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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 4 Dec 1958, p. 1

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1 day of De- .30 o’clock in it No. 4 in the re said Town. aiming by ad. >f redemption Hen-drson in tenements, I y public auc- this 26th day Lt certain par- and premises being in the in the County mg composed lt, at the suit alf of Lot 4, Township of r of Durham, :tario, having res, more or red on Plan md taken in st, title, inter- edemption of {enderson in, of lands as more or an that pop Counties of me of a Writ d out of the mtario. bean :y of J 3119, l. Agricul- d most im- Lining given. 84, London, iity of good :’3, sheeting, floors, and Jack Kins- s and Cana~ as Company blanager for Exception- s. Guaram ess. Autoâ€" [1 size' Faw- 'ith fan and condition. brook. 1t McIntosh, also Par- »ts. MiltOn 89â€"j Mill- ymouth 4- 90d shape. hone 6847 3d Cooked IT or black 'om. Sold ,t papers. one 215-r-3 It . Leghorn on", phone B It Lhorts sjze >ads for 10 y. Phone 'ahing Ma- new $50. 3t. 4t 2t 2t It WWWMWWJWMWMWMW > #1:!"er g mason, ammo E WMWWJIIW WPW’MWMRRMfiMPMMWW into bad litek, The house to: Mr. and. Mrs. Harvey Aiken which they were to move into' announce the engagemet of . ’ ,. '3 their second daughter Margaret 0“ M‘md” °f ““5 week, was! M. to Mr. John M. Killeen damaged tn the extent of $300M eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Saturday by fire. said to have”. Kine-en. Almonte, Ontario. started around a chimney holed? Tfle marriage will take place after lighting a fire in a Que-; quietly, December 27th. Keith Clements and his fami- ly who moved from here to Peterborough last summer, ran into bad luck. The house 170 which they were to move into FORMER HILLBROOK HAS BAD LUCK Having sold the Dairy Business to Mr. Gordon Clifford, we would like to thank all our customers of Millbrook and surrounding district for their pat- ronage through’ the past years, and hope they will continue to patronize our successor. Season’s Greetings to' All. 20 Games For 50 cents I wish to extend my thanks and appreciation for returning me Deputy-Reeve of yfpur Township by ac- clamation for the year 1959. 98th. Year. No. 48. MILLBROOK Sat, Dec. 20, 8:30 pm. New To Cavan Twp. Electors: LADIES AND GENTLE-MEN: I wish to extend my thanks 'a-nd appreciation to the good people of Gavan Township for electing me Reeve by acclamation for the coming year 1959 and and for the confidence you have placed in me in the past. Trusting I can serve you faithfully again for another year. Wishing you one and all avery Merry Christmas and A Hapy and Prosperous New Year. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Shady Nook Dairy MARY and CLIFF LARMER. Special Games and Share The Wealth!! DOOR PRIZEâ€"TURKEY Prom .for “community Bett emont The Millbrook * ‘ Reporter TOWN HALL Card of Thaaks NOTICE Sincerely yours, Harold Bradburn Lloyd Hooton. bee heater to warm the house in preparation to moving in. {YE-re all sorry to hear of :7 :2;- tr: ublc Keith ! Engagement mmoox, ONTARIO, GANADA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1958 E33051: Per Card goon FELLOWS BINGO ESat. Night, Dec. 6 "AT 8.30 O ’clock BIG Snowball game continues! Share . the Wealth -â€" Special Prizes -â€" Free Games Join the Crowd at 'I‘hie RBJ’. N0 945 will meet in the Orange Hall, Mi]1br00k,' on Monday, Devember 8th. a1" $.30 p.11). A good attondame: is requested. Illmtion of ofâ€"- ficens for We year. I \Vm. Hutchinson, W. P l G. H. Elgar Reg. ‘ - ~zâ€"v." â€",- The shortest days of the year! CARD 0F THANKS are with us and the shortest of? I wish' to thank the Civic all comig 11p in about three HoSpital Staff, Dr. J. W. and weeks time after wh11 11 the, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Collins Mr. dzus lie-gin to lengthen and the Alex $11111Wa1tz.for their acts (-0111 b1gi11s to st1engthe11. 30f kindness, also the Rev. G. H 111"e1e1'. the old sun will be!I Meadez'. the pupils of S S. 18 11a111le1i111r ba1l1 north to spend Cavan. Trinity Church the the. 511111111111 and 11'a1111 b.111111 Marsh, the Teachers of Mill‘ weather 111i1l1--:111ompan1' it a- brook and Car 1111, and all mvl long, sooner or later. . Ifiiends and neigh1b011r< who â€"_â€"â€"â€".â€"â€" {sent beautiful cards flowers] ifruit .md made (all; 1i111i110' my NOTICE TO RWBP MEMBERS stav in the Hospital as a result-1 The R B P N0 94? ' “‘1' meet of the automobile a11-ide111.‘ After one of the finest Falls in the memory of an eleph’a'ut, who never forgets. the fine above average temperature came 10 an abrupt end during the dying days- of the past month“, and Winter set in in earnest. Its doubtful if there is any frost in tlhle ground, and the snowfall, if it remains,‘ which it will in all probability (10. should prevent “Jack! Frost” from digging in. Have \\ e an organization \\ il- ling to help but unable to enter a float 2’ A lbot- drink and do- nut for the. visiting bandsmen would be a worthwhile project. I Practically 100{% of the Mill- brook Merch‘ants have made cash' donations to the Santa Claus Parade Committee. For those who were missed on theI canvas and call-backs, please note we need only $30.00 more: to cover expenses of bands andI prizes. J @ Miflbrook Santa ‘Parade The Parade Committee have' lined up a. terrific parade with Band-s, Floats, Clowns, etc.i Mr. Jas. McMaster has taken tihie position of advertising man- ager. We trust and hOpe that every business in town will coâ€"‘ pperate with him. With your help in promoting the parade its success is assured. AppL-Opriate or not, sggcstion has been made to bring Santa into town on a team of wild! horses. Encouraging to note that. we h’ave volunteers fi‘or Cdmmunity‘ work as evidenced at the Santa. Chaus Parade, Committee meet~ With less than two weeks to go before Saint Nick arrives in Millbrook, interest and enthusi- asm is increasing daily. Top secret Floats to be enter- ed in the parade. mg . THE WEATHER m “BOB-REPORTER Authorized as 2nd class mail SALE REGISTER I An Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Feed, Poultry and Trac- tor Phillip-men‘s. the prOperty of Mr. Murray ‘Wilson will be held on the premises at Part! Bot 20, Con. 11, Cavan T0wn-| shfip, {1 Mile \Vest of Spring-4 ville) on Saturday. Dee. 6th,‘ 1958, at 1 p.111. sharp. 'I’erms.l Cash. No Reserve. Farm? Sold. Stanley Miller, RR. 3,} Peterborough, phone Ri 243091,; Auctioneer. i BUTTER GRANITE 0'0. ’ Port Hope, Out. 30: Q2, Monuments, linkers, Gone: i Posts and tucriptiom. _ a Guest speaker at the meeting 1 1 Hill he [rank A. Enfield, T01- onto Earrister, and formerl ‘.l\’l 111111111 of Parliament 1'01 Scar-' boroug. The speach will be the! ifirst one given in What is ex-! upected to become a regular few: uture of Ontario politics. Pro-i e h $11111 lug foi an election it expects the government will call after: the spring legislature session, 1‘ the Libmal paitv under its new leader John J. Wintermeyer, Has been reorganized smee last. iApril’s convention. . '1 vo-ntion held in Newcastle in _'June. Next. week’s Newcastle !meeting is- described «by Mr. Woodyard as one of the first in a program to acquaint. the electors of Durham with the position, policy and intent of It'lfe Ontario Liberal Party and ‘to demonstrate What. he called 1 “the growing dis-satisi‘action "with the present government by the voters of Ontario”. l CARD OF THANKS We WlS‘h to thank all the- friends and neighbours for their gifts, cards, and visits to see our dawgl'rter Mary during her s"ay in the hospital. Also Dr. and Mrs. Wright, Rev. G. Moades. Mrs. Collins, Alla}:- ‘Vriglhnt, Mr. Schwartz, nurses and staff of Pe-terboroug'h Civic! Hospital for all they did for us at the time of the accident and while Mary was in the h'ospi-‘al. I Mr. and Mrs. Austin Patton.. 111 Durham, E. R. “Tod” Woodyard of Orono was elected Provincial candidate at a con- Durham C-unty Liberal Association T‘h‘e Durham County Liberal Association today» announced that its regular Annual Meetd ing and election of officers will be held at Newcastle Com- munity Hall on Tuesda‘y, Dec. 9th, 1958. Robert Kent of Bowmanville, who has been President of the County Associafiou for the past four years is expected to stand for reâ€"election and office-rs of the Association today indicated that the office: would be com tested. The First Vice Presiâ€" dent is Mr. Elmore Scott of Hope Township. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. John Ferguson. wâ€"wu. Mr. and Mrs. \Valtex Chalâ€"i Ike and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fry ha\e returned home after a two weeks trip to Mexico. ! SOCIAL â€". PERSONAL! 'The Fiend Who Walked The West' 'Thundering Jets' To Electors of (avan Township I hereby extend to all those who voted for me at the polls on Monday my sincere thanks for your support. I also wish you and all others in the Town- ship A Merry Christmas and AHapp'y and Prosperous New Year. Ladies and Gentlemen: With Hugh O’Brian Dolores Michaela MAY I wish to express my thanks to all those who voted for me in the recent Election. Mrs. 1Howden wishes to thank all those who DID NOT vote for me. With Rex Reason Audrey Dalton 'o The Cavan Ratepayers: Wishing you all the Season ’s best Sincerely yours, $1.50 a. year in advance; to U.S.A George Howden. Joseph Thorn Office Sincerely yours, A Progressive. Euchre will be held on Monday, December 15, at 8:15 p.m. in the Orange Hall, Millbrook, under auspices of L.O.L. No. 79. Good prizes and lunch‘. Admissinn 35c. Everyone welcome. '_'10 NORTH FREDERICK" "Green-Eyed Blonds" With Susan Oliver and Linda. Plowman EUGHRE DEG. 15th . Adult Entertainment With Gary COOper and Diane Varsi Ottawa, Ont. MONDAY TUESDAY

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