lbeaatiï¬er of the com ha}. Try it. At A. at 2 o’clcck the villagers, and the brought in quite to ï¬nd Heaslip’s had mane so much '1 that it. was at ing was doomed. easlip, son of the man named Mac- :n over the bar, on Friday mgbt, about ten 01:10:}: wo o’clock younrr e awakened by the down stairs found my raised an alarm he ï¬re ‘teBoarJ'KingBmcc. g ch 15:12. 1893. Large ' '.,‘ .\'o. 25"": far- 3015 SMITH. n Campbe‘flcroft 0n: CS. b are spread. At- to saving £239 pm- }:z: south west. wind phe store and post ‘D. Perrin aypeared m: the ï¬re engine tot be accorded to 'bas charge of the anner in which he; and some tangible b: be shortly pre- s it is Harness you 'ell I can ï¬t you out me best of stock and n satisfy you as no Bombs, Brushes and to suit. the times. purchasing. Blankets). \III illl- Eb'd Vl‘suic 5' on this and ad :3 they were saved. r heavy as nearly And there was no Rock of COFFINS. kinds of L'ndertakers’ {or and all other. kinds fie, at lowest pnces. brown and White Leg- oocxefls for sale reason » v'escaped in Jack Vin thexp per part down through the dertaker, {‘3 see him, was STRAIN. I LLOTT Bl‘ lat; HI 1 sated 383011 - for Mrs. J. H. HORSNYDER, 152 Paciï¬c Ave., Santa. Cruz, 03.1., writes: “When a. girl at school, in Reading. Ohio, I had a severe attack of brain fever. On my recovery, I found myselI perfectly bald, and, for a. long time: I feared I should be permanently 50. Friends urged me to use Ayer’s Hair Vigor, and, on doing so, my hair \ Began to Grow, peï¬umes. an.d I now have as ï¬ne a head of hair as one could Wish for, being changed, how- ever, from blonds to dark brown.†This year xx“ '1)ch odors of 1-} cdimakcs : “ After a ï¬t of sickness, my hair came out in ccmbfulls. I used two bottles of RMER GALLE‘I, CRAB APPLE: SEELY, wungueuomapa RchSEcKER BOURJOï¬S, (moms .- DELETE’REZ, WHITELILACL TAYLOR, =WHITE_RO_S_E_._ 'WHITE IRIS. 12055 GERANIIFM. kc. ALBUMS, F2 TESEI GOODS XE. CARDS men BOOKLETS, TOY 3001;: mm CHELDREX, C. 111? Bulk or in 3 suitable far and now my hair is over a yard long and very full and heavy. I have recow mended this 7 preparation to others with :PEAU, D’ EspAï¬NE- Ayer’s Hair Vigq: ES gm eï¬Bct}'â€"â€" Mrs. Sidney Carr, 1460 Regina st, Harrisburg, Pa. .ent-al roof. Xmas. -â€"R. Ruddy, Banister, top}: his 3 turkey at the homestead. -â€"The larngtmem of fumes at A. T . . Millbrook. ~King Goodfellow of Omemee s Xmas in town. - â€"â€"Is it 3. Mn want? If so.J JENKINS is in It. Cali and see him “I have used Ayer’s Hair Vigor for several years and always obtained satis- factory results. I know it is the best preparation for the hair that is made.†--0. T. Amati} Mammoth Spring, Ark.‘ St â€"â€"-Mr. T. Ainley ‘ attend the funeral Ainley, last week. Pnp’aredhs Br. J.C. Ayer s: Co..Loweï¬, Man. -â€"W. Thexton i: per cord for cash." or iers quickly. Mars- “Hair“- ï¬g!!! .I. â€"â€"Mcssrs. George and Harry McBean are spending their holidays at. their uncles, Mr. Dawson’s. 5“ . 1 , ,‘l A _____ lunn~ __Rubber Coats neatly repaired } Rubber cement 13 ~17- TOW TALK .. T. ELLIOTT, Smith, Barrister was at frame :2 Ainléy of Mount Fopest came to funeral of his cousin, Mr. A. Pd ruï¬n ms mwoaw 90 Zen Hmwmmcaamsm Cairn»... :EE EBIUGGIST. . / 1‘0. v 19 at $21135 Presents. :lling ,ub' illbrook. 48 of Omemee spent 1" wood at $3.50 gomg fast, send your 46- V assortment of 1’ *- and Overshoes Archer's, also ViNGUA ,If you want F Bo , Rubbers and Overshoes at Mum; go. to WM. Amrzm-ZR’S. . 4.3 ‘ ,Quite a. pleasure party from Bethany Look in the tea. and concert at. the town hall Xmas evening, given by the Presbyterians. “For cho‘: ,fresh Lemon, Orange .nul Citron Pedé‘fl‘ï¬ces and extracts go to R. E. Stan ons. . â€Mrs. Jas. McKnight, of Brown City Mass.. is visiting her brother, Mr. Robt. Irwin. â€Prayer Books, ymn Books, Bibles, Writing Desks am a hos other articles just the thins: for ‘ , mas presents a: A. LE man’s. 4s “Xmas passed off rather quietly in town. The band did some serenading, and a knot; of boys and older heads on the corner op- ‘posite the Queen’s tried their hand at snow- balling the passers by. _.Miss Bowes. the elocutionist who was to appear on behalf of the Oddfellows on Fri- day evening has sent word that on account. of sickness, the recital is postponed until further notice. “Christmas is almost here! Have you bought your fruit? If u all at. R. E. Stanton’s agid see stock of Raisins, Currents 836., are better than any other y‘ems No trouble to show the } goods. â€"-The young people of town worshipers of Tcrpsichorc gathered in the town hall on Tuesday evening and tripped the light fan- mstic for a. few hdurs. â€"â€"M r. L. S. Clairrymhas a few of those handsome cutters left and in o ispose of them before the sea. 3 too far advanc- ed he will give y' . bargain on anything you want- for the next. two weeks. Only one Gladstone cutter left. Call at once and see for yourself as prices are out wide open. â€"-Our Carrier Boy. Next- week the REPORTER’S ever faithful carrier boy will be on his annual visit and expects his pockets will afterwards jingle with many pieces of ‘silver. If he has been faithful through wind and storm during the year, don’t forget the carrier boy. â€"â€"C:ndiga.n 0v e1 Shoes for Ladies, Misses and Clï¬fdreu are the neabesb, lightest and" most comenient CV 81- 513085 in t1 et. You can Get ithem at T. B. JE\KI IXS’. 50- â€"\\'110 says we are not going to ban 9 sleighinw fox: “ï¬nas' what 1s a sleigh lide \\ 413110111; 5 and Robes, T. B. J LNhI\ is *‘ outï¬tter in these lines. 50 â€"Econom\ is {he “a. run]. But it is false econopfx’ 0w \oux horses to stand shix e or \\ amt- of blankets when they can be bought 36 cheap at ‘T. B. JEXKn’s. ‘ 50 â€"â€"Listen to this offer. If gum want the local news together with the foreign happenings (1:11.15 'in a nutshell, The Mill- ‘brook REPORTE rand Toronto Daily World both for $2.50 a. gear, an offer hitherto un- heard of, and ï¬rmly secured by cash in mivancc. â€"We sorrew to have toreyort the acci- dental death of the two year old daughter of Dr. Allen of Zl'eronto, and grand child of our venerable Archéeacon. Thelittle girl was in charged of a. :nurse, and by her left alone for a. few minutes when it get to near the ï¬re and was so severely burnt that death ensued. Ares: transplanted in the bud to Bloom in the garden above. The afflicted friends. have our warmest sympathy. â€"Abtotlzer \c-emmunicat-ion from “ Rate- payer †camete :haml too late for insertion, dealing rather .-5-e\'erely with the explana- tions aml‘omniéesions at the {sublic meeting “ 0n Fritim,’ evening. He criticises in very; trenclwmt terms, the ansatisï¬awtory reply of f the Reere to.hi.~; strictures of last week, and: handles without gloves the :l‘alf heartedf Way in Vikicll'tlaf aspirants fer the council1 and selmeJ-hoami-tliscussed these important questions. MTeam sorry our forms are full and hmfletepagzer will be satisï¬ed that he may hawe siren anirish verdict. “-not guilty but (lent-1 (€13 itagï¬m.“ ~The Pxesbytenim tea. and ceoncern on Xmas night, notwit‘k standing theaisual hard lines as to» tile weather was fairly ï¬wcessful. The ladies wepaneia good tea. in $153 council chamber amd are programme, althmgh alto- gether of Focal .talczc; was well perceived. Miss Winslo w game at'krcc recitation: very mosey Musk and the Gobblins acceptablv. I. will get v0“, t e7 wr .ncxdered in a. la. Sarah Lord Bailey fashion Miss Cornell 9.150;ng to the deligm of' the audience, and Mrs. Bloodsworth ggvc' ~two instrumentals in ï¬niShed style. Nov forgetting the trio of boys who are always well received in their :COInic song, and (;_ (,‘men cc the mouthorgzm it.“ Whole evening must; be reported very ‘1 enjoyable. the following ofï¬cers ,were e ensuing year :â€"- W. M.â€"â€"R. Ruddy, . I. P. M.â€"â€"H. Turner, M. i S. W,._Dp, H. A. Turner, J. W. â€"w. T. Wood, Treas.â€"â€"R. J. Dcak. Scanâ€"R. H. Hunter, Chaplainâ€"H. Turner, M. Tylenâ€"Geo. Lock. Lodge, A. F.' .A. M.» ~At a. regular wu» -V notzwit‘k standing theaasual hard 9 weather was fairly ï¬wcessful. zepanecla good tea. in Elie, council the prqgramme, althmgh alto- ml .talcxc: was well .mceived. v; game ~t'krcc recitatione very foggy Musk and the Gabblins t e5 ‘6 .ncxdered in a. 11 ï¬zrah ’asmcn. Miss Corneil alscsang meeting 0f 3‘. 13 Hall LL, on (l’iamadzny last, '3 .were elem-all for the tea. and ï¬ancert on B. Hall After Physicians Failed, Hood’s Sarsaparilla Perfectly Cured. Great mental agony is endured by arents who see their children suffering grom diseases caused by impure blood, and for which there seems no cure. This is turned to joy when Hood’s Sarsaparilla is resorted to, for it expels the foul humors from the blood, and restores the dis- eased skin to fresh. healthy brightness. Read the following from grateful parents : “ To C. I. Hood 8: 00., Lowell, Mass.: Both Had Eczema “We think Hood’s Sarsaparilla is the most valuable medicine on the market for skin diseases. Our two children suflggggï¬gg bly with the Worst Form of Eczema for two years. We had three physicians in that time. but neither _of them succeeded in curing them or evengn ï¬llvm them a little relief. At last we med 90 ‘s Sarsaparilla and in a month both chlldren were per- fectly cured. We recommend â€" you tried the Ca digan over-shoe. "Eor cox 1»th an} commi- ence they nsurpaesed. T. B. JENKINS. :3?)- as a stand“ rd family medicine, and we I . be withoutr'it.†MR. and MRS. M. M. 853.21%? 1412 2nd Avenue, Altoona, Pa. HOOD’S PILLS cure liver ills, constipation, binousness, jaundice, sick headache, indigestion. Hood’s Sarsaparilla (tentrcville. The Y. P. S. C. E. have c119: 1rud their night of meeting to Sunday eve-:1i11g ufzer church service, and the seeiccy has to regret the loss of Miss \Yilhelmina Robinson who has been quite an acquisition to their num- ber during her term of teaching in Mix-view school, where she was Lu: recipient (-f of a. beautiful present on the eve of her departure and the following address. MISS ROBINSON, U: Dear Friend and Taiwanâ€"it is with sorrow that we contemplate your departure and the severance of the relationship now existing between us. However you nu y be zusum’t that you have our sympathies and our best wichcs for success in your new ï¬eld of hibm‘. While here you have won) the esteem ofuil with '. 'hom ' 7 I ‘7. .. 4 ..... ‘ lun- rnn ‘nut'n {Hid Here you H-fl'l U H Uu nus. VD\\,vn-n V. in. . _.,, . you assognapud and as a logic-her you huyc laud the foundation of information Much ‘9’“) make 'our boys and girls of [0-day develop mu) mep and women of whonu_you__1nay be proud. . \\ 0 ask yop to accch_ gh's gums n. goscu ot the good “Flu of your incpds and pupils who vgsh you many Merry Ulmstnmscs and Happy New lears. Miss Robinson thanked the 1 0 10m in u very 1:9‘casing manner for the u expected gift which will remind her of the pleasant days she spent in Fairvicw school. ‘ . > n o ‘ I v ‘ Miss Carrie Fair, B A. of \\ oodstocn and Miss Becca. Fair: of Peterbox‘o are spendtng a few days at, the homestead. v.- n ph_L_.1\Amfl ,4 â€.1 .a >¢ :n \viei‘inu Miss’Am‘de Hall or L’eLeI-noro 15 undue; her father. “’9 are pleased to note that our worthy Gavan councillor for many years, Mr. W. J. )onaldson, who lives near hear was elected Depufty Reeve last Friday by ucclamation. ‘ ‘ , '3â€" A» A-\A.!na] run-21in Witl’l Ueputy {EUCVC luau xunou 7,, Our general store 'is re-open quite a genial merchant Mr. Whom we wash success. { At flue nominations held here last Friday all the member of the 01d council in South Monoghau were nominated again and two new men. Reeve, Mr. “'11). l‘erisou. . Councillors, Messrs. Jug. Greer, H. Hutchinson, R. Fisher and J.. W. Dawson. New men, Mr. Wm. McAilister for roeve, Mr, Wm. Mclllmoyle fur a. councillor. 311‘. Editor we wish you and the many \Y _ u. \7nn ‘0 ed again with Jas. Lung, 4‘14. y‘lluv; n v ...... readers of yom paper a. Happy At the earnest solicitation of many mem- iberstofgthe school section both in village and (township, I have decided to stand for trustee to: the ' 'llbrook school section and ask your vote and support, promising to (lo emythiug in my power for the advance- meat of the school. Not having time at my disposalat ,present to make a personal can- --m- T mm‘in ask vou for your vote and influence. SANDESBSOX-{In Bridgeport, Alabama. Nove’n- ber. 28th 18%. games Sanderp'on. aged 32 years, formerly ot M119 brook, leavmg and one chlld GIBSL3N_-~â€"AE Pegrï¬own,‘ on Saturday, Decem- ber 23, 1:33,, Wdlmm beson, :1ng 95 Years. â€##â€" Oue minute (flu-e for Toothache. Toothache, the most common and one of the most; painful .aï¬'ections, is instantly cured by the application of Polson‘s Nervi- !ino. l’olson's N erviline is a combination of powerful anodyncs, and it strikes at once to the nerves, soothing ,them and affording in one minute total relief from pain. Mothers, try it for your children’s toothache. Ner- vi-line is sold in 10 and ‘25 cent bottles by all SOMEWHERE BETWEEN REEVE FER- 1 )ominion Hotel corner. a purse gpspn‘s and L _ _ contaxmng a sumpf money, a $3 13111 and_ some small sflvcr. A hbeml reward W111 be given to the ï¬nder if t‘hcvpursc is left at the house of , A «m u MITLLIG‘ N. Scrofula eradicated eases cured by Hood by its \imlxzing a! makes pme blood. To ..the Eleetors 9f Millhmsl: ! *2w-51 LES AND (:ENTLMENzâ€" In Its Worst Form W;n ask you The Tomb. cated and7 all kindred (lis- Hood’s Sarsaparilla, wlnch 1g and alterative efl‘ccts, Yours Respectively, I, NEEDHAM: LOST- 5 M5“: an Lulu nunâ€- - MR. H MULLIG AN. Le donorsm u tne unexpected of the pleasant 4 New Year. visiting It; is about two weeks till our buyer for Spring Goois am We hzue Six Thou; __ ___ ‘A If genuine Bargaim .will bring the people? wr, - season and sq are prepared for the next two weeks to Cu. Offering HOLIDAY BARGAINS that will :3: able every one to flu.) mas present of some kind. Read carefully our lisu uf bargains and be \n. hand early to secure them. Special mention might be made' of Drew Goods and Silks reduced this week. A196 a lut of 5311: ï¬zmdk-‘frchinf‘; ‘zmzrg‘m at- a Bankrupt price, and to clear the lot we offer they. at less: than Regular Wholeâ€" ' sale prices. You know we always have what/we adwrtise. Aim 2. lot. of Lovely W001 Shawls. . .-ge, Wurth l4 ; 20 c102. Puie Silk Handkerchiefs, soul; 0de Priceâ€"3 for - ~ - - « 2 -.') dcz. Pure Silk Handkerchiefs, heavv mnmmlle .:y, ww Sale Priceâ€"2 for - 10 (102. Men’s Silk Initial Ha) dkerchiefJ/S e Price 10 H // 30 Pieces of expensive ranch Dress Leadin-r Shades, com rising Hopsac Diagonal Effects. The. Price â€" 1 ,OOO yaxds Shot, Silks worth $1 to $1... 5 .),~ ' a r.) 1,000 yards Flannel, French Printed, our regular (30c. Sara, :‘rr. , 100 {i .‘ ll “ .. 500. .2 1,000 yards Flannelette worth 80., Sale Price - - 500 yards Flannelette worth 12%., Sale Price. - - - - a 1 200 yards Grey Cotton worth 80., Sale Price â€" - - - 2,000 yards Cottonade, regular 22o. Goods, Sale Price , - 1,000 yards Opera Flannel, regular 30c. grinds, Sale Prim - - J UST ARRIVEDâ€"A repeat order of “'001 Braids, mostly close prices. ‘ Also New Veilings in Black with White for. All 1 MEN’S FURNISHINGS,â€"25 dozen new Ties worth 33¢, $2.1 a. very ï¬ne lot and will go fast. 10 (102. better gnmls for Christmas 'i‘rmle to g Bargains in Socks, Underwear, Wool Shawls, (kc. B'lILLINERY AND l’lANTLES.â€"â€"Thcse two departments are booming, a: said good-bye to proï¬t- on the balance of our stack. DRESSMAKING.-â€"Orders are flowing in at our redxteerl prices. All work ‘: Comforters, Blankets Elderdown Cosies {H‘fll Cashinms. ‘ The above goods have been put down at wholesale prices. and {his gives tunity to get real ï¬rst-class goods at little :zzoney. Everyone should see Shawls at 50c. This is a chance that everyone 5330le not full to take mimnmg "“ â€W best Valuer . l e a . \ . . w o< am J8 comineeu 1.1a; new me f0 ‘ ome (All {mil see these 2,0 is l l ' l ’ . /v “gyms. mama-134 SEMCOE STREET. Peterbem, - 0m 3 lbs.{Royal Mix 039g You cWapes, 0.0. Grann- berries, Flox'lcaOranges at 300. per don, Missouria. Lemons at 20c. per (102., Fresh Oysters at 400. per quart, Fresh Oysters in Cans at 250. a. can. Our stock of Fancy Goods must be seen to be appreciated. Prices away down. Stock of Confectionary never more com- plete. Canned goods a specia‘ty. Biscuits and Fancy Cakes from best. mrnufacturers. Oyster Parlor and Lunch Room. Oysters served in any style. Good square Lunch 15c. - 53' Don’t forget the place, Opposite J. Giilott’s Cabinet. \Vare- rooms, King-st West. $6,363 Ta REALEZ Winter REQUIREMENTS ! (miss Cow.Ties, . ‘ At Reasonable Prices ~ AT GARDINER’S. . Building Pager, Lanterns, AND we ARE Gd Call and inspect. J. ROBINSON YOUNG. HSSIERY, amvzs, Apia ammcms flonfectionery You can get AT ?SUCII ASâ€" ‘ive rench Dress Goods, all New Goods and ' - ‘ ‘ - and AND STE htty, STAPLE seamen. is nouns Arm sums. $0., Sale Bnce - 80., Sale Price - 220. G xods, Sale Price [1131‘30‘1 Edutik bale} i'i Cosiés and Cushions. down at wholesale prices, and this gives an 0 at little money. Everyone should see our Lt everyone ghoul not fail to take advanmge of. l be convinced tum they are the best value ever (i 1 L our regular (30c. 82v. -- 500. '25, Sale Price STR‘WgD um um Pamlsm OF Martin P arkc r.Bz.i}ieb9ra thrcclasts Dring tested 10 3:: me ~ calves. in: ow Dorie, xe petty pay :xpcnucs :md STRAYED FROM THE PREMIS'L the nndersi ned. L0: 17, Con. 5, Cav er about the ISt of xovember. Five Yea â€"two Steers am} {hrceLHcifcrs. One A... u‘r'h;f‘l ' 1 “’0 steers is gray a :u we Uuu heifers are red ‘nd whit-c Any person gi ' 'r such lead to their rccovc. 3 Came unto thgdprcmiscs of the ugders’igned on or about. Sept. 15. two head og-tï¬'o year old Steers, oneï¬cd and whitgraahd one mSfotted, also two tflo year old ,H'elfers, spot . The owner is queste dome and prove property pay expen- , remove the animals. JOHN G. VEALS. Lot 22, 091). 6. Cï¬yan‘,‘ .\ Came unto the premises of the undersigned part Lot 10, Con. 4.433van, on‘or about the middle June. a. red Heifer with some white, spots, rising twv‘years old. The owner is re- quested to come ami "31'0"? propertyypay 0X- penses and take her away. x" ' I ,W‘M. BROWN, .F Strayed into the premises of Thos. Elliott. Lot; 19. Con. 8. Gavan. on or about the 5th 01 July?’ :1 red and white hgï¬amm short home; a scar on her forehead or right car split, sing two year old. Th owner is reque: d to prove property pay ex see and ta ' er away. ' . ELLIOTT. DISSOLUTION 0f PARTNERSHIP l' a 0x3 Q TRAYED. HE PARTNERS {P’ ï¬t’ah‘i‘omx‘r: EX- ‘istlng bet-we . enry Dunfor mud Gcc, Fletcher. under me name and SI of Dunford : Fletcher, as garrlage Make; t Cavanvillc, is this<laylllsso1\'ed by 1 al pensent. The busmcss wulfhcreaft e carrxcgl on at _the same place b) et‘chcr. who 15 aurhonzed to collect all accounts owing the late ï¬rm and who will alto pay all debts agamst the said W’itneas. '~ 49: ' ALBERT HILTON. Dated this 30th day of October, 1893. mm mm m... LozENGEs.,é1wa‘is prompt, reliable, safe and pleasant, reqmnng no after medicine. Never failing. Leave no bad °§‘“5' Price. 25 gents per Box _. TRAYED. 1-\ i" .A. min Pn‘k or. Bailiebqra thrcclast 91 ow nor is re 11%.:th 10 3:; «he he 15m 0: ‘xuyumuu. A .. y - -,., V cm and three Heifers. One of ‘he ‘1‘: and the other white; mo 0 c red grid whit-c and the o ‘ . as red 7 ‘ ' ‘ ‘nn tis.‘ \\'il ESTRAV CATTLE. ESTRAY CATTLE. i-g; (WC. 3 \ confer a favor. WM. ARMSTRONG. 7th Linc Gavan, Millbrook ' i! q' , a‘JC. Gntario. h GEORGE FLE I‘CHER, HEN RY DU .\' FORD. 49x4 w widzhs, all at st Novelties. 25c. These are ~ « a to :10 for .900. .4 FOR the removal of! worms of all 4 \ch, . ' If 4 the rave .dcalings must; L‘ANK HORN; Pontypool. HP, El 'ï¬lm's‘c‘ri-iue, P. 0. 211" ll :’ mien “94.5.. on w 95‘»qu ,nteed. 50c. 7 50. 496. 300. 5'6. 70. 6.1L- 15c 20c. DC. ')p0r- VK 001 J list :33: red 2‘. r' Wii Ca'van. ‘avan.