-" Good Housekqeï¬ Wanted for 32mm. Apply at tiffoï¬ce. v ‘.Mr. S. B. Carew’ I :meb} was an ’ ’ *3 town, Saturday, 0 mess. ‘ rgum' rs. o .0011 Cow for Sula-Came int-we ) mhs ago Apply {0 W. H. Bfam '~ Rev. Mr. Manning preached euca sional St rmons in the Mdlbrook Mcth. 0dist Church last Sunday. Good hand-made Cutter. nearlv new, for sale. Apply to the M1110: Ofï¬ce, Millbrook .-â€"-tf Mr. George Lock as a delegate to Grand Lodge meeting of Home 59% king held in Tomato thi. the unavoidable was called to Port Hope on account of t} c senous niness of her sister, the Mrs. Pasdml Mcthcrall returned to W ybum, $25k, on Manda), after an cxlcnded and plvasaat vzsi: Bil}! ï¬annoiber, Mrs. jas. Evans. sts Ida Sptague. of Belleviile, hag resumed her duties In Kclls, Fowkr 13‘ Co.’s Mxllinery Rooms. A' Son, Minumic'Station. y The man) friends of Mrs.\’~a'1ter W Gillqttxxill be pPeayai to learn :Jbat she is rccovcxiggoh) her semen; 23111131353. To aï¬rst class man who mil run a 5$trxctly Temperance House, liberal farms will be given. Must come re- p‘ ommendcd. W First 0 months rent to be paid in «333%. 7 Afterwards quarterly in ad- L The various propemes of the late ‘W. H. Sowden, situate in ~MIl?brook jand Cavan, are offered for sale by ‘ Henry Mulligan, and may be purchas- e’d m Separate lots or otherwise. All ‘applicalions must be made to the undersigned who is emlwxcred to seal! ‘and convey. ' J. B. L. GROUT. Manager Omemee Branch. '11. A, SIM-S, ‘ Manager Millbrook Branch. "NTEREST will be added to )our balance every three months. SMALL or large amounts ($1.00 and upwards) may be deposited by 3011 at any lime. - OUR STATEMENT above shows ï¬gures which guarantee .!he ' utmost security for your money. Increase $10. 287, 840 Loans 8; Investments $19,181 926 $32, 021, 510 Increase $I2 839 58.; ' "Total Assets Capital Rest 82 Undivided Proï¬ts $2, 693 128 $4, 650, 708 Increase s: 957, 580 Deposits QTHE‘Q .Bank of Toronto RECORD OF PROGRESS FOR. 5 YEARS:-’OZ-’07 . Possession rs: May, 1908. Apply to Properties for Sale. Your Savings Accountlnvited. Hudson. ‘0! Mamet-s, was a “Miflbrook this week, Dominion Hotel In Rant. H. MULLIGANf, ilflmnk m Head 0506 : TORONTO. CANADA. Incorporated 1855. MI LLBROO Ki at. n the Pres by naming, ‘ meg to 7|»: ’on as the Increase $14,572,353 Increase _n DI ED In Millbrook, on Wednesday, March "“5. 1908. Elizabeth Scan, rclxct a! the “fun; 800cc. aged 90 3 oars. ,ï¬--..__ _ r-uv-u Faun! froixi micâ€"Some of her son-in 1"; ML Thoma. â€Odd. on Fndar, the ’3Ԡins: - '3 29-!!! . tnd interment at 93353‘9'1‘“ C°m°‘°|’!. Controville. $011190.“ Vthe‘b‘onge » 1.30. Mica Jessie Md‘lellan Allen was a visitor to Peterboro today. Mrs. H. W. Johnstou spent Sunday With frqends 1n Port Hope. Mrs. R. H. Casey, of B the). is the guest of her sister, st C. Richards this week. A basket socra), under the auspices of Court Millbrook No. 624. Canadian Order Foresters, will be held in the Town Hall, on Thursday, March 12, l 1908. > Admxssion we. Gents bring Hour 'Iadxes and limes bring your bask 1cts. A good program of‘vocal and instrumental music, addresses, 8m , will be rendered. Everybody Welc Doors open at 7; program at 8 Ladies with baskets, FREE. ome. p. m'. \ We have a large order for Butter and Eggs, and will pay highest price to cash or trade for any quantity of good butter and fresh eggs delive ed at our store. W. H. Byam :5: Son, Millbrook Station. $23,424,935 $38,097,288 TED -â€"A Good Smart m the Printing Trade. as passed the Entrance referred. Apply to the fï¬ce, Millbrook. ’clford Dawson, of Lorenz. Mirror a friendly call last Mr. Dawson is one of the most . )cmus and influential farmers of outh Monaghan. Pure Caszile Soapâ€"663.3 p. c. ()hvc Oilâ€"made in France. 15c. 21 lb. at W. H. Byam Son's. Millbrook; Station. 'None genuine ,without the Trade Mark, which is a picture of arboy holding.a,ro}l.ot Rexflintkote Rooï¬ng in his arms. ~ 'I might say that I am in a position to book orders for ihe Peter-borough Sand Stone Brick, now being largely used. ‘ ' .HAISO'l-Age-nt ‘Or the John Doharty (Sarnia) Engines, both “aflhe and Stationary. Is a First-Class Rooï¬ng-Flexible and Durable, also‘ FIRE PROOF. Makes a"Handsome Roof on Dwellings, as well as on all other bpildihgs. Color, Stee Grcv. 'l‘nis Rooï¬ng has been in use for 35 years and has given good satistaction. REXFLIN‘I‘- COTE gives FIRE protection, is \VlNl), DUST and WATER PROOF. Manufactured in Four Difl'crent 'l‘lixckncsses. Beg to say anyone intending to do Rooï¬ng this season, now is the time to begin to look about it. I can sell you Rooï¬ng from $2.10 up to $4 60. Your patronage solicited. Drop me a Card for Samples and ‘ Prices. has been in actual use since 1873, and has given the best of sat- isfaction at all times. It is as Flexible at 20 years as when ï¬rst applied; will not crack 0r break or go to pieces (remember this is no paper roof.) Can be put an Flat or Steep Roofs wnh perfect ease. Only One Grade Manufactured-and that the STANDARD. I wish to announce to the PUBLIC that I am Agent {or ‘J‘WO of the LEADING Ready-Rooï¬ng Companies in~the United Sages. Their Rooï¬ng‘s are appxoved (if by Architects_ Bui!ders, also by Fire Underwriters throughout the U. States and Canada. 315119353 $25,407,593 Bracdcts. Necklets, Rings, latest designs and settxng~. Gentlemcn’s tie Pins, fobs and charnn, at special prices, at I. Steelc’ s. Mxllbrook. 1902 1907 $2,500,000 $4,000,000 CAREY’S MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE ROOFING ONE 39. Chma at close prices at J. ‘Millbrouk; also Founmn â€"â€"-O<.>o-â€"-â€"â€"- $ I , 500,000 ROOFING I LOOK FOR TI-IE BOY. S. CLARRXY, Mrs. Smith, suddenly imbued with a spirit. of neighborly interest in a lady whoiw‘as just recovering from influénm aid to her [title son; "Willie, dam, justrun across ihe street and “5}: how old Mrs. Brown is thin morning †Wil- lie returned within ï¬ve minutes look- ing crestfallen. “Wen, have you seen Mrs. Brown? " the mother asked. "Yes; and she said I was to mu you that it’s none of your busxuogs how ‘ otd mg in.†i By anpplyimz nounshumnt and _v1lal furce to the nerves, In enriching. Hue blood, strengthening the Imamâ€"Fang zone is sure te help‘ any man. “Mia" or child in ill health ; try )th per box at: all dmgglsts I can rec« mmend Fem: am. e to ewrv man “ ho works but i uud needs a tonic "Nothing I ever ,used gave each prompt. strengthening effect as. Ferm- xono. I was run down, quite nervmns, no appetite and In a generally used~up c ndJion. Ferrozone gave me a wax:- derful amount of new slrvnulhhqmm gestured my nermagml made me well, Mr.C R Zink, a prominent citizen of Lnnenburé, N. S., pruved Ferrozone was a. marvelous tonic mud says '. Fez-rezone gives you ' 2rjb’ and cour- ageâ€"makes the blood tingk: through your veinsâ€"ï¬lls you with the feeling mm a. powerful and strel‘gflim‘illg medicine iii-«inning you back to health But alas, your nerves are weak! You have burnt up your nervetorce, used up that reserve you’so badly need to-day. Just one way to win it back. Build up with Fen-ozone. It restoxes worn-out nerves, because it supplies them with nutrime'rit'and building material They govern Veyery action, eyary function. Upon their vitality hinge your energy, your power to think and act. The nen'es are the great controlling furce of the body. MILLBROOK, ONT. N“ No Self Control. No Control of Your Nerves. ' Among those [mm a dlstance who s-atLendcd the funeral ware Messrs. L. Olin. of Huutwullc, father of chcased, Bea 01m of Manvérs, an uncle, and ..\Irs. }. j. Gilman of l’eterboro. “N5? dead but. slegpmg.†“ Night came releasing hxm from laborl When a hand from out of darkness Touched hm) and hg'slept.†Beautiful wreaths were plapcd upon the casket by the C. 0 F., the S S. Class. Mrs. ]. ]. Gnlman, Mrs. Robert Huffman, Messrs. juhu Huffman and Nell 01m. Mrs. 1. Doyle. Rochester, NJ", also senta low-1y wreath. V The Rev. G. R. Clare conducted the semccs at the house and grave, and Bros. H. (i. and N. F. Dunford conducted the Foresters' scrvxcc at the grave. The funeral ‘of the late George Olm, whrch took place on Thursday, March 5th, was attended by a large concourse of sorrowmg friends and relatives. The Brethren of Court Mxllbro'ok, C. O. R, and the memberé of Mlss Hampton's Bible Class. headed by the Crtizcm’ Band, marched from the house to the Cemetery, the Band thh muffled drums playing the “ Dead March,†addcd much :0 the solemmty of the occasion, and altogether It was a very imposing sight. ' ' Mr. Rogers took part in the S. S. Anniversary Services here New Years, and his inspirmg addresses Were much apprecrated. If Mr. Rogers comes to Millbrook he will be heartily welcom- ed by those who heard him then, and the good w0rk, so :1ny earned on by the present pastor, Rev G. R. Clare, and others, will be continued. ed a unanimous invxtatioh “0,“; Ehc Oï¬icxal Board of Millbrook Methodist Church to become their pastor at the end of the presant Conference year.â€" Globe of Monday. eroy Rogcr5. B: A, ï¬astor bf‘ vttâ€"lc “:oolcr Mqthodist Church, has rcceivâ€" Wogler, March 8.~Rev. W. Pom- Start at ‘Trifles.’ LARGE FUNERAL. Called to Millbrook. x 7‘9. '3 .‘ r“~-"b‘tvh~4rflvu may a- PETG :WM" Beni- McMah’é‘vng‘; As I have rented the blacksmith shop at the Foundry for a term 0! years, and have come to do busi- ness-on business:-~principlesâ€"â€"I again ask for a share of the public patronage. I have about 20 years’ experience in shoeing heavy and light horses, pacers, trotters, and running horses. - I also hold a re commendation for shoeing for His Majesty’s forces on active service. lam prepared to do horse sheeingz also carnage and wagon building“ and all kinds of repairing, in ï¬rst class shape. Satisfaction guaran ‘ teed and at old prices. Am hen to stay. Please give me a call. , in a request from man; quarters ofthe Dominion [or more information upon the question of swine raising. Fortun- ately the new edition is off the press and ready for distribution. While the swine raising industry has been in some quarters resting on its oars and in others showing positive rctrogresston the Live Stock Branch at Ottawa has been getting out a tension of bullctm No. ’10. “ The Production of Bacon for the British Market.†This booklet in 7 its ï¬rst edition received such a call that a very large edition became exhausted before the demand was satisï¬ed. The call for copies durg mg the late summer and autumn mos. ‘ fell away to some‘extent but the re-‘ newal of interest and hope m the ba- con industry is showing itself strongly ARevival in the Swine Industry of 1908 designsâ€"the world’s latest and best ideas in pleas- ing and artistic mural decor- ations. The most fascinating display of wall paper design ‘ and Color ever seen in this cityâ€"the best selected, most complete and .varied assortâ€" ment of papers that will be shown anywhere in the United States this year. Includes many striking, unique, origi- nal schemes and effectsâ€"- things very new, things an- tiqueâ€"things very select and exclusivemeverything from the severely plain and the soft- est, most delicate tints, to the most brilliant pictorial effects and the richest éolor schemes â€"â€"continnous friezes, etc.. 9†flils entire line may Inseam without ' ' 'I a: Stiig’igru‘lwléï¬i-"mlgcteé , n c - like" is all It": the Sunnis Books, Amer] nWallPa tn‘ " , that. enigmgm’ > Locally repnesented by. -- rm.) unvvy) uuwu, unc LIIC “ greedy gled ’3 in the Scotch song, snaps up the booty, and flies off to (h:- uext city.â€"-Mohtreal Wxtness. Was the man who married thirty two women in a few years a wizard, or are women more easily caught than miCe? 0n the axemge, it out) took him a month or more to ï¬nd a moneyed ne- tim. court, marry, plunder, and desert her. There is no time left (at failure. He seems to have succeeded every time. He managed it by moving on 3 but that made him a perfect stranger at the beginning of every adventure, and We are driven to the conclusion that m every place a perfect stranger can, in less time than it would take most people to begin an acquaintance, pounce on some woman, and get her love and her complete conï¬dence. While scores .of eligible men, whose standing is well known. stand at a dis- tance through respect or lack of means, this bird of prey swoops down, like the “ trrpmix- "Itâ€! H :.. .1.†count. . A. CU MMING, Blacksmith. ' WALLPAPERS, Marvelous Exhibit OfA A notable event that every resident of this city and vi- cinity, who is at all interest- ed in beautifying the home, should attend without fail. A complimentary-Exhibition of the ‘ ’ ' ‘ American Wall Paper Company's Complete Line MA'I‘RIM ONY MADE EASY MT. PLEASANT HILL P, 05A. PAYNE, Mg‘lbrook. “’1!be atlmv Shep every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. Next door was: of James Donaldson‘s pump shop; Iam agent for the Gala. Art Metal Co. Any person that intends to- use any Steel Shingles, Siding or Ceiling wxll rdo well and save money by calling, seeing samples and have prices quoted. . it will last a hie time. I alco handle the best hayfork goods on the market. Prices right, work guar- anteed.‘ Irepresen: one of the best nurseries in Canada and furnish none but reliable, hard-y trees and shrubs. Your order placed with me insures healthy stock true to name and at reasonfible prices ‘ lav position to furnish you With any 1 style of fence or quality of fence, from 30 cents per rod t0/$L75 per (not. You can have your chorce of Six difl'erent makes All orders left in on before the First of March will have 'l‘wo cents a rod rebate. You can have it shipped when you want to use it. So you. have to pay no sooner than if you ordered it just when you Were going to buxld. Some times it is hard to get fencing on short notice. 1! wire should go down in price you WI" get the beneï¬t of the drop. Srccl gates always on hand. Now is your time to leave your or- der for fencing. 'l‘he prosxmcls are that the wire will be? higher. I am in TO THE FA RMERS OF CAVAN AMI) THE ADJOINING TOWN- SHIPS: ADDRESS J ._HV.Wilson, Port Hope P.S.â€"Orders ieft at the Mirror Ofï¬ce, Millbrook, Ont. will huv: prompt attention. Selling 01‘ Th Orders booked for sales at am time and promptly attended to. Northumberland and Durham. JunnWsuu, Money Found. Largest list of commercial and do- meutlcfruilsâ€"large and small;nrnu mentals, and shade trees: flowering shrubs, vines, rosua, ï¬ne seed potatoes one of our Specialties Amermunem situation for whom territory wi Pay H eekly: Free A Writq for Particulars and adjoining Country to represent "CANADA’S GREATEST NURSERIES" Druggiats in this town and vicinity. when shown tlm prescnption, stated that they can either supply these in uredian'ta,‘or, if our readers prefer. the) wt“ compound the mixture for them. A RELIABLE LOCAL SALEBMAN FOR MILLBROOK AUCTION EER, Just try this simple homemade mix- ture at the ï¬rst sign of Rheumatism, or if your back aches or you feel that the kidneys ate not acting just right. This is said to he a Splendid kidney regula- tor, and almost certain remedy for aii forms of Rheumatism, which is caused by uric acid in the blood, which the kidneys fail to ï¬lter out Anyone can easily prepare this at home and at Small cost. Get from any good prescription phar- macy “one ha}! ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ouncp Compound Kar- gon, three ounces (‘omponnd Syrup of Snrsaparilla, Mix by shaking in a bottle and take a teaspoonfnl after meals and at bedtime. Now is the time when the dactorgets busy,and the patent medicine manu- facturers reap the harvest, unless great care is taken to dress warmly and keep the feet dry. T is is the advice of an old eminent authority, who sags that Rheumatism and Kidney trouble wea- ther is here, and also tells what to do in case of an attack. ' for‘the United Counties of Stock that in hardy comes from us To the friends who came to us in our hour of trouble. and contributed all that human kindness could suggest. to help and cumiurt, «e return must heart- felt thanks, and uhhung h such devoted trieii-iship cannot remove the and crew oriel that linger around our vscent chair. it brings into view the brightest side of humanity, and throws the pure light of an unselï¬sh friendship into a darkened home. May the day be far distant when those irieude who gather- ed around us will need similar atten- tion, but when the time comes may they receive the same lull measure of generous aid and tendersyinpathy they brought to our home when death was an inmate there. To the members of Court Millbrook. C 0. F,, Miss Hampton’s Bible (has, and the Citizen’s Band, 1 also wish to extend my sincere thanks for the re- s; ectehuwn to my late husband, by turning out ill‘SIIGh large numbers to attend his funeral. Him: 01‘ Thsrqnghbred Stuck a Spemalw. Terms Reasonable. Stone 85 Wellington Toronto WE WANT Fonthm CARD OF 'LHANKS SHAKE IN A BOTTLE LICENSED 1t situation for right man territory will be reserwd, ekly: Free Equipmeut. Particulars mu Nurseries (850 Acres) Ontario EACH EL OLIN. 19.4: -v. avgâ€" Excei'ént réfreuhmeuts “ere carved afler the program Mme Hampton gave-a verv ï¬ne reci. tatlon on 'Béfore and After Marriage ’ ILo-a who took part. in tle musical part of the program were: Miss E. Richardqon, Soloist. Messrs (Low! e. Gillett, Adams and D mcan. Q-Iartat be. Mr. D, Smdermm, M 0. Soloist. Mr. N, Duul'ord. Baritone Soloist. Mrs, Wm. Rowland and Miss Stella Helhninutnn. accompaniam The social, given bv the members of 3 Miss Hampton's 1'. M. B. 0.. Tuesday evening was a decided success The debate was quite an interesting feature at the program Messrs. Pethirk and Rowland («yr afï¬rmative, and Messrs. Adams and Fmith for the negative. After-u lengthy end amusing debate, the judges. Messrs, Walter W. Glilott- ; F. McMahon and Rev. G. R. Clare. de- t cided in fave: of the afï¬rmative. Mr. Adams made quite a. sensation by draw- ‘ in: a word picture « f the bliss of court- , amp attuctlng thereby many ply glen-j see from the fair sex. and Mr. Pethxck j- kept the crnwd smoiling' all the whale g Messrs Rowland and Smith made Va] 3 unble Colleagues and made a number; of points for their respective sides Miss Hampton’s bible Class Entertains Large Crowd Altogethe‘r it wag gn enjo; uble whit. They are FUEL SAYERS, They are HEAT GIY ERS, They are GOOD COOKERS, They are a. Comfort to Hon SGWiI'eS They can’t be beat for ary Wc‘Fk they adapted for, - Call and see them and b: ~)?’.‘7 11' 6‘ THE BEST STOVES AND RANGES MAN U- FACTURED. SOLD BY 8e 00., Leaï¬ers Three “vowâ€"wt. ,. M illbro 0k, Ont. gKeen Your Horse Bar-nasal ; and Your Feet Dry and '5 ' Ynnll Pull Through ‘Now is the time to bring your Harness in and have lhcm reï¬ned before the Spring work. We have a huge stock of hand made Hanna's. Boots and Shoes to pick from. I have a specia! lin¢ of Men’s and Boy’s FreuchKin -Boots fnr m. cmm- VJ, Montgomery, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, MILLB‘ROOK‘ ONTARIO. Ofï¬ce in Turner’s Drug Store. -V_y .. “u ‘- 'rci1c*1{ip Boots for the Spring. FOR UP~TO-DATE JEWELRY. Asuer of Marriage Licenses, MILLBROOK. c»..- J. STE ELE’S, ‘. J. LANG, ~-.. ....’~. M. MILLBROOS, MI (,‘cca The deer; popular among the ('1 and was thd m high umgrmatiuus here, . pr§§lded during his 3 1 In L. “Ink :1: r x u. a: .8 pmjcx 1, yes: In: , ( . u U than just ~~uu‘: .13 :1.» entertainment so pupu gentlcmanly. unifying m The man who thwarts : stands in his mm mm, I progress. and hmders w of his town and its cg Mr. Robert John» hav: rctumcd from the wait among fnends an Wat. Mr. Jd’n‘aston : the country in which [1 absent. His looks are thoroughly enjoyed on The many friends c McCrca extend lo hen the othtr membetsof l sincere sympathy m :13; have sustaintfl throng} Rev. Mr. Rchflw‘. Mr. Harvey, of the was in l'uroutu our :3 Muss “ eatherilt school staï¬â€˜, wsxtcd u ental too! Satmmn . Mr. and Mrs Io}; Muss Ella. have n visiting Mrs J C 15 Miss '1 hay ne man has been out of tow dais So: the past mo: returned to resume duties. The Omemee b0}: ions on the" can ia last against the hack Pcterboro. T be seen 5H3: '99::e ho 4,0ps Sp parents. The Girls’ Guild : gratulated upon t success of then: treq4 and en j ayable enterq‘ everyoac will live i of their next effort. the work of the (3:15 to good work m ti; In one corner of stood a table beauuf with s'eilow shaded ferns. and laden wit‘ to eat. From thisaf {dreshments were ward part of the gu and chatted a sham and a}! were thorou with thc “At Home Mus Am" of the games kept highest pitch and 1h keen. At the conc games pnzes Were Winners ofthe high points. ‘Ah: . .' - :_ ‘ “i PIUh‘l' awn ;; -4 the (able: \\ It at (as'ing contest, a 1 mg conlc51.puzztc and bean bag: othezchu..U cxcit (3.111111;th Vwog It \V 6"“): Omemee baking a great run. has it for sale. It is ‘ sdls it for $1.00. pictures obtainabk and (reï¬ned. Educ ing, something the knowledge, some: make you Laugh. 1 artist in latest “in Opera House, Om! next. March 16. ( adults 15c. Don‘t evening of pleasure Don't forget to and Children to $31 Pictqrgg, presemi‘ bxest high ' c125? E Bethe! spent Sunav Mrs. C. W. Richards ath as n y' bun“; \"HH ‘w Rev. W. G. Han Public mectmg, m Lord's Day Aliianc Thumday evening, (OPS; Spent S OMEMEE ‘T A \1 2W