Bf I ay 30. YS, and to do so hoe department and H mus, and “hellur :ms, hazmss, c , I priCcs. We haxe a. nil stock cf hunks. t it repaired , of Mr. “’1". Strain. to date sh 1e, havmg :akcr, who will attend 4th I" B Money Earned.‘ .onger. 3110! his 8111988. Wing Paper. 82¢. attended lu 7.30 p m. . Steeie Canned ck, MESH teed ore OF: Sugars and Teas a Specialty. Crockery Deptâ€"King Edward 97 pc. Dinner Setts in Sago or Peacock Blue, $10.50, reg. $12.50. White and gold 97 pc. Dinner Setts $7. 50, reg. $9 00. Staple Department--all new Goods. Table linens 25c, reg 30, 35c., reg 45c. Oxford sheetings Ioc, reg 1213c. Towcling at 4 to 8oâ€"Special. We have opened up this week all our new Shirts and Collars direct from the celebrated Manufacturers William Green Rome. Also all our new tles, braces, socks, underwear, gloves, c. Men s \Valkzng Boots 99:., reg. $1. 25. Men's Dongola Boots I 39. reg. 1.75. Ladies’ Fine Button and Lace 95c..reg.1 50 and 200. Large consignment new Spring Hard Sott Hutsand Caps including the popular “King H 1t" worn by all. Carpets, I yard wide, good patterns, at 35c. reg. 45c. Floor linoliennes all wndths at 42 go. square yd. Chenile curtains at 2 50, regular $3.50, and upwards. ropular Store for Sglish Millinerv, Fashionable Dress Making and the latest m Dress Trimmings- Our Millinery Openings last week were a grand success â€"conducted by Miss Eakens. Millinery Rooms crowded every day and sold more Hats than any prcvrous season. Large consignment of New Millinery direct from New York this week including the very latest shapes. Large displav of Ladies' New Sailors and Ready-to-wcar Hats. Children’s Millmcry a Specialty. Our lligh Classed Trimmed Hats W1“ be exclusive in style. For this sale we will adhere as much as possible if requested. Ladies’ Tailoring and Dress Making Department, Miss Bill in Charge, making up beautxful Costumes and Dressesâ€"cheaper than you can buy r‘eadymade goods. Ladies' Dresses made to order from our 50c. Dress Goous at $7.50 to $8.50, reg. $10 and $12 anywhere. Ladies' Costumes made up from 75cts and $1.00 goods at $10 to $12, reg. $r2.5o and $15 an)“,1,ere. m rtea tBa gains in Every new m3“ CHAS IVORY Omemee ,_V- l..-y-.-~ uy-y LII. H. Clare, assistant medical supermten~ dens of the Epileptic Hospital at Wood stock ; Mr. I. H. Clare: and wife. of Chapman ; Mr. Bert Clare and wife of Roalin; Mr. and Mrs. W. E Cnrtlcy, ol‘ 'l'weed, Rev. mzd Mrs. David Rolilin Clare, of Selwyn, Kev. and Mrs. (S. R. Clare and children, of Millhrook. After domg justice to the good things pttvldcd a most enjoyable eve-mug was spent in going OVer the many incidents of the Isle of the famtly, which were I t-Id dear in the memories of the dtf- l l;um.:.-.~. A Louple of days were spent l together Vrr)‘ enjoyably, when the usual 3 ptirtmgs took plaCC, but the happy oc- l casion will he a pleasant recollection to t he bride and groom tor many years to Come, azul in fact to all present It was an cum! that Will not soon l): forgotten. ; Among the guests from a distance were Mr. I. H. Clare, of Chapman, Mrs. W. E. Gartley, of Tweed, brother and sister of the groom ; Miss Grey of Osgoode; Mr. Morgan of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Clare of Millbrook. 0:: Thursday evening the bride and groom were gn‘en a leecption at the home of his father. Mr. james Clare, ex-Warden of Hastings County. The reception took plate at 'l'weed, taking ‘ the form ofa happy family reunion 0! i ail the sons wzth [ht‘lr wives and chii .5 dren. Among those present were Dr. ! h-...-, vu wishcs of m: ny friends: lhc bride's min; r awn) suit “as of green innsmlc pl. lid... A dainty luncheon was served to tncnty ï¬ve gu:st~‘. after which the lnppy coupk: lcft on the cvuning tram fur I'wcul, fulluwcd by hearty goud ...:.x_ _ .,.- , .. . A wry [iretty wedding was solemn- iml at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Arrhilnll Scull, Omemue, on Wet! msday afternoon, May 23,7when their dangtltcr, Miss ltla, became the bride of Rev. 1) R. Clare, B. A, B. I). The house was prettily decorated n the occasion Wlth flowms which ere tastefully arranged by girl friends the bride t 2.30 o’clock, to the strains ofthc nl Chorus from Lohengrin.†by Miss Annie Ivory, the bride entered with her father and took her glue before a bank of lovely flowers. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. G. R. Clare, of Mtllbrook, brother of the groom, assisted by the Rev. R. McCulloch, chairman of the Lindsay District. “ Mendelssolm's Wedding March†was then played, wmle congratulations were being exâ€" tended to the happy couple. WWBoot and Shoe Departmentgéérg‘gééém Pretty Omemee Wedding Specials for Tilis The Mirror READY-MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. GROCERY DEPARTNIENT. Men's new Spring Suits at $6. and 7.30, reg 7 50 and 8.50. Boy's new Spring Suns at 2 00. 3.00. 4.00. and upwards. Gents’ Furnishings Department. MARRIED DRINNAN~DAVIDSON â€"â€" At St. Barnabas’ Church, Medicine Hat, on May 15, by Rev. Wm. Nicolls, john Keith Drinnan to Miss Mil- drcd Davidson, niece of Miss L. M. Davidson, of Omcmce. kindness that had been shown him and the liberality and husmms abiiity of those: who had charge ofthc circuit. _ , ,_ - mcnts made: during the year, the of ï¬cials met with such a good response from the congregation that a clan sheet was prcpnrt-d for the district meeting. 'I'hc Pastor expressed hm:- Sclf as more than pleased With the 'lhe adjnurncd ofï¬cnal mccting “as held in (h: Parsonaae, Omemcc, on Mo.1day,-xst Mav Notwithstanding the largc Hexpcndxturc for impww- ; NEW 1) RE S S (JOOI)S._ Our ‘ ï¬tock of drc<s goods was ncvcr before 1 so largc or WC“ assorted as at present. ;‘ All the \‘cry latest and stylish patterns gum] in almost any shade. The mmt lmautiful goods at reasonable: prices. In fact you can saw: money by buying your new drcss or costume goods from us. Call and Scc. Wm. Curry C0 â€":r M. 'l'. Butcher Son, dealers mi Furmture. Stow-s, and Housdtold Goods. Su‘ond hand goods bought and sold. Houses and lots fOr Sulc‘. Agents for nurScry stout. Corner of Simeoc and \\’.1tcr Sta, opp. Ontario Bank, I’ctcrboro.â€"â€"Box <00 «2m The remedy that cured such an ex- treme case is surely wnrlh trying. 5.06 Subscribe for Mirror. This is the Wm [1. Reed, toll, Ont. " For the last three had no recurrence u! gvlailtts, so 3 am boom has indeed cured me. “I was inducml tntry Dr. Leonharult's Anti-Pill and from the very ï¬rst found relio-f. â€I was bothered nithsever across the smullof nn back a least bending or turning \\ ould melts a' most cry out. -v .uunc “'tLLuu! H. R231). stops dunng n “ Of late my food did not. dig: party. It turned sour In my at causing me great distress; often had disagreeable attacks of [)1 gas and heartburn. WEE! {H151}, [IUD Mug 20 HUD HIS. EN 2 :1: Here Is Something that will Welcome News to Many a. Discoura ged One. MIL'I‘H ODIS'!‘ CH U RCH râ€: m. “51:37“ BOOKINGHAM'S DYE. or a sort buck. RJ’. HA ANOTHER WONDERI'UL CA» E 1 ,_~_. ~â€". ‘gm hall's Vegetable Sicilian newer. It tones up, in strengthens the hair-bulbs. grows faster, thicker; stop out: does not sum at +3 is the voluntary statement 0. . teed of165 Queen St. kings- 0007 - last three months I have ,xrrenre at my former com. 3 am bound to say Ami-Pill grin; "For leveral years I have been troubled \\ llh gas atonnd my leart. shortness nf breath. in fact, if I walk-8.] my usual gait my breath be- ‘ came so ah n r t I wmlld be compared to m a k e several ‘ ., stops dnnng my wuik Dd did not. digest pro- sour In my stomach. Floor oilcloths, all widths, at 22c.' square yd_ Lace curtains at 50c, 75c, 85c, $I upwaxds. Roller window blinds, all col’s, 25c, reg 35c. up. moustache we Inn-k. 1: color: n rich brown LL a: 00.. Nubian. N. H, M 599 “2'1! e: "I :hseveropalns '4‘ back and the "t (It would cause In vi ’r. Leonhardt's “Ii ery ï¬rst found :1]: no; ouths I have rel former com. ( , ._ . an 8a) Ann P!†5" «la: statement of mi m 8L. Kings- n94 im 1 Sci sncn an ex- an Itrying. 5.06 :54 ._ hnu 'OI)S.- Our mm )cvcr hcforc frm the s at present. are lush patterns ..... KB of belchmg invigorates, .135. The hair men, too,[ of belclung I The attractions in every way are 1deal,and for measure and proï¬t the onllnok is most enticing. Arrange your plane to ho present throughnut this whole Svlmol week. Tu ï¬nance the Spiuonl I wound suggest that each School and Imague in the-so three dis- tricts sand fnrwarJâ€"at (moo â€possible I :â€"th_9_ suln of $1 to the treasurer, Rev. v. v. In: .uu unvanlurl, IbUVo (l. H. Conn, Bobcavgeon; Send bv nnslal noteâ€"ll: will only cost 2 rev Is. Pnsslbly son-a. of our lareer socienps may feel like granting mr-re. This would apply also In all the sooletios of the adjoining territory who mav send delegates this year. As a matter of fact if this were «lnne lw all the s'c-cleties in iard from We hnlldiï¬Ã©via iiiVe-Elt)ee«15ne cnurse, studded in the centre with noble pines and lvlng on the very shows of the Little. Bob river ward over the beautiful pine ridge known as (.‘emelery Hill brings one in line Agricultural Park enclosure‘ In this ammlnthe tine and commodioue agricultural building in the midst ofits Spreading green award. while south- smtinn Then a. minute' a walk south- an outluv. This estimated outlay of $5 ('0 will include everything, such an lmu rd and lodging. travelling expenses and a nominal tuition fee to help de- frav the expenses incurred In holding the School. The local water llnes,etc., are mixing special reduced travelling rates it is expected that a leading feature -f the Summer School life will he a (‘Olnny of tents to he hired at reason- able rates.each League or School or ('ircuit joining together to lrlre a tent. The tenters will ï¬nd board in the ; \‘illzvge Of course a large nntnbgr of places In liohcayyeoti will be available Where board and lodging man be had. We hope to secure as the meeting place of the School the charming and heautlfully situated grrunds of the Aurivuiturnl Society. These grounds are situated in the Village of Bohcay- ueon, in the upper part of the Inland upen which the Village is built. On the north side of the inland in the main river and canals, with picturesque bridges and parklike efl'ects. Here are also the boat landings and railroad be H- t Lakes Summer School to be held at Bobca) geon, June 26th to July 2nd in elusive. At a meeting of representa- tives. workers from the above districts. neld in Lindsay on May 2nd, 1906, It. was unanimously decided to undertake It. it is hot-ed that in the future the a Schrol will include all the territory in ,3 the western part of the Bay of Quinta y Conference _ ,- The object of the Sumo-er School ls l to promote the lnrerests of Sunday school and lï¬pwortb League work, With special emphasis upon the study of the bible and missions. This will occupy the morning and M'eninl: uesstons of ï¬nch week duy. The afternoon will be given over to various forms of recrea- tion, such as excursmns boating. ï¬sh- i"ll.lennls. basketball, baseball. and many other healthful sports in the morning early praper meeting; in the forenoon clear, careful and interesting eXanitions 0! bible theines and meth- nps of Sunday , School and Epwortn League work by Specialists: in the afternoon all manner of healthlni out- dOor amusements by land and water; in the evening inspiring addresses on t vital topics. Added to this is the de- l iightfnl associations with the workers lhrougoul these districts, the tent life in camp for a week, and the exceptlonul ROPthry ofthe famous Kawarthzt Lakes region. One can have all this for a week for no individual outlay of about $5. Surely one cannot have a week’s holl- day and be so much profited in body mind and spirit. and be so well equip- ped to return home. and lend help and inspiration to our league and Sunday School work anywhere else torso small '1‘ o the Epworth League and S. S. Workers of the Methodist Church Throughout the Peterborough, Lindsay 8:. Cannington Districts. and Adjoining Territory of the Bay of Quinta Conference. Have you heard of it '.' The Kan-ar- ek He says that the commonest of all disorders. and one from whlch few es- cape ls Caturrh. Slr James ï¬rmly he- lievee in local treatment. whlch‘ 19 best supplied by “Catarrhozone.†No case of Caterrh can exist where Cetarrh- ozone I: used; It is a miracle worker, relieves almost instantly and cures where other remedies {all Other treat- ments can’t reach the diseased parts like Catarrhoznne because It goes to the source of the trouble along wlth the air you breathe. Catarrhozone is free from Cocaine, ll leaves no bad after-effects. It is simply nature's own care. Accept no substitute for Canarrh- ozone which alone can cure Catarrh. Omcmceâ€"c Cook, ps jardinc and Mitchell, 15: 1) Benny, 2nd 1) Mac- pherson, 3rd l) McCulloch, 5 stop jardine and Mitchell, c f Nugcnt, rl~ Hart, l f Shields. E. Rowland umplrcd satisfactonily. RACES, Etc. The following wete the u'innerl in other athletic sports: 500 yard race-â€"J Ross, F Reeds. an. step and jumpâ€"D. O'Brien, F. Nugent Long Jump-J Rona, D O'Brien. High Jumpâ€"W R Reads. D O’Brien. Putting the shotâ€"D O'Brien, W B Reeds Single Canoeâ€"P Parsons, 1 Tools. Double Canoeâ€"P Parsons I Toole, W Jnrdine W Cooke. Bow Raceâ€"P Parsons, W Judlne. Uxoset Raceâ€"C Clarke. MoCullot‘h- Fcnclon Fallsâ€"Goal, Kiest ; backs, Dunnigan and Main ,‘hulf backs. Clark, Fisk and Ellis; forwards, Barrie, Taylor Mmorc, McKillen, and McDougall. Referecâ€" Mr Huston, Pctcrborough Quite an interesting gnmc of baseball was played bcm‘ccn the Lindsay and Omcmee, the visitors winning out by a score 0(16 to 12. The line up: Lindsayâ€"c']‘hompson, p Curry, 15!. 1) Hopkins, 2nd b C Hopkins, 3rd b McRea, ss O’Neil, cen f Brady, r 1' Best, I f McCamus. (innelneeuGoal, Mitchell ; backs, Curtis and Brown; half backs, Howdcn Graham and McQuadc ;forwards, Bent Macphcrson, Jardme. Nugent and Sherin. The foot ball match between the Fenelon Falls and Omemee Clubs re- sulted in a Win for the latter eleven by 4 to o. The result makes Omemee the winners of their group in the junior ser~ ies ofthe Midland League. Omemee has certainly a fast aggregation this sea son, and their chances of winning out are good. A grand Cclcbrauon was held in the pretty park here on Victoria Day. Some three hundred people took in the sports with whxch they were greatlv pleased. VICTORIA DAY IN UMEMEE. Rev. 1.1â€. Whitelaw, B. I), and Rev R. McCulloch exchanged pulplts on Sabbath. Mr. George 'I‘horn, of Cavan, spent Monday and 'I'ucsduy calling on hxs brothers, Messrs. john, Wm. j., and Robt. Thom, of Ops. SIR. JAIES WATSON’S OPIHIOI. 'l'm: (‘onfcrencc meets m For: Pcrry on June 7. The Stationing Committee meets on Monday evening, june 4th. As this is the Conference preceding the General Conference, It will be largely attended, and of morc than ordmarv uncrcst. On Wednesday, the 23rd. the meet- ing was opened at 10 a.m., by the Rev. R. Mt‘Culloch, Chairman of the Dis 1 trict. The spiritual and ï¬nancral con- dition of the District was found to be in good shape, about $27co were rais ed for missions. The laymen elected 15 delegates to Conference. Mr. John McCrea. an old and highly respected local preacher. is the delegate from Omemee. Mr. G. Switzcr represents Bethel. Rev. Leonard l’helps was elected to act with the Chairman on the Stationing Committee. Rev. l". )ohnston was elected alternate. Met in Cambridge St. Church, Lind- say, at 2 p. m. With two exceptions, the Ministers were all present. Two candidates for our ministry, ('larence E. Mark, B, :\., and G. C. R. Mc- Quade, ware recommended to the conference to be received on trial. We have gone forward from the con- vivtion that Gml's hand In in It. all We relv upon our pastors, unperlntedents nt‘ Snmln‘v Schools and League presi- dents to brim: this matter persistently hetnre our mnmiments, and an H e time is nnmmfnrtahty short we kindly urge that it he done at once. Written Ivy request of the Executive. Yours, sincerely, W. G. CLA RKE. President. The Parsonage, Little Britain, May 16th LINDSAY DISTRICT MEETING, Displnv posters, to be put up promln- enlly in all League and Sunday School rooms have been seritto allnur pastors, A circular letter for general dlstribn- Hon is also in cnnrse of preparation. The program"a will he prepared in due course and will be on sale: for 5 came Pach. A further source of income will be from the advertisements in the program. The ofï¬cers elected to hold ofï¬ce mull the expiration of the present Schnol are as follows: Hon. president, Rev G. .l. Bishop, D.l)., Lindsay; ptesl- dent. Rev. W. G. Clarke, 8.5., Little Brlluiu; vice-pres, Rev. G. R. Clare, Mlllhmnk; secretary, Rev.(‘. E. (Ignaz, 8.1), Manllla; trvasurer, Rav. (1H. (non. Bobcaygenn: and the chairman of l’elerboro, Lindsay and (‘annlngtnn DiolrlCte. These also form the exe- cnllve. , reckoned the excursions run under-the management of the School. Any col- lectiolls Would also be avnlluble for augmenting our ï¬nances. In. addition ‘ to these general and permanent ï¬nan- cial resources we nave the personal pledges 0! Interested workers. One of these, ,3 prominent Leugner, at our prellrnlnury meeting for organizstlon in Linllsav gave his personal pledge for $20 if it should be necessary to help ï¬na- co the Svnnnl. Surely thls angnrs well {or the ï¬nancial and general anc- eesn of our Summer School? this ternlnrv there would not be any need 10: charging more than u Hotn- iuul tuition fee [0 each student, for re- gistratiuu in the school Atom: with this means of raising ï¬nance is to be I have a registered Yorkshire White Boar for Scrwcc on Lot 19, Con. 5, Emily. Terms 750. at time of servnce. Yorkshire White Bnar fm'Service 77 Kent-St LINDSAY SPECIAL LOW PRICE Some beautiful lines in WATCHES, CLOCKS, ]E\V- EILRY, SILVERW'ARE, CUT GLASS, CHINA, TRAVELING CASES, MANICURE CASES, NOVELTIES, c., c. Con. of Emily, 3 Sheep. 0wher cali havc same: by provmg properly and paying for this adv. HENRY MAGEE. Into the premises of Henry Magee, 2 mules southeast of Omcmcc, on xs: Opposite the Bradburn Opera Hduse. The undcrsigncd WlShCS to inform the public that he has started 3 Tem- Durance House in Omemee, and is prepared to give good accommodation to the tram-Hing public at reasonable rates. 'l‘cmpcranCc drinks, Cigars, c. Your patronage n'spectfuily solicited. _ _-..... -v-- ' Alana, 25v. per box, or ï¬ve boxes for one dollar. Wedding Presents W. EMCEAHTY’S. Yuu’ll never have an headache. you’ll never have a sour stomach. but you will have a vigorous bracing health by taking Dr Hamilton’s Pills. Your druggmt sells Dr. Hamlllon'l Pills, n- - In nppennnoe the STA-ZON in unexcelled. It is secure. durable and comfortable. Sta- Zon hu countersunk screws which will not come 100k- You can buy Dainty Goods Is one of the meanest. things in the world. To prevent biliousuess use Dr. Hamilton’s Pills, which keep the 833- lem clean and pure; regulate the huuela, give Mme to kidneys and liwr. \7 , l.‘ C. H. UollrtnPy is putting a new wire fence around the front at Ina lot. Our middle road through the long swampiain a very bad condition. I wonder if anything is going to be done about it. J. STEELE’S. FOR UP-TO~DATE JEWELRY Issuer of Marriage Licenses, MILLBROOK. The Methndist minister {tom Ome- moe. Rrv Mr. McCullough,preached In the l‘reubvterian church Inst. Sun- day. His text was “Am I my brother’s keeper." Gen. 4: 9. M r. James Smil h 13 building the new ridawalk. Not before me needed it. Temperance House, Umemee. Our public school pupils had a ï¬ne entertainment on Empire Day. It was largely attended by the parents, also Rev Mr. Whltolaw was there and gave an addresa. Mr. McLean degerves great credit. for training the children to sing so “ell. 'l‘HOS. KERR, Omemee Miss Jennie Lowe has gone to live in 'l‘oroum. she will be greatly missed by all her ftiends. It's qnne common a in. people whose digestion is poor. Immediate relief follows the use of Nervllim. St mach ‘ is strengthened, digestion is made per- fect, lasting cure results in every case. Use Polanu's Nervtllne once and you’ll never be winhout it because every type ‘ of stomach disorder is conquered hv a few dueea. One 25c. bottle of Nervilme always cnnvmcns. Sol! everywhere for the past ï¬fty years. , 1907, for SAM ENGLISH, A Bilious Headache. Have You Heartburn? The Popular Jewelry Store, STRAYED MT. PLEASANT. Winter Term begins Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, 1906. Last year was our banner year, but we are determined to keep pace with our flourishing city and supply the demands made on us, for oflicc assistants, not only from Peterboro but from other places as well. We have not been able to do this in all cases during the last two years. Any young man or woman who thoroughly understands Bookkeeping 0: is a competent Stenographer and Typewriter is Certain of a good position. You W!“ make no mistake in getting.' a ' Nothing L.» ucceeds Like Success CALL AND TEST US. is very complete, and Come m and you WI“ be convi Our Prices will Be Found as Low as Any In our Hardware StOxe \M requirement. Our Stock of Dry Goods, Grccmts cw We will furnish you a choice of three diï¬etent color combina- tions free of charge, if you give us a photograph, during or de- scription of your house, whether you buy paint of us or not. - 80L. IV â€" . It’s {not the paiét that costs the least per gallon that '2 cheap- est. It’s the one that covers most surface, mu longest, and is easiest to apply. That paint is Whether you are going to apply the paint yourself or are buying it for someone else to apply, you ought to take great care to get full value for your money. AGENT, MILLBROOK ONT. mmsasasaasemm SEE Paint Buyers‘ Busines‘s Education . McCaffrey’s ‘. ERINGLE, Principal, Peterboro, Ont. _ V , _-_. ...... Wauuac- and you Will be convinced that this is the pl Our prices are as LOW as any in the trade; and our goods are of the best quality, that's why this store is termed Q’W rite for Our Handsome Circularfa Fresh and Good at This 3.» cspccially true when applied to the 7715 Sammy-Mum us Pun OMEMEE. OMEMEE \Q have a magniï¬cent stock {or the best values ‘s is the place to buy.