An micrï¬tmg game of foot ball ‘was played between Bethany and .CeMIcvsllc ; ()mcmtc having jomcd |thc Leagm; had a game on for 24th. lihcy wen: dwrdarc prcvcmcd from .coming to MiIIbmok as advertxsed. it was vety kind of Bethany Boys to f. mm on such a short notwe. The ; "Iscorc was I to o in tavor of Bethany. THE CONCERT. Wouldn't u bojnlt ï¬ne to eat but your old time spirits and vigor ‘,' Emil; don. win: "Penman"; commas-ca to. dgy. Sold by all deï¬le“. 50¢. per box or»: but: for $2.50 By mail from 2!, C. Poison Co . {lantern}, Can , ‘ From Combormoro. Ont. Mu. Jno. 0mm; wriluu follow. : â€For 1 number i-f run I in sickly in the lrringtime i to]: and, nervous and had head- uhu. My blot-d was weak and dump day. btought on rheumatism. My venom system was uuurung and I M: mun; 1mm om, Ferrosoue r0 vita! mo in sum: have. In two dayr 'my appemo manned and I could feol‘ a building up pmceu going on. This grunt tonic. moles new person of mo 5nd I don't think 3 mon strength“:- Iug medicine (or the wring can b. {on ad. " - renown. mpyliea the nourtnhme and “slob-building material yan- Iyuom Inch. II no‘ this "a reason ’Ihy," A thin given the germs and weak- m a both-r chance to take hold. ) 000'! unit, think of your small ruining poI‘OtI, and begin building up lodny I ‘ For uoalmou, overwork and debility tho docton ptescribe Fer-rezone; lot it ‘jntp you now. ‘ Vitnlity sud pmvor are instilled Into the blood; this means new strength for I" [out organs. ' ‘ 't he in olyonth will dance In your 79h». and neu- Ionnd ouerg: wilt in. "csom your deuce to want. ',H W Johnston sang in duct and solo to :zhc: delight 01 all present. The. Misses ‘(Jlarry wcrc the: efficient accompanists of the evening. Altogether Millbrook's och bratiou of Victoria Day «25;! grand succcss, and all who assnatcd in gcmng it up deseer gram by his two excellent rcadmgs. Mr. (Iamsb) sang s‘é‘teral comic and patrxotic songs and was compelled to Irespond with encore numbcrs to the: :hcany applause given him. Miss M. :{Ilarry comnbuted a beautiful pxano instrumental. and Mgssrs C V Pym and TEBBUB 'DF SPHING 'grcat cred ix. ‘What Are You_Doing to Pmtecz Your Weak Bodv Against Spring Fevers? The concert in the 'l‘mvn Hall was 'falrly well pmromzcd, and all present enjoyed the program. The Rev. W. ‘C. Allcn. on behalf of the Public «Library, acted as chairman, and ad- ded much .to the Interest of the pro- “Thurston 'I'lnnu-Legged- Raceâ€"~J W aka, 0! zscfluay. and partner. Jack Guthrie 3and partner. Boys 100 yard Race-R Copeland. 1130qu Cluko. High Jumpâ€"Arc Carl, H Ball. ,Girls Blocâ€"Laura Smith, Edna Fern (an Curl. ‘Byeyclo Race-W Belch. T Knowlés Mom mile Raceâ€"W Forsythe, I )Bckb. Pnning Shoulder Sump-A Carl, B 8s". .' Edna" 33rd u w Donnéii’, 111m. Centre '1‘ Donnelly ï¬lth)" 3rd Home Handley "I‘lltchen 2nd “ McMahon LaPlsnto In. “ Nam-ass ‘Evnnu Outside Home Ruse" Baum) Inside " Burnham THE PRIZE WINNERS: Mme! Rueâ€"R Copeland. W McKim. » :8" Home Race-F Haddon, CHE 3‘01bws : ,Bow ms urine. ‘ Guano n : Mutu- ‘ GIb‘on )‘Kattrm. lBtide was ï¬eld captain and no *doubt his {astcoachmg helped to win ‘for Millbrook. The Millbrook Club 3has certainly improved in checkmg iand combxnation work. and when ~Souris appears here. the locals should «make the game imcwsting. Time or space will not permit us to lpick out the players on each side de ’serviug of perhaps more Special men- ‘tlon than others, sufï¬ce it to say that all lplayed a strong game and were in it :all the time, eXCept a minute now and l\hen when some players were Sent to ‘decorate the fence for an infraction “of the rules. At two or three stages fof the game a little roughness was ‘a‘ndulged in, and it “cold be well for ‘the good of the National game in -Millbrool< or any other town that all ‘toughness be discarded. At times :accndents will occur, and all such :should be overlooked. However, there ‘was no serious oï¬'ences on either ‘mde on this occasion. Barney Irwin Refereed the game and W. '1‘. MC First on the program was a lacrosse ‘hxatch between Bowmanville and Mill- hwk, resulting in a wm for the locals, More 5 o. The vxsitors were by far Qhe heavier of the teams, but the hard t; tan lice and cmnbinatmn work of the IInuxls proved too much for the b0)» 3mm Bowmanville. Ru55ell, Nattrass ‘and Bumham did the scoring. Levi "demg the necessary three nmes. 'flm Lacrosse Club had charge of “R: 6‘52» sports and they fully carried ‘9‘“ fl“ ngram as advertised. At 1 fiend: the Citizens’ fluid, under the Readership of Mr. G. McKim. accom- 3’imicd the teams, visitors and citizens Ru the Agricultural Park. where they Rendered several anon: lively airs, and his.) played down town before the con- 'X‘cri. The 3.12%) ‘was celebrated in Miii~ Mom». and a very large number took in mï¬mge «C the: beauï¬ful weather and hut-Mimi, thuroughly enioying the cx- tench! program 0! sports pmvxdcd. Comical Horse Raceâ€"41 Hornet é VICTORIA DAY. :lhe lméup on the 24?!) was as FOOT BA LL M ATC H . 100 yard Raceâ€"'1‘ Donnelly. Goal Point C. Point flat Defence :an " 3"3rd " IS SICKNESS. Biilbtooke Dunafon! A rmsttong Fonylh e Gr: ndy Olln W Donnell; T Donnelly Handley McM abon Nam-ass Ruse" Bu rnham j J08. H. BURNS, T. Donnelly in Charge. Having purchased the Butcher Business of Mr. John McBride, I am prepared to please the public it FIRST QUALITY will do it. FreshandsaltMeats Choice Wines and Liquors at the right price. ’I’honc orders promptly attended .to. A. LEACHyMillbrook. Mr and Mrs C 'l‘ Maycock, of Port Hope, Wen: Visitors to Mil'lbruok on Victoria Day. BUSINESS SHANE Port Hope defeated the Mnllbrook Bowlers, here, on Victona Day. WEmpty 011 Barrels for sale cheap.â€"Apply at the Elccmc Light Plant, Millbruok.â€"â€"-3l The services in the Presbyterian Church last Sunday evening were strikingly appropriate. The pastor preached a most impressive sermon from the words, †He sent Me to heal the broken-hearted.â€-â€"â€"Luke 4-18. The Choir rendered that beautiful anthem, " Lead Kindly Light.†in rtheir usuai execllent style. The many friends of Mrs and Miss Bateson will be pleaScd to learn that they are much Improved in health. You surely won’t stop at a dollar bill to cure that horrid, snifl'eling cold? Go to any druggist and get "Catnrrhozone" and your cold wlll be a thing of the past. There is almost witchery in the swift way Cstarrhozone kills colds. But when you consider the penetrating healing and antiseptic qualities ot Ca- tarrliozone perhaps it‘s not so wonder fol. Certainly there is no remedy half I0 prompt for colds and Catarrh as Catarrlu zone- Refuse a substitute and insist an having only "Catnrrliozone." Little man at the theatre. vainly trying to 'catch a glimpse over the shoulders of a big man in {tom of him. at length touches him on the shoulder. Big man (turning found )-â€"' Can’t you see anything?†Little man -(pathelic ally)â€"-“Cun't see a streak of the stage,’ Big mauâ€"‘Why, then, I'll lell you what to do. You keep your eye on rue, and laugh when I do." Snch pain and endure the torture of nervone headache when 25c. buy! e eure cure like Neryiline. A few drops in sweetened water brings unfailing rev lief. You feel better at’re braced up, invigorated, headache goes â€way after one dose. The occasional use of Nerviiine prevents indigestion Itomach disorders-keeps up health end strength. Every women needs Nerviune and should use it too, In 25c- bottlee Everywhere. Capt. W. l). Leach attended a large and enthusiastic annual meeting ofthe Ofï¬cers of the 46th Regt. m Port Hope or: Friday. Reports are very favorable for a large turnout for the Camp at Coboufg on the 18111 june. Mr. Wm. Larmcr sold his handsome black team to Mr. Ins Paul, of Cavan, for a big sum. Mr. Paul'wouldn’t part with them unless he recsu‘cd a good advance on the amount he paid. They are certainly a noble looking team Mr Watson Clarke, of Toronto. is spending Ins two wcek’s vacation with hlS parents, Mr and Mrs R W Clarke. The distribution of plants by the Millbrook Horticultural Society was made last week, there bemg over 400 beautiful plants Mr. A. '1‘. Armstrong deserves special mention for the very ntistactory dmsxon of the plants. It only costs one dollar to jom this Soctety, and each member reCeives in plants and bulbs at least $3 worth, be:- sxdes recetving a year’s subscription to that beautifully Illustrated journal, the Canadian Hortxculturist Why not join ? Mr. Armstrong will be pleased to reCere your applrcations. Get your clothes made like new by having them dyed by Parker’s Dye WOrks, Peterboro. Harry Richards. Millbrook agent, at his store, 1). Chamber’s old stand. Your patronage is respectfully solicited. I am also agent for the Petet‘boro Steam Laundry, H. Richards. Mr Louis McGiH, of Emily, gave the Mirror a fnendly call on Tuesday. Mrs Wm. Fisher and daughter, Mi~zs Leela. left on Friday for Gravenhurst to join Mr. Fisher, who has a. good posxtion there. We join with their numerous friends here in wishing them continued success. They were exec!- lent citizens, and their plaCes here WI“ be hard to ï¬ll. Mr. Fisher is a ï¬rst~ class mechanic, and he and his estim- able family will be greatly missed. aIWays on hand. Fish. Feel and Vegetables in season. Sell Your Cold For $1? FOR SALEâ€"Incubator and Brood- er "complete. Apply to R. S. Johnston Mlllbrook. Ont. Mr. George Williamson has secured a good position in Rochester. Mr. James Williamson was in Peter born, Saturday, on busmess. Mr. and Mrs.) Harold Fry, Mi-s Lottie Fry and Miss Maggie Lunncy. of Bailicboro, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Fry, Millbrook Station, last week. Why do Women Suffer? A trial order solicited. PROPRIETOR, " No. Bre’rJacklon, I ain’t never done dat. but ['39 tried poi'n but water DY?!) Mm.†" ‘ - ‘ The minister sighed and pondered, and at lastlnad an inspiration. He loaned to Aunt Mahaly! who bright- ened visibly. ‘ Slp' Maltaly,’ he said, 'lmb yob eber tried heapin' coals or ï¬re on his lmid?’ The gleam of hope faded from Aunt Mullah-’3 face Aunt Mahaiy. an old uegrese with a worthless husband. was telating her troubles to her minister. The usua; condolences were offered by the latter end remedies suggested. but at each one Aunt Mehaly shook a. doubting headâ€"ehe had tried them all without avail. What it needs is the strengthening influence of Dr. Hamilton’s Pillsâ€"Mia:- Work marvels where the stomach and digestims are poor. In one day the ap- petite increases and the whole system is rapidly strengthened. Np stomach : specialist conid write a better prescrip. ‘ hon than Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Man- drake and Butternut. Ac eiideaiereiu I yellow box. price 250 , or ï¬ve boxeq: for one dollar-‘1. Kingston, May 2L-â€"-Speclal.â€"~Col, Gordon.oflicer commanding the eastern Octal-lo command, will present a four- bar South Afrlca medal to Corporal Calvin E. Fee ofA Buttery, Immedi- ately alter the review on Thursday morning next. The presentation‘wfll be made before the troopï¬-Glube. Your Worn-Out Stomach, 801d 1'0} one dollar Mthabso‘ule guarantee. It is for sale by druggists, or by The Wilson-Fyle. L'o , Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. It will cure any case of Piles. There a month'q treatment in each box. The news spread, and although this waa only two years ago, the demand prompted Dr. J. S. Luouhardt, of Lin- coln. Nab , the disenverer, to prepare It for general use. Now H. is being seu‘. to all parts of the world. It cured a case of Files that “as con- sidered hopeless. How It Spreads. The ï¬rst package of Dr. Leonhardl's Hem-Raid (the infallible Pile cure) that. was put out went to a small ton u in Nebraska. " See here." demanded Mr. Panhan- ham as he slammed the paper down in front of the editnr, “I man (0 know what) on mean by this! You say my am: is a Bristle from the old hug. I de- mand an explanation, sir," "Oh, that's all right It was intended as acompli- want. The idea is that he’s a chip off the old block, only, ynu see, we tried to make the metaphor ï¬t the case." The change in the regnmtlons gives the Liquor Stores Hm privilege ofkeep- in: open up to 10 p.m. every week night. axcep: Saturday, \\ hen they must close “71â€â€œ. Mrs. J. Steele and Miss (an-91h, are visitors at the home of Mrs. Steeie's broth'er. Rev. Thomas Cosgrove, New- ark,0hio. Miss Jennie O‘Brien of Putt Hope, was a guest of her sister. Miss O'Brien over Snndav. In Gavan, on Mondav, May 2!, Thomas McCam us. aged 70 yours Miss BerUm Lurk was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Harry Lang, Cavan, on Sunday. a Mr Wm. Greaz.- our village black- smith is kept very busy, he is obliging and does his work well. Mr Wm Brown has purchased a ï¬ne driver. DIED. In Mlllbrook. on Sunday. May 20, Grace Lavine, daughter of Frederick Mclvor, aged 7 years and 4 months. Our football team cannot get. a ï¬eld to play in this seusnn. Farmers must think their [and verv valuable when they refused us an acre for the use of it. Rem-Mr. Smith from Bobcaygeon. preached in the Presbvterian church last Sunday. Mr. Jon. Shields and Ms Wife called at the vlllage on Monday. Tom Hacdley and Inn family have moved here from Seaforth. Mr. Joseph Hayes and Wife drove. out here on business last week. In Millbrook. an Mondav, May 21, William Turner. aged 82 years. Mr. John Boyd has got’his house painted. M .c. Aye:- Co. Laval. 3“" munocurorl 0! I" run: vmoIL em Smut: was. cuzmv 9mm. ,Ln ‘ To be Presented With Medal. The chilv‘. ton ant-o: poui‘bly have good health unis" mo bmuls no m proper condition. (‘or- fact any comylpgfloq hy nix-flu: um" laxative . .A -...___.‘..a\.o.. tact an ennui won by given: unnu luleuvu don" Ayn-’- nuJLuVegetable,nugu-coated. To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- age, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. A Millbrook Old Boy For the Children We II". no "cuts! W0 pnbunh tho formula of 3:1 our median". Eâ€" J. 6 lye! (30.. Lowon, Hun. mat-emu“ o! M OUNT' MIEASA NT. â€PM 46:11 Hemmemwm Go 1m Camp at Cohourg on June 18. The time when every man mUSt serve seems to be in sight; would it not be well for mu to begm so that you may bem a position to command, instead of biting commanded ? Captain soon as possible. The lme for camp has been ï¬xed so that it will be convenient for all. The pay now is one dollar a day for three year men and upwards according to rank, According to a late order it IS neces- sary that all Rolls shall be Sent in at least one neck before Camp. Will all interested kindly call and see the Messrsl Fwd and LS Chmy spent Vlctmial)ay mlh MI and Mus I S Clarry. Rev D R Clare and bï¬dc Were guests of Rev and Mrs Clarc, here, this week. Mrs (Dr) Snclgrove has returned from Toronto, where she had a pleasant visit with her parents. , In the death of \Vm.Turner is re- moved one of our oldest and best res. pected citizens. His death occurred on Monday, May flat. at his late res!- dence, hing SL, after quite a long gl- ness. He wns‘a son of the late Capt. Farmer and was born at Skibereen' County of Cork. Ireland. He came to Canada. over sixty years ago, most of which time he resided in Millbrook. He settled at (‘ehtreville and carried on ll. naerclmntile business for a number ofyears. afterwards conducting busi- ness in Utnemee, and then removing to Millhrouk, where he carried on I! sue- ‘ cessful drug business in the Knowlson Block. Mr. Turner was bailifl' and Clerk of the Court for number of years, he also held the position of Clerk of Millbrook smce its incorporation until quite recently. when the burden at years caused him to resign. He con- ducted a drug business in Peterborotor it short period, but the friends and as- sociates of many years residing here he soon returned. His ï¬rst wife was Miss hang, of (‘entreville. to this union two sons and {our daughters new born. Some years after his wife's death he married Miss Ann H utchinson, who also predeceased him. Several yesrs since he married Miss Fanny Smith, who survives him. To her and other bereaved relatives the heartfelt sym- pathy of the vonmlunity is extended. The funeral took place on Wednesday to the Presbyterian: Cemetery and was largely attended. It is with feelings of sadness that we record the death of Gracie Lavina Me. Ivor, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mclvor; that dreadful disease pneumonia made such rapid progress th It despite the best skill of able phy. sicians she passed peacefully away on Sunday evening. The next girl Pearl has also been a victim of the disease and but slight hopes of her recovery ! were entertained. however we are glad 5 to say that a slight change for the ébetter has occurred. Gracie was a l general favorite wherever she went, to I those who knew her, her smile and I} genial word of recognition will be : missed. no more industrious. cheerful 1 and kind diSposItion has been privil- eged to live in our midst. Mr. John- ‘ ston, pastor of the Presbyterian church speaks of her loving cure of others and her Willingness to minister to others Though only a child in years, she was a.heroineln deeds, and in life was a noble little woman. The service atthe house on Tuesday was very brief on account of the critical illness of Pearl; but from the large number of people present expressions of appreciation i‘concerning a young and noble life that i had done her work well was heard on every hand, The sympathy of the community is extended to the parents in their sad in reavernent. The Latefl‘homas McCamus. The death of Mr. 'l‘homas McCamus, which took place at the family resi- deuce in ('avan on Monday last,re. moves one, “no,hav1ng ï¬nished the allotted time for man on this earth departed to his rest. honored esteemed and regretted by a wide circie offrionds and acquaintances. Born on the homeâ€" stead he resided on it his seventy years. bringing to his work intelligence. sound sense and an even temper, united \\ ith vigorous strength to carry him through the toll and burden ofthe day. A man'swork survives him, he has contributed, for good or evil, to the possessions of his race, and by his works “a judge him. A member ol the Anglican church Mr. McCanms bore his part In all its christian eti‘orts for charity and usefumesaâ€"always a cheerful giver, his brethren and pastor will long remember that he was once among them. Mr. McCamue was Con- servatwe in politics, a good ï¬ghter but a {air opponent, a tower of strength to his friends, because equally honored and held in high esteem bv those who Opposed him, in a long term of years we have heard no man speak ill ot'h'm, his workmen and tenants spoke of him as a lrlend, his horse: and cattle show- ed the care we human master. His oils and three sons, Robert in the north of (.‘avan,James and William at home, and two daughters, Miss Kath- leen at home and Mrs. J. 11 Armstrong are left to mourn his loss. We may “ell think that one who lived so exem- plary a life approached its ‘cloae "sus- tained and soothed bv an nnl'altering trust, as one who wraps the draperies of his conch about him and lies down to pleasant dreams." Death of Grace Lavina McIvor. The Late William Turner. W: D. LEACH. “apt. No. 4 Co, Millbrook. l Sabbath Obserxance Committeeâ€"- Rev W T Liggott and Mr G Hamson 5 Church Property Committeeâ€"Rev , M E Sewmith and Mr R I Kidd. 1 State of Work Committeeâ€"Rev G i Nichols and Mr Pemr Dawson. 2,“. 1‘ -4. l\, ‘\\:.\n.: A. (7-...‘n 'I‘cmpcrancc Committeeâ€"Rev D R Clare, B. D., and Mr '1‘ R Graham. Memorial Committee-Rev George Nichol and Mr H Preston. Epworth League Committeeâ€"Rev J G Lewis, B.A., and Mr \V H Staples. Contingent Committeeâ€"Rev J E Robeson, Sr.. and Mr john Hull. The Rev. G. R. Clare was elected to Statiomng Commmee. The Rev. j. G. Lewis, B. A , alternate. 7 Sunday School Commmecâ€"Rcv M E Sexsmlth, L. L. B., and Mr R W Clarke. Sustentation Committeeâ€"Rey. Dr Marvin, Ph D., and Mr Robt Walsh. Rev. Dr. Crothers was clected to ï¬ll the vacancy caused by the rctrrement of the Rev. W. J. Jolhffc, transferred COMMITTEES : Messrs. B Shortley, R J Kidd, Wm D Sargent, R W Clarke, W H Staples. R W Walsh, l’cter Dawwn, John Hull, \V C Leinstcr, job White, '1‘ R Graham, Huber Preston and Stephen Harrison The Sabbath Schools were shown to be in a flounshing condlaion ï¬nancial 1y, numcrxcally, and the spirituality was quite pronounced. On reviewing the ï¬nances of th: District, the Missionary Fund show a marked increase, and as a whole are exceedingly good. The membership also revealed an increase. Rev. 1. E. Robeson, Jr., was rccom. mended to attend College for the en- suing yearh A Committee of Rcvs N. 1‘). Drew and M. E. Seanith were appoxmcd to draft a lcttcr of sympathy with Bro McOuadc, Brxdgnorxh, In his severe ill IICSS. Rev. N. 1). Drew and Mr. R. W. Clarke wurc appointed a Statistical Committcc. ~ Some time was spent in discusswn of ï¬nances and amusncs. Meeting opened with dcvotional cx~ cruises. 'l‘hc Rcv. George Nickle was elected Journal Sucrcmry, Rev. N. 1) Drug. assistant, and the Rcv. S. C. Reddick. Statistical Sucrctary. EVENING SESSION. At the owning Scrsion excellent music was rcndcrcd by the: Chou, and was very much cnjnycd by all present, and very hcax'tliy commented on. Nominating Com mittcc~Rev Dr S. C. Riddick was recommended for reccption into full connection and or- damed, and J. 15. Robeson was ad- vanced :1 stage, after which an extend cd discussion was entered into aboux the work in the district, “hick proved interesting and instructive. Other members presmt, Revs. l)r. Crothcrs of Vacuum), N. I) 1)rcw of Poms-pun], j. E. Robusou of Frazer ville, I). R Clare, B. 1)., Sclwyn, M. E. Scxsmllh, L I..B.. (:m'am‘illc, 1.1‘2. Robeson, Jr., and G. R. Clare. of Millbrook. Proï¬table and Interes'ing Sessxons Held in the: Millbmok Methodist Church on 'l‘ucsday and Wednesday. A meeting of the Pctcrboz'o District assmnliled in the Methodist Church, Mtllbrook, on 'I‘ucsdav, May 22nd. At 2.30, Rev. W. J. jolliffc, BILL, 0! l’etct'boro, in the chair. Sesswn was opened by prayer by Revs. Dr. Marvâ€), 1’1). 1)., of Bethany, and W. 'l' Liggott, of Lakcï¬cld, and reading of Scripture by Rev. }. (2. Lewis, B. A, l’ctcrhoro Mark Strcct. Annual Meeting of Patnnhnnnnnn Dintn‘int Mnnhnnnnt Church. Or. motion Rev. George Nickle, of Warsaw, was elected minute Secretary. Each bottle of the above medicines bears upon its wrapper a badge of hon- esty in the full list of lugrodhuts cum- Easing Itâ€"printcd in plain ï¬nal-I’m. ‘his frank and open public-it}: places those modicines in a class all 1/ them- selves, and is the best guaranty of their merits. They cannot be classed as patent nor secret medicines for they are neither â€"â€"peingl_nf kng'wgt u_anpqxitimr. Standing out in bold rolil-f. all nlrme. and as a conspicuous example of opus frank and honest (ic‘aling with the sick and afflicted. are Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite PrcScription for weak. over-worked, dc- bilibawd. nervous, “ run-down," pain- rackod women, and Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. the famous remedy for weak stpmach. indigestion. or dyS- pepsia, torpid liver. or Liiiousness, all catarrhal afl'ectious “nether of the stomach, bowels, kidnnvs. Lludder, nasal passages. throat. hruncliia. or other mu- cous passages, also as an effective remedy for all diseases arising from thin. watery or impure blood, as Scroiulous and skin affections. Dr. Pierce feels that he can afl'ord to take the aiiiictod into his full conï¬dence and lay all the ingredients of his modi- ciues freely before them because these ingredients are such as are endorsed and most strongly praised by Scores of the most eminent. medical “ritors as cures for the diseases for which these medi’ cincs are recommended. Therefore, th‘ aï¬iicted do not have to rely alone upon Dr. Piorce‘s recommendation as to ti. curative value of his medicines for cor‘ mip egsily recognized qiseqseg. A glance at the printed formula on each oule will show that. no alcohol and no harmful or habit-forming drugs enter into 1):“. I'ierce’s medicines" they being wholly compounded of glyceric extracts of tho roots of native. Amvrican forest plants. These are best. and safest. for the euro 0! most lingering. chronic dis- eases. Dr. R. V. Pierce can be consulted mum. by addressing him at Bnflalo, N. Y.. and all communications are re- gaydod as sacrodly qoniidontial. __ It is as easy to be well as lllâ€"and much more comfortable. Constipation ls the cause of many forms of illness. Dr. I’ivrco’s Pleasant Pellets cure constipa- tion. They are tiny. sugar-coated ran- ules. Onelime"l’elletâ€isa entle axa- tivo. two a, mild cathartic. A 1 dealer: in medicines sell them. LIST OF LAYMEN : They Stand Alone. ~W‘WM 25:22:» . p; W, B. MOORE, / I tin horse-shoe brand salmon 14c 2 tins gold medal “ 25c 3 tins tomatoes and com ...... 25c 3 bottles keystone pickles for 25¢ 5 packages of 25c. tea for ...I oo Biscuits and other boxed goods, Corn and other canned goods, Pickles and other bottled goods. and everything else is included. \Vhy not take advantage of this Sale. Everything gomg at cost price while they last. ' We are clearing out our Stock of Groceries. Another opportunity like this may not come for a long time again. Do not wait-x One Door East of Mr. J. Steele’s Jewelry Store. I will have charge of the boot and shoe depaxtment and will as usual pay stnct attention to all custrmms. and whether you want hand made or chtory boots and slim-s, hamess, (kc, I can Supplv you with the best goods at right prices. We have; a Special line of box-5' School Shacs, also a {all stock of hunks. valises, c. I have had over twcnty \‘ears’ experience in the boot and slsoe trade, and guarantee cmne satisfacnon. Your patrol age solicud. I have purchased the harness business of Mr. \Vm. SM 1n. and will continue the sand busmess in :m up to dent: style. Max-mg secured the services of a ï¬rst-class harness mukcr, who will attend to this department of the business. The hearty thanks of the District was tendercd the friends of Millhrook for their cordial reception and enter- taimnentof the District Represents tives during their Sessions, and reques- tzd the pastor, Mr Clare, to exprch the same to the people.- on Sabbath next. A very cordial vote of apprccia- NHIHHEE Like Laatï¬sr I Crotbers and Mr B Shortley. “EDNESDAY, 2 p. m. After Devononal Exercises. in whxéh Rev Dr Crothers led in. prayer, â€"MEMOR-IALSâ€"â€" One concerning Summer Schools, to be held at Bobcaygeon from june 28 to july 2, 1906. was heartily endorsed, and all pledged to cordially support 1:. Another was a letter from Dr Chown. Third re Enlargement of Conference, which was referred to Conference. Bring in your Harness and get it repaired WBefore the Sprlng Rushw MIKJLBROOK, : : ONTARIO. {l Gram CLEARING Sale! Veterinary Surgeon to His Majestfs 1.;121 Sf; $5'53:.§%? - a, }: '2 ‘j o E'g‘m’ 2" M5,? “31’ y . var. E‘ishuer9 ‘7. (I) Millbrock Branch. F. J. HOLLADAY, Deposits of $1 00 and upwards nuiwd and mrcrtst aIIOch at currmt latt'S. Intenst added to principal lwicc a year. Every facility afforded Faxmus {or their Pam‘sâ€; Business. Sale notes cashed or taken 101' cu ‘-k<1 on T. J. LANG Ofï¬ce on King St., ï¬rst door Was: (‘oHins' Bun Come Now Ere It’s Too Late. SAVINGS BANK DEPAR'IB’EEKT. of 40c. tea for ...I.oo FEW PRICES: T S.-â€"Cal}s by Telephone promptly attended tu Farmers’ Banking. Special Sale Note Founs FREE on :q-y}g(-;-_1;H,_ BIG SNAP! ggezmaa was» OK L Establishsd 1857. Opp. Town Hall Better Buy than \Vish you COME TO OUR Han-tam 4 lbs of fresh currants {or ...... 25C 4 “ raisins for ......... 25c I 51b. tin syrup for ............25c 3 2- lb. tins ‘ “ ............25c 8 lbs cooking 5\ mp for ...... 25c 'lable 53 tap in bulk pcx 1b.... 3c (son was tendered Rev \\ I loilifl'c B, (31..., retiring Chaxrman and 1’ rmidcm upon his intended remom! m June from Pctcrboro to Clinton. Ozuzmo. r. jolhffc made a tender and fciici- mus reply. A simxlar resolution, most suitably worded, was presented to the Dis-Jig; re the removal of Revs N 1) Drew and W T nggott. These two Wcrc accmd. ed a standing vote; each gen made a very fcclmg reply. Ucmau [be next annual Distu'ct mcctm r was directed to be held m Mark Strc 1 Church, Pcterbom A Comnnttce was appointed range for a Sabbath School ( mm m connection with the F2 Inc! Meeting A number of Me: was Sent on to Confluence. Etafl [11:02, Tsranta. had. Fall {emo‘ [0 an Ionv‘ n. ~‘I-q Agents {3: Sim :0: LL': 1 Bank. I’d: [um the pm 3 mzlcs muzh- Con. of Em 23' have sum;- by paying fur :En‘ c'=‘er of SightSin; SATURDAY and M ‘- Our Town Col vision of Sues: ‘IS daring tin: and our piriu:c~ in; even cicamr Conn. (,‘arcx~ i> ‘ in (in: right if bound to pr ".c _ v ()6, a: d with >1 ENSUC. The mam; fri Carey win but p31 promotion to Can Army Corps at L': Furniture. 5‘ ( £0065. 5:11 a nd sold H Messrs h H \V Charles Spuuc: brook. Murrow. of '2 070‘ of Mr. _I. I. Lam, a ï¬casam sojc Gw- Mr. (102C102: studying muw (or a couplc o: co: outcd to .\ bytcrian (Zhun' D. 2i. "HILUAESOT "fldi‘f' .‘JCJJ‘aZLf 1 1mm uii} adc nib he: wrv ! Studio trmmc Dental Ofï¬ce. Mr. and M: Tom 1 Opt: and Popuiar Store for Out Mullinery Op crowded every daf direct from New and Ready-toast exclus.‘ Mr. D pas} lwq Ladies‘ Dresses n Carpets, 1 yard wii 1“ loor linoliennes Chemie curtams 3; Men's \Valkmg B ART Large consignme “'e have opened L \Viiiiam Crockery Dept.â€" W bite and gold 92 T able linens 2 5o. Ladies’ Tail! The 5:5! Suppose ( Suppose 1 Higï¬ Cuban of on'y $2 a BB". £11: Subscrib Lad ies‘ Cost-um making up HEN CID )YO STR ,1 W41 00‘