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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 30 Apr 1908, p. 2

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k . } OPEN ALI; SIEAE 1! "at. um um First 6 mnnths rent to be paid in -a‘h'ance. Afterwards quartcrly in ad- ‘J’vancc. The plants for the Women's lintitute will be distributgd on Faturday, May 9th, at 4 p. m., in «band! Room, if weather proves inrggaT'gle.:. There will be a few small pl mts for sale, cheap. Hay! W'hat? Yes, we have Ruled Hay, W. H. Bvam .590. Dr. H. Needlcr, of Toronto. was in tuwn last wees, and was accompanied home by his sister. Miss Etta Needler. , a "“ l """" V“ II": newer. takcn now, at The Morton Studio. All Chum at close prices at I. «apposite the Dominion Hotel. 'l‘he Steele's, Millbrook ; also Fountain nest “"6 Of samples you ever 53“" Pm;- and the'prices are all right too. Open every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 4.30 .\ Chinese student has secured first p m. Come early in the day. place in McGill Universxty honor llSt. Another brilliant young Celestial has been appointed editor m-chief of the 'ag (‘ulumbia University Ioumal. Let our chesty young men who can only lous friends here are pleased to meet think of the (.‘liinaman in connection l him again. with the hundry make a note of these hets.â€"â€"The Presbyterian. Mr. F J. Holiday, (formerly Man‘ er of the Ontario Bank here) is a guest of Mr. R. Ruddy. His numer- Mr, S. T.‘ Medd, of Peterboro is Our SummerSoulon 0101qu students to “art. any time and tutu a continuous course. Write for catalogue of our old- at and mo»! reliable school. the British Americaanslnoss allege, '_' A; __J â€",-.‘. All Chmn at close prices'at J, Steck-‘s, Millbrook; also Fountain Pcnfi. m a most suitable and eloquent Sermon, taking as his subject ‘ The l’nrablc of the Good Samaritan ” During the evm'ng the choir contri- l-uted an anthem in good voice, under the: able leadership of Mr. R. j. Doak the Leadtr. Mxllbrook Lodge No. 308, I O 0 F. ‘turned out m iarge numbers to attend (.rvine service in the Presbyterian flxurch I n Sunday evening. April 26 h, when Rc-v Bro \Vm. Iohnston preach f‘fiiflbmnk Newss Bram-Ids. Necklcts, Rings, latest licsigns and settmgs. Gentlemen’s itC'l’ins, fobs and charnn, at special 1 rites, at I. Steelc’s. Millbrook. The Local Option By law came into force In Mwllhrook last Friday, and thus far It IS working qune satisfactory. Mr. R Ruddy was in Ottawa last .veclr. on a prafessnonal nsxt. \I.. Fred Medd, of Montreal, 15 Hsmx‘g m Mi Ilbxook and 1’: lcxboro. h c‘en'ng of the Woman’s Foreign Mis- smnaxy Society. Mrs (Rev ) Wm. Johnston-and Mrs J. D. Dcyell went up to Toronto 'on '1'uesday morning: to attend the annbal Mr. Elcctricianâ€"PlcaSc turn on the Bedric ( uncut at least a half hour earlier each chmng. To afirst class man who wm run a Strictly 'l‘emperancc House, liberal items will be given. Must come rc- 'cummended. The various properties of the late "\V'. 'HsSowdcn, situate in Millbrook and Cmn, are oficrcd for éale by vHamgv Mulligan, and may be purchasv ed‘m‘Separate Iots or otherwise. All anplications must be made to the undrrsigncd who is empowered to sell and convey. - H. MULLIGAN MILLBROOK, ONT. Mlllbrook. 24th Dec. 1007. L. S. CLARRS’, ”PHONE 39. MILLBROOK, ONT. ,‘Ti’roperties for Sale. Possession rat May, Strictly first-class._ Used extensively 0n particularly dwellings. Nm Imight say that I am in a posith Peterborough Sand Stone Brick, now bei 5 Aiso Agent for the john Dohert Marine and Stationary. None genuine without the Trade Mark, which is a picture of ‘a boy holding a to“ of Rexflintkote Rooting injhis arms. Is a First-Class Roofingâ€"Flexible and Durable, also FIRE PROOF. Makes a Handsome Roof on Dwellings, as well as on all other buildings. Color, Steel Grev. This Roofing has been in use for 35 years and has given good satisfaction. REXFLINT- ‘( OTB gives FIRE protection, is WIND, DUST and WATER i’ROOF. Manufactured in Four Different Thicknesses. Beg to say anvone intending to do Roofing this season, now is the time to begin to look about it. I can sell you Roofing from 5:.10 up to $4 60 per square. Your patrowge solicited. Drop me a Card for Samples and Prices. ‘ 1135 been in actual use sinhe 1873, : igfaction at all times. It is as He: iPPliCd; will not crack or break or it» "0 Duper roof.) Can hp nnt An I?! Three of the LEADER} States. 'lhcir Rogfiugs 'also by Fire Underwriu -H. MULLIGAN, Bsmininn Hotel In Ram. Hfladmr Mrflsafl [NR0 Ming REXFLINTKOTE ROOFING CAREY’S MAGNESIAFLEXIBLE ROOFING paper roof.) Can be pugâ€"(5;: 'Islaféorsg‘égmkogfs wnh perfect Only One Grade Manufacturedz‘éland that the STANDARD. , LOOK FOR THE BOY 'ASPHALT ROOFING Attorney Manager, wish to announce to the to announce to the PUBLIC that I am Agent for LEADING Ready-Roofing Companies in the United r Rogfiugs are approved of by Architects Builders, Underwriters throughout the U. States and Canada. ', 1908. Apply to MILLBRUOK. ed extensively on all kinds of buildings, ‘ly dwellmgs. Never needs pamtmg. I am in a position to book orders for' the ne Brick, now being largely used. the john Doherty (Sarnia) Engines, both d Mr. R. A. Mulholland, of Port Hope, _ says: “ Nobody need tell me In future that advertising does not ‘pay for I 3 know that it does. Since the. pubhc‘a 1 tion of my advertisement in the Tm es | last week I have already sold more ; goods than I did for weeks before. The , advertisement has given me really as tomshingly good results, Everybody coming mto my store has spoken about theadvertlsement and I have traced a majority of my sales this week directly to it On Saturday evening alone I sold ten razors and in every case the. advertisement was responsible for bringing methe customer, and so it was with other lines advertised ' From 7 ’ my experience this week I can CODfi'i dently say that advertrsmg, these days;T is the Soul of basmess, and that‘rt fa} more than pays for itself and is one of ‘ l the ties: investments that a busmess ’m can @akc."â€" â€" Time? ‘ = v ‘ r; .‘Ii. f , .m' fl}! Mr, S. T. \Iedd, of Pctcrborois visiting in M 111b100k and I’etcrboro. Don’t delay having your photo taken at the Morton Studxo. ’Open every Wednesday from o 1 to 4 30. Visitors welcome.‘ Try T. J. Lang for Hand made Harness.’ We guarantee all our own make of Harness. We use nothing but the best stock, If you want FAC- TORY HARNESS I can give you :1 TEAM SE'l‘complete for $26 50. We carry the best makes of Boots Shoes. If you want to save money buy the best. '1‘. J. LANG. DON’T WAIT, have your photos Maple Syrup â€"The genuine ar- ‘ ticle at 40¢. a quart, with the gem ‘ thrown in, at Byams. E’Call and see the Beautiful New Lines of Wall Papers just reCeived at H. RICHARDS. one door West of the Dominion Hotel, Millbrook. The public should get their shop- ping dczre before 6 p. m., on Mondaysl Tuesdays, ’l’hursdays and Fridays, as the merchants who sell goods after 6 p m on the above evenings are lia- ble to be fined. 5523215 J: I!!! WANTED --A Good Smart Boy to learn the Printing Trade. One who has passed the Entrance exam. preferred. Apply to {he Mirror Office, Millbrook. Wall Paper at Byam's from cents a roll up. In South Monaghan. on 'Friday, May Ist, 1908, Lucy Cowling, beloved wife of Wm. T hos. Cowling, aged_ 48 years. At Pcntypoo]. on Friday, April 24, M rs. Wm Byers. Deceased was a sister of Mrs. T hos; Luxon ofiMlllbroox; ~ ' \Vc extend our sympathy to the be- reaved husband and other {clgtives. Anyone wanting a first-class driving or working horse, 6 years old. A150 1 or 2 first class short horn Cows, fresh .in. All extra good. For particulars apply at Mirror Ofice.â€"3t 73, and ha'S given the best of sat- Flexible at 60 years as when first k o_r"go to pieces (remember this- Peterboro Bus ness ( ollege. Gm. Spotton. Principal. tharoughnwse progronlvcnesn. minty enthusiasm. oxpertnosl aro our watuh words. Commer- cial, Stenogruphy. 'l'elrgraphy. I 1..“ IVA..- . ,,.._,.-~yu,v, Jvlrlll'flp “a“ Courses In any subject. No vacation. Good Stock for Sale. msamsasasar SUPERIORITY. 1}! â€"â€"-O<.>o DIED. VOlcgraphy. -._._., your photos 5 to their home at Badjeros. The Mirror Joins m gqod Ink Jo; their ........cm, wucr; 1vm"Henderson IS one I Fen-ozone does not affect the nerves of the most intelhgent farmers of the as hypnotica or sedatives {which lull township. The Mirror joins withlthem into obedienceâ€"it. makes them their numerous friends in wxshiug I strong. because it cnnmius the cons“- thzm a .very successful voyage over the ' tuenta that are necessary to make nerve Sea qf‘hfe‘ ‘ htrength. ‘ BROCKâ€"JJAIHIESON, Fun-ozone makes blood._ ’ , - - Ferrozone gives strengt'fi. A'verv pretty though quiet wedding A. ‘ . took place at the home of Mrs. Brook 129'???” fg‘ceéd‘ appetite,_ ”3"“? 77")" Line, on “ edllegdav afternoon. ass m a ‘0" ° 0° - The Bride looked very mce, indeed. dressed in white organdie. The happy couple intend making-crime" home in Manvers, when Mn‘Henderson is one of the most intelhgent farmers of the township. The Mirror joins with their numermm friunrla :n lI-I‘VL:II~ are given, ~ A wife is the peculiar'glft of Heaven At the residence of our esteemed citizen‘ Mr. Wm. Russell, Main St. on Wednesday evening. April 29th. a very Ipleasing event tooK plan: when his ‘ fhird daughter, Isah‘el, was mamed to Mr. Iames Hendesrou. of ManVers, second son of Mr James Henderson Into the presence of only the “mne- dlgte relatiVes the Bndehentered the parlor (which was tastefully decorated with plants) leaning 0n the arm of her father, where Rev Mr. johnston con- l ducted theficeremony. “All other goods by Fortune’s hand: _ -v- ...~â€" IVIIUIVIIIS . The Postmaster General has decided to include a provvsion in all Afutuze contracts which will prevent mail carriers from carry- ing intoxtcating liquor. If any one, violates t‘r is part ofthe con- tract it will be cancelled forthwith by the department. ' The New Liskeard Speaker is responSIble for the followino -â€"â€"â€" A Q BORN. On April 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs Charles Stephcnaon a daughter. M rs. F. Thorndykc Sunday. We regret having to note the Illnasz. of Mr. A. Lunn, but hope ht: wm soon be attending to work as usual. We wonder how Mr H.13L1Lcly enjmed his walk along the Ma. rsh Sunday ewning. Mr. C. Fee and Mr. I. Armstrmg attended church! last Sunday. Mr. J McQuarric is working at Mr 1. Morton’s for the Season Mr. E Powull still continues his trips to the Marsh. We wonder 2f there is any attraction. Miss Elsie Hudson has not yet re turned from her loug visit at her sistcr’s m Cavan. .\Ir.’E. Han-m has not taken any of those long dnvcs lately. perhaps on account of Leap Year. Mr. F. Wake still continues his trips to the Snow Flake Mansion. We are sorry to hear that Mr. 1. Powell is Icavmg the Vlcmlty and gomg t0 rcs1dc in town. We Wish him every success. Mr. Alf Winslow IS 11.1.and has been home for over a week, hxs long walks m the winter time could not have agreed with him. The spring has been very unfavor able, ketping the farmers off the fields. The Msrror joirnsflflin" heartfelt sympathy to II family. ,,- _.v_ n. «nu Slu'Co The pallbearers were six Masonic brothers, viz: Thomas and Arthur Campbell, C. Carve-ti), 'l‘. A. Kclh', Oscar MdGili and Dr. Jermson. Ile- sides the sorrowing mother, ouc broth cr, Stanlcy. and three siaters. Ella, {\Iinnicand Laura, are left to mourn the loss of a devoted son and brother. . v" gun-53 The funeral on Friday to the Ceme tery on the 9th Line of Cavan was very largely attended, his Brethren ufthe Masonic Oreer turning out in a body. headed by the Citizens Band. The Rev. H. A BenOliel conduvted the services of the Church of England; and Messrs. A. A. Smith and _l. (I Kt lls conducted the Masonic sen-Ices at the house and grave. v .u-n-v VI Illa ULQLII~ \Vill was estcenkd for his many noble traits of character. He was up« right and honest in all his dealings, true to his friends, and was always anxious to do what he constdered fair and just towards his fellow beings “hr”, . ,..- . There passed away at the family re- srdence, Millbrook. on Wednesday, Apritg 29th, one of Millbrook’s most highly respected citizens, m the person or W- T. Grandy. second son of the late 'l'hos. (.irandy, after a few Weeks illness. He contracted a severe cold last March, and notwithitanding the best efforts of medical skill, he passed peacefully away on Wednesday of last Week. He was born at Indian Point in Bexley township, but has resided in ‘ Millhrook the greater part of his life. He was educated 1n the Millbrook Public School, but at an early age he started to clerk in Hells, Fowler Co’s store, and in the year 1900 he clerked for Mr. Scott, Miilbrook. and also for Scougall Bros., of Colbornes He then returned to Millhrook and went into partnership with Mr. Scott, and in 1903 bought Mr. Scott’s inter est In the business. which he has since conducted up to the time ofhis death. Ily'u Cannot Carry manor. Wedding Bells. The Late GLAMORUAN I'I‘EMS‘ Bgdjerbsfi 'f’i‘iiz . T. Grandy. n extending: the bereawd _ ._,..-‘ Ferrozonezehré'r but in nourishing: vans omnnizati‘on- VI it lac-k- {ry Ferr'o bow by an m v ‘ ."u.- .. Perfectly safe even for children. Rab- aolutely Elite to restore anyone Inst-3 ous unstrung and hygjenmw Fen-ozone imparts to the whole or~ aanism \im end’nrance, buoyancy. No matter how nervous you are or how long this cozidition ha‘é prevailed, use Fenozone, and in a month you will hue convincing proof ofits tonic land restorative power. . v No remedy has ever been devnsed that will compare “ith Ferroz0ne in nervous maladxes. I KEEP YGUR NERVE?) STRDE‘ZG If you any that a Woman’s nerves are weak, you affirm what is abanlmely true, that her whole physical condition is so far below the 1211' that colXapse may easily Follow, Mmiify its actiflty \ie 'mve various forms of lmlucination mental depres' aion, aleeplessness and hysteria. The nervous system ministers equal- lv to man’sphyaicxl as it. ennlrlbutes to man’s intellectual powers. No Surer Road to Ill-I Health Than Neglect i of the REEVES. I for 25 cents. Sidesmenâ€"Wm. Crocker, Ieff- rev Powell, Wilbext Wood, Thos. SVEI‘. v- \lu.\.v-n ‘Jupua, Flower ‘2‘1ixr1aVegetable, at Byam’s Ushms-â€"Iohn Davis, Eugene Davis, Moxton Sency, S. E Fer guson. Churchwar'iensâ€"Gco. H. Syer, Henry Black-16v. Lamb. Edwin Mame, ‘ Winslow, Thomas Jackson ]. Mmton. Sidesmenâ€"(‘hns McNeil, Ar- thur Vance, lnmes Sisson Sept Churchwardens--\V. H. Lough k Mchmus. Dclegme to Synodâ€"W. H. Lough. Cum-4M1" Committeeâ€" j. Lucas, I Clarke, [11, K. Wool, H. Armstrong. / ZZ< Clarke. The following officers were elected for the current year: Church Wardensâ€"R. H. Wood \V'llflid \V. Brown. ' Sidcsmenâ€"chrgc Seablooke. Oscal Jackson, [nme< McCamus, H Almsltonz, 1". Wood, John 7" 6 Packages of Garden Seeds Dclegute to Synodâ€"J. “7 .ucas. __ "W m “Wm a. ' M"- 3 U Kells waited on Council re Miss Elvy Lock spm‘t Sunday street watermz, asking for same grant with her sistu'. st. J. I’crrm of as former vears. ('oxmclllor Thorn- : Cay-an. . d : ke spoke in favor of street watering. . ‘ The Reeve asxed h u . ' ‘ nos- ' DILDâ€"In Peter] orongh, on M to 20. cm“. Nzedizrétxkzgl lew I‘uesday, May 5: _l‘ohnston Stew- far, west Mr. Kells stated as far as .a‘rt, (Formally um 1m.- 4th lme of Mr. Ruddy“;- Lawn), aged 77 ycars. I Needhan:~â€"'l‘hnrndyke-â€"-â€"'l‘nat Mr. Come to Millbrook on the 25th, 3 K6118 be granted $50 for street water- and enjoy the sports mm the 03;“ . lng as in former yearelâ€"Carried. cert in the evening. " " ! Thexinn-Jrhormh'ke-Jl‘hat the to!- I lnwing accounts be paid: Mnand Mrs. Joseph BVC'rs' Of’ W. Bruce, 1 duvs \wrk ........ S l 50 Qt: .- ‘ Pont\DOOl, \Mf‘rfi-Iflleclc n? R‘l.‘ ,.. Easter Manflav VestryMeenngs 7' J Allen and Mrs. \l’utcrman sang solos, and ML!) the cloquwt and helpful sermon delivered, the SeerCcS allo- gcthcr were very enjoyable indeed _ .. a Y -------- The excellent Choirfassmed by Mrs. 'l‘. Waterman, of Baihcboro, rcn- dcrcd several anthems. Miss jcsslc A-“CH and Mrs. \Yutc-rmnn unmr en‘rw The Ram-tr Serwcé of Praise In St 'l‘lmnms’ Clmrvh was very much an joyed by thclargc congx‘cgauon. nu Mnand Mrs. Joseph Bye-rs, of Ponty pool, were "ursts of Mr. and Mrs. 1‘. Luxon on Monday. Miss Elvy Lock spm‘t Sunday with her sistcx'. Mns. J. I’crrm of Gavan. All grades of flour Delight, Fyfc, Ixorg, 'linstlc Down, Quakex, PM: kcses and Glahzun “our for sale at By am '5. By reference to our advertising columns it will be noticed that Millbi‘ook is to have a regular weekly market {or the accommo- datton ol the Farmers who have Butter, Eggs and Poultry to sel. Two Toronto Produce llouses wt 1 be repreSented at the Town Hall, on 'l‘uesjay of each week, com inencmg on T1 csduy, Mav 19 This should prove of interest and ptoflt to the hunting coniuiumts of this section of country. NO‘N for the Big MAY Dis- count on COAL. Yoq will never buy your Coal Cheaper this year than at the prlce I am offering this year for Cash. Ask about the big cut. I keep onlv Scran- ton Coalâ€"the‘bcst m the market. W. Thexton. ST. IOHN'S CHURCH. TRINITY CHURCH A grand Celebration will be held in Millbrook Agricultural Park, on Mon day, May 25th. One of the best pro- grams of sports ever put on, consisting of Walking Contests, Font Races, etc. etc, will be held. Lacrossz: and Base- ball matches will be played. The Band will give an attractive Concert at night. Watch for bills and programs. HRIST CHURCH, BAXLIEBORO VIUTURIA Dav CELEBRATION geding M ‘m , {01m Irwin and Salt Meats, etc. ._PrJCes right. A call rcsp ctfully v sohcned. Freéh and Salt M51 next Monday, April can y m stock all the the trade, such as Iwil] open up a first class Meat Market in the stand next door East of James Armstrong’s Barbe: Shop, fiewMeatE’a’arke: Butter, Eggs; Poultry Highest Iafarket Price Bring both your Eggs an from 8 a Twu Term Pmflnce Hanses and every Tuesday thereafter, 1)): arrangement With the Counal ot the \r’lllage, fln‘fuesday, MJLLBROQK MEMEH’S FifiéarerH IN EZILLBROOK. k,()lnlnt‘l‘.Clllg ;.t 7.30 p.11). Only those who attamgreat etficxency, and steadiness, Will be allowed to go to Quubec. The DH” is new and the Capt. WlSllCS tn impress on both old men and Recruits the m-cessttyof availmg themsdves of every opportun fly to become efficient. N. L? Dr) axlâ€"Tlmrndyke - That adjourn -~(‘ur_ried Coun. Deyell moved that Clerk authorized to order supplies for To and Fire Hall ~Carried. Needhamu'l hmxtnnâ€" I hat Constable have unilorm ptice uotto exceeds 20. «Carried. ‘1" Drills Tucs'; C(umncncing Mr. Miller asked Council wheeled cart to take around ing sjdewark‘s. (‘onncii discussed what duties should be (.‘onn. '1 e1 that Mr Miller accon (1 he Council) in their tour on Thursday a m. will be Mr.- Mxller, the new chief was pre to (“Beuss with Council re mcving Town Hall. Kells, lfimler (‘n., “and 'i'uwn Hull...... Jae. Mchish, nork ......... R. Iruin, (-Ieuni: g crosxiugs. W G Russelht Sons. coal H. (3. Lord, cutting ice Carried. Timrmh keâ€" De) eH--That lowing accounts be paid: H. D, 'l'hextrm, coal”... Mr Nash, “ork. .. “. Budd, “'...('rk... . ......‘ H. U Thexton 11m er for cuh‘ (unled. On motion (‘hus (‘all'tm v $5.00 in full of acct for a'tendn C mnorn. I ounun o o .4 0, 4v Co’y. 46th Regt. "ouncii met adjnurnment. ent, the Reevn 'l‘he minim read and cm TOWN HALL, and the Doctor 18 to l;e congratulated "no" "i“ 8”We”. and owning the best. Hackneys ”‘3‘ stand in Canada today. Dr. T. H. Hassara’s Handsome Hackney Stallion, “Marlon CassiuS.” Carries 011' Two ‘ First Prizes at Toronto. . D. LEACH, Capt Council Chamber, Milllwook, May 4, 1908- xcii met :118 If) p m , pursuant to mnent. All the members pres- e Reevn in the chair. minutes of the last meeting were represented in the 0‘" bags and Butter together. U“ noon, to buyfor CASH : (Em‘firnxed. I Kells waited on Council re day and 'I‘Imrsday nights :Lys Wurk ........ S 1 50 I3th, and MI] requirements of what Mr. Miller's onn. 'I‘hexton mov- accompany them Council for two- aruund for tenant- er for culvert "-. Wond for ............s12 .u-u u” .u. n. hie! was present all'tm was paid a' tending-Jon“ That the fol of inspection Paid. (jfouncil 'rk be Town ; into 12 40 2 {'5 l 50 6 75 888 for Sale. Orders placeig‘ my»; 1 Just received. Price made wh¢ 10 50 60 Fire proofâ€"without repairsâ€"mo years, if ‘Osh wvn' \K’ater px'oof-~\vithout Icpairsâ€"Ioo 3‘15 1 Ploof against ALL the roof you are going to buy? l‘ha’t the test, and the Oniy test worth Your uhih». uh: spend good money to cover any building worth rooting light. 'l‘hgflsfithe yardstick that me suns rm] .xcc!‘ ((t :v : \ ’ A ‘twents-fiw \rarguarantees;:!-g12:»z«?s (\H‘. -( .! \, ed roof Af.alg>i1)}is.‘rgh.~lzgl-mrw! y '1 M :f.’ \.~ xrr ( roofV'wnll _Ie2l_k,"}n‘01"hr-Ed n pans. mu m» w‘ :"25 ‘ twcnt )J-fiéfi‘f‘em s. ‘ \ "é‘ciin supply \01: vim}:- Stu} .‘uw gated hon, (‘orniucmr Pipes. .‘vam S: .,.- ~, Steel Sidiog, Steel (filings, an Tn vgl‘s. .\ n. Roofin Ventilators‘ Stutuarx , M. t:-’ Lmlxc g, sizing , If ‘Oslnmn' slum; elementsâ€"how long “in it 5x2} 5 .4 shingled. wcxul. a plan] answer to when you consider roof econc Not how long it mll be a good enough roof if 3 and paint it and tinker with every year or two. Not willfibe‘ a pretty good root If you take good care of It How long it mll be a G O O D roof if you DON of it? How loug it will stay good II 3011 don‘t «:0 a The real test of roof cost, the test of root economy, xs 1 time the roof will stay Wmd proof,-â€"without repairsâ€"loo years. If ‘Oslw Damp proof~without repairsâ€"100 years. if ‘().~lmv Rust and mildew proofâ€"â€"w1thout repairs-Ian “we - .-';' “Hun”... nva no guuu 1UP 10 Roof economy is a plain, easy problcm oi against dOIlérs,â€"of dividingr the price of the mo of time it will stay a good roof. How long will it stay a good roof? That is want a plain answer to when you consider roof c AGENT,‘ MILLBRCOK, ONT R00 hâ€" 387 ’edlar P‘ 664: ST. CATHERINE ST., West, MCNTREAL The genuine has the. 11 its metal parts. Mr. Wm. Beers, 196 York St, Toronto, Ont., wraps pleasure m recommending your Oxydonor. When I first g< I was sufl'crmg from Scmtica for about four months, and am five Weeks it left me all at once and have not been troubled ‘ can highly recommend It as a good family ducwr, and mm! d it for doublc the price.” 7 One OXYDONOR wrll serve an entire familyâ€"one at a m last a life time. and there IS no expense alter the purchase px'icc‘ apply OXYDONOR at home while you rest or sleep. _- v .' mll cu‘re you. Nq medicine, drug's. electricny, mental science But a_natural, rational method discovered by a Well known physnman. , . N9 matter what disease you sufi'er with, nor how long Wu “3“ If no vatal organ Is irre arablv destroyed. in all probability n“"“r\‘- 5%? “£3 BFIUMEH: The Sick Made We“ Any “ Oshawa”-shingled roof is good for h A , :- AA ’f.~ - , . Porn er (‘uamn ers of the Ontario Ban k acc‘ummud and as hcutoflrc. gߤ%§%%% may; $.32»: 5}» \ E’Every descriptinn of a Banking Busincss Interest Added 4 Times a Year an CAPITAL PAID UP ' : REST UNDIVIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Branches at all important Centres in Canada, and T‘ I England, New WITHOUT MEDICINE. Write for FREE BOOK No 9-6 . SANCEE £5 CC) Deliveries FOR THE repalrsâ€"Iooyears.1{‘Oshaua Humphd epalrsâ€"â€"Iooseaxs if ‘0 haua snub”. ~Wlth0ut repaixs- 1003Lius,i1‘(;sl:;.\\a ‘eoyle, Oshawa. Est. 1817. --.V-._- ... \uunuu, alu. HI I, r York, Chicago, Spokanc, Mmico and Newfoundland. :Ck of Dr. H. Sanchc YDON'OR 1 15 good Ior IOO yearsâ€"at least. asy problem of Weighing y'cazs price of the roof by the length Lzolhs a. ‘vllll‘. \ ing worth roofin'r vi; H :rts Ha] Ice! ((09! ‘2\ Iguzuds (\t)‘. ‘( J \' .mvmsxr: (A'r aw can be g 13. IMITATIONS I It you DON‘T take care )u don‘t no a thing to it? economy, is the length cf root It )ou patch it No. Not hon long it care of Itâ€" £9,531 $168,CC1‘173 $14;4CC,CCC’ $11,00LLCC s the question you ECODOIHV. Iran S (Rd. Ed ranch “in be neé: “I have: great t got the instrumrm after applying It {or :d thh it since. I uld not be wnhnm plainly stamped in in London, \\ hex. or faith Cure selenctist 3,”: time. Uccn sir]; You wnhom 'é; 3‘ '0 3H1 WIH can At the home of the 1 Father, Mr. Dame! joncs. Township of am'crs. on ncsdav. .‘~;mi 22nd. by Re McCulloch of Omemec. Wager. of the township 0 100. to Miss 0L1 Irene “jams. ‘ ANNIE \V. IVOR' TEACHER, ‘ Piano and Theory Pupils prepared for Exam: , Terms Moderate. Messrs. john “'31:: and lx’ (he have bean \‘cry unfcrt loosing their two valuable gin; Mr. Edward Archer is x' parauons for thc cxccziu dam. \Vc Wish hm) cv:r\ the operation 0: In: saw m Mr. l’urds and hi~ East Emil3 Chccse n d»; “he c the, wziis su umcr. “c wim Purdy many year: and prosperity, Mr. Herbert jackson ms in" a uxsluny busmcss Mm evaporator, having ' "NH! ii! 1in u! maplc syup and suga: Q'You can SAVE DC by buying your Sum: or R;.z W. u. srmsox. m1 mu Mr. H lurid Jada bouncing Engixah: :: ct (or the summer. after extend ”‘9‘” (:0in Miss Lillie and Ware visuors 10 Tu sdav. Q M :ernr- j: gratulatlo h Idc. T’K‘Dti‘. Yesterday m (:11! don, when Mr “:05 Commercza‘.’ House‘ united in warring: Kd'v of tins c: y. Kuifc, of: .R cit \' an whilr" .. (has. Bus". xooxooo Doz Eg 4. an “'04! Wanted. Hig';c.i u cash or mod: a: C 1 n c Rev. Seward, of Chris: C! ficzatea‘ a; aa:mer--£iez Li -2 E~enL A pretty ding was Suzemniz ,/n the Township of 2212': an». April 2;, I905, Mi. :kucd “if: of “.1181: 66 )cars. In 'l'ommhzgz n! Emiifc. May tat, :903, mum“: aged 8.3 years. sxv. opp. bcnson Hans. new Jesugns m W12! lug); chy Goods. 6:2. Rey h:im:r Plano Tuners () storc. (All at (2011 sxy, opp. Bcns i011 can): Omemee FU‘ takmg a grcat ruu. R has it for sale. It is wort Sells it for $1.00. a)??? Waifiin 5:31.:5 in Ladics’a am and [Sounds a: in: iincry Parlors, Kcm LI. C A , Lindsay. inspect our New (:34 Townâ€"3m Anhur S. \Vcisman, H can and Engram', succ' Petty. Kcnt SL, Lindsay, ed to haw: you call am large and carefully select pert and careful repairer of watches and docs». 'l A full line of the? McCornuck Machiud hibition at J. D. Thu rooms, opp. Evan‘s 1‘ Mr Jo J Scmt. of (A Omcmcc mccntls \isiuw Mr. A. Scott. Far Fashionb'l: T) ixJ'flrry go to Ch: t non oftius store The man}: fnbhds of will be pleased to learn. :0 be out again aft-ct a m MILLINERY (IA R OMEMEE Bethe! Ne ws. \VAG GFRâ€"JoxEs. play of M \{mi .5qu I v-v hm E d :0 have m mnts and c .satxsfaczion. MARRI:?U “OWN "a nu o bun 5‘33 S0 \YI-IK 2:1 is [23. “(‘1' IS “nil 18!! as a SO“ hon 7“ l’l

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