Conipa'ny, wai MW». Suck: 03‘s ( hoice Wines and Liquors at the ï¬ght price. ’l’hone orderS' promptly attended to. A. LEACH. Millbrook If you want to see and understand eclipses of the moon or the movements ~of the comets come to the Town Hall 3n Mxllbrook, on 'l’ucsday evemng 'next. March 26. Mr. F. R. Howalth left on Monday for Toronto to take a position in the Branch of the Bank of Montreal. While regret- ~ting Mr. Howanh’s departure, we jotn in weICOmmg Ins successor -Mr. Mahee, as Manager of the Millbrook Branch, and as a citiZen to this town. Mr. R. W. Clarke was in Lindsay last wcck. There wil} be Qpccmfly Interesting Euzcr Semen- m the Mcthudist rhun-h on Sunday, March 3:, morn- : -g. afternoon and evening. Fuxthcr 7 mcuhrs uill be gchn next week. 'tcr. Mrs. James Porter, ;'_ m Cavan and Mill Dr. Fred Mtlllxgan IS in town 05);: visit. The many friends rf Mr. and Mrs W. Eak'ms will regret f0 lcam thnt their youngest child is very ill wrth pm umonia, but Wc are pleased to learn that the little fellow 15 improvmg. I will be-able to supply my custom- ers with good Feed, Corn and Chop at reasonable priCcs. I expect Car in an once. Get my prices on Flour. Prices have been lowered lately. Mr. W. A. Buchanan of Lethbridgc, has been appointed Provincial berar- an by the Alberta Legislature. Con- gratulati'ms to another " Mllllwook old boy†whose ability has been so funnglv acxnowledgcd. Mr. W. H. C( ombe is havmg his store bnghtencd up With a fresh coat ofpunt. Mr. H’y Richards has the contract. The Corner Store :5 bound .40 kccp upâ€"to date. 'In the Town Hall on March 26 you ‘ xvi“ be vnvil ged to See a mountain on' the moon'fe~t high, a crater of a volcano 3700 feet deep, and scores i of milesin width. 1 Mr. G. E. Burnham has purchased a handsome new Set of counter scales, and has also added a plate-glass show case to hxs store ï¬xtures. Calling and Business Cards printed at reasonable rates at th: Mirror Ofï¬ce. Mr. H. Mulligan who has been scri- ouxly ill for some: days is now able: to 1:: out again. ""' r N ail when decorated with one of these extra ï¬ne sets of harness will indeed attract attention. Mr. Lang is to be congratulated. The Executor‘s sale of furni. ture. c.. held on the premiScs of the late G. F. Elliott, on Satur- «lav was a success. Mr. I. E. Nee: ham was auctioneer, and g o ’d prices were secured. Mr. Jeff dedxs of Umcmee, was m town (0-day. MrArchi: Re} nolds \\ as presen- ted with a handsome (oonskin coat and a eulogis: xc address, on Monday evening last, when a number of hlS friends gathered to do him honor. previous to his Mr. T. J. Lang has secured the comract for supplying harness for the horseslo be used m connec- non with the Home for the Aged at Cobouvg. That handsome Vam pnrch 'sed by Warden Mc- :- departure to Pcterlnor‘o. Mrs. lx'eynohlc Was also remembered by her friends who made her the recipient of a beautiful set of China. j THE BANK OF TORONM Millhmuk News. GEO. NEEDLER. l MKS. J. Grifï¬n, of ()‘roton, Dakota, 3 ' was a guest at the home of Mr. R. W. Clarke, the past week. Mr. Grifï¬n 5, t was at Norwood last Week attending n ; the funeral obscqutes of his father. 1-! Mr. Clarke received Ins ï¬rst know- ‘lcdge of the I)ry:Goods business in Mr.erthn's store at Norwood. and “Nth-u; hnvc always hem close friends ‘isiTic‘c\tbat time. MI: Grifï¬n 1ch on v I Tues-(13.); evenmg for Dakota. :I‘ Tlns,is an opportunity seldom off cred. of seeing the: motions of the earth and Its relation to the various other planets, March 26, 'l‘own Hall, Mlllbrook, Refreshments will be served during the evening. All members are request ed to astcnd. It Will likely be Bro. Walkers" lmt cvwmg with us for some time: at least. This makes over forty new members mstde of threc months. Mr. Walker, Organizer, dersz-rves great crcdir upon such a good showing. There Will be a specml meeting next Monday evening, when a socmble tune is expected. The Home Circle held a special muting la~t 'l'uc sday evemng, and in. xtiatel seventeen more candidates. The steadily increasing Dry Goods business of Mesrs. W. H. Byam 8: Son, Millbrook Station. has made it necessary for them to increase their floor space. The Post Ofï¬ce has been moved back, which gives nearly double the SpaCe In fro )t to show their exal- lent stock of Dry (loon. which will be as well assorted as any in the trade, and the values will also compare fav- orably, and In many lines superior. While paying more attention to Dry Goods than heretofore, their ()rOCery Depaztment “'11! not be neglected in the least. and they guarantee to please their numerous custOmcrs wtth fresh and cliou'e family prmisrons at prICes to meet all competition. Make Byam’s your headquarters for Dry goods, gro- ceries, c., and you Will be amply re- paid. Mr. L. Fred Clarrv and son, Master Trevor, of Hastings, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. 5. Gary, yesterday. Mr. Clarry was down to Cobourg on a professional visit on Tuesday. Wherever Dr. Marsh has appeared he has dchghted his auditors and sent them away ï¬lled with apprecxation at the sights seen and the wonders beheld At Charlotte street church, l’ctcrburo. recently many wcre unable to gum ad- mittance. Town Hall, Millbroolt, March 26th. Rev. E. A. Langfcldt, 8.0., of Peterboro. preached inSt Thomas church, on Wednesdav pm. to an appreciatxve congregatlon. Messrs. T. (I. H. Bent of Ida and 'l‘ H H. McQuade, of Ome- mee gave the Mirror 3 call yester- day. Mr. Hairy Reynolds. of Beth- any, was in town last week. Come and [cam something about thc "Una Minor" also ‘hc giant “Orion†this latter is considered the: ï¬nest constellation in the heavens. March 26th, Town Hall, Mxllbrook. County Master F. \V. Reynolds 0! Bethany and Mr. T. B. Collins, P. G. M , of O. E., attended the Grand Orange Lodge at Brock- ville this vxeek. ‘ The machinery for work on the Long' Swamp Drain has been plzu ed for acvlion. and operations will commence as soon as the weather permits. There will be special music in St. Thomas' church on Easter Sunday, and a Service of Praise after the evening sat-vice. Fur- ther particulars next week. Latest! m weddmg cake boxes at the Mirror Ofï¬ce, Millbrqok. Subscribe for }e Mirror; wâ€"varagw ever shown. Iam prepared to attend to orders for paper hang-J ing, painting, } kalsomining,c f H. RICHARDS. gizfgizzeé They are by far the best I have Call and See my New Samples of If you have bitter. nasty, foul taste in your mouth, coated tongue, foul breath. :are weak and easily tired, fee] depressed and dospondent, have f requenthoudaches. . dizzy attacks, gnawing or distrew in stom- lch, constipatvd or irrogular bowels. sour or bitter risings after eating and poor appetite, these symptoms, or any consider- able number of thom. indicate that you are Suffering from biliousm-ss, torpid or lazy 1ivet'wéth the usual accompanying indi- gestion. or d yspepsia and their attendant deggnggeme’nts. 77 > ‘ v Refuse point bl wk to accept a sub- I‘itute, and Insist. on yourdruggiat sup- plying “Fermzonef’ price 50¢ per box at. all dealers. The monthly meetlng of the Wom- an’s Institute will be held next Wedâ€" nesday afternoon in the Council Cham- ber, wnen all members are requested to be present. Ferrvzone quickly corrects urinal disorders, headache. and pain in the back It lmpruves the abpetlte. digests the food, makes it nourish the nerves. makes them strong and endurlng, and (its 0 , for lots of hard work. Don. be misled by cheap, so-called kidney cures offered by dealers for the sake of exna mums. Therein only one safe and reliable ant-cine for Kid. ney. Bladder, Liver and urinal troubles and its name is Ferruzone. Mrs. W. H. Mitchell returned to l’ctcrboro Saturday, after :1 pheasant visit thh her sxstcr, Mrs. Jas. Portes, 4th ï¬ne, last week. Is very careful about her churn. She scalds it thoroughly after using, and gives it a. sun bath to sweeten it. She knows that it her churn is sour it will taint the butter that is made in it. The stomach is ; churn. In the stomach and digestive 3nd nutritive tracts are performed pro- cesses which are almost exactly like the churning of butter. Is it not apparent then that if this stomach-churn is foul it makes foul ail which is put into it? Ifany of your family have been troubled with kidney disease make a test 9! the urine and satisfy yourself whether you need a good remedy be- fore the :haeave has caused serious complicatlons. Fern-zone is especiallv intended for : the immediate relief and cure of kld‘ no" and bladder trnnbms and its health: giving properties \\ m be lelt at once in 3 new blond, healthy clrculaliun and“ general strengthening of the system. When you want to gut a labor-saving churn, call and s‘cc ]. McBrIdc’s stock; opposntc Town Hall. Millbrook.â€"2 Mr. and Mrs. John Wctherup and two of the"; children, visited friends in Millbruok and Port Hope last week. FOR SALEâ€"1 Wood and Coal Rangv, nearly new, large size. 1 Ba: Room Suite, nearly new. Apply at this ofï¬ce To-mon-ow morning put St mu urine in uglass or bottle and lot it stand {or twenty-four hours. If It shows particles or germs fluating about, is milky or cloudy, or contains a reddish sediment, then your kidneys are diseased. Mr. and Mrs. R. Storey. of Barlic- boro wcrc vxsitors to Mxllbrook last week. The evil of a. foul stomach is not alone the bad taste in the mouth and'the foul breath caused by it. but the corruption of the pure current of blood and the dissema ination of disease throughout the body. Dr. Pierce 3 Golden Medical Discovery makes the sour and foul stomach sweet. 1!. does for the stomach w hat the \\ ashing and sun bath do for thechurnâ€"absoluteiy remm es every tuintiu'r or corrupting ele- ment. In this way it cures blotches, pimples, eruptions. scrofulous swellings. sores. or open eating ulcers and all humors or diseqscs arising from had blood. HOW TO TEST YOUR KIDNEYS. Commence at once to take Ferrozrme to arrest these unnatural mnditinns. r at. this is absolutelyâ€"true will be readily proven to your satisfaction if you will but mail a postal card 1' nest to Dr. R. V. Pierce. Bufl'aio. N. Y., or a. {no copy of his booklet of extracts from he standard medical authorities, giving the names of all the ingredients entering into his world-famed medicines and show- ing what the most eminent medical men of the age say of them. at the British American Business College. Toronto, the oldest and 1 best business school in Canada, ‘ ? begins on April and. Our Cata~ 3 I 10ch explains our superior work. 1Write for it. '1‘. M. Watson, Principal. Wall Papers Easter Term The Farmer’s Wife WOM A N’S INSTITUTE. W a†One Door Easï¬ of Mr. J. Steele’s ' ' ? Jewelry Store. I} School Boots. What’s the use of buying a pair of Boots that may wear three or four months (if care is given them), for that growing boy of yours, when you can get a pair at LANG’S that will last him till he outgrows thcm, at about the same price. Call and sec. We have also a Special Line of French Kips made to order. Also a full line ofxlmrncss, “hips, trunks, valiscs, c. Repairing of Harness. Boots Shoes promptly attended to. We are not talking of scrapping, but just wish to remind the public that we have as ï¬nc a stock 0f Men’s Boots and 811065 as can be found anywhere. There is no buttcr time than the present to secure something neat, stylish and durable We have also a good line of Boy’s An event of more than passing interest took place at the resi- dence of Mr. Robert Gibson, of Carmel, when their Second daugh- ter, Kathleen May. Was united in marriage tq' Frederick, James Challice, second son of Mr. John Challice ofCavan, on W'cdnesdav afternoon, the 20th. MISS Mabel Hammil, the organist of the Presbyterian church, Garden Hill, presided at the piano; as the sweet strains of the wedding march floated through the spaei- ous home, the bride entered the drawing room leaning on the arm of her tathcr; the groom was sup- ported by his brother, Mr. \Vm. Challice, and the bride by Miss Lilian Gibson. We Can Boot the »‘ Best of Them. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. W'm Johnston. Mill- brook, after which the mam- rela tions and friends came forward and wished the happy young couple much joy and prosperitv through the journey of‘life. The many beautiful and costly preS- ents showed the esteem in which the bride and groom are held. After the signing ofthe register, All sat down to a sumptuous din- ner. We understand Mr. and Mrs. Challice are goingto live in Cavan. The Mirror ioins in best wishes to this popular young couple. '1‘ , where they intend to reside in future. We join with their m'mv friends in Millbrook and Cavan in wishing them success. They took four sets of Mr. T. l. Lang's superlor harness wifh them. Messrs Clara and Chas. Moore {Sit tq-duy for Moose Iaw, N.W. 6E EESESESEEESE'ESPSdSE'JESESESESPRSF-SWR': FQr only $1. 50 E Easesâ€"mm J. xv. Fisher. V. 8., g3 rm 5‘ I/IILLBROOK, : : ONTARIO Veterinary Surgeon to His Majesty's 14th I". WEDDING BELLS. THE MILLBROOK OMEMEE MIRROR THIS (IOMBINA'I‘ION GIVES YOU The World’s News The Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire SATURDAY NIGHT is clean, sound, wholesome and clever. Its views on men and affairs of the day are an education to intelligent men and women. Always bright and crisp but never Sensationalâ€"- it is the ideal paper for the business man, his home and his family. THE MIRROR is recognized as the best paper in the District. REMEMBERâ€"Both papers for $2.25 for a year or $1.25 for 6 mos. flash must accompany the order. This offer is good For renewal as WC†as new subscribers. Write or .call at the Mirror Ofï¬ce TO DAY. Special Offer NEVER-WEAR-OUT T. J. LANG, The Picture Alone is “'0th the Price Asked for All. Send all orders to the MIRROR OFFICE, MILLBROOK. can secure both papers for $2 25 a year or $1.25 for six months. We will send to any address in Canada. U. S. or Great Britain, for one year, Ofï¬ce on King St., ï¬rst door West Collins' Bank. including a copy of their beautiful picture, “ GRACE," and P. S.â€"â€"Calls by Telephone promptiy attended to. TORONTO SATURDAY NIGHT We have just completed a deal with that clcvvrcst of all Canadian weekly papers THE MIRR OR Special Offer whcrcby all readers of the =31: DIED In South Monaghan, on Thursday, March 2'1 st, 1907, Nathaniel Hickman aged 75 years. Funcml at 2.30 On iFriday from the home uf David McIlmoyle, Lot 3. Con. 6, and interment at Baptist Cem- ctcny, Frascrnllc. Scrvxcc at the house at: o ( lock l)r. Snclgrove was recently appmut cd Examlmng Surgeon for the Dnmm Ion Accident anJ Guarantee Com pany, of Toronto, for Mxllbrook and vicmity. McBride can supply you with the best in Pianos 0. galls. Sewmg Ml. chines, (\w‘. ., at pnccs that defy compc mion. -2 Subscribe for the Mirror. Ono fre‘uent came of bad Mood II t dumb liver. Th 3 p1 odum coxmlpauon. Pouonou mbntmco: me then nblorbod Into the blood. Keep the bowuls open '7th Ayer’u Pub. Special Offer Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, Ior flood blood is good health; bad blood, bad health. And You know precisely what to take for bad bloodâ€"Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. Does Your H eart Beat We hive no locum We â€bush tho (ox-mu!†of All our mediums. m .7. O. 00.. Damn. XIII- .Xflo £33m":- of qer’s HAIR VIM. AOUE CURE. ', hers my†10m m any of this work with us. and so I feel sure we lose spiritually the hlcssmg of union, which is strength. Our Ofï¬cers cannot make the mcctings imgremng, howu‘er much they may trv. Without the cu omratiun of the members. We want the many. not the law. to be present. So much more might be accumphshcd, and so much more ixmrest shown in Church work in evcry way. There is, so much to do, so huh- donc, but ma, love to Christ. and one another. he 51¢ stmng motive hum-r in thc heart 99""). one no: the law to be preant S more might be accomplished much more inurest shown in wmk m way way. Hun: is : to do, so Imle dOne, but ma Christ. and one another. he i uwliw PW“ inthc hear; 0?: 'l'he l’rtsident then addreSSed the members. “It is the (‘uty of the re- tiring l'resident, as hell as of the other Ofï¬cers to gch short reports or ac- ‘counts of progress or otherWIse oi the Branch she has held oï¬ire in for the p.131 year. We havu just listened to mOst encouraging facts from all. Then stems little left for me to say, but the re is one thing I feel I must the ticn and that is the spiritual side of our work.‘ Are WC keeping that always before us? Some of us, 1 fear. sometimes forget that feature of the W. A. We hate during the past year had much cause for thankfulness ; a large membership, a well filled treasury, and two splendid bales have been sent awey, an “1(1ch: of faithful, self-sacrificing work. We are formed for the spec‘al purpose of extending Christ's Kingdom. Our Ge» votional and business meetings are held the third Monday in the month, in order that we may join in a body in the Special Litatiy and Prayers of the Auxiliary, 'l‘he rst object of our branch as laid down by the constitution being “ 'l‘o pray for Missions." At the“, meetings we have our Toronto Corr-es pondent's letter read to us, Eating a very full amount of the Board Meeting in Toronto, and business transactions there If all our members understood the needs of the Mission Firm, 3â€; what is asked of us to do. more inter est would be shown. The and object of our constitution is "To aid the W. A. in its work of interesting Church- women in Misdonary work by one common bond of union.†Also at each meeting Some missionary intelligence 15 read, thus complying With the 3rd object “'l'o difluse missionarv intelli- gence and zeal amongst the children of the Church. M0": than half our mem- bers never join in any of this Work with us. and so I .feel sure we 105,, spiritually: the‘bles’smg of union, which ANNUAL MEETING 331.13 AT HOME OF MRS. WOOD. Woman’s Auxiliary. Fourteen meetings had been held; 8 business and devotional, and 6 sew’ in; meetings. The Dorcas Secretary told oftwo excellent bales being sent away. One in May last was sent to Lesser Slave Lake School. and one in “member to the Mission of the Rev, Mr. Lord at Apnley The Treasurer gave an encouraging account of the ï¬nances. 'l‘he tollowing pledges had been paid : $ii.oo to the M. S. C C. $5 towards the Educational Fund. $3 «5 Miss Strickland’s salary as Missionary to the Zenanas. The annual meeting of the Woman’s Auxiliary was held on Monday evening March 18th, at Mrs. Wood’s, when eighteen members were present. Re- ports of the work which had been done during the past year Were read. The Secretary rcponcd a member ship of 44. $1 to the Zrnann MiSsxona. ' Miss Evie Clarke was elected Sec'y for the: cvming year, and Miss Marie Baker, 'l'rrnsurur 'l‘he Secrctary of the Juniors reportâ€" ed a mcmbcrship of 12. Sixteen must- ings had been held with an average attendance of nine. The 'l‘rcasurcr reported the fullowiug pledgcs paid : $2 to the Matsumotn Home, Japan. $2 to the Church {It VNngann, “ $2 towards the salary of the Matron at 1.. S. Lake School. . $2 was voted to the Annual T hank Oï¬'cring. $2 Was voted to the Triennial Thank Ofl'cring. Membership or W. A. Forty-Four. ‘wkwnavfl * (10. more imer ‘ "l he and oh ya ' “'10 aid the \\. cresting Church- A ï¬rst class Grain and Stork Faxm, within three uinc-s of MIâ€- brook. and 3 4 mile of school and grist mill. Farm contains 135 acres, more or less, atom 90 8“"? cleared and in good state of Cult" \atlon; balance good zasturc and “_00d land. A quzzmm 01 L‘m‘d' hmbu'. Tlure an: 1.; arusox’ 1:3" Wheat m and all {all planing (10"?- Running 5] ring “atâ€. con- \§leent for cattle the year Him“- '1 we good baI ns \xith stone {oun- dations and Stables mule-numb. Second hand organs rebuilt and as good {as new, at prices that w111 make them sell quick. Call and see me. 01' drop a. card to JOPN McBRIDE, Box 287. and he will be pleased to call on you. The following (mrcrs wcrc clcctcd for thc comingycar : Hon Presâ€"Mrs. Alla-n Pressâ€"Mrs. Wm. C. Allcn. lst Vice Pres.-â€"»Mls. “and 2nd “ M rs. Mcdd Scc’vâ€"Mrs. chroy. Treasâ€" Miss Nu-dlrr Dorcas Sec. . Miss Kcl‘is Supcrintcndcm junioraâ€" Mrs Fair Refreshments mâ€"rc Ihm Sen-ed, and aflcr a cordxal votr of thanks had bccn extended [0 hits. “bud, the mrtmtg closed. Mr. Thomas Argue. a we†krona resident oflhis 'l'ommmp, dud sud- denlv of heart faxlurr, uh Frulay 1mm- ing. March 8th. Hc v.33 how about 80 years ago and WM an rangcman, and m politics a (‘onsuvatma The Funeral on Sunday was largcly aucnd- cd by the Olangcmcn of 111i: diatricl. 7ine young orchard cu: nu ncwg ‘0 bear. Faun clean and the {will \geeds. l'osscssmn any In: e. for paniculars apply (3 Miss Rose \\ cszluqk w} .0 has been in l‘etorbom for 1h: past month or two, returned homc on 'l'hursday. of us for 1907, and them much will be Accomplished." Mrs. Swalcs. of Muiland, has bun Vlsmrg wnh hcr si~tcr, Mrs. (Eco. A. ngg, for the past \Vcrk. Mr. Geo. Hutchinson {01 his dc- parturc on Tuesday r. owing for Cal- gary, Alberta. Mr. Walter Bums C .P.R. operator, was "smug at the home of Mr. Wm. Westhcx, the past chk. Quite a number from hcrc attended the sale at Mr. Arabic Reynolds', on Tuesday, March 1211;. Mr. Alfred Graham and fannly hwk their departure on Saturday mornng {or Trchcarn, Man, to jom Ins 501‘. who left about two chis ago with his car of horses and household effects. Organs, Sewing Machines. etc. At thq Old Stand, OP‘ posxte Town Hall- is now in a better pos- itlon than ever to give Baigains in Pianns. Julm MBBl‘lflfl FARM FOR SALE. Millbrock. BE'I'HANY. Tm: 31mm nOu-‘zce. one. 35c fro u am. in ileman, Wh0:" c123... null known. gaze 3. and kindly ham-,1 ' his steps. Ice {.25 biggcr he“! than 1:. UM. C of course his reward diacn he found to b; that he had becn impo! "flushed" women; in» nvvd yet has been guilt} anvone In need go {xozn empty handcal. ‘ Messrs Courtucv’s saw I fling every day and dmng This shots that the ï¬ght I 1hr. right place. " In Memoriam" Cards :11 at the Minn! ()fï¬cc, M Mr. Alex. Lang wk! :1 mutt last week. for “hid: ahamboxuc ï¬gure. Mr gndc in raising good su course I): secures [.mcx pri< NOTICE 1 Tenders “21 cd by m: undersigned up : 3nd day of April next, for : for, and for the working of Grader in the Mumbipn‘ 'l'uu‘nshlp 0| [innit duriug of [907. 'l'cndrra mm- !. separately fur npcm'ï¬ug nut sens. .The Idwcst of any rend:- saxiiy accepted. Otucmec. Marci. 8, up: Plough leav ession on Marc} West. 1-2 of cession of Emil: be sold at a. bar; payment, but SI. this year (1907». The I AT 1 18 ST]. and the large n‘ guarantee that have advertised so as 101: . J. STEELE 1’0R CP-TO-UA'I'E Hi Issuer of Muxriagc I} MUJJiRUUK we will oï¬â€˜er B It will pay an: miles of Omeml and secure a s to make room have Nothing 1 GUARANTEE Now is your at Ba We assure you dzal F.\IRLY with e “ Sm dl Proï¬ts The smallest cl as the glown-up, and prawnptly atternfled to ' lion't fail to c “gain: during the m OMEMEE N Jam For further McBri‘ f0