a time. It will ipxicc. You can WI): stamped in }NTREAL, k “I have great I the instrument r applying 1: Km uh it smcc. I not be Without 2 or faith cure. I) scxenctist and hingle4i. hingled. my 50, that awa’ shingl na’ shin gled >tch ï¬re, for :ted I take sate hing to it .3 a Bengt}; of TA'I'ZCN. Eng, Corru- s, Finials, , Prepared ALE have been sick, his when \011 ht. a“ shmgkd 31‘ shingled if ‘Oshuwa mead to 00., at Keas‘t. ell length yzars it Careyâ€"Graham â€"Tnat we hold the: Court of Rcvmon for Viliage of Ome- mce, on Monday. June I, 1908, at IO 3 m.. in the Bradburn Hall â€"L‘arned. The Ladies’ Aid of the Omemee Methodist church will give a grand Consert in the Opera House on Mon- day, May 25th. which will he the mus- ical event of the season The soloists from Toronto are Mrs. John A. Wal- rter, Soprano; Mrs/J C. Eaton, Con- tralto; Mr. Arthur Blight, Baritone; Mrs. Arthur Blight, Accompamst. Mrs. Scott Raff, Elocntionist and prm cipal of the School of Expressmn and Literature, Toronto, will give several selections. The chair will render three choruses. but Will have greater s:ope for their selections and talents m Concert Music. Council Chamber. Omcmce. May 4th,â€"Council met pursuant to adjournment, the Reeve in the chair, Minutes of last meeting read and conï¬rmed. Carcyâ€"Grahamâ€"That the follow- ing accounts be paid, and the Reeve issue checqucs for the same. H Beauty, tramps . . . . . . . . . .$ I 00 W. McQuadc, work. . ........ 4 o') I) Sims )n, nails ............ 96 C Grifï¬n, moving band stand 9 45 (,arncd. 531x:- â€"m) swundcnâ€"That the ' -'-=1 zippï¬mting \V. R. McQuadc iiiiziisiuncr hr; rcscxndcd. as thc l\Lc\'-: diii not put the motion baton: unrkmg it carried-Lost. v C1r:yâ€"Grahamâ€"'I'hat we do with- JR! 1 cu )board for Municipal booxs, Ji ink c.. for the present. â€"Carricd. 0: 1: )tion Council adjourned. (6.000 Rolls to choose fromâ€"The hr «at assortment of Wall Papers chr shuwn m thc count). Borders same price as hanging. A call solicited. P\RSONS. Me<srs. Adams Weir have moved from the Fomdry Block to the stand lately vacated by Dr. Thompson. Dentist, and have everything up to- date. Call and see them in their new premises. Mr Robt. Stinson, of the Omemcc Cement Works, his a big staff of men at work and is turning out Cement Blocxs galore. There is nothing more durable for budding purposes. (Iall and see this almost new bqsinegs, which is gaining such large proportions under the careful proprietorsbxp of Mr. S'mson. Mr. John Bennett, of Omemee Mar- ble WO'ks, was in town on Monday, on business. Mrs. j. A. Wylie- IS spending a couple of weeks In Toronto With her parents. by buying your Stove or Rilngc from W. D. STINSON. OMEMEE. Mr. H. Beatty, Proprietor of the memercial House, Omcmee, IS mak mg extensxve improvements to his c‘nnmodious Hotci property. ' He has hid erected new sample rooms, which are ï¬tted up in elegant shape for the mevemenc: anl comfort of Commer- cial m :n, and the merchants who have business with them. He has also put up new sheds, which he intends to en large in the near future. He Will have the bar in the former sample rooms. and a store where the former sitting room was. Mr. S. P Mills has the contract of building and making re~ pairs. and the work as far as done reflects much credit upon him, and M r. Beatty is to be congratulated on his enterprise. ,, V Rain-s, Kent St. East, opp Y. _‘.I. <2 7\ , Lindsay. Please call and turner our New Goods when vrsuing TUWIIâ€"-3|ll Arthur S. \Velsman, Jeweler, Optiâ€" cqu and Engraver, successor to S. J. Petty. Kent St., Lindsay, Will be pleas- eJ to haw: you call and Inspect our lug.- and carefully selected stocx. Ex- p.:rt and careful repairer and rmprover of wuches and clocxs. 'I‘nal schcitcd. 'l'hc Dzusy Autograph Quilt which contains ncarly 500 namcs and has mksn ncarly a. ycar to make, will be » )i‘l on .VI-mday. May 23th. at thc :-.-‘»-': :gxw-n by the Ladics’ Aid of -' ll Lmdsst church, Omcuce, by a zn-noruus a.u;1::ur auctioneer. ‘ “THE BANK OF TORONTO,†Omcmce, have recclvcd forms for subscriptions to the “National Bank:- ï¬elds Commlssion,†and will be pleased to new: any sums donated for (In; worthy object. and forward them to the proper authormcs. HYou can SAVE DOLLARS xoo,ooo Doz. Eggs and 50,000 lbs. Wool Wanted. ’ Highest priCCs in cash or goods paid at C. Ivory’s. Q'I‘he Omemee Fountain Pen IS takixwa great run. R. J. Mulligan Ins it for sale. It is worth $2. 50. He Sells it. for $1. 00. ~ Wylie has the good goods, and the prices are right. Mr: 105. 'I‘. Batty is pushing for- ward the work on his new builmngs, and when complelcd he Will have as ï¬ne a block as there is in towu. T he MJsonic Hall 15 being ï¬tted up In good shape, and Dr. Thompson’s Dental Ofï¬ces are really elegant. TOWN COUNCIL. Watch (0" balls 0f the big Celebra. tion here on Victoria Day. \HH Read Parsons' new adv. 5 5.. .u â€ny OMEMEE NEWS. LEMLR \" CARI) -â€"- Lcading 1 1.1m; and Children’s Hats bfiLLi.‘ :1: 1h: “Stamclen†Mil- 21am, Km: 5:. East, opp Y. \, Lindsay. Please: call and ,cncs anu tisfaction. Jay of Millâ€ ï¬‚ï¬ Smm, McQuaJc, l LINERY C â€biziomblc Dressmaking and v in w Chas. Ivorv’s. The n .2! t..:s Stun: for good values wont wang tothc extra {ms scasnm we have been :5 [u have morc help In these '23} mm guarantee the 12.. Come in and sec .:'_.' u“ Hurry, Dress Goods, m‘ Snafu, Head Millincr, 4.13;, Head Drcss Maker \T DUNt‘RE GEORGE Is one of the bee! Clydesdale Stallion in Canada, taking a leading place in the Toronto Eebru- my show, 1907 He has the best of feet and legs and marvellous action, must Important points in heavy draught horses He has a line appearmwe, beautiful head and neck, and taken :11- to:ether is a model of perleclinn. Ills pedigree slums the best. breeding Sent- laml can produce. Will make the sea. son in ('avan, Manners and Ops. The Property of J. W. LO “‘15.“, Bethany UM. Is a horse of grand quality and breebding, possessing strong Individual merit; color Black, periection m “eigh: an! quality, with grand feet and has and capital nCiiun, He was the Lun- ark premium lmrSe in 181‘6,nnd gained third prize a! the Highland Snciety'a Shnw, Itdin'! nruh. He is prnying hin‘r 3631le ï¬rst ciass brerder, l‘uais by him at Lanurk Show and sales In 1900 made higher prices than hase leeu got for foals fur the pad 7 nr 8 _\eurs Bluck Rnd received lat mizu In Sweepstakes at the Western Fair, London in 1902 (12935) [6885], Dark hay, strip on face, four legs white, fuelled April 1915, the property of WXNSLOW MCGILL_ Cayan. Bred by George Graham, Far- away, Kippen S alien, Scotland Im- ported in 1907 by '1‘. ll. Uussard, Mxll- brnok,;0nt JAMES H. McthNMON, owher, Beth- any. (0101'. Chestnut Blaze, spot. on lower lip, white near fore pastel-n and 03' fore and near hind stackings, fouled In 1902, bred by Sir Gilbert GreenaII, 'Walton llull, Warrington, Eng, im ported in 1903, by Graham Broa. Clan-mom, Out., sold to Robert Beith. Buwmanvtlle, in 1904, any in 1905 pur- ahased hv Jas H. McKinnon, Bethany. He wi‘l be (Hears old on the 23rd of May, 1908. is a horse of great promise, and pnssesses all the essentials of an' Up-to~-thte Hackney. ~" He carried off nearly everything at the Lindsay Ceb- trtl last {all One of his gets took ï¬rst pr‘ze at the Millbrook CenMExhibi- lion, beating the ï¬rst prize‘ï¬inner at the Patel-bore Central, and‘ scores of other laureis are credited to this choice- !) bred Nacknev and his colts. Ten-in - ton Belleropl.on mil make the presef sensor; 3:; )jzgnvera and Ops, h: Mr. 1). Dundas. of Oakwood, has a Pentland colt 23 months old, Weighs 145.01bs , {or which Le refused unshfl‘: r 01 $225 Pculland Mil make the pres em. 8838!)" in (‘avam Mauvers and Ops As a producer of him; class stock, Black Rod will susta n the reputation acc-srded Mr. Lowee in the past, of in. troviucing none but thé most. perfect and host. bred Sires to the breeders o! the dislnct m which they travel Penthmd is a rare, good Cult, being a grand indivmual, and uncuummniy well bred. running into the far famed Prmce of Wales {(573). He is 3 Cult. at great. quaiity, and possesses a very gu) and attractive: appearance He has a beautiful head and neck, deep shoul- ders, shurt hack, thick, mmswe quar- ters, “ell sprung ribs. and stands on short. sunnd la 3, \\ lzlch are models 0! perfection; in shun he is n phenom- enal horse. Pentium} has pruved hun- selt a getter of hlgil class stock, and hrs gets have earned 011" the red ticket wherever shown, and are the admm- tion of all horsemen. Bree.!ers should not fall to lnsyect this exccllent Ciydesdale Stallion. The Property of R. Winslow. (‘avam PEN'AI‘L -\ND is a handsome hay with while face and “hite hind legs and a little “hue on near fore leg foah-d June :3 h, 1,90] bred by James Dickinson Damhrad. Loanhead, -cut- laml,imp0rtel DV '1‘. H. Hassard, 0‘ Millbrook, Unt., February, 1904. P ENTLAND Here They Are __ V . .. .th-uâ€"LJ» uu: «omen I‘M-meal Discovery†is a. monk cï¬iciem n-m- cdy. («pucially in those obstinate. hang-on coughsvau» uu' by in .Lniion and ('Ol):'\'.\liuli of the bi’um‘liiul mllt‘okh nmmhrmws. 'i‘hc “Dis†(-uvory " is not so gum] fur acnl» I'nusrhs‘ aris- ing 1mm sudden colds. nor must it. be ex- nflv'vd to cure consumption in its udvanvvd ~.a. -sâ€"no medicine \viii do thatâ€"hut for all the distillate. Chronic coughs. which. if mu“:- Irv \I. or badly tn-nlod. lead up to consuls L)‘ um. ibis the best medicine that. can be mid-t lu coughs and honrsonoss caused by bron- chial. Lin-vat :md lum: all’vctions. (-M-upt‘um- surmriun in its udvnm-Nl stares. the "Golden )k-u‘xcal I)i>cuvcryâ€js a. most. efï¬cient n-m- .mh- . _n....:an.. 7 . â€in v... ....yv.u-.uu [RITE In Dr. Piorce’s Golden Mvdical Discowrv in the cure of indigostion. dySpOpsla 31nd weak stomach. attondod by sour risinzs. heart-burn. foul breath, coated tongne. poor appetite. gnawin" feeling in stom- ach. biliousncss and {lamb-mi dorange- monts of the stomach. liver and bowels. Besides curing all the above distressing silmonts. tlie"(i<)lilon Medical Discovery " is a. spncilic for all diseases of the mucous membranes. as eatzirrhflvhothcr of the nasal passngos or of the stomach. bowels or pelvic organs. Even in its ulcnrative stn'ws it will yield to this sovereign rvm~ Cdy if its use he pvrsevorod in. In Chronic Cnturrh of the Nasal passages. it is well, while‘ taking the "Unlzlun Medical Dis- cm-nry †for the necessary coustitutionu treatment. to cleanse the passages freely two or three times a. dny with Dr. Sugc’s Cntnrrh Remedy. This thorough course of treatment gmmmlly cures the Worst caev‘s. BLACK ROD, Breed to the Best. cent. "qvflv yura'cbbc intrinsic memci [‘51 I ropeytms of its own being a. most valuab e antxseptic and anti ferment, nutritive and southing demul NHL Ulyg'erine plays an Dr. chrce’s Golden M ,V.V...v.u uwu\l medicinal roots I ' ' American (ores , « prusvp‘mg , p i C: )PS usm m wm . . ‘ v a rmï¬Ã© mvcerme. L'Hls agent. possesse: lnumsu: meflxcuï¬l ropertiaes of its own being a. most valuab e antimmin mm ...= In max-ed you when you buy Dr. I‘icrce’s family medicinesâ€"for all the ingredi- ents entering into them are prime-d (u: the bottle-wrappers and their formuks sre attested under oath as being comectu and correct. You know just what you are paying for and that the ingredients are gathered from Nature‘s laboratory, being selected from the most valuable native medicinal roots found growing in our American fores while potent to cur: are per her I e to the mos, delicatewom a L H r Mn... .._- “Terringtnn Bellerop‘nen.†DUN URE GEORGE A Squat a D5 uure s laboratory, being a most valuable native found growing in our white potent. to cur: 2 e to the moss L H r . Ngt adrov into weir gnmï¬zosxgmv‘ 0-]! )9 use hm I. U.†I'\ lulu-l. . ... l'ms agent possessé propertms of its own e a'ntiseptjc and anti- iwpo‘rt‘gpt part in V sour risings. mted tongue. Him; in Stom- r(‘¢'l_ ‘dompge- 'esenl l‘he prilpert) of ANDRE W HUUG, Lot 6, ($911.7, North Monaghun. lie is a heunlilul young Stallion, 5yenrs old. was bred and mi ed on Mr. [logu’s Farm, he having possessed Arklun, his sire. Arklnn “as the sire of numerous lust trnlllng horses, ranging in speed {rum 2.714 np. Guy Wilkes is a bean- rilnl seal brown horse, wi'h black points, black mane and tail, status 15 3 4. and weighs 1l15 lbs. He traces ihrungh the bust. trotting sires of Amer- ica to llzunhletunian, the greatest sire 1n the history of the American trotting “one Lucy ‘Lfluv, the dam of Guy Wilkes gut blrst prize where-var shown [shay in color, white strip on face, hind feet. and ofl‘ front foot. white, foal- ed 9nd June, 1900; bred by James Wal- luce.(}layciop, Kirkkinner, Wigtown~ slnre. Scotland; imported by '1‘. ll Hassnrd, Millbrook, Ont. He is one of the best Clydesdale Stallions In Canada hasa bruad, lull forehead. a bright, full eye and handsome ear. His neck 18 a picture of symmetry, his back and lnlns are perfect, with round, full, mas- sive rib, and pnwerful. well shaped quarters. Ila has style and action seldum met with in adruught horse, and few horses living have such agreat line of blood on both sire and dam’s side. lle will make the season in Hamilton, Hope and Clarke’l‘ownslnips .-\ cult, fro.“ this hurse um. ï¬rst prize at l‘ctexbur'o and Sum-nod, and 211d at Millbruuk. Guy Wilkes will make the sansonat his owner's Farm, except Sutnnlavs, when he will be at. the Little Windsor Hotel, I’e.erboro. The .prnperty of Mchanle gk'l‘hnrna L‘IJClIHlOS is a. rich bay \\ ith whilestrlp lll face, while hind feel. bred by Jos A. White, Sunlh Mmmghan, Ont. He 13 a. horse of magniï¬cent appearance \\ ith a beautilnl head and Well arched neck, deepshnnlders,very bruad chest, front. legs set “ell under him,slmrt buck, broad and eleganlly shaped quarters, flat, clean lmne, Splendid taat and pasterns. and In action he has few equals. Maclnnos’ pedigree shows that his Breeding: leaves nothing tn be desired. Will make thé present, season in Ops, Emily and Ennisxnore. BORROW MOSS is a heantifnl,in fact, amodel type ofthe Hackney Sta}- lion. He is a. most beautiful color, has marvellous knee and hock action; goes vex-3 high a'nd straight, and no Wind- in; of his feet- true and natural, using every joint. to pertection, has gHt'pd bone, of the \e'rs best quality; has a magniï¬cent head and neck. grand '1‘. ll. llaasnrd, Owner and Importer, Mllllwook, Ont. Color dark‘chestnut. white on face, while fore and -05‘ hind foot. stands 15 2L weighs 1300 ll)s., foaled1898 Bred by William Murry. Borrow Moss, \Vigtown, \Vigtnwnshire Scotland, and imported In 1904 by his present owner. l‘he pronerty of ROBERT SIIA \V, Mill- hrook, Ont Color Bay, face, [are pas- tnrns and hind 1938 white, fouled 1904, bred by John Pantinsmn, lirnmnï¬ehi “all. Cumberland. Imported by '1‘. H. “absurd, Mihbruok, Ont. Prospector is a grand, heavy Clydesdale colt. neighiu: INK) ll:s., hzwmg a grand back, ï¬ne bend at d net-k, grand feet and unklrs,und stands right on then), and has excellent action. Hie breed- !ngis nnsnrpuswd, having: a. strong,r dash of lurnlev and Prince uf Wakes bhmd. He “as 3. Prize Winner at. To- runtn, and Farmers will Consult. their awn interest by lnokxng. up Prospector before breeding. Will make the season in ane, South Munnghun. Olonabee and (‘zuun ’l‘uu‘nships.‘ ’lle properly ()lSA M Fl‘ll‘l, Lul. I? (‘01). ‘, Flhll} lle is a grand, thick, hem) horse, of great SL318, up to a. big size, ind standing on ï¬rst class feet and leg: avith ï¬ne silky hair. and in: flat bones, and has extra ï¬ne all round action, .rhich could be compared to nothing but. that of a. Hackney, As well as he- ing a symmetrical draught. horsr, us a sore and First Flues Block promiser he ~minds preeminent. llis pedigree is one of the best. and his combination of good quality and choice blood corn- nieml him to all who want to breed the best class ofstock. Will make the sea- 8011 in .norlh of (‘avan and Emily. will make the season of 19(18 at the Stahles of his owner, S. F REDMOND, ‘ [ml ‘22, (‘on l‘.’.()tonabee. He is brown in color, three whxte legs, near fore leg: thk, Inaled June 3rd, 1905, bred by John I,~,1vv_:,(‘ull»9;:,Gargmmnck, Scot- hmd. and imported by 'l'. H. Hussarcl, \llllhrouk, Out. With actinn galore, and having in Ins blood Hue most Push. iunahle Mum! of lhe ('h‘desdnle breed. in fact he is a typical (‘lydcsdufe horsp mid Dr, Hussurd considered him the heat (‘olt he ever Impurtmi. For full :leM-riptiun and pedigree see cards. Will make the season ol 1906 at ADAM DA WSON'N Stables, (,‘annington, Ont He is bay in cnlor, blaze ‘ on face, four while legs, bred by James Hamilton‘ Drnmbnrle, Scutland. fouled in 1905 Imported by 'l‘ H llaesurd, Mlllbrook, Ont.,in1906 First Baron is without duubt the best. 3 year old Clydesdale In (,‘awada today, and his breedng ls ‘2nd to no horse in Americana perusal of his pedigree will prove the statement. pntders and goud back, {1) {actrbe' ls WALLACE SCOTT. i will make the season of 1908 at ADA M DA WSOLVS Stables (‘anniugtom Ont. , Nnrbn“) Chieftain is a dark cheatnut in color, lund pasterns white, bred by S. B Carnley, Norbury House Stud Al. ford Lines. Epgland, impnrted in Aug. l907, by '1‘. H Hassard, Mlllhrook, Out. He Is a. beautiful color and atypical all round Hackney,a big horse with im- mense pu“ er and substance. A perus- al of his pedigree wilt satisfy the most severe critic that he is one of the best bred Hackneys in America. BORROW MOSS. PJanNFEE S, HASSARD’S PRIDE GUY WILKES. PROSPECTOR. N orbury Chieftain SIR GREG OR. FIRST BARON Call at Goodwin’s, Kent St. Lind say. opp. Benson Hausa to Ema. new dcsxzns m Wall Papers, Pictures "Fancy (IOOdS. c. Reynor. 430m heimer Plano â€'luners ofï¬ce mwm storc. ‘ , ‘é‘ Eumpeis now in its graSp, and in a Shortllme America. will l‘e overrun with thisawfnl epidemic. Get reaulv. use preventive measures. Build up a. surplus of vigor by Ferrozone, and in- hale Catarrlmzone three times each day. Nothing destrnys the Grippe germ like (‘atarrhoznue It cures the Wild, breaks up the fever, relieves the headache amidestrms every \‘E’Btalpe of cnturr'h and sore throat; For liron~ chiiis, Grippe and winter ills (‘um rh ozmie is best. Sold by all dealers 35c, and $1.00. ‘ Next week we will give a write up on Mr. G. A. McQuade’s cele- brated Clvdesdnle. Also Messrs. \Vm McConnells andScott Ruth- erfords noted Clydesdale Stallions Mr. .lOS. STAPLES, Ma, has lmngh' from T. H. Hrsnard the clmicely bred 3 syn-year old imported Clydesdale stallion, Royal Gallant, 13699, as Well as having a grand peligree, semmd t- nnne. Having the blood ul‘snch note<l sires as Prince Alexander, 'l‘np Gallant and Prince of Wales. He is a rare, gum] individual. Will make the season at his own stable, ldu. For fulldescrip- lion and pedigree see cards A more extended nntlce of this horse will be given next week. A full line of the celebrated McCormxck Machinew is on BX- hibition at J. D Thornton’s ware rooms, app. 1‘ van :Foundxy. New Wurk Shop 15 l.;1|ltls3hl.. is a natural all round tumor and «Ines it without :mv riggmu, and mu step a lortv shot any time he is wanted to .[he fact of his ï¬rst ap- penrunue in l‘munto winninglwo great events, That 01’ Hm best Stullmn shown in Harness, with vonformatlon and speed best calculated to lmprnve tlw lvpe of heavy lmrnvss horses; Also for llxe best Hackney Stallion in harness, given lay tho (‘unzlu ian llaoknev Soci etv. Will make the season at his 0“. n stable Millbrouk. Royal Gallant Mr. Edward Grundy, a11rst.c1ass mechanic, is in charge of T. J. Parsens’ Stove Tin Empï¬rium. New \VOFK and all repairs mll be done satisfactory and at reasonable pnces. 'l‘he champion of(‘hmnpions In 19(‘8 at 'l‘ornntn he defeated such (‘hainpim-s as the Standard bred Arley A . the New York champion and of a. number of Americmi chives; also this Hprlllge champion, King’s (‘hocuhtlm Malt (le- fezued a not. of previous chmnpions. He “Is“ defeated the great (‘edar Gil-Bang :uul Nexherhnll, the proper“ (.f Sena tor I’m-rill: .\l: lrldll (Janina “as hmled in 1902, bred by 1:. W. I’ritchard, (Told Mnriun, (‘zlrnalr\'m1, Wales, imputed in Aug. 1907, by T. H. Haflsarnl, Mill- brook, ()nl. He is one» of the most hundsnnw lmrsr‘s In America, stands 1:)il:l|l(ib':';ill., is a natural all round A share of the public patronage is respectfully solicncd. Yours Truly, height 13 hands 2 inches; one of the best Ponv Stalhons In America, will make the season at his oxxn stable, Millhrook, Out. '1'. U. Uussurd, Owner and Importer. TUE IMP. HACKNEY STALLION 1'l’. H. Has-semi, Owner and Importer, Millhnmk,Un.t. Alull-k Aswnisliment is cheslnnl in cu'ur, f.l(‘..,‘ i'me logs, and oil hind leg “hire foaled 190‘; bred by (whim Mason (in' e, Atuitk, Sean-m. Hull, Eng] .ind. Inipurted in August 1907, by his present miner. He stands iGhands high, weighs 18% lbs, isa most beautiful cnlur, a typical nllronnd Hackney, and is :l hig masculine look. ing horse, nilh inanensr pouer and snhalunce. He bends his knees, flexes his hocks, and is alto; “her a, hens 1- tiunul mover. [in is a. moat \aluahle Stallion where size. substance and ac- tion are desired. Intending breeders should see this nuble young sire before making a. selection. Atn‘ick Astonish- inent will make the season in the Pet- erlu.ru district, hemlqnnrlura at John Galvin’a, Lot 13, (fun. 5,5inith township THE IMPORTED PONY S‘l‘ALLION T. If. Haasard, Owner and Importer, Allllbrook, Ont. Mara-onion la a Per' chem" Stallion, coal Mark in color. sound in every respect, and past-leasing all the qualities thutgo to make the herfect Percheron Eire. As he will make the season in lhe Trenton and Brighton districts, interested par- ties are relern-d to large and small cards for full description 6; pedigree. Atwick Astonishment The Hackney is the easiest. keeper- lms the host dlspusxliou, and is the soundest horse in the world He gets more good, saleable horses. from all kinds of mares than aii other breeds combined. 3 an ideal horse to produce the sand Col med. sunnd. flash moving horses har- ness “hich are at such a good price and 80 hard to ï¬nd at the present day His pedigree wnll show that Borrow Moss is a happy blend of ths'most vul- uahle champions of the Hackney blood- and may szifelyhe expected to give a mind account of himself at the stud, sud [grove the truth of the assertion: that 'Breelling Will 'l‘ell.’ Parties in» tending to breed high class harness and good useful horses, should see Borrow Mi ss belnre making a selecliou. LA GRIPPE COMING AGAIN. ROYAL REVIEW Marion Cassius T. J. Parsons, OMEMEE, ONT. MARSONION. Nottce is hereby given that the Court of Revtsion for the Townsth of Emily, M†be held at the "Commer- cial House†in the thlnge omeemee, at the hour of ‘ten o’clock a.m., on 'l‘uesday, the SECOND day ol‘june, 1908. for the purpose of eonsldering appeals against the Assessment Roll for the sald year‘ All interested persons will ktndly govern themselves accordingly. Dated at the Vxllage of ()memce, this Eighth day of May, 1908. R. J. GRANDY, (‘lcrk of the 'l‘ownship of Emily. Largest list of commercial and du- mentic l'rnilsâ€"hxrge and sumâ€: nrna menmls, and shade trees: flowering shrub-a, vines. rUSes, ï¬ne seed putatueu one 0f uur specialties .-\ RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN FOR MILLBROOK and m’joining country to represpnt “CANADA’S GREATEST NURSERIES" BOURT 0F REVISION Notice IS hereby gn‘en that the Court of Revtsion for the Village of Ontentce will be held tn the Bradhnrn Hull, ()Inentee, at the hour of 10 n’t'lnck. a.m., on Monday. June tst, 1908, for the purpose of considertng ~mpeals agmnst the Assessment Roll for the said year. All interested persons wiil kindly gm‘et'n themselus u‘cordingly. Atpermanent situation for right man, f..r \\ hum territory will be reserved. paying from $35 to $100 per month by altvcnding the popular Carried. $25 50 l Moved by (Jenn. Wm. Cottingham,‘ sec, hv Conn. James Courtney, That] this ()ouncildn now adjourn to meet I on Tuesday the second day of June next. at the hour of ’l‘eu o'clock a m . as a (‘ourt of Revision, and therenher ‘ on same day (should time allow) for' the transaction of general Municipal' lmsineamâ€"(‘arried ' Dr. Frederick J. Snelgrove B.A., 31.13., M.C.P.S.O., PHYSICIAN, - SURGEON. â€"()135’l‘E’l‘R1(£IANâ€"â€"â€" This school 15 noted for and near for the superior educatiOn gwcn to the studcnts and for the remarkable sucCess ofns graduates. College open the en. me year. Begin now. Our traimngwill Dated at Omemee, this 12th day of May, 1908. GEORGE A. BALFOUR, Clerk. The Clerk was instructed to have the minutes forwarded lor publication 0 the "Lindsay Free Press," in San e ‘ manner as they are forwarded to the "\Valchnmn and Warden†Moved by (301m Wm. Harlilley. see, by (,‘oun. Robert W. Wilson, That or- ders be issued on the Treasurer as follows:â€" James R. MoNeillie, County Clerk, mat of medical certiï¬cate in re Commit ment of John C. Swilzer to the House of Refuge...... ...... .. ..... ...... $J 00 John \V. \lilcllell. Llserv expen- ses in re John C. Sx\'ll7.9r.... 1 00 Joseph Houllllan, drawing ule fur cnlw'rt on W qr. ln:e.... 2 00 Geurge Padget, pulling in culvert on West Quarter Line ...... 3 00 George Brmxn, ï¬lling in “aslmut on boundary line between Emily and Ops ........ . ..... ‘2 OH Rum. H Blinson. tile for culvert 9 (ll) 'l‘lmmus Martha, repairing cul- verts on 13:11 Can. line and on lump line between 13:11 14th (Yon’s respectively ...... 3 5O Timothy llerlihey. rebairing cul- vurt on 1311: Con. line and ï¬lling in holes in roadway on 11th Con. line ........ 4 (10 l I From the Lindsay Free Press Print- ing Company. advising organization for the purpose of priming a new Daily and Weekly Newspaper in Lindsav and soliciting the minutes for publi- cation. From the “Municipal World,†in re Assessment and power of the Court. of Revision. Stuck that is hardy comes from us From the (‘onnty Clevk in re com- mitment. of John C. Swilzer to tho House of Refuge. The follow ing communications were received, perused and fyled, that. is to any :â€" Court Of Revision. The minutes of last session were read approyed and on motion conï¬rmed. l'uy \'\ eekly: 1‘ ree Equipment. \\ rite for Parlicnl. :rs The Reeve. James R. Boate, and Councillors William Cottlngham, Jas' Courtney, William Herhbey and Robc. W. Wilson. Stone Wellington 883' 1â€" PREPARE FOR POSITIONS Omemee, May 5th, 1903. Council met. at one o’clock p. m. pur- suant to adjournment. Fonthlll Nurseries (850 Acres) Toronto Ontario TOWNSHIP OF EM fLY. Present all the members, that 18 to VILLAGE ()l“ UMEMEE. Emily Council Proceedings. EVE WANT 41212322424 9:.st I Toronto, Ont ONTARIO. For the balance or :1-«' Winter Season we mll give sweeping reductions in all kinds of \\'mm- gin as, such as Blankets, Flanncls, Overcoats, Clothing, Shirts and Drawer.» 5‘ waters, Cardiganjackcts, Socks, (Slow: and Mus. Heavy Rubbers Sm k: Boots and shoes, Skates. c., mu>t make room for Spring goods, We mm at all times a full Stock of Shelf and Bmldmg Hard- ware. at pl‘e‘tllt we ham; '1 splendid assortment of Cross Cut Saws, Axes; Hay Knives, Stable Sct‘apuz‘>. NC. All gomg cheap. W. H. Camry 81 06’s, DRUG! S, Pure and Fresh, at J. A. WYLIE’S th. B. We also carry J. B. L. GROUT, Manager. ANNIE W. IVORY, TEACHER. Piano and Theory Papils prepared for Exar nination Terms Moderate. ‘ Agents wanted at 01m: to sell for Fall 1908, and Spring 1939, (jammy; whole or part time; him-31 terms; outï¬t free. The Thosw. Bowman3 Son Ba. Ltd., RII,)(‘.ISV'ILLE, ONT. Interest Creéited 4- Times a Year. Ourr $ayiagg Dept] We furnish, Free of Charge, Blank Notes, SHE IS WHITE AS A GHOST, Is it. a matter of pride to be pale as a lily â€"cerlainl\' nut, What every wom- an wants is strength. color, vigor Buoraz.cy and hmflth are me right. of every womanumd 111688 She need not luck if she only uses Fen-oz .ne. 11 gives appetite. creates strength, enrich es blood, gives vigor ‘0 the nerves, color to the cheeks and brightness to the eyes Ferroz me i8 at once: conver ‘ table Into health, beam) and strengih The e in power in 1"erruz.ne,â€"try it and know “hat you have unwed 500 1 at all dcu'em. ‘ THE BANK 8F TIBUNTU STATIONERY, TOILET ALBTL( PAT. MEEICIT urmer’s Sale Notes accepted for Collection. These Notes may also be left as security for loans. ï¬iaéflng Room. 583 Acres In Nursery Stuck. Got. Michigan Ave, and Griswold St. man oFyou: ' TJndcr ils influzucc the brain I) Cumu :Ic, ivc. the Mnod n'mâ€"iï¬ed so that .31 pimples, Matches, and I.) -r rs disapacar. 111'.- norm;- bgco he: saw. ,7; .15 .u 1 A. so that ner- vousness, bashfulucss and despondmcv vanisn. he 0": In ‘» we as bright, the face fun and clear. cncrzy r'turnstu thr- bm‘ and the: urn-"1, 7‘“ ' . a'v‘. ~"t91 svctï¬msarc invig- orated: all drains ceaseâ€"no mar, ital wash- z'--o w t! item. let (puck: and {akin rob you of your haxd carazd dollars. We wit! cure you or no pay. I I 1.. , sntamx mmt 5:: :u.» (izacmrcf _ ’1‘.‘ 7sap the very Iii“. blond of the vlagn, and units: c ntirely (radicalcd from the sys‘mm may {117er um f".t\‘:--r prnr'atiou. Rrwzu of Mercury. It only suppressesth: symptomsâ€"OCR Nuw “1511101) suns 11; v‘ :2 34»w‘~. if) .T)n "1):.\ u I)‘ D C. (Ewart. rCCFU. wirill. Dr’s. Eiennedy Karim: nRRKEEémm REMEDY? offers a perfectly safe depository‘for your idle moxiey. CAPITAL RESERVE FUND ASSETS Omen‘nee Branch, Owing to Dr. Ker- can being :2: “ced Dr. J. 1). Kennedy, Medaual Dchctzr, hns associated with him 13:. Kennedy Jr. who has been wizh the ï¬rm for several years, so her‘cafter business wiil con- ducteJ male: 11“: name of SPECML NGTISE Farmer’s Sale- No‘te‘s’ 093R NEW r." 'T on Um! cr 1' .HOD TRbE.†MTME 'eT allnne can cure you, and make: iluflucucc theb mm 1) cu; nu at in: t: :e Mnod nuriï¬edsothn all Question List for Ham. Treatment 5m! on Rem-3:1. prepaer especially for Sales. ONIERIEE, ABLISHED 1855. BLOGD P‘Qigflï¬s 32°31: “110:; was of youn'fa ml mick": ' d rteu are :nnurfly 8w! :1 .rcmaluic gr: '0: 11.1'01‘g‘1 EARLY IlN lilSCRETIONb “(Cu 3.33;; A"T> IV â€"0 111 3i A “ES nyu 1.3: any ofthé f waving svmptoms consult 1:5 chozc it is too). Are you 2-? .045 and weak, dc» poudmz: ands kc ' s: ‘sbcfore 01: ex es, with dark circles under thee-1, weak back 1 idzwys uril'. - 1w- .2. Int-ninth“ of 1‘2: heart basm u! dr earns amll uses, sedi izncmm utine,pimp‘ e? C". â€1* 1"!†0V " 'n‘ (n ‘ Mllowchetr cwcworn cxprsc sion. poor mcmc rv.11:cmss di xruslful lac‘ energy and 5:11-an f‘wv‘ Inf-minus rcst‘lo-ss rain as, .changc- «bi- * .vvvls â€r: - manhood, 1.. :...-...au1c: decay, boa.- pain; n1.- bust. sore throat etc. NEBVQ' '° SUCCESSORS TO Physician’s Prescrip- tions ‘Accurately DIS- pensed. rM"" "A" â€"2- (r-{an honest oninion Fri: 1:54-; -u; u.1u‘:u Runner" (mm; IHE MIRROR to new subscrih c crs lo I'an. x, x909, for 60¢. g; 77 Kent-St LINDSAY Some beautiful lines in WATCHES, CLOCKS, jEVV- ELRY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS,CHINA,TRAVELING CASES, MANICURE CASES, NOVELTIES, c., c. DRUG SUN DRIES, CONFECTIONERY. FANCY CHINA, CIGARS, PIPES, a; TOBACCOS. Wedding Presents W. E. MCEARWS. You can Millbrook Branch, H. A, SIMS, Manager. a“ buy Dainty Goods- at McCAR'l‘Y'S, hamsâ€, mac-H j $ 4,000,000 39,000,000 4,500,000 Blood Poisons mm: