'. '"wishi'ng that: usual good “115:: W that ever pl \! MISS Mildred McCullough, of Port Hope, spent Sundav with her father, MLâ€"T TMcCullouyh. ‘, The many friends of Mr. George Lack ml! be pleased to learn that he :sinrproymg, and they will jmn tn wishing him rpm-d) restoration to his m! good health. . “The poor \I r. Rir h is the best show that ever played here.†E M. Hiscoch. 5- . ‘ Manager Coloniai Theatre, *7: “May 81h. (Bananoque, Ont. . ‘ Manager Colonlak 'I'hentrc, ‘ May 8th. _ Gananoquc, Ont. Town Hall, Mbllbmok, next Tuesday. Miss May Duncan s‘pem Sunday a: Pontypoo! with friends. .. 7Tb: Mirror joins m extending sym- wl' v to lhc‘bel'cavcd rclatwes of the Miss Eilccn Osicr of Coboconk is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. ‘W B. Moore. The Services in the Methodnt church last Sunday evening “ere Very anus". cnjoyed by the large conurrega~ hon. lhe sermon delwered b) the 'Rev Mr. Clare was interesting and in strucrive and was listened to with rapt attention. The muswal part of the serviCe was also ofa spec: .1 nature. â€The male quartette composed of J. I Byam, W. W G llott, (l. A Duncan and W. H Coombe crechtably render- ‘cd that excellent number, “I've found ‘a Friend,†and the choxr 0!†20 vOlCes rendered thatbcautiful anthem Selec- Mrs. ]. McBride was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. Dclxmg, at 'Oshawa, the past week. Mr. Lnunt has secured a good posi- hon in the Bank of Toronto at Lon- don. HIS many fncnds m Millbroox ml! jom thc Mxrror m wishing him continued success. non, “Who are these m Bright Array,†MS: E. Richardson taking the Obli- galto pan, and Mrs W. W. Gillott. Alto, and Miss Richardson, Soprano, taking the ductt. It was ccxtainl) (me of the: best anthc ms cxcr given In the church. There will I): spccml musxc next Sunday as “all. Messrs. T. ]. Lang and J. H. Peel attendsd the funeral of the lat: Chas.» Rowan, at Bethany, 0n 'l'ucsday. A publlc meetxng of the Millbrook ratepayers was called for Monday evening to discuss the lxglmng of the town. Qune a number attended and considerable discuSsion was entered into by many of the citizens, including Messrs Collins. Leach, Steele. Need- ham, Kclls, Rev. Mr. Allen, the Reeve, the Clerk and others. It was ï¬nally dectded to advertise m the Mail and Globe, and guarantee a revenue of $1500 a year to an experienced man who would operate a satisfactory plant. Mr. Harry Leach has been trans- (urred from Lakcflcld to Hamilton, and given another step up in the Traders Bmk. Congratulations Harry. ‘fFunsgalore in town on 24th. .. “ The Poor Mr. Rich kept the aud- ience laughing more than any Show I have played in years;â€"â€"Isaac Brisco, Mgr. anco Opera Hou$eJ Napagzcc. Town Hall, Millbroqk, next 'lfucsday. Latest m weddmg cake boxes at the MIITOI' Ofï¬ce, Millbrook. EMfllbmnk News v-J‘ Capital, $4,000,000 \V. H. Beatty, President. Robert Reford . . Robert Meighen John Waldie Albert E. Gooderham William Stone D. Coulson, Genetal Manager. A Directorate of Experienced Business Men. Experlence that comes from 50 years of Successful Banking in Canada. Ample Capital and a. Barge ReserVe Fund That make for STRENGTH INCORPORATED Elements Some of the The sczence of successful banking is not learned easily or quickly, and the maname. ment of this Bank with the accumulated experience of half a century behind them, toliow safe and conservative lines of business as being best for boxh Bank and customer. Men who? appreciate the value of money and understand thoroughly the prmc‘i-pies of us safe Investment. ' The Capital hasbeen doubled during the past six years to p'rovide for the Bank’s rapidly expanding business. The Reserve Fund is being constantly added to so that it may always remain a strong additisnal protection to the depositor. J. B. L. GROUT, G. L. McHATTIE, Manager, Manager, Omemee Branéb. Millbrook Branch. The Lacrosse Club arc- putting on a Big Days Sport hcrc on 24th. See Large: and Small Bills, and DON'l‘ forget to come to tuwn that day and enjoy the fun. Unless such ï¬ne and costs and the costs of conveying such conviczed pet- son to such Gaol be sooner paid;- This By-luw 31ml! come into force on the eighteenth day of May instant. W. S. GIVEN, W. \V. GILLO‘N‘, Reeve. ’ Clerk 2nd. That anv person guilty of an infraction of this By-law shall he sum- moned before the Reeve or Justice having jnrisdlctlon, and if convicted ot the charge preferred shall be lined in the sum of not less than Ten Dollars end not more than Twenty Dollars and costs, if not paid at such time as the convicting Justice shall direct, the same shall be levied by distress and sale of the offenders goods and chattels. and In default of such goods and chatâ€" tels being found. He or She shall be committed to the common Gaol of the United Counties of Northnmbedand 5 Durham for a period not less than Five Days and not more than Ten Days. That all occupiers of shops in this Municipality engaged in and doing business in the hereinafter nientmned business classos, viz :â€"Dry Goods Groceries, Boolsé: Shoes, Jewellers, Furniture Dealers and Blacksmiths, or tho occupiers of any Shop in which cwo or more trades or classes are cor- ried on, Shall if the principal’trade being carried on belungs to any of the above mentioned class, close their rear poctive shops at. the hour of ELEVEN O'ULOCK P.M., on each SATURDAY of the year, and remain closed cumin- uousl) until Monday morning following Therefore, be it enacted by the Mur- cipal Council of the Corporation of the Vinage of Mil brook, and it. is hereby enacted : And whereas the said application contame three fourths of the whole number engaged and doln; business in each ofthe above mentioned classes respectively, in this Municipality. And whereas the said application ls Szgnell on behalf of the Dry Goods (‘luss by Walsh 6: Clarke, Kells.Fowler Co . W. II. Byam .5; Son; on behalf of the Grocer Class by R. '1‘ Adams, Geo. 1'3. Burnhmn, W. H Coombe; on behalf of the Boot Shoe Class by 'l‘ J. Lang, Wm. Archer, Kells, Fowler 6; Co : on behalf of the Jewellers Class bv John Steele; on behalf oflhe Furnl. ture Class by W J E.Glllotl, w. W_ Gillotl; on behalf of the Blacksmitb’s Class by Wm. Rowland. J. Walton, H. Campbell and \V. l). Nugent. Wheteas, application has been made to this Council to pass a By law in ac- cordance \\ it-h the Ontario Shop Regul- ating Act of 1888, to have certain shops closed at the hour of ELEVEN o’clock p.111" on Saturdays. By-Law to Regulate the Closing of certain shops 1n thls Mu nicipallty Passed May 6th, 1907. Under On- tauio Shop Regulating Act of 1888. DIRECTORS : BY-LAW No. 341. W. G. Gooderham, Vice-President Hon. C. S. Hyman, MJ’. ‘/ John Macdo‘ntlld Nicholas Bawlf J. Henderson. Asst. Gen. Managet stralnonthe mother's vitality The blood is weakened. Nerves are irrita- ble through less of sleep Anxiety and care breakâ€"down even the strongest. Experience teaches that nothing is more helpful than Ferrozone. What an appeiite it brings! No blood-former or nerve tonic more potent, no medi- cine known that so steadily brings back the health" vigor and spirit that ’mothers require. It's because Ferro- zone nourishes, because it supplies the material for rebuilding that it does lncn permanent good. 50c. per box at all dealers. I With nursing comes anuncegsing l Sï¬bscribe for the Mirror, Reserve. $4,500,000 Invaluable for Nursing Mothers. The POOR Mr. RICH in the Town Hall next Tues Lay evening. The BEST YET. (hoice “incs and lequors at the ri‘rht priw ’Phone on 'ers promptly attended to. A. LEACH. \IiHbrook Mr Hurry Nattmss left for Carman, Man , last week,tak1ng wrth lnm l)r. Hassard’s “Vigorous†to deliver toMr. Andrew Graham, his present owner. After complctmg his busmess With Mr Graham, he intcnd~ vi<iting Sourxs, Shoal Lakc, Gainsboro ard l)clorame. seeing :1 COHSIdt‘l’flbld section at“ the country, and infurnnng lnmsolfas to its comparative advantages. Harry will no doubt bc greeted by many old friends, who will add to the pleasure and cnjuymert of his trip. If you are suffering agonies with Rheumatism. Sciatica or Neuralgiaâ€" if the Kidneys are so affected that you have pains through the hips and in the small of the backâ€"don’t hesitate n moment in speuding sec for a large box of Bn-Ju, the Gentle Kidney Pill. You will get such relic-f fnom the ï¬rst few doses that nothing could persuade yen to discontinue until cuxed. BnJu not only swvcs you endle~s sufferingâ€" it completely removes every trace of Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble. If your druggist will not supply you with Ban. send retail price to The Claflin Chemical (20., Limited, Windsor, Out, 56 0f Course‘Bu-Ju Will Cure You. 185i. We trust the good work wxll gm] “0 on, although Bro. Walker has g. no {rum our midst. At our rvgular meet- ing of April 81h. two more candidalp. were Initiated and we teel sure that more are in fnl'ow. Yours smearer and fraternany. 15,.) SNEIGRLVE. 3; 1)» sea. At our 3; evinl meetingpu Apr†2' d it was mowd by Bro Sec‘ y. 1‘ '1 S elgrme, sec. by Bro. Vice Leader, Geo. McKim. that a vote 0f thanks be extended to Bro J. U. Walker and an ofï¬cers and members who so willingly assxsted in canvassing for members during Bro. Walker's stay with us. This motiun was carried unanimously. Bro. Walker responded in a few “ell chosen remarks. On March 25th. after a special meet~ in: in whwh eleven candidates Were inihutod into the n ybtic rites of the O (3.H.C., we had a racial evening, at which cotfee, cakes and other gond things wereserved by our [Lady Ilmne Circlers. Our gentlemen members made appropriate speeches and a very pieaeant and proï¬table eveninguas Spent. llnt tn out u long story short and to come to the palm. During Bro. Wu]. ker’ 5 [our wegku' sun “ill: us we had a special meeting ewry “eek. “e in. itiated in all lim- three candidates, and reneaed our fratrrnity side of the order immensely. Milllnook Circle, No.6. has been awakemng lately. When Deputy 0r. uanizer Bro. J. H. Walker, of Port Hope. arrived on the ground some weeks agn,the ontlnnk for increasing our membership appeared very panr indeed. MenerB and ofï¬cer: 5110111 he ï¬rst Interviewed seemed rather pessimistic and did 110:. consider it much gond tn smrt u canvas for mem- bers, ’nut Bro. Walker \meoptimlstlc, ho“e\‘er and saw good times ahead. Suin Le started far a few weeks 0! mmd hard work, and work he did, and eodxd “e a“, uflicers, members and deputy organizer uorkinz innuxsou Mlhnutfldiecordant note, everything moving on m reflect order and halo mony. The will chuld “S 50th Anniversary Cele-brawn] .on the even ing cf Friday. May 24th at 8 o’clock. Mr. Jus. Armstrol‘c, (hand Chiel 'l'emplar, of l‘omntn, is expected to be present to givu an zul lrcss. 'l'hcrc will also be atldresSes by others. also readings, recitatimis, vomxl and Instru- mental musit‘, etc. Refreshments WI†be served at the close of enter tainment. A voluntary contnhmiun Will be taken atthe door. Mt. l'lens- am is the only lodge in the Order in Ontario that has kept up continuoixsl) l'ur filly years. Inwtatluns am 1min; sent to old members in heat")! all paits of (‘nnnda and United States. A cordial imitation is ulnu exlcnded to the public to be present. It “'1†no doubt be a memorahle exent in the history of this enterprising little town. But [more sorrpwful still was the death (If “Charley" .Rowan,†dearly beloved son of Mr. and MN. William Rowan of this Village. ’l‘hc l ttlc fellow wantcd to go flyhmq on S.1tur(lay and t0ul< ill Saturday night and dlcd Sunday aflernmm, Cause of cl«ath sup- posed to be Bright’s disease. His rc- mzuns were mmrcd in Grulmx. â€s Cem- ctcry on 'l‘msday. From the “Home Circle Leader." Mr. J. Steer, an old and much respected Citizen of thxs pIuCe, was called to his last resting place on May the 6th, cause oldeath, Cancer of the throat. His remains were tnterred in ‘allis Cemetery. lIe lLIUCS a \\i lo“ and ltrue family to mourn thelr gzeat lOSs. Dcalh is rcapmg a rxch harvest in our wllage thxs spring. On the 8th of May, Mr. Wm. l’cthlck was called u‘vay. Dccuascd was amusing himSclf and several more by throwing a shoul- dcr stone. when Mr. 1". Staples took on to throw it backwards add missed the line, smklng Mr. I’c-thick on the head, from which he never rccmcrcd. His remains wcrc mtcrrcd in the M:- thodist Cemetery, (Tavnn. He. leaves :1 young: widow to mourn his- lass. Messrs Clara and Chas Moore have got comfortably settled (in their farm at Bohnrm. Sask, and we were pleased to weave their subscription to the “Mirror " last week. We wish these enterprising young men every success in their Western home. Mt. Pleasant Lod ge, No. i57, I 0 GI ., Will hold their 550th Anniversary Celebration in their Hall, Mt. Pleasant on the evening or Victoria Day, Fri day, May 'z4th. i907, at 8 o’tlack. Mt. Pleasant is one of the few Lodges in, Ontario at present that have kept up regularly, and they are to be con- gratulated on their approaching 50th Anniversary. Mr; J. Lung! Mr. Whittaker, and the MisscS.Clllra and Paul Mitclmfl, of Bctcrboro, ware guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. '1' j. Lang, Sunday. The Misses L. and M. Amlay left this week for Gram-1e Coulee, Sask., where thuy rintcnd spending the summm' num’th<. They wi'll also Visit will) thclf sistcr. Mrs. 1. Clarke, at Regina. Mr. A J Larmcr has added a new pncunmnc tire buggy to [NS up to dat: livery, and is malung extensive 1_n;- provmnents to his already large and commodiuus stables. Mr. Larmcr lmstclcphone in connection mth Ins husmess. ’l’hone ordcrs promptly at- tended :to. Mr. Ed. Christie, proprietor oi the Umon Street Livery Stables, added a pucumatnctirc buggy, and now has ample accmnmodation for his numcrous customers, both as to -\'chxci¢s and horses. Mr. Christie 50- licxts a share of the public patronage and promises to give good service at rcasunablc rates. MOUNT PLEASART. B E'I‘H ANY. Sea, an! Sine 11 Net. the play.†"A nd that ?†"The durability of the riding: boots thevil‘ian wears.†‘ Huw'u tl'at ?" “hen years are supposed to flame betueeu the sacond and thirdacts. and he wears the same ones in both :Icts."â€"(‘anadiau Woodman. Guess those bouts wpre hunghf from T. J. Lang, Millhru..k’s lending Boo' TO IMPROVE 11L TEMPER. Relieve the physical suffering of corns. Quickly done by the reliable Putnam’s- CornExtractor. Beware of acid -flesh- eating substitutes and in- sist on "Putnam's; †it’s the one sure a nd painless cure, As a musical cmned) mime present generaltn-n, "l‘lie l’o’ur Mr. Rial.†is distinct from similar productions. '1 his play is :1 strange mixture of music aud [lure wtnedy \\ ill: a hlifllli tuncli ofilm drumu. ‘l‘lwse elements give it a dis tinclinn all its own and it inn-l be ad- miileil llmt ilze dirlim‘llon in lnlereal. hug and plenum: In study “l'l.e l'nor Mr. llwli" has made at lug lit. In some of the larger «:Iiu-s this season and t a reason is :lppal’elilâ€"ï¬ulllelhill}: new and different and Wurth going tome and nne’u mmwy’s \HI'lll. There is a wealth at music, uproaruns comedy. an interesting plot. and plenty of gnarl specialties and the critics and public alike have described it. as an original and satisfying entertainment. “ llie l’nor Mr lilcli" “ill be at. Town Hall, Millbrook, 'luesday evening, May 21 fur nne night only. Seals on sale at Luaull's Drug Store. "71' ne ohmenekctvd nr the Methmlis! lipnorlh League for the ensuing gear are as {allows â€" X’X‘Q-sldenlâ€"Hr. H, 'l‘iIPX’HN'I. lst Viceâ€"Miss SteHu lIe-thcungton. L’ml Vice-.Hiss 1‘ Hymn, .rd Uteâ€"“1551’, Bn'rnham. 4th \ Iceâ€"Miss [1. Courtney. Secretaryâ€"Mr. H. McMahon. 'l‘reusur'erâ€" Miss Flossie Mullen. Miss Maud Nugent has charge of the Forward nmvement and the music; and M the meeting hut Monday night Bliss Bertha Lock rendered 3 Vocal $010 In an accvptalfle manner. 1:: (Ewan, ml Mnmlay, May 13, tn Mr and Mrs Keenan Hrmrn,a son. A: l);tmil, on Monday, May 13L]: impph, son of H .I Richards, 01 I’m! Huiw. in Ins "341i: year. l’mmmmnaI was Kiu- cause of his curly demise. W. cxnrnd :ympnlhy to [he burenvdi farmh'. - “There's one wonderful thing about In MillL-r-wk, on Monday. May 13:11 190;, \‘lHuLm O’Brien, aged 63 years In ()Im mee, on May S, juhn Ix’u'm yrs, son of (fupt. and Mrs. I. M. AL VII-u, ngcrd l4 days. 'Hu umh rsiyncd 11: IS taken over tm hnsmrssul his {2111M}. the late lwln. Iluf‘m um. am! is penned to Mt ‘ml to all mdrrs é‘o. mmmg ()I' lmiL'Ings. Sutusï¬whon guaran- teed. 'I‘crmsreasonabie. ALF. H UFI’MAN, Millln'ook Station P.(). Ont. man [11c day PJH BUILDING : MOVING NU'HCE- AA (in load ()Hirc)‘ Lime jmt mum-(l; uill haw: until SHIUHLI) [0 unlnnd, and parties win S A \" Ii MONEY by tukin;.r 1t offthe car. The Rathhun Slur Brand Portland Cement â€"tlu- ()Ll Reliable Brand. (30:11-â€" 1his IS the month to get your supply at the luxvcst prive. Shingles, lamp-Ste. A car load of Dressed Lungber 31115! fll‘er’dL , fluormg and othur kinds. Aim SM‘K and 13ARRJCJ,S:\L'1‘. (11w m :1 m]! brfom having. W. (I. RUSSELL SONS, \Illlbmok. The (Tour: of Rm‘inon for the Villngc ol' Ml’lliaro‘ok'on the Aswss m'fl [ Ru†for 1907,, Wm he hcld in the 'l'mm Hall, Mxllbmok, on Mon day thc 3rd day of june, 1907, at 7.30 COURT OF REVISION l’lx} sicinn and“ Surgeon, MILLBROOK, ONTARIO. Ofï¬ce in Turner's Drug Store At night I may be got by tele- phone message and at Mrs. Mc- Cartnq '5 residvncc.‘ A no manufacturer: of 7 9 SARSAPARILLA. fl__ *1] 61’s 2m» mom I Made b J. éfler 00.. Lowell, Man. I F Do you like it? Then why he contented with it? Have to be? Oh, no! Just put on Ayer’s Hair Vigor and have long, thick hair; soft, even hair. But ï¬rst of all, stop your hair from coming out. Save what you have. Ayer’s Hair Vigor win not disappoint you. It feeds the hair-bulbs; makes weak hair strong. J The best kind of a, testimonialâ€" , W “ Sold for over sixty yea-1‘8 " My'Hair is §Craggly Epwortn League Ofï¬cers. . Montgomery, NEVER CHANGES. romptly Attended to. W. W. GILLO'I"! BURN I) A 12!). (V‘lcrk Your Inspection Invited , licited. Pm ’PHONE 456. McLaughlin’s Carriages Wagons, ail kil'zds Agriculturallmplements,Harness,Rug's,Wh1ps, Blankets, c. We now deal in all kinds of High Grade Flour Feed,'Seeds, etc. Storey , Leary. Come to Millbrook on the 24th. Biggest day yet Lacrosse,base ball- etc†etc. Friends were greatly («hooked on \‘mzday tn hear 0f the nnhmkedJM «leath of Mrs. David Wainman, who passed away after an illness, from pneummxla, ofnnly a week, Mrs “'uin- man leaves a family of three hoys and two girls. the eldest ï¬fteen years ufage, and the youngest nine. Mrs. Wainman was the eldest daughter of Mr. Gem.“ Greer, and was quite a younggirl when her father’s family came lrom the township of ('amn. Mnm' friends will mourn her loss, and sympathize deeply with Mr, Wainman and the chlldren, as well as with the aged father and other relatives in their and bereave- mentâ€"Drillia Phcket ol 0th inst SWIG}? Leary With the advance uf years the vital functions ufthe imdy slow duun In cnnseqnenve the organs of secretion Suffer. the actiun of the boweis are '69- amed and there is no longer healthy circniution, The brain is congested With biond, giddlness, tremhiing and cold extremities are common. No assistance is so patent as Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills. By iheir direct aalmn on the sir-mach. liver and kidneys ihey cause an immediate, changp. Mild, free from gripe, strengthening and cleansing ihe whole ssstem, no medi- vine is so valuable In old we as Dr. Hamilton's i'ills of Mandrake But- ternut. Try these Pills, 25c. per box at all dealers. One Door East of Mr. J. Steele’s Jewelry Store. School Boots. What’s 11w use of buying a pair of “nuts that : or four months (if care is givrn them), for xhzu growing buy of can gct a pair at LANG’S Ilsa: will In»! him zifl 11c outgrow the same price. Call and sec. We have :xlsu a Spa-in} linw 1 made to order. Also a full hm: of harness, “hips, trunks. \:1.‘\ We are not talking of scrapping, but just wish to rt-nm-(i u, that we haw as ï¬n: a stock, of Men’s Boots and Shucs as my.» r,‘ anywhere. 'l‘lmrc is no lwtter time: llmn thc prusent‘ to mw‘u .- ncat, stylish and durable Wc lmvc also a good line of Boys We CanBoot the Best of Them. F BANK NF NNNTNFAL: w .q1+.. 1817 %%2 ~%%% w ‘K‘ «Q ‘33. Millbrook Branch. «éï¬Ã©eggééééééééééfl4 'I'HE 'I‘REHBLE OF OLD AGE The Repairing of Harness Boots 8: Shoes promptly athrmic CAPITAL PAID UP REST UNDIVtIDED PROFITS TOTAL ASSETS Former Customers of the “Geommodatcd as heretoforc. Bmmhcs at all important England, New Yorl NEVER-“TEAR- O C 5.5-3 «5 5% $5 51 3% $32 T. J. LANG, "-4.507‘ WATER ST., PETERBORO z Hub for Farmers. Very dcscriplirm o! a Est. 1817. an lted. Your patronage So- Prices Right. 383 WATER ST. Correct English, Emma. [11. Correct English in the School. What to Say and What Not to Say Course in Letter Writing and Punctua- non. Twenty 1).:in Drills, Business English for the Business Man Compound \Vords‘ : Huw to Write Them Studies in English Lin ratnru How to Us'c '1 hcm I‘:romn ciations (Ccnlun Dictiunan) Lorrcvt English III the Home. Course in Grammar. How to Incrtasc Onc’s Vocabulary. The Art of Convamtion. Shall a! d \\ ill; bhould and Would : JOSEPHINE TURCK BAKER, Editor. FOR UP-TO-DATE JEWELRY. Monthly Magazine “cum-d to the Use of English. AGENTS \S'AX’I'EI). Year. Scnd Ioc. for single copy. . ,J. STEELE’S, WINS'I‘RUC'I'IYE IN'I'ERES'I'INU Issuervnf Marriage Lia‘rnscs, Ml LLB ROOK. PAR’I‘IA L CON'I‘ENTS. PUNHC Nd D e ress Maliin '*' 9 1:5 03. IN CHARGE «You Can Save 1‘: Buying ‘ S. English’s rcsidcuvv. my; bum’s Opera HUUM‘. ’1 013'. fncnds for kmdu: ,\ he would solid! 3 cum-Esau The weather is now quiz,- f r vc :madon and farmczs , through seeding. M". In". ~- Of Emily. ï¬nhhcd Srcdir‘: ' ‘v Rev. Mr. I’chovcr cmxaiu communion sen-mes in the )‘ Ian church last Sabbath There was a la"««' attends: ‘ 1:), A meeting of the IL :3: i and citizens ml! be hchi ;;.:\ arrange for {he I'cCerux: ‘ ’allcy Canal Enginccrs m) M and thc possuhility of izoid ;:-.__- a The many {nem‘xs of Mr. Mabcc. Managcr of (We, Bani; u?" tmxl. WI“ be plcascd U: in; u able to be out again after Em i123;- w, The new stud; ynz'dx :: very faforabk {or luadin; \: “In Mcmnriam" ( ed at thc Mirror (Hi2 same. He will he night or day. Every Depart] New Spring and 1’ and Mrs. Ak-‘i. Jwt‘. -~ ingat the home of zinzr MN. 5.1m Biakck'y, Bu?» Mr. W. S Com-1.3% m: #11 was; guest at the: huuw “'1 1 ' In", the WM w 'c-k, if .- l wasfonterly 1 rcsl 7: m n“ , and his m I" f 1cm?» 31(7- pieaecd to len'n of 2:55 5!! 376%. Mr. Harold Home: «3 Tucsdav on business The Mctimlisl (This: completed and adds '.T"x p-nmnot,‘ Mr. W. 1). .5 tontmd. keen: Low 5 on buSin-:~ . I Mr. James Dobsun 931 few days, but in,» nun. hopehe null 500:1 bc chic In" Messrs ('Oux‘tnr).> null IS down; a b ' m1 Lit. Mann “ï¬scn m P»: H» u‘asil mm'lucsdax, u'1(\ 1‘than «(Chrxsl- " sacs '. ,. M w!" hnid a (if is! i‘grl'.’ Weduadu'. It“: 121‘; \‘g‘; :. Inflsforfu" illlticulan â€f y‘, \ _.. of ï¬g house: hid 2 “(Nina having bccn aroused by xhr- ‘- mif rooms Mr. Mcflnu‘d' will betray heavy, mm but a. j “mace. Huh swap-21;". A) 1.5.. in has loss. “wily accepted. 11:; jaxncs MCQ uadc a“ ushouscand contents a ï¬rm Sunday night. TE: of (be home had 2. am: having been arou5cd 1.5- 15‘. \l 1., The Mdcfs‘lsutd hum u-'::~ mac, and opened 93‘. w “Evade; Silcâ€"3o .\ n, vim-L :r I be rCCd1lI 7;“ wftzws n'il ( I ~ I O’Mpau. jam: (st, 1 19;, â€3 H hanks. Franxluli. Ont. V .r â€Sulaâ€"By Tender, (m '1‘ “6 Emily. BJRk'sZCémn 3:. l _ .. [IAâ€".41] I [\va 1-1-1“ nun aw“! IS â€he mngmulaxcd u; James "531ml: NEWS. Yours U‘u'n'. JOHN N. THOMPSON. .\i.1' Department in 911': Millinéï¬iâ€? NOTICE. LNTON. Division Can of Harriagc LIL-cum I1 Estate and ()cncn vns in town '1 :Cc. 0} »1 ms or any 'l'cudcr M l‘h cum hoard 3m wed a 7623‘ sad Mr