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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 28 Dec 1893, p. 8

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With many clergymen, public speakers, singers. and actors, Ayer’s Cherry Pectcral is the furorite remedy for hoarseness and all affeut'ians (f the vbcal organs, throat, and l'vmrs. Its anodyne agd expectomnt “at- effects are promptly realized. In R. "picer was joined in the holy bum? .scf wedlock to Miss E. J. Powell. a, sh LIL whiie ago and accoxxiingly they garca. party i1. honor of the affair :1 her brczlzez’ .,5 MP. Thcs. Powell, whic! was V8.j5..«b‘3ofl cx'ervthing passed off vezy pi... {Enlflti‘h Mr. J. R. Peaéock happened with ascrious accident. some little time ago, he got his hand badlv cut while using the chaff cutter, Iosi 13: one finaer altogether and all the others were bacfiy cut. E 353 M J. Ileat-ty‘s family are laid up with is, also Miss Ella Smith our clerk. The trustees of Oak Hill 8.8. have engaged the services of Miss S. Trull for another year. Miss Tamblyn is staying on in our school. Mr. David Barkw 11 is improving his house by putting a pgw addition to it. giving and receiving of gifts, etc. Ln. grippe is working here as well as in other piaces. R. S Powers has been sick with i‘: for several weeks but we are happy to say he is able to'be out of bed again, but still conflued to the hoqse. Near all of Mrs. ‘1 1‘ .. minke! ‘n‘ille Christmas has come, and with it all the joma and pleasures of the season, the feasting, giving»; and receiving of gifts. ptr: 1d amine space W11 Dairy Utensils. Hm mom) ASHLEY, or no zeztuctiim {are will be ajowed on re- tur. passage. The reduced fare is only allowed on yaur return passage, and only attainable on your getti; g c :‘Lificatc from Ticket Agent at starting point, and then ceztiflcd to by the Secretary 0 the Association at the conven- chasi. - g 3' (my tLCkC at. s: a1‘:t':.g point a Ampic time will be gich for askmrz of questions and discussions ofa II the 3113 ,jects, includi: Silos, constr: «stir-n of. gram-sin" of Fodder (1.11, filling of Silos, feeding of Ensilage, and ever thin gr rm 1:11 i1in2: in the x. boa. iz.:erest of {1sz farmers and (11 mix 110.1. REDUCE?) RA IL'v. AY 11.111: >5. Heducde ‘caiiwav fa: as to 11!! '1' in: ding the convention secured bv ohtainim’: a cer tificn‘ c f: 0.11 t! e ’11 -"et .2ng; .t at the sta rt~i ing poi- 11, and wetting the):3 same certihc d to bye the Sec xetai‘y at tloie conveniion. Le 31110111111 ask for certificate when 1111.. 2011. , i‘ 0‘ V V.-- ----.. --~‘v~-ruv\§ A-l p-.y lunpcx time and manner. The Minister of Agriculture for the Pro- vince of Ontario, Hon John Dryden, and one 3‘; two of the Professors from the Model Farm at Guelph, and others, are expected to be with us and address .he mcnzbe ‘s of the Association. Ampic time will be given for ugh-Eng nf Mr. 1". T. Shutt, Chicf Chemist of the Dominion "prcrimental Farm of Ottawa, who has been doing some vcrv valuaulc woxk m the analvsiso of Fodder Corn and Milk, will make the same known at our convention, s}- ouing the value of bo<1cler Com, if gmwn and hawsted in the proper £1--- , . Prof. J. H. Roberts; of Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., who has charge of the Agri- cultural Farm there; I‘leo‘.'e1'nor\Hoanl, of Ft». Atkinson, ‘Wiscousin, U. 8., both of whom have had large and valuable experi- ence in all matters pertaining to the Dairy, in feeding and producing milk; will deliver addresses specially prepared for farmers and (lairymeu. l'ml. Ra’uiixsun, of the Dairf Department, Eq-er‘mental Farm, Ottawa, who is autlmriiy on butter and cheese, will also give his erL‘Z‘iCElue at the “'orld's Fair, and ex- periments in {he dairy department as well as valuable hints and suggestions to cheese- nakez‘s, (lairymen and farmers. The annual meeting and conventioxi of theabove Association wiil be he ‘(I in the town of Peterboro,’ Ont, on Wednesday and Thurs law, ganuary, 31d up 1d 4th 1894. u, Dairymen'» Association. of Ens! cm Ontario. 7 v.2 , ---~v “n -nw-u M ( :‘u :e of Port Hope and otbei‘s. Hump ASHLEY, WM. BIZZELL, r‘ecretary Bellevillc 01:}. President. Don’t REFUSE CHEAP IMITATIONS n- DOES swim HARD There’s Nothing 45 Like a space will be provided to exhibit :- noquAWAv WITH Bgrémc flhRD RUBBING BACKACHES SORE HANDS ask for certificate wzzen In Licket cf Raiivz'zx Ticket A5- {at over eacn line of Railvxm, -. {are will be aiowed on re u? \Y‘t -tu . ANOTHER WASH‘ DAY 60 BY WITHOUT TRYING Sunlight n for asking of all the subjects, Over "2,600 Men‘s Youth’: ‘We are boufi‘d ~t0~clctifi€€he Yeoman of the Cc try 1: we have to do it for almost nothing.§ Our Winte? attack on hard times~$40,000 worth of Great 36113113150 Ehe vcr z,bUU Men's Youth’s and bows Overcoat-s. Overt-oats $18, $16 and $15 going for $9. Ask to see our oyvercoats, Men’s size, 353.90. Elegant Cape I Overcnats for: Boys 352, $3 and $3.50, worth double. Over $15,009 pairs Men’s, Ladies, Boys and Children’s Boots and Shoes V’Vbeu you come to Peterboro be sure you visit- The Jewe ~ ._-,-~_.~ wan- AWAY .3 And if you want anything in the Watch, Clock 07‘ Jewellery line f you will strike it rich by calling on us now. Our stock is large .x and we must- mal-ze room for our Christmas goods, which will con- DOWN ? sis: of the handsomest, nohhiest and mest unique designs for " Chr'simas presents ever brought into Millhrock. “When you are in {own give us :2. uni}, we wili be pleased to show you our stock and we are certain our present low prices Wm surprise you. Infigeeta’clcs we are in a position to suit you. ‘v. ‘ â€"‘ < ‘5. 5 ‘w . 0 “say REMI'IMBLRâ€"wemm’ia to clearnut. 011‘ present stock and if you need any- thing in our line you have a chance to get a bargain nuns“. The Wonderful Cheap‘ Fina CLOTHING, Ye found a manufacturer in a hole, x dangied before his eyes the bait of cash. He bit, and we secured the finest and best bargain lot of goods ever got holdpf. Everythmg Markefi fieWn E If you havebeen thinking of placing a Furnace in in your house this fail you * ill consult your: own in- teresrs by giving us a c before placing your order. In Stoves w can gi you anything from the small- est Box St {9 L9» e finest Range manufactured. pon’t forget u’S’in the Tlnwape line and Eavetpough- mg. Don’t Miss this Sale. will be made in almost every line. This is the greatest the pubiic for the purchase of first-class goods at : "fl Milibmak: SEWEQE 2% m As he is 1x711: t-ion to effect- whole stock. IMHENSE STQCK WILL BE SQLD BEGABDLESS 0F COST SEE 9BR WATTBASS, ELQIH 5E5} REESKFQRB WATCHES. GROCEHIES, Greekery, {flags-W ma Silvefwape, W 1U, And MWOODS FOR CHRISTMAS. MUST BE SOLD Within the Next If you "havejé'éen A REDUCTION OF 20 m 4.9 PER GENT. ‘ Fifi-17d 1.; get out of business by the first day of 1% ) effect a. speedy clearanceâ€"and has decided to ma]; stock. It would be to the advantage of every intm how much they can save at t BIGSLAUGHTER $ALEu The Largst- and most Complete Stock between Mom,“ ‘ \ p ,v . v A m. ‘Een Tâ€"uâ€" ’ ”'6”. VJ WWI/A, IS WHAT YOU .{EOUIRE gTEELE, '9’ that thé a DEYELU Men, LGclsay and Peterborough. ‘vu Are Suffefing‘f‘mm g Lun Troubles; Have Lam Flesh throu g‘ I Are Threatened with g Have a. Very Bad Em Am Snfferlna- rm... . THE WHOLE 0F . S. PEGKUP. Ehe fig” TENQ TQQUSANES y or behruary next. It; is :his inten- ?})1:x1;e a: tremendous sacrifice on the . uncndmg purchaser to call and see u“ .»L A‘ - King-$3., Millbpook, at this : ufl’cr th :t has ever been made to such nmwelously low prices. ”’13 .a. QEYELL. ‘ebruary next. It; x1 , _ «Ionueal and Toronto of Yogsqmption. of the Coun- AND WE ARE RESOLVED T0 SELL AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PBIJ‘E FESE CASH. WE HAVE THE LARGWAND BEST ASSORTMENT OF ROBES AND HUB-SE BLMKETS IN TOWN . Rabas and Blafiééetgm MEN’S bFUR COATS, $17. to $25. MEN’ S CAPS, LARGE VARIETY FROM 75c. to $7. 00. - RGBES, $6.00 to $16. 00. WANTED. ---200 RDS OF Y 00D IN EXEHAN E FOR GGGDS. Scott’s Emulsion cures Caughs’ Golds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemic and Wasting Diseases. Prevents Wasting in Children. Almost as palatable as Milk. Get only the genuine.‘ pre. pared by Scott a; Bowne, Belleville. Sold by 8‘11 Dmggists, 50 cents and 81.00. Christmas Gwfis! r F“ . That dréaded and dreadful usease! What shall fitay its ravages? Thousands cry Scott’g Emulsion of pure N orweglan as curedgus 0f consumption in iis first stages. Have you akough or cold ute or Zeading to consumption? Malfemg dfih’ffi take Every Thursday Friday Market Days. Coal is a chosts cash, Man is a fool and quite rash, He sells Coal on trust and then goes bust, And nothing is left but ashes and dust. ‘ w”"iv‘ ‘You may need it tonight EINKELLER fl Sickness Comes I be eBuyingaBottle of PE DAVIS ADVERTISEMENT Cash paid for Furs. . PAYN E. FOR . JENKINga ‘ “m Millbrook manufacturer, can supply on with any (jcsxgn 9f pump you want-and . “Prices to sun; the nnes. Among those of EEO“? manufact e or that of any other 'L_1_1_ LL J. “"V““" . }WE LU He handles a. pump specially desiqncd for gardeners _and fruit growers. It 0is a spray pump “flthout either plunge or valve ”that tllere .ls no danger of if, gettixm out: ,of order m usmg poisonous liquids. o . PARKER. 1 If you {equire a. pump git-E him a call and hewill sult you. 4 ELI-Ft, as it is the 'nly pump onl Lllelzfiglile‘: M can be regu ed so as to throw either flight 01' heavy fiream. hisown manuIacLufe or that of an (H make he holds the“ EUREKA pup]; tc; 81:: 1,3_L1- G. W. GREEN {your well got a good pump in it? not , why not. 7 G. W. GREEN, maertaker and Practichl Embalmer. I.- I IIIGIIIIGT‘ Best of Testimonials mmbe given. {only GILLOTT,

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