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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 14 May 1908, p. 2

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Hmflunamrs Iur Rsaflv Baum Mrs. J. Pritchard and Mrs. I. Porter were guests at the home of the latter’s daughter, Mrs. Ios. ”.lodd at Baika- boro, on Monday. ’ Mr. and Mrs, Jae Porter were queue of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Byers, at Bathe- vhoro last week. Mr. 195. Porter sold his farm on 2100 Line to Mr. Wm. Much at a good figure. -, Mr. J. 1.17:1" was in Petaboso week on busnilcss. .4 2: U! All grades of FYfe, Jory: All Chma at close prices at ] Steele’s, Millbrook; also Fountain Pens. Messrs G. A. Dunvan and~ Robt. Cochrane had their valuable dogs pms- .oncd On Monday. ,2Mr4 Duncan 01?ch a reward of $25 to th: person that wxll gm: Information that will lead to the conviction of th: person who pmsoned his dog. ' Mcsurs Geo. Shield, of Franklin and El). Thcxtun, of Mt. Pleasant. Wcrc in town yesterdav on bu :iness Wall laper at Bv 22m '5 from 4 cents a roll up. stchrty lxtzgerald of Ch.cago, Mr _.Ios Fitzgerald, of Missoula, \fon iana. and Mt. Percy F1tzgera1d,of Picton, are wsiting their mother. Mrs. John Dew! l. Mrs C. W. R'chards and son Ak'm, were guests of M r. and Mrs. R. Wilsen, lat Petcrboro last week. " Hay! What? Yes, we have‘ 'B'tled Hay, W. H. Byam Son. Mrs. James Porter returned home on Monday after a pleasant nsfi with hcr sisters, Mrs Mitchell and sts Julia Wright; at Pctcrboro. Miss Julia Wright has been visitmz her fricnds in Port Hope and Cavan. To a first-class man who w.“ run a 'Stnctly 'l'cmpemnce House, liberal lvrms wit! be givw. Must come re- .commcndcd. First 0 months rent to be paid in advance. Aflcrwmds quarterly in ad- range. Possession 15! May, 19c8. Apply to ‘yfe, ry, Thistle Do‘vn; Five Roses and Graham r sale at Byam‘s. ames Porter intends taking a ough Alba-rm icaving hercabout d of the present month. racclcts. Neckiets, Rings, htcst :signs and settings. Gentleman's ,* Pins, {obs and charm:, at special ‘iccs, at I. Steele’s. Millbrook. ‘Mlllbrook, 24th Dec. 1007. . The various properties of the late W. H. Sowdcn, situate in Mll’anok and Cavan. arc: ofl'cred for sale by Hrnry Mulligan, and may be purchas- rd m Separate lots or otherwise. All applzcations must be made to the undersigncd who is cmpowrrcd to Sc” and convey. H. MULLIGAN "PHONE 39. None genuine withmxt the Trade Mark, which is a picture of ‘a boy holding a roll of Rexflintkote Roofing in his arms. Beg to sav amone intending to do Roofing this season, now is the time to begin to look about It. I can sell you Roofing from $2 10 up to $4 60 per square. \our patxonuge solicited. Dmp ‘me a Card for Samples and Prices. Q’ASPHALT ROOFING‘Q Strictly first-class. Used extensively on all kinds of buildings. particularly dWcllmgs. Never needs palntan‘. l migbt‘s-ay riiat I am in a position to book orders for tlxc Peterborongh Sand Stone Brick, now being large-1y used. Also Agent for the john Dohcrty (Sfrnia) Engines, both Marine and Stationary. ’ ’ L. s. CLARR‘Y, has been in actual use since 1873, and has given the best of sat- isfaction at all times. It is as Flexible at 60 years as when first applied; will not crack or break or go to pieces (remember this ix no paper roof.) Can be put on Flat or Steep Roofs wnh perfect case. Only One Grade Manufacturedâ€"and that the STANDARD. Is a First-Class Roofingâ€"Flexibl'egand Durable, also FIRE 'PROOI‘. Makes a Handsome Roof on "'Dwellinos, as well as on all other buildings. Color, Steel Grev. i'lhis Roofing has been in use for 35 yezifs and has given gool satisfaction. RE\FLIN l-‘ (OTB gives FIRE protection, is WIND, DUSI‘ and WATER PROOF. Manufacmred in Four Different Thicknesses. I wish to announce to the PUBLIC that I am Agent for Three of the LEADING Ready- Roofing Companies in the United ‘States. lhcir KOUfings are approved of by Alchitects Bull ders, ‘also by Fire Underwriters throughout‘the U. States and Canada. Properties for Sale. REXFLINTKO'IEE ROOFING Deminion Hntel to Rent. CAREY’S MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE ROOFING H. MULLIGAN, libmnk flaws. Attorney Manager, MILLBROOK, ONT. LOOK FOR THE BOY no": MILLBRUOK. Delight, “mm-0v. k3!” Mr. R. Jackson has bought \Ir. Ins. Armstrong 5 Barber business,\ and has secured the sen/Ices of Mr Don nefly, a first class barber. Mr. Jack son will keep in stock a choic: line of Cigars, tobaccos, pipes, 8m WANTED â€"A Good Smart Bov to learn the Printing Trade. One who has passed the Entrance exam. preferred. Apply to the Mirror Office, Millbrook. ! Mr. \\'-m.i(:alh<‘art, accompanied by ‘ Mrs. Cathcart, is down from the North West, and is at present Vlsrling With his Sister, Mrs. Thos. Crandy He had heard of the illness of his nephew, the late Mr Wm. Grundy, and came down to pay what would have proved a last visit to the d:parted. but arrived only in time for the funeral. Mr. Cathcart is looking hearty and pros- perous, is his old time self, good to see among us and Welcome as the spring weather. Mrs. W. Cunningham, of 'I‘orontv, ~is wsitmg her sister. Mrs. :j. Pitt. 6 Packages tharden Seeds, Flower and Vegetable, at Byam’s for 25 cents. MISS Hazel McMahon has been the guest of Mrs. VV m Gray for the past week. Don’t delay having your photo taken at the Morton Studio. Open everv Wednesday from g to 4. 30. Visitors welcome. Mr Harold Homer, Allandale, who has been spending a few days with his parents here. left to resume work on Wednesday. Mr. Albcrt 1\‘Iofi'att,v-VofFraserville, is t' e gncstfif ‘Mr. Robert McMahon. WCaH-and see the Beautiful New Lines of “’21” Papers just rcCcchd at H. RICHARDS. one door Wcst of the: Dominion Hotel, Mtllbrook. Dr.. Chas. Walsh was in town calling on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. \Valsh._ Mrs. A. Douglass, of Orangevillc, spent a fcw days at the Sothcrn House last week. Maple 3) mp â€" I he g: nuine an; ticle at 400. a quart, with the gem llnuwn in, at B) ams. Mr. T. H Homer, G 'I‘ R. Road- mastcr. 0t Alian his, “as calling on his brother. Mr I. Homer, last vcck._ sts. M. Hopkins, of Peterbom, is vmting hcr grandmorhcr, Mré. Jame.» Evans. Try '1‘. J. Lang for Hand made Harness. We guarantee all our 0\\n make of Harness. We use: nothinl: 1 but the best stock If you. want 1‘ AC “ TORY HAR\ESS Ican give )ou a 'IEAM SET complete for$2 76 so \\ :- carry the bCSl m aims of Boots 8; Shoes IMO“ “antto save mone} buy thc best. "1. }. LANG. Read \V, Thcxton’s new adv. in this issue, It Will pay you. Anyone wanting a first-01:15) dnving or working horse, 6 years old. Also 1 or 2 first class short horn Cows, fresh in. All extra good. For particulars apply at Mirror (Miceâ€"3t "VIDTDBIA Dav CELEBRATION A grand celebration will be held in MillbrOok Agricultural Park, on Mon day, May 25th. One of the best pro- grams of sports chr put on, consisting of \ValKing Conksts, Font Rams. etc. etc, will be held. Lacrosse and Base- ball matches “ill be playmed 'lhc Band will give an attractive Concert at night. Watch for bills and prowrams. Peterboro Business College. Geo. Spotton. Pridcipu. thoroughness progresalvcness. minty, enthustasm, oxpertnoss at. our watchwmds. Imnmer- om. Stenography, Telegraphy. Mail Courses m any subject. No vacation. MILLBROOK, ONT. Good Stock for Sale.- SUPERIORITY, 55' ‘CJEC‘ No tonic so certain. so helpful, so safe: try Ferrozoue yourself, 50c, per box at all dealers. " I was in poor health nearly all last l'winter," writes Mrs. Cross of Wakefield lOnL “My uppelne was variable, I was .wgak and unlit for work. I suffered a gum deal tron: nervous profit-ratinn a. d pillpitamnn or'tlle heart My digestion ‘ was generally out of order. By spring- ‘time I had lostflesh, color, and had a had cough. The doctor didn't help me very much. so I decided to try Ferro- zene If. did me ever so much good in one week. -I ganned slrength, looked mm (ell: a lot better. When I had used six boxes offlerrozone I weighed my- self and found again of fifteen pounds. ‘Ferrozone rebuilt my constitution, and made me a new woman I consider Fen-ozone worth its weight In gold to every weak woman It cures quickly and saves big doctors’ bills. (“(15) R; (YRO ‘8." l 093mg Market, NBXJ Tuesday, May 19:11, Tawn Hall, Millbrook, Q‘Gained Both In Strength ,fszf :. Another Case‘ That Proves The Merit of It’s often dangerous to Consider headaches atriflmg ailment If the head aches, the stomach is out. ofordrr and some serious disease may be im- pending. To tune up the stomach. to give it. healthy action, nothing in mud ern medlci: e is so successful as Dr: llamiltun’s Pills, The Cuncentmted vegetable extracts in Dr. Hamilton’s l'ills have a qmetinu healnhful effect pu the stomach and reuuAie all disor- ders. Your headache will be cured and they wont return if you um- Dr. Hanniltun's Pills. Snld everywhere Itmay be cramps, perhaps colic; pain or gas on/ the stmnuch,â€"lmt 3n any case a. fen drops of Nerwline soothes the pain and aflows the child to sleep peacefully. Nerviline cures minor ills such as colds. headache, in- ternal and external pains as well as any doctor.â€"sate to use because in smalldose is required. M llmrs. you will find Nerrviline an invaluable and in preventing and curing: Sicknvss. live}: a bottle right at hand, someday you will need it badly Sold every“ here at 250. GREAT DANGER IN HEADACHES. You can cure Hem pmnnlesslyhy Putnam’s (‘orn and \Vzut Extructur Never known to fail Be sure and got “Putnam’s," in 25c. bottles. DON'T WAIT, have your photos taken now, at The Mnrton Studio. nppositclhc Dnmmion Hutu]. The finest line of samples you cvur saw, and the prices are all right too. Open every “'cdncsday from 9 mm. {04.3c Wmen See Page 3. FERROZONE. undo b "i 637 AYIO mu: _ uefs, Farmers’ Butter. Eggs Dressed Poultry, be contented with it? Have to be? Oh, no! Just put on Ayer’s Hair Vigor and have long, _thick hair; soft, even hair. But first of all, stop your hair from coming out. Save what you have. Ayer’s Hair Vigor will not disappoint you. It feeds the hair-bulbs; makes weak hair strong. The best kind of a. testimonialâ€" A ‘7‘ Sold for over sixty years." Wholgsale houses in TorontoJ handling, P’roduce exclusively, Do you like it? Then why My Hair is Scraggly T0 STOPA CRYING BABY. Come early 1n thc day. HAVE YOU WAR'TS? Every Tuesday continuously Summer and Winter and Weight. SARSAPARILLA. Pl LLS. CHERRY PECTORAL Will have 311me The Misses King and Blewett, of Pcterboro, were guests of Miss Ecssie Allen last week. Messrs. Kerr, Davidson. Mulâ€" huren, McCallum, Finlay, and Blewett, o Peterboro, attendel the danc last Friday evening. A Big Celebration under the Aus- picL-s (it the Millbrook Citizens’ “and and Lacrosse Club, “'1” be held in the Agricultural l’urk. A'Iillbrook. on Mon- day, May 25, 1908. when a good programme of sports Will be put on, commencing at 1.30 p.m. There will he a Lacrosse Match between Mill- l)r.)OK and Peterhoro, of more than usual interest being the first League gum": of the season; also a walking contest, men’s, boys and girls races, etc. At 7 p.m. £11110: 4 times round the Town llall blOCk for good prizes Will furnish zigood deal 01' amusement. The Band will furnish good music and Will give a ConCert in the Town Hall at night. For particulars see posters and small hills. M. E SEXSMI'I‘H, Pastor. Mt. Pleasant, May 5th, 1908. TO BE HELD IN A very happy event took place at the home of Mr. John Boyd, last Wed- nc. day evening, at the hour of seven o’clock, when his youngest daughter, Miss Jennie, was married to Mr. Wm. McAdoo. A The bi'idelooked charming in a gown of embroidered net over white silk and carrying white roses. Miss Ethel Boyd, wearing a very pretty dress of pale blue peaude sine, trim- med with insertion and lace and car rying pink roses, was bridesmaid, while the bridegroom had an efficient assis tant in Mr. Tom Boyd. The nuptial knot was tied by the Rev. H. Peck- ()Vcr, of Oniemee, in his usual felici- tous manner, in the presence of the immediate friends of the contracting panes. The bride’s going away cos tume was of navy blLe cloth. ‘Follow- i'ng congratulations and good wishes to the happy young couple, a toothsome and appetizmg dejeuner was SeiVed The young benedicts will remain in our village as Mr. McAdoo is inana ger of our Cheese Butter Co. The bride was the recipient of many hand- some and costly presents evidencing her popularity. Previous to her mar riage she was waited upon by repre- Sentatives of the Metl odist church and preSentetl with a china tea set, accom- panied L‘y the following address : MlSs‘ J« nnie Boyd. A ])e:‘r Miss Boyd, ”We the mom yhers of the Methodist chtnch :ind iihon in \lount Pleasant have and dol appreciate highly your cheerful yet l self sacrificing liibOis among us in all our church work. In the choir and iii the church, by your singing faithful lservice, cheeiful and good fellowship you have proved an inspiration, and ‘ have endtai‘ed yourSelf to us and proven to be a “Workman that need- eth not to be ashamed.” You have ‘ proven a friend to us and we can assure you that in: WI” ever remain your friends. We do not think of you as leavmg US but sinccrely hope you will stil rennin a worker among us as herttofore, but we feel we cannot let! the happy occasion ofyour wedding pass without in some way assuring ion of our friendship and apprec atioi.i \\ e sincerely Join in wishing you much joy, happiness and long life in you new home. We humbly ask you to acCept this present as a small token of our appreCiation of your work in our midst and of the [me love we have for you personally. Hoping that you may long live to enioy them and praying God 5 blessimy upon you and the man I of your choice, whom we have alieady I learned to resptct, we remain. as ever your true friends and fellow-workers, Signed on behalf of the Choir and Congregation of the Mount Pleasant Methodist church, Cor. Yonge Bloor Sts., Toronto. XMAS. OFFER $23.50. British Canadian Business College Victoria Day in Millhmk. for 3 months’ course. Write be- fore Dec. 21. 1;; yrs. experience. Mount Pleasant. Wm Wu!- f.‘_,s‘~,je.!r‘- m- FOR - them. etc. I’nccs right. A call rcipcctfully sohcucd. Fresh and Salt Meats, Shag. Gardiner. next Monday, April 13th, and m" curly m stock all 111: requirements of the trade, such as ' I win open up a first c‘lnss Meat Market in the stand next door East of James Armstrong’s Bar-her Shop, Office in Turner’s Drug tore. FOR UP-TO-DATE JEWELRY. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, MILLBROOK. That a Court of Revismn on the Assesmlcnt Rull for 1908. of lhc Village of Mlllhi‘oox, will be. held on Monday, the First (lay at junc, 1908, in the CounCIl Chamber, in the Village 0t Millln'ook, at 8 pm , all Interested persons Will gm'cm Ihl msulvcs accor- dingly. ‘7 Dated this I4Ih (lay of May, 1908. WAUI‘ER W. GILLO'H‘. Féewffigeatfifiarkei I‘Iavmg purchased the Barbers Busmcss from Mr. .r'erstrong. [ respec- txvdy sohcrt :1 conunuaHCc of the llbrr- a! patronage given lmn, and will en- deavor to conduct the businessin such a manner as \\‘111 man: your Fupport. I have secured the Scrvwcs of a first class 'l‘onsorinl Artist in the person of W. I). DONNELLY. IWI” keep in Stock the best lint! m chofcc cigars, cigarcltesand tobaccos Also pipes, etc. Call and sec mc. TAKE NOTICE (succcssul to Ins \rmstmng .) TONSORIAL ARTIST WC have reoclved the Quebec nhm. her or “Onward.” an illustratcd weekly publwhcd by William Briggs, 'l‘m'onm' C(mlzuniv 8 lth: articles 0n the Found mg, 1"”3 Sll‘gt‘s anv Conquest of ‘J‘IL'I’L'P, With twenty four engrm‘lngs. (llVes popular account of subject of mtcrcst to all Canadians. 'Scnd for free sample. In the 'l‘ownship of Clarke, on Thursday. May 14, 1908, James Mac- donald, aged 78 YL‘EU‘S. The Funeral will take place from the famxly residence, Lot 3. Con. xo, on Saturday the 16th. at 2 p.m. and nrcrmcnt at Gurdincr’s CcmctcrYr Ciavan 'l‘ownship. “ithin three miles of MIHbVOOk '[erms rcasox1al)lc.b‘orfuxthcr par- ticulals The dance held ,m the Town Ha“. an Fnlay evening last, was a greuttreattollu:overone hun- dred and fifty young people preS- ent. llxe 1nusic frruished by Prof. Musgrave of Toronto was all that the lovers of good music could desire, and the refreshments were No. 1- Several lrom Toron- lo, Petelboro and Lmdsay were preswt. MILLBROOK Physician and Surgeon,- MILLBROOK, ONTARIO . Montgomery, (successor to First Class Farm for Sale.’ Quebec TercentenarY- J. STEELE’S, R. JACKSON, . JACKSON, MILLBROUK, ONT Opposite Bank of Toronto Apply to DIED. A. A. I SMI'I H. Clerk. _Pédlar figdgléflOshawa.‘ Fire proof~â€"without repairs~Ioo years, if ‘Oshawa’ shingleti. Water proof-â€"without repairsâ€"100 us, if ‘Oshawa’ shingled. Proof against ALL the elementsâ€"how long will it stay so, that roof you me going to Luv ? Tha’t the test, and the only test worth your while. when \ou spend good money to cover anv building worth roofing right. That’s the yardstick that nie.:sures real ioof economy. A twentv-five \‘ear guarantee safe-guards every ‘Oshawa' shingl ed roof A plain English guarantee that says no ‘Oshawa’ shingled roof will leak, nor need repairs, nor need painting, nor catch fire, for twenty-fiVe years. We can supply you with Steel Shingles. Steel Roofing, Corru- gated Iron, C‘onductor Pipes. Metal Shutters, Sky Lights, Finials, Steel Siding, Steel Ceilings, Eave Troughs, Metal Doors, Prepared Rooting, Ventilators, Statuary, Metal Laths. shingled. How long it Will be a G O O D rno.‘ M 3:32: IRWIN!” take rare of it ? How long it “ill stav good if \on (it n t :0 :1 um; 3391 it P [he real test of roof cost, the test of 1001 63.03 .0213. .35 fig;- :ngth of time the 100f\\ill Sta) \de proof,â€"without repairsâ€"mo years. If ‘Osli? .3':1'\ shmgled’ Dump mockâ€"without repairsmmo yams. H (fill: 33a 511' 33led. ; 5\ tin Rust and mildew proofâ€"Without repairsâ€"mo 3 921:5, it ‘Oshuv'a Any “ Oshawa"-sbingled root is good 101‘ 100 yearsâ€"3 Roof economy IS 21 1am, eam idem. 31' :.w::v‘1l:v l 4 against thllarS,â€"0fd1vi«ling the p13; 1,»; 7:}: :‘Du‘l L“. 1:1“ of time it will stay a good 100:. How lonc will it stav a gem} 1‘33: " Thu: 35‘ £316 (rm-~t‘. h D... 1 I want a plain answer to wln-x: j-il .T,)Y'!t~‘:.lc‘ :50! 2:010:31. Not how longy IE- m“ be a 543.3 ::.~;.::;',) 2001' .5 321m j»; and paxnt It and tinker Wltll ex'cxy )r21: 01' ‘.3. 35:»! lu’ffi.‘ will he a pretty good rool If you take god/I ttzxre :‘l 't- 3.71303)! afid PM?" AGENT, MILLBROOK,‘ ONT A Car of DRAIN 'III E win 3“. 3-. -4 n.J close prices OFF CAR. Sackand‘ Bat: 52 5:. ‘z . qr ~-, ‘1»... - be A 1 quality, only =3i£ J11: 4 X British Columbia Red "edar 3 $3. 60 M. 4X Best Ontario Clears, C's 3721 2nd Clears, New Brunsv. :83; Have also X X 16 81 18 812.351 CE 1000000 Shingzes in a}! run- D. "can I n pr r; (3 St 015)! am he 55 r55 3:25.55 f 5. i'tva nv’u‘ii‘ggmfl .Lg 0 Fresh Western Grey Lime, 5280. bush; 70 ‘21 5. Portland Cement, every‘bar‘gel guaranteed to 364 ST. CATHERINE ST., West MONTREAL 9 The genuine has the name of Dr. H. Suuchc C0: Liz-131‘” stamped in its metal parts. - Om: OXYDONOR wrll serve an entire familyâ€"one at a time. It Will last a life-Lime, and thcrc 15 no cxpcnsc after the purchaSc price. You can apply ()XYDONOR' at home while you rest or sleep. Mr. Wm. Beers, 196 York St., Toronto, Ont.. writes: “ I have great pleasure m recommending your Oxydonor. When 1 first got the instrument I was suffering from Scratica for about four months, and after applying it for five works it left me all at once and have not been troubled wnlr it smce. I can highly recommend It as; a good family doctor, and would not be Without it for double the price.” No matter what disease you suffer with, nor how long you have been sick, if no vital organ is irre. arably des:royed._in §I_l ppbqbility will cure you. No medicine, drugs. clectricnty, mental science or faith cure. But a natural, rational method discovered by a Well known scxenctist and physxgian. , The Siekaade WeTl %§gggggg«g%~gg~%§%§é€ fiW$§$W§Efiawg . Former Customers of the Ontario Bank Branch will be accommodated as heretofore. Go DEAN, CAPITAL PAID UP : $14,400,000 REST : $11,000,000 UNDIVIDED PROFITS : 159,831 TOTAL ASSETS I $168,001,173 mEu-ry dysvriptinn o! :1 Banking Business transactc Interest Added 4 Times a Year on Branches a: a}! important Centres in Canada, and in London, England, Ncw York, Chicago, Spokane, Mexico, and Newfoundland. @5013 MUNTHEALE “MANAGER. .Millbrock Branch . THEXTVE . H. SANCHEI 00., BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Savings Deposits. WITHOUT MEDICINE. Write for FREE BOOK No 96. OXYDON’OR Est. 1817. FOR THE r J 7 " 'â€""’5"‘ 30!. good root" Tint is the question you 3 3:: Tmsxkr :00! economy. a gomi 321512231 1 ' " _ you take goat? care 0 O D roof if 3'31: ' good If 3011 don't test of root economy, MILLBROOK STATIC N. 312195 at pry Om )‘t HIS length aoout :eas‘t. Carey -Graham -â€"Tnat we hold : Court of Rcvxsaon for Yxliagc of 0:1 mac, on Monday. junc 1, mos, at a m.. in the Bradburn Hall â€"(,'arru Carey â€"Grahamâ€""[hat thc fu: lc ing accounts be paid. and the Rec Issue checqu:s for the same. H Beam, tramps .......... S x W. McQuadc. work .......... 4 D Stmmn, nails ............ C Griffin. moving: baud stand 0 Rccvc (321 not put the nmuon bch markmg it carried. â€"Losz. Carcyâ€"Gralmmâ€"That we do wi out a,cu,tbuard,f0t Municipal boo} blanks. c.. for the present â€"Carri« O l mutton Council adjourncd. 16,000 Rolls to ch00»: from â€"â€" largcfi assortmentn! Wall Papers ‘ shown in the county. Bordcrs .s price as hangin". A call sci; The Ladies’ And of the Omen Methodist church will «he .1 gr; Concert in the Opera House on Mt day, May 25th. uhlch “ii; ‘he the m ical event of the season '1 he smj from Toronto are \irs. him A. \ Ker. Soprano; Mrs J C. Eaton, (d traito; Mr. Arthur Blight, Baritol Mrs. Arthur Blwht, Accompanl Mrs. Scott Raff, Exocntionist and pr cipal of the School of Exprcsston 3% Literature, Toronto. wili gixe setA selections. The chair wig! rend three choruses. but mil haxe greet! nope for their Selections and taled tn ConCert Music. \ Council Chamber. Oznrmce. May 4th,â€"-Counci! : pursuant to adjournment. the Ru in the chaxr Minutes of 12.51 mccz rad and confirmed. Me~srs. Adams 8: Weir have mow from the. Fomdry Block to the sta lately vacated by Dr. Thomps: Dentist, and have cvervthiug up: date. Call and See that) in their m premises. Mr Robt. Stinson, of the Omem Cement Works, has a big stat? of n. at work and is lurnmg out Cum, BlOCRS galore. There is naming m durabic for building purposes. (‘ and see this almost new businc which is gaining such large proporti under the careful propriaorshxp of 1\ Simon. w. 1); STINSON. OMEMEE ‘11: H. Beattv, Proprietor of Commercial House, Omcmcc, 15m mg extcnswe imprommcnts to c‘nnmodious Hotci property. {{c lud erected new sample rooms, “'51 an: fittcd up in clegauz sham: for Catwcnxenc: an! comfort of Coma czal mm. and the mcrchants who 11 business with them. He has also ‘ up new sheds, which he intends to 'argc in the near futurc. Hc wail h the bar in the former sample mo: and a store when: the formcr six: room was. Mr. S. P mus has contract of building and making .zirs. and the work as far as (It reflects much credit upon hun. : Mr. Beatty is to be congratulated his enterprise. Mrs. ]. A. Wylie xs spending couple of wccks 1:: Toronto wuh i parents. Mr. John Bennett, of Omemce M ble Woks. was in town on Mend: on busiuch‘. HYou can SAVE DOLL-X by buying your Stow: or Range fr! PARSONS. ics in Ladics’ am! Cnildrcas ‘j Jam 5 a: 131: “Stamdcu 2:11; E’ rhrs K3111 St. East ops M. C \. Lindsay Please call impact our New (icods whcn “:1 Town ~31" Arthur S. Welsman, Icwelcr, C131! and EngraVcr, successur to . Petty. Kent St, Lindsay, ml! be 11} ed to have you call and nupcct hr,1c and carefully selected stock put and careful repairer and 11111» of wnches and clocxs. Tna! schd For Fashionable Dressmnmg Mrilncry go 10 C435. how‘s. rcgut men of mu; s-'u:c for good v. is wcfi known meg tothcq business this 5:35va wc have: ‘ comndlcd to have mom Esclu m t thc Mtl'nodasc church. Oak-nee, humorous amitcur a'zctionccr. The Daisy Autograph quk u contains nearly 500 namcs and taken nearly a. ycar to make, wi said on Mmdav. May zsth a1 CJHCCF’. g'wâ€"n hy the Ladies Ai Omcmee, have recexwd forms subscriptions to the "Nauonal l’ fieldsCommlssion,” and will' 0:: w‘ to accept any sums donated tor worthy object. and forward tic the proper authormcs. 1 Mr: 105. T. Beam; is pushix ward the work on his new buil md when completed he mil 1;; fine a block as there is in town. Masonic Hall ls being fitted fiThe Omemee Fountain l .nking a gram run. R J. Mu has it for sale. It is worth $2. so: sells k for Shoo. [oopoo Doz. Eggs and 50,00 Wool Wanted. Highest pric‘ cash or goods paid at C. Ivo:y‘s. 'v W'ylie has the good goods the prices are right. Watch for bill-3 of the big Cci don here on Victoria Day. 1 good shape, and Dr. Thom] Dental Ofl‘ices are really elegant; TOWN COUNCIL. MILLINL‘R‘.’ CARI) â€" Le “THE BANK OF TOROX Rad Parsons' new adv. OMEMEE NEW :1 N12: Second”. â€"-'l‘hnx (in: “I R. Md) band Stand 9 . Head MIN Head Dress M n guarantcc Come in an ry, Dress (i

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