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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 7 Feb 1907, p. 2

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Mr. Richard Wallace Ieft to-dav for Huntsville. “her:- he intends making his home In future. Dick's :numerous friends here WI” regret ~‘his departure, but will jom in ~wizflling hnn success in his new Zhome. . Mr. G B. \‘anBiaricom. rrprcscm- ' in; [he “ Ruicw.” 'I’chrhoro, was in ' town on Wednesday. and the Mirmr ‘ was Ward to Welcome him to its = cancmm. Mr. Van Biaricom is one of ' the rising young newspaper men of the day and is an able assistant in making the Review the bright, ncwsy and at - tractivc journal that it is, and whrch ' becomes morr popular with each new 2 ‘rx‘uc. A grand concert will be: given under -tlic auspices of l.. O. L. No. 853. Bailicboro, in the: Forcslcr's Hall. on Monday. 19:1). 25th, 1907, when one ,ol the best programs cvvr prcsmtcd here. will be rendered by the best for. ctgn and local tulcnt. It will consxst of vocal and instrumental music, dia‘ logues, rcadingu, recitations, (in: Ad mission 23c. Chil-lrcn under 1: yrs . 15c. “Old liuchclors” one dollar.‘ Everybody Cuiglt. A (lclightl’ul time anticipated. llnors‘ open at 7; c1. rtain at 3 p.111 sharp Watch {or nnstcrs l l and Drug! Inns 1 Mr PI. Hawker. representing the! “Star." Toronto, gave: the: Mirror 51' .call on 'l‘ucsday. i BRYAN-â€"-KENNEDY. At the ‘Mansc‘ on Tucsdav. February 5th, 1907. by ihc Rev. Wm. Johnston, Sarah Kcn- nedy of Port Hope to Joseph Bryan of ghe Township of Hope. Dr. Geo. Brerelon. of Bethany, was in town {0-day on busincss. Major C. H. \Vinslow spent a few davs ofthe past week at the home of his brother-imlaw. Mr. J. U. Soothcran, Limlsay. Mé‘ssrs. M Lang and C. II. Daw- son. of Bailieboro, were in town on “’e-incway and gaw: the Mm'or :1 fricndly can. 334:. and Mrs. Wm. Pendry have now got comfortably settled in their own residrnCC. King St East 'l‘hcir many fticnds wili be Named to Wcl- tome them back to town. Mr. John Knegcr xs wsifing at the mum of his SlStcr, Mrs. john Adams, hunhcnrora. Mr. George McCartney.'of Bethany, Organizer for the Grand Orange Lodge of Omano East, was in town on Mon~ day. Mr. McCartney is to be con granulated upon hzs appointment i0 so )mportant an office, and we: join in wishing him any success. “The Boys of Bethany” will gwe an "A: Home" in their Town Hall on Friday cvcmng. VMiss McNalL of Port Hope. was a guest of Mrs. S; E. Eakms this week. Milfbmuk News mm 3113mm IS' WfiH MUNEH \ ”but Brooks, ofO>haw:1, Wm; "- oifihis sister, M rs few days. Mr. fruit grmwr MARRIED. 1 .. vww macâ€"t “W .\ _.VV_.. ,__,__ .7 v v vrw 7., , VV-V.-- Iran. I Advertiuvnwntn w”! be cmnlnucd and flvertlsnmoms such as lost. strayed, «gnu-d, (-tc.. m be Inserted three times for I $1,0ne hymn. un 50 cents. each subseqment I lnsvniun fici-nta. } Births, Deaths, mu! Marriages are Inserted { KMIRROR ' LIKE A NEW DISEASE. I New In the mam who maver had curim Us the pain reheved by Putnam's (‘mn ‘ Extractnr. Old 0qu and new corms :curen quickly by ‘ Putnam’s ” Sum I Mr. }. A. Vance has been con- ’filled to his bed a fcw days, Suffer- mg from an attack of [.aanpc. Mr. R J. I’Orter. of BJilicboro, on HiS' Majesty's SCH ice. and Mr ljamcs Hunter, of Mt. Pleasant, also on His Muicsty‘s Scrum,» ‘gave us a {ll-L'Hdly cull to day. It’s always a pleasure to have you call gentleman. Log"! mnlces Mom's p" Hue nmt Inser- Lion 2 evms Mfr HIN‘ enrh kubso-quvut In. smHonâ€"Nonps‘zlt-x measuremmxt. l“ Une- to the Mob. 71153:!" every a hen. In yuhfluhed every Thursday Mornh‘g n: in Office. King Street, Mmbrook. An interesting paper, read by Miss Burnhnm at the Sunday School Convention held at Fm: ervfllc last week, is given on up- positc Inge. Miss Lottie Vance returned home from Fort Eric on Monday, where she has been visxting the past month with her sister Mrs. A. T. Ellxott. We will refund your-money should these Gentle Kidney Pills fail. 50c. 21 large box. At all druggists, or tent on receipt of price. a, Th: Oaflin Chemical Co- “6., WW, Ont. Maxxxmx, 051‘. “I had suffered almost continually {or seven years with Kidney Trouble ; couldjscnreely walk and we: unable to attend to my farm duties. After taking the first few pins I felt muc'x rm lieved. and after taking half: box was able to do n full day's work. I know one box of Bu-Ju saved me $30.9) Doctor's bill, and think they are the finest Pi)! made.:’ JAuxzs Annex-1'. panger m Famng. L” “Dollar Wheat" is fine for farm- ers, but they take long chances with their health in getting the wheat. Bud weather, lifting, stmiuing. wrenched backs, lay the foundation for Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble. There is. a farmer, out Markham way, who was so busy making money that he did not realize he was making ill-health at‘the same time. He had headaches; often his bank hurt so badly he could hardly stand, often the urine was highly colored and scalding. But he thought he was only ” working too Lard." One day he caught cold. The next «lay he had Rheu- matism. This Markham farmer suffered 7 years with Rheumatism nutil chance brou'rht a friend who told him about tfill-J u. They relieved the cxeruciatiug pain, and cured him in three months. cull-a The Ladies’ Aid of the \lillbmok MethszH‘ hurcln ar 9 giving». n'Nation’ 'l‘eainthe Church on the awning of Friday. Fel).8lh. Tm! served from 6 to 8 p Ill after “Inch an excellent pro- gram of vhcal and insuumentul music. rec-nations My “H be rem. Wred. Ad- miuaion 25c. ., children 156 later; bndy Subscribe for the Mirror. Mr. Iwbcrt Va wee, of Ida, is attendmg a meclmg of the Swmc Breeders Assocxatlon in Toronto this wcvk. The Omcmee Hockey Club de- leafed tha- Myllbmok Swen, here to day by a score of6 to 1. Full report ncxr. weck. Mr. and .\Irs.\\’ill RUSEC” were “ at home” to a number of their friends on \\'cdnesdzu exening, when a most cnj0)uble time was spcnt in games, music, «Ste. A dainty supper was Served durmg the cvunng. varyone needs glasses whose r» eyes Ire not perfectly focpsscd la 19:: ”Mutant emu. or \Vord came by telegram this morning that Mr. losaph Kclls, brother of Mr. '1'. G. liclls, town, and himself for many years :i r225idc-nt of and doing busincss 1n Milllirook, died in 'loiunto this morning. Mr. Keils had been a resident of Toronto for some wars back. Most of our local readers will retain kindly renienibranCt: v of deceasw. Among: those from :1 distancc who attcmlcd \x-crc- Mr and Mrs F W Reynolds, Miss Clara Reynolds and Miss S. McDonald, of licllmny ; thc Misses Walker and Mn'Nall, of Port llopc ; :1155 L Clark's, of Omcmc-c ; :Ilss Southcranl of Limlfly; Messrs Putvm, Van Evan; Comstock, and the Muses Faxr and Ray, of I’ctcrlwm. The “A! Home" given by the “ Bachelors" of Millhroolt, on Tuesday evening: was a decided success, and all present were un- unimous in expressions ofplezisure and gratification for the excellent evening’s entertainment provided by Millbrook's young men. The Town Hall was handsomely decei- ated, well lighted, and its flocr was in A. I order for dancing. and when the music oi the I’eterboro Orchestra struck up, every one present was‘ready to make the most of the time at their disposal. and until midnight dancmg was the order. A dainty supper was then pziitaken of, after which dancing was resumed and kept up until about 2.30 a.m. The “Bachelors" are to be congratul- ated upon another very SllCCLSSfUl “At Home," an event which is an- nually looked forward to wnh much pleasurable antlcxpatlon. A link: book of same of those endorsa- moms will be $10!”. no any address, post- pusd. and absolu-Lcly fax it you requvst time by postal cur-l or later, of Dr. R. ‘v'. l‘iurore, Buffalo, X. ‘x'. Dun'i. fury-L that Dr. Pierco‘s Favorite ‘11- v-rimiun. fur woman’s wmxknnsses and dlill nu ailments. is not :1. pawmursocrot medicine. bum" tlm " Favorite l’n-scrlp- tinu " mi 3. regifim‘ly educated and grad u- atnd ph 'siciun. cugngcrl in the practice (4' his uusml sw-wultyâ€"-Lllut of diseases 0; v:<'unwn-£lmt itsixgrmliums are printed (a 1234i): Engiiéxh on ever ' bottle-wrapper; t‘aut. ii. is the only moxliclue especially de- signed im- the cum or Woman’s diseases that cumulus no :tl~'ol10l, and we only Otm than has 3 pt'm‘essional cudurscmcnt vmnix :norw , "i he so-cnlle:l“tcstl- ma:.‘.Lls’~(‘ ml for .oLhcr med- rciiics. Sum. ..‘,»‘~endursemcnu u ulwvc. They 'ceior L: .LSklllfJ. Ii yam suffer . .n {:(‘X‘li 1m]. lzvudache. Luclmcho. (lizzi'ma' mm or dragging (i-m‘u wusutimi lo. down in the abdomen, weal: hunk. have disagreeable and wealp in; camrrlml.‘ pelvic drain, or are in dintrcss from {wing lung on your feet. then nu may be suro u.’ bynclit from taking Br. Planck “ax’rnim l’rr‘scripblun. hr. Pint-0‘s l’luuSrmt l’vllols tho best lax- ative and ri-gulzunr o! the bowels. They invigorate stomach. liver and bowels. One a. laxative; two or three 3 cathartic. ii ' 3 (' Em Sank. ulww'v. They If yzm smTvr . , , -7." -., a. full list. or all its ingredient; being printed, in mm English. on «Very home wrapper. n examination of this list uf lngrmlionts \vlll. (liSclosc the fact, thut it Is non-alcoholic in its compositiun. chem- ically pure glycerinc taking the place u! the commonly used alcohol, in its malic- up. The "FavoriLe Prescription" of Dr. l'n-rue is in fact the onlv medirlne put up fur the cure o! womun§ peculiar Weak- nesses and ailments, sold through drug- gisrs, that. due“ not contain ulcuhol and um: tua in largeigmmtiiir's. Furthermore 11. is the only medicine for woman’sspecizil disuuvss. the ingredients of which have t \ nunnimnns endorsement uf all the Inning mmlic‘fl writurs and mat-hem of tail {he sewral schmls of practice. and 13:1; too as ranch-.3 for the ailments for which “iâ€"‘uvuriiu Prescription" is recom- mundvd. Is not a- secx‘et or patent medicine. azgfifl “hick the most inn “in m “'0' L: rm quite u? mmllv averse because of the am certainty as to their harmless chameter. bu;- is_amcdic‘ima '01:}; sq“); qmmsu‘zus, c 0 Dr. Pierce’s Favsrite Presc .pizz i_-n radium: b which is guarantzed. If anything goes \yxong, It will be repaxred FREE OF CHARGE \Ve also carry a full line of Men‘s and 03"; Boots 53 Shoes. Vc have the largest stock to choose from ever offered u, the people Millbrook and surrounding TOWDSh‘PS- Pnces ”‘9“ ' “ .qnage is Solicited guaranteed not to crack. Also a full line of Robes, Blankets, Rugs and Whips. We make all our own MansHeavySnag-PmofRubbers Prepared for the ..Winter Trade. Among the out-of-town guests were: Mrs. Carry, Mrs j. E. Smart, of Port Hope; Miss Sooth- cran, Limlsas': the Misses SH)“ Ombm \Vmslow, Miss Kate Hut- chins, Toronto ; Miss E. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Louis llcmv Winslow left on the 5 o'clock train amidst .~h0wers of rm- an] good cheer from the hostof flicnds assaulflcd on thc station platform. " Slicnlcy” dining room was adorncd with the valuable and beautiful pres- ents, showmg thu high regard and al- fection in which thc bride is held. 'l‘hc _brulc’s travelling suit was of blue bmmldoth will a becomiag hat to man h. The: rcucpliun at 3 o’clock “as largely attended. I h': dxamng- u om, “licrc the bridal pain, ml!) the 1:. that and muthcr of th: bride mun d, was decorated With ,pink :iud white timicrs. Comrmtulations mm, the bridul [any and guests repaired to thcdinin" 100m “11ch rctrcshmciits were scrvud b) the: the follmnng: the Misses Mime, Nccditl’, Collins. Kciis, Wood, O'Imen (umpbcll and Burton. Mrs (id rgc km and Mm Leno) Hm diiing mum was beautifully arranged Nth pink and white: flowers and ribhms. During thc sugning 01 the rcgistcr the: Choir sang “0 Perfect Love." The bridal pally Iclt the church to [he strams 'of Mcndclssohn's Wedding March. The Incu)’ pcul of the church hells following lhc Wedding party as they druve to “Shcnlcy” “hen: the rcccpliun wax, held. The brxdc won: a most bccc‘nning gown of wlntc pornt d’csprit over wlntc tzzfictta. The corxagc was trim mcd with Brussds lave, an heirloom which had been in the family many generations. The bridal veil was of tulle: \sith a comnet oforungc blossoms and she carried :1 houquL-t of lillics of the valley and rows. Her only orna- ments wrrc an amethyst and pearl pendant, the gift of the bridegroom. a gold braCclct, one at her fathers gilts, and an amethyst and pearl hrOach from her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. Norman Allan. The Maid of Honor wore a dainty dress of white nct OVCI‘ white lachltn trimmed with sulm ribbon, sash of pink lullc, long pink glows afid car ricd pink roses. She worc a tullc veil mth coronct of pink {m‘gct-mc nuts. The duties of ushers which .were somewhat onerous, owing to the una- voiduhle absence of Mr. W. '1‘. Wood, Were ably performed by Mr. Arthur Payne, cousin 0f the groom, and Mr. '1‘. W. E. Allen, brother oflhe bride. The front of the church reserved for, the guests was enclosed by nbhons whlch Were deftly handled by Masters Eric Lefruy and Allen Farr At 2 3n o'cl0ck the bride entered the Church leaning on the arm of her uncle, Mr. Henry Burke Allen, who gzxve‘her away. She was preceded by the Maid of Honor, Miss HcIt-an'ind‘ sor Allen, of Oakland, ('ulifornm, cousin of the bride. Whiht the bridal party were proceeding to the choir steps, Miss Collins', who presided at the organ, plm'ed the wedding March from Lohcngrm. As the bride and'h'cr attendant reached the choir stepsgthe groom, with his best man, Mr. George Ball, of Lindsay, Were in readiness, and at once the choir sang the Hymn. “How Welcome was the call." The nmrziagc Service was performed by the Rev. William Cartwright Allen, father of the bride. and Rector of Cavan. a>sistcd by the Rev. Herbert A. Ben- Oiiel, (.‘urute of Cavan. ’ A Cool, crisp air, blue. sky. and the merry jingling ofslcigh bells, with good sleighiiig, made the suitable February" sctting to a very putty wedding sol- cmnized in St. 'l'homas' Church on \\"cdncsday last, between Mr. Louis Henry Winslow, of “ Woodlcigh,” Cavan, and Miss Mildred Mary Linne- car Allen, of “Shenlcy,” Millbrook. 'l'hc cvenl had been looked forward to with great iutcrcst by many friends, the contracting parties bring Well and favorably known in Millbrook and the vicinity. 'l‘hc Church had imen artistically decorated with m’crgrculs and flOWcrs by the girl friends of the bridej MILLBROOK, : : ONTARI Veterinmy Surgeon to His Majesty's 1411) I". 13 'I Heavy, and Light Hargess . VAT. Figller, £7. 8., Office on King 81., first door West Collins‘ Bunk P. S.â€"â€"Ca'lls by Telephone promptly attended to. \Ve have jfist opened up a Splendid Stock of UARY WEDDING. fiéiisv'P’iifSâ€"greatly aldwtho Cherry Poctoral in breaking up a cold. Hem-Raid is the discovery of Dr. Leonhard! of Lincoln, Neb , one of the most distinguished and successful phy- niciuns in the Western States A]! Druggists, or The Wilmefle Co., Limited, Niagara Fulls,0nz A month’s treatmeul costs 51.06 Ask for Dr. Leonhardi’s Hem-link! (8 thousand dollar glxsrautee goes with every treatment). There is a little table: that is mkan Imonmny romuvou the cause of I‘ilos mad curse any was «a! any kmd nu umttvr 11:.“ long stunt. ing. AFTER TEN YEARS. Pile Sufl‘erers know that Ointmenh And other local treatments sometimes relleve but never cure. They don't re- move the cause. We undexouuni Mr Alex. fully ha.» juinod the great army or Bone.iicts_ havn}: taken to himself as partner last Wednesday, in the pvraon of Miss Fmr, til! recently, teacher at Oxanxe Corners The l‘Taglestone Bros. are hauling large quantities of wood to Peterboro Mn Joseph Morden of Omemsc was In the village on Friday. Mr George Richardson of Portal, Sank, {urewalled to his many frxenda, last week. aflur a plenum Hem. Urippe and Sure “It at lmve numer- ous dvvulees Our village requires a residum phv liclun. Former erturu lmve made gum! financially and "what has been dune can be done." We wmnld like 10‘ lu\'e,1n the meantime, a docxor from one of our sister to“ us of Millbruoli or Omemee, make semi-weeks Calls. ' The 13th concession line through the Long Swamp is in capital cmriition for driving an. Other conditions besides eixrthquakn make the necessaries of life high, for example, Hus last month Keroseno Fold tor 55 a gallon in Walh: «Ila, Norm Dak om. Mr. (1'. H Smith of Seattle, Wash., is visiting with his reiatlves The ennuregutlonal nwetlng and the Induction of Rev, Mr. Peckover takes plage this week. The sad news has reached our village or the death ofa former taxident Mr. Goorga Aladdin. It Appears that the deceased was walking on th e railway truck and was struck by an engine. with fatal results, He was a. resident or St Louis, Mo , at the time of his de‘ misn. The late M r. Maddls was a mason by trade and resided fur many yt-ars In nr near Mount Pleasant, ’l’he sympathy of the community is ex- tended to Hm bereaved relatives. Postmaster McLean Was a visitur (‘0 Toronto last week. Because we make medicines {or them. We tell them all aboutAyer’s Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, con- sumption. They trustit. Then you can afi'ord to trust it. Ask your own doctor. The Mirror joins congratulations to \Vmslow. Omemcc; Mr. (293 Payne, Lindsav: Toronto. Wily Refer to Doctors MOUNT PLEASANT. r "JL_Smele’s f g ms in cxzenl'in'g‘ tu Minund Mrs. Rea”, Mr. EV. Mr. A. Payne, A very pleasant event I piacc at the home of Mr . and MI.) 1 MONO" on Wednesdayyd'xcvocca ’ n being the marriage of their daugHér. Jamie. 30 Mr. George ifctetfi, )f Inflord. The cremonv was perk-“med b? the Rev. ngywin, of the English Church. 1‘ 61)::le have peace and happznus Is _..._.: Miss 1 Ila Grand), Offlllfiiflack, :5 <p¢ndm .g a week or m’o here with Mr. and Mrs. Geo A. "Iwigg‘ ! Mr. J. 1. Preston. M.P.P., is home {or a few days, owing to a scvcre- cold. La Grippc is Very bad in our village. the dnctor is kept hustling, but none have been carried off with it. 'lherc is still another ‘cpidcmic’ sprqadtng through here and carrying off a large number of the young Pfl’piCâ€"lhey «cm to go In palmâ€"ere this is in print “t know uf three came; cure to result fatally. The heart seems go be the nu] part affected. 1/ 7 It is with rcgrrt we chronicle the death of Mr. john Ward, formerly of Manvcrs, but for the past ycar resident of Lindsay. Owing :0 faihng health M r \erd dlsposcd of his farm stock and impIcmenls and moved.to Lind- say, but the change brought no benc- rim-.11 rcsults and ht Daxscd away on Saturday. His rcmams ml! be interr- ed in St. Mary's Ccmcn-ry, 14110151, m) 'l‘ucsday aftcrnoon. He: icavcs'a \fidow and {um small children to mourn thcu ~ _..~.. 10%. M rs. Ward has «he Synqmih). of {he whnlc Cummunit} m her and be- rcavcmcm. ~ Mr. jamcs Gardiner, Auctioneer, of Pcicxboru, was hen: last week con- ducting a 5:11: for Mr. Jusqih Ingram, which proved a grcat SUCCcss. Mr. Ingram moves to l’ctcrbom in about two “‘Ct‘ks. he will he missed an In: wan an up-lo-datc farmer. The election of Reeve McNeil, o! (.‘avun, to the: Wardcnahip of the United Counzics, was a surprise and a vary pleasurablc one to all of us.â€" Congratulatirms, Charley. ‘ The dcanc-ry xncctmg held her: last week was thirly Well attcndcd, matters uf interest to the gcncral Wclt'arc, as Well as that of the Anglican church in particular, rccriving thoughtful consi~ duration. IT RlNGb‘ IN YOUR EARS That same cough l3 (everywhere you gn, deep and hollow her-24mm consump- llve. Fin! it was catarrla which could have been cure-1 by ('murrhoxonu. Mural, never neglect 3 MM, never lrifle “ uh cutarrh, 20 to Hmr druazlxt and get Cutarrlu-z'ma, lt'a instant death to colds, cures ”mm in u few mlnutes 'l‘hrnal trouble and cntnnh (llsnppear u by manic (‘ulurrhozmm is the grant throat. nose and bronchial reme- dy 20-day. ’lhonsamls use it, doctor. prescribe it,â€"whv, because it do.- rellero quickly and cure thoroughly. 'l‘nru 81:01 25. and $1.00 at all doaleu, it was nchticu 3nd of course uni “Nervliine.” As usual it cured And he aavs: ‘ No lluiment can excel! Polarm’u Nen Nine. Severe pains made mv Ilde lame. It was like a steel knife run- ning through the fleuh. I rubbed in Into 0! Nervnino and was completely cured," A regullr snap for Nfirviline In ease Sciatxca and monumlllm. It links Into {bacon of the pain. cures it, in uhort order. Large 35c bottles a: All dealers. A B \SKE'!‘ SOCI-U undcr the \mpices nf 1.0. L \n 75. ml} be hdd at Garden Hill. on lucsda} excu- in.1, Flcmmry 26111, 199‘. licxcls xo Cents (Zuod l’rugrmmucproxidcd 1i \cnbodv \vchonm. That‘s the uenantion oxxmrianced by R mm Price of lloemn, Ont He knew BW'BW BANK UP MH‘JTREAL Est...lAD 1817 SI‘EELKNIFF'I VTHE FLESH. F. R. HOWARTH, i “MANAGER. ”w. .,. A ~ ~ 3‘35 5% - .2: flaw-3amaa 1% %§% Deposit _\our Savirgs in the oldest and Strongest Bank on this (omimnt and the thin! latgrst Bank in the world, “he“: ycu axe guarantud aLsoJulc Sucumy for )our money. Millbrock Branch. CAPITAL REST TOTAL ASSETS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Kcnncdy and Miss M. rcre also united on Wed ‘1)1'. Marvin ofi'ici'atmg. Hues be few. and if_ any. BET! IANY. We give particular attention to farmers' sale notes A general Banking Business transact: d. _...._. â€"_ I] thought out 60- g or lowuiug Sid. Ithout getting out ofthc A child can manipulate it with perfect casm You can pu‘ brook, Is I the 10p in any pesitlon desired, “3 with Mr. standing, half down or crushed. 9 -. \‘00 can use the hood on whffl Mace at CIUSCd don!) : the ram-fin- --- -‘- 5 7“": 1:2, This is n We “‘3 ‘0 ’vxce for raisin curtains w is “0"": seat. cre- cold. ways in the to __-- ‘u-uuu: p ever rcadv (221531): attached to any Biz; The Millinan Pat, The meeting closed in prcsrnt bcmg of the opil afternoon was We“ spcm. ’I'L- _ , ‘ V .._.. ay'-ll|a Th: next meeting of the CNN“! Imdgc Will also b: held in Hallmark. it hung the most Central point. Mastrrâ€"Bro F W unohfs, Bel-5131' Dcp Mâ€"Bro 135 ram}, Caun. Chap--~Bro Rev R B News, Port Hope R S â€"Bro (Zcu Fowler, Malibu-I 3:. F Sâ€"Bro C Richards, Millbtmk. [Twasâ€"Bro R Shaw. Millbrook. D of C~-â€"Bm G E Mercer, Port “0pc- Lecturcrsâ€" Bro R H Holland. PM! Hope, and Bro Archie Reynolds. Svulh Munaglum. Afkr the oflicus were installed ‘31 Bro. Evans. imeresxing addrm Srs Inc delivcrcd by Bros I" 3V Reynold»! Evans, R H Holland. 1 Campbrll. l‘ B Collins, Rev. R B Ncllis, jas bud. and olhcrs. J. STEELE’S FOR trimâ€"mu: jI-LWELRY. Cotmty Master. Bro. Archie- Rey- nolds. took the chair. and attct thc meeting was (:11ch to order 4m} rum- cd in due form, in: 3.9% a an»: inter- cstmg address. 1c ind bccn taunoud by bcmg elected to thc yuaxnun «of County Maficr for thrtc su-rcuirc years, and he thought it was only xihht that thc office almuid b: pa»: 1 sound. it: thanked all the Bzczhrc; iv; :12: gzcat assistance he had Ict‘cluLL Cum-,1 his turn) (If 0:21-32, am! he v.2.» 521;! ‘3' p1c35cd with the rapid yuntil .' ; c Oldl'r, and 1h: splendid am: £3-44 at: celebrations hk M m the ('uuxmn (J Durham, Pctuhuru and \‘icuna, 1mm year to )car In East Durham the Ordcr was rapidly increasing m mem- bcrnhip, and the bc~t of it IS 1hr men)- bars are a“ gcod and um: men. He Wished an the Brethren prmpcmy and hoped a” would put forth cvury c509! to further the good work of our Ontrt. A large delegation from Port Hope: and Hupc. consming of Bros. }. 15mm, R. H. Hulland, C R Nixon. Ru 1( 15 Ncllis, C Comxhwailc, H Merrificld, G E Mchcr; \‘l Bride. j Laurie, C Smith. W Lowrry, j Byrncs, J Camp- bell and others (whosc'namcs we: wcxc unablc to get in time for publicazxcu) \vcrc present. On 'l'ucsday, the County Orange Lodge of East Durham held us annual scSaion m the Orangc Hal}, Millln'ouk. There was a large atzchclamc and the meeting was on: of we best the County has cx'cr held A Issucr o! EAS’I' DURHAM COUN'I'Y ORANGE LODGE. o! Maxriagc Lian-cu. MILLBROOK. mm Side cm $14,400,000 $11,000,000 $145,837,704 ; the curtains are 11- ""11! up rollâ€"cut.” l mu can regain. an imam, Toscd in} doc farm, 1! the opinion {but tit 3b”e. clc., In fact also an improv .- adv for use. Buggy ‘70?! Mr.Ch Havin Business c STORE W I'm home of Mr. Sandy Vca Can. 1 3, Cnvan. on Friday. 811:. A (nod mug-am will fira:bo.€y come. (2cm: b: ladies and ladies in-:g you: Good accoxxmmdstion will in: for horses. Doom npcn at 7 ;" 0d time antxcipazsd. (Sod th. “vs 5 \Vylie is fri'TI'Ef "A 1. r0”:0. M‘s § \Vylic is friends m '~ - romo. Muss lithe! =flar3-.e h s 7‘ home, alt-fa pleaszmt \ 3 Miss Am Kd’s, \I.3§b:0 On Thursday aficmoon 1‘ Mr. chkovcr w 21 be 1:1:3 his ucw {irhi o‘ w u . {flgn Lakcvalc and 11:. j'.'AK<; CHA (be (:0ch gum by the 1 Gretna": in I'ctcrbum 113: w speak very hum" of the mush iumcm rendered. Some vahuhic dogs have 1) 0:0! through this Townshi 0 men: that some people haw learn that it is stricfly agaiun to put out poimn whet: awn animals Ire a: large. A Box Socxal, under the au! Le‘unon 1.. 0. L. 646, In" be MCéSfl Nam , Han‘cyaz:d 8"". and Mn. Mavphersu‘ Macphcrwn, Mn. Cochran Stephens“ a and Mrs; Sutton, Mm : :m'nbcr < (park; and Southern Mclofics the: cloud with amging “Auld la and “God 542': the King." Sex. 31 hrifliadt syccchcs m‘ fining the evening, in which johnxmn. .“Cast~ Ix‘aac F rations 3V B Rages, (i Balii Swdyand I A eric !‘ 0‘; m The solos rcndcrcd by Mr Ralf-our, Miss Pa: ~os,xs Mr and Mclaf.’ c3, Were all th majoycd as was me music Norm ani Mr. I I) ”linomta A very interesting and J «mung was spent al the hou‘ “'cir, (Gk-cs: farmry) q musty 1511), 1907, ix: the fi Supper, guru by the “‘ lwnutc." Thcrc wen: aba aartoot of 13¢ vcry buzzzxtz1 prepared by xf-c ladscs. ¢ supper game and musxc cmu‘emcnts of !‘ c cvcnmg.‘ It. Wm Adams, 0! lining, visited his daughzcr. “cadence the past few v Inf: {or his home on Man Ounce friends are alwa ”home him upon the 0cm annual vxsus. Ata. 0f the his ['1 maxi. ; on Saturday 1:15: “Kn (Rex) I‘cncy ac “Y. IS utmost We“ a: Wrecksillncss ' Na. K] Mulligan :5 v5 am an 'Iozonto. Bcit a": . ul- is spccdvf recon if “hockey maicu Q. icu and Bachciurs ( :sday cvwing of u much‘mtcrcat :s The worthy new, a , Sets [Le puck m m ély of the mm; «m awn; .1". and rum amo «:1

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