{sacked 20,000 50,000 59,831 201,173 8111’ CB me‘ed arm} burgeon, )K, ONTARXO. prr's Drug Sure; Dusewives. rk they are 1) London, time to bring you: have them rrpalrcd work. We hav: :I. am! made Harm-52a, to pick from. I have [A Men s and Boy 5 “I“ the Spring. Lmflton ES MANU - LANG, M muwï¬oox. Ems Hams-m5 Fae! Dry, and H Thraagh, EN ide :, Ont. mery, M. D. you be rnscï¬, wccx child , on the dred- Uisw of £32: â€1;; am minus horn the “aka: upmani as 1.2; as the vilidgc. fix: cmzruns wm ccrtamlv enjoy m thc “cut futurc pnvtlcgc winch has been denied t! mm for a 101:: time. m ‘1. f» ’2 L ‘ \ r. a V. .. (I. "r :30 Mrs. S. ther and children of Mill- bmok, an: visiung thcxr ‘Ozncmcc “lends- Mrs. chdcrson has rrturned from a picasunt Visit with Milihrcuk friends. W'ic Onuvmcc Fountain Pen is a'mga great run. R }. Mulligan .115 it for safe. It is worth $2.50. Hc 3:135 it for $L00. Mrs. Curry, who h: as long been :1 1:: 1k 112 of this vzihue, celebra- zcu' he: eieg-fomih birthday last wet-k. Her children and grand- Mrs. Robt H. CaScy, who has been vxsxtmg her sxstcr, Mrs. C. Richards, at Millbruok, rctumcd home: on Monday. While Albert Davis was at the freight sheds one day this week wading tan bark, One of his horses took fright at an apprOJChIUg engine, reared and {:11 over dead. The loss, at this particular season, mll be keenly tclt by Mr. Dams. The Irish Social, held on the evening at St. Patrick's Day, in Lecture Koorn of the Methoths: Church was well attended, tho; oughly entertaining, and a ï¬nan. cial suCCess. The programme, prepared by the members of the Epworth League, consisted ot choruses, solos, duets, recitatlous and essays, very ï¬ttingly becbm- ing the occasron. At the close of the entertainment, Wthh in one sense seemed altogether too short, refreshments were served, after which all returned ‘ Nach House.’ Rev. W. G. Hanna wrll address a Public meetmg, m the Interests of the Lord’s Day AllianCe, m ()memee on Thursday eVenmg, March lgth. \\"e are very sorry to learn that Mr, George B. Fee, who hves only a short distance out of town, is undergoing an operation for ap- pendicitxs. It is not learned yet how successful the operation prov- ed. The patient is under the skilful treatment of Dr. Sutton. The following gentlemen were in Peterboro on Saturday; Messrs E. 5. Morgan, E. Dewey and J D Thornton. Messrs. H. and \V. Laidley were in Lindsay, Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Comn Spent Sun day in town, the guests of Mrs Thos. Henderson. Mrs. (Dr.) Bradd, of Peterboro, and her daughter, Mrs. Kennedy, of Chicago, were m town over Sunday, at the home of Mrs. G H English. Miss Ida Rehil] is visxting at the hame 01 Mrs. '11]. Parsons. Mr. I‘. Boyd, of Peterbmo, was in Omemee the last few days rc- cuperating alter hlS seycrc lilncss tor the past few Weeks. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Corneil wcre m Peterboro on Saturday. Quite a large number assembled at the English Church about 8 a. m. St. Patnck's Day to wxmess the mauriage of Marguret, second daughter of Mr and Mts (Zhaxles Bent, and \Milmm, elder $011 of Mr. W. Robmson, all of Umemcc The ceremony was c0nduclcd by Kev. J. H. Tcney. The hupp} couple left on the 9 a: m. train to: Toronto and o hex p 11c: c.,?ml 0W» ed In the =30!):fLIU.11ihnS 23*: xi bc>£ wishus 0! their uumu’ou: [thaw-a and many friuml‘s. W. Mr. R. J. MuE Queen Cir; [1415‘ DY u 1:21:12 qua: 1;}.10 ’ant.icil~;:;, LAM) eye-130m: germ: lam», wuij £121: um; Opinionâ€"«Inc oust yut on .uud mos amusing, new and scusauouux, wuhuut bung macâ€"1mm» 14cc“ shown here. Miss K. Comma played some Instrumental Selections on the: organ, between scenes, creditab y Rev. H. Peckover postpone-u his subjcct, ‘Fulurc k’unbinncm, all u xt Sabbath at 2 30 p.111., owing to the bad Weather an†roads on the 15m. Our Ministers had a thrilling and damp experience laSt Sunday making their country charges arm vcry few were at the serviCcs to greet them, not being expccted on account o_t the bad roads. A qu ling: of the celebrated McCormick Machinery is on Lx- lnbxtion at J D 'lhormou s waxe mums, opp. Evan‘s Fuuudry. ca.1 and ace mc: tor inl.,run.mnn rc your puultr). I aux now opening upa large mcond hand jabbing store. 5.x; goods, funnturc, etc, at lowest priccs. Ohvu’ 5, Lindsay the Prize Pou‘try Dualcr, No. 3 Lindsay: St, opp2mtc Sinking Rink. “2 hcn visnting Lmdxay buy 1). Sl‘iNSU ’Jiss Bue, of the: home of The: ‘Pcterz 1 were a]! prcsw: 0n the occasion to extend their «on a»: VCF CCrrzLAn En <9: $85“ on $2:an :6: -v, OMEMLL SAVE DOLL.st Toronto, is a guest Mr. j. MuCIcu. 51 ggzn “was in the cck on busmcss. ICI UX'CS ant run: )C Call at ()oodwin’s, Kent St.. Lind my, DH). Humor. House, to inspect lhtw designs. in Wall Papcra, Pictures, Funny Goods, c. RC}'IIOI‘. Norde- hcimcr l’nmo 'l‘uncr’s 0ch in our store. Thai following interestmg Items of n: “'5 “cm unmoxdably held our [rum 143-. wank : ' Mr. Wcston Fuliis, of Pcterborough, called on many of hxs old friends 111:1 \vcuk‘ Mr. W111 Bdch, G. '1‘. R. operator at Midland is home for a few \VchS va- cation. M253 IdJ Falhs is waiting m Peter- buro. Miss Ilct‘c Loweryi 15 in Hope for a u’omh 3 vmt. Mr. and Mrs. Slcmut l“..llis were to the (Lily Saturday. Mn. John jamcs Morton and babe arc gucszs of her pan-ms, Mr and ML» .‘Il {Chin- Mr. Edgar Fuliis lappetzed w.th the misl'uriunc of brcakmg In: zu'm hm \Vu‘ck. If you have bitter or bad taste in the mom- fnz. poor 0251?:ch appetite. coated tonne. foul breath. co stzpat or Irregular bowels. feel weak. easil, tired. spondent‘ {recuent heaazzches, pain 1' disresvgg "small of back." gnawing or disresac 952:, g in stomach. scz‘haps nausea. "risinss" in throat after eating, and kin ' symptoms of weak stomach and torpid 11 go medi- rine will relieve yourmrrre gromnuy or cure We Noticed M mun} :5 mil: dr Llcr how he to: down 1'}.an '3 ML. and Mrs. guests 01 Mr. W day. quickly your liver will become awtlve. Dr. Pierce-’3 Golden Medical DlScuvut‘y has made many marvelous cures of "liver trouble†by its Wonderful control of the organs of digestion and nutrition. It. re- stores the normal activity of the stomach, increases the secreLions of tho. blood-mak- ing glands, cleanses the system from pui- sonous accumulations. and so relieves the liver of the burdens imposr‘d‘ upon it by the defection of other organs. a pan or die awve symptoms' will be present at one time and yet point to tot-Did liver or bfliuusness and weak stomach. Avoid all hot broad and biscuits. griddle cakes and other indigestiblc food and take the "Golden Medical Discovery " rezumrly and stick to its use until you are vigorous and strong. May be only a. tired liver, or a. star-vex" liver. It would be a. stupid as well a: savage thing to beat. a. weary or starve; man because he lagged in his work. S: in treating the lagging. torpid liver in i: a. great. mistake to lush it. with strong drastic drugs. A torpid liver is but m. indication of an illâ€"nourished, enfchlic body whose organs are weary with over Work. Start win the stomach and allied organs of digestion and nutrition. Put them in working order and See how quickly your liver will become active. The "Discovery" is non-secret. non-alco- hoIlc. is n. glycol-1c extract of native medici- nal roots with a full list of its ingredients printed on each bottleï¬vrapper and attested under oath. lts ingrediems are endorsed and extolled by the most eminent medical writers of the age and are recommended to cure the diseases for wh‘u-h it is advisea 9am Ivlcd' al’ v Don‘t. accept a. substitute of unknown composition for this non-secret mnlcmn OF KNOWN cox? emoz-X. Mr. Wait, 05 For: Hope, was guest cf Mrs Dav: Fallis, Sunday. Mrs. Wain!) returned from 'l’oronu on Monday. Mrs Z. Hunter cntcrtaincd a sur prise party of young people on Tues- day cvcmng‘ Ewryonu [)I'cScl'It thor- oughly enjoyed the entertainment thus 7' 8 ' ' ¢ .‘ r. 2 l prouucd. “h. kmd [manta Ity of minchost and hostess ““111 long bx rcrxzcmbcrcd is Ready for the Spring Don’t forget the place ONE door West. of T. J. Parson’s Grocery. Eiis "‘ ' -s mam, Gage-mas, OD The best satisfaction guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Call solicited Faiiis Line N ews. Mix the follwiing by s"n:kinz well in a lmttle, uxn!_tuke in teuhpf-ontul dose-s after nwnls and at bedtime: Fluid Ex'ract Dandelion. one-half canoe- ; ( .-m nund Karuon, um- ounce ; C-nnprI d S) i‘hp‘ wt Sarisnpnnllu three ounces A local nirnggibt is {me umhwr try that. these siunp‘o, hammess mgred ients can be oh aimed 'z‘xt nominal cost. from “u.- lwme (lrnggists. ‘lhe mixture 18 said to c‘enuse and strengthen we clogged and inactive Ki-tuegs, uvewumhxg Backa’bhe, Bind derawakness and Urmary lruuhle (! 'J‘ho e u ho have tried this say it pr) - [lively n‘ercomes pain in the back, cieus the u'rine of sedxmant and reuu. latss urina mu, espmlally at him“, mme-u ean the “on-J. 1'. rum of bladder a! kinds, if taken before me stage (I Bri;ts"s disrase E ery man- or woman here whu feels that. the km eye are no: strong or act- lng in a. henlun' manner should ngvx this prescription am home and give x' a. vrml,zus It IS said to do wonders so: ‘lllzlny perruus. T'm Scrautm (Pm) ‘l‘iu as was first tn print {his remarkable prrscriptiow, in Och bar, of 1906, since when all the lea ing mwspupers of New York, 3. s- tun Philadelphia, Pittsbur; and mher cities have made many announcements 0! it. t-o their nudes-s. weakness. PRINTED BY REQUEST ticcd Mr. Hany Ball took hi: mik- drive Sunday lust. “Km he [cund mt: pitch hula A Lazy Liver Dress Mantle. Maker, W Potts of Hupc, were calcy l'lallzs (.Vcr Sun Hu: dteds of cares are remru‘d. Il yuur throat is irnlabla and Sore, gurgle it three times daily will: Nerviline and Waller Follow thesenmlrumione clow- ly and you will avoid 'I‘nnaimis, Bron- chitis and Thrnut Trouble ul‘every hind Hundreds are preventing and curing: their Culds by this method and rep I‘i It eminently unis-factory, Bull! Keny- ili e Plusters and Poison’s Nervili 3 can be had from any dealer. 25c each \\'x11 ‘0: at my Shop every \‘.'cdnesd:1y and Saturday afternoon-'1. cht door west (Flames Donaldson’s pump shop. A dearth of local news oflen lends lo murmurs on the part of {Lu-e who prize local gossip above all else. and it ism»: all the fault at {he publisher. Any live publisher (and we (:e:t..xlnlv Now is your time. to leave you or~ dcr [or fencing 'l'lic prosiiccts z‘n'c that the wire will be higher. 1 am in a position to furnish you With any style of fenc: or quality of fence, from 30 cents per rod to $1.75 per foot. You can have your cliOicc of Six different makes All orders left in on but-0n: tltc First of March will have: l'wo Cents a rod rebate. You can have it shipped whcn you want to use it So you have to pay no sooner than if you ordcrctl it just wlicn you wmx: going to hu1ld. Sonic tnncs It is hill'ti to get luncing on hllult noticc. ll “'ll‘c should godown in priCc you Will 3.3:: the benefit of the drop. Steel gulcs :ilwn)s on hand. Iain man for the Call Art Metal Co. Any person that intt-nds to use any Steel Shingles, Siding or (Idling WI†(10 Wcll and scum: money by calling, <ctring smnplcsnnd have prices quoted. It will luat a life time. I who huntllt- the host lmyfork goods on the market. Prices right, wont guar- mtccd. I i'uprésent one of the best nurseriesin Canada and l'tn‘msli none A. PAYNE, Milibrook. are not dead, except to duns), Will not {an to give all the local news worthv of note, therefore u hen {he lucul depart- m’Pnt is short you should Imt rail at the editor but reummber you might have con muted suwide got married, quar- relled with your Le ighbur, Mule chick 8118,1et3‘onrtenm run away, or dune a hundred other things to make a local item. but reliable, hardy Uses and shrubk‘. Your order plzu‘cd with me insures hmlihy smug, true to name and at rcnsnnablc prices. ... . ‘ Doctors Fear Tonsilms Outbreak. 'l‘Ov'l‘HE FARMERS OF C5§7AN .an THE ADJOINING TOWN- sun’s: If a. newsmpor should publish cur- rent street gussip. or Hm hints and alr lusiuns of the bust society in the com umnity it “win he. «.mracxzed and the. your eilitur lmrsenhim-ed ur burned at the strike Think n' minute of the mean and In“ things you say abuut your to“ "amen mu] )nllr near neiuhhnr and imagine ho“ it “(mid lumk in print. Dnn’t criticiue tle newspapers for what they print, but give the m urea! credit. 10:- whui they dunt print. A Leusyul-er that. 0. Mains one-Jul“ the uhnbenw current amox-g Hm lzest citi- zem, \muid he cunszdemd 1:1. {3: {0 real- Honesa‘ ONLY ONE PAIZ‘ELESS CORN CURE. Hundreds have tried, but no one has succeeded in making as gum] a remedy as Putnam’s Painless Cnru Extractor It’s by {at the bestâ€"buuure o! substi mics for “ Putnam's.†EELTU'I‘ECE .. Tank-2's will be r: :civcd by the undersigned, up to l'ursday, 7th (in), of" April m-xt, for :m Operator tor, and for nu: Wurking of the Rmm' (Brzldrr m the 'l‘mmship of Emily, during 1hr: Season of 1908. 'l‘cndrrs may 1);: arm In Hcpm'atcly for ‘Opcl'nling’ and for "l‘camzef 'l‘hc lowczst, or any tender nut m:- Ccssarily leCt:[rlcd. R. J. (BRANDY, Township Clerk. ()mcmer. March 6th, IQOS. Nioneyv Fauna - Cor You've 8: Diner Sts. Tomnm n" Y Yo: £8 and McC-Jl Sts., Ton-0:180; ( MM'VWWW is a good time to start. New 'l‘r-nn opens on jun. 2nd. Write for catakwue; our modcru te mics and Oiher udvz: Intugcs wxil interest )ou. Briiish American Business College, for 3 months’ course. “Why he- tun: DCC. 21. 15 mus (.’.t/)(‘)7;C)L(.'L. After Xmas. Ecious, appetxzmg has such a. dci satisï¬e: aromaâ€"helps digestion-â€" WhiteSwzm Coffeeisï¬rstsenled in parchment, then placed in tins, preserving its full flavor and freshness. The Robcri Graig Co.’ Linked/Toronto Umï¬ï¬‚gm 31 o m “:3 magma 3m “â€"23 Our method of wasting our perfect Mend ochcfa ‘ and fax; coffees, dcvcicps and prescrves the rich essentiai oil of the berries â€"‘brings out the {ulncss (’ and richness of the flavor. \ That's why 3 ) I 541 4.30 manul;cuu.cra at H 3 ‘ , mm V1638. g 9‘1: 715' ,‘0 ESA ACEIE wag. A“ .2. wv; :75 away PuSTORAL. . hide by «LC. Amâ€) 4 0.. LOWOH, has. me: and»? ,.\B!!v..hu.dwn1Â¥._ , 4..†â€PEI?! £033qu 56 3.... no as? 1.3 33 3335"“ ob» â€3933 an .9 an ab? ANNIE- \\. l»’) R \, TEACHER, I’iuno um] 'lhcory. Pupils prq'mrcd for limunination. Tcrms Moderate ash, ‘Vfl J. Pure and F- Physician 0 Presclipâ€" tlons Accuzately Lls- pens ed. A RELIABLE LHC‘AL SALESMAX 150R MILLISIMUK and adjoining CHUHU‘)’ to represent W’e also car Largest list of cmnmerciul and do- mesticlruilsâ€"lurge and smali: urn». momais, and shade trees: flowering shrubs, vines, roses, ï¬ne seed pntntoes one of our speciunies “CAEL’DAS GREAT EST RURSERIES" EV I?! “I 321 Your Spare 1 Mâ€" AJ Time at Home. We want our course to he‘ in every home in ()ntnrmwhere were are ladies, so have devidm! 10 give, direct. to line public our impruved $15 ('011250 in dressmaking incinding rur Lamvs‘ ’l‘mlnr Syshun fur \\ln’)?r's:fle-1»r:cr-,.‘}5 ()0 As there are u 'nrge nunzherut penguin, esmciufly dnassnxnke's, say you (‘unnnt learn by mail “e m†send msem‘mul lst lemon (“Inch teaches how to make a perfect ï¬tting wairt) rogmtnrud to nnv address 1:: Unmrio Am-r )on are satisï¬ed you can learn, send $5 ('10 and we “in 1Uf\\£lld full course ul‘ lebsms. l'lcase- do not sum! nnicss _\<:n “ibh tn learn drussnmking, \w are sn snronny' one can learn that. was an mmtue to give $300 In am one we vannm lunch These lessons tench LMV to cut. fl and 1an logmlxer, any garment from the plziilmbt sLxrt want unit, tn the mus: elnhunue dress '1 his: is the (Inn course in (‘nnznln that the \\ hole {gun ilv can l-.-:xrn. lu' mm nmmLer takin: u, up \\'u have (wen in hnmness f« r L ten 3' ‘nrï¬, have. taught m er 7,1590. Be wnre of Imizzuiuns us smzze have been known to copy n'll' ndvs and even claimed “here they “are not knnnn h» be lhe inventor of this cnnrse No adv. is genuine nithout our $500.00 gmlrnnwc. Write for particulars. Sanclers’ Dressâ€"Cutting Schcol, 31 Em: SL, Strutford, Ont, Canada. 1 \ \ Yes. 100,000 time's'ta'ch day.‘ Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely 'what to take for b.1d bloodâ€"Ayer’s Sarsaparilln. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 ycars. One {rquzuht c-msn of bud Hand is n sluggish liver. uh†[lHIxHCCS (‘nnmunuimu l‘uimnmns ~u.n.l:n-vu~: LU: l‘w‘u :ulmnlywl into the blood. K-scp 114-. Km“ vi: \ 11ml than AV!†'8. l’illfll Stuck that in hardy comes from us :pormanent situuiiun (ur right man f..r who!†lerritury will he rusers‘r‘» L -l‘:.,‘ ‘B Wkly: Free Equipment. \\ rite fur Particulars sTATIONFI-zY. T IL “T ARTICLES, PAT. MEDICINES, DRUG SUNDEIES, CONFECTIONERY. FANCY CHINA, 01? AI:S,PIPE , TOBACGOS. 850519 ‘Nellington mama†Toronto Ontario Apply 3° {15% the practical information you need "SETTLERS' GUIDE" “WESTERN CANADA" \"TOURIST SLEEHNG CARS" TIME TABLES ’ply to nearest C.P.F2. Agent. or to c. B FOSTER District Pass. Agent. TORONTO *me Fcnthm Nurseries (8.10 Acres.) IF YOU ’l‘ï¬iVEi OF MAKING A HOME “1 TIES WEST YOU SHOULD HAVE THESE th 11th. And; y what to 1â€" A’yer s ctors have E -0 y:: ars. I nor] is a nhxgg‘ah linu, l'uimnmus into the bLoud. :1 ‘3 X“ .lis W: >.,.I.owell 11:03. . 1 I M“: or R ViG-‘JR. .: c'. a... '3‘ R31: FuCTORAL. 3 4 5 ti ___-_- __-_.__ 7 ' f )K Y , s pleased re state for 9905 than pared to distribute into an}: ( n.5, of Ontario materiaJ fur exp- ente with fodder crops. grains, grasses, clowns, and fertilizers Abodt . -00 varietzes of farm craps have been test.- ed in the Expernnémal Department of the Ontario Agricui’dl College. Guelph. fur at le 15‘ live years in succession, These cenmst of varieii-e from near- 1_\' a i _arls of the worid, some of which have dune exceedingly “ell m the cue fully conductcj txirerimeuis at the I TIE meltf’h'e. tutal and .E College and are now being distributed free «if charge for co-operrm '9. experi mems in wricniture for 1908 ' No Experiments Pints 1 Three \':1rie.ies~of Outs ......3 2n 'lhree 'nrietios ni'siXorow Uniey 3 :ny 'lu'o varieties 0! two mned “ 2 3 Two \‘zuiemes (:i‘ iiuiiess “ ‘3 4 Two Vul'ieiies oi Spring; Wheat 2 5 'i‘ixruc 'urieiiee of 11120); w eat 3 6 Two varieties (if Fieid l‘e..s ‘_’ iimmer mm Speit ...... 2 7 S 'i‘wn varieties oi S )y, SLja, or inch pcrsqn in Ontario who mshns mjoin in the “urk may chorse any UNI‘Z of the experiments for 1‘I()S,:1nd apply fur the same. The In taridl “in he fumM 9d entireh‘ free of c‘xarue to each a; ; “Fillâ€, and the produce “in, nfcunree, hem-me the propertj of the persun \sho cm d “181‘98(“(1‘91’iln9ht- Ontario Agno. (foilego, Guelph, March 7th, IDLS :4 ‘D Elam! is Hm Soul of life Check its funnmiun. reduce its qua!- ily,2essun Us red cellsâ€"5011M once ' 13" saxpstrczv. ;.:2d \‘zizzlitx - ;ou yen} â€c ilself. When \‘on sfrmwgthen H.e H.041, mate it richer m red cells, increase its Solid C0:).~t.i!l19lltfl you supple the ma' torinls that rebuildâ€"Von lurxzislu \hal When ynn are weak and (mingâ€" When amuetHe is pm.râ€"\\ hm) manta! 911' He seems impossihla, sleep hard to L'flt, he sure your h'm d has grown pnnr :nul yuur new-nus svswm in consequen- ce is “zip-aired. disease-resisting element strung! h . Nothing so quickly shmulafes the formation 01 rxch, red blood as Form. zone. Ferrnzmm's :wtinn upon H19 digestive p0“ er is imuudi: Melâ€"pvvn 1113111: vnn 9:1! is Comerted imo nounshment .1111! MW†1mg Inawr i:1! 19m zone form‘ms ‘he m- tinn n‘ the hnii-itng nuttprini. Ferroznnv forums the m-tion o‘ the kit‘nurs. iivvr and stotnnrh, increases circulation, and by these means throws into the bimni :t vast More of material" to hniid np anti to strungtiwn. Fervozone hy making Mood and stim- niatin: Vitui action, ttnnainits to the tiehiiitatmi hmin celis. exhausted by toil, by anxiety. or by sickness, the strength they nee“. 'l‘he heniï¬ccnt action of Fnrrnmne on the brain is transmitted through the nervous system, and nil ponovs of the body an: enormously itit‘rt‘uï¬e'i, i’c-rrt zwne enuhies the body to per- form all its functions to a normal anti natural way, and with an absolute {‘09- timn from reaction, “hich is the. most positive assnrnnve that the body is strengthened -not hiititlii‘lietil \‘\‘ hetlmr the \x-eziignnss you suffer is proft nnti or of long standing, n hntever he conditions :trvâ€"ii the blood is in paired, if‘ils ndnws is reduced, if its activity in tesaenedâ€"Ferrnzone is an abs. lute and rapid remedy. For any ct ndiLiou oi “calmness, de- ‘vilitv or ill henlih In men, women an!) chiitirun, you can’t ï¬nd so nourishing and strengthening a ionic as Ferr 2 no; try it, Suit! everi‘where in 50c. boxes. Strung q-mruatives have kil'ed '5 mum a g'md man. (‘ostiyeness is b. d‘ â€"\'ioh-.nt catlumcs axe “‘(rsr’. If both ercd with bt‘ mm h trouble c~r bulions- mess tn Dr 11.;lniitu‘n’s Pills They ma 3; mihl Von (an <0 re 15 feel their ac inn, wt 80 effective that the entire m 818:!) is c aansed of wastes. Dr Ham- thons PJIIR mme the hovels gently, the) tune the kidneu, assist digestion. clear the skin. For those subject to c Ids, b “iousnees, langnur there is no bgtter nmiicine. lry a. 25c box of I r. quuiltun‘u Pills, IS M "" ' YL LBS Imfl ND PURE? IT HAS KILLED HUNDREDS Fe“ 1 Es ('. A. 7.\\'IIZ, Dlrcc‘nr “e call I‘m' 1' c l a‘ancc of the Winter Scason “(3 Will «rive sweepin" reducm :. 111 :11] kinds of \\ 11:1cr goody such as ]3!;1nkc-ts,llmmcls, Owrcua s, (310'! '11‘: Shirt. and Mam-15, 5111111119, (,ardlgan jackets, Sock , Gloves and M: -. vay Ruhhu‘s (t Socks, Bun: sa "111d show, Skates. 8:0, mu~t make room [1 1 Spring guuds. W1: (any at 2111 [111165 a full .3ka of ShLIf and Bu1‘1d1ng â€â€œ111- wm'u, at [we-cm m: hfn‘c'l :1 snlcndid assnrtmcnt of Cross Cu .41“ s, Axes, “.13 Kmvcs, Stable Scmpcrs‘ M. AH going ch 11:21). 1511 H.6G1711y8166’s \‘5 This is the beginning: of Chrnnir‘ Caturrh. If not checked, the resnit is deafness A sinIpIe remedy “:41 many physicians advise is to slowly iuhnl-s “ (‘utarrlmmne†a few times euch day The Soothing vapnr of Czuurrh(.'/,)I'e cures the (‘atmrhul coxldmun and hear ing umarovvs at once, Head noises buzzing ears are cured. For (‘aturrhul denturess, lhmnl, n: 59 and lung (3.1mm: there is probably no remedy su emu-w: KI. A: the small mine of 40 cents a year} the ‘Nurtllern Mussenger†currlee to‘ nearly seventy Mums-and Canadian ‘ lmnms, scattered from the Allantic ‘lo the l’m'iï¬r‘, from l2 to in pages of the most interesting mutter that can he cronded into them. Children subscribe to it in their own names [0-day \\ lzuse grandparents delighted in it 40 Years ago, and who still feel Hunt in tlleirdc- clininu years there 15 nollning llke it The influence or the “Northern Mess- enger“ in a home week by week is be- yond estimation and can be always unnnted on as making for righteous» nens. It. is strictly nndenolnlnational. strongly evangelical and temperanm‘, and loyal to BriMsh and Canadian ideas; its brlgllt stories, anecdotes, verses and pictures com! inn to mulle the "Messenger’ interealinu and / help- ful to every member of a lan..ly. Fur the Sunday Sclmnl \lwre Is no better paper than the "Nor'hcrn Mes- senger.†Half rates are given to Sun day Schools nnda three weeks ma! free is invited. Special terms '0 newly organized schools. Published hy John Dongall Son., “Witness" ï¬lm-k Montreal. You slvep had 13', appetite is \ arlulile Y on eat but. gain no sir:- iiu‘ili Morning tradiiess makes you \\ isli iiiglit would come. When night comes refreshing} slw‘ep is hard to obtain. Y’uure YUU‘ doiiii, your blood is lliiiin and walery, your nerves have gr \ieak, 1h.- lliouul t of effort weariesymi Yon need Ferrozniie, ' it makes blood ricli sirong him d. An Appetite 9 Y 05% eat emery- tliiiig and digest it Loo S reiigtli? That :2 “liai plenty of food gh es. Ferriznne ghee linpe, vigor vim, endurance U59 Fern zone and get, i-lrung. Results are I In ckâ€"cure is lasting. At all dealers. I 5n 500. boxes. .’ 3 '1.- E “EURTHERH MESSERGEB] A Fmend in 70,000 Families. YOUR NEE '55 ARE WEAK D0 YOUR EARS RING ? The right Mam! of the two makes the only perfect flour for all brcad and pastry. fax 0 F35 5A3. Qiï¬as'mï¬ LABEL 1?: do just try it and prove it. “ M ado in Omaria †ADDRESS J. H Wilson Port Hop;â€" (P. S. â€"Orders left at the Mir; Ofï¬ce, Mlllbrook, Ont., will ha: pwmpt attention. Nerihumberland and Durham Orders booked for sales at an tune and prouxpfly attcndcd m t‘d (‘Olumn $30 $23 $15 $6 $2 H‘nlmnu 25 15 8 3 l Etiommn L5 8 5 2 (I: Profexs 01ml Cams. (m0 llK‘h and undo Spa-r year. $3 101' six months, $1 Mr W month. , uâ€, a“ A Lug“; notim‘s Rm‘nts per line ï¬rst in: Lion. 2 cr‘xns pox- Hm- mu-h MX‘I-scqurnt m-itmnâ€"Nonpmhl measurement. 12 U to Hm im-h. _- Advertisements sum: as 10M. MI:- \vmnrd. elm. \viJ he hmertrd threw linu~ '. 5'me insulin" 50 cents. each Lulllhi‘z »- illarlHHIIZ'ISt‘Pnla'. l‘.lrth<.1wam~:.and Marriages are magi-I: r‘ Free. Advorlh-nnvnh Will be (‘nntinufll tam: ohnrgï¬d [or um“ lorbiduen. '(‘lmhgus m advertismm-uts are to be L the omcc x30: lau-r than Monday. AUCTIOL *Z [31 13-1 #7:, Tex-ms, $1.50 per your, or $1.00 per your paid in adx‘muc. . C‘. W. RICHARDS. for the United Counties of Some beauvtiful linrs in WATCI'UZS, CLOCKS, 1E“ ELRY, SILVERWARE, CL" GLASS.CHINA,’§‘RA\'EI.IN( CASES, MANICURE cxsu: NOVELTIES, c., bzc. pummlu-d every Thursday Morning at its nice. King Street. Mlllbrook. 77 Kent-St LIKE-SR: ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬WHSï¬ï¬ lime: [1‘ Thurwgn‘sra 82:52 a S*gn1311y Te rms Reasonable You can buy Dainty Goods at MCCARTY’S, AhVER'l‘!Sl‘NG RATES: lyr. 6mo. 3 mn. lmo. 1 Wk. SI'EN ‘R I PTIUX ‘.A THE LICENSED MIRROR G‘K‘.