PAGE P0113 Seen On King Street During The Week Teddy Nattress going along the 'street- in his shirt sleeves .!ast Friday, and you know how‘ cold it was that day. It beats (\ELLK II. v!“ .â€" all what these young guys will do just to get their name in “Seen on King Streetâ€. Ocloured lights strung across the street. but not yet turned in in all their glory. Waiting, maybe. to make sure Christmas is really coming before They! get the “juice." or is it going to be one of‘the surprises on‘ Saturday when Santa Claus‘ values In town with his big parade 1’ Many of the windows decor- wrd for Christmas with a vow- m-; :.f some kind sprayed rm. At first it was thiought by our watchful eye that. someone was trying to revive Hallowe’en. Clifx' Scrott and Tahbert Kt‘l' Residents of the Township of Mt 'vloaring the side of the Knuth Monaghan please 7'ake s‘rm‘~t of slush st) the wateriuotice that pursuant to and in mnld got away. “"9 noticed.Mun-(lance with a By-law of Hmm-i‘ ()mllctto taking a bi‘gyï¬w United counties bf Norm- inn-rm: in the proceedingS.Imam-land and Durham. :1 boun- Bw he was wishing- he could tv in thv amvuut wf $4.00 will Many Suitable gifts for the Christmas buyms in The Local stun- \\'i11d(»\\s.lf these are any indication of W hat inside, no need th go far afield to do This pleasam chore. Ro‘ he was wishing he could act in the act too. VISITING OVER THE HOLIDAYS? Go CNRâ€"the sure, the comfortable way. No matter where you’re going, whether you're travelling solo or with your familyâ€"you can make your plans now! Snow-ï¬lled skies or icy roads will make no difl'erenceâ€"you’ll get where you want to go, and you’ll enjoy every relaxing minute of your trip. Insure your holiday fun plans. Ask about CNR Gi Certiï¬cates, ideal for holiday giving! For tickets and infogmation contact your local Canadian National representative. but closer scrutiny revealedh'ave the Christmas Spirit, not the man devil spirit. §.Cola, With two huge truck heads of Christmas trees parked on‘i the street opposite each other,: it looked from a distance like the entrance to the Ganaraska ref‘orestration area. be paid by ï¬le Township of Knuth Menaghau for each Fox 'Wlii-r-h is killed in the ’l‘mvnship. The Clerk is allillï¬l'llt‘ll to pay the above bounty when the f'rx tail with the bone in is brought, if, his office on any [Wednesday evening, between. $.00 and 9.00 p.m., effective immewl iately . MAILED IN A HURRY Rush, beï¬ore the Christmas mail gums up the- postal ma- chinery must have been the slogan 30f a Toronto firm. They sent us an envelope first-class mail with no contents in it, showing: they really got. in a. hurry to get thieir missive off and avoid the Christmas rush. Renew Your Subscription. J. CI Robinson, Clerk, South M-onaghan- Township, NOTICE dove off at 2.30 p.111. sharp. | book on Saturday, Decemberi 13th. They will be treated to; one of the finest, biggest andg most interesting parades ever} held in Millbroiok. é E A reminderâ€"Enter your an- 'tique car in the parade; If < you win the big cash prize for 'l the oldest car you might be able 1:0 trade it in for a brand « new model. I uniâ€"- v JGIII‘I â€" I All entrants are requested to , ‘check their en+ry for safetyâ€"â€" J usf. TWO DAY Sf tOh 8106:?! let us have no accidents t’o mar the Blggest Parade 0 t e Y - i the day. - ‘9 LIKE BANDS? Four wel known Bands \\ 1ll entertai on Satuidav, plus a promiuer Band VV ill plaV Christmas mus] before and after the parade i fiont of the. Armourri'es.‘ Trea‘fls for the Children! We have bags of favours, candies, peanuts, oranges, apples, Pepsi Cola, Balloons and a mystery treat if the weather is suitable. Children! Bring your parents and all your friends. Disappointed in the Millbrook Arena Boards decision not to issue free «skating ticket-s this yeau‘ They did, however, of. .W I. fer free skatin; Saturday after. noon December 13th, if the ica is available. Atomizens Bath Salts Oil Billfold Compact Cosmetics Dresser Set Electric Razor Hainbrusli Lipstick Manicure Se'c . Perfumes Soap : Vlloiletry Set- | GIFTS for HIM [Billfold Hair Brush ‘Shaving Supplies: 9 Electric Razor Shave Bomb After Shave Lotion Shaving Brush S’hlaving xMirror Shaving Kits l Gillette Razor Sets Don’ I miss this gala Parade start the gav Christmas season by attending the Millbrook Sana (‘laus Parade Saturdav, Deccmbm l3th. at 2 .30 p. m. U" u‘l‘U\ Alh‘ï¬lla v.-v Sana Claus Parade Safcurdlay,I Swanson, Edward A.â€"-â€"0n Fri- December [35th. at. 2.30 p«.m. lda‘y. December 5th, 1958, at. Stratha van Nursing Home, How. Paradeâ€"Times and Route I‘manville. Edward A. Swan- ‘Vill all entrants please be son in his e-igh'ty-i'hird year, at Trick’s Service Station at‘fOrlnorIy of Mill‘brook, Husâ€" 01' b9f01‘t‘ 2 13.111. Parade Will baznd nfjthe late Annie McMil- nuwc uff at 2.30 p.m. sharp. \ ' ' ..â€"â€"â€"â€" ..._.._.â€"~___.' V. , ..-_. .... GIFTS for HER PARADE ROUTEâ€" Sam at: Trick‘k‘ Service Station, proce-i ml Via King Street to Bank' Corner then right via Mill St, This handy list will help make it easier to select just the right gift for those on your Christmas lisl‘. ' , Just check the items you know will be most welcome. We ’11 be glad to show them to you, and you can look them over leis lI‘C‘ly and picture how each product will delight a loVed one on Christmas morning. In our store you can enjoy your shopping. you can ask questions. and get the answers imn efficient service. Shopping here is real fun b< choice, we. know where all of Our thousands of you. STORE HOURSâ€"Open all day. Dec. 18th. Open December 19th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd, a; 24th GRAY’S DRUG STORE, MILLBROOK roiok. i - i . . . I Mrs. Wm. Hutchmson wasilan, Father ,of Mrs. Harry] l ( IDS? Four wellâ€" elected president fOr the com-fsutlton (Velma) of Bowman-1 will entertain ing year of St. Thomas’ Angliâ€" ville, Mrs. Hazel Brown, Bet-h- plus a prominent‘ean Church Women’s Guild at' any, Hugh Swanson, Sundridge y Christmas'musieltheir annual meeting. The and Mrs. Wm. Skitch (Pearl) . ) ter the parade, iuZother officers elected are: _ 'Iiof Millbrook, and a brother? Aï¬nourries'.‘ “ ‘iIVIee-Preeâ€"thrs; JasT Godfrey.) (laihuxour. §8€c.-â€"â€"Mrs. J- \V- Haw 3 He was a life member of râ€"Enter your auâ€"iTl'eaS-jâ€"MI‘S. Arthur Trick i14.0.11. 1022 l-lethany, which thfe parad.ev_ If‘EXG‘UutlYG Comm'nâ€"ers. 13(‘3f(.'§" 121129 hold a service at the fu- big cash prize for. Hauulton, MISS A1111? anr, neral home Sunday evening. car you might be Ml“. G- H- Lancaslnre. The funeral Im‘k place‘ it in for a brand Miss E- Kent The retiring from the J. W. Haw Fu- {president thanked {the 1110m'_1101'a1 Home, Millbrook. on Mon- {here for their eoâ€"‘operatiou day, December 8th. at 2 o’elock. the children! We durmg her term of ofï¬ce. The The Rev. A. Herbc-rl fo‘u.i.at_ f favours, candies. R9“ J- Edgar M- 13Hâ€? 1.11- ihg. Interment was in St. lr’auls. lges, apples, Pepsi sxtalled the new execu Ive. T-‘eflemetery, I’errytown, 15 and a mystery {mld agreed to help \Vlth the The pallbearers were Mr. leather is suitable.!mumal Chmstmas supper and W. Sanderson, Mr. P. Pitt, ring- vour parents'trge EOI' the Sunday 8011001 AII‘, H. Lllllll, RIP. 1. Rather- ' ' lelmldren and the-1r parents on 1y, Mr. B. Sanders and Mr. ’ fmends. iDeeember 19th. ‘ ' 1: [’arsom. ._â€"_._â€"â€"â€" A small deposit will hold any article. Christmas Gift Sugg’estiens you can enjoy your shopping. You can compare- one item with another, lions and get the answers immediately, you can be sure of pleasant and Shopping here is real fun because we. have full stocks, giving you a wide where all of Our thousands of gifts are, and we never are too busy to help to Docon Telephone Building, then- right via. King Street to Bank Corner, then left and disperse on Tupper Street. The Guild’s Annual Meeting held in the Parish Hall was preceded by a hot turkey din- ner. There was also an ex- change of gifts and Mrs. Percy Hamilton conducted a. women. The January meeting is to be held at the home tof Mrs. T. A. Campbell. Toiletry Sets Jimmie Bath Golf Balls Camera Outfit Thermos ‘ [gaudy 11111 g) 3 GIFTS for EVERYONE ‘ Flashlight ‘ ‘- Alarm Clocks v Hai'nbrush Ball Point Pens Lunch Kits Bathroom Scales Manicure Sets Camera Outfits Soaps Boxed Chocolates Stationery Fllm Toys First Aid Ki ' Flash‘bulbs t GIFTS for} SMOKERS Flashlights Cigairett es Heating Pads Cigars Key Cases Lighters Playing Cards Pipt-S Pen and Pencil Sets Tobaccos Photo Albums Photographic Equipment DECORATIONS S‘ationery Artificial Snow Aerosol Bomb SH“ Glasses Christmas Cards GIFTS for YOUNGSTERS Gift Wrapping Paper Baby Bottle \Varmers (lift Ties and Ribbons Baby Gift Set Tape and Seals Ball Pen Tinsel Billf‘old Tree Decorations A. Roy Willmott, Q.c. Entered Into Rest Awbrey Neave, Parade Marshall. Barristers, Solicitors, Nota (:3 Telephone 9 Millbrock WILLMOTT IRVINE ONTARIO For \Vauied:Dlsh Washing help for Christmas Day. Ph'on 5L M illxhrook . ‘ Bubble Bath Camera Outfit Candy .Film Flashlight 'Hai'rrbrush Lunch Kits Manicure Sets Soaps Stationery Toys GIFTS for} SMOKERS Cigairett es Cigars Light 91‘s 1’1 pc-s Tobaccos )r Rentâ€"The Spires house on Centre Street, ‘heated; has upstair apartment could be sub-let 1.0 other tenanrt». The whole house only $65.00 per month. Austin D. Elliott Real Estate Broker. Call Don Trick at Bi 2- 3493 Peter- borough or Millbfook 105-51 James WANTED FOR ‘RENT For Saleâ€"Combination Electric . wood and coal stove, (Gurney) in good condition. Phone "T. 223-33 Millbrobk. 2: L ts {For Sideâ€"Geese, live or dres- § sed. Phone 107-W-3 Mill- : brook. ’ 1t mm, W 11,, 1.952 iFor Saleâ€"A Grey Suburban ‘ Coat, size 16, good condition. I P‘flone 76-w Millbrook. 1t Pair of girls figure skates size 3, excellent condition, will trade ï¬or girls size 5 figure skates. Phone 183-124 Mili- brook. 1t For Saleâ€"A quantity of good used lumber 2x 4’ s, sheeting, Windows and doors, and cement chimney. Jack Kins- man. Phone 184-r-21 .Mil-L brook. 21; -._.....~.._._..- For Saleâ€"Christmas Trees. Ap- ply Llovd Fa‘llis phone 114â€"w Millbrdok 1"; v _-..â€"'.. For Saleâ€"Quebec Stone will burn (0211 or wood Also a. new W030! Bed Blanket. Phone 69-j Mill‘brook. 1t For Saleâ€" Christmas Trees. Apply Fred Gardiner, at MCI-I Implement Shop, phone 1-1-3j Milwook 2t For Saleâ€"Pure Bred Cocked Spaniel Pups ,buff‘ or black seven to chose from. Sold in‘h or Without papers. Wm. Howdon, phone 215-1'â€"3 Millbro‘ok . 11; For Saleâ€"Viking Washing Ma- chine, practically new $50. ' Contact Gord Trick. 2t; For Saleâ€"Apples; McIntosh, Spies and Snows; also Par- snips and Carrots. Milton Challice phone 89â€"j Mill- br0‘ok. 3t. For Rentâ€"5 Roomed Self-con- tained Heated Apartment with Bath. Immediate pos- session. Has garden. Phone 127-w Millbrook. 2t. Sor Saleâ€"Swede Saw in excel. lent. conditinn, only $2.50. Apply at Reporter Office. For Rentâ€"Modern 2-bedroom self contained apartment, oil furnace. Phone 207-r-14, Millbmok. 3t For Rentâ€"A Small House on Frederick Street. Phone 18 Millbro 0k . 3t- MAN W'ANTEDâ€"To be an (if- "iiieial representative in this area enrolling memberï¬hips in a Farm Service Club. No experience required. Car im- por‘rant. Write giving de- tails and phone number to Farm Services Division, Sales Manager. Bax 817. London, Ontario. 2t -.._â€"_ â€"_.._â€"_â€"._. _ MALE HELP WANTED. Large United States and Cana- dian Manufacturing Company requires Dis'triet Manager for Durham county. Exception. any high earnings. Guaran. teed repeat business. Auto- mobile essential. Agricul- tural background most. im- portant; Sales training given. Reply to Box 84, London, Ontario. - fl - g. pr Saleâ€"Wee Tots Skates. size 7, only worn twice. Mrs. Ray Powell, phone 249 Mill~ braok. 16 MALE HELP WANTED r03. EXGHAHGE FOR SALE FOR. RENT TREAT COMING FOR MUSIC LOV W-I.III.IVC.I.I-I.I-I‘ Raymond Daniels of Ontario, is the, feature evening pf fine music A. Spicer an outs vocalisr will certainly a siderale enjoyment. to cital wi1h hex- solos as «heirs of StJTHnmas' under the direction‘ J. O. Medd. ‘ A coming u'mn whi‘ ing lunkod forward to aalti(-ipat!o11 is the R (‘Drgzm and Choral mu This recital is being ed by the choirs 'of St . Anglivan Chum-h and held on the evening of January '23rd at eight. Tickets flnr this out- evening bf music app may be obtained from the choir nwmhem. The Annual Mow Gavan Distrirt L.†held on Tuvsday N 13th. 2‘: 8‘ u'vliwk in Hall. Millbrmk. Norma n Earl. l) . M “rillis Cunningham. Renew} .'«~ur Subset . Year. No. 1. SIDE PORK FRESH HAM R1 SMOKE!) PICNI‘ Gummer’s Come I THE GERIR ORANGE NOTIJ FREE delive: Swea‘ 991m; 0 . I.‘ even? in th