A farewell was given Mr. J. A. Wright on Monday eVening. previous to his departure for his heme Rock ‘ ford, I". A number of friends called t ,.\al the home of Mrs. Jas. Porter and a I‘M ,nibst enjoyable eVenmg was spent 113' games and music. and dainty refresh nests were serveJ. Mine host and M Mr and Mrs. James Porter, were quite equal to the occasion. and proved themsdves splendtd entertain as All present regretted the coming departure of Mr. Wright, and hoped that he would visit the "old town"2nd ; friends soon again. 4‘ "7/“; -‘Bhnk¢:ts, 800158: Shoes, and Snag P100! Rubbers from 1.]. Lang, Ml" £519“.qu are good ï¬ncrs and wear we". â€"-261f _ ‘ .1114: s‘ 5. Convention, held at Mi'lb'm" 5mm"- ‘7 Baï¬icboro on Tuesday. was very mm). a successful. Sacral sleigh loads ‘ In Pcterboro,79n Wednesday, Ian. 3 J lit-m Mlflbrook attended. 32nd. 1908, Jessué McGurry, wife of Mrs. Ed. Chzistie was a guest ' Frederick McCarty. pf her sistx r. MLS R. H. Stmson, - The Funeral wl_fl take phce on Fri†e' ,"Qmem: c, on buuday. ‘day. lat} 24th. from ghe (2 1‘.R. Sta / gi'fhe storm prevented the MT}! imgflbgï¬'ira‘gtlmï¬ 33;; Ink Hock: C’ ‘~ ‘ x in to ’ - ’ "3."! : -. ï¬gï¬am 10-03;);qu xrongo. g 'bf‘â€â€m4¢°'â€, “$3. 5 I Mr.) F. Elliott. of Dakota. was in town Monday. calling on old friends. Miss (Summer, ’ of Pctcrbnro, spent W Sunday with her sup}. Mrs. Hassard. Mr George Cummings has leased - ‘Fthcél'agksmtth shap. next the foundry, ‘ Mt. r‘ucasant (mm Mr. J. Handley, § and he is doing:. a big business. He / ‘ guarantees sati§facticu a‘ud prices rea- sonable. Call 39d see him. Hewsi g\x*ANTi515;:L60m Genera: Servant. Good \V'agegv,Apply to Dr. H. A. or Mrs. Turner, Millbruok. _ _- Dr. T. H. Hassnrd was in Port Rope. Monday,- on bqsmess. V ‘ ‘ Mr. A. A. Smith was in Port Hope, ' "Monday, on a profes’sional visit. Conn. W. R. Shield, of Mt. Pleas- reï¬t-l. was in town on Monday. Mr. amcs A. W‘r'ï¬g‘t, of‘ Rockfoyd. 111.. hatmmf‘xmo‘ is home. zftcr 'a. - month’S' "pleasant Visit with his; Sister, Mrs. James'Pom-r, and other friends " m Cavan~MIUbrook4nd Pt:rb0ro._ Mrs; Jas. Pbrfer and Miss \lelhca Kelly returned on Monday from a pï¬ï¬nt visit with les \V, H Mu- {shell 3! Peterbm'pz"! A BORNâ€"In Millbrook, on Tuesday, 1:13.23, 1908; to Mr. and Mys. Geo. 'j‘owlet, a son. Mr. and Mrs.’ L. Nicholson. of aensfort, were in town on fuesday 'The Mirror was pleased to ha‘Ve a can {tom them. ,: , Messrs. ]. Handlcy and H. Findley. of. of Mt. Pleasant, Were in town, Fri- day, on business. and gavc'the Mirror 3 all. - 4- properties for Sale. The Misses Hassard and Beamish, have returned to their home at Calc- don East, after pleasant visit with Jim. (UL) Hassmu, 7lhllbrook, 24th Dec. 1007. ‘W. H. Sowden, situate in Mxllbrook 1nd Cavan, are ofl'crcd for sale by Henry Mulligan, and may be purchas- ed m Separate l'ots or 015cm lac All applications must be made to the undersigned who is empowered to sell and convey. H. MULLIGAN CI'S IO "The East Durham County Orange Lodge will be held in Millbrook on Tuesday, Feb. 4th, at 2 pm, Total Assets ‘ J. B. L. GROUT. I-Manager Omemeg Branch. H. A. SIMS, _ " Manger Millbrook Branch. “IT â€,__ _‘_, “"‘J __ ‘vr"--'v by younat any timé: 'OUR STATEMENT above shows ï¬gures which guarantee the utmost security for yum umucy. musezlnvestmenis $19,181,926 $32,021,510 Increase $12339 584 INTERESF will be added to )our balance every three months. SNALL or large amounts ($1._ov and upwards) may be deposited Bank of ‘?o’rbnto Best Undivided Proï¬ts $2,693,128 $4,650,708 Capital Deposits RECORD OF PROGRESS FOR 5YEARS:-’02-’O7. The variops properties of the late Your Savings Account Invited. ‘l'buy all my Harness, Robes, and ‘rï¬ï¬: MIRROR to new subscrit- Head omce : TORONTO. CANADA. Incorporated 1855. Attorney Manager, MILLBROOK, ONT. for Increase $514 672353 Increase $10,287,840 Increase Increase $1,957,580 $23,494,935 $38,097.28\8 Ialso have 190 acres of land on zion Lme, all ready for Crop, for sale cheap. ‘ WM, THEXTON. Millbrgok Statxon. I‘ mean business, so this WI" be a grand opportunity, lor those who m- tend building this season to get their ’supphes at cost prices. All those who have outstanding accounts with me ml! please call and settle the same. _ I have over 700,000 Shingles, ail grades, In stock. I havegver 400,000 feel: of Lumber, both pine and hem- lnck. all grades. A5 Iintend going West about the ï¬rst of “May, I ml! sell out my entire stock of Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cement and Coal, at greatly reduced prices. Mr. J. H. Gardiner, ’or Peterboro, gave the Mirror 3 call yesterday. saxd would be a loss to the comï¬trxiï¬ii'y‘. While the deceased had not been a membcr of St. Andrew’s church she had always taken a deep interest in the work and ‘he was sure that the mlellxggnce of her death would sadden the members of the coxagrcgatxozl.+ Examiner, Ian. :6. to every branch of church activity. She will be greatly missed in church Circles, when: she was beloved and valued. not only for her works’ sake but for her kindly «and genial nature. Her example as aChnstian woman and as a church worker wxll long re- mam an msprring memory. At St. \ndrcw’ 5 church last evening the pastor, Rev, J. G. Potter, referru to {be death or Mrs. Kidd which he Mrs. Krdd was a member, in full connectron. of the Charlotte street Methodrst church, and had been for a long number of years.. She was one of the most drligent and devoted mem- bers of the congregation, assocratmg herself. with ï¬delrty and inteliigencv. wrth the promotron of all the general interests of the church, and although for many years her health had been impaired by the progressrve drSease, whrch ï¬nally closed her lrfe. she marn tained her active connection wrth the church interests till wrtlnn a {ortnrght or three weeks ago. when she was compelled to rest from her church labours She was an active member of the Ladres’ Aid Socrcty, a drhgent teacher in the Sunday Schaol. and In fact her Interest and support extended $15.119,753 $25,407,593 The deCeased lady was 42 years of age. She was born in’MillmeR. and has passed most of her life in Peter- boro, excepting three years spent in Port Perry. She was married to Mr. R. I Kidd about 20 years ago. and had one daughter, OliVe, whose tragic death, three years ago, Will be sadly remembered. She is survived by her husband, mother and four sisters, Mrs (Dr) Emmerson. of Godericii, Mrs. A. Fletcher. Mrs Joseph Blacx, of To runto, and Miss Jennie Cue. who re- sided with her. ' ‘ ' Monday, jan. 12. At ten minutes past Seven o’clock yesterday morning. at her residence, 462 Hunter St , there passed away in the person of Charlotte E. Coe, be- loved wile of Robert Iolm Kidd, one of Peterboro’s most wrdely known and highly esteemed citrzens, and the in. telligence of her demise will be learn- ed wnh deep sorrow and regret by all who knew her. Her death was the result of an illness of long duration, but which only assumed an acute form a few weeks ago. 1902 1907 $2,500,000 $4,000,000 Selling Out. Going West. MRS. R. 1. KIDD. , 500,000 OBITUARY. . Alter thgdegtite work and other business was transacted. an ex Cellent oyster supper Was served. Besides oysters, there Were pies, cakes, and coffee galore, and after all had done justice to the good things provided, an enjoyable pro. gram was rendered. A Songs were sung by Bros. Paul. Pudsey and Kinyoun, and each were greeted With hearty applause. Bros, W ‘ T. A. Deyelhand Willtam Russell gave addresses, the latter gentle man beingr probably the oldest Orangeman in this district. Bro RUSSell is greatly- esteemed by ab his Bret]1ren,lor the great interest he takes in the Order, and for his. integrity. Although up m years, he seldom misSes a meeting, and on the above o'ccasion "stayel to the ï¬nish"-â€"about 2 30 a. in.. It might safely be said that it would mand for the daintv provisions be hard toï¬nd another as faithful given by members of St. Thomas in attendauCe. ï¬bro. I Guthrie Church. Afterthe sale, tea was gave'a mouth organ solo in his served and a most pleasant time usual good style. Bro.C Richards Was spent by all present. The then gave a briet address, alter proceeds amcunted to over $70. which the heartv singing of the The A. Y. P. A. are to be can National Anthem brought to a gratulated upon their successful closea. deliï¬ttful and proï¬table sale.- meetinsvesgn ‘ , The Mtllbrook Hockey Jr. Wan... ‘ derers Organize and A1)- point Oï¬icars. Managerâ€"W, Clarke. Captainâ€"W. Mitchell. Sec-Treasâ€"A. Hetherington. Committeeâ€"E Sootheran, W. Mit- chell. W Clarke. A Hetherington. Other members of the team are C. Nattrass, R Edmunds, H Handley, and N Mitchell ' -Ages of team from 13 to 17 years. " Would like to arrange a game with any iunior team in the locality. Write the Secretary. The sale of homemade cooking held at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. j. C. Kells, on Saturday was a ‘very successful and pleasant af- ‘fair. There was a large number present, and there was a big de- The sale of homemade cooking held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j. C. Kells, on Saturday was a very successful and pleasant af- fair. There was a large number present. and there was a big de- mand for the daintv provisions given by members of St. Thomas Church. Afterthe sale, tea was served anda most pleasant time Was spent by all present. The proceeds amcunted to over $70.} Other members of the team are C. Nattrass, R Edmunds, H Handlcy, and N Mitchell -Ages of team from 13 to 17 years. Would like to arrange a game with any junior team in the locality. Write the Secretar). Managerâ€"W, Clarke. Captainâ€"W. Mitchell. Sec-Treasâ€"A. Hcthcringmn. Committeeâ€"E Soothcran, W. Mit- chell. W Clarke. A Hethcringlonp Auditors-«4) Hampton and R T Adams. VJCC-Prcsu-G A Du'nc‘an. . 2nd Vice-I’rusâ€"Mrs. '1'. Gillan. Sec-'l‘rcasâ€"W S Given. l.)ircct‘or~;-~\\’m. Archer. J D Fair, JVN Hicks, C \YRxcluards, I Dcyell, Mrs. H A Turner, Mrs. H Mulligan, Mrs. G. S.. 'l‘hnme, Miss Grundy. The annual meeting of the Mill- broolc Horticultural Srcicty was held on Ian.17. The Treasurer’s report showed the Society m a flourishing condmon, with agood balance on hand. The: following ofï¬cers were elccted for the year 1908: Presigentâ€"â€"A '1‘ Armstrong. The following ofï¬cers or Court Ball whom No 253, Were installed on Jan. 14th. for the year 1908. Bro. L Bvers, P.C.R. “ j Porter, C.R ‘ J Lang, V.C.R, “ J H Armstrong’ Rec Sec. “ A J Maycock, Fin Sec. “ John Grccr, 'l‘rcas. “ Walker Barnard, Chaplain. “ A Bainard, SW. " Jas juhnstun, J.\V. " A Dean. 5.8. “ I) Hcaslip, }.B. We haée also had the services of Organizcr B:o. Barr here for ach day: fora second time. Initiated a number of Very dcsmlble candidates. Regular meeting 15: Thursday m each month. Horticultural Society Meetmg Thousands of Drug Fiends have been started on their downward course through C‘atarrh snuff Containing the habit forming drug. I! you sufl'er from 3 cold, eneezmg or Catarrhâ€"don’t use a snutfâ€"use a sensible treatment like Catarrhozone. It heals and soothes, brings reliet at once. cures thoroughly. ln bronchitis and throat trouble no doctor can do better than prescribe C'athrrhozone. 'l‘rv i:--eee what won- ders it works-vwhat power it; assesses. Different from the old wa\,â€"you in hale Catarrhozone. Sold in 25c. and $1.00 sizes by all dealers. Court Bailieboro, 253, C.O.F, BEWARE OF COCAINE MEDICINES The Port Hope Municipal street lighting By-Law was carried balm: sup- ported by him. The promoters of ï¬ne By-luw advocated its passage fur the purpose of bringing the local Company to a contract at a fair rate and short lerm so that the Healy Falls compen- tion would be secured. Havelock, Jan. 7. 1908. Managing Director Culvenve'll, of the Northumbarland Durham Power Co states that in llavelock the supporférs of the Company were elected all round and its opponents defeated. The local Company and certain Pcterboro clly liberal influence were defeated agaluul the Healy Falls Supporters. That’s the wav cramps comeâ€"strike \witlmnt warning. Nothing 50 Sure to instantly relieve as Nerviline,â€"juet a few drops in sweetened water ie all that’s required to stop the pain. Pol- eon's Nervxline is a true cumlort to every family, for a stomach and bowel derangements it ie an absolute speciï¬c. Guaranteed to have at least ï¬ve time: the strength of any other pain reliev. ing medicine.â€"perfectly safe, pleasant, and useful for external pains: too. For a reliable household m- diciue case Nervillue supplies all that’s necessary. Large 25c. bottles sold everywhere If. L. F. Clan-y Accepts “Local \,,_ , ‘Bonse Nomxnauon. The East Northumborlaud Liberal Anaociauon met in convention yester- day at Warkwomx to selectcandldates f r the Dnuunion and I'roymcial Houses. The meeting, which was huge and enthusiastic. was addreased by Hon. A.G. McKay, leader of the Ontario Liberal Opposition. and Mr. S. Clark, M P P . West Northumberlund Mr Clurrv is well known to manv Pete-rboruugh people, who will watch with interest his campaign against Hon. Dr. Willonghbv. He lsayoung man who lute built up a. large and lu- crative 1 ractlce. and is associated with several industrial enterprises. Hell aggressive, keenly interested, and well informed on public matters. and will undoubtedly carry on an active cam- paign lruin now on.â€"-Pel.erborougli Ex- umiuer. AS UNEXPEOTED AS BURGLARS. Mr. Frank L Webb, of Culborno, “as given the nomination for the Domin- ion House. 'and Mr. L F Clarry, bar- rister, of Hastings, was unanimously ofl'ered the nomination for the Local Legislature, which he accepted: 491' AH legretted that BIO. Archie Reynolds (who bv the Way is a wonder in degree woxk) was un- able to be present. Among those presant from other Lodges we notwed Bros. lhomas Williamson. No. 47, Ottawa; I Paul, J. Howden. F Johnston, \A Hootan, J. 'I'Iotter, \V MoncxiJ. and H Reynolds, No. 46: T Brown \V Kinyoun and J Patton. 421, and W. Pudsev, No. 40, and J W Fisher. of Barliehoro. There were in all about“ 50 present. â€"â€"â€"â€"o<o.>â€"â€"-â€"- Royal Arch Purple Marksman Daaree Caafarrafl Upaa SIX Candidates. Bros. Paul :lLd Fisher repeated the Lecture otithc dchee m a most credilabletmanner. b1x c :1111111».tcs \ae1e12eniniti- aled 11110111 111yste11esu: a Royal A1ch P111111: Ma1ksmun deglee. 15m. J. Patlon and H. ixeynolds were lhc ( 011du12to1s;131o. Jas 1’au1 1). 1\1., conducted the degree work in a 111ost-sut1sfactory man- 1181‘, :1n1 the: car1d111u1cs were verv much 1111prc55ed'w11tl1 1.111: beauti- ful w.ork ~'~ At the request of the W. M., Bro Fisher took the chatr, and we all know that he makes a very able man m that capaCIty. Hts address was fuil ofencuuragement to the members, our only regret IS that space erI not permit of a reproduction at his iusPixing and hczptut tmssztgr; so that tho:e who \Vt, re not prc:.r.nt might also bene- ï¬t thereby. . One of the most interesting and well conducted degree meetings that have been held in Milllnook by the Blethren of L O. L. No 79, of which Bro. Levi Russell is the efï¬cient W. M., took place on Friday evening. I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the High Court Ofï¬- cials of the C. O. F., for the promptness With Which they paid my clair'n'olTstooo. carried on the life of my- late husband, DAVid Milligan, vyho was a member for only 10 days; also for the $30 to; funeralbeneï¬ts. I Wish to thank the ofï¬Cers and members of Court Millbrook 6:4, CO 17., for their 5) mpathy and kindne~s to mysell and daughters in our great ber eavement, and also for theirbeau- tiful wreath, trusting that your noble Order may enjoy continued prosperity. I wish to acknowledge the very kind and» sympathetic letter of condolence from L.O.L. 7g, and also thank the members of the various branches of the Women’s Institute lor their ex- pressions of sympathy and encoui agemeut. Words fail to express mv sense of indebtedness to the members of the hunting partywho did everything in their power to laithfully perform the sad and try- ing duty devolved upon them. their prom'p'tness in attending to details relieved me of much worly an I at the‘Same time gave evid- ence of their real worth at a crisis in life’s journey. MRS. MARY E. MILLIGAN. “7610“) with the many friends of Mr. Fted McCorry and famllv in extending to them sincere Sym~ pathv in their bereavement. E Northumbcrland for the Provincial Parliament. We congratulate Mr Clarry upon his nomination which shows the eslcrm and 'Ihe conï¬dence plaCcd In him by the Liberals of East Northumbcrland. Mr Hanv Argue attended a ban. quct ofthe Undenwriters Association at Peterboro on Monday. Mr. Argue is a member of the Association. A CARD OF'THANKS. The undersigned has waived in structions from Mrs. J. H. joncs. and Mr. '1‘. E. Shea, to Scll by Public Auclion on the premises, Lot [4, Con. IO, Manvers. on Friday, January 31. 1908, 5 Horses, I: head of Cattle, IO Pigs, 65 Hens, 4 Geese 3 lurkeys.a large number of Farm Implements including eVCrything- necessary on :1 Well cultivated farm , ‘ Sale to Commence at One o’clocf 10 months credit on apptowrd. notes. For further particulars seegillsw w" Hurses, Cattle, Hans, Fowl, Mrs. J. Dcyel} ls visiting her daughb cf, Mn. I. A. V. Prcston at Orange- ville. This prescription is and to be a splendid healing, cleansing and invig- orating tunic to the kidnms and gives almost immediate re 'ief III all forms of bladder and urinarv troubles and back- ache. He also warns penpie in a lead- ing New York paper against the die- cnminate use of many patent uIedi~ ciuea. Rheumatism, as every one knows, is a symptom ol diseased kidneys. It. is a c undrtton produced Ly the failure of the kidney 3 to preparly ï¬lter or strum mm: the blood the uric acid and other nmtter n Inch, Ifnoc eradicated, either in the urine or through the skin pores, remains in the blood. decomposes and forms about the joints and muscles, causing the untold suffering and d e- formity of rheumatism. When an eminent authority an- nounced in the Scranton lPaJ'l‘imee that he had found a new “av to treat that dread American disease, Rneuma‘ Hem, with just common, every dav drugs lound in any drug store, the ‘phxeiciuna were slow Indeed to attach much importance to his claims, This wasmxljv a few months ago To day nenrh e\ ery newspaper in the country men the metropolitan (19,198.13 an. nouncing it and the splendid results avlnevml. .]t is en simple that ariyme‘ can prepare‘it at home at small cost, it is made up as tollowa: Get from anv gom‘l prescription pharmacy Fluid Ex- tract Dandelnon, one half ounce; Com- pound Kurgu-n, one ounce; (‘ompound Syrup Sereaparilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking in a bottle and take ll] tea- spoonful doses after each meal and at hedime These are all simple ingre- dients, making an absolutely harmless home named} at little cuel. MR. J.L WARN-EN. Acton,thjects; 'Clover as a feed and fertilizer.’ "(‘orn and the Silo," "Breeding and Fee in; of Beef Cattle," "Some methods of de straying Weeds." Eyeniug: "Homto make our institute successful," "l‘he Education of our sons and daughters " \ir. Warren is a thorough predica» tanner and his addressee \\ m be iLund interesting and instructive Com: 70 THE Mzmxxas Pmcmm-zpro ASK Qresrwxs AND GET waannx 5' ALL WELCOME Meetings will commence on time-No charge. ' J. ARTHUR VANCE. President. W. R. N. SHARPE, Vice-Preident. A. J. FA LLIS. Secretary. SPEAKERS. DR. “.0 REID, Georgetown. will deliver an address at each session upon any of the foliowirg subjects: ‘Prlnciples and practice of Stock Cattle’ "don-as Breeding for Proï¬t,†"Horse Breeding and care iii-relation to dis eases." "Diseases ofdigestivs system nt‘C‘attle," “Brood Mars and Foal," “Pastnrient Diseases of Dairy Cow's’ Dr Reid having had a practical iarm training, and a thorough course in Veterinary Science, is able to deal not only with the problems ofbreeding and feeding live stock, but can ais discuss the question of domesic ani- mals in health and disease. New Telap_hun_e_ Directory. The Bell Telephone Company or Canada GARDEN HILL, Orange Hill! WED UNFSDAY, Jam. 29 h, at 130 and 7 30 p. m. V ‘ > The above meetings willbeofapeclal value to all interested lu agriculture Even boys will ï¬nd much uf value and proï¬t In the addreSues. A: the after- noon meetings live animals will be present for demonstrauuu purposes Loca tulenthas been invited to take part at the evening meetings. omclal Telephone Directory {or the Distflct of Central Ontario, 1n- cludlng the Town or MILLBBOOK? CANTON. ,S. ofaE; Hall (‘ bungee of ï¬rm names. changes of street addresses, or orders {or duplicate entries, should be handed m at once to MILLBROOK, Town Hall, CAVANVILLE, Old Church MANVERS STATION, BETHAN Y, Town Hall WITHOUT RESERVE. OF . H. GARI)INE§, Auct‘ EAST DURHAM ’ FARMER’S INS'lITUTE. is about to publish a new _____â€"â€"- â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"’ v-uuov nun. Tuesday, Jan. 28th at l 30 8; 7 301nm FA RM IMPLEM ENS C. MONDAY, Jun. 27m, at 7.30 pa}: ORANGE HALL, SA'I‘URDAY, Jan 25th, 8| 7.30 p.m. - SATURDAY, Jan. 25“.; at 7 30 1. m. AUCTION SALE Meetings will be held as follows: MUN DA Y, Jan. 27th; at 1.30 pun FEW HRRE KNOW THIS. . TURNER. issue 01 the â€"~ -‘- -‘v‘v-U -- '5' u- ., ovI-ww v I‘V Iylc. On motion of Couns. De} «:1] and‘ British “Herman BESiMSS 00119.ng k l horndyke the follow mg accounts 5 yon‘. and loam 831., Tomn‘o. were ordcrcd paid. “I James Huffman Snow Plow. $.. 3 “mm..." George I Hock account. . . . . . . 6 60 I XMAS, OFFER $23.50. C H Winslow, coal .......... 8 57 x I W W Gillott. election cxpancos :8 col for 3 months’ course. Write b5 \V Bruce, work ........ . . . . . go for: Dcc. 21. 15 gm W, S E Eakins. account. . . . . , . . 1 94 ‘ Dr. Burnham, account. . . . . . . 1 00 I I Brit‘s}. mutual W53 0011630 W Pendry, account. . . . . . . . , 2 00 i W '1 Wood. gravel n. . ..... 29 40 i :00? Yonge 8: {floor Sts., Toronto. Corporation Gavan, account. 1: 99. I R Fitzgerald, poatagc, etc 2 50 'chortu'" adwtiaing Bv Law 254 J J' IMMUNE n' B" L (LES 0" 'l'hextonwâ€"Needham, That tenders: Phwicifln Surgm. an"; Amouchcur, .vvu urn-‘1' 5...- for 25 cords Maple wood 4 feet long, x-Hou~c PM»: 1., . , M wrumn m be called for. and that tenders be in. inkesido h“ ~=.;~ : (3551:†by Jan :5. and that Coons. hcycjl . , " " ‘1‘ ' 3.9-4, lbomdyke be a éommincc m i _ Ofï¬ce a! t'sc .';;.ui~_-:;u-m award thé sameâ€"Carried. ' i 3' Francis Hamilton, Y3 Rev. W C Allcn. member of the Library Board; Dr. W Montgomery. Medical Health Oï¬iccr; Mr. A '1' Armstrong, m mber of Board of Health; Messrs. ] B McMahon and ] IClalkc, Auditors; Wm Burns, Poundkeepcr; Wm Lang. l R Eakins and Robert Ingram, Fence Viewers. Council went into Committee and appointed the following oï¬3c;rs for the current year: Messrs I C Kells and R W Clarke waited on the Council rt: Electric Light matters. Mowd by Coun Nccd' hair, sec by Coun. 'l‘homdyke, 'l‘hL-t the Commission running the Electric Light Plant be given a guarantee in case of shortage during the next three months of not more than $50, over and above the contract price.â€" Catr'cdt : ‘ Council met in the Town Hall on ‘ Monday night, pursuant to Statute, and the following members subscribed the ncCcssary delaration of ofï¬ce: Reeve McNeil and Dep-Reeve Kelly muted on Councul re account between the two corporatlons, which was settled. From Mr. H. h‘lulhï¬an, Vencluamg bill of $26.25, part payment for work on walk east side of Dominion Hotel. The minutes of last meeting were read and conï¬rmed. Commumcations were recciVsd from .l- Ross Robertson, askmg ususl grant for Sick Children’s: Hospital, Toronto W S Given. Reeve. Messrs, .] D Dcycâ€. I E Needham, W 'l'htxton and C 'I‘horndyke. as Counc:llo.s. A motion was carried that Chicf TOW-N COUNCI L; .HQDEHN’ Former Customers of I] r Ontaxio Bank Branch will be accommodated ‘as~ heretofore. CAPITAL PAID UP : $14,400,000 REST . _ * :-â€" $11,000,000 UNDIVIDED‘PROFI'IS : 159,831 TOTAL ASSETS : $168,001,173 Branches, ai all important Centres in Canada, and in london England,‘ New’ York, Chicago, Spokane, Moxim, ’ and Newfoundland. ï¬Evcry description of a Banking Business tu~arzsacirdï¬â‚¬q Interest Added 4 Times a Year on The right blend of the two makes the only perflct flour for all bread and pastry. “MANAGER. Millbrook Branch OFFICIAL Ontario fall Wheat supplies What Manitoba spring wheat ï¬gs \Vhat Ontario fall w hat lacks, I ' Manitoba spring Wheat suPPHeg’. ; ., Z; . m cxpancas 18‘00 mt....‘... 194 unt.....,. 100 ‘t........, zoo .......... 29 40 account.. I: 99 stage, etc. . . 2 <0 Savings Deposits. K “Iliad: in Ontario " Just try it and prove it. Est. 1817. Handlcy bc’instmcted to enforce the Curfew Bcll By-law. Council adjdumed to meet xhc ï¬rst Monda) in February. BIi'ï¬â€˜HAXY, ox PARK). LABEL The Omemec Qua: Mondaynight a the} Ta and entenainmen‘ music-l portion of the; selections were very hd The quarteue was i metal from the Swag; The REV. Mr. Co duo-it. attended the flaws church tn Owing to [he ra'gnaum Brandy and Couns Carey another Municxpai Eiccu me: becomcs macssary. 1 «Ill be held on Mondm. 1!: poll as called an um: piaCc on the Mondax Ho «4‘ as: you PALE. AN: Anselm: menus conorï¬ mums Innguor. blanched cheeks. You grot dysxe; .1180: functional lrmgu la-i ditlou can't exist if their henna}- blood Ferrozonq blood, rich nutritious E .‘h,’ it cures In concen Farm“ contslus comm flu that rendez- it unfailin Mignon poor color and I To build tipâ€"Joel young nothing :3 bone: thnu F ' pa dealers In 500 hoxot Miss McCulloch 2225 r: duties in New York Hos; Mr. Reil. who has ht: sacral years "ca: chma‘ wan, Is spending a (cw wc‘ (ncnds in and near Omen Mr. Anderson has ï¬n: of all his importcd ho prices and has rcmmcd [u ANNIE W. IV TEACHER. Halo and Th. Pupils prepared for E1 Terms Moder: W'c arr. {flan-d m s" PcCKovcr agam able (a p: coral duties. praEubé: as ab‘zc sp deï¬vcr addtcsscs, The hockey maid: nigh: bdwcru our loaf Iindsay bank bays was 1 ed, though the game until abuut 9.30 lbs: suCCcssful. A! that: annual} meeting 0 District Lodge, Em! on (msdan tï¬c 102k?“ 1 dedcd for 1905: '7‘ Hm. '\X g .I'Iaamgs I'crc held, We! flit!) gm and dcvo‘ Mm; {or pravcrs {o filén.’ the’awmmtcu! audch‘bcha'c'm'gmy m‘ were led into the pink-i ness and pan: Tim 0 the put of thc dergy «'3 hide, and mmfcstcd a. and brothd‘ly {ovaâ€"St. A! nodule in (he re (mead Pctcrboro has 14 d the “flied: of Prayer1 Ran. 5 C. Davidson several mcmbcrs of!“ $175 on for lady: mg 11):. there was on: chccquc that helped: the poor. Lllfd."â€"SL Luke.) (:13 Mrs. C. Adams, of "smug ha (saber, Mr. home (ion: hcrc Stindav were prcScnt and deli at the Lebanon (ca. The Saivamm Ar Lindsay had a Very u lilies addltlous to the: a‘ tendanoc. Four or 11‘ from a distance hav; c The Rev. R. McCull pulpits with Rev. (Jon We are my to ha If Rev Mr. Pcckovcr, “'1: trust that he m“ s last, and m the aftcr the anniversary sumac appomuucun ï¬yibuymg s'our' Sm W. D. S'I'INSON, 1 (loam ng It gwes. us (1 at school and drifts. of our cat! Ided the Lil' The Chard move