J V ..... w... - ...- 0.3-. 3" " V5559"?! the farmer’s 5N6". MW Many Will be pleased to learn that prcscnt. and llr J. Wilbur Chapman 1‘ Tb Ruwcll. and also Mrs. Wm. 5. Miss Hampmn’s Young Mcn’s Bible had been speaking hardly ten minute: kaup. ‘ Class mtcnd giving a social and dc when a wavc of rchuious fervor Sccmcc ‘ ‘ bate on 'l‘uesdav evening. March 2nd. to strlxc the audience. Bclore the A 5'I'RONG POPULAR SCHOOL. The dcbatc “Resolved that the teach llour‘wus ovcr upward of 1,500 Con ' - ers influence is greater than the Mm- versions had been reported In the and- "I" union thereis strength.†"I" a tsters,†will be 8th delivered by the lame. 'l‘hcn camc‘a remarkable ex- W'u'lml'd' 0i CWHSCHO" that '5 wis Frascruille Dchating Society and two 'lnbitnon. Dr. Chapman. asked every do- n.†'l‘hese are. two of we "18"}. local members A (‘hmce programme man who wanted to lead a brrtlcr lllt: "mm“ why vaeovlc consider it of SOlOS. Ductts. Qtlaltr‘ttcs and In. to stand, and every man in [l]: and 5M “attend (Ia-Ma’s Grates‘tClmu ; strumcntals will be rendered. Re- icncc arose The: leader thcn askcd 0’ H'Kh'gradc. Mudnli. Actual Bust- ] frcslntnents Served at conclusion of every man who would pletlgu lnmaulf Doss Schools. The Peterhoro Busmess" program. Allare cordially Im'ltcd to to lth: as near as possible as Christ l'nllt-gc, who»: new arlwmsemcflt ap- ' atmnd. I’rogrammc at 8 o’clock. would to stand.» Bury mam in lln.‘ “min this issue Is awonhy link l Admission !' Cents audwncc stood. ,. .i ; h‘ ' ,. . . . a I . vâ€"J ..... Mrs. (D!) Boaur and daughter. Muss Beatrwc. of . Garden Hull, have b- " visitmg the farmer’s Sister. Mrs: H Tb Russell. and also Mrs. Wm. S. 3’ kup. Misa; Sisson was a guest of Mr. and Mn. T. Harkness this Wet-k Muss Hanna, of Oahana, xs visiting ‘3!!!“ Bcnha Jackson. SL041; \IcNall, of Port Hope, Miss Mclwnaldqmd Mrss \1 :tbcc. of l’ctcr- bow. were guests-xv! Mrs. j I). laxr 1hr; Week. \\ ‘15“ Etta Berer, of Garden â€I“. was a guest of Mr and Mrs. '1‘; Luxon. or»: Sunday. "0011’! {31110 Miami the Debate an: 501‘“. in the: Basement of the Methodist Church next Tuesday a: S p. m. Uuod Lime wliauazcd. Essay 0»: welcome. s‘crncc ml! be held at St. Paul‘s ("n.vopcl 05: Thursday, Feb. 25, at 7.3:) Hessrs. H R. Armstrong and Fred 1’.- Nd!" were In "_{o:onto lust Week on busmcss. ocrou ox MILLS, rum. 3 BROOK â€"Having‘a‘ eased the above Mills, I am prepared to do Chopping and Rolling; also bran \aad shorts and coarse grain; lccd ‘ for sale. A trial solicited. Sat- i faction guaranteed W- W. EVANS, Proprietor. Mr. F. R. Haney, of the Bank of Mammal, was in Toronto orcr Sunday. -â€".....â€"...Jâ€"â€"â€"-_..._â€".â€".. . \lr. Axhol Hetlzcrington was a vlsz iur to Petcrbnm over Sunday. . Mass May Duncan was a visitor to 'l'm’onto this week. Mr. H. A. Sims. Manage r of the Bank of 'l‘omnto. was a visnor a: i'rcs'cott over Sunday. (Tali and see sample: loe celebra- ted "Gal!†steel rooï¬ng. siding, ceil- ing, crv. A. Payne. Agom. opp. town 31aâ€. Mlllbmok. Miss H. Necdlcr. of Lindsay, is a guest of Miss Etta Nccdler. Mrs. W. }. E. Cillott was a visitor to “'estwood Past week. Get your photo at thc Morton Smdio, open In Mlerook cvca‘y “'cd- :wsdav. Miss Mabel Suylcs has returned from a pleasant um wuh fricnds at Ponh'pool. IMr. (Thas Stanton, of thc Port ane High School. was home over Sunday. _f‘31£,rPexcy Handlcy was a Visitor to Cayunviflc on Monday. Messrs. Sam Fee and C. Sheppard ot‘Omcmcc, Were in town Fnday 0n business. M r. George Lock is in Tommo this week on business. S P8500. Mr I. E. Ncedham was in Toronto 13:: wet-k on business, and attended an Auto Exhibition. Miss Sarah Wood, of Hun was a I" ; of hcr consul, Mrs. H. B. Alien, Millbmnk News. ‘ka Daisy Archer was a gust of W. Archer ova Sunday. 20‘s Irene Raper lcturncd trom ‘ayto last week. We understand “new" be assmtant milliner at As. ‘ow!er Co’s the coming Savings Department of The Bankof Toronto Head Ofï¬ce, Toronto, Canada; ' omeme‘e Branch : J.B.L Grout; Manager. Every Br anch Offlxis Bank ha as a Sav- ings Department and thr manager at an) of these Branches will be pleased to ass: st you in axrangim: .onr banking. YourAceount†solicited. There is No Delay (if; -.__.-....__...~_. _.... .~;~â€"_ â€". ï¬culty abOut Opening an account and the money may be withdrawn whenever required. Millbrook Branch : H. A. Sims, Manager. There is_No Delay small. Accounts Incorporated 1 8 5 5 I Mr. I. ]. Tilley, Model School Inspector, gave a very interesting and eloquent address to a meagre audience in the Town Hall on l‘huzsday evening last on School education. He explzuued on: system, the duties of teacher, the responsibilitigs of and demands for teachers and the efï¬cient sup- ply. HIS address was splcndm and very instructivP. Mr. Tilley is touring the Province, ehcmn; the interest of turn! conuntmitics in xegzxrd to eJucation Dr. Pym: the Minister of Education, has diuctcd the proper man With the intellectual BLIHHCS {or the im- portant task. Mr. 'l'IHcy is a fluent and pleasing speaker. IN TH E l “ Paul, the Seer,†the subject of an iiiSpii‘ing and interesting sermon by {ev. Mr. Rogers, 5 A. l in the Methodist Church here on 3 Sunclav evening, was a p0werful and ably preSente‘l message The lobedience to the heavenly vision of St. Paul was earnestly and lucidly demonstrated. The con- version and unrivalled spiritual mastery of Saul of Tarsus was vividly .clescri-bed. Many practical and profitable lessons were diact- ed from this rich and forcefui‘ biblical character. The male quartette delighted the audience With an excellent number. The Servxce was an inspiration to the large congregation. 1m WIdch. of Foronto preached an eloquent #611710" to an apprccnatch congregation in the: \Icthodisz Church on Sunda) morning. Messrs. D, McCunus, of Lindsay, and '1'. McCamus, of 'I‘cnuskammg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Burke Allen this week. Mr Sills. Tenor 301015: of Trinity Collcge,'l'oronl(). will sing at both services in St. Thomas†Church, next Sunday, Fcb. 28th. and appropriate music will be rendered by the choir. The Mirror joins with‘ a host of ï¬xcnds 0! Mr. Dcanand famlh and of the Messrs Hme» 311:] Tompkins in wishing them all success. By the Millbrook Branch of the Bank of Montreal being fclosed it means a distinct loss to Millbrook in more ways than one. Bcsnlesthe loss ï¬nancially to the town,we lose several ï¬rst cltiss, right good citiZens. One COuld not wish to meet a more :genial gentleman than Mr. Dean the efï¬cient and very popular: Manager. His estimable wife and daughter will also be very much missed in 50cial circles. Messrs F. R. Haney and I. N. Tompkins, of the: Bank Staff, have made themselves popular by theirevcr courteous marine-r, and they too will be greatly missed in social and sporting circles. We learn that the Millbrook Branch ofthis stiozig Bank is being transferred to Oakwood. Social and Debate. A BIG LES-S TD MILLBHUUK. may be opened {or sums Iazge or and banking business 15 l “greatest religmus movement in ecâ€" clesiastical lnslory." Atom: meeting 0f men on Sunday there ware 3.500 present. and Dr J. Wilbur Chapman had been speaking hardly ten minutes when a wave of religious fervor seemed to smxe the audience. Belore the ‘llour‘wus over upward of 1,500 Con versions had been reported In the and- Xence. 'l‘hcn can e‘a remarkable ex- hibition. Dr. Chapman. asked every man who wanted to lead a butter llle to stand, and every math in the and lence arose The leader then asked‘ every man who would pledge hunaulfl Bo~zon, Feb. 19 -â€"â€""l'he Hub is in the muddle of what 15 termed the On Feb. 22, 1909, at II â€0pc Aye" Momxesl, to Mr. and Mrs. E. ‘.V. Lamprev, a son. DIED At OaK Hill, on Monday, Feb 22, 1909, David 'l‘rcw, aged 89 years. 1500 CONVERSIONS In Milllnook, on Momï¬uy. Fcb. 22. 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Li. Rowland, A son. At the home of the brides par ems. on \Vcdncsday, Feb. 24th, Miss May Awns Lou/cry to Mr. Cclphus Bukter Staph-rs, both of l‘ownshlp of Mum’crs. Kev. Wm. Johnston ofï¬cnatcd. It is now possible to reach Carmel by Telephone. Th: prl- vate company, whose system ex- ten-ls from Carmel to Millbrook, has connected its lines with the Bell Telephone Company's Sys- tem at the latter pomt, makingr 1t possible to speak to Carmel. Rev. Mr. Comm, of Pontvpool. W111 conduct the Services in the Pr. sbyterian ~church. Millln'ook, next snuday, and Rev. “’11). lohnston goes to Pontypool to conduct special servnccs. Miss Laura Clarke. of Port No; 3c- Hiyh School, spent Sundzu “uh hul parents, Mr. and Mrs R. \V. Cldrkc ' Results of Great Religious Meeting in Boston. We create, we do not Inmate mher’s ideas my photography. The Morton Studio. Mxllbmnk. Miss Lillian Bradley and M 59 (kr- trude ClarKc arc: attcnding thr. Mallin- cry Openings m 'l‘uroum this Week. A Discount of 5 per cent. allowed 05' all orders received for wire fences and gatrs given durm‘xï¬r the month of ["ébruary‘ A. PAYNE, ommaitc the 'l'uwn H.111. .\I.Hbr(mk. Dr. H A. Turner am: Automobile Exhibition in last chx. New Telephone Connection. whhing lhcm prospcrily and lnppx ncss In their new home, but all am- sorry to hear 0! their mtcndcd dcpur- ture. Mm. R. (Zoe. Miss Laura Cm: and Mr. Roland Cue, of Cavam'xllc, leuvr next Week for the Nurtl) “'cst. 'l'hcir many friends will jmn It): Mirror 11) M1.s Millie Eaxlm returned last war]: fruma pleasant \‘lslt wzzh her sister. Mrs. A Mulligan, in Cmvuland Now 15 the time to get that photo taken that you promwul lo Stlld to that absent friend. Don't forget the plaCc for ï¬rst class work «The Morton Studio, Millbrook. ()pcn cx'cry Wed ncsday. If It’s photographs you want call in the Morton Studio, Mllltn‘ook. Open ex’cry \\'cdncsd:xy. The many friends of Mr. H. I» Grifï¬n wiH regret ~20 learn that his conditiqn has nwcssitated him goiNg to the Ross Msmonal HospuaLat Lindsay, for tmatmc-nt. “'6 are very glad to hear that he has somuwhat impravcd since going that, and W:- (1!! hope to see the genial Hurry back to the ‘uld town’ before long. l". Ellis, a x: mular )‘43ixlidaatl of High River, on Aldrich-day last. Very 3p pnoprivtc prcsmts \u-rc gisen and withail a most pica ant thnillg “as enjoycd h) thus: prcScnt.â€"-l‘lxgh Rwur limes. A shower was gncn bv the Misses Kc“) at their home, on Saturday evening, last to Miss Richards who vas united m marriage to Mr. ( vrus If _\’O'l have not made our acquain- tanc: yc-t we will be [Ham-d to Ste: you at the Morton Studio, MiHbz-ook. Open cvcxy Wednesday. Calm i' 0.. ()nt. in another cohunn. The Cinematograph and Concert 0)., under the: managrmrnt of Messrs mulluw 0.: Johnson. 5am um: 01 lllcll‘ c'XCcliLfll and “IUaL dvlightfnl enter- lainulLlllb in the Town Hall MiLbrwk. on Friday evening laat. 'l‘hcy have me of th: best movmg picture machinrs made. 'l'he pictures thrown on the cuvtzun mclndcd “ View; of London,†' Japancst: Acrobats,’ ' The Monks VengeanCe.’ "l‘ln: Soldier’s Drcanx,’ “Scotlmd Yer,’ ‘Making Love to a Cool Man’s Wife,’ 'An Exciting Honeymoon.’ ‘Varsity Boat Race.’ ‘l‘auper’s Lh‘uam.’ ‘Burglar and (11¢ Cat.’ ‘Vcnturcsome ]nn and the Cop.’ Miss C. V. Home. of Toronto. sang two solos in mud vowc, wnh Miss Edith Hutchinson of Cuvanvillc, as accompanist. As Mr. Laidlaw has gone in company With Mr. W; [Olms- ton. of Toronto, they now own and control several maclnnes of ‘flu“ quality. they will now be in a position to supply Chum hcs, Societiec, Clubs,‘ 3:13... with complete Movmg Picture? Programs. Special ptctuxcs suitable? for Churches. For Open dates and term apply to C. N (I .I.;ndlaw, Camn P 0.. (hit. 8:: large adv. M AR R I IE I). BORN nmer attended the l‘orunto W. H.Byam30n 80. to 150. If you need anything in Staple Dry Goods We can give it to you at a. right price. Ladies' and Children’s Hcse fromIOC. in fast black cottton, to 50c. in Cash- mere. Men’s Cotton Socks, 2 pr. for 250.. up to 500. in heavy Woolen ones. We have some extra values in Shaker from and not fade. are hard to get, but we have them. You should see our strong, durable,full width 10c.Prints. They are our best values for everyday wear, but we have them at 12 1-2 and 15 cents too. Mr. Pickup was rduculed at the PUllllC School and Hugh School (-f Mlllbrook, at Varsixy and n! Knux He: has had cxpcrimcc of nusstm work m British (,‘ulumhm, and IS an cï¬'cclive speaker and prcaclxcr, earnest and lucid Abrothrr, Re»: Stanley H. Plckup, ls pastor of South Side Mr. Pickup pnmhcd last him ‘it, and before mmmcncmg his Scrmnn, he said: “I appreciate the honor that has been Conierrcd on me. I I'CfliiZc the responmbihtics hcfurc mo, and if, in nu own mind, I haw hesitated be- fun: accepting the: position, it has been because of the magnitude: of the work.†Mr. H. R. Plckup Has Been Ap- pointed to Help Rev. Dr. Gilray with the Work. 'l'hcr Epworth League serwcc of Monday evening will long he rams-m- hcred a‘: mu: of intense interest. broad mflucucc and literary impmmnce. lhc “ft: of Wale-y, :1 pr {mm-m hgurcm â€Mary, thc seam: and rcfur mcr, mouhhr of the "runtcst Cunturv m Eng“ .51) History, mzrl' coma! spirit 11:11 and industria}, was mm a h! \ taken tron) mam import-mt stmdpux L; t. the advnn: age of all. The: Lite m john “ask-y is a most inapxring biugraphy. git-at rcvn'al With the mestimablc and henchcml results accomphshcd thru‘ the masterful mind, surpassing ability, tmparaicllcd powrrs of cloqticncc, or gammuon and influence of john \\"cs- Icy and the great evolution of Mcthodâ€" ism wcrc distinctly, C(mcncly and fully estabhahcd in the abic and educat- ional papers. Miss Ste“:- Hcthcrmcton admimhl)‘ rttritcd “The Death of \\’cslcy."sh0w. ing his triumphant creasing the bar, his inspiration and inï¬uuicc in dcath as m lifc. Hymns, cmnpnscd by Wesley, VOICâ€" ing thc fundamentals of truc rchgitm and Mcthodist Doctrine, were nut-g throughout the ct'cnxng. Mr. 1. M. Adams, the able. Litcmry (Tom‘cnci, was the efficient chairnmn. The Lit crary l)cpartment of the imaguc can justly be congratulated nn the umquc succws of this cnohhng and auinmting mt‘clmu. i 1 l mstruclw: and buncï¬cml addresses of the xmmorml Wesley. Mr. George T. Walsh read a pupcr on “History 0! the; i’ulhcr and Mulhrr of Methodism rind Home Envmomncm." 'l'hc immoral Ry, iHih-racy of the 13!!) Century, the rcligtous mdoium-c and impxcly, the git-at revival With the Ine-thnhlu mu! 1111261111111 1111 1111111 1111’ 1111 1111711111181 1111 13111111, 1111111. Mr. Han-cry 'l‘hcxton delivered a Very logical and msplrmg addrcss on \Vcalcy as Class Lcudcr. Hxs paper was um: of diligx m thought, dchlmu non and power. Many mal and cs- scntiul truths wérc rcmrdcd in these instructiv: and bcncï¬cml addresses of the mmmrml Wesley. Mr. George T. Walsh read a pupcr on “History 0! the; i’ulhcr (Hid Mmhrr of 1“!"l1l3d‘<n\ énll Muss l’carl Bumham gave an exec! lcnt paper on \Vcslcy’a; hfc Much was Clear, practical and cal'llcfl. “ï¬rtmcm to the Church was by the Pastor. Rev. Mr. Rn eulogxstic address paid cloq bnllumt tribute lo (I): Scholar :lr‘d Reformer. 'l‘hc history and times of John Wesley, the founder of Mcthodistn, is one at surpassmg importance and in lercst. The Life of Wesley, the famous Spiritual Rcformrr, who established om: ol'tht: greatest of Christian dc- nominatinns, the “Methodist Church.†is one of absorbing itnputt to the Universe. The: sketch cl his hf: and animating, enabling qualities WCâ€: ably rehearsed to the bcnclit and in- spiratiun of all. V An cxcdlcnt framxcd portrait ufjolm “Lady“ prcscntcd by the Litcrary Dc- ~{...._ __- ‘_ . r‘. 'l‘hc Litcrary Department of the Methodist Epworlh League provided a very interesthw, ‘ proï¬table and in- spirinu programme for the large and unhusmsuc aluuicncc who amndcd tin: \\ eslcy LVcniug on Monday last. WESLEY- EVENI'NG. :0 the Church was unvuilcd slur. Rev. Mr. Rogers in :1 address paid eloquent and MILLBROC;K STATION. thc rcummcd H. A. 'I‘kawc, Agent. Millbrm {g W. Montgomery, M. D Physician and Surgeon, MILLBROOK, ONTARIO. Ofï¬ce in Turner’s Drug Store. Ex Cine!" hlmrm vi SimcoE. was ScntCHCcd \cstcxduy to lift imprisonment. f r the a tempted murder of Cons able \‘\ . \\ ilkms on Dec. Ist lust. Low Colbnigt jig-twee; Only Through Service to the West Apply to neargst agent for full informatiox free copy of 'Setflers' Guide" or write R Thompson. D.P.A.. C.P.R.. Toronto COLONIST CARS ON ALL TRAiNS " No Charge ‘for Borths Convent on Cd". c «'dcannI forms, (:1 any olhz'r llN-t‘l'f‘ualfl)“ In his posaess- Inn win leave Toronto Each TUESDAY In MARCH and APR". at 10.15 pan. Th: A‘Jinncc ngctm'y ml! chum- fu‘ly {Lll'nhh additional amiss of [him ('zHththll and unity nuy gown) ow decision as will ensure the soundcsx policy, xlzc: mmt pcrlccl [Jams :mJ thu greatest mmsxblc SUCCL-ss. Special Trains Let the 3.;1 Ihcrmg he: hwlh large: am rcurcscnln l c, so that such wisdom vmhusnmu and unity nuy 2,0ch ow , - . ‘.. " I.\IL our Umummn Dc :1 rousing rallyof lilrlhl'ul. tlarlcss, mum-s! man and women rcsulvcd to unite r-gam- less of all pcr~nn.xl or party cmwnlura hon, m a sup c ne effort to cï¬â€˜c‘ct, as l‘ar as pmmblc, lhc (lclchI‘flHCc of 011’ l’am'mu: from Kim tnx‘nh'c liq mr CV-l? that WClks such wnlespn a l (Lsuucnot- drgrchtirvn, and distress Lct the g: thcrlng he: hwlh large: am‘ rcprcscnln l c, so that such wisdom For Sewers {rave-Fling with livestock and effects MANITOBA, ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN By Canadiaq Pacific direct CIUZCUS. desiring the dc‘lfl‘clanCc of our 14nd from thc awful evils of in- tcmperaztcc is e rnc-tly :ell.cte;1 to ' appoint dclcgulcs to the Annual Meet- mg ofthe Ontario Branch of‘the Do- minion Atlimzcu, to bchcld at th.-t1mc . nd p‘a'x abwc statcd. In issumg this nmtatmn, the Exec- ‘ utix'c (.Tunnnlttuc r ct gn 2:35 with grat ; Itudc thc snL-ndld Victories (Lat law hccn won by the unith efforts of thr moral rcformcts In this l’rovi'Tc, in (ht‘lr endeavors to b xmsh â€1:: h. r-mum tcmpation. '1 he substantial success that has been :Ituum-d 15 an mspn‘alir n to eercd cffurt, and an example that 1;thme to our coworker: in cvuy part of thr. world. I’astms arc n-qucstczi to lay ths maltrr {More thcn‘ C(mg'c‘gntions. Of (in rs ol‘zzli HOL‘ICUL‘S are xcrtucsmd t.. ring 1t hefurc thcir ICs‘pt‘CUVr: nrgum zatiuns. Newspnpcr cdlurs arc a~l<cd to gm: II as much publicity as its nn parlance doserv: s Lat our ('nnv‘ntum he :1 ronsznu ‘ Preabytenan Church «Toronto Star, erb 22nd. Em‘y Church Congregation In On tarm, cYcry 'l‘cmpcruncc Sm icty, cwry Religious Organization, every Bmiy (y! I‘ ‘ n . . Branch of The Dnmimun A‘liancc will he held In lilm St Mcthodm (.hurch, ’l‘oromo, on March 3rdand 4th. 1909, (zomvm-mmg at 9 :1 m. on \nglwbdf)’ March 3rd. The Messrs. Pickup arc Sons of Mr. and Mrs W S. Pickup. of this town. and Wt: heartily mngruiuiatc them on theirvcominued Slll‘Ce~s. It i< certain- ly very credimlile tn Mr H. R. l'z-.kup to receive such an uxcdlent appumt "th. especially heforc his ï¬nal yuar at (Sollcgc IS up. The numerous friends of Messrs. PICKUP will continue to watch wuh interest the: progress (:3' two ol'thc brightest yuunp men who haw lcft town to make their mark in other ‘parts, and who have scoured their ï¬rst training in the Milll)rm,-k‘ Public School undcr such t‘flicicot? teachers as Mr. Hampton and Miss “can. ‘- ‘ "" Call fa Yours for God, Home and Country, JOSEPH GIBSON, Presidcnt, BEN. H. SPENCE. Szzt‘rcmry Ex Cine!†hlmm vi SimcoE. The, annual nwctmg of the Ontario rflenvsflnua ta Banish ths Bar Bum. leaving Toronto lo. I 5 p.111. daily Tourist Sleeping Cars Fastest Time Regular'l'rains Settlers and famiiies without szestock should use informatign ï¬nd line 2 loguc is free. Write fur one to day Students admitted at any time. Co ilcgc open the entire year. g and prepare for pmï¬tahlc employ- imcnt. 0m- graduates readily obtainl‘ :gooa’ pry-aims. Our handsome Calm, ' W. I. ELI.TO'!"I‘, Prmmpnl, (‘01-. Yonm- and Ala-vnnder Streets. @ ELLIOTT 7)? I Now is the time to _<:nter the popuhu' Great in Reputation. Results; Influence and Thoroughness !‘ And further tail“: noticn that aftcrl such last mentioned dale thc list-cu l turs Will procccd to distribute the! assets of the said deceased among the . parties entitled (hereto, having regard ' mily m the claims ol’which they shall l ‘hcn have notice. and that the said l Exuutors will nut h: liable for the. mid assets or any part thereof to any pvrson ur [muons of'whosc Chums no [we shall nut have been rccg-ivml by {hum at the tim'c uf such distribution. Dated this Elcw'cmh day of Feli- ruaiy, 1909. A Great School lIN THE mATTER or the Estate of Thomas Gillespie Kells, late or the Village of Bllllbmok In the C .untv of Durham. Gentleman, deceased. NO'l'lCli is herebygivcn pursuant 3:0 KS 0. 1897, Chap. 129 and amended acts. that all Creditors and others having claims against thc lis- uuc of thc late Thomas Gillespie Kclls, who died on or about the :51!) lay of January, 1909, are required, on ur hcforc the :5“) day of March. 1909, to send by pnsx prepaid or deliver to Mr A. A Smith with: Villagcof Mill- hruok, Solicimr for the Exrculors of the Last Will and 'l‘cstamcu: of the «aid dcrcascd, the full pauiculars of their claims, the sxatrmcm of their accounts and the natun: 9f the: Secur- Ines If any, held by than Notice to Creditor vilhin, F [like Jack Dalton, villain Meta Brooks, [\osc \‘m‘rlzux, Lead- ing I ady. Viola Mivn, Aha: Davidson. Hurry Brooks. “Muse." T'w following werelhmc “110 mu}: pm and 68(1) took his 01 htr war. I;- -n:1rk 31)!) “câ€: Ed. Low. .141) Enter. hem. J. Cull‘ut m. Amlr'cw' Davidson “A (iahfornia RUSC" was presctltsd . ~n Town. H.111,’I‘hursduy, to a sum“? house, but {3103: who attsndcd we: highly p! ulsed with the sphmiid p‘a '. If they should return at any Fan: :3 much larger audicnm: Would no doubt greet them. .n. Because oflts ‘51 Try it and join the Sustomers. F0 R SALE ONLY row-ya $038.3th COAL Them i: .3 Reason Phone Orders attended to promptly. Phone 13 'I‘ORON'I‘O, um: Annie Kells, ! John C. Krils. » A. A. Smith. , £1;ng mammmag‘; For 1'01 Custom us of 11m 0111:1110 Bank Dxanch “111 be accunhnudalcd :15 heretoflxc. QUEEN, Why the people would rather have CAPITAL PAID UP : $14,400,000 REST ~ : $11;000,000 UNDIVIDED PROFITS : 159,881 TOTAL ASSETS : $168,001,173 Millbracsk Station Bflillb‘ ~©\MANAGER. 00k Branch 'y dcscriptinn of a Banking Business traxzsactu ixcculm s. Est. 1817. ...... \,\ .uuga u- \_.uu.lua, 211K: m Ll York, Chicago, Spokane, erico1 and Newfoundland. ‘ Superior- Quality. the Throng of Satisï¬ed 222 22â€"2 22:2 22:2 6:32 Now 15 the time to brmgy..m your lharncss‘ running before the spring Hush. We are nging a big dusunum ‘ on a†wmter goods. We have alargc I«tuck of hand-made harness to pick ‘from Rants and shoes of the very best French Kip. Horse Collars made to order. ' 11} LANG, highbrow. TORONTO ...... S'i ONE WELLINGTON, _ ._. _ ,q-v u urinal"! for Nun-ery St: H: on accnunt of the mg)» prim-s Hun growers have realiud on their fruit this season. Our Suï¬-amen are tummg in big bushings 10 us this :eur. Be one of them and cam good wuss through the winter months. 'lerritnry reserved. Pay Weekly. Frm- 8.4an mum, em. Write for particulars. and adjoining: c-umu H' tor a th’ahle Luca] Salesman repreo aerating ('anuda’a Greatest Nurseries in MILLBROOK $3,. 90, At J. STEELE’S. A 20-year V7ATCH, W' can Movement, f0 \ ‘3. L. .“ :g'v ‘1 {U D meri r (tiny mun :ZUEIcr. you s gmnmony. j 13 E((;'\'.’!! STEADY EMPLOYMENT. U" A few ï¬rst. chw wm ï¬nd them is a goo-1 demand L C: E G “THEM %%%‘ much} um m)» m: a Es'cnunc "HRHKCCG. and m Lendon, urmg m your “ e have a large 8‘ .... .¢-.';r~' fur Up- A second hand sq cutter for sale, almost ncw. I utter canbe 9m ascertained from Mr. \Vxlic's {or [hpes and Cigars. ‘ Mrs “ alter Md, 3 '1 a: ter. Muss Hclcu (icnxuz‘ n l'alls. who has been \ mix} the past two tacks in 1 0m lei"; for [ulclr hun1 mmlllg. morning. MES Grout is the wash. Mr. J. B. L. B wk of “name. Rev. Mr. EH30". < preached educauuna the Melhndlst Chun 1 Mr. T. \ " lumicso Pleasant, was :1 Visits "He shall see lus . 53. 10th, was the s :~--4*0n«1 Sermon dcln' Mr 1hompson, of Sabbath In Pl'csin I" l: was listened to u it “an and unusual appxcciation by a. (ungugdieu. The fune a' of (I H agh Graham was day afternoon to d ( cmctcry, Lindsay. The Bus: [531! bee the In casts of 11:2an luv u, an : we expect 0 ganizxtion umclmg future. 50m.- cf our cit Tz: to tin. “mm: of KEN E. Mmhnll an F: am: spent a VCIV pic 'I he lJttlc Britain and our Beavcrs me! me \\ umcsdas e Roman-1.1;: Strugglu acy. I: “as :1 mos: Britain but they um Jr a score of 2 to 1. Mr. John Boui u 0’ hlS .‘auq (ca, 31: la 4 wrek. ("u hl U.d¢t‘ u; > Pastor. We uxndelstand ians ul ()zucn‘ce kuflCitln-‘U Eu 10'1“ Th1“ Piano an is lulu-d .‘u (:1: Ft The E. K'. ‘2‘; . (air meat at It: Tue (mum (no w- aud‘ ab.- ucg 07: Rio mirth pru'ukmg m {elem turns. On Fri 14v t w nz] mu Ros-c," “.5 9'1le audccua: in m: 1 The comprmv IS a |~rc5cnted a “'3ch ance, 11!“ of cxcnin; lunch humor. and of a more .‘xi‘ex‘al su \s'czcthcr \\'J< p nth 21:0 the shod non: ‘ Mr. T. Waiter l czcrbozo. bum: Mrs. va'i<h has {use on dungeon The Rev. Mr. home safciy on 'l‘urontc. Mess:s J. Rcszr Lord :1 bran: cu Pleasant, Sazm‘ im Visnors to Pctc: d w wen: : M $515 8 my and T. [’31 w s we“ when Incu bch of thc‘ cusunbic work un for amateurs an compmucntcd ac the Utchcstra. Tl Were $56.55. The at the: i‘umlc: Schu (has: who showed} nun ofthc plav. 1’1 ancc and m Uth».1 1‘ 3 :0! i: a good 0in I present and they (a: p611;rmamcc:1 their {aughlcr an vein! interest in t c-alormg u! mud: ( The Bclhany Ludcx the auspic School, ptcScntc " 'l‘heaM’itch's 01ers House on iv-g. There was Big Bargams at during February; 54 Ulillsk‘d 4X1 Pupils prepared Terms 3.: leading Canad ccnlfcs. cmvluyc‘ Hugh 6de (‘0!!- ;. supcl'lOf, unnppr Each s‘tudcnt IS ly at his own dcn‘ gmduatcs to the b Thrcc coursesâ€"â€" agraphyand 1‘le Mall Courses. Wntc for pamc PETER nuatxass GEO. 9’01"†25 OMEME abAC scholar