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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 12 Dec 1957, p. 4

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fiflflflS‘fi'h3S‘mHV-V-“HWNfiW RfififififlmWfi5W-5555WW If sold for the value of its chexm’cal elements; the human lwdy would be worth about 98 cents. ()ur next meeting will be held in the New Year under The leadership of Mrs. Johnston Rowland. I The ladies were reminded of their Christmas Cheer dona- tions to be left with Mrs. Reg. Hopk’ns by December 18th. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Rusell Kennedy showed colnured Slides of trips they had taken to Europe, the \Vest Coast. Boston and Cape Cod. Mr. Kennedy also showed some aerial views of Millbrook taken from his plane. entertained their husbands a! a turkey dinner held in the Sunday School Hall on Wednes- day evening, December 4th. About 60, including five child- ren, sat down to dinner, for which arrangements had been made under the direction of Mrs. Alberta Olan and her committee . SOUTH GROUP OF W.A. HOLD TURKEY DINNER The members of the South Group of St. Angriw’s W.A. See our wide selection of attraztive boxed assortments of fine Christmas Cards and large selection of individual cards, col- ourful fancy and plain gift wrapping paper, ribbons, seals, tags etc. A wide assortment of gifts fm' all members of the family. Large selection of world famozs Meozano “Dinky Toys” To afford our customers the maximum time for Christmas shopping we will remain open Thursday December 19th till 6:00 pm. Will remain Open Friday evening December 20th, and Monday evening December 23rd. In order that our Staff may enjoy Christmas Eve with their families we will close at 6.00 pm. on Tuesday, December 24. ”The Family Shopping Centre" PAGE F0113 Millbrook 5c to $1 Store * " For Your Christmas Shopping Needs Only 12 letters comprise the Hawaiian alphabet. .Thcrc wll be NO ISSUE of The Mirror-Reporter on Decem- ber 26th. Thank you. As next week’s Reporter will be the last issue before Christ- mas, all those wishing to ex- tend greetings should have their copy in not later than Saturday. Demmber 14th. Roll call was answered by 16 ladies. Minutes were read, Treasurer‘s report given and business was discussed. The meeting closed with Mizpah Benediction. The December meeting of Grace Presbyterian Church Ladies’ Aid was held at the home of Mrs. Tom Skipp, Mill- brook. The meeting Opened with prayer by the President, Mrs. Lorne Farrow, and a Christmas carol “While Shep- herds watched their flocks by night,” was sung. A paper entitled “Come unto me, all ye who labour and are heavy laden.” was read by Mrs. H'aw. GRACE CHURCH LADIES’ AID MEETING NOTICE TO MERCHANTS TEE ERROR-REPORTER, museum ONTARIO l The followng' bills were pre- sented and on motion of Conn- t-illors Gibson and Ravmes were ordered paid: Santa (‘laus Fund....$ 25.00 Treasurer Bonanville H.S. Debenture ..... 154.81t l'nited Counties, coun. ty levy ............. 6391.00 Hospitalization ...... 90 . 88 Durham District H‘.S. maintenance ........ 5512.50 Millbrook Public S. balance ............. 2116.40 T. \V. Belch, Arena debenture .......... 339 . 00. United Counties, High I School debenture 1571.91 C. E. Hickey Sons, l fire. equipment ...... 27.77' Municipal \Vorld, sta- tionery .. r. . .- ....... 12.52’ Mirror-Reporter print- ‘ ing ................. 69.70] Welfare ............ 20 . 00 I Stanford Sloan, care. taking Waiting Room 10.00‘ Stanford Sloan, labour streets ............. 20. 00 Municipality of Gavan gravel .............. 412.23 Millbrook Public Libr- ary balance grant . . . . 238.50 Durham Telephones. . 7.40 H. M. Trick ........ 2.00 Attwooll Sheppard, I lbe. and coal ........ 181.49“ Cathcart. Mot:0rs, gas I' and oil ............ 31.87; Clifford Scott, salary '9 and mileage ......... 205.00! Talbert Kellett, labour 135.92 Treasurer, salary, post- age etc ............. 105.36; Council Declares Boxing Day Dec. 26, Holiday Millbrook, Dec. 2nd, 1957 .-â€"'- A fegular meeting of the Muni- cipal Council of the Village of Millb'rook was held on the a- bove date with the following members present: Reeve, Geo. Motion by Councillors Gib- son and Raymes that com- municatiOnS He received and filed and that December 26th. 1957 (Boxing Day) be declared a Civic holiday in the Munici~ pality. Carried. F. Harrington. Councillorsâ€" Lavern Gibson, Frank North, George Raymes and Weldon Coulter. , Motions by Councillors North and Gibson that a grant of $15 be given the Millbrook Cham- ber of Common-e towards in- stalling. operating and main- tenance of coloured lights in the business section of the Vill- age during the Christmas sea- son. Carried. The minutes of the former meeting were read by the Clerk and on motion of Councillors Coulter and Gibson were con- firmed. The following communica- tions read: Total as registered agaimt I were many and beautiful. petition $3450.00, E Three nieces and brother-in- Total number of property own- E law from Stratford were among ers including Town Hall and the relatives attending the fu- Fire Hall 29. ineral as well as all ofthe. Total number registered aganst “Larmer families”. petitiOn 17, E We Will all miss her kindly Motion by Councillors North iministrations a n d cheerful and Raymes that this report be E Ways. But we know “she done received and filed, Carried. .Ewhat she could” and has been Motions by Councillors North 'promoted to Higher Service and (:ibmu that a grant of $15Eabove. and earned her Heavenly be given the Millbrook Cham-‘Rest. Fromâ€" The Department of Public \Velfare giving notice of certain changes in regula- tions. From Northumberland and Durham Heaith Unit, re- porting for the month of Octo- ber. From The Lake Ontario Development Association, re- porting industries that have located in the district in the last. year. From Canadian l'nderWriters Associaton, a re- minder of fire hazards during the winter months. ‘ The Clerk gave the following report on a petition for a water main from the existing King Street watermain along Anne Street to the corner of Freder- iek Street. Total assessed land values ex- eluding Town Hall and‘ Fire Hall $6250.00. Lzation ...... District H’. S. nee ........ k Public S. [Electric Razors, Billfolds and Key 10.00" Cases, Thermos_Bottles and Sets. . Shaving Kits, Brushes, Toilet Sets ‘A beautiful line of Christmas Cards, prices ranging from 50 cards for 9%: 12 Cards for .59c, and up. Indoor and out- door lights, Wrapping Paper, Gift Ties, Bows and Ribbon Seals Tree Decorations, everything to make your gifts at- traoztive. } iILVAN L. HGRAY was: 79 is ream,» mmox McBrine Luggage, Electric Clocks» Boxed and Watches, Camera Outfits, Cigare Kodak Supplies and Flash Bulbs, COSM Bathroom Scales, Cups Saucers, ton, 'I Glasses, Chinaware, Vases Etc any,a Pen Pencil Sets, Playing Cards, Comp: Stationery, Hymnary, Book of: Dressc Praise, Prayer Books and Bibles,‘ fumes Council fees ........ 16 .00 Public Utilities ...... 111.36 Firemen, houorium .. 385. 00 Meeting adjourned. T. W. Belch, Clerk. to climb, So He wispered to her, Peace be Thine’K “Well done Good and faithful Servant". ’ (Contributed by A.E..L.) Mrs. Mary Weatherup. There passed away in Civic Hospital, Peterbrough, last Friday, after a lingering illness, Mary E. Weather-up. The. f'uneral from the J. \V. Haw Funeral Home, Millbrook, to Gardiner’s Cemetery, had for the pallbearers (l. H. Lan- cashire, ‘D. R. Fowler. R. Clements. Dick \Vatkins, Aub- roy Fallis and Elwood Fallifi. “(lad know the hills were hard Mrs. Weatherup was a per-3 son of sterling Christian char-1 acter and will be sorely missed. in the home she had kept forI Mr. Ed. Larmer for over fifty years. Coming from Port Hope ‘ and taking over the home and bringing up four small boys. She was faithful and" true to her task although in failing health for years she was truly a “Dorcas” in her own way, remembering the. less fortunate ones with many articles of 'warm elothng. Her hands with the needle were nei’er idle. Her many acts of kindness and timely efforts for others will long ,be remembered by those ‘who were fortunate to know her. She was keenly interest- ‘ ed in Missions being a life mem- ‘ber of the Mission Circle and ,W.M.S. of St. Andrew’s Unit- ‘ed Church. The funeral On ‘Monday was largely attended. A very appropriate message was given by her pastor Rev. Mr. Chisholm from Acts 9 :36â€"43 assisted by Rev. Mr. Heustin who also paid tribute to her as a friend and neighbour in his prayers. The floral tributes were many and beautiful. * Christmas Suggestions at GRAY’S REXALI. DRUG STORE The season of friendly remembrance is with us again and the suggestions given here may help accide on the ,very gift you want for many of your friends and relations. Renew yom subscription. Obituary BABY GIFTS Battle-Warmers Sterilizers Baby Scales Boxed Chocola’tes, Tobacco and Cigarettes, Heating Pads Etc. COSMETICS BY Yardley. Shul- ton, Tweed, Desert Flower, Tiff- any, and others. Musical Boxes, Compacts and Manicure. Sets, Dresser Sets‘, Atomizers and Pet- On March 2lst and Septem- ber 23rd, day and night are of equal duration in every part of by Yardley, Shujton, ,Bachelor, King’s Men and Ngw Stag Line Guests included Mrs. W. W. Kennedy, Mrs. Howson, Mrs. Reginald Fallis. Miss Rita Fraser and Miss Dorothy Hutchinson. the world . Three birds which cannot fly are the emu, kiwi, and ostrich. Hostesses for the evening1P were? Miss Kent, Mrs. Hamil- ton and Mrs. Hutchinson. WOMEN’S GUILD ELECT OFFICERS FOR 1958; CHRISTMAS TREE TONIGHT The members will contribute various items towards the sup- per. Mrs. Hutchinson represent- ing the Sunday School announc- ed the annual supper Christmas tree and program will be held in the Parish Hall on Thursday evening, December 12th (to. night) . Members of the Women’s Guide of St. Thomas’ Anglican Church combined a Christmas party with their regular meet- ing Wednesday evening, in the Parish Hall, which was attrac- tively (lecorated with ever- greens and Christmas clec-O‘a- alions. \ Hutchinson Secretaryâ€"~Mrs. Fred Lowery Treasurerâ€"Mrs. D. R. Fowler Executive Membersâ€"Mrs. G. H. I'mncashire, Mrs. P. E. Hamilton, Miss Anna Fqir. A list of 20 shut-ins to be scnt Christmas cards. was drawn 11p. The following: Guild officers for 1958 were installed by the Réctor, Rev. H. C. Quinn-.â€" Pre>=ident~â€"Miss Ellen Kent Vice-Presidentâ€"Mns. W’illiam Mrs. W. W Kennedy and Mrs. J. W. \V'right showed coloured slides of their trip abroad 1a st summer, Thcre was a turkey dinner, followed by an exchange of gift“- drawn from a g'aily deccr- ated basket. RUBBER TOYS Rattles and Other Toilet Sets Children’s Writing Paper, Games, Bobks Etc. mill-IIIQI For For Rentâ€"Farm house, reason- able .rent for good tennafit: 3 miles west of Gavan an 7A Highway. Electricity, Hen House, Garage, and Garden. Phone Merv. Smith 214-‘r-22 Millbrook, or write R.R. 1, Gavan. For Rentâ€"House 2 miles west of Millbrook, garage, garden and: Hydro. Apply H. Pat- ton, phone 217-r-11 Millbrook Thursday, December 12, 1957 Wantedâ€" Box Stove. Also large and small dressed ducks for sale. Apply to Stanford Brown, Ida, Ont. 1!: WA\ TEDâ€" Reliable man as Dealer in Durham Co. Ex- perience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business Where Rawleigh Pro'd‘ucts hax e l een sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credi. '.‘ \Vrite Rawleigh’s Dept. L- 283-911, 4005 Richelieu, Mon- real, Que. 1t For Saleâ€"White Fur Goloshes size 5; Pair of red shoes size 51/2; Beautiful dresses size 1 to 2 years. All in excellent . condition, very reasonable. Phone Mrs. Hopkins 242 Millbrook. 1t Lostâ€"A man’s hat at the Town Hall dance last Friday night. Finder please leave at The Reporter Office. 11: For Saleâ€"1 Pair of Ladies’ White Tube Skates size 8; Also 1 Pair Ladies’ Figure Skates and Guards size 71,1. Phone Mlllbl 001' 114- -J. 11: Start a' year-round business! You can earn money-first day. Strictly your own boss. Sell daily necessities in: Bowanville, Hampton, Mill- brook, Newcastle, Port Hope and surroundings. All fami- lies are us rs of our many products‘. Wrife to Dept. JSâ€"Familexâ€" 1600 Delori- mier, Station C, Montreal, Que. 4t Port Hope, 06:. Box 68: Monuments, Markers, Corner Posts and Inscriptions. ., For Saleâ€" Dressed G e e s 9. Phone 101-.»w-4 Millbrook. 2 For Saleâ€"Turkeys, these are broad breast whites. Apply Gordon Might, phone 107-:1-3 Millbrook . 1t Dead Stock Removed HIGHEST PRICES PAID 24-Hour'Sgervice 'or Saleâ€"Gander. Phone M ”Strong at 212-r-11 Millbrook )r Rentâ€"Small house on Fwd/nick Avenue. Phone 18 Millbrook. 2t Nick Pecpni morn-mean SALESMEN WANTED PHONE COLLECT: Peterborouh 2-2080 Cobourg 1787 FOR RENT FOR SALE WANTED LOST CARD OF The family of the lat Margaret Patton wish to .all the friends and neig for their cards of sy flowers, and kndnesses during the illness and a dear mothesr. Speci predation to Dr. Tud Port Hope and Rev. G. M of Bethany. Homer Ouellette gix version of how to driv those small cars. He $11 the tires squeal and th ‘ stones. Tut, tut, Homer,i not in your teens now. ‘ People running in an the $311k as though t1 money left after Chris didn’t have any left sc gm to the “bone-pile". mation that Santa di pass: Millbrook. 11 A fine new Wilson truck from Port Rope from Santa we pres Seen On King 5‘ During The Wee 98th. Year. No. 2 here’s n ung lads displayi santa We pr likely a gift ”VINTAGE are SAVINGS ! TH

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