:Quality. Satisï¬ed r Imported MARE! SIOVB"L{19820£ ncw cosxnkctxons, m nv-mes, changcs as ’n‘ ï¬x ainpï¬Calf: we balniu‘l in AT CE\V 4,400,000 1,000,000 Band) will be .1! 1904. C610: Sai. lnpc on face, good 'V‘bonc. plenty DI L TELEPHONE for the Dnstrict oi no. Including 159.831 38.601 1'73 NAGER. . 10h ;y. Phone 13. BRC ish a new issue of BROOK. 1- have HEAL E TELEPHONE OF LANADA’ " .het pam'uhé ap- DIRECTUBY. ~ sorf Last week MMwigqn and Mtgs McCrea wcrcthe chsts of 3113;] C Eaton of loxomo. Mr rthur Rutherford lost a van a: ng bars» on Saturday. It nil-m been driven into ()mcnnc, look sick soon after bcmg put in m! shed, and was dead a short lulu: atlcr, dcsyite all remedies. 'l'hc Pubhc Library Board h are 1mm: Um: lassn with advertising [1.u!r! prnaimng to the gland concert of sen; to be gixen m the Upgra House on 28th inst, by the Joule:- Singers. The procccuszuc m and of [he Librarv. and the concur should be We“ patronized. The special and ingh class pro~ {mm should encourage: a. record attendance. Many were sorry to learn that Mr Lruie McPhcxson was injured a: hwkcywractice on MonJay awning. ‘: is hoped he wxll be «high! m 3- ff-‘W days. As stick handlers Omemec held th: lnumn sign on‘ their oppon~ cuts and the pluymg was mostly awuud the Lindsay goal but the SUtCt‘SS of Lindsay was due to their superior sk tting and the handicap Ointmee h «i been under 0! practice on a s ll't“ rixtk. le Ltmlsav goals were mostly m‘ï¬mmsidpmish near their own 2:01, the Secflilnfl of the rub- ber and a. mad male to the Omemee goal which W45 guarded only by 3}“ “0.1 kccpcr, and the notch mule. Omemece was too easily dmwn 0 3! but the experience has I): n proï¬table. Our team are goo enough w win some and with a. :ituc trainln': we hope to see {new may“, the Lintlgav Soldiers step :Omc l-el'orc the hockey sear >00 closes. Quite a large numl er of rooters .:ccompamed the team On Monday. Messrs. E. McCul- huh and (lefl'ord Mulligan return- ed to their studies at Vaxsity, after a pleas“; vacation. Satin: on the \G‘m excellent an i enjoyed Bl) n'ocr. A Inspector Roger Lite Insurance C Ls: week in 01‘ .‘Jr. and Mrs. D. Stinsma mare Vl‘ltuts {£0 Milibrook ashort tum: ago = Wood {and ice are aiming towards Lut‘tatmns. ‘ We are Mr. H'y PI 2|"!de The ï¬nal scene was 9 to 3 in favor of the Scugog River Septctte but this d0cs not imhcatc by any mums the play. The game was (as: and furious all the time. Our hockey team \vznt up to the hamlet on 21:: Scugo;4, 0n \V'cducsdav Of 1.15! \Vcck 1:11.42 played drum a matched 14“; ms. Wylic's for Pipes, Tobaccos and Cigus. A seconvl han~l squru‘c boxed cutter for sale, almost as good as m-w. Cutter can be Seen and priCc “Certaincd {tom Mr. 1. A. W'yllc. â€COMINCmâ€"Dr M. B. Annis. limfsty's Able Eve Sight Spccialist, will be at Mr. j. A Wylic’s Drug Stole, Ohio-mac. Thursday. jun. :8,’09, alums-on and waxing. For all Eye “pubic, or if you nccd ghsscs, Scc mm ANNIE '\V. IVORY, TEACHER, Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for Examination. Terms Moderate. OMEMEE NEWS. "P0 ELECTRIC CITY ‘ .TELEGRAPHY SCHOOL? (Cor. Water and Hunter) ~A l . a to everybody. ‘ of havin c PETERBORO: ONTAR‘O’ lion turned inâ€: con en t 3.1.1 ix'afï¬lialcd with Peterboro Busi-S ‘ . m ,ci 5 ness College ; consequently Te‘- 1 t t‘ g€38’P8.DhÂ¥ students may take anyé %Beixxg w SCUmmcrcial or Stcnographic subjects: 3‘“ nctmal tprinc . 2wi1huux extra charge. Entcrany day 5 origimï¬rï¬mrg: 5' é mun: FOR mxncumxs. 3 “50°â€d’09 0“ 2 (:30. SPO‘I"I‘UN, Pmcxp.u.. 3!:ï¬f’a'3‘ï¬ï¬niï¬ï¬ï¬1 The Mirror extends its' svm pathy to Miss Thornton and the other relatives of the late )zums Dr Thornton, in the loss sustained by his death. The skating rink is in full blast and Well patronwcd. / Erna. ANNIS,‘Eye Sight ,Spec ialm, at I. A. Wyhr’s l)r'ug Storc. Omcmcc, 'l'hursday, jan 28, ’09. If your glasses arc nut cxaclly right con- sult him. Examination frcc. Our Millbrook hockey cousins drove over on Mondav evening and crossed sticks; wnth our OWn Beavers. The game was specta- cula.r..in.secti0nyand showed the Beavers to b. atronger than thci' apponcnts who, although goo.‘ stick handle:rs,'secmcd to lack in team piay and spccd. At half time the score was Beavers 5. Millbrook o. Dr. Frederick J. Snelgrove B.A.. M.B., nuns 0., pm'smux. ‘ â€"SURGEON. â€"â€"-()BS'I'E‘1‘RI(IL~\N OMEMEE In the second half the bovs from Cuvan notched two goals at the start and this caused the Omemcc {cam tohustlc. hence remainder of the time was a hvel} struggle “1th the ï¬nal score of B-- avers 7â€".\lilllnook 2 There is good m: xterial m Mxllhrook Hoz: k- c\ team but it lacks trainin" and dcvclolunent. “e hope for ano- ‘hcr game between these: temns in the neat future. {he zolhminu was thc hm.- up. Mimn‘uok 3. Reid '! 11:;3.‘ an: pom: P {i .umlcv u point IN I'umpkins run-c: H szrass Can“: '1‘: Sozhémn I wmg \V Mntclmll r wing EGx-eat in Reputation. Results} glnfluence and “thoroughness !} Now Is the time to enter the popular W. J ELLIOTT, I’rmcxpfl, 1‘ (Ior. Yong;- and Alexandcr Streets.) and prepare for proï¬table cmploy- 1 meat. Our graduates readily obtain; good positions. Our handsome: C:ua-' loguc is ï¬re. Write for one: to day. htudcnts admitted at any ti'mc. Col- ‘legc Open the entire: scar. (Cor. Water and Hunter) ‘ parznaoao, ONTAR‘O’ ness College : consequcully Tel- gegraphy students may takc any SCummcrcial or Stcnographic subj‘ccls‘ zwmmut extra charge. Enter any day S E warn: FOR PARTICULARS. 3 E‘ GEO. SP01"!‘UN, PRINCIPAL. g §L~ afï¬liated With Peterboro Bum-5 A Great School uok Umemcc. id 30.1% Bcattv gzitzm‘. pom: “ladle-\- :alcv L; point V Matchcn nnpkins rune: Murmv mass Ccnllc McQuadc mama I wmg Mngec Itchcll rwing \K’Mxtcheli Refereeâ€"Dr. Sutton. TORONTO, OA 1'. :N'r PLEASAN'I‘. 01'. ONTARIO. of Toronto. From Means. Hopkins Hopkins. Kan-latent, Lu dau‘ , in re the flooding of William (Yallnglmu’s property, sald tn he caused by the bringing of the wnter lhiunuh u Mlllllclpul culvert from across the road, and threatening an action unless Jug-Juana wu- tinne- died in some manner in me Cuum-Il. After individually tnk hug and sub scribing the ulntuuv dec lurntions of Qnalxï¬vauun and of Ofï¬ce the Council prugeeded m xramucz. buuiumwr ‘ll.; following communimttlons were received, perused and f) led, that is to say:â€" - From J. Ross Robertson, Chairman oftlne Trust, with usual appeal [or grant to Sick Children's Hosmtal. 'lha Reeve. Jumea Robert Boatemud Councillors, William (Touhnglmxu, Jan Courtney, William Herllhey and Rob- er: W. \VllsOn. Hm mluufes of last session were read. approved and on motion con- tinned a - "wrv of You ("-Hatl: John C nun-y and Jnnn James Magoo an Anditure t0 audit the uccnnntq u this Municipalitv for the wear mm; at rvSpm-tiva mlurieg of six dollars each; Jnhn G. Aulmmre an memher of “.0 Local erd of Health for the ensuing term of three vents. and John Sandersnn as Trustee M the “Onu-mee High and Public School Boanl†for the ansumg term 0! two ymrs, and that the Clark do now draft the usual B. -:aw continuing these! appaintmeu's â€"( a*riml._ ur’l‘he Municipal World soliciting re- newal of mlmcrlptiuns for 1909 , Moved by C011 11 Winiam Cuflingham sec I» Conn James ('ourtney. That. the following named persons be an - pointed to the several ofï¬ces homin- ufler meununed a: ruch salaries or re- umnemtiou and (or aux-h terms as are hereilmfler menuoued, that is to lay:- Nurnmn H. Sutton, MJ) . as -Med!'.-=l Health ()mcvr {or ‘he ensuing war at Moved by Cunn. Wllllum llerlihey, see. by Conn, .lnmoa (‘0urmoy. "Phat order. be issm-d on the 'l‘reusurer fur par-mum. of the lollowlng nnscellauev nlll accuuulszâ€" C. Riclmnlsnn, Captain oi the S. A., Omemee, l'nr allemlauca at and heating Hall for Munmlpnl Nnmlnn-iun .. ...... $ 3 00 Martin Davina, lmunn ml ‘20 rudu of wire lance us par By-law.... 6 00 .lnhn.Kerr, for cutting brnnh on can! qn‘ar'er line ...... ........ ... 8 50 Rulmrt Ruth, for cnmug brush on east quart ,r llne.... .... 9 00 'l‘lmnmu Mclfmma-llmlamlu labor refund, 1‘. drum"... .... 4 ()0 (L. W, liichï¬rals, priming account In lull i0 dale...................... 22 00 Council met at. ll o’clook, IJ" . M" mum! to statute. Present. all the dn:y elactel me m- bers, that is to say: QQ‘u-ried , $47 50 Muvedflw (ln‘ln Rnliort W. Wilson. sec. hy‘u‘uun William Hertilmy, 'I‘hat By-mw number 359 for the .rpnae ul conï¬nning Hm appointment of the Medical Heahlz Ufllv er, the Anditnrn, momber or H1» lmcul Bnurd of Health and a'l‘rnaten on the "Omemee High uud Public School Board" be now In- trodnceJ and read a ï¬rst time.â€" Take the "Golden Medical Diseowry. " (n time and it is not. likely to disa point u l! only ï¬gs give it. a. thaw-«rug and Eb- trlaL I I; expect miracles. .I: won‘t do supernatural things. You must. exercise your patience and persevere in its nag for a. reasonable length of Lime to ob Its-full beneï¬t; The Ingredients of W): 911 DnPlerce‘s medlclnos are composed have. the nu calmed endorsement. of scores at media: leadersfâ€"better than any amount of lay, or non-protamional. mumonials. They are not. given uwnv to be exlx-rl- mcnted with but are sold by all dealers in mediums at. reasonable prices. , . l t t um xv merts o - n ze Being who y mane of the active 111 mm] principles extracted from m.- tlve forest roots, by exact pram original with Dr. Pierce, and without the use of a drop of alcohol, triple-reï¬ned and chemically pure glycerine being used in- stead in extracting nhd prmerving the curative virtues residing in the -roots employed, these medicines are entirely free from the objection of doing harm by mating an appetite for either al- coholic beverages or habit donning drugs. Examine the formula on their bottle wrappersr-the same as sworn to by Dr. Plcrco. and you will ï¬nd that hls "Golden Medical Discovery," the great. blood-puriï¬er, stomach tunic and bowel regulatorâ€"the medicine which. while not recommended to cure consumption in its advanced stages (no medicine wlll do that) yet. does cure all more cnmrrhal condl~ uons of head and throat, weak stomach, torpid liver and bronchial troubles, weak lungs and hang-on-coughs, which. if nog- lcctcd or badly treated lead up to and “3.3“." MWâ€? in QQSQF‘IM‘JE 9Lhavi'ng 1h 2 cg-a Eli conhaen f_ Iion turned’fixvlffTipgggisjqrmuhp. being Emily [ennui] ' Proceedings. COMMON SENSE Omoulee, Jmnmrv 11th. 1909 ï¬lm L names Conrtney,sec IS Kmoxfnfme ,mb‘m “:EII of investiga- tLeZpï¬m m [Ion Carried ‘56 23 Mm’od by (:0qu William llergihev see by (~‘oun Robert W \V'ilnon,‘\'l'|mt B) Jaw No 359 be‘nuw read a sdcmnl and a third time and ï¬nally mused and Hm: the Reeve and Clerk do 3|!“ and nï¬ix the Corponle Seal thereto.â€" Carried. . 4 Mmad by Conn. William flerlihev, aec- bv Conn. James C‘nurtuey. lhm nus (.‘onnczl do now adjourn to meat on Monday {he First day of February next a: the hour 0f“)uo\00k,alll.. when other municipal nflicars excep‘ pamumslers and fence ,viewem “Ill be appointeu.â€"L’nrned. JA MES R. ROM‘I‘P. ‘Reeve. R. J. (31".. L‘ l)Y,'l‘own:,hip Clerk. If you want to keep him, in shape, never let him autfer pair Rub ou "Nervnline"â€" it is noted for cum.“ uzrnins, a“ eilinga and 813.3319“ and me mun-res. Fur tum-ma] use x’u cnziug cramps and colic. Nervflwe is a. perfovt marvel. In eun- good training 3'3!on you‘ll ï¬nd Neyviliueï¬mqunse it. keopa homes in ter and reduces the voter hmry bill Far’marajinckmen and a.†horse owners should 'buy Nerviliua and prove» how invaluable n in Gum ‘ for man or beast. 25:. per bottle REL. dealers. wull at. [man } Jnhn Mcï¬ahey, . .0 ï¬lling {11 “est. buundar‘ The defence in the 'Hains cane rants on the evidence-of Insanity ' expens." The thaorv is that mega ï¬llke llama um! ’| haw are perfectly rational except when they are klllln‘g' s‘umebodh-G Landon (um ) Advertiser. Baker ('OJ Expenditufl 'l'hc Library Concert Town Hall. Bethany, Thursday, Jan. 21, 1909. “ IMOGENEâ€, OR “THE WITCH’S SECRET,†Mrs. Mansï¬eld ............................ Imogene: ............................... Muthcr Mundy, (lhc Witch of Dism; ll Hollow) Susie, (Mrs. Mallsheld’s Maid). . . . . . ........ Snacks, (A Newsboy) ...................... Charles Mansï¬eld . . .. .................... Dr. Harris. .. . . . ........................ â€cm on Austin, (\lrs. Mansï¬eld’s Umlc) Ja mes lxced, (an Attorney) ................ Dcnnis O Bricn, (Munslield’ s Valet). . . . . Waitcr. . . . . . . ............. . ............. Surgcon .. ............................... I†nu cuh‘ we owners should 'buy .Nervl‘llue .N“: I moan I was mo 1.“ ‘0 go: :1 prove how invaluable h in (ma “,an,‘ man or beast. 25:. per bottle at 3.. “‘1 ‘ you "nil: ‘ board?" slew. ‘ "Itâ€. not than; I wanted to {no “In â€"-â€"â€"-â€"ooâ€"â€"‘-;-â€"- - 1min." ‘ ' , The defence in the 'Hains cane rants “How 0' o‘ \‘ou cook M 'ren Io many the evidence of Insanity ' expens." hi! I! alren) ?" ’ 9 thaorv is that may: 7llke flame and "No, m», n3", (exchadv y); I nun-an l aw are perfectly rational except, wumed to nde on that â€an, but dxdn't ten they are kllllng' s‘umebody.-£ go“: here aoaneunuuh.†. ndon (um ) Advertiser. Just hen we German's mun pulled ‘ Iupm the Hm“ u, and so he s‘eppvd . ~ , _ . Inorgn the gun he w" heard m reply Don t L“! to “tend the PUth | ‘Dm vou mo hadtllut how vos n any Above Intensgtly Iï¬'tpresting Drama, Will be presented by the BE'I'HANY DRAMA'I 1C CLUB, undcr the auspices of St. Paul’s Church, in the HAVE You A HORSE ? C3356; dd." 0’. ISDCIU .................................... inâ€. J. J. ..........,.. ................................... _. .Miss Flossic l’a'tcrson lundy, (lhc Witch of Dismal Hollow) ........ .3Irs. D. Cairns rs. Mansï¬eld’ 5 Maid). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miss Minnie Smith A Ncuslmy) .................................... Roht. Morton dansï¬cld . . .. .................................... I. A. Cairns s. ................................... l. H. Hutchinson \ustivi. (Mrs. Mansticld’ s Um lc) .................. C. H. Morton ced, (an Attorncy) ............................ (Jun. 1.. lackncr )Bricn, (Munslield’ s Valet). . . . . . . . . . . ...... (iinin Haddcn . . . . . ............. . ..................... Robt. H. Md .aimc} \ ictor M cCartncy '61}; Guests, ctc. Time of chrcscNationâ€"Two and One-Half Hours. 'l‘imcâ€"â€"'l'hc Present Day. Localityâ€"Bethany. Ont. Scene I - '\ streetâ€"The Deacon's arrivnI,â€"A newsboy's trickâ€"â€" .â€"Lawyer and Irishman.â€"“I haw- 2 message: for you , AA u CAST OF CHARACTERS : SYNOPSIS OI" INCIDENTS. In" Courtney. imeut fur ,per ace: 3 93 ones: {of $8 0“ 3 ()0 If you Want your children to grow up With strong sinrd: and \‘igurnnl hair, teach them to use Pnrxsiatn Sage; the Wol’ld rmmwned Hull" lox‘ic Par siun ï¬nger is guaranteed by A. L1-h In cur» daudrnil‘ and “up falling hair in two Weeks. Ii growl new Lair quickly in C'tbefl when: this hair in " thinning out." ii iii positivelv the mnat drliuhiiui, invigorating hair dressing on U16 mar- kei. It is Imi much) in grrasy Mid “Li make the mourners; i-uir suit, iusirnus and luxuriant Get a 30 com bottli- from A. Leach and watch how rapid its uCllulI Uiruur. 5113.0; . Makers. Fort. Erie, Oat In a wild dual: tn catch Mn :raln a banned uuburhauhe went luaplhg up the rum M. an "L" station in New York. ouh to teach the platform just an the gates «ere slammed that. and the tram begun to sumo. Punting violently and watching the departing tnin fur a moment. he ï¬rmly sum-ht h elicit a little e-ympntlay or c mfurt from a German bmlander Assuming an air of indm‘erum-e he remarked “031d naturedly, "I didn't gums make 1!. ' Make Val?" Inquired (he Germnn, “ h | appumnlh , hnd not noticed any- |h ng u: nusnu‘. " I nut tram." "Vy d1: won ‘vant to make it ven it v9.8 uu-de alretlv?" _HAVE A GOOD COMPLEXION. KEEP}? CLEAN AND FREE mun Fun: of all you need [lenty 0! blood DISEASE BY USING ' PA msmx SAGE. ~the red kind â€me it pure. or other- wise Inlutches and pimples le reader your natural charms unuvzzilf‘ng. Nuth- lug can equal Ferrozrme, euner as a. If you Want your children to grow up fnnner of nc'u bland or as a skin puri With strong eturd: and \‘igurunl hair, teaclr them to use Permian Sage; the of my lumbizneu: CHILDREN’S EA! 3. ......... Mrs. ]. J. Hamilton . . . . Miss Flossic l’altcrson ........ . . . . Mrs. D. Cairns .. . . . . . . . . Miss Minnie Smith .............. Roht. Morton ................ l. A. Cairns â€on for 50¢. trip {Ion pricu. 7" Fly Star Guar- 4 1t very ts of mm; ext 8. Sum e moved to Garden We wonder how Elm drive to Mxllhrnnk Sunday 5. Formerly ductors prescribe-d stomach treatment fur (‘aturrh and Brunchitis. ’I‘hey seldmn cured and ('atarrh ha. heconm a. natiunal disease. 'l‘u-duy the advanl'ed physicmn ï¬ghts (“marrh by medicated ull’. Ha ï¬lls the tuna. nose and throat with the antiseptic Vapor of (thtarrllryzt)ne. (‘nw then In certain. Easy for Cutnrrlmzune tncnre It can- tulna the ensuresâ€! pure pine balsam: rnnt‘hen all the germs and deatrnyh the ‘tllseuae. 'I'Zvery case «I ('atarrh. Bron- chithi and Sure l‘hroat can he cured by (‘nvnrrhonone 25m and $1 (to sites. 8011] everywhere. Gut 1t to-day. ‘ ‘ Young mun.†sum" Mr. Binfl‘klné, "When I was your mm 1 nlwnva stood '1! the head of my class." "Well,â€an- swered Nae {awfully precociopa boy. "Maybe teachers were emu-r to fool gllmn thun they are now.â€â€"Washiug- ton Star. flrr Bv um um "I", lmmurs Frn- x'ma clenm 03 “Hide jmt as “aler due)! unl- aide bacause of the nourishment an d building proportln it con'nina, Ferny tone brings to a high point of vigor, {rum whirl: shines vim, ambition, an d *piri’a. Fur gnud spirits, g0 d looks, good health. take Ferrozone ; all dead- tms, in 50c boxes. Husband-4V all a hat «lid the chm unlogm my aim“ W Illie' a) Lead? \\ ife â€"-lenn.'. He, aimpl. . sighed and handed me my monev back! Husband --Junl as l exmctedâ€"he' s guhig to be a poel'â€" Punk End. M. McKenzie recommend; scientiï¬c treatment that cured. him. Sow discoveries in the line of xncdi~ cal treatment have come betore the profesuon of late years with almost alarming rapidity, but une that biom- iaea to outdistunce all others int'ne treatment at stumm-h and digestive trOtleeriu Ferrnznne, w12icltte‘y. qgien- tiï¬c «culmination uf vegetabl'e ##1ng and juices that sonthe 1331‘ A'ig’u‘mch and Improve digestion m a- 5“: v-‘uw Anpl- 2131!}, _ "Although my appetite was poor and I nte little,â€l always had the sensation of having eaten too much. lexyeri- enced “eight and oppression nu lonr or two after eating. Often I had heart- lvurn, rising: of a bitter liquid. coated tongue and bad breath. There was a continual gnawing pain in my stomach, especially before meals. BAD CASE CUIIED. "-7- .. .1. ‘30 many are interested in ï¬â€˜nd‘mz a real!) good stommh medicine, that Mr. McKenzie, one of the moat prom- inent Citizens in Hambridge, tells of a remedy he proved torbea "cure." . "No use of Catarrh of tho stomach and dxgeutlve organs could he wurse than mine. I suffered the limit of human endurance. For two years I (lootmed butditln't ï¬nd the real reme- dy untll I got Ferfozone. what a blea- sing this preparutlon must he to all mankind. I took one l’ertoznne tablet at the close of each meal and in one week improved. In a month although not cured, the Improvement was ateadv. I continued to use Ferrozone for three months and was restored to robust porfect. health. I would urge every mun to try 1~‘erruzmxe-in umny wave it. Will do good." In all cases of Weak Stomach, Indi- gestion, Nervoueness. l’alpltminn of the Heart, Ineomnia, General Deblllty. Chronlchyapepsm and all wasting dia- eanes use Ferrozone, no remedy will so surely and quickly reamre one to the full vigor of health and strenuth. When you take Ferrozone every- thing you eat tastes good, and every Mt of the muriment that: the food con- tains la ansimilated and appropriated by the blood and tissues. Try Ferro- zone. all dealers, ï¬ne. per box or six boxes for $2.50, Get it to day. Medical Science Advancma 1’5 Watery Risings. Belchlng'Gas. Digestive Weakness. Stomach Catarrh. If YouWant 082W Arnule druggma in’hhil m1 hood any the) can aupbly tho b ems wtnch are null, uuxm u Therein mud to be no bong: cleansing agent or system out“ and cod-tawny none mom hum! aImplo to use. l)r\__ Kidney troubm and u nmuem. A'\'er3'~righ!eam Presbyterian .wlgo lm'ml music yer- muttv. has all dance'lunee with “mm In purchased a gramuyhone {to want, wlin. underutandlul MI cu H's views, Hand ucred mun on a-howmg we machmo. The older'u however. a]; 1y second 3 number 9 very {an tunes forum mm unmask... The gramophuno wu cnmod homo and set up on the ce’mre :ublo w pet'- {orm lv‘xret mme ' Rock 0! Ant," then the Twenty third Psalm. than, burrow! the thing rtarted ufl' on Indy Am: a wixlspe ed 0 salt. ion 1. W. a decided that the no: Ibould b- 8-1 tune: tonne agen: a: once On no way the el~ or met a neighbor. ,- La, seeing uls excitement 3-09: 6 MI. with: ; "Hello! What's up?" “My telephone is wrong. :36 P11 going to see the 3g: m." “Uh. you've got a phone? The! '15! be so handy _to talk down “aunt" rwlmwul-zea and duuce tuuol. TLC (Id man 11 'd upturn with MI Illa. . urnlied that his home should M O. deï¬ied. uv uv uw- \- -v uâ€".â€" _ .-- -- 7 . l V' ’ ‘ .. .‘ "A am: It's no telephone. Wt. W , et 0! u box, r1911: a spout '08 lb hi. 0' ‘ 1135194, and you mud 9: uphi- » " grmdatone, and 1m! drum-s on It. 599.. . oh, it plays «Juice tunaâ€"Alum. "â€1. ' . Or anything that rcquixï¬ m of an Auctionécr.‘ The Gramophone Shocked GIVE J. H. W for a Helium. Lon} Fnlnman topm- aemlng (‘anuda'n Greatest Numtiu in MI LLBROOK and mijninlpg icnantry. Yuu mu ï¬nd there in I good demand for Nursery Stuck on sccouni a! "a , ~ m .1): prices that gwwon In." "allud- on their fruit this Manon ‘ Our salesmen un turuum In; N3 businon to u: this you. Bo not them and earn good «use. thnagh tho winter months. Terrimry reserved. Free Sampm outï¬t, etc. Write for particulars. STONE WELLlNGTON. TORONTO STEz‘aDY EXTLOYMENT. “ Write or Win {or Open 0:? A CHAN the Leading Audi 37 Ward SL, 907‘ .‘A FARM: 3' ’2 I FARM STOCK. 7' IMPLEMENTS. ; :2 FURNI MACHIN A HOUSE 051'. Forum"! Nanofla, 850 As!" Pl, Wail},