Tl". run-rage woman seems 10 think as†is Iesponsible for all her husbands JUS. bul that all his sorroxxs are due to mu hour of sinn rein? (turn: {to malrimonial agent): “You showed me this lady’s phok) ï¬rst year and told me she was twenty-ï¬ve: bgt aflor making inquiries, I ï¬nd 3m; 15 m'err thirty.†Matrimonial Agent: \\ e11. you see, her lather died lately, and that aged her very much.†“Semen and disérders of the digestive organs, have no equal. Money will do a great many things, but in will not remove the freckles from 'u man‘s conscience. BU lhore a Will Wisdom Points the 5}\'uy.â€"'l‘he sick .man pines for relief, rm he dislikes sending for the doctor, which means bottles of drugs never ‘cnnsumed. He has not the resolution in load his stomach with compounds which smell villainously and taste worse. But if he have the will to deal himself with his ailment, wisdom will direct his attention to Pnrmelee's Vege- table Pills. which. as a speciï¬c for in- becauié you have 103; your 'te 19nd are lost ‘fgflhg bugconnoqgg taking " 91:29“ " the be . - - __v-.. w-..“ ...... «one. It will build you up quickly. :10:- it. It. is sure in its effects, as the Iuse o! it will clearly dmnonslmte, and can be relied upon to driveacold outnf the system more effectively than any tzth' medicine. Try it. and be convinced that it is what it. is claimed to be. “Perfectly Trustworthy†is the charac- '8: of Bickles Anti-Consumptive Sy.xup It can be used with the utmost conï¬- «knee that it will do what is claimed “I see Lacey advertises something cry-Zap in dress goods, papa." “It's a humbugging ad., I‘ve known many women in and there’s nothing cheap goods.†DO NOT ALLOW your-sci! to become :13er Easy To Put On ' â€100k into this roofi‘gg question A IIUMBUG ADVERTISEMENT. gtarch t at £65??? saves war and really won’t stick. Try it. Get gerienfo Iteasierig lgetter,“ asItlong {3e 12.3mm starch thato rea1y ï¬ns 11195117â€; anili- GALVANIZED STEEL “OSHAWA†SfllNGLFS Ga:hmkon “Roofing Right †and ;umhMVEMe rmkymaume when you roof any buildingwith daughter. my time, in dress Train stopping at a small roadside station» Irritable Old Guntlexnan : “What mt earlli do they stop at a station like this for?" Objectionable Passenger inï¬ghting): “Tu allow me to got out 3" Irritable Old Gentleman: “-Ah, 1 see it has its advantages, then.†‘ _ Pleasant as syrup: nothing equals it as a worm meaicine: the name is Mother Graves’ Worm Exterminalm'. The greatest worm destroyer o! the age. “Waiter. this portion of turkey is very small." Waiter: “You will see what. a time it will take you to out it.†She wished to break it to him germ)». “I have decided,†she said, “to rclum your ring." “You needn't. bother.†he replied ;' “I buy them by the dozen." A SKIN THAT BURNS with month and 1a .coverod with eruptions thus glischarge a. t. in fluid, may be M sxpooth and nightly with Weaver's looms. But than external remedy should be used in conim with Weavor's Syrup. A man may be a failure without know- ing it, but if he is a success he not only knows it himself but- lets everybody else know it. ï¬asv’flEblectric Oil \ms originated lo enforce lhat sentence. 19 is an Ofï¬cer of the Law of Health. â€"â€"\\‘hen called in to attend a disturb- anc-e it searches out. the hiding-place or pain. and like a guardian gr the peace. lays hands upon it and says. “I arrest you.†Resistance is useless, as the law (:1 health imposes a sentence of permit:- a1 banishment on pain. and Dr. Tho- “Science.†remarks an unesteemod con- temporary, “says people eat too much." Evidently science is speaking from an overloaded interior. When you use Dr. Willinms‘ Pink Pills as n blood builder and nerve ionic you are not oxperimonlingâ€"lhoy have been tried and proved succrssi’ul in thousands of cases. Ii is their ix'm'eriur- actually make new. rich, red hlnoll that enables them to cure such troubles 2N anaemia. indigestion, rheumallsm, kid- ney trouble. Si. Vitus dance. partial paralysis and those special ailments rt girlhood and womanhood that cause so much misery. For sale by all medicine dealers or byanmil at 50 cents a box. or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Wil- liams’ Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. By Dr. \Vllliams’ Pink Pills Alter Six Doctors had Failed to be 01 Benefit. That gnawing pain in the stomach, ‘scmetimes shooting up into the Chest, when producing a choking sensation in the throat; here-e pains around the heart; a feeling of drowsiness and a distaste for' {codâ€"that's indigestion. its vic- tims are numbered by the thousands. T.) them life is a burden. Dr Williams‘ I'mk Pills have done more towards re- lieving this suffering ' than any other medicine. Often they have cured after all other help had failed, as in the case of Mr. Willis Herman, of SLCathai-ines, Ont, who says:â€"“l had been atl'lieted with hidigestion and stomach trouble [or years. At times my suffering was ahnost indescribable. Smnetin'ies for whole day. l was unable to touch tuod. I dieth and at different. times was treat- ed by six doctors but they did not help me: i only grew warse. For a time 1 was Lying in New York and while there unsalted a specialist. but he was an- able to give me any relief. 1 then (19- eided to try Dr. \V‘iliiams’ Pink Pills. and in less than a month i felt some relief. I continued their use for a con- ple of months longer and gained in weight; my appetite improved; the pains left me and i now feel better than i have at any time during the past twen- ty-liye years. I will always gladly rc- commcnd Dr. \V‘illiams’ Pink Pills. to other sufferers believing that, they will surely do for others what they have done {or me." Sometimes a boiled lobster is hung up with the pine boughs that; are used In decorate the houses on’ New Year’s Day, but. more often itisamore abiding Iobster made of cotton and scarlet cloth that has the place of honor over the door linlel. \v\ w...“ “v nlvv nu.» u) uy. Th9 lobster. on the other hand, is a popular emblem of long life with the laâ€" panese. To give one to a friend on his birthday or at. New Year‘s means that the donor wishes that he may live so long that he may become doubled over like» the lobster. “We eat daikon, which smells some- what strongly,†a iapanese student of the Imperial University once said, “but. thr- smell is natural; it. is part of the daikon. Your foreign cheese smells cf decay; it. is not. cheese until it. has de- cayed. i don't think it is proper to eat decayed things.†So inbred seems the Japanese antipa- thy to cheese that. the rats in Chrysan- themum land will not touch it. Foreign housewives in Yokohama say that when they open a tin of Denmark cheese they have no need to cover it again. for 'the rats will run right over the can and tackle the bag of rice next on the pan- try shelf. Tho rats, it would seem. have never tasted cheese and do 110;; care to try. Because there are no news in Japan except those kept near the foreign set- tlements to supply Europeans and Am- ericans, there was no cheese in Japan until that delicacy came in with the white resident. The Japanese, being in- troduced to cheese for the ï¬rst time with the advent of the French restau- rant in Yokohama and the foreign style Imperial Hotel in Tokio, appraised it with elemental directness. It smelled bad and was unï¬t. food. Haven Japanese Rats Won’t. Eat! ltâ€"A i Lobster is a Nice Birthday Gift. Japanese who is not. of the high 001- lar or ultra European cult would no more think of eating a ripe‘Camembert cheese than we would think of giving a broiled lobster to_a friend [or a birth. day or New Year's gitt. Yet the people who call cheese “rotten milk†ï¬nd de- corative and symbolic attributes in the humble crustacean that has become a word of reproach in the Western world. CHEESE FRO‘VNED ON IN JAPAN. INDIGESTION CURED. SCIENTIFIC. The man who did a-wooing go after frogs has found a new frog. This frog is an inhabitant of the dense Amazt'im ian forest region. and is well known to the lndians. who say that they often hear its loud voice calling: for its mate .in the 'moi'mlight. But although .\lr. l“. A. Goeldi. director of the Para Museum, Brazil. and others have. spent many years in the. vicinity of iLs haunts, only quite recently this frog was discovered to be a stranger to frog science. It's breeding habits are most extraordinary. The breeding ground is chosen in the high trees where depressions or holes occur in the branches. These depres- ‘sions are lined with a resinous sub- stance which is collected by the frog as it- drops from the bark of certain trees. ,They are made watertight and soon {jet ï¬lled with the rain. in this water the't’reer lays its eggs. and.there the young. when hatched. remain dur- ing their entire tadpolehood. This new frog is yellowish green with particles -.'t breWn an the body and bands of the same coior across the limbs. It is one of the largest known tree frogs. ' Give Hulknvay‘s (20m Cure :1 trial. It removed ton corns {rom one pair of feet. without, any pain. What it has done once it. will do again. Mothers can ï¬nd sure relief for their suffering.r little ones in Baby‘s Own "rub- lets. 'l‘hrse 'l‘ublets are u gentle laxa- tive that do not gripe the little one. and cure all the minor ills of babies and young.r children. They are pleasant. to take. prompt in their action. and un- like “s'itithing†stuffs. they never do harm. and the mother has the guaran- tee of a Government. analyst that they contain nu drugs harmful to even the yeungest baby. Thousands of mothers igive their little ones nothing else but. Baby's Own Tablets when. constipation. stomach trouble. indigestlonncolds or worms bother the baby. or when the dreaded teething time comes. Mrs. 105. :erreier. l‘lessisville. 0119.. 'snys: “My baby was in great sufferer from consti- pation. but thanks to Baby's Own Tah- lets the trouble has disappeared." The’ Tablets are sold by all druggisls or by Jill] at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams†Medicine Co.., Brockville. Ont. She {supm'slihoush “I should never propose to :1 girl 011 I‘1idmâ€"it‘s un- luckx !†[Io cyznical) “.'\'0Lz11\vu)s.l once know :1 fella“ who did it and the gil' 19111511] 111111.. hubitunls slept in houses built on piles. so as to be protected from their assaults. The Javanese hold them in, such awe that many of the natives abstain even Imm using the mum: of the beasl.†“In tho province of Amay 1 ran across the cave tigers. The land is bare of woods or brush. and the tigers live in lung tunnels in the rocks. The Chinese hunt them with torches. carrying three- prongod spears. and the boys who go on these dangerous expeditions proceed with as much coolness us the avenge youth in this country does in a rabbit hunt. A tigu‘, however, will not charge a light. but woe. to the hunter whose light, guns out. “In Java there are more tigers than anywhere l have hunted. In some places the brutos were so numerous that the in “ln (inn-:1. whom I have hnnlcd. there are no («rests on the smhonnh but the inland ridges are homily limhcrod. and here the ligcrs are found. The lmnsls are numm-nus and urc pursued on fool. After two or lhrm: ruin chases l was told by the. natives that no ligers could be found unlms :1 aucrllicv were offered. and numnlingly I gave up same coin for the necessary rice and wine. The sacriï¬ce was acmrdingly made, and U10 next day l shol a very handsome specimen. In every (kn-van village there is an ofï¬cial hornblmwr. whose duly it is to sound his horn whenever a ligor gels into a village at night. The natives are sorely afraid of them, and many a human life [low Javanese Iuard Adams! Manealers â€"â€"Cm‘c Tiger 0! Amoy. “The tiger." said George. Robcrlmn of Scullund. who has had many exciting expm'ii-m-M in hunting.r tigers in Far Eastern countries, “is usually looked on as a lrupivul beast. but as (1 nmtlm‘ of fact he is found pretty much lln'oughoul the conlinonl of Asia. He is an animal of gi'onl power. rcwun‘o and inlelligonco and varls u lzu-gv influence on the lives of the pooplik “I suffered with pains in tho hack and shoulders. I coughed 50 I could not rest. The doctor said my lungs wette {affected and he had come too late. I was as weak as a child when I started ,t-J' take Psychine. In a fortnight. l was 1back: at work in tho woods. “JOHN R. WREN, "Reeve of Mission, B. C.†This tells a thrilling story, in a few words. l’sychino, pronounced Sikeen,is a guaranteed cure for coughs, colds, Ill grippe, bronchitis, catnrrh of tho head, throat or stomach. chills, night sweats, pleurisy. pneumonia: strengthens the stomach. aids digestion, restores run- down conditions, and is highly recom- mended. and in many cases cures con- sumption. At all druggisls, 500 and $1. or Dr. T. A. Slocum‘s Limited, 179 King street \wst, Toronto. is annually destroyed by the savvuge bras ~'. , wâ€"â€"‘-v v~---r~'~"7 V‘ “‘“ twick, Northern Ontario. Mr. Campbell wrote that. requiring Psychine in his ifamily, he sent his son to a drug store ‘at some distance to obtain it. Thestore ‘was out of it, presumably because the demand {or it in that section of the country was larger than the dealers anticipated. He would take no substi- tute, and so travelled to the next drug- gist's, with the same experience. Four drug stores were visited, but. the de- mands on their stock and the diillculty “I £19“ng goods into that country in midwinter made it impossible to obtain it. and no substitute would be accepted, as Mr. Campbell knew there was no- thing bould take the place of Psychine. After travelling over titty miles to ob- tain it he had to send his order to To- ronto to have it mailed to him. People who have used Psychine consider no trouble too great to obtain it when needed. A prominent citizen of the west says: The hardships 01 pioneer life were forcefully illustrated at, the Dr. Slocum offices to-dny when they received a let- ter frozp Mr. Robert Campbell, of Bar- ..2Al- l , - QUEER TREE FROG OF BRAZIL. Travelled Filly Miles Through Forest and Fen to Get Medicine. NORTHERN ONTARIO ' MAN’S EXPERIENCE TIGER HI'N'I‘ IN COREA. 1851.}; NO. 17â€"07. SUFFERING BABIES. Madehof 311;}: Carbon makes mum stronger b..â€" Mislrcss: “I shmnd like to know BOHY- Why your lumsl young man lawn: SH silent when he is with you in Hm kitchen?" Prelty Maid: “Oh. mu'um. a: 3’“ â€10 poor {alloy is so bashful, he does nawlhin‘ but ate !" A Clear Hrallhy Slumâ€"Erupliuns of HM? skin and the blnlulms which blL‘llllhh beauty are. the rvsulls nf impum‘ blond caused by unhcnllhy :u-iinn of 'lllv livm‘ and kidneys. In ('ul'l'orzling this 1m- heallhy ,aclion and rcslm'ing the organs ln their normal mmli-lion, Pm-meloe‘s VC‘lIcfablo Pills will at the same time cleanse tho blood. and â€10 blnlvhcs: and eruptions will disappear without louv- ing any trace. The Cape Government claims 15 per- cenl. of the value of all silver raised. 25 per cent. of the value of gold and precious stones, and 10 per cent. or the value of other articles. but Captain Gardiner is quite satisfied lliul more will be enough left to please everybody concerned. The weigh of the lmnsgrossor de- pends on whether he is buying or sell- ing. . There will be 20 hands. including two divers, all cx-navy or naval reserve men. They will sign on for ï¬vo years. and will be given a 3 per cent. share of all treasure found. The steamer Alfred Nobel, once the Oromen. a. pleasure yacht. and more recently engaged in carrying dynamite, was ('hurlered‘ and neither pains nm' money was sTmred in Equipping ï¬er as a salvage vessel. He was rewarded by the discovery “f 29 wrecks which could ho win-hm] and the result of his dismgn'orics was the formation of the South African Salvage Company, Limited. with a capital of $125,000. Captain Gardiner has served in me Briiish and Chinese navicc. and is an ofï¬cer of the Royal Navy Roscrw. .His attention was drawn to the records «f the many wrecks which have om-urrod a‘iong the African coasls. and he spent several years in endeavor-mg to locale them. Immenscly rich [runs from pi 11105 and sunk in der Secunda. Priceless china, bullion. 1m. lmd and silver, sunk in the Dutch gnllvon Mid- dieburg, which was scuttled all llooljos Bay 192 years ago. to avoid cnplux'o. Valuubie (cargoi lost in the Duh-11 Gov- ernment's armed mcrclmntman (Ix-axon- slein in 1698. Carmenâ€"1h; and silver of mod! \‘aï¬â€˜xe. which went down in the Aberdeen While Stgr boat Thermopylae. There is a fascinating air of romance and adventure about the cxpvdition “hich left lhc East India docks the other day in [he slcumcx Alfml .\ob(l, to some!) for ~unlxcn immune \wxlh $30,000,000 off the coast of Africa. According io Captain (3. A. 1‘. (inr- diner. who heads â€10 expedition. Hm African coast. is lined wiili bullion sunk in every kind of vessel. from old lluich gallcons to modern liners. Horn is am alluring list of a few of the treasures which. it is hoped, will be brought to the surface:â€" Till; AFRICAN COAST IS LINED \V’l’l‘ll BULLION. Expedition Leaves London to Search {or Wrecked Treasure in WEALTH UNDER THE SEA prices totw men. men qu 3“ch om Fitfd. 1" {59 [1831 ‘9 fem “my y 3n ‘ll a!!! féfldx‘ instantly I cut; any PW menl faulty in or m a k I n a- Trude milked kth' m n umty of nyleu. fabric: and mica fat wgmen. men an “The Mark "That Tells z» . .1 V» ~ " ..‘. N ' ‘x J ‘ " 7 ‘ , , ‘31 Hikh Carbon Winâ€"we‘ll rove it to you. COILED ~not crimpcd. This litVlbfll stronger in service. 5 stays taut. Painted WHITE over heavy 5‘ (24513231113. r5893 C0M?ANY-_8MITED. milâ€"o“..- galvanlzinzâ€"mst Droof. Experienced dealerstnerect it. Leadsallin mica 209 â€"as in merit. Get illusu-atcd booklet and 1907 prices before buying wagonmo. Toronto. Montreal. 88. John. wanna-J §TRONGEWHITE noun A ND â€Enzwmjrgus. WE ALSO MAKE ‘QUEEN CITY! A BLENDED FLOUR THAT HAS CAINED GREAT FAVOR AS A GENERAL HOUSEHOLD 'ALL PURPOSES‘ FLOUR. DEALERS I EVERYWHERE SUPPLIED WITH W'ELLâ€"EQUIPPED SHIP. AT_YOUR GROCERS WHAT THEY SEEK. Many Places. Pen-Angle trade-l mark (in red) on every Pen-Angle garment, tells you it will ï¬tand won’t sh rink, â€" your 0 w n d e a 1 er so guarantees it. Underwear thus trademarked is softer, warmer, m o r a flexible, b e tte r wearing. treasure captured [he \Vilhf‘lm ITCII. Mnngo". l’rairio Scruh'hos and every form 01' C(m‘hlginus llcn on human (1- animals cured in 30 minnhu‘ by \\u!- furd's Snnilm'y Loliun. ll nvn‘r Inil~x Sold by all druggists. 111111111 1:11'11111‘115 is 1:11111111s 1111-1111111111111 A1111j1111'n 1'1» :111 :111- 121*1-11-111- 1-11111111111'211111 1115011 111111 1111111511111 15' 111 11111,;1111 1-1111 111» 131111111) 111 11111 1111111115 «1111\1-11 11'1111 1!. mun-1111 \1'11101x' in (1151‘s 111 1-111-u1111111‘.~:11 and 111111111011 diseases. For 111110115 111111 liver troublc‘, digestive 11011111119, nerv- cus disorders goner'fl 11111111111 01c.. â€11‘ efï¬cacy of 115 \v-aters is “0111101 In]. 8111'- eniy-ï¬ve per cent. of rheummics are cured and ninely per cent. boneï¬lled. Write J. D. McDonald Dish‘ict Passen- ger Agent Grand Trunk [1111mm <15- 11-m. Toronto 11111112111115111110 descripmc 13001110! 1111111111 \1111 1111 about it. Peruna has hormno, won-knuwn Hm world over as a rmncdy in such cnsvs. “Mom-y." whisper-w] MN. Smillu-ru. straightening up in hm]. “what‘s Ihm noiw in the library?" “Mus! In» hislury repeating itself." â€IUHL'l'Cd Hem-y drnws- 113' “Go to sleep 5" _“l have no hesitancy whatever in re- cmnrnondimr Per-mm as a reliable ca- tarrh remedy." There are several kinds of indigestion. The tmnhlo may be due to sluggishâ€" noss of the liver. derangenmnts of the bowels. enlargement ot‘ the pancreasur it may be duo t0 the stomach itself. In nearly all case; of stomach indi- gestion catarrh is the cause. The only permanent cure 18 to renmvo the ca- tarrh. Mr. Ghoul: “All my mzmoy cannot givv me hmllh. (Int-101'." .h'. hulls: “Nn. perhaps not: but i! is or inmlim- ululu \‘nlua‘. novm-llfvh‘ss. ll giws your physician gI-(ul cuntidonm‘." “ll, cvidenlly strikes at â€10 very root of the tumble and good results are soon Notice-able. “l have also found Peruna a very valuable remedy (or stomach trouble and indigeslion. “Having boon lmublcd {or sever-.11 years \viih cutm-rh 0f lhc head, 1 de- cjded lo give Forum :1 fair trial and I can h'uly say I have received grcalbene- H from ils use. “I wish to testify h) m.» good resulls l have derived lrum the use of l‘eruna. M“. S. J. MASSEY. Mr. .,. J. Mnssox forum-1y a resident of Tomnlo. and u \voll-lmmvu busim: ~ man, wriies from :34? Guy street, Mout- x'eal. Quebec: al‘. are fakes, or ratherâ€"for thoir defor- mities are genuine enough. poor souls! â€"ail owe their ailments to the Ii-‘ntlish ingenuity of tho cripple manufacturrrs. Suggï¬st such a thing.r as this to anyone in authority in Omstnntlnt‘mlo and you will probably he laughed at. Yet thew can be little doubt as to the reality oi the dreadful truth. Neither is it easy to learn the lrulli of things in Constantinople. Ycl a trav- eler in Turkey a little while ago discov- ered quite by chance a fact. that made his blood run cold, that has opened the eyes of philanthropigls to ihe existence of horrors that. seemed at, first blush be- yond credence. Those ï¬ngers protruding from â€w shoulder of the deformed beggar on Ihv bridge, the sighlless eyes of the little girl, the legless man who whines up in- to your face, that being who was ap- parently burntlin a dreadful mannerâ€"- l‘c-ru-na Strikes at the Root of the ’l‘muhlc. Place in Constantinople Where Beggars are Maimed to Excite Pity. In no other city in the world will you see more helpless cripples than in (lon- stantinople. Sitting all 3'1-ng the para- pets that shield the edge If the Gnlata Bridge from the waters i the Golden Horn are beggarsâ€"men, women, and childrenâ€"most of them the victim to some dreadful malady, all of them whining out their piteous cry for alms. There sits a little girl with wide-open, sightless eyes, crooning ceaselessly her unintelligible plaint; close to her squats the figure of‘a man without legs; fur- ther on another, the victim to some dreadful disease that brings a shudder of repulsion to the frame of the Western passer-by. And look at that man there. His right shoulder is bared, so that all may see he has no arm. Yet from the shoul- der there protrude three t‘mgcrsâ€"a ghastly freak indeed; yet somehow it is not the glmstliness of the distortion that. strikes you so much as wonder that such a thing could possibly be. it was this: Outside Constantinople. hidden away in one of those beautiful gorges that few Britishei-s penetrate. there exists a cripple factory, a place where freaks are manufacturedâ€"ii thc word will passâ€"where cripples are cre- ated that they may be sent forth into the sheets of Constantinople to beg, to acquire money for the enrichment, of the vile directors of the hideous scheme And as you page along the bridge, as you notice the various forms of mutila- tion and disease that are {taunted before your eyes so blatantly, you will be bound to ask yourself the question: Whence comes this dreadful army of the maimed, the hall, the blind, the lame? How can it be that there are so many “freaksâ€? For that is the only word that sums up the lamentable re- giment. STOMAGH INDIGESTION. MOUNI' CLEMENS. MICHIGAN A CRIPPLE FACTORY. “Bextha lent it to me, bless the d ling.†Billson: “Whose pocket-book is that you are advertising for ‘1†Jimson : “Mine, of course.†“Get. out. ‘(Zontaining a roll of bank- noles and large number of cheques. Finder can keep money if he will return pupcrs.’ Get out! You don‘t see a roll 0! bank-notes or a cheque once a year." “N-o; but Bertha Bullion's father lakes the paper I advertised the loss in, and he’ll see that advertisement.†‘ “H11.111'l'1~!\\'herc did you get the money to pay for that big ad?’ ;_Â¥ Men with soft snaps.don't realize what a hard world this is. CHARLES 0. MARQUETTE, TRAYMORE HOTEL COI'IPANY. Manager. D. S. WHITE, President A magniï¬cent ten-story ï¬re-proof addition is just bei completed, making thi- (not: heatelry the newest and most up-to-‘data of Adelaide City Hate . A new tenure in the unused Size of the bed rooms, averaging 19 fee: square. Every room cammands an ocean view. bzth attached with sea and fresh um: Chevd~ glass in every chamber. Temperature regulated by Theme-dude. the Meet denier.“ h innit? heating. Telephone in every room. Golf privileges. Capacity 600. Write for 1! mm“ 00 et. Teething Babies. are saved sufferingâ€"and mothers given restâ€"when one uses Nurses’ and Mothers’ Treasure Quickly relievesâ€"regulates the bowels â€" prevents convulsions. Used so years. Absolutely safe. A! drug-stores, 25c. 8 bottlet, 81.25. Kntiongl _D1:ug .C‘hcm£95! "991 yimited, IUUKIUI‘I Ill". FREE Bend two cent u-mp with birth an. Lad I vlll land you a pan pleura of your Hf. from (h. (rule to tho gun. All null". 01 III-Inna. love, mur- tlugo and hunh, plnlufy um by Ibo grate“ Altrgloxer llvluz. Arum-om navy-bod dun-m4. iiiiim mu. Dept- 13, mummcouil ’OUR. EORWNE i From three continents come reports of the returning pop. ularity of the bicycle. And the inability of the factories to cope with the lar£° increase in orders. Our big factory has been running night and day for months. Making Cleveland. Massey Silver Ribbon. Perfect, Brant» 10rd, Rambler and Imperial bicycles. Last week we shipped over 1.200 bicycles. We are still hard at it and can now promise delivery within 10 days of receipt or order. Write for handsome catalogue of your favorite bicycle and the name of your nearest agent. CANADA EYCLE AND MOTOR 00., UMITEU‘ MAKERS 0F “rm: “'0 BLD’S BEST nicvcuzs Taranto Junction, - Ont: FOR FATHER-lN-LAW. Sole Proprietors Montreal. 41' THIS IS BIGYGLE YEAR Mommas. St. John. Wham-9:; III‘I’ISII AIEBIGMI DYEIIG “- FEATHER DYElNG Ontario.