5 yet. "‘he $50 rebate he \\:.s 0}»; awed to, sumo of the council thought uifzercnt AS Lu J. CHIC) kexs 371.50 I‘.( cumin .3} (. no bill and muh. m; t sen \x'hotlxer it was correct or not. -\. i m guson 5 his: V was all 0. IL, and flu, (.uuncil Lad 4 mtedit. The 8.;- per cent. interest. Voted it. The 81 per cent. interest: mm a matter for the Reew to answer for. The current notes were for Cn‘can street, which had cost more than exâ€" pected. The Reeve guurzmteed ... it would not exceed $540, hut when the settlement came M r. Ferguwn wanted $50 for Mrs. Medd. The council re- fused to grant it, but carried it at next meeting when he was absent. He had always done his best and had nothing to cover up. The street lights were not satisfactory and he thought the lamp-lighter should be his 0 vn boss. The reeling hose outlay was all rig‘ai'v, {for fires had been numerous. He he;- ‘ed they would support his return to council for 1894. For Trustees only Isaac Needlimn took the platform of those who are re- nmining in the field. He was in favor of opening the station school and a general improvement of the whole school, and if elected would do his best; fortne section. Mr. L. Clarry, after making a few remarks, retired in favor of Mr. Chambers. 311'. R. R. Elliot has; we understand, \vi‘clidrax‘cn his name for the council, and Mr Chambers likewise for the school board “ A Snake in the grass ” is all the more dangerous from being unsuspected. So are many of the blood medicines (flexed the public. , To avoid all risk, ask your druggiss for Ayer’s Sarsaparifla, and also for Aycr’s Almanac, which is just out for new year. fmen veie apt to make mis- Tumbzall’s Do you know that right, now, we are ready for business, with a Grand Assort- ment of bargains never before offered. We 31- ways lead, and are alive Lo the wants of our trade and the times. Remember, we ask no one to buy on the strength of our ad- vernsement ; we only ask you to come on our representation. The quality and price of what we offer, W111 appeal to your own judgement and sell the goods. (av [3 yards Diagonal Snow Fluke Serge, $1.20, well we: t1} $2.40. 6 yards Fine Fancy Snow Flake Serge $1.40, well worth :52 '70. We have secured a. ”large lot of Dress 1oods fresh from the loom for this Season’s Trade, at a price away below Cost of Manu- facture, and are selling them accordingly. 6 yds. Scotch Plaid, good colors, for 750., well worth $1.50. 6 yards Finest Hopsacking, all colors $52.34, well Worth $4.50. 6 yards 54-inch Dress Tweeds, 82"0, well worth $4.80, Fancyfi'crsey Mantle Cloth, for 750. per jag}, “fl! wort!) 8‘2. 6 \ards black all v 001 Henrietta, $2.60 v. ell xx onhfi-‘3. GO. ' Pine; '11: Scalette. for $3.96, well worth $5.00. ,4. mm -, A full range of Hem 1 VS cirrht Sealettes, the best 111akcs,at close, cish prices. 30 yands 3)- inch Grey Cotton, for only :33]. White Cotton, .55 inches wide, only 530.1)81‘ y and. A good Union Carpet, only 330. per yard. Heavy all-13.1101 Shuts and Drmvers, only 853. a suit. Aqnentit‘y of Fine Unshrxnkahle Flannel Shirts, for 77o. each, vorth from $1.25 to $1.50. A Clearing line of White Shirts for 67¢, worth $1.00 A set of Ladies’ fine quality White Under wear, three pieces for 51.20 Fine \Vool Guernsey Underskirts, new make, only $1.25. A fine range of Overcoatings to choose from, to be made up away below our regular prices. 3 Silk Friils for 100. 2 Embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs for 250. 4- Cakes Old Brown \Vindsor Soap for 100. A range of Ladies’ Mantlcs, Ulsters and Dolmans, from 891:. up to $4.80 Some of these goods were as high as $12, our 01le reason for selling them at. these low prices is, they have the plain sleeves. 3 Also a choice assortment of the latest styles at clearing prices OurrM illiner will lxafive neatly trimmed ‘fo Saturday mowing, afternoon' and evening trade about. thirty Hats to select from at $1 to $2 each. Customers with horses can drive to our Simcoe Sti‘ch‘ entrance without, danger of them scaring at the Street Cars. All claims 110‘. consistent wlit the high character of 53' 11) Of 1145 are puruosely avoided by the (ulifornia l 1" 53’1‘up Com- anv. It acts vcntb 01111:: kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing 11 :e S\ste111 effectually, bucit is notacu e-:.ll 11111 makes no ple- tensions that "cry bottle 11 111 not sub- stuntiate. Gnyards Knicker Plaid $1.50, well Fifi}: Linc, (farms. Mr. J 01m Kinsman of Manx-(31‘s Line is very sick with pleurisy at present, we hope soon’ tn hear of his ‘ecovcry. “'8 are 41111 to lwar that Mr. W. C. Tliox'n' d‘. e, \\ ho has been" 1 with la grippe, 1 has ream erefi and IS once more abxc to drive over 11.21qu roads. lax H211rv \Vood spent a f'-W days 13.5% ucek visiting; friends in Emib. ' \'\e mu U141 to state that Y-\Ir. Robert. Hutchison M10 has been ill v. ith la. grippe is able to he out 8.24311.“ _ Mr.]s‘f¢§1nitllof Tommi) is visiting at MI. \‘l . H. \Voud's. DEAFNESS AND NOSIES IN THE HEAD permanently cured by a new absa lately genuine system. The most extraor- dinary cases have been successfully treated Full particulars, with copies of splendid testimonials post free. Herbert. Clifton, 51, Upper Kensington Lane. Luu‘lon, S. E. 6-] y â€"A want, s.11pplied (1.1:. Green has opened the photograph s' 111110 111 Millbrook. {axing fitted it out wit‘ 1 exer’thin'r neces sary to cmry on a fi1st~ class business, in. tends to do firs t- class wmk at, low prices 1 Call at the studio and get acquainted \1 1111 him. ‘ 4-9 2111‘ Q8349 man mmfinoo wanna»? WMHmfiwwmccmx. ¢. c. TERE-ULg (‘umnwmlaisim No. 51 worth

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