‘said right, title, My of redemption nard Hendrson in and tenements, I He by public auc- RICHARDSON, 'nited Counties of half of Lot 4; the Township of unty of Durham, ‘2‘ Ontario, having 3 acres, more or rked red on Plan e in the Court am of Coboung, on 17th day of De- at 2.30 o’clock in turg, this 26th day :ontaining by ad- » acres more or :cept all that ~por~ ‘Suheeriptim. E Lot No. 4 in the ’f the said Town- right, title, i uter- Df redemption of (1 Henderson in, Virtue of a Writ ssued out of the Df Ontario, beat. I day of June, 'ected against the lents of Leonard les; McIntosh, owsi also Par. Tarrots. Milton me 89â€"j MilL 3 doors, and 95‘. Jack Kins- i Bred Cocked .buff or black 39 from. Sold ithout papers. I, phone 215-r-3 1t that certain par. ad. and premises ad being in the n, in the County being composed :antity of good 2x 4’s, sheeting, ï¬nation Electric stove, (Gurney) dition $100.00. Millbrook. . .2: kg \Vashing Ma- r'ally new $50. , Trick. 2t Ley Shorts size ider pads for 19 Id boy. Phone ok. It ristmas Trees. ardiner. at 31H 10p, phone 143:; .mall size Faw- 1' with fan and 0d condition. ulillbro’ok. 1t ’air of Girls sizzes 2 and 4. t The Reporter 1: 184-râ€"21 .MiB- .> Saw in exceL , only $2.59. >rter Office. ent, at the suit Braund, plain- of lands 3t. hun- um WATER HEATER RATE .410 per 100 Watts per month. COMMERCIAL Service Charge 50c per KW per month of connected load or maximum demand 3. 0. per KWH for the first 100 hours use per month of billing demand 0. Se per KWH for the next 100 hours use per month ‘of billing demand 0. 50 per KWH for all additional 1 onsumption Minimum Monthly Bill $1.11 Gross Present commercial customers haxiug less than 5000 watts 10111100th load will be billed as. Domesth Customers 111 i‘-111111c. The Millbrook Puinc Utilities Commission have adopted the following readjustment of: =rates as approved by the Hydro Electric Power Commission of C ntazio effective for power: =consumed after January lst., 1959. I é MILLBROQK, ONTARIO g ' WWWWHJJIRMHW Christmas Open Ihursday, Dec. 18th All Day and Every Night beginning Friday, Dec. 19th to Wednesday, Dec. 24th. Retail Merchants MMWMMWWVMRWWAW g Miilbrook Store Hours For rm.-recrrcrcfrcrccrcrrï¬mrrccrrErrrrrrrrrrrcrrï¬g DOMESTIC Before the Santa. Parade and after the Santa Parade on Saturday, December 13th, get one of Vi’s Turkey burgers. Also hot Drinks, just the thing to warm you up. Vi’s Lunch,Minbrook Service Charge $1.00 per KW. per month of connected load or maximum demand 2.20 per KWH 301‘ first 100 Hours use of billing demand 0.50 per KWH ï¬or next 100 Hours use of billing demand 0.33 per KWH for all remaining consumption 3.0c per KWH for first 50 Kilowatt hours per month 1.5c per KWH for next 200 Kilowatt hours per month 0.9:: per KWH for next. 500 Kilowatt hours per month 1.20 per KWH for all over 750 Kilowa-tt hours per month- The Millbrook Reporter Turkeyburgers! Millbrook Public Utilities Commission ‘Millbrook, Ontario PROMPT PAYMENT DISCO! NT on all above rates 10% NOTICE Minimum Monthly Bill $1.11 Gnosa A Four Step Rate Consisting Of Elroy ‘ Financial See. -â€"-Mac Bradshaw . Fiist. hecturerâ€" Harry Cun- . ningham l lsecond Lecturerâ€"mmald Dun-5’. ‘ 109 I Mamhallâ€"Wilu Cunningham 1 [Tylerâ€"J 1y Whittington ‘3 l Committees :â€" _ 1‘! i 1,â€"Wi11ard Wattemman If "1 '2.â€"â€"Gerald VVcod I} 1 3 . â€"~Ken Moncrief ‘ Th‘e annual méeting of L.O.L. 46, Frazerville was held Decem- ber 1‘st, 1958. After a plentiful - chicken supper was served to 'the members, the regular élec- Etion of officers was conducted FORMER RESIDENT DIES IN OWEN SOUND Mrs, Elmo-r \Vright‘, the Ear-7 Howmanville. mier Flossic Malfudoiz), a. oneI M1'- R- 1‘3. â€00mâ€, did an- time resident of Millbrook, “0111109 the “WWI“ and Mr. died in 0mm Sou-11d on Fri(1ay,.F"a"k Malcolm, made â€1’9 PM“ December 5th, 1958, and “sag sonta‘rion of a gold watch ’00 buried in that place on Monday, Ml‘- Chas. \Vealtilfserilt, Beth- Decpmber 8th. (any, W'ho was the winner of th'e The late Mrs. Wright was an Club this year, on a basis of niece of Mr. J. C. McRao-bertsz quality and yield. formerly of South Monaghan,I Prizes are as {“0110W5‘3 but nbw residing in Peterbor. ISLâ€"GO“ W‘a‘bh by AQ'I'iCO ough. 1.2..’n_(j..â€"â€"-Fruit bowl and J oh‘n 'l‘hie following officers were appointed for the year 1959â€"- E Wor. Masterâ€"John Waterman Depu? y Masterâ€"Basil Clements Chaplainâ€"Melville Morrison ' Hfon, Ch’aplaiuâ€" Major Johns: 4. -â€"L:loyd Hooton 5.â€"S:id Todd Trustee-s:-â€"Willard W'atcrman, Lloyd HO'oton and Jay \Vhit- tington. This undertaking is the build- ing of a new Orange Hall in Frazerville tfo replace the ald one which has now been sold. The reports of the numerous Committees was very gratifyg ing. Worshipflul Master Joh‘n .VVatevrman outlined to the visiÂ¥ tors the highlights of the past year and consent. of all mem-‘ bers present for full supporr for the very busy year ahead for L_O.L. 46 in thleir large under-3 takings. Foote Recording Secretaryâ€"Ray Me. L.O.L. 46, PRAZERVILIE ELECT OFFICERS FOR 1959 ONTARIO, GANADA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11. 1958 m ERROR-REPORTER Authorized as ï¬nd class mail III: i I= I IIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIII Deere tractor umbrella 3rd.â€"â€"-1/_» ton C.T.L. fertilizer 4th.-â€"-480 lbs, Slim-Gain ferti- lizer and $5.00 5th.~â€"â€"430 lbs. Shur-Gain ferti- lizer and- $5. 00 ' 6t..h â€"Two 50 lb. bags DDT and Difhane Dust 8th.â€"â€"Cash $7.50 .ch .â€"-Cash $7. 50 10th to 17th prizesâ€"$5. 00. The results of the (ompeti- tion will be found 'on page 2 of this issue . -â€"-Will be held in the Carmel; L O D. Hall on December 1],; at 8. 30 o’clock. Lunch will be! served. Admission $50 All; Weloome. , â€â€œ13 .u..- -gâ€" f_l Approximately one hundred} ,‘people gathered in the Mill-S . brook I'n'ited' Church basement5 " her We 4th. at 7:00 p.111. Mr. I Delbert Olal‘), Millhrook was Lehairman for the evening at. ’ which the results of the Durham for a, turkey banquet. on Decem-é l ,(‘eunty 50:0 J-hlsh‘el Potato club| I†for 1958 were announced. The! guest Speaker for the evening-l ‘ was Miss Kathleen Human. PMS-I sident of the Junior Farmers éAssoeiatiou of ()ntlamio. Miss 3 Roman who comes from Cor-by- I‘ville in Hastings County did ‘ give a talk showing pictures ‘ ‘- that she had taken on the over-. “.seas Junior Farmers exchange iit'rip this past summer. Miss H‘oman, was thanked by Mia;- JMel Wood, a member 'of the " J,)urham County 500 Bushe'l Potato Club. l The head table members werei .introduced by A, 0. Dalrymple,' iAgri/cultural Representative for gDurham County, and th 6‘ gt'nlead table d'id include Mini ’Frank Malcolm, manager of ,Agricultnral- Chemicals, Port Hope, Mr. Norm-an Irvin, Bow-l imanville†Sales Representative: [for Agricultural Chemicals, Mr. g Ross Gilbert, Sales Represent! alive for 0.1.1:. and Mrs. Gil-'2 .bert, Mr. R. E Goodin, Assoc.i I Director of Field Crops Bram-11,! gum-am Department of Agrienl-g lure, Toronto, Mr. Herrin-gtfon," Minisrrer for We church, M12: tDelbert Olan. Chairman of the programme. Mr. A. 0. Dalry- mple. Ag-rienltural Represent- lafive. and Mrs. Dulrymyfle of! I Bowmanville. 'v EUGHRE DEG. 15th. A Progressive Euchre will be held on Monday, December 15, at 8:15 p.m. in the Orange Hall, Millbrook, under auspices of L.O.‘T:. No. 79. Good prizes and lunéh’. Admission 350. Everyone welvome. The December meeting ofi the “Mme-11's Institute will be} held on Friday, December 12th, at. 2.00 p.m. at the 110111_e_‘of_[ Mrs. THomas Rafkness. There will be an exchange \o-f gifts. Potato Banquet Draws Large Number Renew your subscription. PROGRESSIVE EUGHRE W . I. MEETING :10» FELLOWS BINGO ,{Sah Night, Dec. 13 AT 8 .30 0 ’clock BIG Snowball game continues! ‘Share the Wealth â€"â€" Special ; Prizes â€"- Free Games Join the Crowd at SOCIAL - PERSONAL .05c Per Card Mr. Frank Mai'chett has re‘ turned home after a. pleasant visit with’ old friends in Innis- zfree, Alberta. 'The Naked And The Dead' One of the GREAT Pictures, in Color, with ALDO RAY -â€" LILI ST. CYR â€"- RAYMOND MASSEY 'EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘ FRIDAY SATURDAY Eve ’5 Only Also a Christmas Featurette, "THE PONY" Crowley’s Red ' White Superette PRONE 22 WE DELIVER Everything for your Christmas Baking including Seeded Raisins. Christmas Candy .................. per lb pkg. 35c Gift Boxes of Chocolates ............. from. 50c up 20 Games For 50_cents Open Thursday, December 18th All Day MILLBROOK Sat, Dec. 20, 8:30 p.m. Christmas Tree Decorations Aunt Mary ’5 Christmas Cake ...... 2 lbs for $1.15 Sunbeam Christmas Cakes from ...... 59c to $4.50 Turkeys, Geese, Ducks, and Chickens all at LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Do Your (hrtstmas Shopping NOW! SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS CARD, GIFTS, TOYS, CANDY ETC. Store will remain open all. day Thursday, December 18th, and will remain Open Friday Evening Decem- ber 19th till 9 00 p. m. Millbrook 5‘ to $1. 00 Store SHOWS AT 6.30 and 8.40 FEATURE 6.30 and 9.20 From the Widely-Read Novel of War Time Special Games and Share The Wealth†DOOR PRIZEâ€"TURKEY Pressed; for Community Bett erment Lucky Draw on Hamper of Groceries each Saturday ’till Christmas. TOWN HALL “The Family Shopping Centre†Post Office 2 to 4 p.m. 85 8 to 10.30 p.m.; Adm. : Adults 25c Children 150 Season tickets available at the ticket office, or at Conner. Bros. Ltd. Store, Millbrook. MILLBROOK ARENA ‘ Thurs. Dec. 11th. From 8.00 to 10.00 p.m. 1 Sat. Dec, 13th. SKATING â€"â€"and Cotmtry Store win he held in the I.0.0.F. Hall at 2.30 [1.111. on Saturday, Decem- ber 123th, sponsored by Gelden Seaf Rebekah Lodge. 11: ; to U.S.A., $2.9 BAKING SALE Ottawa, Ont. "1.