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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 3 May 1906, p. 3

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m, mg '33«3 7ks. nd THE PHILIP CAREY ROOFING. Mr. Herb Blackwell’s horse fright- cued and ran as far as Sturgeon-st. The horse thought he would make time by travelling the mlroad. The funeral of ‘he [ate MrS. John Fr: on l-‘nday of last Week was largely attended. The deCcascd was amongst the oldest and most respected residents of Emilv. Hcr bereaved husband thrcc sans and three daughters. are left m moumthc loss of a had and afl’ce- dumb: momcr. Mr. H. Magee was in Pctcrboro to- day an businc5$ Serviccs in thc different churches u'en- largely attrndcd on last Sabbah, There is no hope yet of the Brad- l urn home being rebuilt. Partners are very busy and em well on with thcir seeding. 1; fig Me'ssrs A jones and R H Williamson Wrrc m Lmdmy 'l‘ucsday on business. SATURDAY and Moxnw ct cach wcck 1:; Ln 1-5.“: Studao connectcd with D. Poguc’s Ikmnl Office. RAIN WATER flowing down the roof can be used for domestic purposes. No nail had: are exposed to View. It presents an even and attractive up- Tucker of Sight Singing Voice Culture POpular Store for Stylish Millinerv, Fashionable Dress Making and the latest Our Millinery Openings last week were a grand success â€"conducted by Miss Eal crowded every day and sold more Hats than any previous season. Large consign direct from New York this week including the very latest shapes. Large display and Ready~to-wear Hats. Children’s Millmery a specialty. Our High Classed ' exclusive in style. For this sale we will adhere as much as possible 1 'l'hxs mect‘ng Is looscu |U|Wouu m bylhc load Umngcmcn with great In- and will no doubt. he an evcm {ml long mm mbcrcd by them. â€"Pctcrboto )Ffimincr. \Mr. Potts, Land and Sea Missnonary nll occupy the Presbyterian pulpn at 3 pm. next Sabbath, and no doubt null attrarta larg: crowd as in the past. Having had a long and vaned exp"- Icncc amongst soldxcrs of a regular army. sailors and lumbcrmen, his dis- cchrlcS and experience are hclpful and muffin":- bade: McMastcl Universxty Quancttc Ladies’ Tailoring and Dress Making Department. Miss Hill in Charge, making up beautiful Costumes and Dressesâ€"cheaper than you can buy readymade goods. Ladies' Dresses made to order from our 50c. Dress Goods at $7-50 W 53-50: “38' $10 and $12 anywhere. Ladics’ Costumes made up from 75cts and $x.oo goods at $10 to $12, reg. 312'5° and $15 anywhere. - #M‘Brea Baigains In [my Departtmen CHAS IVORY, Omemee, («“PC‘S. I yard wide, good patterns, at 35c. reg. 45c. Hour linoliennes all wrdths at 42 éc. square yd. (thuilecurtams at 2.50, regular $ 3.50, and upwards. gcmcn WI" hold an , May 4111 in the ‘5 Hall. :\ number of prom- . ~ Ker! win b: present to give 23:2? Among these will be (‘01, Rev. Mr. s _u . hes, of Lindsay; ‘ "Lg Mr. Soden, Pct~ I'm'zclaw. Omemcc ; Men's Walkmg Boots 99c., reg. $1.25. Men‘s Dongola Boots 1.39, reg. 1.75. 1 La . . Lace 95c., reg. 1.50 and 2.00. {3° “035'Knment new Sprung Hard Soft Hats and Caps including the popular Gents’ Furnishings Department. “Ic‘hme'QPfagd up this week all our new‘Shirts and Collars direct from th \ xlllam Green Rome. 'Also all our new ties, braces, socks, um ’vm‘ (claw 1 Staple Departthentuall new Goods. Table linens 25G, reg 30, 35c., reg 45c. Oxford sheetings IOC, reg mic. To Sugars and Teas a. Specialtv'. $§9kew Deptâ€"King Edward 97 pc. Dinner Setts in Sago or Peacock Blue, $10.50, reg. $12.50. "e and €016] 97 pc. Dinner Setts $7.50, reg. $9.00. ____-A__" D. B. llLLlflSOH, Tenor. Toronto, L. S. CLARRY, Agent, Mxllbrook. 1:3,: .uys ere No. 7 or this age So. 9 wire. ' And me two wires are tucked with the Frost Locks. That brace! the fence in m directionsâ€"up down and diagonaliy. W wear: .9 sun that Frost Fences are file names: and best flat we mam tree 0! charge. any fence that goes wrong. The“ fair, isn't it? If, t, 12:): Wire Fences are {or file by ARTHUR! GRAHAM - Flee’rwoo Ladies Costumes made up from 75cts and $x.oo goods at $10 to .12, reg. “my; uuu v” W‘ Specials for This Week : Lurtams at 2. 50, regular :3 50, ana upwaruh. nu... %__B.EADY-MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT n’e Mirror3and Family Herald and v is Iooxcd forward to nngcmcn with great In- no doubt. be an eyem rd bv them.â€"â€"Petcrboro (3306:an DEPARTMENT. Men’s new Spring Suits at $6. and 7.30, r Boy’s new Spring Suns at 2.00, 3.00. 4.‘ Fashionable Dress Making and the latest in Dress Trimmings. d success â€"-conducted by Miss Eakens. Millinery Rooms re Hats than any previous season. Large consignment of New Millinery '. including the very latest shapes. Large display of Ladies’ New Sailors dren’s Millmery a specialty. Our High Classed Trimmed Hats Will be For this sale we will adhere as much as possible if requested. erv, 2k were a gran y The funeral of the late Mrs; F. R. ‘ Curry of Brockville took place here on "Saturday last from the residence ofher father, Mr. J. H. Delamere, and was very largely attended, although the condition of the roads prevented many old friends from puttxng in an appear- ancr. 'l’he mourners who accompan~ led the body to Mmden Were her hus- band, Mr. F. R. Curry. Brockville: Mr Wm. H. Curry of Omemce. and Rev. Mr. Shepherd of Coldwaler, brothers- in-law; Miss Edith Curry, Omemee, sister-in law; Mr. Wm S Curr), of Toronto, nephew, and Mr. Frank Pearson of l’eterboro. The body was brought to her fathers residence on Friday afternoon, from whence the funeral proceeded to St. Paul’s Church Mznden, on Saturday morning at 9.30, a r' ing at the Church at 10 o’clock, where the Service of the Church of England was conducted by Rev. Mr. Carey, assisted by Rev, Mr. Shep herd, “ho also conducted the service at the grave. Mrs. Curry had always during her girlhood and early I: arried hfe in Min- den been a great favorite wnh the people here. Nothing could daunt her courage or exec}! her kindness of heart, and durmg her residenCe of ten years in Brocxwllc she had made many warm personal friends and was a mast energetic church worker. She leaves a dcvmed husband and family of four daughters and one son to mourn her demise in the mid day of a llfc of grwt usefulness.â€"Minden Echo. MI. Douglas 'l‘cncy, ofthe Bank of Toronto, Peterboro, spent Sunday with his parents. 'l‘hc many friends of Mr. W Adams will be plcaScd to learn that he 15 im- pmving in health. designs, was (queued at the church to allow the many friends of the dcccltsed to take a last 100K at the features so wan and spent. which had formerly been so rosy and plump, and the once active and energetic body, so brave and m'crflowmg with Kindness, nuw Mill in death, caused many a silent tcar to fall. The pal] hearers ‘werc Messrs. I) ] Hartfc, H E 'l‘ vanrd, F S Burt, E. Noicc, E (J Young and S F Stinscn. Messrs E A Balfour and B Rchill gave their Lindsay fricndsacall an Sunday. THE LATE MRS. F. R.’ CURRY. Good. So are we. Thatuils, i1 ét’u mdzather‘ or grandma or. at gr y hair andonly40! neural 53.: Hell’s Vegetable Sicilian Hair mower always restores color to gray hair. Stop. idling hair. I110. For tho whisk.“ and boa-tuba we woke BUCKINGEAI‘S D73. neolou 3 rich Mon or n no“ block. it. P. HALL. walk-bu. N. 8. The casket. loaded with chmce floral and 7.30, reg 7 50 and 8.50. 30. 2.00. 4.00. and upwards. Floor oilcloths. all widths, at 22c; square yd. Lace curtains at 50c, 75c, 856, $1 upwards. Roller window blmds, all col's, 25c, reg 35c. up. t from the celebrated Manufacturers socks, underwear, gloves, c. “'l‘hrcc Men in a Boat.” It is the humor of incident and emotion It is foundcd on the affection and a pro- found sympathy for human nature,and thus consists in seeing with a sympa- thctxc eye the laughable sxdc of the various incidents in our daily life As It dues not contam a particle of 1"- nature, sarcasm Is excluded ; thus it docs leave in thc mouth a: bitter taste such as the Irony that Dean Swtft gwes us. Thus it is that Mr. Lang- fclt is able to gin: his hearers an hour and a half of pure cnjuy,mcnt such as one gets from a Comedy by Ulhcr Goldsmith. It has been thc privnlcgc of thc Mirror to listcn to lectLIrz-s 1)) most of Amencan humorists ;but from name of thcm was derived more pure. fine and unalloycd pleasure than mat affordcd by Mr. Langfcldt’e lecture. The Rev. 1. H. 'l'eney, the Rector, occupied the chair. and introduced the lecturer in fitting terms. The title of the lecture was. “ The Evolutlon of a Boy " ; but it would be hard to define the subject by any appropriate descrtp~ tive phrase. The incidents that formed the occasion for Mr. Langleldt’s humor ranged all the way from the trials and tribulations of Adam under the very disadvantageous Circumstances under which he was placed in raising his boy to the vicrsitudes in the hfe of a mod- ern boy from the cradle to the grave And there was not an incident in that strange, eventful history that did not afford Mr. [.angfeldt an oppo tunrty for the most mirth provoking humor or the most heart-touching pathos. Then. too, the quality of his humor is original and unique, and, because of this, all the more irresistible. 'l‘l'ez'e were pas- sages in the lecture that perhaps re- minded one of Certain features In one or other of the great American humor- rst; but Mr. Langfeldt’s humor does not consist n: unconscionable exagger- ationâ€"which seems to be the chief characteristic of American humorâ€"â€" nor does it consist in belittling and de- grading sublime and holy things, or events, as Is the manner of some Yankee humorists. If it has any km- ship with any modern humor, it is to that of Mr. Jerome’s as shown by his Mr Harry McQuadc Icft Munday for Kirkficld where he has securcd a good position MR. LANGFELD’I“S *LEC'I'URE‘. A iecture was delchred byRev. E. A. lauglcldt, B. l) , of St. Luke’s, Pctcrbom, in Chnst Church. Omemee undcr the auspice: 01 the Girl’s Guild, on Friday cwning last. Ladies’ Fine Button and “King Hat" worn by all. ,aâ€" ~v~ fakly Star £0 {Ianua y Eng], for $1 The B. Y. Moyes Stock Must Be Turned Into CASH The GreatestVal- ue- Sacrificing Sale ever put before the People now going on at the The Wilma Mflfflflfllflfl BIL, It is imperative that the Goods be turned into Money at once, and to do this a great Big part of the Moyes invest- ment is being Sacrificed. There are legions of Immense Bargains. 408 George-st. PETERBORO’. Hum ni Sulflmllfl flfiermgs. Come To-Morrow; Come Early for Best Selections. 408 Geo. St, The glace with the Large RED Sign of Toronto, will sell the Entire Stock regardless of cost or value. The Big Snapsg} 403 George St., PETERBORO. Dnu’t MISS 408 EGeo. St, The place with the Large RED Sign. In our Hardware Stoxe we have-a magnificent stock for every requirement. Our Steak of Dry Goods, Groceries 816., W. H (Emmy (30’ s, OMEMEE- is very compkfie, and the best values possiblc. Come in and you Will be convinced that this Is the place to buy. Our prices are as LOW as any in the trade, and our goods are of the best quality, thag’s why this store is termed T116 Hoiise of Quality CALL AND TEST US. Nothing Succeeds Like Success. Last year was our lmnncr ywr. but we are actcrmmcu [o Kt’c‘p pacc n . our flourishing city and supply the demands made on us, for office assistant not only from l‘t-tczboro but from other places as well. We have not been able to do this in all cases during the last two years. Any young man or woman who thoroughly understands Bookkeeping i 18 a competent Stcnographer and Typewriter is qutain of a good position- You “'1“ make no mistake in getting a 7Business Education? Winter Term begins Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, 1906. Our Prices will Be Found as Low as Any. GROCERIES Paint Buyer§ Whether you are going to apply the paint yourseif or are buying it for someone else to apply, you Ought to take great care to get full value for your money. It’s :30: the paiiat that costs the least per gallon that is cheap- est. It’s the one that covers most surface, wears longest, and is easiest to apply. That paint is We will furnish you a choice of three different color combiim- tions free of charge, if you give us a photograph, drawing or de- scription of your house, whether you buy paint of us or not. No Sanai'an’a “more judiciously . . and economically” managed DR. R. W. BRUCE SMITH, In- spector of Public Charities, Pro- vmce of Ontario. Official Report: “I was specin!!y pleased with the attention paid to conduct the institution caretully :En_d egonomi- cally. The yatients I found cheer- ful, happy and evidently well looked after by those in charge. I found particular attention is paid to proâ€" vide nourishing dietary, carefully prepared, and the quality of the food scrvcd was excellent. This hospiv tal depends for its maintenance largely upon the voluntary contri- buton: of the public." for Consu mpti__ ves The Muskoka Free Hospital This means twenty-five extrahetls to be furnished : twenty-five additional patients to he fell every (in; (three regular meals and three lunches is the hill of fare daily); twenty-five extra. patients to be cared' for by physicians and nurses, calling for increase of staff. I. McCaflrey’s, .rhe entire cost. of management W: at, is increased one-third. ‘2’” But so pressing are the calls of igfigggf those on the waiting list, and increasingly urgent t‘; new applications received each day, that the tI'Ubtkt: have decided upon the step indicated, confident that the Canadian people will see that these new beds are furnished and maintained. WM. PRINGLE, Principal, Peterboro, Ont. ~Contributions may be sent to Sm “'34. R. Manson-n Osgoode Hall, or W. J. GAGE. Esq., 54 Front St. CANADIAN OPINION THE SHERWlN-WILLIA us PIIIIT Fresh and Good at W“ rite for Our Handsome Circular. ‘a $50.00 Furnishes a Bed Complete l‘his is especially true when applied to the I S'CI‘CEISCS the Accommodation by Twenty-five Beds . . . war. but me are dctcrmincd to keep pace with the demands made on us, for office assistams, SOLD IV “'31. R. Manson-n, KL, Chief J whim. Esq., 54 Front St. “2, Toronto. DR. H. L. RUSSELL, President of the Advisory Board of the Wisconsin State Sanatoxium: “We have just recently returned from our eastern trip. in which we had an opportunity of inspecting practically all the samtoria in the east that are designed {or the trut- ment of tuberculosis. I am very glad to be able to write you that the very favorable impressions that we received at Gravcnhurst have con- tinued with us after this round trip. We have found no place in our travels in which money sews to have been expanded more judiciously and economically than in connection with the two institutions that axe under the control of th National Sanitarium Association." FOREIGN OPINION

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