E E SAFEllllAllD YOUR HEALTH BY USING- u '2. , ,.- . "SALllllll’ . Ceylon Natural Green Tea instead of the adulterated Japan Teas. Lead pockets only. HIGHEST AWARD 40c. 50c and 60: per lb. At all Grocers ST. LOUIS. 19M. THE NUHTHERN [Ill ASSURANOE COMPANY l llllD. PROhlllSill Gllllhll. WAIIT A NUMBER OF General and local Agents. To those who can write Insurance a liberal contract will be given. Apply, stating age, and experience (if any). to JOHN MILNE, Managing Director, London, Ont. THE GRAND TRUNK RAILW'AY SYSTEM. This pioneer and popular railway of Canada can now boast of the longest double track railway in the world under one management. its main line being double tracked from St. Johns. Que. to Niagara Falls and Chicago. It has the finest road bed in Canada over which some of the fastest long- dislance trains in the world are opera- ted. The “International Limited." run- ning between Montreal and Chicago. has become known as the “Railway Grey- hound of Canada" and the finest and fastest train in the Dominion. Four express trains each way daily except Sunday and two fast limited trains each way daily are operated be. tween Montreal and Toronto. Modern and luxurious trains with Cafe parlor and library cars on day trains and Pull- man sleeping cars on night trains. -â€"â€"+â€"- A slip of the tongue is often more dis- astrous than a slip of the foot. lll fitting boots and shoes cause corns. Holloway's Corn Cure is the ar- ticle to use. Get a bottle at once and cure your come. it is perfectly proper to carve out your own fortune, but you should not chisel other people in doing it. it Lays a Stilling Hand on Pain.â€"â€"For pains in the joints and limbs and for rheumatic pains. neuralgia and lumba- go. Dr. ’l‘homas' Ecleclric Oil is with- out a peer. Well rubbed in. the skin absorbs it and it quickly and perman- ently relieves the affected part. its value lies in its magnetic property of moving pain from the body. and for that good quality it is prized. Between an ordinary cold and the grip the differenCe is the size of the doctor’s bill. No distinction is made no to the kind of Piles that Dr. Leonhardt’e Hem-Raid cures. The names Internal, External. Bleeding, Blind. Itching. Summting. etc. are sin. pl names of the different a through It ich every one will pom if it continue- Iong enough. Piles are caused by congestion or stage» tion of blood in the lower bowel. end it token lln intomal remedy to renovo the cause. Dr. Imnbordt’e Hem-Reid is a. tablet taken internally. Itiaopermnentcuroondnocoae of Piles has ever been found it failed to cure. IdoAuoy back if it dies. w gmronteo wit every 0. Price â€.00 at my druggiet’e, or 51.: WilooirFon (30.. Limited, Niagara Falls, Out. 2 'l‘wu thousand uninhabited islands lie lettvccn Madagascar and the lndian coast. “Love Laughs at Incksniitlis"as South American Kidney tiure laughs at disu case. it‘s the seemingly impossible VALUABLE DESOLA’I'E ISLANDS. THE AWFUL SLAVE TRAD journey in Harper's Magazine one of the great American cocoa manufactur- ers has written to me to say that in consequence of my articles he has stop- ped the importation of San 'l‘homc co- W’UOUSANDS 0F VICTIMS FROM FOR. con. i think it likely that other great 'l'UGUESE AFRICA. Held on Alleged Five-Year Centracls in San Theme and Principe Islands. Henry W. Neviusou ‘wriles as 101- lcws concerning the slave trade in Por- tuguese Africa: , wot a year ago i was starting for my walk of 300 miles across the (Luann liivcr and through the Hungry Country of Angola. the Portuguese territory mg Central Africa. south’ of the Congo" State. 1 had already come up from the \\'cst Coast by a roundabout route to the district of Elite. and there 1 joint- manufacturers will follow this example and if they act togethernnd give their reasons this may have some effect up- on the Portuguese heart. But. as a nation we have the right. to interfere. in 18:50 we paid Portuguese £300,000 to stop her slave trade. By the Berlin and Brussels Acts of only £11 and 16 years ago. Portugal bound her- self. in common with us. to put down the slave trade from the Congo Basin and Central Africa generally. We have {also the right. of common humanity, [which we. have always claimed. 1 go about the world a good deal. and i know only too Well how hutch of her isuch qualities among us. But it does 0 . , . . ‘ - t J ' v . ~ . .' . u’g the most valuable desolate islands mil“c PW“ “‘“W ““5 m cculuilcs bu“ seem now as though we were going to the world are the Liakova. in the Arctic Ocean. off the mouth of the Lena. in ISibcria. They are {rest-bound and ut- they contain such enormous quantities 'fl fossil ivory that they are exct-cdmgly valuableâ€"in fact. although uninhabited. l ~ [selves incapable of super-ling life. they produce a rovcuuu of $3,000,000 a your. itouro-llouro across the (Iuaiizmlhroug‘ll' the Hungry Country, nnd the high wat- __..__+.______ A SPRING DANGER. Many People Weaken Their Systems by Desi'u Willi l’urgalivo Medicina- A spring medicine seems to be a ne- C(‘So’lly Nature demands it as a†{(1.11 3* and twists in ut‘tiitl C‘t'ln'y ll‘c‘t‘ .x‘l-lllllli and} I’l enriching the blood and carrying olf' lthe impurities that have accuumlulmi gduring the indoor life of the winter imonths. Thousands of people. recog- lmzinv the necessit ' for a spring medi- l‘ .. ' ° ‘) Hug on almost every bush. lhcy are mine. dose themselves with harsh. grip- ling purgutives. This is a mistake. Ask l ’ (1 ll "ll lll Will that. .any doctor on e in 0 “ l lthe use of purgulivo medicines weak-i lens the system and cannot possibly [cure disease. In the spring the system ineeds building upâ€"apurgntivos weaken. l'l‘he blood should be made rich. red and l lpureâ€"â€"purgatives canot do this. What its needed is a tonic. and the best tonic! [medical science has yet devised is inn; Williams' Pan i’ills. livery dose of this medicine actually makes new. rich blood. and this new blood strengtheust every organ and every part of the? lady. That. is why these pills banish} pimples and unsightly skin eruptions: That is why they cure headaches and} backachcs. rheumatism and neuralgiazi and a host of other troubles that. come, from poor. watery blood. That is whyl the men and women who use Dr. Wit-l lrams' Pink Pills eat well and sleep well and feel active and strong. Mrs. Albert E. Sampson. L'Ardoise. N. 9.. says: “i have used Dr. \V'ililnms‘ Pink bills with the greatest beneï¬t. t know of no medicine that can equal them in building up people who are weak or tun down." ‘ When buying these pills sce thnt the: full name. “Dr. \V’iiliams' Pink Pills tax-l Pale People.’ is printed on the wrapper. around the box. You can get the pills from any medicine dealer or by maili at 50 cents a box or six boxes for Iouc of the chief trade roads into the it», . . . 1 . - - ‘ . . \vusl u' ' x y . : ~. .1.‘ , .. . .. mi .. ,. tenor. it .3 merely a track. in mesti 10 I cum hunt» and llltltl.l1llt.ll mg to many your Sibltl‘l \\ (ll. 1 places so narrow that. you have to 'lcrly barren. save for Arctic moss. but walk like 3 “WW. putting one [00‘ ex", s.“ - ,_ . i ectly in front of the other. but. it leads’ 9“" kittens "1â€â€œ lmlll‘s‘ll in almost. a direct line from the seal to llrnguelu across the 'l'hirsty Moun- snv for it ‘ it'tzi"-(iir'«rci's. and of lhe‘u-' lu'm belt. tiu'ou'rh the pleasant valley .« . ., . , , _ C t it 3 run I , b ‘fl llltbl‘. ltguhzod SIJVQ bIHIIS on US COUI'SC 0f Baihmdu. over the west plateau ' isuposc we are still strong enough‘nt ism to send a cruiser to arrest one of .nnd bring the abomination to an end. __..â€"__..“. 'crshcd when: the li'ibuluz‘irs of the (1011- gn and the. 7.!!lllllt‘b'l flow down on Ci: N0 MISTAKE thri- side. across the soaking Luvah Slut... punt Livingsfonr's huh-.2 liilolo. through Nuuuiumrluinlu. the home (it the grout Quins“. iu‘o (tough territory. l: the cup? '1' l'ili:.‘;'~‘.\‘ of liutunga. and St. to the lakes uipl uwuy to the rush-r11 see. And this lifilu truck. which turns full of grass. has from time immcmortal been one of tho grout slave mules of the world. ll is so still. As I entered the linu- ABOUT THIS CASE. lDOlllt’S KIDNEY PILLS CURE A l YOUNG MAN \‘VIIO HAD REACH- l ED A VERY IZRI'I'II’LU. STAGE l 0F KIDNEY DiriliASIi. gry Country 1 found slave, shackles hang-l the wooden letters with which the hands or the feel. of the slaves are linked to. gather on the man-h. On reaching the (Iuaiizn the shackles are knocked off. be cause the star‘s begin to despair (I (scape with that long: stretch of Him- cry country behind them: but i have found shackles on the path from rndl to end. even right down to the coast, and the other day i had a letter from au'Englishman I knew west of the (Zu- anza. saying: “Since you tell. the traffic has increased. and is more open. 'l‘hel slaves are now going to the coast tied up. or ratin-r tied together. in a con- tinuous line." The path through the Hungry Country is strewn with bones and skulls. and I found time the fresh bodies of sluves. some murdered. some} left to starve. because through fever (r fatigue they had been unable to keep up with the party on the march. and in going through the Hungry Country no one waits. HOW SLAVES Alli-2 OBTAINED. In most. cases the slaves are original- ly obtained by natives, who buy them on some charge of witchcraft. or for debt. or for drink. Sometimes they are kidnapped. or captured in raids. Some- times they are more plunder of Portu- guese traders. They are brought to the so-culled “emigration agents." who are established at various points in $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine the country under Portuguese regula- Co.. Brockville. Ont. â€"â€"â€"+ NEW YORK'S \VASTE. The gross indebtedness of New York is greater than that of the Chinese Em- pire. The cost of operating the city's government for one year almost equals the annual expenditures of both Lon- don and Paris combined. New Yer: pays out in salaries alone the vast sum of 365000.000 yearly. or as much as London Spends for its entire administra- tion. At the present. time there are 65.000 men and women on this city‘s pay-roll. 0! every $100 that a New Yorker pays in rent. it is estimated that 812.25 goes into the pockets of muni- __4â€" SAF’EGUARD THE CHILDREN. There isno telling when a medicine may be needed in homes where there are little ones. Therefore. the pru- dent mother will always kcep a box of flaby's Own Tablet-s on hand. These Tablets promptly cure indigestion. colic. sour stomach. constipation. diar- ihoen and teething troubles. They break up colds, prevent croup. expel worms. and give the child sound na- tural sleep. Mothers have the guarantee of a government analyst that those’l‘nh- l lions. and areforwarde-:i by thcmtolhe t _m Ellis Case Was More Serious Than llo l Thought. But Thanks to Dodil‘s Hitl- my Pills [to is Well and Strong Now. ' St. Leolin. (lie. (10.. N. 3.. April lt‘»-~ {(Spcciullrâ€"Mr. Patrick luiwuing. of this lplucc. is a young man only twenty vcars of also. but. some limo ago lililllc)’ liiisensc had him firmly in its grip nud had it not been for l)o«:td‘s Kidney Pills he would probably not have been alive today. “i think the cause of my trouble was overwork." says Mr. Downing. “any- way it began with a heavy dragging pain in my back and across my lotus. 'lhen l was subject to headaches. cramp in the muscles. dizzy spells and weak- r.css till i felt lit for nothing. But the worst symptom of my case was when: ll noticed my urine was streaked “1th blood. then I knew that my kidneys were affected. Hearing of Dodd’s Kid- my Pills l sent for some and l am pleased to say the pains have all gone sxnco using them and I am well and strong as ever i was." â€W JAPS AT NEISON‘S TOMB. Visiting Sailors Honor the Greatest of Sea-Fighters. coast. where they are received by other The London papers 10 hand give agents. chiefly at Benguclu. but also at stories of the visit. to London of the Novo Dodondo 01“! Luanda. The Japanese sailors sent. over to man the U199§ naturally ""“fl' QCCOfF’mS to the great new warships recently built and slaves health and capacity. ! lune now going into commission. The EX- known a woman who was taken from press thus describes the visit of the crew “('1' husband ml three Cl‘ll‘ll‘e“ I" i“ â€m of tho linshimu. to St. Paul's Cathedral: interior. bought for twenty cartridges. and sold in Bengucla for about 3318. At a little before. 8.30 in the morning the cry of “Here they come!" was raised 1“ the district 0‘ Bihc. which is some among the mass of spectators who had 300 miles from the coast. on ox. a load gathered outside Liverpool street Station. of rubber (say 66 pounds) and a young As the dupbcr liltlc bluejuckcls emerged slave are regarded as about~ equal ‘11- lueâ€"say £7. But. in Bengucla. as near. 2y as i can estimate. the average price given for emigration slaves is £16. though l have known a man give as much as £25 there for a. really nice.- looking girl. Large numbers of the slaves are kept to work the pliu'itutirms on the main- land or other industries along the shore. But l wish now to speak only of the ex- port trade to the Portuguese islands of San Theme and Principe in the Gulf of Guinea. The slaves are conveyed on t r lnar nssenurrr steamers which . . _ .. .. he 0 d y p ° A day or tomb was a most unpressuc study. the run about once a. fortnight. into the street a hearty cheer swept. through the watching ranks. followed by a confused chorus of “Bounds." The isailors broke into a confused roar of is bred of a naval training. they climbed into "the string of primrose-colored brakes awaiting them. When they ar- rived at St. Paul's Cathedral the visitors showed the utmost. solicitude to be con1 (lurked forthwith to Nelson's tomb. which had already been described to them by their couu-uilcs of the Kntori's crew. 'l‘heir meln as they stood around the two before the steamer starts they are SCYllimPnt of venerution. almost of 8W9. collected in a public building before ‘1 WM plainly Harassed m ovary MM- Portuguese official called the curmlor. , ~ .. . - They are asked whether they are willing worship is slid strong in the Japanese to labor on the. island for five. years. nature. tonaucc‘. The tradition of ancestor- lets Contain no opiate or poisonous Not‘thc slightest. attention is paid to :\ most pleasing. lmll DMhOl-ic incl- lheir answer. A tin disc with a numhcrldent of “it.“ Visit was the coming of and a tin cvlinder containing a paper Dean Gregory to welcome the. band of nothing stuff. Ml". .l. C. Gildart., Pros- ser Brook. N. 8.. says: “Baby’s Own Tablets act like magic when a little one is ill. and i would not. feel sale without a box in the house." You can get Baby‘s Own Tablets from your medi- cine dealer or by mail at ‘35 cents a box from the Dr. Wililams' Medicine 60.. Brockville, Ont. __..â€"__.. \VELL TRAINED. “Do you think my dress is long enough behind. Jack ?" cipal “servants." “Oh. plenty. dear. Any microbe that lighters and herded forward. were 272 on the ship by which i came. can escape that isn’t worth catching." Bickle‘s Anti-Consumptive Syrup is»prrhaps. numbered fifty. . \a a t the aste. and 's a czrlain during the lust few years has been a: _ agree bk 0 t l ‘ '1iltle under 4.000 a year. but it is now! few kindly “’Ol‘dg- . nl dcmnndl turned thanks on behalf of his men for planters for more and more in. the warmth of their reception. After about a week's journey the; causes hacking coughs. lccrding to directions it. will break the relief for irritation of the throat that; _ it Used sicâ€":rising. owmg to the pcrpetu it‘ll: the most persistent cold. and restore the air} her. with particulars as to their names. etc... silent. llal'~‘1-lx0:ul«"d gulf-'44. are hung around their necks. and luw Venerable under the bill‘tlnfl of his 87 yum. be ing entered the office as slaves, they go stood before these homes of a mighty out as “contracted laborers." This islstrifc. and Illll.ll‘:‘S.\'x"ll them in silvery. the process which the Portuguese calluhough slightly quuvcriug tombs. “redemption." process for all concerned. except. it is a most lucrative “We in linglm‘id." said he. pausing of that the interpreter might translate his course. for the slaves. who are only the speech. “look on the. Japanese flS our merchandise. HERDFZD ON STEAMERS. They are-1 next taken on board friends. I am sum the Japanese feel this some sentiment towards us. The Japanese are n. bravo rum, and it, is the m'rnrnest hope of all Englishumn that Thprc'llu-ir destiny among the nations of the earth may prove as great as thcirvnlor, last June. not. counting babies. \vliicl1.l“l°ll‘ Chivalry ï¬nd their humanity The average } merit." Archdeacon Sinclair follmved with a Captain ljichi re- â€ï¬‚O‘S ((1 (“sea“) â€till. it ““1001“ that passages to their normal healthy cnn.i‘slaV'PS are landed on Sun Thomcâ€" Olin-l » -1 1 .1- .. â€U" ~.._s-n-_-.~._._ makes its (‘lll‘v‘ré alnmsl incredible. But for every ruro- there is a proof it you lure to investigate. it is a liquid kid- m-y specific and it never fails. Medics :mul kw‘flis lll~'ll “lit." and \\'Cll.»wl’.2 __... . Statistics show that the sooner it man allows his wife to have 'lhn last word the \t)lll!l‘l' llh: rniilrnvrrsy will end. SCALE) ill-23D is a. disgusting and obstinate discaAeJL-equont is children. Treatment: Peri (act cleanliness and :2. generous npilication of Weaver Como. Mothers will be 3 ad to learn this. A. COWSHP. “Uh." cried the SWN'I young thing from the City. as tin-j: passed h lit-rd of .i'lilllllf lif‘ll‘L‘l'b. “lutlli it! “it? cut- lllic .ciiwh'ls.†“0011'! pg sill-x." said the man. â€thou: art- cute lit‘lc bullets." _.‘__ 503011; 0; mu ‘1} mm autumn] osoui 0} 1; Bickle's Syrup. __â€" MlGl-IT IMPROVE IF BOTTLED. “My daughter is just full of music." said the fond parent. . “What a pity she lets it escape,†said i the noigdlbor. ‘South American Nervine makes the whole system radiant in perfect health. it accelerates circulation. enriches the iblood. penetrates to the very centres of Ir.(‘l‘\'f} force. builds tissue. makes and Hoops people well. This wonderful who seek a sure remedy and are in; _ ‘ "‘limim-alion Committee’ for them. The planters pay from £26 to £30 for a grown slave delivered. in good condi- doubt what to use, the advice isâ€"try- Edition. There is no need to commendihmno. or the island of llell. 85 they ‘cnll ilwnml they are distrbuled among a the planters who have requisitioncd the'l 0W vc tion. Butter it is almost entirely for the cultiva- tion of cocoa that the slaves are rc- - ‘ ' quired; for the two islands. being close: mankind WOUId have to under the equator nnd nearly always invent Milk. Milk IS Na- veiled in mist and dripping with mois- ture’s emulsionâ€"butter lure. are as good for ocean as they nre deadly for human life. and the cocoa trade is .now of great and increasing value. i believe it amounts to about £1..000000 a year. And the value of the slaves is consequently so great that I think their masters try in most cases lrrmedy has had a charmed experience- to keep them alive. Yet. as our Con- iuud has done its greatest work in sul. Mr. Nightingale. said in his last zcaeos that the medical fraternity had published report. the death rate. where t pronounced hopeless.-â€"1«’iO I --â€"--â€"§_.___ ENGLISH LADY NURSED JAPS. The only English lady privileged to act as a nurse in the Russo-Japanese war, and the first to enter Port Arthur after the historic seige. has recently re- turned to London after ï¬fteen months‘ experience of the horors of warfare. This lady is Mrs. Teresa Richardson of Glanbrydan Park. Carmarlhenshire, who was specially selected by Viscount llayashi, the Japanese ambassador at London. to assist in nursing his wounded countrymen. Tall and of commanding appearance. with a kind- ly, sympathetic face and eyes from which pity shines. Mrs. Richardson was known by the Japanese heroes she nuised as “Our English Mother.“ we can check it. is ci'ioriuous. Among the slaves of Principe one in‘ five dies every year. and where l have been able to test the rule on San Thomc, it is al- most equally high. . ‘ Al. the end of the five years the sur- vivors are called up in batches of about ï¬fty before the curador and. are inform- ed that their contract has been renew~ ed for another term of five years. They never go back. i have sought in vain for a single case in which a slave from Angola has been returned to his home. A very few; escape over sea in canoes. A few hundreds. especially on Principe. have escaped .to the forests. and are living..thcre like wild beasts. From time to time the planters institute drives or battues and shoot them ’off. It was described to me as fine sport. IN HUMANlTY'S NAME. Since I published the account of my put in shape for diges- {tion. Cod liver oil is ex- itremely nourishing, but it has to be emulsified before we can digest it. Scott’s Emulsion combines the best all with the valuable hypo- phosphites so that it is easy to digest and does far more good than the oil alone could. That makes Scott’s Emulsion the most strengthening. nourishing food - medi- cine in the world. Sand for free sample. ' ‘ SCOTT a BOWNE. Chemists !~ Toronto. Ont. .600. and $1.00.. All drugglotl follow in its wake. Try “Fern-Mini.“ t to the ’ ’ ‘ fl .bwt tonic to‘muko you atronz and well. All ‘ . ‘ a) x ; “â€35““ 3°“ “‘ We Own The Largest Stock food Footer: In The Vet-II. imputation for hunmuily and justice Worm Exterminator; safe. sure and (f- ll-lngland has lost lit the. last ten years. fccluul. Try it and mark the improve- .dll.usl year i dcspaircd of any appeal toimcut in your child. shirt. When our own hands are clean heard her say so. but she‘s had that [again at last. we can enforce such rcp- idea about so many other fellows. that . us size 1 didn't feel sure about it till you told Idol-o not rcsxst. Or if she resists, I me." “lielloal†With that promptitude which 9 la FORE AND AFT. “it vos like zis." explained a German who had twice come to grief in a steeple- chase. “Ven ve koms to zc ï¬rst fence 1 did zink my horse vud joxnp. but he did not jomp. so i vent over his head. \‘en vo koms to ze second fence 1 did zink he vud not jomp. and he did jomp, so i vent over his tail." WEAK WATl-IRY BLOOD causes much trouble. That tired feeling and many more a mptome were over a city block. contains over 18 acres of floor space. on“ 83:35.80. Size of our ofï¬ce 360x120. 300 oï¬ce people. ISO type and we use fifty million letter heads and. envelopes every not. A our. lead every 80 days. Our chemical laboratory in one of the best. Our oï¬ce is one at the great nights of the bounce} world. Many very small concerns advertise large buildings. We name you to Visit our factory and oec that we have cverythmg we claim. Manufactured and'cmonteed by W Stock Pool Co. Beauty is said to be only skin deep. but uunuy a woman's bruuty depends upon the size of her bank balance. If your children are troubled with v ' r r.'. Iiv ll‘ll M( l . iravt-s' \ U H» E C t t l )u (r L “InternationalStock tool" :Iotmotionolioqu-yfood‘ “International Ileove Cm†. : “twin-l Loose Killer“ “International Worm Powdef' ‘ : “WNW Cu." "international Ooll Cure“ ' . “Mannie-d miner __.. “Silver flue lulled Oil" [WWI Core. ‘ l i i“ u l l “3mm “mifmé'il W WW mm...» â€â€˜1'"? f . '. ' u 'now ltl. was rro- " m u cu. m» U 0 be (I )0 ‘ †“m latch Stable blslolectnt' "lntornottonolflmS-o“ Aloe “Jewel battalion“ and Broaden. and Jewel Chick and loo tool. DAN PATCH 1 lug MAILED FREE. ' I. Beautiful 6 Color Picture of our Champion Pacer. Du 9:53:53; . size 16:24. Free of advertising. ï¬ne motor: for framing. given all t c record: mode by our pools: wonder. We will not! you one free. poster: repaid. if you will wrlte no how much otock you own and aim: paper. Write at once to INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD 00., Iinnonpolis, Ila... II. 8. A. 1/ _ ‘ PEDLAR’S STEEL GEILINGS Two thousand designs suitable for all classes of work such as Churches. Schools. Stores. Halls. Also special designs for Houses. Kit- chens. Dining-Rooms. etc. Nothing has ever been devised to equal Ped- lar's Steel Ceilings for Farm Houses. Cheap as lath and plaster and will never crack or fall off. Avoid Accidents by Using Pedlar’s. Steel Ceilings. Mode to fit any size room and can be nailed on by any mechanic. Shipped from our warehouses painted all, ready to apply. OUR CATALOGUE. NO. 5’: C. MSW-RIDES MANY DESIGNS. WRITE FOR IT. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING. WRITE TO-DAY. THE . Piles ---- Itching, Blind and Bleeding 'â€" 1~(Zurcd in three to six nights. lir. Aguew's Ointment is pll‘tj‘l'll's‘s in cur- ing. One application gives lusiuut ic- licf. ll; cums all itching and irritating skin diseases. Chatting. liczcmu. etc. do Ct‘l'lizi.-»l’t3. Edgar: "Well. Ethel. what did you find at that wonderful fire sale ?" Ethel: “Oh! lidgur. I got some lovely silk stockings at ten Cents a pair! There is not a thing the matter with them ex- cept. the feet are burnt off 1" it Retains Old and Makes New Friends. â€"-â€"l‘imo was when Dr. 'l'luunns' liclcctric Cit had but. a small field of distribution. but now its territory is widespread. those who first. recogmizmi its curative qualities still value it, as a specific. and while it rt-tnins its old {ï¬ends it is ever making new. it is certain that. whoever once uses it will not be without it. Momma: “What would my little girl do if manunn should go away?" Little Horn: “1 don't know. i suppose id have to try to box my own cars myself when l was naughty l" Sunlight Soap in better than other but in best when and in the Sunlight my. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions “How did that lawsuit of yours re. sult? “i won it." “Got damngcs!’ lies. I got almost enough to pay my lawyer l" PEDLA‘R PEOPLE (Discourngï¬d gluinachs. â€" Could you .n', w "I..." on! v; m or a lo eicute organs of dines- ‘ ta". T‘ ¢M‘ "7‘ m our. lion refusing to be helped and COHEN". "Home?“ “' ‘23'. â€n. 1‘ It on "um “‘ ted wild-n day after day they are liter-i 1. “mm“ WRITE Y0“ NW 0m "mvmbz ally drowned out" by strong topics. Office 4 W ks I ‘ b: trrs and hurtful noslrums Coxnmon "“4 a“ or c ' - - ,OBMVlo Ont, Canada sense came into Medical Science when it evolved the tasty tablet dose and dis- (Ol’Cl‘i'tl u (hid-send to hmmmilv in Dr. {You Stan‘s pinceple tablets formula. 3.“; cents-4H Two com.‘ in Western Banana ........, «at: 04 land- in Saskatchewan, only 8 miles from two rotlwsyl. (23.3. 6: 0.1!. Strong sell. 90 per cent. plough loud. spring crook. no slouch. About to altos XI. of Indian Bond. Price 010.50 per non. Write for map and full particulnro. R. PARSONS. 9| Wellcotey Street. Toronto, Conn. some subjects that they are utterly pros- O I. TRAYM 0 RE new. The stomach Muses rum. and ATLANTIG CITY, NEW JERSEY there is a constant and distressing (f-. tort to free the stomach from bile Conceited Young Man: "I wonder why that young lady over there looks at me so lunch?" Sarcastic Young Lady: “She has weak eyes. and the doctor told her to relieve them by leok~ ing at something green." A Sure Cure for llrmi:lclic.«-Bilio!is headache. to which women are more subject than men. becomes so acute. in WW..â€" which has become unduly scorch-ti there. l'nrmelcc's \r'cgutuble Pills are a speedy ulhrrulivo. and in neutraliz- ing the effects of the intruding bile re- lieves the pressure. on the nerves which cause the headache. Try them. What is merely caution is often iris~ ken for morality. $33M Ilitdoeo it com you 25c. _ tslair. Try itto-iy. Shiloh has cured many thounnds ol the aouobfmieccais. andwegzï¬othesitote ’ any at it cure on Cough. Tluoot or Imgkwbhylf wedid not Traymore is beautifully locatedon the most desirable I section of the Boardx ’itlls’, and couunands It magniï¬cent Ocean View. The House 'is thoroughly equippel with every modern improvement that will add to the comfort and pleasure of the guests; and no expense has been spared in perfecting the details of the appointments. ‘he rooms are handsomely furnished. and the commun- icating baths are supplied with both trcsh and salt water. The Atlantic City (loif Linksiitrc acknowle lg}, l to be the ï¬nest in the United States...’l‘ra_vmorc “Olli- mm “‘1" dflï¬ï¬fgï¬ lets will be mailed on request; and cormspourlence reliâ€" - ham 3 tive to rates and accommmi‘aticusis respeetlu‘zlv SOliUltezl ' TR’AvrvionE'Ho’rEc' éOMPANY- D. 8. WHITI, ' '- . - '- ; I“ 1 ‘ a". Proold‘n: and-Manage ' Farms and Blocks of Land roR‘SAL' ? 3-: HE mild and bracing climate mike; Atlantic City _ especially attractive as 'a Winter? resort. The! g .8 s i E E. l†i â€omens-0063M com (I) E . til 0 hwï¬hwnmwheremuedm" inlaid. The Arnott Method is the: only logical method for the curel of Stammering. it treats the} CAUSE, not merely the HABIT! i In all†to 3m purchasers. from tenancies upwards. situated and insures natural speech. Pam- l on or naar railways in the famous wheat grouting districts .r phlet, particulars and references' MANITOBA, SASKATGHEWAR alid ALBERTA sent on request. Address THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE BERLIN, ONTARIO. "m7 museum. , ecummwm i 335 Snell's MAGIC Ruzuumc Gun: _+: Guaranteed to CURE RHRUMATISM ~ ï¬ Acute, Inflammatory. or Chronic: also +. )9. Nournlgia, Sciatica, Lumbago and :ill lx'id- Q ‘~ . ney troubles, Removes uric acid from the + 1 O 4' system: gives immediate relief. limi't 9 2‘ \ suffer. but send for a bottle at once. ifuu- + I . dreds have been cured. ’lhe Osborne C; y; Remedy-Co. Toronto. (ml. Sl.(l(lpetbott,le. 1‘ .:' WM+M+§+§+§+§+Q+IQ ' __..â€"__..“ l I;..;...t,,_"" Z ’7 154.3â€? ~"~3t’~ t". I 4 . f?“ ‘3‘““2 ~. Z‘Z‘te ‘ W ‘ TERIGS .o axioms .ni neural. that in}. snail-mm man may on. PROFITABLE and convention Farm Home: The character and Purpose 03 Wt. company. which is organized uuoen rue “camera or rue iuosrsuosm cam its renames. my be deloflbbd .- smile. RELIABLE. HELPFUL, PATIf0-'3_ _ Ior Information and Prices. apply to F. w. "0080". ' MANAGER. Luv Dnnn‘runr, ~ The Union Trust Company, Limited, TEMPLE BUILDING. TORONTO. When Writing Mention This Paper l l l" __.. Aczsrs marge “samurai. ? 'o Brood for Color. Vigor. and Heavy. E : Production. Our Leghorn: and Wyhudog LARGEST LIST FOR SALE IN THE STATE - hens have records ofover zoo eggs per m_ ' . O vmnmu. F s for Batching from forty Btoodm Pens d menu“! acommmou ' -â€" ~ ~~~ xiii-nu and White Plymouth Rooks, an. no . ' w a a ,wau d B Boys AT HIGH SCHOOLâ€"A FREE $333,“ °, :5 .53., l“; myrgggfggï¬ï¬g COLLEGE EDUCATION. I Bronze Tur eye and Jet-degeCattle. 80 your e: If on will devote only your P . ' rice in Breedi . circular and Price: R â€mil“ in names of farmers an fowl-581m p W F- 11. MUNnï¬R O SONS, â€Calif"?! ‘A NOE ‘ ID. 333%??? srcex no recur" run 1'an W b Grafï¬ti-v 6 l ' . 1A pontoon-Sousa Stock Food.“ a Common-Sens. g: . Price OI ONE CENT A POUXND RATE- 1 Pretend “POW-J $1.00 per 100 Prepaid and guaranteed. 333m l K I c K I N 0" . t Bulking. Shyin or rial order and oak for booklet No. 13 v1 full ‘ - §~ .33" particular-- about 100 Free Premium 0 are? kind 0‘ a habit 0“ i r . THE BESAW CHEMICAL 00.. n n. ew hou‘s by m , system. Particulars free. 8030me 31.00.. CLEVELAND. 0. PM. 18$ . Int, than H. m ILLIMTRATIO CATALOGUE ERIE. mw¢:lgugagigflgu:ï¬ngaqi“LB VIRGINIA FARMS American Poultry Farm. III‘I'IOII AMERIOAII OYEIIIO 60. serum oumn “c __..m“ ISSUE NO. 16â€"06 ‘l'w‘llf, 3,9: ., . ' ‘. 1; (the sltlllf‘v‘., “12.", ' "Co, lz"‘v.f‘. - 7 >11! 1..l lsi'f. Al. t'li‘. was 7|:ll"' 8 low . t\. It.» ll"."£l':'_ ,“.‘.... 1 A '1 Ills 3.1.. u-xv t...:.;t_-. .. 1' - ;' to {it-Jilin ~~ ’iw r: .,h ' try Inuit". III: liu'i l :v .' E‘- n Only ill ‘1‘; L'u'irm' inf .VZ‘H ....- Brain-.- v: 9:1“. t , ~ her, Mn \‘ l.’ i 11' ; [irthsc‘i i.:,, 5. ix .. i llllltM‘ll ia.‘ ll‘.“ t.‘ ll" Ill lixv Mar: 2! all :.1v'..' ::::':'- IIIQ‘ I"‘.\'."-" '\'.l;.»‘l; ll 1 Dilll‘l.‘l tu-u' twink-«:5. vbâ€. lnuw; found : :zz-eif. li~ (imp; :‘ l'.’-ull.~'x-.~ lei. . \ ~ and ’,"!'-"'I’il'l§.' \\‘. 1': Edam» hauls. 53:“ ‘.‘.‘:1~ sll‘.'=,_'-'* fi.‘:' . hols-d at li'zz: \ 1' rim-lieu; ul gum-A1?" :1†51m.» 1:. f iaurhcz; mg ivuz. 33:» l'iil‘> ;.:.‘.~'.:. ,_' 2:. .' All at :ix..;.~. i:_\' .2.» ,; :1: - m :‘.'cr;n.'i‘1,. 1.' ‘v’N. ~:;~ » . Il«‘f' lml‘. 51 13:» ' 84"“le lvx lu': q’.‘ (‘If‘u'i Hi 135;. ;-w'.:.::.n‘l ‘w-:.. “Hmw 1.)“. z: i 'V-i :‘ 1* l .“ f vl‘iv'iiï¬â€˜i‘. ;- 1:.1' \ ;‘* ‘ ‘ s‘r luglr :l. .n :1. :Nl‘n-l‘s' 1'; :1: 1:.- :1nA1 1‘3 7..l.‘.~ .1~,_.; ‘1- _‘__'- Ill"l"‘ is It:' .' lb, lm’. ..; 1’ It in? \"I‘ i":?':. ... C’Q. I l'l.’ I‘ It. . I \'.-i.i' .‘:;_I.("1".'_ \-f"' _ ;_’ ‘.--i', To" 1 ~.‘.w..r‘ '. . l. v.1- li'l'iil" â€n “M. _Li 3. v't: i.\ n. .. “I. "l ll‘ 5"" V . ." >V\"..i '3 ' >~liI. “51v km; .::"7‘.L‘. ‘ "l.’ l Wm] site rm. .1 i. 42.1‘ 11".‘1l tau.» .sll‘r“. ‘lll‘l 1:1. :.» :i vr-u'vpou. “\‘i'lmli trill. y .2, My if "the timid shu'i lw 5.. 71“}. ‘t; l""l5'. rm.- t-li~"': 7:" ‘1 .4 ‘ i't u" lentil“ “Yin; are so in“: i“. . in‘zrm'lrei i.-~:"_'-; “i -:.: 1: ‘:".\ll"' in leaf .1‘ u‘. i l .4 lmfuvm .z. " .‘ “v m“, a: 9;.q'v1' Mufti.†.‘lii' . "Uh, . ‘. l )'v u It‘ll time i t l v -=.' \t'i'm . \ IS: 1‘. ;. l ,j . " c'l-‘(l‘l \l g ,u. } ill: l"I-"l. ll‘ ‘1‘ \ \‘ziy la ll :l- l «:uhv'wl it ~ l Husï¬ifli I ‘ (luring ‘ ~ . . ' l‘itillwl l \ s \ « h ‘ l-{ii ' l ‘ l H m mu ‘2 llll‘ """ ‘ ll \ \'.'." l ~ ‘ l till ‘ ‘ lit" ‘ l: \ ll" 'l." _ six «I, :1 . . ' flu .i: 'i~ - ' ' ,.‘ 3. if. \ \ ‘ 1"il 1,1 s2..- . . l" -‘ l .-. a ‘.i:-- ‘ ‘ \.!‘-i ‘ ‘ ' ire 'l ‘f Ii,n1 i \ l‘r"‘iv‘l‘ rill†l - I71" . .1 l'tl i l!“ V .â€" t2.\~ \ luv» l i \l: " {llii iï¬sQ": l-‘iltlr‘f'il‘Wx "l ,"vn l L ‘ll\' V l l ‘1‘; 'EZI ‘ . 1, its . . {11- (if-mun- it." "\liss 5' f1""‘ yvv‘. “lint ‘..\ f :1 ~\'f‘i’ ~1< ii 3.61“...- iwvr susp- z .- "i «Np-T :' '. '1 It‘li‘l: VI-'«' all} to Very slim-v = . :._\.' “limit is ‘ sinc~-. \lis: mg a Sid.» “\.= you 3.31 . ' but I speck f. I shall humâ€; 3_ _,\ ‘ ' Sl'ï¬lu‘n in .l '1 I ‘ ‘ Tu)’ Mendy L.;;:..- d 5. .. ..... Luau lm:.. 2:.» " ' » Wilhslmhim,‘ \ 2'. \ '. ~ Itl‘lld‘. fill. iv! 21‘“ 4 .. .‘ .V (OH layman} Jim! 1 ' ~ . : .« Elli-r him .‘. is ji- .: '1...':.', l’» "m Itâ€. lu- on .\'n.::' ;_.:.,|3. ; . :‘ (ill. \Ilh‘ Shll‘ll‘f‘fu