~i have secured the Agency of ,all the leading Wire Fences on 'the Market.- The 211 ove cut shows the Lock of one of themâ€"THE PE BR! E55 -â€"all galvanized, will stand a lx‘igi 1 Ac: .1 l.cst to Secure their fences in time. Agent for the MAGNET Cream 'beparutors--there are none better. 11 se" the best Hay Fork Goodsâ€" _th only one that has the nip le ;power. Call and see Model before bu) m". An; person who has fruit trees or pant PUIHIOLS should have a :Auto Sprayer. Cad and sec sam- Pic. Twit Trees, Shrubs, Qppusite john Gillott Son’s, for an kmds of FENCING You tan build a \Vire Fence m a Mud tile, if you get stcel postsâ€"no eavmg out of the ground by frost. Also agent for Leading NurScries. Leave \our order early for I thank you kindly for past patronagu, and soi'rcit your further urders, which will have my best attention. A. PAYNE, gleave their orders early to be able 7 An event which has been looked zorwud to with 'mzerest, took place a; . ‘- uo home of Mr. and Mrs. 600. Lock. Mlzlbrook.on Wednesday evening, of la†nooknvhen their daughter, Miss Lillie was nnitm! in marriage to Mr. Monty Lang. 3 popular young man of ... 3v." Township. “The nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. G. B Clue, In zhe presence of a few of mo Immednte friends of the contract twpartlea. The wedding march was .w‘layod by Mini Bertha Lock Mr. ‘ Walter Williamson was groomsmun. ‘â€" and Mia: Elva Lock bridesmaid. NURSE BROS.’ LIVERYâ€" “(a will be pleased to have a call from you when you need a. ï¬rst- ‘class livery outï¬t. Terms right. Don't forget the place, Union St., ‘Mlllbrook, W. T. McBride’s old rstund. We will use you right. Get your cbthes made like new in having them d\ ed by Parker‘ 5 _Dye Works, Peterboro. Harry Richards, Millbrook agent, at his ~store, D. Chamber’ 5 old stand. ‘ Your patronage is respectfully :solicited. I am also agent for :the Peterboro Steam Laundry. H. Richards. Fancy Fences and Gates kept canstantly on hand. Samples can be Scan at All". J, D. l‘alr s Huld- wane Stow. r . All the above goods Will be sold at a very small advance on cost. ctc..with me. No. I Stock, all guaranteed. a'l‘m'brllle was attired in “bits silk â€an-d Ibo bridesmaid in plaid silk. both looking charming. The bride, who is quite popular among her many friends. receive-d many beautiful presents. "Be sure and visit Omemee on ,londay NEXT, 8; the Cantata. . Call early and leave vour order for New Sccd Potawcs. Pnce fight. Steel Posts NO’FICE I J. STEELE’S, ,FOR [JP-'l‘O-DA'I‘E JEWELRY. The Mirror joins in extending the nuns! felicitatlous m the happv coupte- Farmers Should Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ‘MILIBROOK. Eyegluees may not alwrys be becoming. Neither are headaches, bloodshot eyes, wrinkled eyebrows and half- closed lids. For any or all of them this may be the alter- native. We adapt the stvle of glass†best suited to the face of etch patron. MILLBROOK. WEDDING BELLS. . Turner, M1111 rook A Sena} Cow bannuing to Mr J“. Portm- last week gave btru» to homu- {Dilaiucalvem A A». Mr. Wm Ever-,0! Bullioboro, was a. guest of his cousiu, Mr. Jupes Porter, last week. 0,0! were guests at the home of her ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Wm Byers. of Ponty. I}: Is Siflcr, Mrs. 'l‘. Luxon on Sunday. J Hassar(1....... ...... ...... 74 " 0 Kennedy ............ ......69 " C Clarke....,. .............. .60 “ M McKim ...... .... ........60 " C Naltrasl.................51 " C Francey ........ ....... 48 ‘: 0 Clara... ..... 87 " W Armatrong........ ...... 36 " (J McBride, on subjucta tried 76 " R Donuelly, “ 51 " Hoping to have the continued co- operation of parents: in the coming months. The followmg Is the report of the Fourth Bonk Classes of the Public School. Millbrook, from March lat to April 12th, 1906, SENIOR IV Earl Sootheran ......93 per cent Robert Fair ...............87 “ H Hubburd...m....... ......87 “ M McIvor..................86 “ H. llaudley...... ............ 8O " J Needler....................78 " W Clarke...... ......... .........77 " H Neodler ..... . ....... â€75 " B Fitzgerald .... ...... .......74 " REdmunds ......... .... M Bun-9...... S Punishâ€... . M Rape: ..,.............. H Hunter.............. W McKim ........ m... A Orr. on an‘ujecu tried L Thexton, " E Crocker, “ H Armstrong " M. Chrllto, " W Kennedy, " On Friday evening last qmte a num ber attended an irtercstmg meeting of L. O. L. No. 79. After the regular business had been transacted, two can didates were Initiated rule the mysteries of the ï¬rst degree. County Master Bro. Archie Reynolds, Bros. Kent and thhards were present and enjoyed the kind hospitahty of the Brethren of 79 very much, and were delighted to note the rapid growth of thxs Lodge. THE PHILIP CAREY ROOFING The mcmhers will appcar in a beau tilui new rcgalia next xzth, and they hope to be at least forty strong on that occa:ion. 'l‘hls must be \‘Cl’y encour- aging Indeed to \Vorshxpful Master Bro. Geo. Fowler and the Lodge as a whole. \Vc wish 79 continued pros- penlv. Several mitintxons are expected at the next regular meeting. Our patent improved lap insures an absolutely watertight joint, protecting the naxl heads from rust and present. ing an even and neat appearance. It requires less painting than tm, Iron or steel, and the cost 15 only about one-half. Metal roofs usually rust on the under side, where they cannot be painted. The under side of Cement Rooï¬ng never will Wear out. L C'arke .. The M illhrook Citizen's Band is practising twin: :1 week, and will have some: execllcnt progrumu cs for musnc lovers duxing thc summcr momhs. V. e arc all anxiously waitmg for the: ï¬rst Open air concart. l)r. Fishcr makes a strong assitant to the band. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell went to Port Hope on Saturday to consult an eye specialist. who agreed with the treatment of Dr. Turner. While our local physician does not claim to be an optical spccxalist, he has made a careful study of the eye, and you may depend on his decision in most cases. \\ e are pleased to state that there is a good chance that \Irs. Mitchell Will not have to undergo an operation. The many friends of Dr. B. Whytc ml! be pleased to learn that he 15 able to lcavc the hospital. H: 15 visitmg friends in town at present. Mr. T. Luxon, of Millbrcolt showed us a strawberry plant with some choice rlpc fruit thereonâ€"he wouldn’t let us nearer than a lookâ€"and evw hinted that his dog was very much attached to the strawberry patch, not that he is particularly fond of the frmt, but that he will be on hand to ‘wflcome’ straw- berry hunt: rs. We suppose we should be grateful to be countcd among those “A word to the wise. Sic.†Mr. Luxon had some berries ripe about the last of March, and without the and of a hut bed. How is this for “The Lady of the Snows.†Mr. C. O. Phcmll leaves to day for hxs home at Brooklin, Ont., for the Easter holidays. We wish him a very plvasant outing. Mr. Phcrrill has taken :1 deep interest in his classes of our public school, and his pupils should make a good showing in thc cxams. Dr. 'l'ifï¬n, if spared until the 27th inst. will Celebrate his 85th birthday. He can read ï¬ne print without the aid of spectacles, and walks down townâ€" about a mileâ€"for his provisions. He reCCSVed a letter last week from a nephew in-law, residing at Mpntreal, stating that his sister, aged Sr years, had died on March 25th, and that his the Dr's. nchc had gone to England to be With her mozher during her Illness, but did not arrive in time to see her alive. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved. Up to-dnte Signâ€"Mr. A. Leach has quiic an attractive: sign in his drug store, it is run by electricity on the same principle as those of the cities. It ts certainly a good adv., and along with one in “The Millbrook and Omcmec Mirror,†the NR would be well advertised in this section. L. S. CLARRY, Agent, Mlllbrook. Millbrook School Report. L. o. 1* 79 GROWING. OIIOOOCOOQOO I0. .052 CID-ll ’0'... as... coco-o.“ n»...- C O. PHERRILL, Teacher, JUNIOR IV. -.- opuooou coo .......... 74 .. ...... .65 -.....61 . .61 â€53 ....80 ..67 69 . ",:.:-. swzanp-wï¬ 'w-u - AC. 131‘ '1', 2.11 imam-v dam: Mr T. G‘. Tully. of Ida, “as here "J last neck on ï¬mu‘m K ‘ i K Mrs. D. W. McKim, who has had a most enjoyable visut at the homc ul hcr son, Mr. G \V. McKim, and with other friends in town, lcft on 'I'chday for her home in Napunce. Mrs. Mc- Kim has made many warm friends in town and country during, ncr \rlall, all of whom will wulcumc be: next visit. The deceased gentleman was one of the older settlers in this locality, and had in connection with his sun Mr, B. F. Stimson built up a successful milling and lumber business here, he leaves a family of three sons and l‘ourduuuh‘erl to mourn a kind parent.â€";\llnden Echo, The funeral of the late Mr. '1‘ Stinson wlnch took place on Tuesday last from the family residence was very largely attended. there lelng over ï¬fty car- riages in the funeral procession. . . . Mrs. G. H SmaH (formerly of Mill- broak) 15 :1 daughter of Mr. Stimson. Wm. H. Guy, of the ruinous Guy Bros.. minstrels, died recently at his home in Springï¬eld, Mass. Mr. Guy. although blind for the past. {our years, travelled with the company through- out the season, taking the part of one of the end men. Many friends and patrons of the Guy Bros. in this section will regret to hear of his death. IF YOU FIND FEED SCARCE try a bag of thc l’ctcrboro chop from Byam’s. Miss Lillie.- Peel spent a few days of this week with friends in Bcllmny. Bet 315 Kenn, whoocmuï¬edthe Presbyterian: pulpit last Sabbath, ie a. son of Col. l'ellis of Toronto; he has in- herited some of his {uther’e noble quel- ltlee. never being at home unless in the midetofthe boys, always a favorne wherever he aipeare. We understand the Rev. gentleman when down in our town last Saturday evening had his eye on the boys and impressed himself attheinorning service an anxious to help them. Those who were present on Sunday evening must have carried away valuable advice. his ineeSuge u as timely and helpinl. He was ably assieled by the choir, My. Pym by special request gave a. selection and tank the solo in the anthem in the evening. _ CAST OF (‘UARACI‘ERS. Mr. Felix Featherly.... Mr. J C. Kells Mr. Icebmok Mr. E W. Lamprey Maj Wellington 03130013, Mr. llulladay Trap. . . ...... Mr Frank N. Fallia Mra. Featherly, Elisa Belvedere Alurtin Mrs. DeBoots........l\Irs. Juhn Allen Mrs. Swandmm............. Miss Vance Fanny...... .... ,Misa lIelen Cullius Galiery Reserved. Plan at Dr. H. A, Turner’s Drug Store. Admission 250‘ Childxen 15¢. Reserved teats 35c. Mrs. Mallory, of Oshawa, attended the marriage of her granddaughter, Miss Lilhc Lock to Mr. H.1rry Lang, last wcck. 60 Laughs to the minute {nr those who attend the Original Comedy, in Three Acts, cnutlcd ‘A Widow Hunt,’ Town Hall, Millbmok, on Friday, Apnl zolh. Doors open at 7.30, ï¬rst laugh begins at 8 pm. If you’re not on time you’ll be sorry. BORN. At Sidney, Man" in February, to Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Wright, 3 son. The Pastor will preach special ser- mons, and there will be spccial music for Easter Sunday. You are heartily invitcd to attend. The original Comedy in Three Acts 'A WIDUW HUNT," by the MHibrook Amateur Dramatic Club, will be given n the Town Hall, Millbrook, on Friday April 20. The services in Millbrook Church next Sunday morning and evening promises to be very interesting The Pastor will preach special sermons. The chmr has been greatly strengthen ed by three good voiCes, and are re- hearsing some beautiful Ea‘ter music. The following excellent Anthetm will be rendered : “ Why Seek ye the Liv- ing,†" Easter Reposra" “ Alleluia. Sing so God,†and â€I am the Resur- rection.†There will also be a special serviCe in the Sunday School Room at the regular hour. You are cordially invited to all the servxces. The children cannotpossibh have good health uulun the bowel: are m proper cnudltiou. Cur- rect an ennui anion by glving small luxmivo douse Ayer’l Slum!wgcub:e,sugar-coated. To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- age, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. Prucuedu in aid ofSt. Thomas Church. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Anxious In Help the Boys. MR '1‘ Sl‘lN-‘ON’S FUNERAL. Special Easter Services. For the Children METHODIST CHURCH. W. hn-vo no secrets! We publuh the {ox-mum. of MI. our medicinal. "A Widow Hunt.†3T0. Ayer 00.. Lowe“. Man. [0 miniature:- or HAIR VIGOR. AGUE CURB. CHERRY PEETORAL. As everyone expected, the music lovers of the town and surround- ing community turned out last Thursday evening to hear the Sacred Concert given in the Presbyterian Church. The choxr Was never in better form; they were aLly assisted by M rs. Wilmot of Port Hope ; the audience show- ing their appreciation by calling for another number. To many. she was heard [or the ï¬rst time, and by the attention given and the applause that followed each piece, she won a place in the affections of the audience. She possesses a rich, full vorce. well balanced, thoroughly under con- trol, showing the eff cts of long training and careful painstaking effort. MiSs Eva Hunsman, of Port Hore, is no stranger to Millbrooli; she was heard to good advantage in quartette and chorus, and manv went the expressions of apprecia- t1on of her voice and manner. Miss Hansman belongs to a musi- cal fam 1y; her sister, Mrs. H. W. Johnston, is a favorite wherever she is heard, her services are in demand and have been gr 11er01isly given in connection with 111 any a ( hurch gatheiing and gieil func- tion. l\l1'.E1rol Hansman has a good clear voice, and like his sisters gives unstintingly of his time and ability to help along any good worl'. Wouldn’t. it kill youâ€"“ A Widow Huntâ€â€"â€"-and in a town like Millbrook with so many pretty maidens. Town Hall, Friday evening, April 20, Inlcl' auspices of the Millbrook Amateur Dramatic Club. Miss Maud Nugent never sang more sweetly or acceptably than on Thursday evening, not only in solo, but in the solo part taken by her in the chorus; her ability and interpretation Spoke volumes for her. Time and space tail us to give in detail our impressxons’ of these talented entertainers. Mr. Pym, though just recovering from a severe cold and an ulcerated tooth, sang and played and guided proceedings as though he were in perfect form. He is certainly a host in himself, and any choir and community is favored indeed in haVlng him in their midst, as an interpreter of music. c...-.- .9133†' Mrs. (I)r.) Snelgrove excelled ; her sweet, clear voice never rang: out to a n audience who were more Sympathetic or responsive than the one she stood before last week. In quarteue, Messrs. johnston, Pym, Doak and Hansmzm gave to the audience an idea of their ability and of \\ hat can be accom- plished by thorough training, such as Mr. P) m gives. \Ve hope that the example set by our Presbyterian lriends will he as a spur to touch responsively those in the different Churches who possess voices, which with careful training, would delight the ear and please the taste. We have had the pleasure of listening to two good Sacred Concerts in this Church, and hope that m the future we may be further privileg- ed in this way. Having: such a representative gathering, such sympathetic hear- ers, it ought r0 make the hearts ofthose who had the concert in charge glad ; the proceeds were good, and go, we understand", to the choir fund. Altogether, the concert was one of the brstâ€"if not the bestâ€"of the kind ever given to a Mlllbrook audience, or In thls Church. Sacred Concert. L. s. Clarryï¬ So when you want a GOOD ROOF look up the Carey Rooï¬ng and you m†certainly make no mistake. and will last as long as the roof boards upon which it is laid» Known all over the United States and Canada as the I LEADING ROOFING on the Market. I l ......... Renowned for its DURABILITY. It is......... I Wind, Dust, Rain, and FIRE PROOF. 3 Is CHEAPER than good shingles. Is warm in winter, and cool in summer. Carey‘s magnesia Cement Rooï¬ng AGEE Cement Rooï¬ng can be used on pcxlcctly flat surface, :3; E ............ For Sale by............. iT, MILLERCC K, QNT. Is not a. secret or patent medicine. :2 g'iirrt which the most intelligent people are quite naturally averse been use o'.‘ the un- certalnty as to their harmless character. but is a. medicine or KNOWN uUMl’Ua’l‘l‘lUN, a. full list of all its ingredients being printed, inxwm English. on every bottle wrap )er. n examination of this list of ingre ients will disclose the fact that it is non-alcoholic in its composition. chem- ically pure glycerine takin" the place of the commonly used alcohol: in its make- up. The “Favorite Prescription " of Dr. Pierce is in fact the onlv medicine put up for the cure of woman’s peculiar wc' k- nesses and allments, sold through drug- gists, that does not contain alcohol and that too in Large qwmtltics. Furthermore it is the only medicine for women’s special. diseases, the ingredients of which have the unanimous endorsement of all the lea-ling medical writers and teachers of all the semml Schools of practice. and that too as remedies for the ailments for which " Favorite Prescription" is recom- mended. - . in ,A s_z-_.- “JUHUK'U. A little book of some of those endorse- ments wm be 501mm.zmylgxddress, post- , _~‘._‘..§ manna n u- uv ,. .... -V. ""a "W , . paid. and abs:flur.v1yfrce if you request 81ml: by pusnul can! or letter, of Dr. R. V. Pierce}, Bulfu‘lo.>l\".‘ Y n- ,4, , 9.. n_...\_:‘.. v I. |\'LLT-' lllthulv. -u l)on‘t forgot thth Dr. I’ierce’s Favorite Prescriptimi. for woman’s Weaknesses and delicate uilnmnts. is not a. patent or secret medicine. being the “Favorite Prescrip- tion" of a. regularly educated and gradu- a‘ol physiciltn. engaged in the practice of his chosnn specialtyâ€"that of diseases or womenâ€"that its ingredients are printed in plum English. on every bottle-wrapper; that it is the only medicine espocinlly dc. slgnod for the cure of woman's diseases thut contains no alcohol, and the only one that has a. professional endorsement worth mort- than all the so-called “testi- onials" ever published for other med- li‘lllCS. Sand for those endorsements as above. Thgy are f me for ‘t‘ne‘aï¬kin'z. , 'I__LA ST. THOMAS’ CHURCH Services at S and 10.30 a.m.. and 7 leL 8 mm. Celebralion of the Holy Com- muuion. 10,303.11}. Service and Holy Com- munion. At the 10.30 3.11). and 7 p.lll.SOI’VlCBI, the following music will be rendered by the choir: Hymn 127. Christ our Passover†l‘eDeum.................. Jubilate ............... Anthem. Ilallelujah.. Hymn 134. You’ll have to laugh, whether you are in the habit of doing so or not, if you attend the original comedy ut the Town Hall, on Friday, April 20. 113 ............ Woomuno 1H GREGAJUAN llS lsuuhVEx Magniï¬cut L‘. Num: Demlttls..l{ SM mr A .tl.em, Hallelujah Emu-m Hymns 133 and 140. Vesper Hymn. Kyrie Gloria Tibi" L\ EbIVU. uuuvu. .Lun; no»; . vv .v. ...v -V __._, ,_ If you sulfur from periodical, headache, backache. dizziness. pain or dragging down sensation low down in the abdomen. weak back. have disagreeable and weak- inz. catarriml, pelvic drain, or are in distress from being long on your feet. then 'ou may be Sure of beneï¬t from taking 1‘. l’ierce's Favmite Proseriptiou. Dr. Hume's Pleasant Pellets the best lax- ative and regulator of the bmvels. They invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. One a. laxative; two or three a. cathartic. IIy um 23‘: Mrs. R. J. Bryce, mother of Mrs. Snelgrovc, and Mrs. G. F. Snclgrovc, mother of Dr. Snclgrove, (both of the Queen City), will arrive in town this cvening and will spend Easter with Dr. and Mrs. Snelgrovc. We feel sure they will appreciate thcir visit to this pretty town, and Will no doubt carry away with them the thought that their children's lot has "fallen in pleasant places.†Mr. Isaiah Magce was in lown last Thursday calling on his friends. Mr. Magcc Is one of thc most prosperous and popular young farmers of Emily. He gave us :1 friendly call and rcncwcd his subscription to the Mirror, which he \vclcomcs cuch \s'cck. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harold Fry, 0! Buihcboro, attended the sacred concert last Thursday in the l'rcsbylcrmn Church hcrc. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prcs: To-morrow, Good Friday. EASTER DAY. Proper Psalms: MORNING. .......GoL‘.\'oD .......wacn I U 1 :Wn a!" ‘USv-‘lltiull, . . . .Bucanu ....... Loom: . .\l wmmm: .. . "Sunnis I will have charge of the boot an-l shoe department and will as usual pay stxxct attention to all custcmc-xs, and \shczhcr you want hand made or {JCIOI'Y boots and SllOcS, harness, ac , I can Supplv you with the best goods at right prices. We have a Special line of boys' School ShOcs, also a full stock of hunks. valises, c. I have purchased the hurneSs business of Mr. \Vm. Slmin. and will continue the said business in :m up to date style, havmg secured the serviCcs of a ï¬rst-class harness maker, who will attend to this department of the business. Last year was our banner year, but we are dc termincd to keep pace with our flourishing city and supply the demands made on us, for ofï¬ce assistants, not only from Pctcrboro but from other places as Well. We have not bccn able to do this in all cascs during thc last two years. Any young man or woman who thoroughly understands Bookkeeping or is a competent Stcnographcr and ’l‘ypcwritcr is Contain of a good position. You Will make no mistake in getting a I have had over twenty years’ experit-m e in the boot and shoe trade, and guarantee entire sallsfactlon. Your patronage sohgud. Nothing Succeeds Like Success. One Door East of Mr, J. Steele’s Jewelry Store. Winter Term begins Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, 1906. Everything will be 30m 3%; great- ly reduced. rates until the stock is cleared. Come in and get prices. W. B. MOORE, Numm ME Leah 7Business Education Bring in your Harness and get it repaired wan/Before the Sprlng Rushï¬m MILLBROOK, : : ONTARIO. %€%€€%§%§é§€%é§é% Veterinary Surgeon to His Majestfs 14111 I“. B , C. Every facility afforded Fatmels for their Bankirg Business. Sale notcs cashed or taken tor collectiou. Millbrock Branch. gitâ€"Q F. J. HOLLADAY, ALMANAGER Deposits of $I'oo and upwards received and intertst aHOWCd at current rates. Interest added to principal twice a year. WM. PRINGLE, Principal, Petertoro, C'Lt. Ofï¬ce on King St., ï¬rst door West Collins’ Bank. T. J. LANG, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Farmers’ Banking. Special Sale L'otc Forms FREE on application. Establithid 1857. S.â€" Calls by Teleplmne promptly attended to. Opp.TOWn Hall, ï¬Writc for Our Handsome Circular. 'lhis 15 cspccial‘ ) txue “hen applied to the . Fisller, V. S», Em; (ï¬ne, Tmntn. f miss Jennie MCC her sister, Mrs. 13 wick. and also m: of the 4th Ii: Miss flame C0“ Miss Jennie MCQuadc was I her sister, Mrs. Ed. Christi-I and also visited .\I:~.‘ not of the 4th line. Miss Ham: Courtney, of Bil ‘ ~43 here assisting hcr mother m V “nations for moving :v :3; - This ‘delightful Ca. will be given in C House, Omemee, 3 Monday evenin Mother Goose and Goslings will alsc in attendance inane, formerly occup'c l by AUCTIONEER FOR 1‘ Elgwï¬nfl bonny!" H 12.5 ~53 8 to @015 P9. in. REV #53 no». roan. Egg ï¬xtufloudo E or. g H “won gun {wager Tn: “ 3. 4313115. Ont. ll. GLEASON 0F GREEN hounds tell the same «(cry of i ““5316th [Me Cure. AI. 6" MILLINERY WEE Stock Large: CHA Immense showin;y of Drcs: Cord: de Chine, Cord dc .‘ Homespuns. Poll“ Dot. L‘ shades in Grcv. . New Dress Goods all or 8111mm Order your New We will sell you Our Dres: to any Dressmakcr \‘O [Adis' Ordered Suits at 1 will see in Tow Men's. Youths’ and Boys' N lcss than 01%: We carry the latest m 12V if Shuts, Collars and Cuffs. AUCTIONEER FOR MA ’1' you want to rexp the bb c: havmg an Auction Sq‘ Best 1111ch m Canadaâ€"Em per can. chcap Embrace this G I any a full line and sell 1‘ Over 800 People Attended “The Temp of Fame†January as Millbrook. W v - 1 The "his; {gunned £83195! - .1.qu u we) :s u' New Spring and Suzmx New Sailors Dress Making : Carpcls. Lluolcnncs, F 1‘ Wages-Fm Co Our Staple Dl lie 1 by Mr BE