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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 2 Apr 1908, p. 2

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THE BANK [1F TURUNTU The various propemcs o! the mm: W. H. Sowdcn, situate in MINHOOR and Cavan. are offered for salc by Henry Mulligan, and may be purchas- rd m Separate lots or otherwise. All appficaxions mus: be made to the -.n.a...‘.;,.....r1 who is ennnowu‘cd to Sc" :; rpliaations 3 us: be man: u undersigned who is cmpowmcd I and convey H. yMULLIGrAN M lllbrook, 24th Dec. F armer’s i’roperties for Sale. Mr. Thos O‘Brian, of Brunswick, was in town Tuesday on busincss. ‘ Good Housekeeper Wanted Lor farm. Apply at thns office. Kev. H. A. Ben-Olicl was in Beth- any on Monday. Q‘Can and see. the Beautiful New Lines of Wall Papas just recdvgd a; H. RICHARDS’. one door West of the Dominiun 1101c]. lelbrook. Our! Savings Dept. Mr. and Mrs H. W. juhnston were “sums to Bethany over Sunday. .\lr Geo. Waddell. of Port Hope, was in town on 'l‘quday. Interest Credited Mrs. H. McCartney returned home last week from a pleasant nsit with hcr Cullingwood t'ncnds. QAUL’TION SALEâ€"Mr. Herb LII-met, (jcnlrc 5L, Milllnouk. has m~ structcd Messrs. Gardiner Findley, Auctioneers. to sell by publxc auction, on the premises, on Saturday, April NM), 1908, at x p. m, his valuable household furnituac, including a new coal range, new bedroom sum-s, new Lunge, and many other pieces. Sec h'l‘s. former Chmaman Jun Lec- All work guaranteed first class Your patronage nsp'cctfulh solici ed. flnu IDJ-uv-_ r chvrts were read. and showea the S. ,Stp’bc m a better position, numerically a'm’d financially, than ever béfore. The ‘. programme given by members of the School was greatly enjoyed. The col- _Iection on Sunday afternotm amounted ‘mâ€"s $7.00. The nmmbéigship‘of this Excellent School ts Mug mpldly, Mr. ]. A. Vance left on Saturday for :1 mp to the Coast. Hc cxpccts to be bark about the :3! of junc. Sentenced to be Hungâ€"300° R1)".\‘ of Wall Paper. l’rich- ranging from 4c. to 50C. :1 r0" at W. 1-1. Byum N Spn’s. Millbrook Station. Miss Hamc Courtney returned to Omémec yesterday, aflcr a pleasant visit with friends In town and vncimty. "10"..5700. The nfimoegsmp u: um. cxceflcnt School as m‘smg mpxdly. ,and may reach the 13390 mai'k, :‘fl‘he Supermtcndem and his coworkg; ate ‘é 10 he congtalulatcd. \ , BORNâ€"In Cam, on Mar'dg";9, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Melqdfg, a 'l'he Methodist Sabbath School held a very'successful and Intere‘tmg 'open I sumo») last Sunday afternoon. There ware our 300 scholars, besides a large number of parents, teachers, Qflicers. and visitors present. The Quarter’s - ~ - I A. , b The Millbrook Lacrosse Club is rezozgamsed. Am excellent work horse for sale Cheap. 8 years old. Apply at this office. uvb. Possession xst May, 1908 Apph to The Launchy Reopened by ”7‘3 Dnmininn Hotel to Rent. CAPI'I'AI: RESERVE FUND ASSETS offers a perfectly safe deposxtory for your Omemee Branch, ESTABLISHED185 iilbmek Newsi .. L. GROUT. Manager. MULLIG AN, prefiéred especially for Sales Attorney Manager, MILLBROOK, 0N '. 1007. MILLBROOK. of the late I wish to announce to the PUBLIC that I am Agent for T\VO of the LEADING Ready-Roofing Companies in the United States.- Their‘Roofings are approved of by Architects BuiEders, also by Fire Underwriters throughout the U. States and Canada. has been in actual use since 1873, and has given the best ’of sat- isfaction at all times. It is as Flexible at 60 years as when first applied ; will not crack or break‘or go to pieces (remember this is no paper roof.) Can be put oil“ t or Steep Roofs wuh perfect ease. Only One Grade Manufactht‘e â€"and that the STANDARD. Is a Fi'st-Class Roofingâ€"Flexible and Durable, also FIRE PROOF. Makes a Handsome Roof on Dwellings, as well as on all other buildings. Color, Steel Grev. This Rooting has been in use for 35 years and has given good satisfaction. REXFLINT- COTE gives FIRE protection, is \VlNl), DUST and WATER PROOF. Manufactured in Fourwfiifi‘rrent Thicknesses. ' ‘ Beg tO' say am-one intending to do Roofing this season, now is the time to begin to look about it. I' can Sell you Roofing from $2.10 up to $4 60 per sc‘pxare. Your patronage solicited. Drop me a. Card for Samples and_ Prices. None genuine without the Trade Mmk, which is a picturerof a boy holding a roll 0! Kexflintkoteskoofing in his arms. I might say that .I am :in a position to book orders for the Peterborough Sand Stone finish, now being largely used. Also Agent for {he John Dohcrty ‘(SarniaQ .quxues, {both Marine and Stationary. .PHONE' 39. TO ARRIVE THIS WEEK â€" 1 Car of those FAMOUS Brinsh Col umbla Red Cedar Shingles. If you are gmng to Shingle you want the1 bust material on‘ the market These Shingles have proved, afterguany years in use, to be a very superior kind, and wrll stand the test where other rooting compositions have failed; In- spection wxll persuade youâ€"a trial will conymce you. I have also on order. 2 Cars‘of Lumber and 1 Car of New Brunswrck Cedar Shingles, which wrll add a great deal to our present large stock. ' W. THEXTON, Millbrooxx Station. .GAREY’S MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE ROOFING The open sessron, in Eonnectron with Millbrook Presbyterian Sabbath School last Sunday, was marked by a very large and enthusiastic gatherings It was the largest attendande in the history of the Sunday School. The auditorium of the Church being well filled with the parents of the children and members of the congregation who had accepted the invitation of the Superintendent to meet with the S. S Selections were rendered by Mrs. J. R Eakins’ Class, M rs. Steele’s Class, and a duet by the Pickup brothers of Dr. Jemison’s Class, all of which were done in a creditable manner. Mr. Pym sang a solo, as did also Mrs. Thomas MC Janet, of Ottawa I)'r. knits-on gave an interesting address, and altogether l the exercises of the afternoon were l creditable alike to the svhool and con lgregation, and Mr. Wm. Archer, the REXFLINTKOTE ROOFING ourrw ~ , painstaking Superintendent, Is to be congratulated in having gathered hbout him such a band of faithlm teachers. At the evenmg Scrvlce,’ m the Chmch, Mrs. Mcjanct sang a solo, " Consrder the Lilies.” to the dciight of me large congregation. possassinpx. afijh: does. a fine clear voxce. wdlv bala'xsffed and perfectly under comm-21, combined with ‘ V L.â€" ’1‘.- .â€"_- I 7 , a charming pcrsonflfxty, she has {yr ing her stay here won golden quwféirs for herself. The Musscs Amy and Katy Car- vcth hawe rammed from 'l‘.omnto The many fri ' ‘ of Miss Katy ‘wm bepkased to _‘ -shc hafglmost fully recovered I . 1' recent IHnéss Mr. Ed. Mchn", of Lindsay, . was a visisern t; Home Circié‘ineets ;.30 pm. sharg.j_\‘\ Millbrook Branch, \ H. A, SIMS. Manager. ROOFING ! LOOK FOR THE BOY; $ 4.000.000 4, 500,000 "39,000,000 S. CLARR‘Y', idle money. crayon portraits 40 Cents, frames 10 cents and up, sheet pictures one cent ‘ each. You can make 400 per cent. ‘ profit or $36.00 per w:ek. Catalogue and Samples free. FRANK A. WIL LIAMS COMPANY, 1208 W. Taylor St., Chicago. Ill. , A Payne sold to Mr. A. J. Hender son, on Tuesday, the Galt Sure Grip Shingles for hrs large barn. He thinks they tire the best Shingles on the mar- ket. 25 Year guarantee. All who in- tend to use Shingles this season would do We” to call and see samples and get priceS. Mr. J. H. Wilson. Auctioneer. of Port Hope, was in town on Monday and called on the Mirror. He was on his way to Bethany to conduct a sale. Smcc going to Port Hope he has had good success, and by his genial dispos- ition has won many friends. Mr. '1. Bmver was in Lindsay thisl week on buainess. Mr. William RuSSell attended the Grand Orange Lodge Meeting at Port Hope. Bm. Russell is one of the oldest Orangemen in the l’rovmce, and he certainly is one of the most faithful, attending his Lodge meeting regularly even when the weather was hardly fit for much younger men to turn out. He was much impressed by the excel- lent addresses delivered at the Grand Lodge. It made his heart warmer than ever for the Orange Order. He went to Cobourg and spent a few days With his son. Mr. W. ll. Russell, who is \V. M. ()f Cohourg L. 0. L. Good hand-made Cutter, nearly new, for sale. Apply to the error Office, Millbrook.â€"â€"tf Mr. G. H. Findley. Auctxoneer, of Campbdlcroft, gave the Mirror :1 call on Saturday. AGENTS WANTED !-â€"â€" :6 x 20 Pure Castilc Soapâ€"366%; p 0. Olive Oilâ€"made. in branc:.15( a H) at \V. H. Byam CS: Son’s, Millbrook ‘tation. Mr. I. Boyd Fradcnburgh, was in town this week. representing the Mc- Cormick Machmery Co. Mr. Fradem burg xs greatly impressed with our live liltlc town and hc may locate here. ch Flimkote Roofing :5 bcing used veiy extensnvcly not only for roofing. .but for hiding a» well. in place of shin- gles and clapboards, for sheds, poultry barns. outbufldings. si‘los. etc. where Mr. J. H. Roddy, of Frazcrville, gave the Mirror :1 call yesterday. a waterploof covering is absolutely nc- cessary. It keeps the puullry stock warm and dry in wmtcr, and cool in summer, protects them from draughts and dampness. making them less lia- blo: té)‘co‘.d and disease. It is also an excellent material for lmmg feed boxes. as r_ats and vermin Will not attacx it. All Chma at close prices at J. Steele’s, Millbrook; also Fountam Pens. Mr. Jas. Harper Has Entered for the Big Walking Match. Mlllbrook Walker Will Keep , Some of Them Guessing. Pctcrboro, bcginning April zoi'u. and has gone mto training. Mr. Hanger has often made 55 and 6c nnlcs in a day, although he hasn’t attempted many long distance pedestrian sways in the last few years‘, but he .thv‘nks that he wiil be m better condition than ever before by the nme’ of H7: Org race He “walked a mic on the Y.1\'.I C A. indoor track. 3’32 laps to the mile) in ten minutes» that his feat is a dc cqulL pfms‘iorthy one. We wish Mr. James Harper hz§ decided to take part In the 36 hour \iv‘a‘ulnihg match to be hch in the Brock street rmk, Walked a We In Ten Minutes. MILLBROOK, ONT. w... J« MM :31»?th O <-> 0' The Wcman’sAuxi-l‘iary Eneouraging Reports Given. New Branch Organized. A Pleasant andAProfltable Evening Spent at the Home of Mrs. Wood. Excellent Prospects for the Fu- ture. The Annual Meeting of the Wom- an’s Auxiliary of St. Thomas" Church was held on Monday evening, March 23rd, at Mrs. Wood’s. " ,,,V: _ “\A After the usual prelimmaries, the reports of the retiring officcrs Were rcad. The Secretary reported a mem- bership of forty~thrcc for the year beginning Apnl 1907, and endmg March 1908. There are four life members in the Branch 'llllé‘-:I:ll:zlgtll‘cr showed that all pledges had bccn paid. The pledges amounted to $21. and ‘are as follows : $5 towards the Educational Fund; $3 towards the support ofa Missionary to the'Zenanas ; $2 towards the salary of the Matron at Lesser Slave Lake School; $11 to the M. S. C. (Mission- ary Socrety of the Church in Canada), and $5 was voted to Drocesan Miss-t ions. A small balance still remams to be voted upon.» - The Dorcas Secretary accounted for two Bales sent : one in May to Lesser Slave Lake School, and one m Dccem her to the Mission at Apsley, now 1n charge of the Rev.“ Mr. \\'i‘.kin.<on. The cost of the material f( r the Bales amounted to $18.10. Grateful ac- i knowledgcments had been recen'ed in l both cases. 'l'he j umor Superintendent reportcd a mcmbcrship of ten. 'l'wenty-eighl meetings had been held with an awr- age attcndance (f nine. Thrce mem- bays, Marie Baker, Kathleen Fitzger- uld and 14:11:15 Clarke havmg earned the Sliver cross, a reward given {or not havmg misSed one meeting during the "‘- V " V" v _V year. The plcdgcs, amounting to 359‘ had all been hand. "The Branch had‘ very greatly assistcd the Scniors in prcpan-ngvthe contents of the Bulcs, and from the proc:eds..rcal'z~d from a sale of woxk held in November, they had given 10 the Sunday School, mat- ting and a new Bible and Praym r BunkI What has been the junior Branch is now to be called “A Girl’s " Branch. and a new Junior Branch IS to bc formed of younger girls: The President gave briefly a sum-l mmg up of the year's work, earnestly askmg for more Interest to he shown, the consequence of wlnch would he more regular attendance. The followmg are the officers for the coming year. Honorary President. ‘ Mrs. Allen. Presxdent, Mrs. Wm. C. Allen. rst Vice, Mrs. Wood. 2nd ViCe, Mrs. Medd. Secretary, Mrs. Lefroy. Treasurer, Mrs. Hassard. Dorcas Secretary. Miss Kells. Supt of the Girls' Branch, Mrs. Geo. Fair. Supt of the Turnors, Mrs. Ben-Ohel. 'l‘wo ladies “'ch ap omted by the Rector, to act on the Executive Com- mittee, Mrs. VanCe and l\1rs.Camp- l bell. Mrs. Campbell gme a most inter- esting paper on Mr;lr.rn1medamsrn, giv- in}r 21 hr: ef account of Mohammcds lift: and the: cffet‘t of Mohammedan relwion in the countr: cs “held it h ld swua) It was nmst thoroughly enjoy ed by all present. \ftcr rcfrcshimnts had hccn served, and a cordial tote 0t thanksyiven to Mrs. Wood for her hospitality, the mud: g LlosLd by Singing the Doxology. The followrng Wcrc preswt : Mrs Allen, Mrs Wood, \1rs..\lL-(ld, Mrs. lchxm. Mus llassard Mrs. Kclls h'l‘Irs. air, Mrs\ illlCt‘, Mrs Ben- OliLl l\lrs.(,nmpbc,ll Mrs. Smith, Mrs. A. Vance- Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Christie, Miss Fair. Mrs. Dean, Mrs. Dcycll. Mrs. W. Leach, Mrs. Wray, Mrs. Aik ins, Mrs. Luncashire. Specml to the Mn-ror. 'l‘hc Frasaville Debating Society held a Successful Open Mectmg on the evening of the 25th of March. The subject of the debate was : “ Resolved that \Voman has more influeHCc in the world than Man.” The affirmative was taken by Mr W. O’Brian as leader and Mr. J M. Adams as supporter. The negative was taken by Mr. R. M. Stewart as leader and Mr.\V. Moncncl as supporter. Demsion in favor ufthc affirmatrvc. Judges, Messrs. F. Smith, J. Might and Arthur Wood. "\ IN MEMQRIAM. Aâ€"In lovmkremembranco aw as on Aprfl 701:4!)05. {find “Yd “(Men mm the c'aH - RM It" so dearh Ioved by M. ~‘ , I 359131" is ever‘flear, ° ‘ ‘ fifed'ubp ailent tear - at alter Im‘Venqdeep and mm, bring back onrtciet anew.- 'Mn. K. Browfiu'igiw 1 'lhe remainder of the programme vas made up by a male chorus, ‘ Men of Harloch,” and “ School Dans,” bcmg Wt“ rendered and thoruu'ghly appreciated. 'lherc were readmgs, rccimtions. two dialogues, and mo tableaux. “lhe Dentist” and “".Icntmg on the Old Camp Ground.” Music â€"â€"good and lots of Kâ€"was fumashed by orchestra, piano, violin and mouth organs. Messrs. Roddy and Cunning ham with mouth Organs, and Mr. joc HopKins, violmisz, accmnpanicd by excellent pmno music by Mrs] Hop kins. made upa prugmm of real merit, Mr. Roddy whistled the “ Mocxing Bird” as an encore number. At the last meeting of the Fmsar ville Debating Socxety, held on Tues day. March gist, the Society decided to divide thew surplus funds between 111: Sick Children’s Hospxml of To:- (his), nd the Children’s Shelter at Pet‘c‘Q‘ENcry thoughtful and kind indeed. K; > - The Society appreciates the support given by the Mlllbryeok delegation. Fraserville News. ie‘membrancel Lm‘hxn qmiRSEB. â€"__.-L. TO THE FARMERS OF CAVAN AND THE ADJOINING TOWN- SHIPS: ’ Money Found. W111 be afmv Shop every \‘Ccdmmday and Saturday afternoon. Next door west of lames Donaldson’s pump shop. A. PAYNE, Mill‘orook Giving Up Farming. 'l‘hv m‘ndcrsigncd haw: rem-Wed in- strucmms from Mr. \\'m. H. 'l'n-nnulh to sell by pubhc numiun on thc prcm- ises, Lot I3, (Zen. 1, (Iavan. on Friday April 3rd, 1908,:1t 1.30 p.111. sharp, his valuable farm stock, implunmm, grain, hay, housuhuld furniture, etc. Sec bills for full pallitillluls. Gardiner Finlay, -\gcnts 11111111311 at (1111:: m 3111 for 11111 1.908,;111d 51111111; 1009. 111.11 my; 11111111: or part time; 11bc1al tcxms; 111111 free. Th3 Ihas. W. BuwmanfiSan“ ugg- Ltd RIIX‘ 1‘\ II, 1.11 ().\'l. Ben McMahon, BENSFORT RO- 590 Acres In iéursery Marvglous Exhébfi 04 Foal-m Canada’s Greatest Chain of High Grade Business Collcgcs, located at PETERBUROUGII \\'1.\'(‘.1L\.\1 Cuxrox \VALKERTON ORANUEVILLE CODERK‘H foilows the custom of business concarns and takes no vacation. Strnotrlaphers, Book keepcxfi, and Telegraphcrs are in great demand In July, Aul'u:t, Septem- ber and October. ‘ 'lhcre must be; reason , wr:té [or it. 7 cm» ‘ We train mom young p901 1c than ady other management in Ontario. , of 1908 designs â€"the world‘s ‘latest and best ideas in plans sing and artistic mural decor- ations. The most fascinating display of wall paper design and color ever seen in this cityâ€"the best selected, most complete and varied assort- ment of papers that will be shown anywhere intheUnitcd States this year. Includes many striking, unique, origiâ€". nal schemes and eHectsâ€"' things very new, things an-, tigueâ€"things very select and - i exclusive-everything from the severely plain and the soft- est, most delicate tints, to the most brilliant pictorial effects and the richest color schemes â€"continuons friezes, etc. This entire line may be seen. without - expense. at your own canvcnicnce. by indlcatino to us your desire to have us call w it: the Sample Books. A notable event that every resident of this city and vi- cinity, who is at all interest- ed in beautifying the home‘, should attend without fail. A complimentmy cxhihiticn cf the fimeficwWafl ‘ Paper Campany's Samplete Line” PETEBB'ZSRQUGH ZMICKON r;,-: 530. SPOTTON, : American Wan Paper Company Chicago and Pittsburg, Locally represented by OPENS APRIL 15$. «.aCollege : Vice-Pi 'mcxp Auctioneers DU anon. In) L 00 Any “ Oshawa”-shingled root is good {or 100 yearsâ€"at least Roof economy is a plain, easy problem of weighing )iHl‘S against dollars,â€"â€"of dividing the price 01 the roof by the lengtl: of time it will stay a good roof. 7- How long will it stay a good roof? That is the question you want a plain answer to when you consider roof economy. Not how ldng it Will be a good enough roof if you patch it and paint it and tinker with every year or two. Not how long it will be a pretty good root if you take good care‘ of ltâ€"iv ‘f How long it Will be a G O O D roof if you DON‘T take care . of it? How long it will stay good if you don’t do a thing to it? .TE e real test of roof cost, the test of tool economy, is the length of time the roof will stay ,, Wind pm .l.«<\.\'?rlmut repairsâ€"mowers, If ‘Oshawa' shmgled" I Damp pi‘4.:;)l- without repairsâ€"400 years, if ‘Oshawa’ shinglcd. { it sat an.) :n.l zetv proofwwwizhout repairsâ€"loo years, if ‘Oshan'a' 'sf‘iinglctl. i ' b“. proof - v itlimt reparis~roo years, if ‘Osh :wa’ shingled. ; r .' \‘t’ntvr [‘lt‘ul‘r‘ n'niiont rt pairsâ€"100 yrs, if ‘Oshawa’ shinglcd. l Proof ngulliSl All the tltnientsâ€"how long will it stay so, that l l roofum :nt- gm“; to lu\_ .’ ‘ tllm't the It‘SI. an l the 0an test worth your while. when you 5 spenduurloilv Hum :\ to cover any building worth roofing right. 3 x'zafit’s tlzr‘ yardstick that measures real roof economy. ! .-\"twr~z-,tt {m- wnr guarantee safeguards every ‘Oshawa’ shingl- gml roof A Vial“ lilvgllrll guarantee that says no 'Oshawa' shingled lmof \xill leak. um IILCLl repairs, nor need painting, nor catch fire, for ltwcntv ll\'t)c‘1!‘:§. _ - . \Ye rim supply you wzth Steel Shingles, Steel Roofing, Corru- igntsul l-on, (fandur‘mr Pipes. Metal Shutters, Sky Lights, Finials, Steel >id2nq, . terl (.ttlir-QS. liaw Troughs, Metal Doors, Prepared \. , I‘alctal Laths. a ~ ‘I I _ A , l Noah-Mi: t‘. uttt.atu£a, :v‘t'tllllul 1‘“- pxonf » “itht rcpans-Ioo years, I.» . .' \Yuxvr ‘zz‘uiwwx'xx'tmut n milsâ€"100 Vrs . I _ , I’norxi ugums: ALI. 11:: Humansâ€"how J roof \013 :m- gum; to 1m . Roofing Right. of Massrs. 8. H42; - 533$an sons ofer. and ms; \ .4 .Bickup , of this town Hungwon the‘Logh- ‘ .r'm tholarship, .350, an’fiSfanles“ ! wobfhe Goldlu Scholar's-hip, $30, ' 3951111.: M4 Aldegrfe." ‘We jo‘m in I Ffigfindiqe hearty congratulations: Millhwnk Buys Win Schularships Among the list of those who 2 "09¢. miter and {r pas~ed the BXRIDS. atlsnox College i at our Sip“? \\ we re plcased to notxce the W M‘xubmok Station. __.. {3:63 W6$é$$$6$6zw~m $6 é AGENT, MILLER-00K, ONT, Your your)" citizens. 'edlar PeOple, Oshawa This brandâ€"on a bag or barrelâ€"is the mark of a BLENDED FLOUR of Ontario Fall \Vheat and Manitoba Spring \that, milled by the best millers in Ontario. W. FRY, Ask your grocer for a Blended Flourâ€"4nd look fur the above brand wherever yuu buy. a?“ AR16 “Made in Ontario ” FOR THE 2 We have a large order for Butter 1and Eggs, and wit! pay highest price '11) cash or trade for any quantity nf ! good"-bfitter and fresh msdgl‘n‘ercd lathour stpre. \V. ELM Son, W. Mofitgmgerf,‘M. D. Physician and Surgeon, MILLBROOK, ONTAIUO.‘ - Oflié in Tn}ner’s- Drug Store; LABEL CaPL : served at wax one 9512:; new: cu}: profimhlc (:tltca'lamm‘uls by thc Leazuc, 'i'husc p11 b2 pieascd to have a :‘cpu treat at an early date. Mrs. T. H. MrQuad: u to Lindsay 12:1 neck. Messrs. H. W. and T 1:ch m Lindsay last Zorncil on 'l'ucsdav for c: Mr. Wm. Bade, local some fine animals from M The School Trustee 13: Monday evening. The Board of Trade meeting an ar- cafly date Â¥Ictofia Day Cd:bration «on of Victoria Old Boy commg scasOn. ‘awcr’s. Lindsay. Cm; 1‘ Data. No. S Lindstwé Skating Rlnk. “he” \‘is'.‘ call and see me: for iufi your poukry. i am nOw ‘ {awe second hand jnbhim D _ _ goods. furmture, ctc , a: .' ‘Buglcr Banks has reasol of getting the appoimmi Bugler at the coming (,1 Levi. The Boy Bugler is 5 Mid, and pros ed himsd dating his course at 'an Minty College. 1 «cm privates and; otfi as «'21 from Omemcc Co. 1 Ca.“ at Goodxsin s. Kfi OMEMEE NE say. opp. Bcuson Huus new dcsugns m \Vaii Pap Fauq' Goods. c. R: hcimcr Piano Tuner} store. Mr. Tom Palmer hum and steady yachL The :4: is being placed, an} the 1 «fight persons. and travel I: rmlcs an hour. The (has peculiar craft i: ‘ Sherwood ch) has brcnl 3‘4 the ‘I “t p‘.1u~ dur'm: .H as Scc’y of l’ub‘i" L'hrm A xvii-ax marl stv‘ vivc him. Mr W. ii and Mr. Charlc~ Fm brothers of dCCCflSCd. 1' I: : 2:;1'12‘1 rcum' hczrtfclt sy'upnay of (fluids. Woman '5 A! Doing Go The Woman’s Aui Church. Omcmce, ass‘ other friends. sent a} three bales, cunsistmg of clothing, many enti strong. useful garmcnj and groceries to thc p The following letter ‘ oughby Cummings 1‘ need which suil cxish“ m. Limo “ ~7. My Dear Mrs. C131 You and your cr Iy Jud splendidly f4 sending your kind g1 1 a! “N. Chas, The distress is uulj in fact than we them landmine presan there is an pork and‘ mmuwco’dliug m.‘ your head ache. ; 1 -I remain. \’<‘T‘.' , Shield. of m P" ac Richardson fine stock from l1? . I ‘h‘ week hi 3.1.1

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