-Cct your clothes made like new :by having them dyed by Parker's *Dye Works, Peterboro. Harry 3Rxchards. Millbrook agent, at his store, “D. Chamber’s old stand. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. 1 am also agent for the Petcrbgro Steam Laundry. H. Richards ' ' P. S.-â€"Persons having small lots of stock, chattels; c., to 5c", 1 will be plcawd to put them up at auction any Saturday. I. E. N. ‘ I. E. NEEDHAM, Ofï¬ce and Store, Millbrook, Ont. King St.. op. Dom. Hotel. The undersrgncd wishes to inform those mtcndmg to ban: auction sales that he mil be pleased to have a can from them. Terms reasonable. I. E. NEEDHAM. AUCTIONEER. ptotect this reputation. 11215 Is a school of the highest standing. Winter term opens Ian 2nd. Catalogue free. Cannot supply the demand made upon it by business men. Why? Because our reputation for high- gndc iork is well known, and _ we A resolution was paused to give each combo: one you'o subscription to the Cumulus: Horticultural Magazine. A ’1‘. Armstrong. the president, acting a chairman. After discussion on we ’08" Work and reports of oflicon. pm- Iug of accounts. em , the tollowing ofï¬cers were elected {or the onwing you: A. '1‘. Arm-non: would out ; G. A Duncan). lot VIco-preaidont' "73.11 Gala", 2nd Vice-president; W. B. (Jinn. arc-Tron. Dxncrg-nszâ€"Mu. 8 D. Roan, Mrs, J. D Duel]. Mn. D Milligan, Mu. H. A, Turner, um Grundy, John Hicks. D Hampton, Goo. Lock and Wm Archer Tho snnual unsung of the Mlllbrook Hottioununllocloty was held In the Town Hall Wednesdny, at 8 p.11: , Mr. All schools are not alike, and espec- ially in helping students to positions. Do not overlook this point. W Bro. C H Winslow ..... . .1). of C “ John Hunter .......... Chap. B50. G A Duncan ............ S D. “ T A Kelly ................ LD " Chas Mchxl .............. 5.5. “ T H Hassaxd....l ........ }.S. W Bro. J H Armstrong ........ LG. Bro. john Pitt. ............ Tyler ‘6 W Montgomery. . . . . . I.P.M. Bro G E Bumham ............ S W. “ Chas Thorndykc .......... j.W. ‘3 George Carvclh ............ Sec. V W Bro. } C Kells .......... ’l‘reas. W Bro. C H Winslow ..... . .1). of C GEO. NEEDLER. .On ngnesday evening, 27th Dec... flue following ofï¬cers were duly m- anned. m j. 8‘ Hall Lodge, AF. and A.M., by Rt. W. Bro. A A Smith, PJ). I).G.M : W Bro. H A Turner ........ “KM“ I wish to infbrm the public that I have aldays on hand best grades of Mangtoba Flour, including nglnc’s Royal Household and Lake of the Woods, Five Roses. becral discounts tillbe and: on ton or half ton lots. were present and all enjoyed them- salves to the full. The dancmg, the musxc, and the refreshments were: all ï¬rst-class. ‘ Full report next week. A delightful party was held at the homcof Mr Rob: “ right, Cam pbcll- croft. on Friday evening. About 80 W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. CgLÂ¥onge and Alexander Sts. Miss M Nash of Toronto. is a guest 'of Mrs. 105. Kelly, “The Maples," The annual Entertainment. under the auspices of Christ Church, Bailie- boro, will be held m Bailieboro. on Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 17 and :8, 1906, at 7.30 p.m., when the Connc Operetta, entitled "ALI BA-BA" (A new and original version of the “Forty ‘l'hieves"), mll be rendered by a Chorus of Forth Vonces. Admission each evening, Adults 23c., Children 15 cents. NURSE BROS.’ LIVERYâ€" We will be pleased to have a call 2mm you when you need a ï¬rst- class livery outï¬t. Terms right. Don't forget the place, Union St., Mlllbrook, W. T. McBride’s old stand. We will use you right. sts Luella Thcxton left this week for Albert College, Bellevillc, after spending :he vacation at home. Miss Mac Foster, graduate nurse of Nichols' Hospital, Pctcrboro. was the guest of her cousins, the Misses Thex- ‘gon over Sunday. Miss Helen Allen, daughter of Rev. Alex. Allen, is visxting at her uncle’s, Rn. W C Allen. no You Want 3 Position ? agm'. Dchyt Vite When letters blur Inna etc required. Doe. t ever heppen to you when reading that the object appears l ebmplete mist, bhnk your e or net them a moment is right again. The} H. A. Turner unlhrook. w .0; ‘ N These men are practical farmers and are pieparcd to discvss the subjects from that stand point. Local men have been invited to address some of these meetings. T. A. KELLY, Pres. will address the meetings at Man. vers Station, Bethany, Cavanville and Garden Hill on any of the following~subjects. Mr. Beckett, Subjectsâ€"Farm Yard Manure, its management and application. Im. proving our Dairy Herds. Feed- ing for Milk. Evening Subject~ Farming as an Occupation. Mr. Foster. Subjectsâ€"Crop Rotation. flic Bacon Hog. The Dairy Cow. Our Fodder Crops. Evening Sub- jectâ€"The Land we Live In. At the Canton meeting Mr. Beckett drops out and Mr. DUNCAN ANDERSON of Rugbv. takes his1 place and will speak on Soil Culti- I vation. Beef Cattle, pure bred, ‘ grades and fat. Homes, Draft Agricultural and General Purpose. p.111. in S. E. Hall. At the after- noon meetings in Garden Hill and Canton, live stock will be brought in and Illustrated talks given by the delegates. H. L. BECKETT MANVERS STATION, ‘ Jan. 22nd. 1 at TWO pm. in Orange Hall ‘Bahhanv Town Hall, Jan. 22, 1906, at SEVEN p.m. Millhrtmk Town Hall Jan. 23, at T W 0 pm; Cavalmlle, 111 old church. Jan, 23rd, at SEVEN p m. GARDEN HILL, in Orange Hall, Jan. 24, atz and 7 12.111. CANTON, Jan. 25, at 2 7 will be held at the following places: FARMERS’ INSTITUTE SUPPLEMENTARY - MEETINGS In the absence of Mrs. W C Allen through illness, Miss Mildred Allcn acted as accompanist, and Special feature m the prOCccdings, was the presentation of a handsome sofa chusiun, worked by the members of the: Woman's Auxiliary. for their president Mrs. W C Allen. There was a good collection. The Sunday Schoo't Entertainment of Trinity church. was held on Friday evening, jan. 5th, tn the school house, and was well attended, the school house being ï¬lled to the doors, and all Well pleased with the pmgmm me. All taking part did very creditably, and are to be congratulated on their saccess, in parts hitherto unattempted. The gifts to the clnldren from the Christmas Tree Were valuable and much apprcexated by the recipients. ‘. G. FOSTER, Myrtle. Crane. are coming to Millbrook on Tuesday, ]an. 16th, and will give a concert under the auspices of the Presbyterian Church. St. Paul’s choxr is'3z strong, and each member at it un d: Islands musrc, and the Presbyterians are indeed fortunate in securing them. The Mirror had the pleasure of hearing this choir on a similar occasion, at Omemee. and we are very pleased that another Opportunity to hear them again is so close at hand. Watch for further announcements The excellent Choir of St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, of the City of Petcrboro, under the dirccnon of Mr. Mr. John Crane of The Ontario Bank, and Leader of St. Paul’s Choir, Peterboro, was in town this week ex~ amiuing the acoustics of the Presbyter- ian Church for the Sacred ConCcrt to be held in me Church here on next Tuesday evening. Mr. George Mcdd, of Brandon, is a guest of his sister, Mrs. A. Ferguson, Ann St. It is 2 5 years since Mr. Medd was here before. He is delighted wixh the great improvements here. Mr Stan Carveth is home from the West and his host of friends welcome him back. East Durham A. J. FALLIS, Sec. Good Hair flï¬iwm Hair Vigor} Tntnttn flnnnnln Christmas Entertatnntnnt. the dandruff, saved your hair, and added much to it. I! not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve it. hlb'JAaob. .8293 «A Shunt! . Bald? Scalp shiny and thin? Then It’s probably too late. You neglected dandruff. If you had only taken our ad- vice, you would have outed of Hamilton, and wA r’iinir ILA. :3 “1". Banana. m. of â€"flc_h"br¢_wu hlllf: til". 1 m3;- for â€a J. O. A". Loco". Peterboro’, Ont. AGENTS Dominion Organ 8; Piano 00. Buescher True-Tone Band Instru- FORJ ments. New Williams Sewing Machines. NEW OPERA HOUSE, GEORGE sax, The undersigned are prepared and have every facility to repair Brass and Reed Band Inst uments Type writers, Phonsgraphs, Bicycles Etc. Latest Sheet Music always in Stock. Phnuumnhs Hecarfls. RE FRAMING. J. M. ï¬rewall/{1131c BIL, MILLBROOK, : : ONTARIO. MR JAMES DAWSON. 'I‘RISAGION AN!) SANCTUS (Eight Part Chorus SOLOâ€"â€"_“ I’m a Pilgrim,†- - 8.11. the BANK OF TORONTO. MISS MOORE AND THE CHOIR. SOLO~-“ The Christmas Song,†~ ANTHEM-n“ Sing 0 Heavens,†SOLO AND CHORUS~“The Birthday ofa King,†DUETâ€"" He wipes the tears from every eye," - MISS DAVIES AND MISS MOORE. MOTET’!‘ (6 parts)~“ 0 Day of Pcnitcncc," ~ DOXOLOGY - PRAYERâ€"(Followed by The Lord" ANTHEMâ€"“ The Son of God gocé SOLOâ€"“ The Ninety and Nine ;’ Prrogrramme ANTHEM, (unaccompanied)-â€"“ Yca SOLO~~“ The Better Land,†- Admission 25¢. Prlogrramme Part I Tuesday Evening, Jan. 16th, ART SONGâ€"~" Crossing \hc Bar,†MlthROOK _______ON___.___. Saerred "Consent Veterinary Surgeon to His Majesty's 14th F. 13., C. Oflice on King St, ï¬rst door West Collins’ Bank. .931- ch. 33.11;? Newcombe 13:32; Pianos, . W. Fisller, V. S., St. Paul’s Church Choir, Peterborough. not by what you earn so much as bv what you save. Commence now by taking out a dcposnt book in the C. R. Armstrong, Millbrook, 13.1.23‘ N ewcombe 332,1, Pianos. Presbyterian Church, . Armstrong, Millbrook, Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Doors open at 7.30. Program at 8 o’clock. Calls by Telephone promptly atten_ded to. '. Lamprey, Manager Hillbrook Branch. G01) 3131:: THE KING BECOME MISS H E LEN DAVIES. MISS HELEN DAVIES. Under the Auspices of the M R. W. MCI LROY. 1c Lord' Prayer, q .‘xod goes forth to x 906, by GRAND Children Tho I Walk chanted.) W ar," Part II. A2211! ins/er. Campion. A Mfo-rd. Ilawley. Sullivan 15¢. Barnby. Goa nod. Cowan. Tau rs. G'e £11614 Lo/n'. Lee A. A. SMITH, Ewculurs" Solicitor. And take notice that the executors may after the said 12th day of Febru- ary, 1906, proceed to distribute the assa-ts of the said estate, and will not be liable for any claims of which they shall not then have notice. Dated this nth day of January, 1906. LAVINA l’E'l‘HICKl, WILLIS (JAR R j lixecutors. Take notice that in pursuance ofthr Statutes in that behalf all persons hav ,ng claims against the estate of the and late Robert Pethlck, who died on or about the 29th day of November, 1905, are rcqmred to send particulars of their said claims duly veriï¬ed to Mrs. lm'ina Pcthlck, at Ida P. O. in the sand Township of Cavan. on or before the nth day of February, 1906. In the matter of the estate of ROBERT PE'I'HICK, km: of the 'l‘ownshtp of Gavan in the County of Durham. Yeoman, dcceascd' Notice to Creditors. "Common Sousa Modiral Advisor"will be sent, free. [mpvr-bouml. fur 3! one-cent stamps, to my the oust. uf mailing only, or cloth-hound fur 50 gtamps. Address P'." R. V. Home, 663 Main Street. Bu!- ‘9 ‘v . “an.“ PILLS. ï¬rst put. up by old hr. e\\t~.\s R. V. Pierce over 40 yours a 0. Much imitated. but. never cquukd. Lutlo pill. Little dune. but givo great m- mlLs in a. curative way in all derange- mmts of Stomach. Liver and Bowcls. wane“ The Original LITTLE LIVER The enormous popularity of "Gnldon Medical Discovery" is due hnth to its Scientiï¬c (-uxnpnumling and to the actual modicinal milieu! tin: ingredients. The publication of the numcs of the immedi- ents m) the \vrapocr of evor bottle hereafter to he sold, gives fllii' assur- anca 0! its mn-alcoiwlic chumvtvr and removes all objmtiou to the use of an "unknown romvdy." Many years of actual practivo oou- vinced Dr. Pierce of the valua of many native roots. as medicinal (moms and he went. to gr :an expense. buth in time and in money. to perfect. his own pmrulizar pru- coascs {nr rendering them huth t-I‘Iiciont Ind safe for cuminuuus use as tunic and rebuilding agmns. Mr and nh‘S (Em Lem h and son of Dauphin, Man. are visiting friends In Milllnook and Cavan. 'l‘hcir many friends are pleased to meet them again. Among the Chriétmas issues arriving at this ofï¬ce, none is worthy of more attention than the holiday number of the “Farmer’s Advocate and Home Magazine,†London, Ont. As an expon- ent of agriculture along scientiï¬c and advanced lines, the “Farmers Advo cate stands to the front ï¬fty-two weeks in the year, and as an example of line uy-to-date journalism, this particulat number deserves our hearty mngratu lations. The illustrations, which in clude an engraving on the cm'er ol the splendid new buildings just corn- pleted for the Western edition of the paper in Winnipeg, are very time, mam of them being scenes typical of (Iana dian agriculture as it is carried on horn the Atlantic to the Paciï¬c. Spccml articles appear from the pen of man) able writers, including such men as j W Bengongh; W H Collins, of tln ‘ (Ecological survev of Canada; Hon. john Dryden; Rev. Father Burke, President of the l’.l£.l. Fruit growers' Association ; C \V Young, intish (Io lumbia; (2 H Parsons: john (Emil-J, Ohio, With a group of timely pithy articles contributed by the prestdents ofthe various l’mvmctal Agricultural Colleges on the education of the far mer’s non. blond. Both of those are used in Dr. Piorce’s Guldm Medical Dismu-r; in such a. way. by skillful extraction. mm- hinatlon and solution wichuut. alcohol :11" t their best effects are summed would do than good tlon from it ‘ Wit blood K0“ « uttle cossf all m SEAL drum named sin. :1 1m 03‘ htal :L in pl rnnu A meeting of Cavan District “as held In the Onangc Hall, Millbrook, on 'lucsd 1y, when the folloxximv oï¬ï¬ccrs were elected for the ensuing yzcar W I) M, Bro. Richard lalhs. l) l) M, Bro James Paul. Treasu, Bro T B Culling FILM 0.17.. SC“, Bro A Reynolds, (LM. cht. Bro Wm Linn. I) of (I, Bro H Roddv. The Anniversary services of Christ Church, Bailieboro, were held on Sun- day }an. 7, and were very hearty and enthusiastic-though owing to the snow stdrm, there was a small atten‘ dance in the morning. The Rector read the prayers ar both serviCes. The Rev. Alex. Allen, of Christ Church, Springï¬eld, Ill., preaching in the morn- ing and the Rev. '1' F Summerhayes ot'Gore’s Landing, in the evening. In the unavoidable absence of Mrs. Allen. Miss Collins, of Millbrook, kindly acted as organist morning and evening. Miss Rogers of Toronto, and Miss Smithson of Bailieboro sang sacred solos at the evening service, and thus rendered most aCCeptable assistaDCe. The church was ï¬lled m the evening with a very attehtive and interested congregation. The Choir sang most heartily and well throughout, and the ofl'ertory amounted to OVcr $80, with envelopes yet to be got in. Mr. Wilfred Brown has recently been ap- pomted churchwarden of Christ church taking the place of W ’1‘ Lucas. who, much to the regret ol' the community. has gone for a time from Bailieboro. Education of the Farmer The Anniversary Sermons of Christ Church. 9., Bro 'l‘ B C Bro A Reync . Bro Wm Li '(I, Bro H E meeting was l Roddy. as a rousing bllm 5 Son SUCCCSS The brethren then proceeded to Bro. Shaw's where an excellent oyster supper had been p1 ovided, to which theydid full justice. A few short speeches were made, a few songs heamly enjoyed, and well rendeled bv Bros. Fowler, Paul, Berry, Pndsey, Kinyon and Roberts, and after a hearty v0te ofthanks had been tendered the host and hostess rand. rephedto by Bro. Shaw. the brethren left for home, sorry to part but with pleasant thoughts of a well enjo- - ed evening, and 1:0} efu‘. for the Society that stands today as .t has stood since us beginning in (mubled timzs, The Bulwalk of [’wuswnt Libeuic. _. After extending a cordial Wel- come to the visiting brethren the W. M. invited past D M. Berry and \V. Bro. Dr. l'isher to condmt the “01k of the degree, and curb as presiding ofï¬cer showed eï¬i- Ctency and skill. Five brothers were advanced to the RA 1’. De- gree, and after the lectures had. been given by Bras. A. Reynolds and 1. Paul and A. Reynolds and Dr. Fisher, the Lodge was closed at an early hour. A special meeting of L.O,L. No 79 was held in the lodge room, Millbrook, on the evening of the 9th, inst, to confer the Royal Arch Degree on ï¬ve candidates who had been found worthy of ad- vancement. The attendance was good. numbering about forty and including' some prominent mem- bers of the order {1 om other lodges. Members ' of 79 who remember when such an attendance attracted no special notice. and who have slaved hr the lodge during its periol of depression, hailed this yery satisfactory meeting as an omen of promiseâ€"~of a renewal of fraternal interest and the increas- ed prosperity sure to follow, Ina protestant town like Millbrook a Society whose , aims and tenets command assent and approval should enroll among its members at least a moiety 0! the people and draw large support from the town- ‘ ship. The Lodge was Opened at 8 p m., \V. M. Bro. Geo. Fowler, in the chair. Among visiting brethren present were. A. Rey- nolds, (j, M., R. lfldlis, ]).M., Geo. Barry, past 1).M., J. Paul, dep. D.M., Bros Dr. Fisher, Ed. Thornd} ke, C. W Richards, Iohn Mcbï¬de, R.Shaw, Ii. Reynolds, R. Hutchinson, W. Pudsey, W. Kem on and others. far TWO weeks ONLY. Myers’ Spice for Horses, Cattle and Poultry, regular 250. pk for 100. 9999 Men’s Rubbers and Heavy Socks. 39. Solid Raw-Hide Whips for 50 Cents Each. I WILL BE PLEASED TO HAVE YOU CALL One Door West of Mr. Coombe’s Grocery, Millbrook. Boots and Shoes @If we can’t suit you in Ready-madcs, we can Selling at Cost N0 Ag“ mEJW \ Repairing of Boots and Shoes Promptly Attended to. FUR COATS, Robes, Gloves, Blankets, and all Harness Supphes g“. ROYAL ARCH MEETING. A T. J; LANG, . B. MOORE, and BELOW cost Opp. Town Hall, No raise in prices. Ypur patronage is most respectfully solicited. MILLBROOK ‘ Has purchased the Good-Will and business of Mr, William Fisher, blacksmith. and will do all blacksmithing work on the West side of the street, while on the East side of the street his CARRIAGE WORKS will be carried on mare extensively than ever. D. Milligan, \‘Ve will also keep in stock a choice line of confectionery. Q‘Remcmber the plum, East En Restaurant, opposite the Queens Hotel, Meals at All Hours. LIILLBROOK. J. STEELE'S. FOR L'PrmnAP,“ JE\\E!R\’ Issuer of Marriage Licmscs. NIH-BHT K2 We have made arrangmwnts to handle PETERBORO Ham Nanrass FOR OYSTERS Mrs john Crane. of l‘vtrrboro, was a guest of Miss 12 Russell ovcr Sunday. Mrs C H Rose, of 'I‘amwmth. is a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs } I) Fair. East End Resiamant Bread and Pastry. Served in city stylc, try the E. 12. R. will be pleased to have a call {10m its formcr patrons and as many new ones as possible. Having puxchasad the make: them to ordcx. Quite a number from h! the Xmas Coucm hem burn 11.1“, and had a: Owning. Miss Harmony Balfour, and Came, of Lindsay. 5 With their mother. On 5 these young ladies gave a lxbanon Church, whic!‘ Miss Lottie: Pans: s; few weeks visiting fricnjs Muss lean Poss: is - holiday lime. uudcr the [1 We Wish Miss Peas: sumo “£001 near Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs Robcrt E of Oxbow, $35k, an: V! many friends in this wcinil Who runs lhc young mm such a long. latc walk 1 Xmas. night. I school m thc coum} will no doubt be gn-axly : ncEghborbood and camcs but wish-5 of her many Mass M Bmun of spending he: vacation at in: mmc: Mr. [OScph B Mr. and Mrs. Wm Moo hisnds around Fenciox tuck. Rev. E Roland spent ( the home of Mr. R l’oast. Miss Ida Coimland, left Saturday morning {or St Man’s. \Yc 3am sin The Match making soda in full swmg. last FridEV dent gave a splendid ‘At H he bachelors, young am particularly imitcd to an particvlars as to result in n: Miss Harmony Balx'u: the home of her mothcr four. Sunsd Hm :2 I'. G McQuadc assi: I‘d Rolland occupied 11:: bus-day. from anulhcr corrvspond< “"c are glad to rcport Windnm who has I): the house Mr :1 km days around again. Mrs] Lanes and Ma: Whiting {nmds in Ayr. MISS Carrie Ballour home {tom attending M Lindsay. “Inn‘s the matter wii all right. MISS Addxc Poast, It: Icy. IS spending her (3211 with her purelus. conti: y o u patro year Bro. Dr. 'l'hompwn. “ T H McQuadc “' Bro. A Laidicy. . “ G H English“ “ Chas Cornell. Bro. Hugh Murray. “ \V J Lamb. . . . Fresh Christmas F Spices. Oranges. Len bu the eve of I a pleasutt evening w home of has mother, 3 détson, Pin: Grove Mr. and Mrs. R l companied by Miss who have bccn vxsiti once and Cavan left 1 mg for their home in “men We" po<tc< dislinguisncd amaze; mental and voail 5! B Harvey has cor chairman. Suppcr‘ Program at 7 3o. '1 Miss Maud Graï¬ ta few days I mute: and Emiiy The Om: met (I! give an oyster supp building on Fnda There will be addrc: Chicf Dairy I nstrurt In our Grocery De: 1,15 BAN uni