“J. STEELE’S, ,1; you UPâ€"TQ-DATE JEWELRY. NURSE BHUS.’ LIVERYâ€" 3“: will 1w pleased to have a call [to n you when you need a ï¬rst- class hver) outï¬t. lerms n g.ht 0011' t forget the place, Uniong Sh, Mallbrook. W. l’. McBride' 5 old - â€and, W6 Wil} use you right. Tenders will be received up to the 10th March for the bmldmg of a Vault ih the Ontario Bank, Miflbrook. For fimhcr particulars apply to -At Eda, on Feb. 27th, to Mr and :Mrs Jos Staples, 3 daughter. We notice that Mr W W Gillott nis’been remodelling part of his Mock for a residence, and it cert~ ainly makes one or the moat hand- -‘some apartments to be found m its-.wn These sec-ms 10 be every - cum enience connected with it for '1: union and he will no doubt have “mum: applicants. Bear Mr. Gamay an 16!!! larch at [memes opera house Special ServiCcs will be held in St. Thomas’ Cnurch. Mxllbrwk, durmg 11mm: 4.30 p m. on Tuesdays and '1! ;.30 p.017 on 'l‘lmrsdays. Miss Ethel Ycrtue, of M'chigan, is a gu -st of sts Ethel Hunter, Mount Pleasant. "We are phased to report that the operation for arpcndicitis in the case of Miss Bertha L0t R has provw highly successiu). Dr. Turner accompanied his patient to Nichol's Hospital, on Satmday evening, and the operation was performed just in time to avoid serious complications, which undoubt- edly Would have set in Within 24 hours. As we go to prcss we learn the paticnt is getting along well. Mr J, 1. Fair was in Peterboro last week On Municipal business. Rev. D. R. Clare, the popular Pastor of the Selwyn Methodist Church, was the guest of Rev. G. R. Claxe on Tuesday. Brigadier Turner, of Eastern Ontario and Quebec Provinces, and 5-qu Capt. McCamman. of Rterboro. wxll conduct a special mating at Sandv Hook on the LEI" March. A]: ercome. ‘Maj. \Vinblow was in Peterboro yestcldav on business. MISS Etta Beer, ofGarden Hill, 20'. a guest of her cousin, Mrs. T. Luzon. Mr J L Fair. was in Peterboro }:stcrv!av on busmess. Gavan Council meets on Wednesday, March 14th, at 10.30 a.m. Lunch". Mirth writes: "I suffered with «gz'ulnc dxspepsia. tvr nearly seven yearS. up!) this nus-d ac to grow very thin and Luis. u. momma time my blood became poor and l was so nut-mu»- and unstruug that I v .1 null tonne-ml w my daily duties. Bear: in. u» uh; ted and nautred at the least a '. flemcnt. l smut a lot. or money doctor- “: 3nd round no relief. 1mm I wok Dr. "mum's Golden Medical Discovery. It. cer “El-1y i:- a wonderful medicine. It. toned by :4: slum-vb 3nd 1 Mann to have a splendid :zvpcutc: had no truuolc with my digestion. Md I W930 pivk uu_a.;:d L'ct. strong: sqog :av. rirh blood num‘d in my veins. and I am more felt me beauty and joy of life. I L170 now enjoy-d pm'fert health for a year. thanks 3.0 hr. have} Golden Medical Dis- z: . .‘ nntflthm. '0 other modi~ -.- new so power- !y and as perfectly - ‘ the swmach auJ - '-.~.ur owns 01 dI'zostion and nutrition, ; :r. l'....:.:'.~ K. “m .; .Jmiicul Discovery. 3.1:,“ a'nd womvn aï¬licwd with shortness cream. heart. disease. suï¬ocation, diz- z.‘r.--fl. spots before the 051%, "liver mfns,’ um sham: allmcuts have been I’m“! tly .51, i_per_fe_c_tly c\.:cd_by the use 0 “(Jo dan U ~ H... .. e"tly “5:3". U 2122'} mm- M 2: 3:13.410}: ’ï¬amu-ï¬t of the body. I {2 bub this relurm mm: is to be ad in the thais 0! Dr. 1‘. ". Pi Prue: _ hm which or’gi 1121112 in the stomach 51:3 “151. uncured throu. h 1.311: stomach. In .310 forty odd years 01 Dr. Pierce’n v; ,1... 11-11212 as chic! moi? 1 58251511: pln'si- 1 no the Ima- Aftor P1158 have exlsud fox-along thug and passed thrmghrdi‘fl'erem stages, the suffering is inteuae- pain, , aching, throbbing, 1.11 mots torn, ï¬lled to bursting wlth black blood. Symptoms indicating other-‘fbubles mxv appear to‘u. lboronzhh'f Pita-s11! 59.3†Hotel and â€Fr-gist! last! .uta .- :’ufl'alo.\ _ Y., L.- 2: l5 treated more in : u on]! a million 1 . n with a re- c m of ninety-eight. § :rcs In rvery hun- r ‘. .x 1. The theory 9 Au by Dr. Pierce . z: the stomach i~1 :1: chi cl brewing .n'c of disease. is â€lqdanyly borne Ada Lavina Boning. (hrator Natural Hts- ‘cvu‘ Sochgf. of 498 Luvmwe erm-r. West. Lawn". ivh.. writes: "I suffered with Mr. 103 chiuonis m town fod.1y. Issuer of Marriage Licenscs. ,;aariiy tn the much and owner runs of_ (ï¬xation 17 the success 2: 0 treatment. F. J. HOLLADAY, Manager. MILLB R095, TENDERS. BORN P. S.â€"â€"Pcrsons having small lots of l stock, chattels, c., to sell, I will be l plca<ed to put thgm up gt auction any Salaam): I. E. \. Not war, more deadly even than thls modem hatcheryâ€"hut Catarrb whlch leads to consumption and an- nually km: more than famine and war combined. The doctors now success- fully ï¬ght catnrrh with a. remedy that never l'nilaâ€""Catarrhozone," “’5 death to every type of catanh. It destroys every root and branch of the disease so thoroughly that a relapse need never be feared. Il‘ troubled Mth colds, nasalor throat catarrh, or sub ject to bronchitis or asthma. use Ca- tan'hozone and you’ll be cured (ex-ever, The nudersngncd wishes Vto inform those mtcndmg tohavc auction sales that he ml! be pleased to ham; 3 can from than. 'i'i‘rms reasonabic, I, 1’; NEEDHAAT, Ofï¬ca- and Store, Millbrock, 011:. King St. op. Dom. Hotel. I. E. NEEDHAM. AL'CTIONEER. To protect your system against the farther inroads of kidney complaint rely on Dr. Hamilton‘s l‘ills. They give instant relief to the backache, those dragging: seusutlonx, desire too often or too seldom. You’ll feel lnylg. owned and braced, your app-Mile will improve. sleep Will be restful. No medicine on earth “illdo yuumore lasting golld. l’rlea 25c. per box,or ï¬ve boxes fur $100.3! all daalera.or by wall from N U. Pulson 5c 00,. Harllord, Com!†U S.A , 3nd Kingston, Ont. Look Well to Your K!dneys‘â€"Keep Them Healthy and Thus Avoxd lncurable Diabetes and Bright's Disease, If you would avoid Bright‘s Disease take Dr. Hamilton’s Pills at once-mo dslay about their action which is swift and thomugh. In every case commute cure attends jhelr use Read the follownzg symptomsâ€"they tell if your kidneys are sick or wellâ€" whether or no you reqnlre 2L medicine such as Dr. Ilamxituu’a Pills: Cut your clothes made like new bv having {hem dyed by Parker’s Dyc \Vox-Ls, Peterbcro. Harry Richards, Millbrook agent. at Ins store, D. Chamber’s old stand. Your patronage is respectfuiiy solicited. 1 2-11] also agent for the Pcmboro Steam Laundry. H. Richards. "1 am warried," replica the M. D. 1' Old Gotrox, whom I have hem treat- mg for nearly three years, is getting well in Spite of all I can do." " What’s the nmuer.denr:†said the physician’s wife. " You seem worried to-nigm." Try to Escape Bright’s Disease. This is a very strong rerommenda‘ tion. Ami-Pill is undoubtedly the greats“ of fadnuy remedies. All drug- gists, or me Wilson Fsle Cm, L‘xmimd, Niagara Falls. Out 504 "My husband has used Ami-Pm fut rheumatism and was beneï¬tled greatlv, We agree that Anti-Pill is a most wonderful medicine and heartily re- commend It,†“ Fimmy a friend advised me to try Dr. Leanlmrdl’s Anti-Pill, and the re- inlls have been truly wonderful "I have suffered with kid: 03' and liver trou- ble and chronic consti- pation for sometime. Mrs. L. Hunter. I was subject m dizzi- ness. blhous headache, nervousness, dronsineas, pains in the back and side. and a. tired, weary feeling nearly al‘ the time. " I med almost every remedy, was treated by doctors and druggiets with little or no beneï¬t. Hemdloid is to be had for 51,00 at. the drug store. or from the Wilson- Fylo Company, Limuuj. .NiagaraFalls. Out, 3 Says she and her Husband Agree Perfectly. Both Quite Well Again. fame. :' It will cure the most thubbotm$ce in existence and a banned guarantee to that effect goes with each package. Time is when Dr. Leonhardt’s Hem- Rohl, the only absotnte Pile cure br. mg: the results that has made 1.- fame. . , 73‘; Symptoms indicating olhez-‘ffoubles mav appear to‘u. thoroughly‘ PHe-suk' person. ‘ A good Cheneau mare colt for 5.118. Particulars at this ofï¬ce. MRS. HUNTERS STDRY. Thumb-Fiend of the Age. Cheneau Colt For Sale. THE W Mrs. L. Hunter. of m Raglan R o a d , Kingston, Ont., h as written for publication 1: statement of her case as follows: " I droppxd all lintments but Hex-vi- line because I found Nerviline the quickest to relieve pain." writes E. S_ BeutonofSt.Johu'a. If my childaeu croupv or sick, Nerviline cures them. [fa case of (-rumpe ur stomach ache turns up, Nerviline is ever ready. We use Nervlline for neuralgia, rheuma- tism and all kinds of aches and pains; it's as good us any doctor." The great Canadian remedy for the past ï¬fty years has been Poison's Nerviliue~ nothing better made. A series of articles on Arts and Crafts industries is begun in the March NEW [mu \VnMAx’e Mmzlzrsz with an ac- oonnt of the making ofJewelry and de- signing in metal, in which work it ap- pears manv Women are new not only engaged hut successful. Some charm- ing pieces are shown as the work of Miss Jane (‘uraon of Cleveland and others, including hroochee, watch fol». lumps. jewel lnoxee. tongs. eta. The writer; Miss Della Austrian, is very Optimistic concernihg the outlook for Women in this craft. There are other wmnen, she says, in the East and Was: who are doing artistic work in metals and in the fashioning ofjewelry. They are one in the opinion that this work gives delight and worthy remuneration to such as possess talent and persever- Ance. They 8.1" that there was a time m an a. strong prejudice was felt against woman craft-Women, and that Americans preferred to huy their jew- elry in Paris instead of patrcnizing the artlsts of their own country. but that is no longer the cane. American women wantrartietic and able work, and be cause these Workers possess the talent and perseverance needed, they have won recognition and are enjoying the fruits of their efforts. Lacking in courageâ€"out, ofjoint with everythlngâ€"~-amrcely on Speaking terms will; even fat: health, Such low s‘pfrilé are piliuble. Your brain is {9.2. gedwltulity so exhausted your can- stitution is well nigh ruined. What you need in Ferrozoue. that great vital- lzer and‘nntritlve tonic. It’s by hub in: flash and hlnod., by infusxng iron and oxygen into the system that Fer- rcznne helps; it repairs weak spots. new life into warn-out orzanswmnkas you feel llke new, Ferrozone lifts age from the old and imparts reliance and buoyancy to the depressed. Be manly ruddy-en] re«‘,-â€"-cast Iside weakness. and enter the happy llfe that comes from using Ferrozone. ï¬fty cents buys a box in any drug store. Mr Strain, although taken by sur- prise, responded in feeling terms, and said he would always remember his pleasant associations with the Mill‘ brook Land. Gen. A. Duncan, Leader; Chm-lea Thorndyke,Sec.' H. Dunsford, 'i‘reas.: Geo. McKim,Geo. E, Burnham, W. H_ Coombo. J. Bynm, J. Isblster, N. Duns- !ord. Fred. Dum-an. W. Donncfly, Geo. Sanderson. Citizens’ Band Committee.â€"A. Smith, Chas. Needler, Dr. Turner. Please accept this suit case. We ï¬rm“ that it will not only prove useful but will amuse pleasant. recollections nl'thedays spent with the Mlllbmok Band. We nnltedly and hem-lily wish you every happiness and every pros- perity ln your new home. Dear Comrade, We. your brother members of the Milibrook Citizens Band. having learned of your intention to remove from our Town to the great. and rapidly growing West, desire to expreae to you our very great regret at the separation. You have been almost a lifelong member, and both In Its anPDeritv and its days of adversity have ever taken a deep and abiding interest In the welfare of the Band and indeed have greatly assisted in bringing 3H0 its present state of efï¬ ciency. Your departure will create a; void difï¬cult to ï¬ll, not only in regard to the Instrument on which you have performed so often an.l so well, but also in the hearts of those, who will greatly miss your assistance and cheery companionship. Mr. Stram Presented with a Handsome Suit Case. On Tuesday evening the members of the (Iitlzens’ Band mm in their hall to bid adieu to one of their Iellowa, In the person of Wm Strum, Esq They gave him a handsome» present and a copy of the foilowmg address : To Wimam Strain, Esq.. Mimwook. The Citizens’ Bani! Loses Una Mare Prtmmem Member. m. J.C.A ‘ I 3.. mi yerfs ~Nervous .7 TM: is the ï¬rst question your doctor would ask: “At. your buwah taxman?†He know: that dzuly action of the bmveln is absolutely anemia! to recon". Kee ynur lint acuve and ynur bowels reguur y tasking laxative dose: 01 Ayn": run. Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take itâ€"Aycr’s Sarsa- parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Physically Exhausted. Pele; Thin, Dropped All Others: WOMEN IN METAL WORK. We hzvo no secrets! We pubum we fornuias of all our modicinel. m. .T.c.A or Go. Lowe Mun. 1. no magician-'0" otu'. HAIR VIGCR. AGUE CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. And at the hour, day and places therein ï¬xed for taking the votes ofthc cicctors the pulls will be held. J. A. 1’0 R'I‘E R. 'I‘uke notice that the above is a true copy of a proposed By-].aw which has been taken Into consideration by the Mummpal Council 9f the Township of South Monaghan, and which mil be ï¬nally passed by the said Council m the event of the assent of the electors being ohtamed thereto. after one month from the publicatxon thereof in the Millbrook Mirror. the date of which public-Anon was Thursday, the ï¬rst day of March, 3906. 1V. That the Cleric of the said Mummpal Councxl of the: 'l‘ownship of South Monughan shall attend at his ofï¬ce at the hour of six o’clom< m the: afternoon. on the 26th day of March, AJ). 1906, to sum up the number of votes givcft for and against this By-law. V. This By-Law shalt come mto operation, and he of full force and cï¬'cct, on and after the ï¬rst day of May next, after the: ï¬nal passing thereof. 111 That on tl;e 24th day of March AJ). 1906, at his ofï¬ce in the 'l‘oww shipinf South Munaghan at the hour of eight 0 ’clmtk in the forcnoon the Reeve shall appoint 1n w1it1ng.s signed by hnnsclt, two persons to attend5 the llnal summing up of the votes by the Clerk, and one person to attend at each polling place on behalf of the pc‘rsons ll‘tlcl‘cntcd in and dcsn‘ous of pmmotmg the passmg ol this B) l a“ and a liI-Zc 1'i'u111hcr on behalf ol the persons intcrcstcd in and (185 '11'ous of opposing the passing of tlns By- Law. Councnl Chamber; ,(Jcntvrcvilie, Feb. 26, 1906. LS. Reeve. II. That the mm of the electors of the said Township of Sou h Monaghan “in be taken on the By-Law by the deputy returning ofï¬Cers hereinafter named, on Monday, the 26th day of March, one thousand nine hundred and six, commencing at nine o’clock in the morning and continuing till ï¬ve o’clock in the afternoon at the under- mentmned places. _ Polling Qub-dxvision Number One, Council Chamber, Ccntrcville, Joseph l.apg,___l)c-puty Returmng Ofï¬cer. Polling‘ sub-divinon 'Number Two, Sunday School Hall, Bensfnrt, Wilbert W995], Deputy Returning Ofï¬cm. I. That the sale by retail of spirit- nous, fermented, or other manufactured liquors is and shall be prohtbitcd in every 'l‘avem, Inn, or other place of pubhc entertainment in the saxd Mun- lCilellly, and the salc thereof, exec-pt by wholesale, IS and shall be prolnbit cd m every shop or place in the said Mumcipahty other than a house of public cntcrtammcnt. The Municipal Councxl of the Town- ship of South Monaghan hereby enacts as follows : To Prohibit the Sale of Liquor 111 the Township of South Monaghan. Keep on me lookout for the date 0! the church concert under the able leadership of Mr Pym; preparationsvnre bemg made to make this worthy of the church and choir. Hear Mr. Gamey at Omemee next week. LOCAL OPTION For South Monaghan. A BYâ€"LAW Aher congratulations were extended to we young couple. the guests an] pro- ceeded to the dining room, where I sumptuous wedding dejeuner wnsserv- ed‘ the table and house being tastefully decorated thh byuciutha.: primroaoa and carnations. {or the occasion. The beautiful wedding cake was a present from the bride’s uncle at Lake- ï¬eld. The presents were both numeb one and‘costly, showing the high el- teem In which the you‘ng couple are held by their many friends. 'lhe groom’s present to the bride was a handsome seal coat with sable trim- wings. The evening was spent in social in- tercourse and games. Mr. and Mrs. Moiae have taken up their residence In Port Hope on Bramley Itreet. The members of the Canada Railway News COmpsluy, Toronto, of which Mr. Molae is an employee, presented Mm With an elegant and costly sliver tea service, accompanied by an appmpri- ate address. wishuxg Mr. and Mrs. Moise many years 0! wedded bhsa. Rev. J. 3L “lxitehw, BD , of Ome- mea, read a paper on Church Life and Work which displayed great care in preparation and acleat statement of this important branch of Church work Mr. Molsa ls well and favorably known in Millbrmm, and his host of friends here will joln the Mirror in ex- tending hearty congratulations to him and his estimable bride. A very pleasing event took place at the resillé‘rfce of Mrs. H. McElrov, Port “099. on Wednesday, Feb. 14. when her only daughter, Mus Ida J., was united in marriage to Mr. Charles H. Moise, of Toronto. The Rev. H. E. Abraham, of the First Presbyterian: church, ofï¬ciated. Rev. Wm. Johnston went down to Cubonrg on Monday to attend a. meet- Ing of Presbytery on Monday evening and Tuesday ; there was a large and enthusiastic audience present on Mon- dnv evening to listen io Dr. J. M Mll- ligan's address; we pastor of Old St. Andrew’s church, Toronto, in one ofthe ablest preachers in the Presbyterian church In Canada. ‘ MOISEâ€"McELROY. NOTICE. mm c?- 'g‘ownshz!) Ogrk. vagina? . ,MLJJWX..?14L .. ,9 A, 24393.1... «sail/4.. 3.... Your patronage is most respectfully sdigited. will be carried on more extensively than ever. No raise in prices. Has purchased the Good-Will and business of Mr. Wllliam Fisher, blacksmith, and will do all blacksmithing Work on the West side of the street, while on the East side of the street his Briefbnl interesting speeches “ere deli) ered by Bro Garnet: of Port Hope and Bros Rev. “ m Johnstun, A A Smith, W 8 Pickup, W S Given, T W Donaldson, J McRoberts, N 31:36“! and D Hampton Bro Strum is proud of the honor con- ferred upon him and well he might be. ‘1 he Past Gruud's Jewel is a beauty. The Inscription thereon being richly engraved: 'Friendship. Love and 'l'ruth,’ and ' Presented to Wm.Strnin, RU , by D. Milligan, ,MILLBROOK, Bro Strain was unequal to the task of responding, and Bro (Rev) Wm. John- Iton kindly did so {or bun in an able manner Millbrmk Lodge -No. 308 [.0 0.1“., March 1906. 011 Tuesday evening the regular meet' ing of Miilbrook Lodge, No 308, 1.0.0.? was held. After initiation. and the rimman- working'of the Lodge was at. {tended to, about sixty sat down to an royster supper, which was par exceli' once, which goes without saying as Bro. J N illcke was the caterer. Some' one said “ if Bro [licks just looked into the eye of an oyster it was as good as cooked." After supper, Past Grand W 8 Pickup took the chair, the guest of the evening Bro W Strain sat at the right of the chairman. Brother Pickup delivered an extexnpnre ud- dresa on behalf of the Lodge, in which he spoke of the great interest Bro Strain had taken in the Lodge since he became a member and he was sure all regretted that he was ieuving'i‘own, but expressed the wish that in the great west he would meet with success He stated that the MlllLrunk Lodge could not let him go away it ithout in some email degree eXpress their up. preciation 0! his valuable services. having held many important utï¬ces_ At this stage, Noble Grand Broil (3 Duneford, came forward and pinned the Past Graud's Jewell on 1er Strnlu'e lapel, and Bro Pickup on behalf of the Lodge said he hoped Bro Strain would ‘ prize it. not for its intrinsic value but 1 for the spirit in which it is given. ‘ Report of Fourth Book Classes_ Public School, Millbrook. ‘ 6 Exams. The following are those promoted on the recommendation ol the Inspec- tor (0 Sr. IV early m the term. The ï¬ttcst of" the-ac may be allowed X0 mine on the Entrance Exam. : ll Needlcr ....... . . . . . 61 per cent W Kennedy .......... 6o “ M Rapcr ............. 69 " H Armstrong ......... 59 “ M Christo ............ 55 “ M Bruce ............. 54 “ N Hunter ............ 47 “ W McKlm ............ 3 3 “ L 'l‘hexton 78 per cent on 4 out of G Exams. Uddfallnws Hum 21 Brotiar. CARRIAGE WORKS Any pupil in the above lusts who falls below 60 per cent on the total and 40 per cent in any one subject is not doing his best worK. 'l'hnnks are due to many parents for their co operation past month. The Sr. IV. shows splendid abmty and the pupils mentioned in the above lists could almost Without exceptiou, make at lenst 70 per cent on the total by showing more devotion to their work, both at school and at home. JUNIOR FOURTH. 0 Kennedy .......... 54 per cent ll l‘ootit ............. 48 C FranCcy ............ 44 C Clarkc... ...... ....41 M McKim ............ 3; C Nattrass. . . . . . ..29 C (‘hue ............... 25 'l he follomng misScd some ] Hassmd ............ 57 R Donnelly .53 C MCBIidc ........... 38 \‘v Aimstrong ......... 33 l- u h H H Exams. H H IS C‘ As can be seen from the above this class is still below the standard. Pa r- ents (2.th greatly assist in bringing up the standard of this class by sending the pupils more regularly and punctu- ally and by seeing that they dcvotc themselves more (in some cases) to their lessons. E. Soothcran .......... 85 per cent H Hubbard .......... 84 “ H Handlcy .......... 79 “ L Clalke ............ 79 “ J Needler ............ 79 “ R Fair ............... 76 “ B Fitzgerald .......... 74 “ S Pctlnck ............. 69 “ A Orr ................ 68 “ M McIvor ............ 66 “ W Clarke ............ 56 “ R Edmunds .' ......... 55 “ E Crockcr. 60 per cent an 5 out of SENIOR FOURTH. C. O. I’HERRIL]., 'l‘cachcr. .ucn.....-: ......... 54 per cent ......... 48 “ ......... 44 " ..... ....4x “ ......... 3g : ..:::::::;‘g’ u lllia‘b‘cd some Exams. ...... 59 ...... 55 2 ...... 54 ...... 47 “ ...... 33 “ cent on 4 out of G 57 †53 :‘ 33 ‘i 33 the above this 61 per cent 60 h 60 N Of the m the by dealing at this store. AND OUR GOODS ARE ALWAYS FRESH. We have a First-Class Cream Soda Fountain which will be sold At a Bargain. One‘ Door East of Mr. J. Steele’s Jewelry Store. Special Line of Boy’s School Shoes, Trunks, Valises, School Bags, 820.; also harness supplies. Men’s Boots for $1.25 up. This is the place YOU CAN SAVE $$$ The public is warned against buying gates that infringe against Frost patent, as purchasiers as we?! as users are laying themselves liable. For 5:: ARTHUR GRAHAM - Flééfwood 9% {an 9 .0 N0 M EC 2 «an a H my nu E. van Fisï¬ler, MILLEROOKï¬ : : 0N TARIC. Veterinary Surgeon to His Majesty's I41!) I“ Millbrook Branch. 923% ’2?“ >35 Every facility afforded Farmers for their Bankizw Business.‘ Sale notes cashed or taken for collection. Deposits of $1 00 and upwards I‘CCtiYCd and interest allowed at current rates. Interest udu ‘ed to ,principal tmce a year. Ofï¬ce on King St, ï¬rst dom \\ cst Collins Bank. P. S.â€"â€" Calls by Telephone promptly attended to SAVINGS BAN K DE PA RT MEN T. . B NEOORE, Farmers’ Banking. Special Sale Note Forms FREE on avï¬ication. H Q‘éégfl'ï¬g-é gï¬gg‘é‘ééï¬f Estabï¬tked 1857. Opp. Town. Hall, I". J. HGLLADAY, purchased at this store. BUE’ . Head (flea, Turcnm. of Frost Pence use combined in the Gates A special (calm: is the frame of continuous steel tubing. This is vastly stronger than a frame with elbow cor- ...m A “J FROST STEEL GATES v... v' u." . and __mal}eable strong features Lu gin '9 LOSTâ€"Between (E. T. R. Station and Mnjohn Smith's. ()mcmcc, on or about Monday, Feb. Izth, a large size Coon Skin Milt. Finder win he suitably rewarded 1w lmvmg it at 'l'. A. Macphcrson S: Co‘s Bli SURE YOU HEAR MR. GAME", FRIDAY NEXT WEEK Messrs. Nugcnt and You: u-yrc ap- pomted ascessors for thc Township oï¬ Emily at the iast session of Council. Messrs} '1‘ Benny, Reeve, and T. C. Ivory, chairman of Omcmrc Board of. Education. were ddcgatcs to 'l'umn- to, along with others- to wax: on lh Minister of Education rc. having a Norma! School inaugurated at Luzdsay. Mr A S Rea, Proprietor of The (313" Livery, Cambridge st , Lindsay, wa< J visitor to Ouremec on 'l‘ursday. He rcpons busuwss good. ELOOK OUT for the even: d the scam»: '. The Ladies of {lac l‘mm1 of Management of the Gamma l‘u'ulh Library intend holding a grand cmc‘ minmcm on Eastcr Monday. The cl‘. teminmcm will be Ufa unzque charac w, and elabormc costumes will Le : featurcof the evening. Sc: bills later Mrs] lilc-xom and children have game to Beamsx [lie for a few L133 5 Miss Grace Corneil has lent visxtmg her {rien is at Lindsav. The Rev. W. MCI). Mackay of P1 erboro conducted my imsrcsung Si was in the Prcabytcrian church I: Sabbath. The I’asu:r will prca‘ next Sabbath on the subjcc: uf Rccc nition In Heaven or “Shafl Vic kn: ach other there " Farm Stock anJ Implementsâ€"â€" the property of Messrs. Stephen son Bros. Omemce, \\ :11 be offered for sale at their farm. Lot No. 5. land of South Monaghan, broth! Dr. McClelland (if hicrboro. l': the hymenial alter Letitia Ann M tim of Emily. The handful mar. ceremony amngcd aï¬cr Dr. H( was performed by the Hm: I \"hitclaw, B.l).. of Omcmcc. Alt' bountiful Wedding suppcl‘. Scn'cdl the most dainty style, the 1:31 couple amid showers. of rice, of slim and of joyous feixcimtxons 3ch by evening train (or Pctcthoro. 'i'i will trade in the groom: beau: home in Somh Monaghan. The: br will be much missed her: as she ‘ Vcty popular. espcczaily m Presbytcr circles. We jcin in congratulations Con. 4g Emily, near the G. '1‘. R. Station. on Thursday. March 15. 1906, commencing: 2. ONE p. m Sale posnively without reserve as Messrs. ‘zephcnson Ems have said their (arm. This sale inchxdes 51X good homes and SIX Nil-LN head of ï¬rst-class caxtie. Scc bills. 1. H. GARDIXER, Auc- Of course you want m hear Gama-y. 'l he opportunity wiil b: gi you at Omcmce on March 16th. t ioneer. Hear the Man from Mani :01: 3' riday evening of me :{1 wet}: i;l Opera House, Omcmcc \h. ("' a l East \ Ictoria s popui :xr Mex mu also be prcswz. [.1 Jo, uili 315‘ an excellent program n5 mcai 11:: strumcmal muqc. A very pretty l’nr-e celebrated in Iimi! \ on ' 28th Feb., 1906,31 Lip. Joscph Windri'" , hue: Reeve Realty and Alderman I went to Toronto last week to in: some of the 1655M “gins (f the ( to endeavor to lmrsundc 11 2c ( people 10 (ï¬nd! 0: ucmcc with new line of rail. Mr. J. H. (‘arrcgiq membrr Ontario lxgxslmurc {or this rk am: of ins working members. i member of thrcr impcmzzz tees of the Home, vizwrkh‘ Luv. Pubhc Accounts and Raf 3:01.141. Doorsopz-n at p m ( 23:. ' taken â€8 [M1]. .\dxni.~sz<m 2; T. C. IVORY, Presidczm j “.1 C. 51 LPHE\SO.\ SK I. H C.i;M{Nl(lIi,l:;..l .\l.§ others; also\ou11 and Jam: Nusic. \ ’il! dclwu a ï¬xture in 3313 House, Omcmcc, fur the hunt!“ Public Library, on Friln) Ma; :96; Suhjcc â€"~New ()nLd’Xu (he !c(1urc, [ht-re: mil 1»: whim The Mirr . R. GAZriEY, CREDIT SALE. e and bear the Man {:1 04°50 Wednesda home of Wm. M r