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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 12 Dec 1957, p. 3

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Tee phone collect Res :29. SBWl, if no answer Pete rborough Iii-2-4330. Eurrefi Fur Farm 'Illnllnszmnla lllllllfllflflllflfllllflllfll. Thurs’day 12th. at 6 p.m., Congregational Supper and Sunday School Christmas Party in St. Thomas’ School Hall. St. John's, Ida 3 . 00 p .m . â€"â€"Evenin g Prayer . 2.0“ p.111.-â€"Sunday School. Christ Church, Bailieboro T . 30 p . m . â€"Evening Prayer . 11.00 a.m.â€"Sunday School Anglican Church of Canada. PARISH OF CAVAN Rev. E. 0. Quinn, B.A., Lth. . Rector. ' 3rd. Snnday in Advent. St. Thomas’ Church, Mfllbrook 11 mm a . m .â€".\I0rning Prayer 10.0"; a.m.â€"Sunday School. Minister. Rev. Walter Patterson, M.A., Minister Emeritus. Grace Church, Hillbrook 10.45 a.m.â€"-C‘hurch School. 7 . 90 p . m .â€"Divine Worship . Centrevflle Church South Monaghan 10.00 a.m.â€"C‘hurch School 11.0“! a.:n.â€"â€"Div§ne Worship. White Hiih will be prewmcd ‘iw Chub-h Svhtjmls avid So”:- Gavan 9.45 a.m.â€"â€"Pre-Christmas Com- munion . Cavan Sunday School Concert on Friday, December 13th. St. Andrew ’3 10.00 a.m.â€"-Sunday School. 11 15 a.m.-â€" Pre-Christmas Ummunion. . “The Three Tenses of Advent” Millbrook Pastoral Charge Rev. Francis Chisholm, M.A., B.D., Minister. Mr. Henry Hayek, Organist and Choir Director. “0 Come, Let Us Worship". CASH for dead or crippl- ed Horses and Cows. Top {rice for old horses. Zion Pentecostal Church MILLBROOK Sunday Services 11 a.m.â€"Sunday School T1.~)0 a . m . â€"\Vorship Service . T . 30 p.121 .â€"~Great Evangelistic Service. In urging all farmers to work together Mr. Davis emphasized the importance of co-operation PRESBYTERIAN Centrevine and Millbrook 3w. W. H. Heustin, B. A., Louis Davis, lst vice~presi~ dent of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture told some 250 farmers, their Wives and guests at the Annual Meeting of the Durham County Federation of Agriculture held in Blackstock Saturday evening, Nov. 30th. Cooperation Among Farmers Federation ls Told Farmers Need Single Voice. For Results “In these days of collective bargaining, only the indiffer~ wnce of farmers can defeat our farm marketing legislation.” The Churches SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15 THE UNITED omen Pentecostal Assemblies of Thursday, December 12, 1957 Pastor, M . Case . ‘CARLEY, STANDISH, CLARK] W CARLEY . LECH Barristers and Solicitors 425 Water Street PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO . T. J. Carley Q.C. (1896-1956) F 4 l R. 0. Standish Q.C. T. E. Clarke B.A. R. H. Carley B. Com. W. C. Lech B A. ' QUEEN ST ‘W. {AtStfachan Avenue) TELEPHGNE v EMpire 3-0681 TORONTO, ONT. Om bf county guests attend- ing The meeting im-Inded Ray Ht-rg'ott. field man for the On- tario Federation of Agricul- ture, and Mrs. Hergott, Toron- to: John Phillips of the Editor- ial staff of the Rural Co-oper- ator, TorontQ; Russell Bradley of the FPderation’s Co-perators’ Assn, Toronto; Cliffrd John- son, first vice-president of the Peterborough County Federa- tion. and Mrs. Johnson of Springvillfi; Dick Stewart, zone reprer‘entative of the Eastern 3 Head table guests were in- troduced by incoming president, Bruce Taylor, county member of the Ontario Federatmn of Agriculture. They were Dr. R. P. Vivian, M.P., of Port Hope; Bev Gray, vice-president of the FederatiOn, and Mrs. Gray; Bob Jardine, secretary- manager of the Ontario Cream Producers, and Mrs. Jardine, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Allin, Newcastle; Richard Bowles, vice-president and his1 wife, Mrs. Jessie Bowles, secre-j tary, Nestleton; Mrs. Bruce; Taylor, Jack Arnott, field man.l and Mrs. Arnott, Orono: Louisl Davis. first vice~president 0f! the Ontario Federation of AL»! riculfure. who was the guesr' speaker, and Mrs. Davis 4f Owen Slum]. Other Visitors 1 Don Staples, Orono, expres- ised the group’s thanks to the Orono 0. N. O. for the delici- !ous turkey dinner served. A ,slate of new officers for the {Federation was presented by ‘Russell Earle, chairman of the !n0minating committee. Two new vice-presidents were nominated and appointed. They were Tom McCanms, Cavan, and Harvey Malcolm, Yelverton. Other nominees accepted were Clarence Allin, past president; Bruce Taler, president; Beverley Gray, vice president. Head Table Guests A minute's silence was then observed by the group in memory of the late E. A. Sum- mers, Durham County Agricul- tural representative. Presentation Made President of the Durham County Federation of Agricul- turie, Clarence Allin; opened the meeting with a welcome address. Mr. Allin announced that‘an Ed Summers" Memor- ial Fund had been founded under the joint sponsorship of the Durham County Junior Farmers Organzation and the Federation. “Therefore the Federation has adopted an open door pol- icy to allow way for 100 per. cent comperation from the Farmer’s Union”, he concluded. Bob Jardine, sec’y-manager of the Ontario Cream Produ- cers introduced the speaker, Richard Bowles thanked Mr. Davis. among them} The Government has clearly indicated there must be one overall farm voice he said. Honour Late E. A. Summers E. . RAE‘E'R, PRESIDENT BATE”); DODDS Attend the Church of your choice on Sunday. Everyone enjoyed the even- i119; of dancing which ended the 111901.311g \Iusic was supplied by Ruth and Floyd Wilson and n 1‘? H00 \ .4 Ralph Malcolm 11 '1~ caller,fu1"1 he square dance The audience Were delighted by a male quartet from Oshawa which opened the entertain- ment portion of the meeting. Rod Taylor, Bowmauvillv, cele- brated young- w-ntriloquist, W011 1111‘ admiration of the group for hi> fine perfonnmwe. talio County Federation uni Mrs. Rodd. Enjoy Dance Additionnl out (-f county guests were Mr. Hm‘ahison president of Victoria County Federation and his wife. Hugh )avidson, zone governor to the O.F.A., and Mrs. Davidson, Oakwood; Mr. Winters, sec-re- tary of the ’ictoria Federation and his wife, Lindsay; Messrs. Russell Rodd and Gordon Rynard, president of the On- Wheat Farnmx, I’m-1'1n3iunagia_ :ONTARIO HYDRO’S EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME mm #3 if Bag‘sés, FEQats, Treats far (HUME - Bgéng them to Mailbmckg 5.. mmwmwmgfiwgfigfim fififififififiéfi” (”3‘3“ mxga. "3% l The multiplicity of wave, in uhieh Hydro power can be jused to enable the people of :Ontario to “Live Better Elec- ‘ trieally,” are being featured in :a series of informative and ‘edueational advertisements to gbe published in weekly news- :papers commencing in Decem- iber and continuing throughout [1958. place occupied by electricity in] relation to the progress of thel province and the welfare of its; eitizens, Ontario Hydro Willi have the close eo-uperation of] the various local utilities. E The first of them: advertiwâ€"l menu. carries a timely iiieSSage i for Chrifimas shoppers in thatl it illustrates a fou- of the many; fine gifts, iu the form of elec»I trieal appliances and equip-1 ment. Whieh will bring lasting); <s'1“»'i(fi<* and pleasure in the re- cipients. both adult< and chil<,‘-_ i i \ D l l clude SHOWS HOW TO ‘,LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY” 1n carrying out this program, which reflects the fundamental Th F DO'WOI‘ uggested gifts in- tools. trains, er~ gram, 1 mental! Bit}? ill! Of thel of its? ) will' ion 0'.“ wee-55v."- "l‘u'l'n'l‘u‘fi'u'h‘h'lmff-“W i‘]"i,1<4'~ US$811? 11 That many; f 91903 ("quip- :wsring‘ he 1‘9- C'hfl'j-E fix: in- j ‘ '9an TLUNAL PROGRAMME . fassumes an important signifi- .‘ER ELECTRICALLY” leance at this time when far- ____-___., ,_--______. fireaching developments herald ing: pans, wffee-l‘xlakers, blank-3:many and spill greater bénEfitS ets, mixers, heat lamps, toarstersfland C‘OHVGH‘IPDCPS Ehat will en- television sets and many others. q‘a‘ble the etlzens- OI, 03:21:30 to Hydro’s educational programi 11"9 better electrlcally. Ecru-IrJun-unfurn-[tannin-g-I-Innfiug-IIII-I-nfififii‘nrfiflgk wn".'.'."-"v.‘Iun‘-"a'u-I'n'l' 'E' 3 '. Real Estate 328 WATER STREET, PETERBOROUGH Phone â€"'Riverside 2.3897 â€" 2-3833 ’ WANTING.TO BUY_ FARMS AND HOUSES Kindly Contactâ€" \ Murray E‘agféfiifi, Bafiieixoro, Ont. Phone â€" Millbrook 209-1“ 13 «.-.-.-a-.-.-=-v--'~'-,'-'«"-‘-' A. Roy Willmott, Q.C. James A. Irvine, Eagleson Insurance Agency LIFE INSURANCE General Insurance, Fire, Public flLiagility, Automobile, Burglary, Accident and Sickxess Wind and Plate Glass. This space donated by The Mirror -Reporter Clegg McCleHan Barristers, Solicitors, Nata :es Telephone 9, Millbrock WILLMOTT . IRVINE '7'” ”Gama

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