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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 30 Jan 1908, p. 2

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“VIE 1"?" wv-y u. ,u- "-4"... â€", "'.. ,4, 7“ Nugcnt hm week, 1-, Mr. J. B. Sandy... of the Bank of ’1 oromo, was $0 Peketboro over Sunday 6003 hand- mafia Cutter, nearly cw, (or sale. Afiply to the Mirror ‘3 Millbrook. â€"tf / â€"»“?~ 7...... Good ham ‘. ew, for sate x$ce Milli: Misg. Pearl . Nugc Rev The at! new YMisg. Pearl Burnham, Miss Maud . Nugc 7'- Rcv (3 R. Clare and Mr. H. , 't‘bcxfinendcd the E wart!) League ’ I onvcmx a at Lindsay Es: week. We $01;er lhnt {mus Burnham won b’ at Little for the bust paper gmm. - . Mcdd_ Farm. near Mxllbrook, . 5.7 .fipplv to S. 'I. MED!) 36 3 4 Belg); Zero last night. YER ‘ ~ - V 'x‘PxBethany Hockey "2 L‘?im>m6k Rink tonight ' ’ n3 cheer theboys. ‘ 'Hockey Match, Lakefield vs Mill- 7 brook m \Iillbmoxx. on Saturday a: 2 ~.p.m. Good game ayticipatcd. Ibo-y all my Harness, Robes, and Mitts, Boots ‘Shoes, and Snag Hoof Rubbers froni 'l‘. J. Lang, Mm truck. The) are good fitters and wear Iran. ~â€"36lf The various properties of the late W’. H:Sowdcn, situate in Mlllbrook 1nd Gavan. are ofi'crcd for sale by Henty Mulligan, and may he purchas- ed 10 Separate loxs or otherwise. All mpplications must be made to the ,undcrsignzd who is empowered to sell ~mu! convey. H- MULLIGAN J. B. L. GROUT. luanager Omemee Branch. H. A. SIMS, Manager Millbrook Branch. RECORD OF PROGRESS FOR 5YEARS:-’024’07; Mr. Tompkins, of Joronto, is now on the m6 of the Millbrook Branch pf :1); Bank of Monzrga}. O/THE’Q Bank of Toronto by you-Vat any time, ' ‘ ~ ‘OUR STATEMENT above shows figures which guarantee the utmost secu:ity for your money. The Mm: Clarke, of Mcaford, are guests of I): and Mrs. S. W. Clarke. Total Assets Capital Best Undivided Profits $2,693,128 $4,650,708 Deposits Loans Investments $19,181,926 $32,021,510 “‘1, was in 'I‘EFWO..Sun§T . Hurray and daughtcs’Pcarl, spent a few days 0! 1h: past week at the home of Mr and Mrs. H. Naltrass. j{N'I‘EREST will be added to youxj balance every three months. SMALL or large amounts ($1.00 and upwards) may be deposited «We have bought sane 02,0 Pickles pt 3 Birgain 1nd aré sefling them at 7c p:r bottle or 3 for 202, “ H Bmmflfion Remand Mrs Wight, of Brighton, 3m guests at {be home (3’ Mr. D, Bracelets. Necklets, Rings, latest ~dcsigns and settings. (knilcmcn’s tic Pins. (abs and charm;, at special prim, at I. Steele’s. Mlllbrook. On Sunday. Feb. 3, the annual Mis- sionary servzccs will b: held ( [).V.) at I'uc several appninlmcnts on the South’ xhvan Circuit. Rev. A. P. Qurm back. of Vin rin College, wxll be the preacher. Mr. Qurmbach has had ten years syn-ice in Missionary wnrk in China, and is also'known as the author of that interesting work ”From-Opium )"xcnd to Preacher." '1' be weather the last- ,few Sabbath’s aha: not been such as to 1mm: the r z: worshipper, to brave the elc Wis duties in .gbingp spiritual. We understand that me Rev. Mr. Johnston preached two ‘cxgcficnt scrmgns last Sabbath, a thin congregation havmg n‘o effcct upon flu: revcren'd gentleman’s remarks. It 13 a question if he cur presented a bubjcctggth more forge and clcamess than. thg’f‘one he brqg‘ghl before the on Sunday evening. , "1 9" . ‘ WANTEDâ€"A Good General i ' « ntJ‘Go‘od Wages. Apply to Dr ‘ .. or Mrs. Turner. Millbmok. Mtflbrook, 3413) Dec. x907, well. Your Savings Account Invited. Properties for Sale. Millbmuk Newss Head omcef: TORONTO. CANADA. Incorporated 1855. Eifi‘é’das reorganized undtr letship of Mr. G. A. Duncan. cticc was held on Mundav. A I new members have been and a strong Band is antici- coming season. neyA of > the Eggs/oi Azzbrncy Manager, ”ILLBROOK, ONT. H1- 7 ”WI-6 :->1rf22wa§t~ wanna-1.” MM”~\~J‘?J§- 'mgnn-o Increase $14.672.353 Increasg Increase $1,957,580 Increase $10.28;,S4o Increase $12,839 58.; we”). - $23,424,935 $38,097,288 $15.119,753 $25,407,593 Mr.‘ Fred Peake, Reevc of ‘Sey- mom, has been elected Warden of Northnmbgrland and Durham Sorry the honor wasn ’tl giwn to Millhrook Better luck , time, Ba}; Giycn. £5 The Minden Echo of last week says: “Every column in 'a newSpaper contains l'rom_~ 10,000 to 20,000 dis- tinct pieces 01' metal. the displacement. of any of Which cause a blunder or typographical error Yet some people )3; claim to a phenomenally brilliant mind if they can discover an error in a newspaper. Db Leach has returned to Togo, Mam. to’ resume hispractice ther’p. 1902 1907 $2,500,000 $4,000,000 Onaccount of the very bad condi- tion of the roads and weather the Farmer’s Institute Meetings were not patronized as we" as they would have been. Dr. Rerd and Mr. Warren were the speakers, and thoroughly under- stood their subjects. “’Mmed Chop $1.35 per hundred. pure COrh‘ and Oat'Cth, $135, On- tario *~Flour $2 $0. Manitoba Flour $3 00 at Byam's. Reeve C. McNeil. Dcp-Reeve T, A. Kelly, of Cavan, Reeve W. S. (liven. of Millbrook, Reeve I. Hickson, Dep- Rccvc Bruce of Manvers, and Reeve Fxsher of South Monaghan are attend- ing County Council at Cobourg this week. , - We understand that Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Iohnston intend gomg to the North West in the spring to reside. Their numerous friends here will regret to learn of their intended departure. Mr Johnston will, it is understood go into the hardware business at Oxbow. Mrs. T. B. Collins returned from Montrealon Saturday, where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. W. Lamprcy. Rev. G. R. Clare preached Missionâ€" axysumons at Ink-field on Sunday, and Rev. [elm Redford of that town conducted the services in the Md!- brook _Mcthodist church. BIRTHâ€" At Port Hope, on Friday. Jan. 17th, thewnfe of Mr. Geo. 1‘. Holmes, nee sts O M. Richards, 3 sou. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church held a Socral at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lock on last 'l'ues- day night, when the friends had quite an enjoyable time in playing finch and other games, and also had the pleasure of hearing a good musrcal program, consisting of an Instrumental solo by Miss Ethel Richardson and a vocal solo by Miss Bertha Lock. and mstru ‘ mental duets by Mrs. W. Gillott and Miss Maud N ugent, Misses Stella HethermgtOn and Ethel Richardson. Misses Burnham and M. Nugent, all of which were rendered in an accep table manner. Refreshments Were served. Proceeds about $10.00.. Among the mourners at the funeral of the late Mrs. Fred McCorry were, Mr. Archie Shook Mr Weir, Mcssrs. Fred MCL orry, Sr and J r , of Peter- hom, Mrs Jowett and MISS McCorry of Cobourg. Mr. Herb Larmer and Miss Sadie Larmcr were in Peterboro on Tuesday A meeting of the Woman’s Instltute will be held on Thursday (today) at 3 p m. in the Council ( hamber of the Town Hall. A report of the Guelph convention will be given Mr. and Mrs. Wm Snelgrovc were in Iakeficld yesterday attcndmg the marriage of 1115 cousin. Ail China at close prices at J. Steele’s, Millbrook; also Fountain Pens. Mix, Ada E. Richardson. of Peter boro, spent Sunday with Mrs. T. W. 'Ihome. Mrs. Watt, of Peterbom was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. \V. Johnston last week. Miss Lily Burton was a visitor to Port Hope last week, $1, 500,000 i I mean business, so this will be a grand opportunity, {or those who in- tend building this season to get their supplies at cost prices. All those who have outstanding accounts with me WI" please call and settle the same. Ialso have 100 acres of land on zion Line, all ready for Crop, for sale cheap. - g WM, THEX'I ON. I have over 700.000 Shingles. ail grades, m stock. I have ovcr 400,000 feet of Lumber, both pine and hem- lock, all grades. The Seventeenth Annual ’Con- sention of lownships of Lavan and S. Monaghan S.b ASSQcia- tion was held m the5 Methodist Church, Bailieboro. on '1 uesda), and was of the most successful ever held. There was a very large attendance at each seSSion, cs~ pecizzlly at the evening one when the Chm-ch was fully taxed. As Iinte nd going West about the first of May, I WI" sell out my entire stock of Lumber, Imh, Shingles, Cement and Coal, at greatly reduced. A gentleman living cast of Millbrook scared a tramp the other day by the use of his vmce. Sccmg a tramp coming towards 7 hi‘: residence he let out such uncarthlv yells that the tramp turned and ran for his lifc. Went Gray says he can vouch for the above. pnCegs. At 2 p. m., the President, Mr. R. S. Staples, took the chair, and after dehve‘rtng a brief address, the Rev. W. ]. \Veatherill led In the devotlonal exercises. The nominating committee was then appointed, after which repo ts from the Several Schools were given by their respective Superin- tendents, and were encouraging and helpful. The report ol the nominattng committee was then presenter! and adopted. We want a few bags of hand pickcd White Beans and three or four fum- drcd lbs. of l‘armcr’s Bacon. e ~ W. H. Bgam 8: Son. The following are the officers for 1908: Presidentâ€"R S Staples Vice Presâ€"R Matchett, Ir. Seé'yâ€"J N Hicks 'l‘reasâ€"James Douglas Ex. Comâ€"Officers of Assoda- tion. and W H Staples, \V Archer, R “1' Clarke, jas Clarke, Han-y Dawson, F Staples, T Mclndoo, Rob: Walsh and E Barnard. THE MIRROR to..nuw subsmizb- crs to Jan. I, 1909, for 60c. Mrs (Rev.) Wm. Johnston gave a most helpful and interesting paper on “The Teacher’s Prepar- ation.” Discussion followed, and then H. W. Brown, B. A, gave an able address on “'l‘eacher’s Train- ing.” Singing and the Benediction brought to a close a very profitable afternoon session. EVENING SESSION. At 7.15 the meeting opened with devotional exercises. The President‘s address came next, after which H. W. Brown. B. A , gave much valuable information about "Teaching the Boy." After singing. the Benediction was pronounced, and thus one of the best Conventions eozer held in the disuict was brought to a close. Mrs. H. Argue gave an excellc-m report of the Proyincral Conven- tion, which proved instructive and interesting. “The Forward Movement in S. S. Work” was handled well bv the Rev. M E.Sexsmith, B.A., LLB. “Adult and Bible Class Work" was handled nicely by Miss Aggie Hampton, who has a Bible Class m the Millbrook Methodist S. S. with over 40 members, and her experience helped to make her paper all the more forceful and interesting. Total BY PAYMENTS Mr. S. Staples. Postage. . . . W. S. Given. printmg ...... Provincial Assocxation. ..... Draft and postage . . .‘ ...... . Balance on hand ......... _. Mrs. J P. Dcyehl ....... , Miss S Hclhcrington. . Springyillc Sunday School Mrs Rev. Johnston, class Fan'mount Sunday School Mt. Pleasant “ “ (Iavanville “ “ Frascrvillc " “ Rev. G. R. Clare delivered a splendid address: his subject was ” The S. S as a Church Builder," an] much valuable information Was given. To Balance, Jan. 15!. 1907.. .$ 2 24 Carmel Sunday School ...... 6o Bailichoro Sunday School. I oo Millhrook Presbyterian S S 2 oo Ccntrevillc “ .. 3 oo Fairmmmt Sunday School. . . . I oo Cavan Union “ “ . . . . 50 Mt. Pleasant “ “ . . x 66 Milllnook Methodmt S S. . . . 4 so FraServillc Sunday School. 65 Col. from Convention, 1907.. 36 I! FORWARD NOV EM EN'l‘. The following is a com of the Treasurer’s Report : 'I‘REASU RER’S RE PO R'l‘. SABBATH SCHOOL CONVENTION. Selling Out. Going West. HAS GOO D LUNGS. Total ..... “(Akita OO 00 00 00 50 66 50 $63 16 $63 41 'l 5 ~18 90 Any One who doubts Mr. Fitzger ald’ s ratmg as a weather indicator, Will change his mInd qUIck on reading the .following: â€"Ahout mne o’clock this I Thursday morning. Mr. L S. (Harry I while mIlIIing his cow was astomshed l at heannga loud rattling sound. On I looking donn he found the milk had froze In solid chunks before reaching the pad. L. S 5333, ‘What can you expect... after the Loan] Option vote guru in this Village on [gm-6th," TO THE FARMERS OF CAVAN AND THE ADJOINING TOWN- SHIPS: Now is your time to leave )our or- der for fencmg 'l‘he prOSpects are that the wire will be higher. I am in a position to furnish you With any style of fenCe or quality of fenCe, from 30 Cents per rod to $i. 75 per foot i You can have your choke of Six‘ different makes All orders left in on before the Firstuot‘ Mamh will have Two Cents a rod rebate. You_can have it shipped when you want to nse it So you have to pity no sooner than if you ordered it just when )ou were going to build. Some times it is hard to get fencing on short notice. If wire should go down in prwe you WI ll get the benefit ol the drop. Steel gates alwags on hand I am agent for the ()alt Art Metal Co Anyperson that intends to use any Steel Shingles,“ Siding or Ceiling Will do Well and save money by calling, seeiiig‘saniples and ham: prices quoted. It will last a life time. I also handle the best. hayfork goods on the market. Prueiright, work guar- anteed. Irepresent one of the best nurseries in Canada and furnish none but reliable, hardy trees and shrubs. Your order placed with me insures healthy stocx,'.true to name and at 0- s a ,. reasonable prices Last evening Mr. Sidney Fitzgerald, who’s standing as a weather prognosâ€" tigator In above par, called at uurbtficr and said, “The muskrats are budding upper stories on their houses, a"; sure sign that the ice yield will be’ prolific this season. On cuttinsz down a hickory tree in Ias. Hutchinson’s woods. Tom Bower and Allan Kirk found .a rabbit: nest about Sixty feet from the stumpâ€"_severe cold new: fails to follow this sign. Look out for your smeller after Curfew rings. ” '1 ben Sid left to hunt for a black Fox down near the Octogoxt Mill. ' ( haplmâ€"Rxcham Pdfli'. “L- as; Fin Secretaryâ€"A] Mawock "lrmurcrâ€" lamcs jackson Ist Guide-“mu jcwison. : 2nd “ â€"Hcrb Bar.eman Ff 31d " â€"RiL‘hard lhomps‘on. 4th " -(}corgc \lurncy. 5th "'1 ( Hutchinson. 1}- 6th “ W H Hutchinsbn. Inside Guardâ€"Wm \\'atcrman. Outmde Guardâ€"l W Dawson. '1 rusxcesujamcs Jackson, David chison. Auditorsâ€"Richard P1rner,l 32mph Lang. 1 odgc Surgeonâ€"Dr. ~RussLH. ' Hm Lodge" Is in a prosperous con~ ditjom Bank account $700. ~43. ‘ L'1he affix-15 “ere ygstaltrd by Dis met 0ch B10; Inln Pexhtck, of chxtomé-ch, 13m. Martyn Pe£550k of Lodge -‘St Ives,“ Minbropk, accom- panied the Ulstrict Dcputly ' 1 FOR SALE-e01“: large. Second- hand Straw Cutter, in good working ordcr. Will g'xghgngc it for hay, wood or potatoes ’ ' ' Ice Will be Plen‘t‘iful W111 be at my Shop ever) Monday and Saturday afternoon. Next door “cst of j‘ames Donaldson' 5 pump shop. A‘ PAYNE, Millbr'ook. There passed. aWay in Pctcrboro, on Wednesday, jan. 22nd, m the person of Mrs Frudcrick McCorry. nee jessic McCrca. one of the oldest and most highly respected ciliZens of that city. The Late Mrs.-Fréderxck McCarty Deceased was born In the City of Glasgow, Scotland,‘in the year 1834. In 1837 she cantem'ithxhcr parents to this country, settling in Kingston, Ont. Mrs. MCCnrry came ‘to Mlllbrook ova fifty years ago. She was umted m marriage to her now sorrowing husband about the year 1860. To this union nine children were born, eight of whom survive. v12 , Edward and George and .Mrs.~\Vm. Budd. of of Millbrook, Fred of Peterboro, Arthur of Havelock; Mrs. Ed Hanna, of Forget, Sask.; Mrs Wm. Jowett. and Mis»; Manon, nurses at Cobnurg. Lodge ( oventry S O. E B.S .Ndh.‘61, Balhcbum, held their annual n 133%; [ion jan 20, 1908, “hen the FL (Mir-g offiCcrs \wrc Installed m mgr mspcc- IIVC ()ffit. t‘S: Mr. and Mrr. McCorrymoved from Mlllbrook to Peterbom about fifteen years ago Mrs.‘McCorrv ha; been ailing about four years. and four months a'go she Contracted paralysis and named away on the 22nd 1nst., at her late residence; 83 London street. She was a consistent member of the Presbvterian Church. a true christian and her many kmdly acts will be long remembered. , V ~ The Funeral tom: place from her late restdence on the 25th inst. the remains being brought to Millbrook on the G 'l‘.R,, and Were followed to the Presbyterian Cemeterv by many sorrowing relatives and fnends. Rev. Wm. johnston conducted the services at the grave, ‘ The pull-bearers were Messrs. I. C. Kells, J. \V. Walsh, A. T. Armstrong, H. Argue, John and Robert Deyell. '1 0 he Harem ed hmband am} fam- ily is extended the heartfelt sympathy of their many friends Money Found. IF IT DON’T "I‘HAM’" too soon. “mth’ Presidentâ€"William {ELH Vicc- Prrsidcmâ€"Joseph Lang. BAILIEB'ORO. OBITUARY. 1. {up The Bell Telephone Company of Cmda is about to publish a new issue (:1 the omcm Telephone Directory for the District of Central Ontario. in- eluding the Town or MILLBROOK? Changes of firm names. change- of atreetfiaddrfisnea, m orders {or duplicate entries, should be handed In at once to A lanky countryman trom the mines entered the ofl‘ice of the' Melbourne Argus recently, and said: “My old guv'nm’u dead and l should like shit poetry or sumlhink put. in the paper about him." The druggiatsln this neighborhood any they can supply the mutedlemo, Which are easily mixed at home There is said to be xfo better blond- clelnulng agent. or system topic known. nnd certainly none more harmlpu 0: simple to use, "I have no vote, but my groom has I have 5 great respect for mu man in the atablea, but. I um sure if 1 were :9 no to him and any, “John, Mu! you ex- ercise the franchise?” he would reply, 'g’leue, mum. what but»; [:9 ”an?” 'AH right,’ says the clerk, 'nand it over.’ " Some remarkable stories are being told about town and among the couniry loopie coming in of this simple iiiume made mixture curing Rheumu mam and Kidneymtgouble. Here is the recipe and directions for taking: Mix by shaking well in a bottle one-half ounce Fluid 'Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Knrgon, usree ounc. I Compound Syrup Sarupariliu. Take an 3:60:39 one teaspoouiul after meals and a}. bedtime . A Woman aufl'tage lecturer recentlr brought down the house with the h.) Rowling atuumenw '(‘In’t you fix sumthink up for me.' asks Ihe mluor. 'ho was a. right good chap} it." oupocia'ly those a ho bavu Urinan and Kidney trouble and wife: with Rheumatism. “Oh, yea,” replied the clerk, “we'll manage that for you; uur charge for 'In Memoriam’ natives is sixpence an inch,” O,"Oh thunder!" exclaims the mouth- r."I can ’t stand that; my guv ’nor was over six feet!" A New York dmggiat who "as hun- dreds of calls for “mac iugiediedw since the that announcement. in the newspapers last October stated that {be people who once ltv it "swear I) Prrhnps you luck courage? Out of joint with everything? Scarcely on speaking terms wnh your neighbor. Your brain is (agreed. vonr blood in “yak, your reserve of strength all gone What you need is Ferrnznne. that great. \‘italizer and nutrmve tonic W: by makmg flesh and blood. by infusing Iron and Oxygen into the system that Fermznne builds you up It repairs the weak Spots, inalila new life into warn-out organsâ€"makes you feel like new. Such low health is pitiableâ€"but curable Think it over. By nourishing av-d strengthening, Ferrozone um age {hr the aid and imparts resiliance and buoyauev to the depressed This mixture writes o'n'e authoriiy in a leading Philadelphia newspaper has a peculiar tonic efl’ect upon the kidneys; claiming the clogged-up pores of the eliminatlve tissues, forcing the kidnem to am and strain from the blood the uric acid and oxher pozs axons Waste matter. overcoming Rheuma- tism Bladder and Urlnan troubles in a ehnrt while How is Your Vitality? Are You Physically Strong and Able to Work 'as You Used To? Why not be strong and ruddy Colo r- ed? \VI-y ntsv weak? Use Ferroaone and outer the healthy life it's lure to bring. Price 500. per box a! all dealers. Nu change need be made in your usual diet, but. drink plenty of good water. A verv pretty wedding took place It the home of Mr: Robert Fania. Baihe~ boro,0n \\ ednesdny, Jan. 8th. when lne neice, Miss Josephine M Jewison, youngeetufanghteroi Mr.John Jeni- enn, was united in marriage to Mr. Harry N. Barnard, botb oi Baliieborn, the Rev, Wetherall, officiating. The bride who was given away by her father, iooke‘ld very pretty inarich gown of white point de'eprit,over white silk. and carried a bouquet of white carnation: Her sister, Mist Mabel Jewieon Icted as bridesmaid and was attired in white point de‘sprtt over cream. Mr. Percy Barnard eup- poried the groom The bride's travelling dress was navy blue broadcloth with braid trim- mings and a hat to match. The large array of beautiful gift: bore testimony hftllagstealu in which the young cou- ple are held by their many friends‘ with whom We join in mshtng them many years of Wedded happiness. After the customary congratulations the guests, about. ninetv in number partook of a sumptuous repast, the dining room being ptettily decorated with evergreens and huuse plants. New Telephone Directory. WEDDING BELLS. RECIPE MIXED OFTEN. H, A. TURNER. 04-0 Lacs! Manager. These lessons teach Low to but. m and put together, any garment from the plainest shirt waist sun. to tbs In M sluhuram dn-ss This is the an” cqurse in Canada that the Mauls fam- ilv can learn. by cm: mmnlvor taking it up. We have bean in business fur ten years, have taught or" 7,000. Be- wne of mutations as some have been known .0 oopv our advs. and even glaimsd. thus may more not known to be we invsntor of this courss NO‘ adv. Is gunpiuoduiflxbbt our $606.00 REv‘PONSIBLE JOURN A LI‘M. No Metrnpolitan Newspapfir on this side oftlxe Atlantic or the other has done mate of true public aervtce than ttte"Moutreal Witness." Few indeed are the papers that can show such a record as it. than» than aixtv scars of fanrletvs chnmpim ship nf mural reform. The ”‘Vifllt'flun has ever «land to stand up fur \n hat. it believed to be- right. re- gardless of its own finam-ial interests. Though unhltahvd in (‘ana«-u’s greatest manufacturing cpntre, it has paraial- ontly championed the cauae ot the tar- mer both east and west As there Ire a large number or people, especially dressmakora. any you cannot learn by mail we will send sutem md Isl leesnn (3 Inch leichea how to make a. perfect fitting waist) registered to anv addrese Ill Ontario After you‘ are satisfied you can learn, eend $5 00 and we will lorwurd full course of lessons l'leueo do not send unless you Mal: to lo «rn dressmaking, we are so aureuny' One can learn that we guarantee to give $500 to anyone we cannot leach In the wosz of one M the ables: men of our day, the urlncipn! ofone'of our own colleges, "Canada owes 8 «mm of obligarhm to the 'Wimeaa” that it Will never be able to repay " In its subscribrra’ interest, the "Witness" annually [organ a revenue of many thousands of (Julian by the attitude it takes towards pernicious or guardian- able advertisements. BY MAI In Your Spare Time at Home. We want our course to be in every home in Ontario where there are India:- so have decided to give. direc: to the public our Improved $15 course in dressmaking including uur Ladteu Tailor System for “ holesule pnce, $5 00 DO YOU BELCH GAS ? This is a disagreeahle result of food termentmion that Nerviline stops at once. Take ten drops of Nerviline in sweetened mner. The stomach is warnmd and soothed. digestive troubles currerted, the rising of gas ceases and you are well When such a simple rvmody does so much good it’s fool- Ish to be without it. For Indigestion, mmr stomach, heartburn and sick headache you'll find nothing so effi- cient as Polson'a Nervilino. Get 3 25¢. bottle tron: vour dealer to day. LEARN DRESS-MAKING The "Witness Is an np-to-date news- paper in the best sense "(the Word. It print: all the news worth while. he markets and stock reports and finsno cial reviews have the cottfidenve m t n nsdu's leading business men. Its v. r- Ious departments eucn us "l‘he Home." “Literary Reyiew.” "Letters From Headers ” "Veterlnary." 'Numiemutic.’ “Boys Page." "Children's Corner," "Medlcal." "Legal." "Agricultural.” “Horticultural." and "Poultry." e c. etc , are all ably conducted hv experts at a large expense. the lust named he mg edited by the Macdonald College Poultry Exl'e t. SatnfilenWI'navy the “lid on application to t" o pubnshers, Messrs Jnhn Dnugall 6: Son. "Witness." Block. Montreal. We ran heartily recommend to our readers, if thew want, as moat intelli- gent do, a metrmmhtan newspaper in addiliul) to the local paper, they will make no mistake In getting tho "Witness ” "Dany Witness," $3 ()0 a vent. “Weekly Witness and Canadian Hnmestoad," $1.00 a y_ear. All these departments in ad ”Hon to news and editorml features combine to make: a complete, alz-round family newspaper. Meri’ b'imgtm: School, {31”}?! puliculara. Eric St. ., Sumford;s Out. Cam.~~ "'1" Wili be 50M at the Snowden House Stables. l’czcrbumugh, at 1.30 p m. sharp, on \\ mincsday. Fcbruary 19m, I908. by '1‘. H‘ Hassard, Importer of Clydesdale. Percheron. and Hackney Horscs, A‘Iillbmok, Ont. NO'I‘Ezâ€"I bavr. Forty-'l‘wo Head of Clydesdale. l’cn'hcwn, and Hal: ney Stallmns in my Barns at Millhrook Ont.. which will be sold at l’ricrs and Terms to suit purchasers. 'l‘hcy arc a choic: lot of Fiilies, and will be Sold without any rcserve lo the highest bidder. For bra-ding and particulars write for Catalngucs to T. H HaSSard, Millbmok, Om ‘ TERMS of SALE:â€"Ca~'h, or Six per cent. Interest on six months crcdxt ou apprm- ed paper. '1. H Hassard, Millbrook, Ont. _ J. _R. Bulimia and J. H Gardiner. W. Mohtgomgry, Auctioneers. Office in 'I‘urne'r’s Drug Store; Cor. Yonge 8: Bloor Sts., Toronto. FOR UP-TO-DATE JEWELRY Issuer of RIariiage LicenScs, MILLBROOK. XMAS. OFFER $23.50. JEWELLERY British Canadian Business College for 3 momhs’ course. Write be- fore Dec. 2:. 15 yrs. experience. Physician and Surgeon, MILLBROO§, ONTARIO. J. STEELE’S, 1mm '55:“... V leu- in ‘u' one ‘Bmmm'. " Taiwan On Monday Lug the fill the "aunts-:5 1r Council wet: acid ad has: â€"- The Mirror joix s yoang couplfe mam m and prosperity For Rem â€"-§os. T. ed, '1‘, I. Parsons in :h Glifin m the fieid. M H Best. M. Pleasmt.‘ daughter, A Hie. was i riage to Mr. Everett [-1 mee. The Ceremony I lay Rev. H. Peckm'er,‘ the pres-:nce of 2 L friends a rd rein: xes. dressed m a pretty gal and car g. ng a bow and roses entered £11 an the arm of hcr :‘azhl of the wedding marCm 1". Sandy of Omemeé pecans I‘erc unite“ the groom’s gift to the beautifui gem watch :11 evening nus spent ‘ strummstal music am 105. Hayes gave sever: hrs gramophone. AM happy couple left {or :1 m Omemce. Amnng‘ a diamnCe were, Mrs. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. W. (J. H to, Mr. and Mass “(‘SK.‘ and Mrs T. I \i .urr of Oakwood. Mr. and‘ of Minden, Mise 1 ii Keene. Mr. and Mrs. ‘ of Peterboro ] 71:1! Councilorsâ€"1 [in fluid. Archxc Sn ’kfld Graham :11 the m Sudas‘on. S. E b. oesagnrd. x'l‘he poll mt! be be}: from 9 a m. unul 5 p.: the race wail bc hotly twem \ do Ehihless ( )HIt cock: 1.: dc Tc 1. took {ac 5.3? {mi shavers a: (ch and that :mznurous fricu A very pie 15mg cv lauuuy zzud. at {M Why Cough ? Re Mrs. I. Thornto Mrs. E. G. Sandy services in conne induction of Rev. E at CoIborne vestcr. guests at the: home: Ndlbwok 0n Thur Pretty Janna NOMINATIONS l Among the 164' registered and am Convention at Lm‘ we notice the (lam: M Switzer, Mlss E Ida Nug :nt, Miss Rev. R. McCuliodI Hockey match Falls and Omcmcc Mr. and Mrs. La ten: visiting friends Emily the past wed Miss Ida Smtze sales, the Madam Isaac and “'iflic (1 their many friends a! Mrs. John Mcha visiting her (laugh Hayes. Omemcc. Miss jenny Kerr in Pcterbom. Miss Olive Swit Mills attended the ifinv ention held at Mr. and Mrs. U bridge, are visiting 3 Henderson, Mrs. Si: her brother Robert. able drive and m when they arrived numbâ€"cling twenty held at Lebanon on of last week. The; by buying your St. “I D. STINSON WEDDI-.G HAVE YCU l crms EONESâ€"B \V .

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