>Ck8- 66%: :ts Each. YOU CALL Yleek. ombe’s Iisiamant orses, agular based the ep in stock a :cziuncrv. ‘lae plum, East IOpDOSiIc the d to have is former 613:3 1 Hours. KBORO STERS as many possible. m Fisher, :d will do ;ing work . ide 0f the ntheEastw reet his ungmm‘nts to s:y1c, try . R. Pastry. WORKS on more an ever. prices. :9 is most 'olicited. sed t h 9 business JEW ELRY, Licenses, 00K. BROOK, Jsl'wrt, was it) uzrcd jaw. No. 22. the eleven o’cloCk cast bound train, had just pulled in to Lindsay station and McCrea wax en gagcd between two cars whxch were aneuuplcd. The yard shuntcr came clung and 2mm: the cars a gentle bunt. just enough to catch thc two draw bars and gm: it a squctt', cracxmg the ’IWbOXlC. If the shuntcr had hunted Lard, Mr. McCrcu‘s head would have bet-n jammed in th: couplings. Mr. Harry llaycs is able to be out again. Hz: out his foot with an axe ulnlc in a lumber camp two weeks ago. Messrs George Mcridezh and Willie lmxg, of Pt‘tt‘l‘lxlï¬â€˜, m re guests at the homcuf Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCafl'rcy ovcr Sunday. I dcsxrc to express my appreciatxon and hcany thanks tar tixc large major uy rolled up for Inc: at thc last munici pal election. and I will endeavor with the assmmnc: of my wvrtlxy colleagues to curry on the work of the Munici- pality to thc cnzxrc satisfacnon of :1‘. concerncd. [11c :3!“ Hum txc loruuw ucncuu liospil.;l tccfln; much improved m bcuith. \1iss\\’xtxtvielle;lttv, who had the nnsfmzune :0 Drum her arm by failing on H);- icc a couple 0: Week.» ago, in 3‘ lung bcttc'r. .‘ll‘. \\’m. “ICCIC'Y, son 0‘ )Jr. 10b“ McCrczt. ()mcmcc, brakcman 0n Co". ductor Charles Mitchel.’s train, CHER, met “11h an accident on Monday which nearly resulted family. The injurL-d man is now m tbs Ross Mc- moml Hospnal, suffering from a frac- Miss Mayr- ?~!cCaffrcy has gum: {0 Toronto to vxsxt friends for a couple of day. iTs-yzciull}; Would we thank â€TC EpiscOp .1 and Presbyterian (lunches {or the heroic efforts put {arm in them to prm-idc proviszons forth: visitors. The work done by ali is much appreciated by the Orangum n of this District. Signed on bclzaif of the sttrict. On Wednesday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kennedy opened 111 ::r large and spacious dwdï¬ng to :1 nu n- bcr of friends and acquamtances‘afor an evening’s pleasure. "he amusements consisted of cards and dancmg, Messrs Bcn Olund ard Summl Atkins dICW tic lmw, Mr. George Mucdonald accommn'ud on the harp am! Miss ark:- Hannah l’uwdl presided at thc organ t0 t1): plcauzrc and Chin'mcltt of all present. Abom twn‘ n'clock a sump- ! nous rcpast was srrved, and the grunts took their departure for their rCSpCCUV‘c homes, wishing the ho:,t and hostes» a happy Ncw Ycur and many of them. ""le 77' Mr. Thomas Nancy sold Ins hand \ 50m: dnvrr to Mr. \ch Grey of Millb-ock for a handsome ï¬gure. We understand Tommy says :1 quit-tel" one will suxt him better. Your Obcdxent S‘ Never allows hie horse m suffer pair. He always uses Hen-nine which is noted for curing stiffness, rheumatinn, swellings and strains. Nerviline is jut as goad inside as outside For crempe,<:olic, and Internal pain it's a perfect marvel. In the good racing elnb‘ee neryilineie always used,-â€"-be- name it makes better horses wad smaller veterinary bills. Twenty-ï¬ve cent- buya a large bottle of Xervilino: try n. Perhaps you like yqur ray hair; then keep it. Perhaps not; then rememberâ€"H3213 air chcwcr always restores color to gray hair. Stops fallinghair, also. "Wmmo....mmw~ A._.__M~l, .91. . , m (3:: your clothes made like new in‘ having them: dyed In Parker’s Du: \mGs. Pcterboro. Harry Kxchurcis, Milibrook agent, at lns store, D. Chamber’s old stand. Your patronage is respectfuily solicited. I am also agent for A Successful Horseman. ..v.-v».v Richards. S'I‘RAYED into the premises of John Kerr, East )4 Lot 20, Conces- sxon 4, 'l‘ownslï¬p of Emily, during the month of june, 1905. 2 SOWS. Owner can have same by pnmng pro party and paying expenscs. JOHN KERR, Omemcc I" 0. Omemee, Nov. 6th, x903. , '1‘. mam-IAN, \\'.D.M. I. G. BEATTY, Rec. Sec J} (MARIO RGAN ITEMS. District Meeting. Card of Thanks. .‘.i 1an returned ho :1: on from I'm 'l‘orouto (icncral accling much improwd m ‘ VEGETABLE swam " flair R€E€W€Z :nt Scrvant, . 'l‘. BEATTY, R :rror and 1+ amfly Hera! d and Weekly Star to January let, .(ecw. From Council of Patel-born. asking Gavan Council to appoint delegates tn accompany to Ottawa to wait upon the Domxniun Unvernmcnt raspzcting the Trent Vslloy Waterway. From the Counties (‘lerk mid Trans. urer, respecting payments made during the ye.“ 102'?) by the Treasurer of the Counth-s of Nortimmbermud and Unr- luzm to the Treasurer of the Munici- p.11:ty hf the Township of (‘avan :1 fullows: Legislative School Unut $290.00, expenses re Lunatic $5 0", From Ontario Department of Auri- culturo, with SheJule to be ï¬lled res- pecting Munimpal debts mad deben- tures and H.150 mamas tnr auditors. The following comnmnicut‘mns were rem} : (‘imrles McNeH. Esquire, as Reeve and Masars. '1‘. A. KeISy. Robert Shaw, George Slneld and Archibald Ileynohis as COUILClHUI‘S. The Reeve presiding. The minutea of the last meeting 0f the Council for [905 were re‘ d, up; rov- ed and signed. A petition from about 70 ratepayers in the northern part of the 'l‘uwnship requesting the Couucxl to rescinzl the do: tat. From R J. Grundy, Clerk of Emih reSpectmu boundary uccunnt, idifl‘er once being aosmuzk in favor cf Emily that Conn. Fee of Emfly C mac“ cane.“ it square. Cum cil Chamber, (‘uvam Monday Jan. 3, 10%. The members eiect of this Municipal Uuuucll of the Corpnration of the Township of Gavan for the year 1906, met at 1136 o’clock mm. this day in compliance With the requirements oi the Municipal Act of the Province of Ontario, and after making and sub- scribing their respective deriuraiiuua of ofï¬ce and Qualiï¬cation before the Uierk,took their nexus in Council as foiiowa, that is to say: From Municipal World, Qt , Th (mm, 5050mm: rvmcwnl of subscripnmj for that periodic J From tho {Lanna} for Sick Children. asking for an]. Uummnnicaflons more left on the cable. The Clerk was instructed tn rehxrn the petu'mu re dF-g tux to one of the petitioners fu‘r correction, and reqm-at them to set forth Sume reasons why they desma the change. Moved by Conn. Shaw, sec by Cunn- Kelly. that the Counci} give a grant of 35.0010 the National Sanitarium or free [lospxtal fur Consumplives. Carried Moved by Conn. Shield. see by Conn Kelly. That. the Clerk be instructed to order six cupies of tLe Municipal: World In: members o.’ the C-mncxl and tbs Hark. Puriï¬ed. Moved by Cunn Kelly, sec by Cunn. Shield, That. tha mencvi give a grant of $5 00 to the Hospital fur Sick Chil- d ren. Farmed. EEGQTABLE SICILzANi ; m Tho Reeve reported “.11! he an“ Isaac Larmer about damages - winter road through his {unmand Mr. Lanna]- said that Considerable damage was donn to his farm in lakingdownfcnces zhd breaking 51:13.23. Moved Ly Cuun, Reynolds, sac by Conn Sim“, 'l but I. Lam-er get $3.00 for dmnagvs u! wnucr mad thmugh his farm. Carriod. The Reeve Mao repnrted Um: he saw J.J. Preston about his remuneration forgoing to Toronto win: selfinter- viewing Attorney General n- Long Swamp Drainage By-lnw @961} to him by the (hmncil. but Mr. Preston sent him a letter 1: terwards returning the money which the Reeve handed over to the treasurer. Moved by Conn, Kellv, sec by Conn Reynolds, l‘hat W. lilllouget a balance of $1 on uccuunt Carried. Conn. Kelly introduced a by-law to apponut curtain ofï¬cers for 1906, which was read a ï¬rst time. Moved by Conn. Shaw, see by Coun. Shield. Thu: the Council go into Com- Of the whule for the 2nd reading of By- law with the Reeve in thu chair- Curried. Moved Ly (‘mnx Keily. sec by Conn. Reynotds, Thur. J. D. Armstrong and J. J. .‘chill he appointed Auditors at a salary of Nine Duihus each. Carried Moved by (bun. Shaw, see by Conn kRuno‘xds, 'Hmt James Paul be reap- ' painted Aseowor {or the ensuing year at a salary of 5110 00, Carried. \ M .ved by (‘mn Kteily, see by Coun ' Shield, That J:unes qucey be reap- pointed (‘uZIector for the ensuing year year at a. salary ofSllO 00. Moved by (‘onm Kelly. sec by Conn Shield, That. James McCleun be reap- pointed a member of the Board 0! Health for He ensuing ‘erm of three lycms (‘nrrFeuL 4‘?! Lilia; . 7 k CAVAN €83 Moved by (Lmu Shamsec by Conn, Reynolds, That Dr. H. A. Turner be re- apzminted Medical Health Ofï¬cer for the ensuing year. Curried. Muved by Cnun. Shield, sac bv Com‘. Shaw, That. Rubsrt Uootan be appoint. ed 2: Drain Vie-Aer for the ensuing year. Cauried . Moved by Conn. Reynolds. soc by Couu- Kelly. That Robert Vance be re- appointed 8 Drain Viewer for the en- suing year. Curied. This by-law passed through itssevergl NJB)’. cu: stage: appointing the said oflicara and has bee: was Signed and sealed. When Moved by Conn. Shield, 390 by C‘onn_ had in Ilcs‘nolds. That David Fallis get. $3 for live on i ahendivg Court of Revision and (Your: ought to m l’eterhoro re Long Sumnp Drainage cure you B.--nw. famed. flvc box Moved by Conn. Kelly, secb} Cnun . by 11131 3 HM’UU.‘ ‘Reyvolds, That the Revve and Cmm. ._ :<ha.w Le a com...iucc Lu in printing ? Um. I Mme-Ix b; Cnuu. Shield. sea by Coun. Shaw, That the Reeve be a Com. to go on I‘reut Vailey deputation tu Uzi-mu; if he sees 11;. Carried. To“ nslnp purposes......... . . . . .. D Ennis, ath'ndiug Cuurt 0: R0â€" vxslou 8: Court. in l’eterboro. . F Gibson, D. R 0,div. Lpersonul sen-Ice $3.00, Poll Clerk 2.00 ‘ Constable 1.00. booth 2.C0 ...... (I Hetlmrington, Div N02 do (‘hus Gardiner, Div. No 3 do John Newtnn, Div. No 4 do lulu-rt Boyd, Div. N0 5 (10 U McNeil, (.‘om.work ldM’u-o 500 300 800 600 800 800 800 200 On motion the Council adjourned until 10.300’c10ck a.m.ou Wednesday, the 7th day of February next CHARLES McNEXL, Reeve. J. J. FAIR, Township Clerk. That's why it is sure to cure (Tamrrh. You see it. goes direct to the source of the dimmerâ€"its healing vapor repair! the damage caused by cnturrhal in- flammation. “ Cutazrhozmm" nlwuys cures because u goes into mosoruny cans and passages that ordinary reme- dies can’t reach. goes w here the disease actnaiiy is. Impossibie for “(.‘atarrh- ozone†to {an as any doctor wmtexl you. Don't be misled into thinking there is anything so good as "Cutarrh- ozone,-â€"xuo It and you'll soon say good enmravt ur waning )ear.(1urriedo Moved by Cuuu. Kelly, sec by Conn. Reynolds, That. the Reeye sign me {\Jlowlng orders . on the Treasurer Carried J S Robertson, Grant to National Sanitadum, Hospital for Cur.- sumptives ...... 5 00 Members ‘ f Council, pay to date 10 06‘ J J Fair, 1331.01“ quarters salary 25 00 “"1 Wood, 69 yds gravel, gut by \\ es Ldnuer.....,... 6 90 D Duvidsw. grunt Lu 11094241 for Slck Children ......V....... 5 00 G Sver,30_\'ds grnVeI gut by G 1mm: ........................ 2 H) J J Fair, for Election supplies 812 Corpuration of South Mrmnghau [ml on boundary acct, 1905. . 18 57 W \EHimt, hula: (:eon :rxu-.ouut . 1 (I!) S '1 Mead, 75 _\ds grawl 7 80 J J Fair postug e for Clerk' 5 use Inn bye to costarrh. At the Muse nf the Epworth League Service in Bothel church at Emily on Thursday evening lust, Mrs John Mc- CarmH \\ as pleasantly surprised when the following undress was read and pres mtution mania.â€" Tn Mrs. Juhn Md‘arwâ€: lh-ar Friend, We, the members uf the lï¬morth ergue on behalfnf the- church have met here this evening for the purpuse uf expressing our appreci. atiou of and tlnmlzs {or the service you have rendered us as organist for the leursll. We have always found you faithful in the dlsolmrxe of yourdutlea as organint and ready to help on the «ause of God in every way. We feel conï¬dent that we are expresslng the bentimeuts of all those who are con- necfed with the church, when we say ‘hzttyou are the rlglxt persmt in the place. We believe that you are ï¬lling the pusnimi and performing We work than God hits proposed you simul-l do in this particular part of His vineyard. Nevertheless we esteem true merit Wherever we find it. We hope that you may ion: be spared to burn as a shining light in the service of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We Join in wlshing you a. happy and prospcrmxs New Year, Signed on behalf of the church IRA SWI'IZER, Presuient of the League. LeaJer of Choir. On Tuesday avemng, Jun. ‘2, Mrs. M. Ruth gm e a {ï¬rm to her Sunday School class of young men. The party arrived in time tor tea, after “Mon 3 very pleasant evening was Spent 111 music. sxngim: and games.â€"-Peterboro Review R HEUMATISM his Medicine is Breathed Cunsequemly it requires an internal treatment. one :hat will restore the Mood, and ~thereby relieve the cause of the pain. After years of experiment Dr. Ham- ihon‘s succeeded in producing a. ram- edy that quickly cures rheumatism- gout, and all uric acid disordern. This marvel‘oas cure has been given to the public as Dr. Hamilton’s Man- drake and Butternut Pills: max-cry can they cure quickly. By toning the liver and kidneys, Dr. Hamilton's Pills ensure a clean, heal- thy body. The mood is restored m 0. normal healthy condition, renewed vigor is imparted to ovorworkod organ: and thus the general health is bulltnp, and no room is let: for rhenmmism to creep in. A .. -. .. ,4) vuwur .7 Discomnged euflerer, relief is at. hand: Use Dr Hamilton’s Pills. and you will soon shake hands for good thh your old enemy. Here is substantial proof! A Cnn’rw‘s S'ronr 01“ Conn. “ Tllls is a glad day for me. wrltes James E. Brownï¬eld. from Mldlnnd, Out, "because I can speak of my per- manent cure of rheumallsm. I have been all through the aching days and sleepless nights, have spent money on ‘ Worthless remedies, and consequently in recommending Dr. Hamilton‘s Pllle Xfeol aura of their merit. No remedy gave Inch rehef or did so much good as Dr: Hamilton’s Pills. My rhenmeliem they, cured, and ever since my health has been perfect.†1191 :2: 91111 11111 11111111111111 When Dr Hamilton's Pill: are to be‘ had in In; drug store.it’s foolish to live on in misery and ill-health, You ought to get thin medicine to-day and cure yourself. Price 25¢. per box, or ï¬ve boxes for $1 00 at all dealers. or by wall from N C. Poison (Q (30.. Harmrd, (tom: . U,S,A . and Kinguou, LIVES IR THE BLOOD. M ()5 ES RU 'L‘ H , 690 Opp. Com’l House. A great favorite with the people. Once used,--a1w aye used. Having purchased the Stock of the Wm. T. D. Bradburn Estate, is offering it at greatly re- duced prices. Good Raisins, for instance, we offer 5 lbs. for 2-50. All other goods in the said stock equally reduced. At such prices they will not last long. Come with the throng and secure some bargains. we have a very choice line of Crockery, China Ware, Glass Ware, c. Fancy Bon-Bons, Oranges, Lemons, Candied Peels, Candies, Nuts, c., in fact every- thing to help make a happy new year. T3}; LAT The Tailor FOR A SUIT OR JOVERCOAT. Right Opp. 136115 on House, Genera, Dry Goods and C L O T H I N G AWAY BELOWT THE REGULAR PRICE. For the past fm' months I have been Scarching the best market for choice things in Clothing and Haberdashery and now while my stock is at its best, I ask you to gin: Inc the pleasure of show‘ng you the latest things in my store. (Iomc and loo]: and buy at your pleasure. During my lmzincss experience hut year, I haw endeavored to treat cvcry man, woman and child faith", and 1 [cc] conï¬dent that. thus imitation will be cordially received and accepted by everyone. The freedom of the store is yours. ' WILLIAM STREET, Nothing Succeeds Like Success. .- Last year was our banner year, but we are (1 our flourishing city and supply the (lcnmnds mad not only from i’ctcrboro but from other places a We have not been able to do thiq in all cas‘ Uul unu- ....... 3" not only from We have not been able to do this' in all cases during the iast two years. Any young man or woman who ilxoroughly understands Bookkeeping or is a c mpcteut Stcnogmphcr and 'l‘ypewritm is Certain of :1 good position. You Will make no mistake m getting a l’ctcrboro but from other places as we“. Vï¬usiness Education. ‘<7 Winter Term begins Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, 1906. ï¬rm Eeaï¬y sign-3 mmgaA-Y- Qtnemee. This is especially txue when applicd to the WWrite for Our Handsome Circularfï¬ï¬‚ ch Doors South of B'Iaundcr’s Hotel. PRINGLE, Principe l, Peterhoro, Ont VIN A Pure , Anthracite Coal but we are determined to keep pace with icnmnds made on us, for ofï¬ce assistants, 1907, for $1.60, Premium. NEW STORE, NEW WORKSHOP, NEW GOODS, NEW IDEAS. as we“ LINDSAY. Prosperous Near-[Y 0R 1 Wm. Curry'rmgmï¬tï¬k daily With the†the leading me " and we will app- tinued patronag MPAIGN y 0 U. 1‘ e StQG L 41 parties are cantinuanceiéi patronage fortï¬gii’ii year 1906. In our Grocery Dept. We have a larger stock than ever. Fresh Christmas Fruits, such as Raisins, Currants, Peel Spices. Oranges, Lemons, Confectionery, c. ' .13 IOO ACRES. About 1% miles Dld You 1‘30W sout‘: of th- \ mag: cf Omcmcc. L THAT f amt. due-11mg, (mum: barn and a frame ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ shed on the premises. ‘\ It 51314}. (\LI. (.JRJXIyLLb OF , For particulars apply to FINE FLOUR'Wm. Earl and R J Grand]. XNl) Exc utons of the Estate of Mlxed Feeds : Margaret A. Nelson. deceased. D a ir y Butter. WP. S.â€"~I will be glad to see all my friends in Omcmee, Ops, Emily and (‘avzm when they visit Lindsay. Make our store your headquarters “1101) in town. Highest Prices Paid IOR For Christmas Wedding Pmsents B. LAIDLEY; Some beautiful lines in WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEW- ELRY, SILVERWARIS, CUT GLASS,CHINA,TRAVELING CASES, MANICURB CASES, NOVELTIES, c., c. SPECIAL LOW PRICE ulgUL'v Our stock :9! a. I {OR Yo u HELLU ! A'l‘ RIGHT PRICES. Bensun House, Lindsay. can buy Dainty Goods [gr-ATE V“ uln'ul-J OMEMEï¬he yOMEMEEQ cCafl'rey: -~ COP'rmofl ‘llllllllll‘i‘l ..XVLHVD the famine dis- Grain cannot ‘59 disorgan- § Farm to Rent. I I I 1 i I I Dr. F. A. Walters. DEMM', LINDSAY. Hondr Graduate of Toronto Uni". fly and Royal College «I Den“! lug geons. ' All the latest and iumroved brunch“ 5f dentxslry successfully performod. Charges moderme. O F F I C E «not Gregory’s Drug Store, corner Kent 33‘ William streets. 'l'O RENTâ€"The North Half of Lot number Six, in (h: Sccond Con. cession of the 'l‘ownship of Byï¬lï¬ â€˜ublisher and Proprietor Local Agent Wanted At once for “Canada's Greatest Nurseries†for the town of and surrounding country, which will be rcscn‘ud for the right man. season, and handle our NEW SPE- CIALTIES on Liberal Terms. Wnte for particulars, and send 35c. for our handsome Aluminum Pocket Microscope, (a little gem) useful to Farmersâ€"4:1 cxamming Seeds and Grains. Orchardxstsâ€"in examinmg Trees for insects, Gardmcrsâ€"in examining Plant. for insects, Teachers and Scholars in studying Zmany and Everybody in 1 hundred difl'crcnt ways. Stone 85 Wellington. Toronto, Trill)ys Winks Alabamas Scotch Reel Up-to-date Specml Vcncedora Cut in Cigars BankruptStcck of Pines 25c. Pipes - 35 and 40C.Pipes 15c Pipes 10c Pipes corn cobs START NOW at the best scning .‘I'iuld .Ewumnmubn. Glam .IIO-allm [Wmhï¬lflonfl MILLBROOK. Piées for 5 ' [cobs 2 for 5 ‘ Tobaccos always'fresh at.- Fomhill Nurseries, (over 800 acres) Ossacre of Jews. ’ â€"" ‘â€" 7 UIDUIBQKO‘ . service. It. is re- “ agrarian outrages fresh. Policemaster has been indicted for mocrats puma. 6 for 25 cent: 7 for 25 " 6 {or 25 “ 7 for 25 ' 7 for 25 ‘ 3 for 10 ' 6 for 25 " Y IN’S Ontario. for 15 cent: {or 25 “ the fl I-