Alan Wright ............ Men's High Averageâ€" i Ken Blair .............. gtatistics To Date Bowling League Men’s High Single Aif. Brooks ............ 269 Men’s High Triple Dean Cutmore .......... 712 High Scores to date Ladies’ High Single pa Mai-g Armstrong ........ 2 4 o Ladies high singleâ€"- Betty Kent ............ ladies High Tripleâ€"- Marilyn Wright ........ Ladies’ High Triple Marg Annstrong ........ Ladies High Average-4 Marg Armstrong ........ Men’s High Single- Art Stewart ............ Men’s High Tripleâ€" __ HIGH SCORES LAST WEEK Rink-E-Dinks . ......... Wesm Enders .......... Sunday Morning At St. Andrew’s The Rev. Mr. Herrington eon-eluded his series of sermons on The? Early Church as relat- ed in Acts chapters 9-13, from the vonversion of Saul of Tarsus ton his way to Damascus flo persecute any of the \Vay, “ortbflmbefland Durhamtried to join the Fellowship- nati'ons baptizing‘ them in the g )t' Beliewrs' in Jerumlem, they name of the Father, and 0f the Securities . 7 , , , . . ‘ , Phone Tu-5-4588 i new all attrald ot hnn, and be-‘bvon, and of the Holy, GhOStg Albert Waxer 31 Walton" St. l xlf’Vt'tl not that he was a (lIS- Teaehmg them to obi-Awe all _ Luple. But Barnabas deelared thmgs whatsoever I have com- s°l° "m" ' Port H°’°~ unto them how Saul h-od seen.l manded you; and, 10, I am wit h DIRECT WIRE T0 TORONTO: the Risen Lord in the way, and you. alway, even unto the eml Member Brokerâ€"Dealers’ Assam; how he had preached boldly inilnt‘ the, worldâ€. E.L.H. ation .1 Ontario :Damascus in the name of Jesus, ; and now even in Jerusalem he ‘ jsï¬oflge boldly in the name ofl Dead StOCk ROi‘IGVGd ï¬lesus, and disputed against thel :Grecians: but they went: about HIGHHT PRICES PAE lto slay him. \Vhieh, when the . :bI-ethreu knew, they brought 24'Hour serVICB 'him down to (:‘aeszn'ea, and SAN PHONE GOLLECT: 3 him forth to Tarsus his home ' i V , . ’ -7 V 1 a , Peterborouh 2-2080 1 Town. APtb 9 .1-30. ‘\()\\ ll.‘ } ‘ cobourg 1787 iwhich were. scattered ahroatl _ _ travelled as far as Cyprus and N Ick Peconl j Alltitoeh, preaching to none but . lunto the Jews only. Arts ll :â€"l PROPRIETOR GOOd Readlng 319-21. and some of them were,i W"""""“" imen of Cyprus and (‘yrene for the they were come}. AUGT‘ONEERS . “'lllt‘ll when WhOle FQIniIY énnto Alltim'll. spoke unto the.: . ““1" Stanley Miller leeeians. preaehin-3_r the l-lesus and a great many turned} . News . Facts t0 the Lord, ()1) hearng these ’ LICENSED AUF’TIONEER lldlllg'i the (‘lllll't‘ll in .lernsllvml Farm Stock, Furmture Rea] m -- _ _ fsent forth larnabas to Axltwl1,lEstate. Sales conducted at _-______.--J TLC-1:"! I! and bring them bound into Je'rsualem. But when Saul 3'61’n chcc ked he Christi on Science .‘nonifor One Ncmm, SL, Eos‘on 15, Mass. . News . Facts ~ Family Features Send nu newspaper for the time :ccked. Cn-:!csed find my check 0: easy crder. i year $18 D mcmhs 59 B 3 months $4.50 0 TEAM STANDINGS Adï¬rgsg. Nome State 189 621 34-0 l 38 Six-foot-Ei-inch singer, Mike Darrow, ox-radio announcer from Edmonton, was first win. ner of CBC'S Sunday night Trans-Canada Talent Sh‘ow. He received his prize. a certifiuate and a $100 cheque from Denny Vaughan, who is 9111000 of the show. _ Sylvia Murphy, attrac- 1958 Reshâ€"Es‘soo Bus’iael Name Address R P ".- , Chas. Wesatherih, Bethany Sebago 492 Earl Weather-ï¬t, Bethany Sebago 456 Melville frong Millbro'o’k rr ‘2 .l-lzuron 580 Harvey Challice, Millibr‘ook rr 2 Ruron €1.35 Mel. Wood, Millbrook rr ‘2- Hu-ron 570 Harvey McGill, Enniskillen Se'bago 579- Delbert Olan, Millbrook rr ‘2 Huron 7,09 Ernest Cavano Pontypool .Sebago , 559 Albert. ()lan, Millbrook rr 2 Cippeaw 621 Leonard Porter, Pontypool Huron 542 Wilm0t Strong, Millbrook rr :2 Sebagb 406 Allan Werry, Ennigkjllen. Sebago 399 Luther Olan, Millbrook rr 2- Sebag‘o 576 Kenneth Porter, Pontypo'ol rr 1 Setbago 442 Allan Downs, Ponf‘yp‘ool â€"â€"- 351 Winston Olan, Millbrok rr 2 Sebago 485 Donald Lowes, Cavan Serbago 2‘79 1958 Ave. yield per acre 510.6 1951 Ave. yield per a 1957 Ave. yield per acre 429.9 1950 Ave. yield per a 1956 Ave. yield- per acre 433.9 1949 Ave. yield per 4 .1955 Axe. yield pei ame 411.1 1948_Ave. yield per a 1954 Axe. yield pet acxe 432. 6 1947 Ave. yield per. 195? Axe yield pe1 aCIG 365. 5' 1946 Ave. yield per a 1952 Axe. yield pei acie 343 1945 Ave. yield per a Judgesâ€"Alex. Davids-0n andA. 0. Dalrymple. It is interesting to note that dining the past 15 years Mr. Delbert < had the high yield 8 times, quit;- a reeord 1301- one man. ._4 1958 Ave. yield per acre 1957 Ave. yield per acre 1956 Ave. yield- pei‘ acre 1955 Ave. yield per acre 1954 Ave. yield. per acre 1953 Ave. yield per acre 1952 Ave. yield per acre BIG WINNER Pcntypool -â€"- Ontano 1 a: icensed Auctioneer. Durham? r E ounty, is now available to con- i \ not Sales=anywhere in County. 111‘ Your patronage respectfully n: Qt" £1; 1 i tive radio and television song- b'TC‘SS, was one of the judge's. Trans~CanaGa Talent Show is touring Canada. in search of new voices, variety acts and musicians who sili‘ow promise. Mike Darrow will‘compete in the finals with other winners for the grand prize of $1,000. m momnmonm moot, Per Acre Potato Club 46 399 576 442 351, 485 27 9 12 Lat-f HH .- _ ’ amew-F-LomeV‘ulv-Ja HH qiâ€"A 96â€"78 96-74 89-84 88-87 86-81 89-80 83-94 94-80 89-87. 82-80 92-68 88â€"65 75-80 84-7] 80-63 79-70 85-56 13 16 17 . :. G3»: Ontario 1 . Durham V Me to con- , W in County. E“? “I . yield per acre 343 . yield per acre 443 . yield per acre 419 . yield per acre 53-1» . yield per acre 380 . yield per acre 447 . yield per acre 289 . Delbert Olan, {of Millbrook, BUTTER GRANITE CO . Port Hope, Ont. Box 622 Monuments, Markers, Corner Posts and Inscriptions. Renew Your Subscription. 20. 2.1.1 19. 17 9 720.7 ..19 20. G 80 84 736 72 83 7 4 83 240 237 23] 227 226 25] 224 90 90 86 83 87 84 77 264 260 269 258 254 253 252 251 77 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Nearly 200 a'tended a dance held in the Gavan Community Hall as guest of 1\Ir.a11d Mrs. Earl Armstrong on Friday evening This was given by the host and hostess in appreci- ation of. the help given 1110111 in ere-C Ting their new barn this; 10211'. )Irs.1n1s110110 11 as ably assisted by lady friends in {serving a (lolici-‘ous lunch. APPRECIATION SHOWN BY PARTY Meet HIM in Millbrook at Monster Parade, 2.30 p.m. Saturday, December 13 M1", and Mrs. Armstrong YOUR SAVINGS EARN When yoï¬ Deposit thin in a Wteed hVestment Certificate for five years. Amounts of $100 00 and up may be left on Deposit. Interesz is payable half-yearly. 437 GEORGE STREET s space donated by The Mirror-Reporter. â€" VECTORIA and GRnY TRUST COMPANY 'Auï¬orized by Law for Investment of Trust Fl FREE TREATS FOR KIDDIES! wusday, December 11, 1958 CARLEY, STANDISH, CLARKE CARLEY 8: LECH Barristers and Solicitors 425 Water Street PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO T. J. Carley Q.C. (1896-1956) B. o. Standish dc. T. E. Clarke B.A. 3.11. Carley B. Com. W. C. Lech B.A. were thanked by Councillor- -e1ect Rae Stewarr, for their thou‘gh'tfhlness on their part. PETERBOROUGH Millbrook Count Miu'brook, Dee. lst, 1958. The regular monthly meetiJ of the Municipal Council of I Village of Millbrovok was h< on the ah‘m-e date with the 1’1 lowing members present: {vcx‘câ€"Aiem F. Harringt Councillm‘sâ€" Frank 3"} J. T. Crowley, George Ray and Lavern Gibson. The minutes ref the last re: lar meeting. also Qpecial 1m inf: of November 2411:. w read by the Clerk and on I 11011 of Councillors North 1 L‘aymes were approved. ‘ Bylaw 1o license Nurs Ho-zws within the cox-pm 31m." «.f *h» “-leicipality ' given 9 third readin: and nï¬olitn of Council'»: (‘rov and Raymes the Rem-e Clerk u ere authorized to (2 plete Ihis Bv-law. by Sign sealing and numbering. (I 8'34). The Churches SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1‘ Zion Pentecostal (hm MILIBROOK D. L. Johns, Pastor. Sunday Services 10 a.m.-â€"Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"\\’c«rship Ser‘ 7.34} p.111.â€"â€"E\‘éning $2“. 5 (r0 |) m #Wwdx (1:62.: ' er and Bible “11.1% 8.00 [MILâ€"F :da} 3 mmg plea Meeting. f‘t)*l‘-‘H HO 538? 73.314915 The United Church of Can Hillbrook â€"â€" Cavan Hr. Stan Northrep, org and choir director. ReV. H. B. Herringmn, :1 ' ter in charge. “0 Come, Let ['5 Worsh Third Sunday in Adve‘ St. John's, Ida 9.45 a.m.â€"â€"Ma12ins St. Thomas’ Church Hill] “.15 a.m.-â€"Holy ('omn'; Christ Church, Bailiebc Evensung 7 . 30 p.121. 11.00 a.m.â€"Sunday 1 11.15 a .m.â€"\\'w~rship Sunday, Dm- be Cmmmmion. Cavan and $2. bruok. 9.45 a.:1:.-â€"!i1\‘22w \xwr Cenm'evii‘ze Church 10 .00 a . m . â€"â€"(‘h_ur(-h Sch 11.00 a.m.-â€"Div’ne We Legion Hall. “A Welcome Awaits Yo 9.45 a.1n.- Sunday 1 draw dm-i Church SOI' Grace Church. Sunday Scimv-I 9.4.5 awnâ€"Div}: PARISH 01" CAVAI Anglican Church of Ca: Rev. J. Edgar M. Palf Mirror-Regerte THE SALVATION ARE Captain D. McNeilly (70 Pentecostal Assemblies Canada suplemetary By-law, i! i1 serum- . Ill MILLBROOK CAVAN .â€"\\'orship Sen ' School «fhihh‘vu ring sm-und Hyu Dow 11le um \l 141 So)