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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 12 Dec 1957, p. 1

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THE SALE OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR IN THE TOWN- SHIP 0F GAVAN. At a well-attended meeting of the Official Board of the Mill- brook-Oavan charge of the Umted Church of Canada, on Tuesday,2 26th of November, 19,57, the following fesoflu'tion was passed without opposition: ‘RESOLVED THAT THIS, THE OFFICIAL BOARD OF THE HILLBROOK-CAVAN CHARGE OF THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA, GO ON RECORD A8 OPPOSED TO THE OPENING OF AN OUTLET OR OF OUTLETS FOR Wedding rings are placed on the third finger of the left hand 'because of an old Egyptian be. J. E. Barring”, Publisher. ‘lfisnv â€" 'â€"w_â€" -7 All “57' Grade. MARKET PRICES. Also full stock of Hams, fruited Butts, Bacon, fresh Beef and Pork. Meat cut and wrapped for your freezer. Prices on request . CROWLEY’S RED WHITE STORE PHONE 22 WE DELIVER , CREAM ems 5. STAR JELLIES 2 'b' (em Mixed Nuts .......... 3% Exam! mus .......... 5:th Small Christmas Cakes ..................... 59c 1b Neflson‘s Maraschino Cherries $1.50 EVERYTHING FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS BAKING Fresh Eggs daily, Lowest Market Prices! Order your Christmas Turkey or Goose NOW. Turkeys FRESH KILLED or, fresh frOzen eviseerated __ - ___â€"- cum-Dunn AI..- 1!.-31 -L-.1_ Crowley’. RESOLUTION PASSED (hnslmasLlllirllfgsNgggdy to (00“ 49C“ Smoked Picnic Hams 35c lb Butter 65: lb. Gmr’sStoreflavgn-P‘fifibfiggz Week-end Special . Year. No. 49. IHE GERTRUDE SHOP, PHONE 136 FREE delivery to Mifibrook Friday afternoon! I-u-IIIIIIIII'H.IIII..I.I.'-.I..IIIIIIII. A THOUGHT FOR YOU FOR A GIFT WITH DISTINCTION Give Your Loved One ARDELE LINGERIE IIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII MILLEROOK, ONTARIO FEATURED AT lief that a nerve ran from that finger to the hear. finger to the heart. 49% MILLEROOK, ONTARIO, CANADA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1957. CARD OF THANKS . I would‘ like to thank the staff of Civic Hospital, Peter- borough, Dr. M. E. Hobbs, Rev. Mr. Chsiholm and all friends and neighbours Who so kindly remembered me with cards, fruit. flowers and visits during my recent stay in hos- ital. Staples, Frederick Milfordâ€" on Monday, December 9, 1957, at the residence of H. W. Fairy! RR. 2, Millhrook, FrederickI Milford’ Staples, beloved nu<-! band of the late Harriet Soden. The funeral took place on Wed- nede, December 11th from the J. W. Haw Funeral Home at 2 o’clot-k with the Rev. F.l r. Chisholm Officiating. Inter.) ment was in Gardiner’s Ceme-' tery. l Miss Estella L. Hethering- ton was in Toronto for the weekend, the guest of her cous- ins, Mr. and Mrs. Athol Hether- ington, to be present at the Baptism of their infant grand- son, Donald Scott Hethering- ton, ”Son of Mr.. and Mrs. Cameron Hetherington (nee Margaret Roulston) in ‘ Glen- view Presbyterian Church, with reception at their home on Sunâ€" day afternoon to celebrate the occasion, at which" about 25 relatives gathered, including the Roulston family and house- hold Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Doak and daughter Doro- thy, Orillia, Mrs. Kopplin (nee Nettie Armstrong, R.N.) Miss Henrietta Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Armstrong and daugh- ter Mrs. (Rev.) Stout assist- ant pastor of Deer Park United Church,..and their sons David and Paul, Rev. C. E. and Mrs. Cragg. Mr. P. G. Might, and Miss Emma Might, Toronto. Weatherup, Mary E. On Friday, December 6th, 1957, at Peterborough Ontario, Mary E. Gamble, King Street. Millbrook, wife of the late James Weather- up. The funeral took place 011 Monday, December 9th, at 2.00 o’clock from the J. W. Haw Funeral Home, King St. East, Millbrook with The Rev. F. P. Chisholm officiatng. Inter- ment-was in Gardiner’s Ceme~ tery. THERE WILL BE No Milk Delivery December 25th. and 26th. January 151:. and 2nd. Wishing you all a. Merry Christ- mas and A Happy New Year. Mr. and Mrs. “Art Duck- Worth, Mrs. L. Stewart, Miss Myrtle Brock, and Miss Brock, all of Peterborough, were Visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Olver Brock on Sunday. MN. L Stwart IS in her 94th year and is quite smart for her age. Miss Fay Rutledge, Civic Hospital staff, Peterborough, and Miss Olive Wood, R.N., of Toronto, were Sunday visi- tors with Miss Mae Needham. Mr. and Mrs G. W. Arm- strong of Port Hope, were visi- tors in Millbrook on Friday. $06M]. - PERSONAL Mrs Entered Into Rest ' NOTICE Shady Nook Dairy THE MOB-REPORTER Authorized as find class . C. R. Gardiner, What looked like a kidnapp- ing case last week was a man noticed nonchalantly pushing hla baby in a carriage m tilt direction of his home. This 3 turned out to be nothing more '0 ,than “Pop” Kent minoding a g voungster while one of our 'young mothers did a little Christmas shopping. 1- i Garnet Fallis, employed b) Lav Gibson, come out of Woods {Restaurant with two cups of coffee He no more than got |out when he went up in the air Iand spilld the coffee all over himself, or otherwise. We didn’t know Alex sold coffee with a kick like that. Fact is l‘ Garnie” stepped on some ice I with the aboxe result. To add g insult to injury Mr. Gibson had paid for the java and “Garnie” was stuck to replace the tem- perance beverage from his piggy bank. The stamps are sold and help make possible the circulating of the Bible among people. Will you help? A few Chris-{mas decorations in The Mirror-Reporter Ofifice windows: a sure indication that the Editor’s granddaughter, Gayle Stephen-s of Toronto, had spent the weekend with her grandparents. The used stamps from your Christmas mail are valuable. Collect them for the Bible So- ciety. Tear them off with a quarter of an inch of paper left around each one so the perfora- tion of the stamp does not get damaged. :Seen‘ On King Street During The Week You are asked to gut them in an envelope marked BIBLE SOCIETY and leave it with Mr Barringer at the Reporter Office. A young lad on his way to school carrying his “sled” under his arm. This is ~'a, sure way of preventing some of the other kids from hooking a ride. Anyway, carrying it would be easier than pulling it as there was hardly snow enough to make it slide. A Buekham Transport truck; with two nice new ‘shoveIs fastened to the outside of it This, our judgment told us, was for either :shovelling the truck out of a snow bank, or being prepared to start shov‘elling coal should the driver be sud- denly transferred to some other place of abode. PERSONAL On the occasion of their 50111 wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. James Bell will be “At Home” ’00 their friends and neighbours on Saturday the fourteenth of December, nine- teen hund’red and fifty seven from two o’clock to nine o’clock at the home of theft son and daughter-in-law Mr; and. Mrs. Basil Bell, Camb-plbellcroft. Ont. PLEASE COLLECT STAMPS Proclamation posters adver- tising a vote on a liquor outlet on January Lath. That’s a. splendid idea, to get more easy money, for the more they sell the more they make, and then reap another good profit when they fine the customers for drinking it. This is a fine ex- ample of getting you coming and going. Sell it to you then: fine you for drinking it. 3 l Fallis [211d Committeemanâ€" Leonard Porter 3rd Committeemanâ€" Wilbert Belch 4th Committeemanâ€" Stewart. Fallis. Past County Master Kenneth Monerief installed the officers ‘and congratulated the Master on being returned for the sixth term to the chair and wished him and all officers continued success. Others present were (District Master Percy Moncrief, ’Past County Master W. Bate- \man and Past County Master ‘J. F. McMillan of Port Hope. FALLIS LINE L.O.L. N0. 40 ELECT OFFICERS Mr. Joseph H. Burns was re- elected Master and all other officers were reinstated for the year 1958. They are: Deputy Masterâ€"Nellis Fallis Chaplainâ€"CIifford Fallis Ree . Sec.-â€"Nathanie1 Belch Treas.â€"â€"Stephen Morton Marshalâ€"Roy Ferren lst Lecturerâ€"Leonard Porter 2nd Lecturerâ€"Joseph Sexsmith 1st Committeemanâ€" Wilbert. Lunch was serx ed and a social half‘. hour enjoyed at the close of the meeting. NOTEâ€"Will all those taking part in the parade please assem ble with floats, etc. at the C.N.R. station in time to start the Parade sharp at 2:30. Lindsay Boys Band and Majorettes, sponsored by the Millbrook Merchants Bethany Band, sponsored by Canadian Legion Millbrook Br. FLOATS, CLOWNS, CHARACTER COSTUMES CASH PRIZESâ€"Floats $5 and $3. Children’s Bicycle, Wag- ons or Sleighs decorated, $3, $21ndividual Adult Characters $3 and $2- Children’s Character Costumes $3 and $2. Free Ticket for Saturday afternoon skating for every child, compliments of Millbrook and Gavan Memorial Arena. Candy and treats for children by Santa (lays. At the regular meeting of the Women’s Association of St. Andrew’s United Church, 3rd December, 1957, the following resolution was passed, Without opposition: “RESOLVED THAT THE WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF ST. ANDREW ’8 UNITED CHURCH PLACE ON RECORD ITS OPPOSITION TO THE OPENING OF AN OUTLET OR 01' OUTLETS FOR. THE SALE OF INTOXICATING BEVER- AGES IN THE VILLAGE 01' HILLBROOK. ’ Santa @ Claus %%%%%%%%§%W% Saturday Parade Dec. 14th. AT 2.30 P.M'. .IN MILLBROOK RESOLUTION PASSED $1.56 a. year in atlmce; to 11.3.5... $2.50 Post Office Departm’ent, Ottawa, Ont. “The general proficiency a- ward of $25.00 for Grade 12, given by the Durham County High School Board, went to Helen Ingham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Ingham, Tup- per Street.” Hearty congratulations these young ladies. §Xmas Trees “Nancy Powell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Powell, W as the xx inner of the Ouellette shield for proficiency in music in Grades 9 and 10. Mrs. H. Ouellette made the presenta- tion.” Left out of last week’s com- mencement report were the fol- lowing two paragraphs: 0 $1.15 each at TrTck’s B-A Service Sta. WINNERS NAMES OMITTED OVER 50 TREES TO CHOOSE FROM YOUR CHOICE

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