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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 11 Apr 1907, p. 2

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4____ } These" .1 Important T+gm a , ‘ , ' ., I um. mu)’ m .umoronk, but also in the W L. 30- 79. Mnlhmok, at the!” varmus places where she shared with - 1398 "RUIN 3"“‘C““S xmtmtcd a ”C“ ’her husband the labors and syccases candidate, and had 5“}?"3' other “W’If‘ of the Mcmodlst itinerary. cations for membershui presented. \\ . ' M., Bro. Levi Russcli, conducted the urea-ling m a most satzafacmry manna. 1, m {Sec-tut: was rcacatcd by MeSSI-s. “5:3 MM es and Rmsel! and the: . FF?” t -- l' -' . (1' mg, and \Vl“ also present the-claims of new memhcl, fife“! 3 xmpressc ‘ - ~ .v , ‘ ' .7 .’ . ,- 3 . the Educational‘hocnty. I‘hcre WI“ \‘wfih’tht 13¢“!!fo urk o t 1:: Gang _ _ . .. . .. ‘ . '1 - chm-n be Emmi! musxc.by the chmr. Miss Deg! Lo 79 IS steam y? mcr g R h d _ , I! f ‘h _ h. “ ' ahd enthusiasm. Let Gmh '6 ar 50" 15» ””5”qu to urms a his duty and n m" foot-39," at each Wee: A cordial muta- -r-’ *f i » k )1 Hon i5 qxtcrjdcd to l. Rev. Dr. Crothers, of (ieérgc Street Methodist Church, Pcte’rboro. an“ preach m the Methodist Church, Mall- «brook, next Sunday mommy: and even- Mr. John McBride was a visitor to Ouicixxze on Tues} 1y. \ Mr. Firth IS an artist of big h merit, possessing a fine baritone ' \oice. â€"Globe. Hear him at the [own Hall,1\1illbzook, lhursdax, EApril xuh. ‘ Special Prices M, J,“fiarnld Fry and Stanley Fry, of BitljieborpVWcrc m town yesterday, :11 busi- ness, and were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Nurse, Ann St. Besides the bereayed parents. three brothers and one sister are left to mourn the loss of the pride and joy of the household, and they ml} have the nnccrc sympathy of their mam,- friends. â€"â€"-zt (EEO. NEEDLER. DIED-Jr: the Township Mam‘ers, On Sunday, April 71!), £907, Alfred Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. jamcs -Nitchcll, aged 6 years, 1 month and 4 daw- ‘ "l'hc funeral on 'l‘ucsday to the T’rctbficnan Cemclcrv, Ballydnff, was largely attended. I will be able :0 supply my custom crs with good Fccd, ( orn and Chop at Insatiable pdccs. I expat Car In at once. (wt m) prices 011 Flour. PriCcs have been lowered lately. Rev. Mr. Clare: will conduct the service. in the Guorg: St. Methodlst Church. Pctcrboro, next Sunday. A sp’c’l 25c BLACK TEA at Byam's. OR Nam Sammai April 15, um: J. B.L. GROUT, G. L. McHATTIE, Omemee Branch. Millbrook Branch. :{ Manager, Manager, ~i; Assets MiHbmok News. 119 Manitoba Flour : $2.25 Deposits ,‘B'runes ,1 Spamiahgflnions 'Marmalade reg. 10c., The Bank of Toronto. Interest Paid on Savings Balances Mixed Chop Shorts “TIMES A YEAR Showing the Cnnfidcncc of the: public in this Bank which for over half a century has conductcd a prOs'pcrous and safe banking business in Canada. DEMONSI‘RATE T1113 STRONG POSITION 0F This sum -.~; $3,600,000 more than the Bank owes to (It: public an 1 Show; the ample funds and the perfect safety of thxs institution. :It will be observed that this Fund is $500,003 largcr than the paid up Cupil ll of $4 000 ooo and is main- mined as an additional security for Dcposirors and others. ‘ 'r’ve Fund . H. BYAM 86 SON. The pa” hearers were five sons of deceased, Dr. I. ()2, Meaford; Dr. W. H., Lindsay; Dr. Adam, Cypress, Mam: Dr. S. “I, and Mr. R. W.. Mrllbrom; Rev. '1‘. A. Robinson, a particular friend of deceaSed, m the ‘ahSencé of the other son. Mr Frank A., druggist of Mcaford, on account of zllness, acted in hrs stead. The bereaved filmzly mil have the‘ sympathy of a large crrcle of friends. 1 not only in Millbrook, but nPso in the varxous places where she shared with her husband the labors and successes of the Methodist inneracy. ‘r" ; 4 lbs for 250, :2 120 per 1b. 100., 2 for 15c. 150., 2 for 250. I)r. Bishop and Rev 1. Phelps, 0!" Lindsav, Rev. (1. R. (Iare, of Mill- brook and Rev. F. A. Rohmsnn, of Sitcxln;g, conducted the funeral ser- viccs, and all spoke \cr) highly of dcceasul. a great tlcssmg and help to him. Bcsidcs six sons, two sisters survn'e her; Mrs. 'I'hos. Whitfield. and Mrs. Arthur Chown of Kn'x-gs'ton, whose respective ages are 95 and 83. The funeral took place on Wednesday and was private, but In spite: of this an- nounccmcnt many CIOHC frxends of Dr. Clarke fclt that they must attcnd to Show respect to one whom they also had learned to love {or her beautiful Christian life. Mrs. Clarke, (nee Frances Gardiner) I rchct of the late Rev. Richard Clarke, passed pcacefulfy away on Monday morning at the home of her son, Dr. W. H. Clarke. Cambridge St. Lindsay. She was born in Kingston. nver eighty ago, and was married in 1856 to the late Mr. Clarke who passed away at the resxdche of his son, Mr. R. W. Clarke, m Milibrook, on IS! july. 1890, after faithfully preaching the gospel for over forty years. From 3872 to 1874 he ministered to the Millbrook corigrcgntion. Mrs. Clarke i was a lady of fine Christian character, and during her husband’s life, she was a great ticssmg and help to him. Death of Mrs. (Rem) Clarke Incorporated 1855. $25,000,000. $37,200,000. $4,500.000. $1.10 1.10 “The Be'ggar SttxtflleSt will be 3rt5cnted by the Flansfixth Co. Don’t fail to attend the grand Concert to be given under the auspices of the Public Library, in the Town Hall. on Thursday, the 11th of April. The bright Operetta “ Thu Roam... CL.. In... H ._.:n L- BORNâ€"In Milllnook, on Tuesday, April 2. 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. john Huffman, a son. n I On Snmlzu eveninu last,in the Pieshyteiizm chmch, Mess“. C. rNecdler, II. \V. Johnston, R. j. ‘Doak and C. V. Pun, rendered. unaccompanied, that beautiful quai'tctte selection “ lesns is ~Softly and 'l‘cnderly Calling," and it has been said that it was one of the finest ever given in the clmrth. The choir rendered that 'excellcnt Anthem “Fear Not" In their usual creditable ‘manner.j The services were bright, inter-I esting and instructive. a good representation of other officers and members present. A few changes in the prize list were made. “lllCll are thought to be advantageous to Exhibitors. It was decided to make a change re. the entry fees. of which due notice will be given, and which will be more satisfactory to the Exhib- itors. The Society intends that t the Exhibition of 1907 will even outdo the recent year I906, and one way of (icing this is foreach‘ and every memuer oftheSocietv as Well as evL-ry citiZen in East Durham to talk and work forit. 'l‘he energdxc officers and Dirac tors have also started to outline a program that Will be the best ever presented, and is sure to la a great attraction to one of the greater fairs in the Province. The East Durham Agricultural Society held 11 meeting on Sutur- dny afternoon and revised the Prize List for their Annual Exhi- bition, and appointed Commit- tees. The President, Mr. \V. H. Lnugh and the Secretary, Major (3. H. Winslow were in their respective places, and there was Another matter, which one cannot but hcip thinkâ€"~cspcciully these dark mightyâ€"should be 100de after without déia)'â€"--Wt: rcfcr to electric lights for our streets. Why not have :1 discussion of this mattcr as we” 1)) the business men and other ratepmcrs at \Iondn} evening’s scssmn of the Council? Let us hmc light ! There will likely he an interesting session of the Town Council on next Monday eVening, when We undcrstnntl a largely Signed petition will be pre- sented, for the purpose of having a Bylnw passed to (l we all business places at 10 o'clock p in. on Saturdays It would be well for the business men andnll others interested to attend and discuss this matter thoroughly, and come to a satisfii tory arrungunent, wl.t.:h would “1ch with the approval of all Concerned, as suggested by the Rev. Mr. Allen‘in his communication to the press last Week. “’e are sans» lied that the gentlemen who preSentetl the petition lml only the best motives in so doing. and no doubt each would be fair and also aureealilefihouhl there be found the necessity of modifying the request of the petitioners 1n any? reztSonable manner, before passing the By law. Mr Harn' I’lcknp's name was .nlso read as the winner of ‘lhc $60.00 scholarship. known as the Bloor St. church Toronto schol- ushap. (lengmtulations hOys, Millbxook i5 prom] of all‘ her sons who (Ht ambitious and have suc- ceedezd in the work of life, especi- ally when the c0ntcst is keen. \Vhen the rcsnk of the examin- thiOflSut Knox College Toronto were made known at the clommy mar cises last “oak, Mr. S U. l’.ckups name was read out as the winmrr of the $50 (no scholar- shlp, known as the Central church Hmmhon scholarship. SA'I‘UR DAY EAR LY CLOSI NC; For nnr§ing mutlmmor fut-those broken- ‘dnwn in 110:1th by too {rmuvut bearing of children. also for the expectant mother. 4.0 prepare the systcm for the coming 0 baby and making its advent. easy and 'almost mink-.53, thorn is no medicine. quit. so :gou us "L‘uwrite I’rcsmiption." Ifi can do no harm in any candi‘don of the system. It is a most, 5mm“ inyigorating Ionic and atmngthoxi mg norvino nicely adapted to \mmzm’s dolicam system by a physiviun of lame vxpwinnco in the treat.- mont of woman‘s pnonliar ailments. Dr. Pierce may be consulted hy lotto] cc of churzn. Addrvss Dr. R. V. Hun-Q nvalids’ Howl and Surgical Instltum ‘Buflalo, N. Y. vorim Frescriminn. It. makes weak wom- cn strung and sick women Well. Ingredi- ents on lulwlâ€"«u’mtains no 11190130] or harmful habit - farming drugs. Mada wholly of those native, American, medic- lnal roots POSt highly nwommondcd by leading medical authorities of all the sev- eral 501101.13 of pmruce for the cure of wggnan‘s ppculiar 3: i1 meant}. whl happiness in the It Is astonishing how great. a change a few years of marriui life often maku in the appearance and disposition of many women. The freshness, the charm the brilliance vanish like the bloom from a peach which is rudely handled. The matron 13 only a, dim shadow. a faint echo of the charming maiden. There are txvn tea-sons {or this change, ignorance and neglect. I‘cw young “omen appreciate the shock to the 555mm thruugh the change “hick comes wILh marriajvo and motherhood. Many neglect to deal w ith the unpleasant pelvic drains and weak- nesses which too on”) come with mar- riage and motherhood not understanding that. this sccrut drain lS robbing the chock of its fleshnuss and I‘m form of Its fairness. Boys of Millbrook Honored. Women Who Wear Well. of Dr. wrm‘ s F "- ! e It Is the heaven-born mission of woman to be a hnnmdnakerâ€"tn no otherhas God ontrustad this bright and Important ac):ie,wnv-a:,z pm." fine time as a ‘wm Mpaf ug girl she w.“ Some things to he awnided in (level. oping an ideal home, all tliehourtvsy, harsh language, and n chroniuspirit of fault-finding, persistentli‘ in«_tnlged in these unpleasant characteristics will ruin the peace, and mar the happiness of what may otherwise be u “ell-order ed household. Mrs. Howie says, "Wmnen, hosts of them, toil. and save, and scheme.‘ spending their strength, and the basil years of their lives, {or \\ hut? 'l‘o nt- ( tain ucertuin social position and ad- l vancement,and all the whlle they are 3 following a wrong ideal When 1 mm l ahttle girl,” she writes. " I used to I 1 diligently copy after a lorm written I hv my teacher, "Be good and you will I be happy," and no doubt many nno~ ther schooled in the same day faith- fully lived the same lives. And (in you know, I believe it Is owmz to that sentiment we have made a grave mis take, and shut much of the beauty and poetrv out of our lives. It should read, "Be useful und'yon will be him- py”â€"that ie a sentiment is may safely hand donn through the ages." it is an undeniable fact that most of us put too much labor and not. enough sentiment into our lives. We 100k upon endearing words, and gentle, thoughtful conrteties used in the fam- ily circle, as being altogether Superfin- ons to everyday life and practice, when, if rightly applied, Ilzay prove a healing balm {or tired bodies as we” as for bruised hearts 1 Flowers are inexpensive and within 'the reach of all, and they, loo, “ill greatly help to make a home attractive, and almost everyone luven plants, and delights In giving: them the necessary cure and attention. ' flow much more beautiful," writes one entlmsimtic plant-lover, "are the \x'indons when brightened with lovely blossoms and green foliage, than dark and cliverless, no matter how elegant and costly the curtains and fixings mav he ” Music, Man, is a source ofemness pleasure In the home lifeâ€"indeed it is an atlractinu our homes can 111 ufl'urd to do wlthout, attractive that the inmates will not wish to go anywhere else for entertain. ment, though to accomplish this often demands that the mother especially, shall beu model of patience. purity and strength. Make good literature one of its leading features, and endea- mr to have a'l the members of the family read, and dlscuss, the various current whims of the «layâ€"conversation is an art, and may he cultivated and constantly imprm’ed, hnt carefully awhl allowing it to degenerate into mere chattering um! gossip. That one may he titted to occupy creditably any position to which one may he called in life, it is advisable to have the mind as broad and liherul as possible. l llomevvnmy he made soplcasnnt and i Sometimes the tendency is to fix our homes up altogether t0o much, with the idea of “hat the world will say about them, or to outdo sotneoneelse- hence the nervous ailments from which so many girls and women snfl'er result- ing ‘frmn too close an app-Leztt'imt to fine needlework :tnd throidu'ry. It is all right to have a pretty home, indeed it is a duty to have it so, hot, as one wmnun expressed it, "don't have your ‘ parlor and the other rooms resemble : museums, (or, i! you do the men and the children wtll feel more cotntorttl- hie when out of view." Fllfliiéh your house \\ ith pretty, Hen- sihle colors that. will stand the light. .md the sun It ithont fuding,” is the ad- vice of another, "so you can have the Minds up and can hat in the sunlight and air. Men, und children especiuily,; love sunlight and air. Indeed snn- ‘ shine is one of our heat friends in runny ways, and no home can he at- tractive \\ lziuh is darkened up for fear‘ of fading the furniture, or of letting a fly in.w "See: to it,” says one woman writer on the suhject “that your home is al- ways bright and chePrful, eschially at meal timesâ€"it “ill greatly ald diges- tionâ€"aml vourself and the children always neat and tidy.‘ Donut make the mistake nfthinkinc that it doesn't umkc zmy diflvrence how you look in the mornings \\ hen about your work-â€" lots of women g9 very untiallly dressed then who have plenty of nice clother. Rather endeavw to he always neatly dressed and alert. encouraging others by your example, to be tidy and skil- ful. Some one has said that it is woman’s missinn to make sunlight in the home, yes, Enough the principal purt of the responsibility may depend upon Hu- umther, she needs the era-operation of the energies of n!).the other members 01' the household. pleasant. and attractive as well thumzh to accmnplish this result requires end- lesa patience and forbearance And it is not so much wealth, or lenrninu, or town, or country, or station in life. as it is (one and tennper; that constitutes the ahunsphere of :1 real home. l‘he highest aim and duh‘ of our Ines should betn make our lmnes pleasant, comfortable and uttmctiw, mmlnrt being perhaps the most impor- mnt easmmul; but every maninns woman aspires tn have her home The following is a copy of the PM)" read bv Miss Pearl Burnlmm at the Woman's lnstitute Meeting, March 27. What lender associations are linked With the ward, Homeâ€"it is one of the sweetest words In the English lan- L’lmke. Nothing but death can break It’s Spell. It is not,or it should not be a dwelling place merely, for it is n dlvlne institution, The first home was i" Ed9". the last home will be in Heaven. The Beggar Student Town Hall, TO-NIGHT. Some Hints on Roxie-Making. Physician and Surgeon, MILLBROOK, ONTARIO. Office in Turner’s Drug Store. At night I may be got by [cic- phone message and at Mrs. Mc- Cartan ’5 residence, W. Montgomery, M. D. Mr J. R. Fitzgerald, uf Mllilwook, spent 'l'uesday m town calhng on old fncndx, who were glad to greet him once again â€"C0)bornc Express. Mr. \\'111.Sm:}grove has been mak- 111i: exlcnswc 1'11prm'c111cnts to his stmc, by 1cpa1nt11w and papcrmg. and also puttmg down a new floor, Mr; Snclgmvc believes 1:1 kccping every- tlnng neat and clean. scnrsas must :oldicrs who have fought m many vampaigns. ’ Saturday night, about nine o'clock, l.\lr. j. l.. Fair‘s team, driven by Mr. Delbert Sanderson, who was returning home from .lr. Fair’s, frightened at 1 some object on the roadside, near the l liztxt (‘luui'tel'_l.ine, throwing him out, '.md the horses headed for Millbrook at £1 break neck pace, but by the time they reached here they had gotten oVer their fright and were easily caught. l Friends fearing for Mr. Sand-:rsmt’s [safety tlroVe out and brought him home ‘and immediately called in :1 physician. \\'e are pleased to report that Mr. l Sanderson had no bones broken, but it is almost a miracle that he escaped with his life, as the dash hoard, broke and he fell behind the horses’ llfiClSq One eye is severely cut and he IS bruised and cut about the {ace pretty bad. He is not likely to forget the occurreHCe as l0ng as he lives. Under skilful medical treatment he IS able to he out again, but he will curryus many There is :1 certain tendency, even yet prevalent, to regard housework us some“ hut degrading, and the ambition to he a good house-keeper is not gener- ally considered tin ideul worthy of attainment. To quote Mrs, lluwie again, "(lite may take as much pride and pleasure in having: a cand-siznd. well furnished kitchen and the nteu ails best suited to dning superior Wurk, as one does in having :1 large, handsmnely furnished drawi:tg-rnnmâ€"indved an ample-sized and \H-lldnude dishpnn is more to he desired In the kitchen than a plush album or u nnrnt-wood [notatnul in the parlor. And ne may look tidy at all times, and be just as refined and lady- like in print 3's in silk, even greet cmn- pnny nlthont embarrassment though one holds at rolling-pin, or 3 scrubbing brush in the haunts, und sleeves are rolled to the shoulders. Mureuver, it is litl' better tn be cmnpetent to darn it stocking neatly, than to injure one’s eyesight dulng tine funry Work, and it will take :1 int nf piano-plating tonmke up lnr ttl) ill-cooked dinner~ut least in the estimation ml the mun of the house." What constitutes an ideal home? You would bu surprised at the number who would reply a handsome building 1and «mstly furnishings, hut this isa mistakeâ€"it is the Spirit, not the out. “1rd appearance. These are the es sentinla, und lnve, combined wtth system, and order, What more can one it nut? could make an acceptable»hnme in a planner log hut, in at brick Cottage. or in a fifth avenue mansion. Without three the real home utmosphere is woefully lacking And that our Canadian girls and wanton hayeI-lurgely comprehended this {act is shnned by the statement, now of world wide rrpnte, that (‘snu dums,usa rule, are conspicuously u home-luring penple. the convenience of nnseltishness, Contentment, cleanlineSs. With these elements you t l l t l. l l l , F But let it. he borne in mind that reaching :1 gm to he :1 good homep- keoper new] no: necessariiy interfere with her ar'qniramem, also, of :1 good eduoation. and such uncomplishn‘nents as mnsu‘. vh- , Mr. There is time far bo?h, thunlm m our prevent-day advan- tages. int the host and the lrnent education IS the knowledge gained \\'hemheurf,mu1hrain,:md lmndJmVP been dehmm] in Human, and such Msdom used for the benefit of all with whom one comes in contact. hugs her dullies, and phus at Leaping house with hits of hmkan ohina. this trait is strum: within 1101', and If this natural instinct ls diverts I, there has hem: Motte'! out tho sweptm-t. the most lovable, and the uohlmt r‘haruvlvris- tic God has L'H‘Pn _tn woman. The Ideas of lhnruughuees. system, and order, in the curriculum ol lmum-mak- imz cannot he too highly exaltedâ€"they form a sulmtuntlul fuuudaliuul’or pres- ent and future happiness. R L'NNAWAY ACCIDENT. Aéiiié“ For til; Children > The chilfrran mnrml pox-Hm- have good health union the 1‘0“!“ 9"“ m pn-yn-r vumlmnu (’or- net any "'“5."I‘_7_”!'"l h; whims sum!) laxatives dose: 01 11:61 I 1 Lu. Au n-goubchugar-coulcd. To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- age, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Aycr’s Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. We have no Iccrotn ! We public): the {ox-mums ornn our medicines. Kids by-T. C Ayer Co. Lowell. Elle A130 manufacture" or HAIR "IGOR. AGUE CURE. CHERRY PECTORAL. "w 4 gammsem - - SESE'EP ' " "’ [U S e ' bsafiflfi ’ P Cial offer , :éfimEFLâ€"agggg One Door ”East of Mr, J. Steele’s Jewelry Store. School Boots. \\ I): at s the use of buying 2: ; " or tour months (it (are. is when them) fort‘ 1;: can get a pair at I ANG’ S that “ill Inst him 1 the same prurc. Call and sec. We have :llm made to order. Also a full hm: of harncss, “I Repairing of Harness Boots Show n We arc not talking of scrapping, hm just wish to rrmmd that we have as fine a stock 0f Mcn’s Boats and Shays as :::. anywhere. There is no hellcr limq than tin: pn-svnt In sum neat, stylish and durable We have also a gou'i time of Bm’s 2 We CanBootthe Best of Them. MI. R. S Msb-c, Manager of the Bank ufMo:nr;ul, is at prusenl cun- fincd 10 bus room through illness. We juin “nth his many {Immis m s‘xshmg him a speedy rcstorutmn 10 health. M". 1'3. J. Glcnney ls m chargc dunng Mr. Mubcc’s abicnc: from (In: Bdnk. been ergagcd by N1r..\.l.c.nch..\lr W. D I cach’ s faihn" health has com pcl cd hm :0 take a 11:51, but Wet. 'sgu ‘ he will sown rnguin 'ms Immur In: inII Rev (E R Clare was a visator to Cubou-- this chk. . â€"â€"-- -, ucun, sound. wholesome and dun-r.- Its News on men and affairs of the: dav are an education to ink-11mm): men and women. Always bright and crisp but never N'HSW'UMIJ’ It 19 the: Ideal paper for the husinrss man, his home and his fnmxly. THE MIRROR .is recognized as the best paper in the Di~tricL R EMEMBERâ€"Jlofln papers for $2.25 for a year or $1. 2: {0" 6 “105' Cash must accémpany the order. This oficr is good or renewal as We" as new sumuxihcrs. Wnte or call at t Mirror Office TODAY. _â€"â€"â€"â€"~“ _‘ 7 on: unun 1 NIGHT is clean, sound, Whole vicws on mm and affiurs of the: day are an ed men and women. Always bright and Cris p in it is‘ ”It: ideal [mpcr {0' the bufinpcc an.“ a - ‘ SATURDAY NIGHT Mr. Mills. drugglsl, of jarvw, The “Vorlcga The Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire can secure both papers for i533; EEK}. m.‘ ..‘.rn--/IJ ”7- ’7” 615‘ his; 4- €€§§§€ éééé‘gmg‘ét’ I'hc I’ictuxc Alone is Worth thy H all orders to the MIRROR m: We will smd to any address in thrchy a“ re adcrs of the includin N EVER.WEEAE‘CEUE 10mm Customers of the Ontario Bank Branch wili accmmnmlatcd as heretofore. ’} é” v. ..f 59):] mm» CAPITAL PAID UP REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Blanch-‘5 at a” important Ccntrcs in Canada, and in Londm l'maland, .‘\cw York, Chicago, Spokane, Mexico, and Awfoundland. 1'. J. LANG, m all k anudmn “Wkly Payers chaw jufl (‘Qmpktc uf all ( anudizm kalv Millbrook Branch. Interest mm on Deposits. IC\'-' ..-- ' ' u; dLst mm of :1 Banking Busmcss traxzsactulfz'; THIS COMBINATION GIVES copy of their Spec 11 Offer R. s. MAEEE, ESEESEEsâ€"Lfisafififimsafififi 53 - _ l only $1 50 \ flddrt‘sx in ( -.. -73 . v! = SE" flflasasaasasaases 5 29". 9. north 1115.: Prim Ask-“139'. All ; MIRROR OFFICE. BULLBRUUK Est. 1817. rcss in Canada, U. S for one year, $2 25 a )‘car or $1.25 for six months. beautiful picture mm M r. (1 cal Special Offer Rathbun Star 1; .â€"-â€"the OM Rd: this 15 the mom Eâ€"A carlmdoflm) ,- nu . uiu haw In In 5“" 1’0 c immes will 3 1‘ \' 1? takim ' It ofl'the car. H \ Brand 1’ Omand Cc n c c â€"-â€"t‘1e Old Rclzlablc Brand (’11 I gcx your «11p _ the lowest pxic'e. Shingkc, 1.1:"- ' " A car load of Dressai 11m} armcdefloormg and rum-r m AL'o S-XCK and BARR}; 1 c (. we m :1 quail btfore huyixm RUSS? 1..1 $053, '11,}; r901, .4}:(()ax(1111‘ltatcr, SI C131,” 23?]: -. 4-.., ..__ for sgaic (} gap {,3} v ‘. .. NOTICE- jtht mrived : ln unload, a1 and , . omcr res pm with that Clem-w MANAGER. $14,400,000 $11,000,000 159,881 $168,001,178 or “run I; YOU (ERACI ‘X’ S ‘I« and 211“. nd A correspczzdu t ; says; Union 9 Izkcly take plus i: "fine. after all .323 the diff: rent denozx ‘ in: such a refresain; Anglitau church (I The next union gut}: at the Presltvtcz'ian ‘x ~(: "s New Sailors a Departme Order your Ne or next we Every Lady Si Days and see The Stock, regular Dress Ma 1-: be :m cum-i «quirk: work»; achieve surcess 1:: Count-dc Exprc<s Ladies’ 0rd equal to in v2. $12 suit you v $12 Ordered C¢ INP Every I New Spri Mr 1'. B. Thornton 1113:, Toronto, who ha minister at Cuiimmr: durin ' the last lwu v his cugr'cmcnt on :21 exprxsscd his gran Md cons mam: -r in w}: ," bren rcccncd and mcmhcss of the. (30:1 OflICK. Mr Thurmtuty «unguided his Stu livs a taking a wcli cam 25 in) the: coming «surmurr I Week hc was the guts“. ¢ 5". O Mdllcmmn. I! here Mr. 'l'hnmton hfls We Will sell 5; Prices, and yo or take them 1 there is no dif ing them mac Gram! M Eggs and 1,000 331: which the highest m':r paid. jamcs Dobson (311:1ch Ivory, ‘ Omcm There win he se‘ yachts m addition u cruise Our \xa'ez's “I opened in MM; :md mar resadcnis are 1“! At the nquest 0 Rev. Mr. Puckow he preached on “1" last Sublath. and 11 subject in the most masterly manner, and appreaatigc c; Courtnc 3 '5 Saw out about Snoo 1e stock lumber is qui Our {OOt ball. cricket clubs will 1' Association, and' ment on the 24th The Engineerin Trvnt Valley Can reported to M r. j that a side whcei 1 be on our waters j: the ICC was gone. old Millbrook boy 1 and as showing bit; much interested taking. There are no illness m the v1 ‘13 Mcssrs. Jos. Si Gltss and Georg hufidimz canoes. ;: the excdlcnt fis Lake and River. A new Station Sturgeon St . afte: Mtllbrook Station to the OILK. am ing town as wd; A j I). 'l HORN H Clerk. I.~.~ucr of \ lmuranccs Rea! E Agxnl Omcxncc Q‘WAN'I‘IZILâ€" Jam OMEMEE Milliuer

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