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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 11 Feb 1909, p. 3

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Branch will be asor) EELE’S, pTE )EWELRY. iniagc Lima”. {BROOK 1011. 3y. Phone 18. lo hnng m ,I'fl'f before tfic spring ing a mi discount We han- a lame k: han3c35 lo W'k she-:3 0‘ the may '0“: Conan; made HEAL g Imported MARE. S'I'ONE,” '10870}. d I904. Color bay, npc on face. good a» 64%” :er have (in-an. ,NAGER. 10h 3r, gold-fined with Ameri~ ment, for SLOW, K. ONTARIO. Quality. Satisfied m m Ma-xic \NU, Mlhb‘w‘. LOCK, 3}? Izsartuf ALE. '1 particulais ap- CAVAN KO. surgeon. Drug 5mm. H) $330, imam-z Mr. Gillespie teach the position (at Mr. blalhcrwwk, and we are glad to have Mr. (idlesyie umoug US UIICC "ROTC. Miss Velera L'Iidley is quxtc ill Mrs. [osiah Haves IS conval- cscmg from a Severe attack 0; ncura!;.:la of the heart. g 4101).: luues Blackwell is I! P‘o‘méf It} lug; in lispositlon The Messrs Courtney are get- ting lhclr saw null m shape; the sinus an: packcd with logs. Man Mr. \Vult Mitchell had a very Nimble hound poisoned. Mr. Blathcrwxck, agent of the G. T. R. is leaving: to take up his duties at Scotia Junction. On Mondav ML]. I. Lamb was a visitor to Pctcrbmo. aflernaon and eveningr scssron. The wee. mgs were we“ attended and much interest and appzccra. (ion m lfllICSICd. Addrcs‘Sc-s were gwen bv Revs. S. f. Bartlett, W. I M. Cragg. B. A., H. W. Foley, E. A. Tonkm and K. McCuHoch A liberal supply of good umSIc bv the choir cnliycncd the meetings. Mrs, Rogers and Helen spent Sunday In Peterbpx'ough with hex mother. Ont hockey team went (loan to Millbroak on Monday and played the chw of that town. chox'ts dam) It was a tie, 1 all. A may enjm able social exening was held in Christ Church last “causeway. {he cunt “as in Cumuzciiun with gim- Sunday :5. Ratrr:sinz;;ixt:i uni: ésibt Ci: 2m: lulluf [are :md' ‘xien til: cfuidrcu provided an intercsziug and en tertnining prugz'mn. :‘uHrchca were: made by Run MI. Lynch an»! Rev. Mr. 'l‘cucy. On Monday. Feb 8th. Lindsax‘ District Epworth League met In Methodist Church 10: a mornmg, tv-lung fnrtune-s aithongh she Wéil W‘sihly have her tea-put or other xm'stenons medium of divination along with her. The Public School has negotia- ted with the Dramatic Club of Bethanv to present, Its very successful drama. “Imogene” or “The Witch‘s Secret." in our Village Opera House On Thursday evening, Feb 181%}. Our u'llagers w!!! h we an opportunity of enjm in: a high class drama, un derthe auspiccs of the Public Srhoo . Thrre Is no prmmse of Thr: “Witch" Mtho‘ our team made a better showing than on former occasions, they showed inability to shoot when shuts meant goals. Thu wmkof Bunny and Mugce cam: in for much favorable comment The final score stood Bunkers 8, Beavers 3. Bankers Beavers Connors goal V Mitchell Biugcy pomt Bradley (Erect cover point Bcattv 5» lvestcr rovcr Mu rm \- Livmgston cen‘e I.vtle McQuud-c linvé r wing \V Mitchell Spence i wing Mn gee A number ofhockey ehthusiasts accompanied Manager Johnston, an! his septette of stick handiers to Lindsay on \Vednesday even- ing The event was a match game between “The Bankers" and our “Beavers." The line up was as follows : Mrsgfl. j. McLean, of Mount Pleasant, and Mrs. j. K. McLean of Toronto, were guests at (he home of Mr. T. \Valtcr McLem on \Vcdnesday. Mr and Mrs. A. Faulkner, of Orange Corners, was in the village on business on Thursday. Mr V. Mitchell was appointed constable of the corporatiOn. and accordingly took the oath of office. The Board of Trustees hcid Its annual meeting on \Vcdncsd 2n ucning and elected \lr. [nos C lvorv to the position of chailmnn again. The various Cuuzmittccs were struck for the year and much routine business transacted. Mr. Gh-nny was rvengagcd as Care- taker. Adult Bible Class at: 1.01ng a Valentine Socxal Monday evening 15th inst, at 7 11m" in the Basement of the Presbyterian Church. Admission xoc The \V. F. “.8 .of the hesbv tcxian (hurch con‘cncd at the helm-of Mrs. Cain, \\ .dnusdv .). Fill the Opera House NEXT Thursday, Feb. xSth. Big Bargams at W (Iurry Co’s dating February; sec adv. ANNIE \V. IVORY, TEACHER. Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared for Examination. Terms Moderate. OMEMEE NEWS. cPherson entertained Club last week. ston had the under his cow 5 his pool table balls at e stead 3-: cmidrcn :g and en AddreSsca .‘vll‘. Lynch ! Knnfi’ing' Hm! mmwv h: “-5: rant. 0" [Mm m. m nfma are Iniug Lu Mg u up I ‘ Duostlt 65‘- Fprroznre quickeua the powers of lmth b fly “in! mind, simply because it forms Ints of Mrmd that’s full of life and vitamv. Ferrozouecreaves 24mm tits, gives strength, vun and emirauce, it‘s good (or old peup'e, gaml fur everv- body that needs hem-r hPaIth. 'l'hnn». an s of men. women and children use Ferrnz me everv dav and all stay It’s the best nourishing, srreugrhening tunic made; try Fer-r, zone ynnrealf. 50¢ per hm: m- {six boxes for $2 30. Hold .h' ail dealers '1 admit because I neglected early treatment l mu entirely to blame for tin- condition of weakness tlmt tor nearly me years made my life a e l misery,” “rites “rs ”and uf New- port ”At first I felt sort nf flat in ”.9 u on Log and (mnl‘l do no In: re than pick at my hrvaklast. Later I remem- lver my slevp was disturbed. tlmt dreamy, re>tlass clear. from which you fi..ally awaken, fer-ling us If you can never get up. Then I bun-rune Ihin_ lost my c-nlnr,gut nervnus and fearful about nothing, and kept tllIIILiuu about In) sell all the time. and mu Ir- ritgble. cross and easily made crv What would have hec-qne of me if I lmd not taken Farr: 1 me I Paxn’t imma- gi:.e er» z~»ne put new life intn Im- from the httrt It strengthened my nerves and bron ht hack myunlon and in a mtle “hile. less than three months, no healthier and brighter wmmm could be found amwhera I highly praise Fen-«zone and udvisv pie-l: people to take advantage of its lmailh-giving pry-partial. In the Adirmndacks lives a man 100 [32,- m mrk. but midex-Lv of great budness ability. One “inwr, when in e“ as 810102 uruund summing. [“8 family came so near starva'mn that name of his ueizMa-ns, who (mum in 3mm! to help him took up a. cnilectinu and hunghl (m- Hue sntfermg family a barre‘ (at (i an a barrel of pork and :1 Ion ! 01’ w: od ”Huey new no! consid- erate 9!")th lncnt the thd, hm the lnxsmess man knpw how to nutmge hired same ut' the numhhurs who had not contributed tn his donation to an! t! o “00.1, and paid them with halt the pork, and half the flour. Tiredness and Weakness Overcome. THIN BLUUD MADE STRUNG 8- mp m” ti-eswrles toid In 'I‘m. x to am: map-where Hus winter n! Unuse- in the ranks ml the. unemployed whose sensib lines are mnre .n evident-e thun the” sense, and at others win. we more in earnest Ill prn‘msiatn-u than :n emwt, remiul one u! the {utlcming yarn. Soak the feet in water and then up ph Putnam“: Painlmaflorn I'Txlruttnr ~i: reumw-n I: e callous quivklv, Be sure yuu :e; Pmnam’s “My, Mr T. C Ivurv has her: laid up for 2i {my (323%, but glad to report he is able to be about. marclrrs per th'k The Presuytex‘ians heard Rev. Mr Edgar again on Sabbath last, with much aCCeptance. It “has announced that the Rev. Mr Thompson, of Ottawa, would occupv the pul,:~1t for the nr'xt two Sabbaths The annual report 0 the congregation was handed om and shows a crudimble financial vear. szitors to Pcterboro on Friday mm were Messrs. J. A. W; he and jos. Ha,es. A car load of horses was shipped on Saturday by Mr. leliamson. The Ice King was dethroned by E Jupiter Pluvius last wex-k and sk'xtmg xs "hors de combat." Mrfl‘om Graham, Mt.Plensant, was in town Saturday evening. When the Ouondngo is H de: the 1m stic Influence of Mrs LOng boat and Tom Flanaghan he can run any other human biped xnto collapse. The great Shruub-Longhoa: race Was handed out asn plO‘ gressed on F: Max night, an 9 mam admirers of Tom were kept on “Uneasy Street” UH about the 24th mile and then the renmindel was vocifcrous applause, and superhtivejuv. Shlubb may bv a “hirlwina at the shorter dis tance but at the Marathon ht. proved to lack the wind. A large number of hodmy lov- crs took in the excursion on Fri- day night to l’ctcrboro where Lindsay ().H.A. team met a 5-2 defeat. A spacial brought the party homc about midnight. Har- George Morrzson and Is insured The 1035 of a hour; at this Seas-0:: ot‘thc year. is :1 (leaded (itsmivzm. mg.- m Mr. SHnSnn whose musk)"- H:!l:- is deplored [w all. Members of the Board of Evin- ca‘ton rlcctwl by the (immu- Counr‘il.-Mr.ssrs. T. C. [van and F. Stlnlh'; bvthc Vilfag“ Council. Dr. Thompson: by th people Messrs. I Bennett, Wm. Brown, F. Ford; by th: Town- Ship Council, Mr, R. San Jerson. zxzn. The S ‘4 mflcs North West of here. The tire originated {tom the chiznnm or pipes mSIdc the house and hopes of sm in" the building wcrr abandoned but most of the con- tents was carried Out to sufcu. The dwulling was owned by Mr. \Vvlic‘s for Pipes, Tobaccos and Cigars. On Suturdav afternoon, when a m ghtv gale of wmd was abroad, tire brokc out m the residence 01' Mr. S. Stinson on a farm abom A Sccuud hand square qucd cuttc: no: 543:. almoq r15 goad a: new. Luucl can be seen and price ascertained fxom M r. J. A. Wylie. c! Callouses Quickly Cured A Joyous Letter. A. holds mentings and up tom) 3 or 4 limvs [In FlatEiHIilt the ingredients can be obtained from any 20 .d prescriptinn pharmacv at small cost, and, helm! uf re emble extractiun, are harmless in? he - l‘his pleasant. m‘xlnro, ll taken refl- nlzvly for 92 few «lays, is send to over- «n up almost any care of Rhenmullsm In» pal" and mxelling, If anv, dimin- ‘sLee “ith each «lnsp, mml permanent results are Ohtilil'ed. and without. in juriug the smmw h. “'l-ile them are ma. n' somallml Rhenanism remedies, pwmnl Inedfl‘ines. etc . ane of which do gi‘ a relief, few n-ally give perm m- ent results, and the above Will nn JOHN, M! greatly appreciated by many .mfl‘urvrn hem at. this lime. lmmlr= M ‘hetlrng-aturns in this rigulmrlxnml Pllt'ltfi the inf rm Hm! that Hwy-e «In: '8 Ma harmlwss and mm hp lmngln unparatelm ur the «lnwuinm nn urea Directions to Prepare Simple, Yet Remarkable Roma Mixture. A well known nutuority nu Rheuma- tism uivns the rolloumg valuable tlmugh simp’e and harmless prescrip- Hun, which any one can easify prepare a! home Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half nnnoe' Cmmmnnd Kurunu «:ne ounce-2.: (nu-[mum] 83m!) Sursapnrilla tlnee Mix by shaking no” In a battle and take a Waspum- Jul zmur euc h meal and at. bedtime - haw “i I mm the armor-”Lug“ for our rcuuma ll naked t0, ' The Wit-311’s Secret may be learned at the Opera House, 0111811138, Thursday, Feb. 18th. All skin diseases such as pimples originate through fm'ure ofthe kid- ”938 an! liver. AH mints that block the avenues of haaltlr must he renmv NY. Dr Humilhm’s le’s do this qnu'k 1y 'I i ey (2 eanse the system, make the r-kin sumo! h, rumor? roses to the chevks and give clear, dufntv Complexion. For no u! looks,«_mmi health and grand mints there) is nuthing so aura as Ur. Hamilton‘s Pins. 25c. boxes at all dralers. The doctor m Ida no comment and she pdssan nn \\ hen her turn came nu: 1m 9 V e- uppnurmi :rently confused, and said In (Em vxvn iner: "l‘ color, I n is!) tn (-nrrt M the answer I mm. 9 In" '1” e. l mum-t In St!) Hm! nne eighth ot'a grain should be given to lhe put'wnt.” “'l‘nn lute," replzed . Dr. Matthews, “'i'hnnt lunkhxg up from the queslron paper. “The man's dead. A well-known Bronklyn physician u as: axmnining a. class 0! nurses who haul seIVN! l‘ eir uppuinmd Lima in the lmsyiml The Candidates file-d past him, and tumu‘h he a-l-Jrz‘sse‘l a qvws- tunx cuh-nhfled to calm-J Ihe nurses elli- r'it‘ldh. h. une f the questinns he (lewrlhad t' e cmulmnn oru patient '.VV.‘... gm] mkvd the» w me how u. m-h mur- pl.|1w,ill hen-pin on. slmuld be ad- xniqistered m the unm- -rer. H U 1'59 In giving ins recipe to the American people be mid. ‘ Pauieiuu Sage is the moat delluhlnll huir dressing in the “arid, but it. is mnw than a. hull“ d ess- n; It cunsdnmirulf by killing the genus {Lat ivlest 'iw runia «If the hair, It slups {ailing hair; It gives \‘ignr and strength to the hair mots. A. [much 39.]: i'urismn firms at 50 cents a Inge iroliie and gnaranlees it to do all that is claimed far it, or your mnney 18 re Minded if \‘(m do [mt reside near a druugiat who sells Parisian Sage. send 30 cams to (x‘iroux Mfg Co , Fort, Erie ()nt . and a bottle “in be sent you all charges prepaid Dr Hamilton's Cure for leples Parisian Sugre is u discoverv «if a cele- bruted scz e: tist \\ lm Spent the best wars of his life In pertecmw this great hair tunic. What a Great Man Said to the Great American People, “Sum. un’ he said he wnnmd to himself,” l’ut answered and upsel couru give "You say V01) talked will: the accus- ad an ln‘mr after, his nttemyl?" the lawyer demanded. ~ "0i did," “as the direct reply. "And did he aim! any reasnn for at. IPlllptlng m comm}: suicide?" "He- did, an' it n as a good reas'm ” “We“, and “hut reason did he During the trial of a mun who hm] made an unsnvmsuful attempt at sul- cide, a lmv~er Inn! Dulgered the wit. nessns toe-.11 exaspvruling degree, and H‘ulenlly intended to pursue. :lxe Hume (murhe with a meek amearin: lime Irishman who next took the stand Dr. Pixcc’s Pleasant Pellets. the origt nal Little Liver Pills. although the first pill of their kind in the market. still lead. and when once tried are ever afterwards in favor. Easy to take as candyâ€"one to three a dose. Much imitated but wwpez‘ cauaml. sick women well. Loss advertisedathnn some preparations sold for like pur osos, itssterling curative virtues still mmmain its position in the from; ranks, where it. stood over two decades ago. As an in- vigomting tonic and strengthening nerv- lne it. is unequaled. It won’t satisfy more who want. “ booze." for there is not a drop otialcohol in it. NOW 13 BEST TIME TO TAKE Don‘t. buy Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Preset-1 tion expecting it to prove a. "cure-all." R is only advised for woman’s special ail- ments. It. makes weak women strong and nf‘l- ...A__A.‘ ...A'II Y ~.__ A J,, ; For a mrpid liver with its attendant Indigestion, dyspcusia, headache, per- haps dizziness. foul‘ breath, nasty coated tongue. with bitter taste‘ loss of appetite, with distress after eating, nervousness and debility. nothing is so good as Dr, Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. It's an honest, square-deal medicine with all its ingredients printed on bottlewra per â€" no secret. no hows-poems hum ug. therefore don’t 0.0ch a substitute that, the dealer may possibly make a. little big- ger profit. 11mm on your right to have wig-.13 you c1111 {on A good. honeet. square-deal medicine of known composition is Dr. Piercc's Golden Medical Discovery. It. still enjoys an im- mense sale while most of the prepara- tions that. have come into prominence in the earlier period of its pcpulnrlty have “gone b the board” and are never more heard 0 . There must be some reason for this long-time popularity and that is to be found in its superior merits. When once given a. fair trial for weak stomach, or for liver and blood nfl’ecticns, its supe- rior curative qualities are soon manlfes t; hence it. has survived and grown in 0p- ular favor. while scores of less. meritorious articles have suddenlv fleshed lnlo favor {or a brief period and then been as soon forgotten. A There is no way of makin I , {fiends like “Making Good;" aI§d 332?: Pierce's medicines well exempmv LhL 1nd their friends. after mor’e thin m1} decades of opularity. are numbered by she gundrgas of abalfisamis. They have ma. 9 80 " an t e ave In“ .1‘ drunkards, y t mane [fight grains,” promptli' replied the a” Making G 00d. kill the “Kitly,” Said Ir r muzher, rebnking Iy, ' ynn must sit. snll when you are at llm table," “I can’t., munmm ” pm tamed the littie girl, 'i’m a fldgntarzuu ’ â€"â€"Uhicago 'l‘rjlmna. ':uls:uns and Unturrln znne u» that ev. r)‘ strengthened, Ella-"Bella. never passes a nnrror wll hunt Innkmg in it. ” Stella-‘ Brave girl!"--I'Iav.rper’§I Weekh’. Bronchitis Craps into Consumption Sudden illness and pain cmne in every tamllvuto parents and children alike. But it you have lucked ahead, and have right in your home, rend) lur tlunmdtute use a lmtlle of l’ulsnu’a Nervilumâ€"tlmre isn‘t much tn “-nrr) uver. If it's :1 Sore throat. ur contracted chest. apply Nerviliue u'd put on n Nervilme Porous Plaster. ll it’s utmliv, cramps. or any stomach disorder, just administer ten drnpa of Nervlliue 11: hot. water. No family medicines an» more useful or more depended upnn lu enmrgeucvs tlmu Nervdme or Nervi ’lne l’urons l’lasters 'l‘hey keep the doctor l>lll “null. 250. each at all dealers. Ileluse substttutes, Indmdual instruction. Ez‘ day. Max! Comes. Send pnstal'filr particulars. ' Loose leaf ledger Addlng In” and charge Machine card system and all modern dr- viccs known 10 Inmncss science are It .hspmal of our students. Consc- qumtly business houses of icndmg Canadian and An‘encan cxtics are calling loudly for nur graduntrs. A complete Hvomeiomfit 0..st SI 00 and .~\. Leach will refund muney if it falls to cnrp. r as been no return of the trouhla sinc’ and I feel L'ruteful in speaking well of Hymn-H, as it cured me when all else faaled " he. tlirmn M my (LU!) [ had bevn um :1) e to ’ireuhe other than through my mnnlh, and the constant lumkimz and Spiltlllu was almost u:.beurahie. I hav! een treated by line lwm llzmat spvcin'isls lwra and in New Ylnrk, lint ”mixing honefilted my condition, I ob- tuined. Hymrwi and soon {i 11nd relief. the throat dropping (‘P:\'~'0«! and HIV lu-ud began to (:‘Par Icnmlnned with anmoi frr ms \weizsund after that. time i was well in ewry detail. There The woman u ho protests in ha}! won “Swan Set. Human, Icnmnu ted a seven (‘old Ihnt Settled In mv Ln u! and finuI'y ntfc‘cled nu throat It r‘pzdlv Idmeluped into ca urrh and c: mse l a mia ruble throat \w- xknosa. My heat] “011M hemme (‘qugt‘d dnrlnLy the night {and there was a t'ula'r a! d‘mpmn: frmn the "(we mm ur wave on recnrd. pr wing: that Hm. we! can he dupended npm- to cu e Calarrh, Bronchitis, (ought). Colds and (fronp It has 110 equal lor any diu- tress of the breathing organs Without, taking a drop of nwdicine ium thestomach, J “fray! -r, 5-! Band Street, 'l‘nromo, tells how the dishes-- iug tumbles nH‘aHu- h w-‘re overCnme hv simMy inhaling llymuei air H’s lha l.is:..ry of tens uf lh nsands simi'- Mr. ’l‘mlnr says; 'Some mare mm while on a hunting trip in Nor“ ern J. E Taylor, 54; Bond. St ., Toronto, Broathed. Hyomoi and Cured a. Long Standing Case of Chronic Catarrh That Defiod All Other Remadies, Also Toronto and. New York Specialists. Who does not envy and admire a lovely “mum-'3 The secret uf her luv Iim-ss. of her perfrectmn, is health She aleegm well, eats well, dlgasts “willâ€"ir- xrivare {mutual-N me vignrpns and re gular. 0qu w: man's remedies, Fer I'DZUIIC is the! ham: it vitalizes Ihe func- tiuns upon which hwflth dependsâ€" makes the purest, richel blood, gives p rfevc chuudexion and lots of vxgur livery girl 01' wmmm who we!“ health vhulny, hmksâ€"le' her get Ferruz me :-u-d.z_\'. Fin) cent huxes utull dealers . PVTWR‘FORO BUSIXV'XL’SS COLLEGE) r ' ..(\ ‘4 "FE PIQ\7_Y’pl\'r~1pAL â€"Pooh! You're as full or airs as a sneet piano. Sheâ€"Mauve, hut ldun'l go with a crankâ€"Cleveland Leader. Heâ€"-.\nal ynn won’t an with me?" Slugâ€"Sp. Ldun‘t like )(uur st) le. He The Perfection of Womanhood. LOOK AHEAD FOR ILLNESS YOU CAN CURE CATARRE. A Newspaperâ€"4 N0? 13m "ng333"? nter any OI anfihing that requires the scnicc: of .m \uction-ccr, GI‘JE J. H. WILSON,“ If You Want to Sell “Win: or Wire for Open Dates A CEIANCE. the Leading Auctioneer. 37 Ward St, Port Hope, FURNITURE, IMPLEMENTS, MACHINERY, A HOUSE LOT FARM STOCK, A FARM, We will also give a liberal discount off Over Shoes, Felt Goods, Men’s Heavy Rubbers and Socks, Men’s Women’s and Children's Boots Shoes,Ladies’ and Men’s Winter Underclothin g, c. We must make room for our SPRING GOODS, and if BARGAINS Will make it we are going to have it. Yours truly, And in order to make it we will offer a off all Overcoats, Reefers, Raincoats, Tweed Suits. Grey or White Wool Blankets, Horse Blankets, Heavy Tweed Dress Goeds Skirts, Stralgm 11133qu11 HI 2!] Par Bun. Easmruhasesflurmg1131111131? -cr, L. Curry - (30., OMEJMEE. ACT IV. Sena-e I. In Rced’s Law Office -â€"Dcnni~; promises complianu mth thc Witch’s dcnmnds â€"-I)cnnis and Snacks have a “scxap."â€"-â€"'l'he maim- cd lawyer.-â€"- Robbery chargcd.â€"'l'hr misc-d no!c~‘.-â€"1\1urdcr Is threatened.â€" l)cnms’s rusc.â€"â€"'l‘hc lawyer is euchcrcd.â€"-:\ dnscomfimt villam.â€"'I‘hc Witch's appearanc: â€"Slartling rchlatmns -â€"-'l‘hc Witch’s pawn aimedâ€"“Yo. M hear that voice and quml before ilI"â€"'l'hc mcanmnu' â€"A starlied niminaL-a. Imogene: appearsâ€"”Reeds death A-«Vcngcancc appcnscd. Scene 2. A met ' ‘hc deacon and his nephewâ€"Apalogics mad: and {orgiwuess obtained.â€" I)ennis’s clatmn.â€"Susic's ruse lmngs Dennis to terms. Scene‘S. Mansficfd'i home.â€"â€"'l'hu Witch’s sccrct ls rcvcalcd. The Deacon Is made happy._ General rcjuicing.â€"â€"l’inalc. ACT I”. Scour. 1. Hal} 1:) Mansficld's housc.â€"-Au irritabk- Irishman. -‘l')cnnis grows excited â€"-A challcugc.-â€"â€"A taunting swrcth;an.-â€" An agatélrd wvfc. Scene :2 The RL-mirzvous.â€"â€"-'l'hc duul.-â€"â€"An unobservfiwitncss.â€"A dissatisfied prinClpal.-â€".Ԥccuscd ofconnrdice.â€"F1rst shot, without cfi'cct.--A lmutating prinuml.â€"~"Shoot. you cuward!”â€"“I cannot, it would be mutder." 'l‘rcachcry chargedâ€"“There stands thc traitor!"-â€"'l'hc Witch’s nowâ€"Explan- atxon dcmandcd.â€"~“I swear it, and call upon Hcawn to beat me “mesa!"â€" 'l'hc deadly air gun-«A woundcd “Main.â€"(_‘onstcrnationâ€"Who fired the shot?â€"â€""'l‘wa‘s the judgment of chvm he called down upon lumsclf." A doubling 'l‘lmmasrw'l’hc Witch’s cxhortahonâ€"Thc rcsolvc. Scene 3. A zoom 1n Mansfield’s housc.â€"A witc’s dcvullon.â€"'l'ablcau. ., ACT II. â€" Mansfieid's homeâ€"A jealous Irishman â€"“I' we given ye; warnin , now benare- -â€"lhe Deacon hecmnes infatuated. â€"A 10:! srsm.â€"â€"An indirect proposalâ€" Ireland In arms.-â€" I he assauiLâ€"lknnis bites the dustâ€"â€" (June! and 13d) --â€" An indil'nant wife.-â€"- “Leave me sir!" â€"-A selfcmxtessui villain. «A desperate woman. â€"â€"-“Swear it, or 1 ll kill )ou 3"-â€"l)r. “mm? m is questioned. ~â€"An aggriexed hnslmnd.â€" Cuwaxdue (barged. .â€"S:3hcticm demanded and refused.â€" Couiiided. â€"â€"‘ \ uu u:l: all runner for (In; in "' “I am ready to do so now’.’ 'I‘imc of Representationâ€"'l'wo and Out-Half Hours. ’I‘ime~'l‘hc Present Day. Localityâ€"Omcmcc. Out. Doors Open at 7 p.11). Curtain at 8. SYNOPSIS OF INCIDEX'I'S. ACT 1. Scene I. A streetâ€"-'l'he1)eacon's arrivaLâ€"A newsfmy’s meltâ€"m Thc Witch’s appcarnncc.â€"l.awyer and Irishmanâ€"“I have a Incsaagc In: you from the: dead!” The Witch's prophecy.â€"â€"A wife’s anxicty and re-«éh‘; Seem 5!, A (Iarden.--Thc fetaâ€"Snacks is cuchcrcd â€"A foe m the gui<r of a fncnd.â€"-Thc drugged Mumâ€"Suspicion arouscd â€"-“I see it allâ€"what a dupe Ihavc hecn!"â€"A fruitless nppcal.â€"-A wronbcd withâ€"'11:: actuation.â€" I)cmmciaxion.â€"'l‘hc assaultâ€"“Um! ’ Mrs. Mansfield ............................ Imogene ................................ Mochcr Mundy, (l'hc Witch of Dismal Hollow) SUsic. (Mrs Mansfield’s Maid). .............. Snooks, (A Newsboy) ...................... Charles Mansfield ......................... Dr. Harris. .............................. Deacon Austin. (Mrs. Mansfield’s Uncle) . . . . James Reed, (an Attorncy) ................. Dennis O'Brien, (Mansiicld’s Valet) . . . . . ..... Waiucr . . ................................. Surgeon ................................. Under auspices of Public School OMEMEE, Feb.18th, 1909. “ IMOGENE”, OR “THE WITGH’S SECRET Committee : Miss A. Ackerman anti T. Walter chzan. Admission, Adults 25c., Children, 15c. m..‘,.u...‘................................2\lrs._l.J. Hamil: ..................................... Miss Flnssic Pant-rs [undyfi (l'hc Witch of Dismal Hollow) ............ Mrs. D. Cali rs Mansfield’s Maid) ........................ Misé Minnie Sm :\ Newsboy).......................; ............ Rom Mun lansfield ........................................ I. A. ('ai ;. ........................................ 'l'. H. Hutchin: .ustin. (Mrs. Mansfield’s Unclc) .................. C. H Mun red, (an Attorncy) ............................ (Eco. L. Lack: 'Bricn, (Mansiicld’s Valet) ...................... (iirvin Hadc‘ ....................................... Robt. H. Mdhm .......................................... Victor M (Cam Opera Houseg CAST OF CHARACTERS : d (incsts. etc. ....... Mrs. 1.]. Hamih-n Miss Fldssic l’attrrsou ........... Mrs. l). (aims ........ Miss Minnie Smith ............ Rom Manna .............. I. A. ('aiu s . . . .T. H. Hutchin.» n ........ C. H Mun u ..... (2w. 1.. lackuw ...... (iirvin Haddcu . Robt. H. Mt-(iamu y . . . . Victor McCartnry

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