at hlS he: ’orM _ W QBQROUQQ, VCANG‘F (‘0 That Is Laxative Bromo auinine A couple of weeks ago Mme. Schenk had an attack of spring-c czenning few;- Evew husband knows v. hat that men ns Mme. Schenk had it in its most volent germ. £xerythin§in the little auparl- ment was litemlly‘puncd up by the roots and submltteq to no end 0! dust- .ing. hating. wiping and wushin r ‘Among the oarticlw thus treated was the mattress in wnich lay the famiiy hoard amounLng to $12,000 in Russian bonds and $750 in French bank notes. -'l'he.§avlngs 01 Years Dropped Into the M Bands of a Dishonest Neighbor. Although the ordinary savings bank Ans its drawbai‘ks, it. is also true that it has its advamages over some hiding {places favored by frugal wives. 'I‘lus gtruth has been rather rudely brought home to Mme. Marguerite Schcnk. who lives in a modest apartment in 1he Rue Leibnitz. Paris. France. There is any 0'" “aroma Guinine †, IN THE FOLD OF A MATTRESS. 0! :days she could ket‘p her eyes ammz always upon it and a; night her 5mm- hers were more peaceful. knowing. as she did, that her fortune reposcd safely hemath her. ‘ having an overgrcat belief in. the 1101}- .csty of others, and having a very sat- isofactory faith in her own care and watchfulncxe, she kept her savings (hm: ting an the years 0! her married me in {acohstantl'y growing pouch hmden away mung [â€" BIBâ€"{ï¬lig'l Like the majority 01' French women, Mme. Schenk is the economist of her household. Her husband. is ail very well when it. comes to earning the money, but it was his. wife who held the put-Se strings and out of his small salary had managed to accumulate a surprisingky large bag of savings. Not W,Tuonto, Ottawu, Quaint, MONEY WAS IN THE BED Till-I llOlISE\\'lFE HUNG MATTRESS OUT OF THE “'INDOW. FREE 398K Always remember to: this signaturt E9351£AB§IFAi CEWSGALP ERUPTION. .Livvâ€" â€"-â€" â€"'â€"â€"'_ â€"â€"'â€"vw " mum-i nus um mumi'wk cum Bliss M Levesque, 3x Sudaqinï¬t ',;Hochdaga, Mon- treal wring-11‘! have fonn ng-Bukg’ï¬s’donent remedy!“ skin eruptions. Up to this Sprgngl mï¬othcred for almost ï¬ve years with a. red rash, anal pimples and smegma guy face and_on_- , the scalp thro’ the hair. N oghin I used YMd clan tins rashfmm‘he skin until I begin using Zam-Buk. Thï¬Jalvje'kas eï¬gctually aid I believe permanently taken‘ of? those um Imples and from both scalp and.face. I shall xegozmend that: uk to all my fucnds.†For beam-.3 eczema and all skin di» 23::- Bukis wixbom oqpaL _X: is good {or rho. . mm when well rubhod :n. Plies also yield to Z‘fI-Buk » ‘ " ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ' 1‘ I: Cm. ' ____ ....-,"». .u A- an“)! \IU\VO QII‘JUJ‘J HUI) W UIIUVVVU \v “-u from stagnant pools, and shall 11:1ng free access at an times to a pure water suppiy. EMPLOYES ALSO. _ ’Employes shows}: be clean in their habits, and 'Ireé’lrom contagious dis- eases. 4 No :pcrson_c0nncctcd with the dairy shall enter a house where’ksmaNprox. typhoid Ievcr, diphtheria, scarlet {even measlesrox- ï¬ner contagion exists, or 15 known. toflnave existed, until'it has been {or sale. Not particular about location- P‘louo give price 3nd description, and rea- son for solli . State whon possession can be had. W11 deal with owners only. A GOOD FARM PETERBOROUGH CANADA The Beat 4126 Clzeap eat Canoes. Slyj‘a. Lat/ncpheaita SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING canada cycle and Motor 09., Limited The Utility‘ of the Bicycle “HOW THE IANK WAS SAVED†Tells how a. young man saved the bank by a wise investment. Every stock buyer and, invmlor should read this book. Not for sale. Sent free on requasl. You-:- name on a postal will bring 11.. Write bo-day R. w. BAILEY. 351 Railway um. Bldg" Occur, cob. h {swam-Leaks: To éymm CA. v05 co if“: Srngik‘" “AAA“: Mm no “IDI‘ you work a m " mu AIIBIOAI DYIIIIO BO.†mbwhmm "mum-n. L. Darbyahlro. Box 984, Rochester, N. Y, WANTED-=5 to hear from owner having Was never more assured mm at the present time. The busi. 71955 man, the doctor the aural... M the: teacher, the farmer, the Jacks of all trades ridv the “heel The bicscle saws time and money and. put_s you on the high\\ay to economy For the odd message to the store 0r into town, for a hurry call or important engagement the wheel solves the problem. Consider these p2erless models built In rigid and cushion frames:â€" Massey Silver Ribbon. Cleveland, Perfect, Branltord, Imperi- a! and Ramblerâ€"the wheels [or service. m THE WORLD OVER To 8982‘ 001.0 IN ONE DAY. 0E C9 WEST TORONTO, For bealmz eczema and all skin dim! Buk is wixhom {~qu .1: is good {or :hcx when well rubbed :n. flies also yield to 2:: All “or d dmwsts, at 2:11:14!" Toronto. ' ‘â€" __ the full nme- Look V . on every box. 25c. . WRITE FOR BOOKLET For his eyes felt upon French bank notes to the value of S750 and a pita of Russian bunch. The latter were much the 11:. hi‘? piizc being \xorth $12. 000. tut to liommet, “ho knew nothing at foreign imestments, the) were merely paper covered with printed hierogly- iï¬ih cs. 0! the mine of the bank notes h-“ssxewr, he was fully a“ are and “ast- ed no Line tracing their Suttt‘ce to anv pteace nearer terra ï¬zma. He hurtir‘dty returned with this ï¬nd to his own apart- ments and told his wife of the mira- culous girl he had received They im- nediutety packed up their few helorig- ings and moved to better equaxtsis in the Rue Chamxpionnet. ‘ In the next fev days Hommet gave evidenr-e that poverty had robbed the “arid .if a prince of spenders He spent the $7.30 in bank notes with a hand so huts}; that, it would have made Monte Next. door to the Schonks lived a slcnccullar. August ilnmmet by name, and his prelly young wife. Now, it so happened that. while Mme. Sclxenk was “alloping her manna: liommct was siandi ng directly beneath day-dream- ing oi the time when he would be rich and lixc in fashionable apaxtmenis. Suddenly there dropped doxxn in front of him. smmingly from the heavens. a {at bag. When: he stooped and picked itrmp, opened it. and gazed upon its con- tents, he was sure. that. it Now, Mme. Schenk had no court her law in which lo heal, it, so forgetting {0" the moment the bonds and the bank notes. she hung the mattress out of her window and- helubored it with all the vigor and enthusiasm which the spring- cieaning lover always develops in a healthy woman. Cristi) himself turn green with envy. A slack of ï¬ne wines was ordered and the skinetutler and his wife did not give ‘{ an mppm'lunily of accumulating the cobwcbs of old age in the cellar, but drank it all as soon as it arrived. Fur- niture. new chillies and jexvelry SpC‘ed- ily followed, and. as a ï¬nal eflorl, the Couple invited all their relatives who lived near enough to a grand feast. Meanwhile, in the Rue Lelbnltz con- sternation had had its reign and re- moxsc and regret had [Ahmed Alta Competing her cleaning Mme Schenk had bclhought horsel! of hex bonds and her bank notes. With the pale face of {tar and the cold .persphatlon of appre- hension the good wife ropnlrml in a hurry to the mathcss which now r-e posed once more. on the bed. Scmch as she m ght in its folds, she could not A. trip to the street below was equally Iruitles. So shc‘x'cturned to her rooms in despair to await the homecoming of her husband. When that worthy arriv- «d he had a whole lot to say that is not printable, and then decided to call in a lawyer. Accordingty, .\vI. Hamard, a \vetlkncwn Parisian attorney. was sent for and the situation expEaJnod to him. Among the other undoubted talents, .-\I Hmnnrd seems to possess a keen scent for a trail that would make him a serious rival of Sherlock Holmes. At any rate, after a tow prt‘liminnry in- quiries in the neighborhood. he mad-3 straight for the swagger new apart- ments of the departed stonccutticr and its chm-tiring wit-c. With an eye for the dramatic; ho timed his arrival at tho, apartment in the Rue Chantip‘onnet well, for he reached there just when the toast to the relatives was at its height. With the delicacy and politeness which makes arrest one of the pleasures of French life, be interrupted the gnyeuos mm took Hommet and his weeping wife at to the newest police station. There they both cenlessecl and the former handed ONE? [0 his Cflpl'OI‘ {l ISO-centimg piece. the surviving portion of the 3750. Not considering them of any value. nommet and his guests haa amused t-lmmselves by lighting their Cigarettes with the Russian bonds. iiominet has gone to he a guest of the French Government. for a considerable term of years. while his wife. whose youth and comeli-ncss appealed to the susceptible heart of the French judge. has boon got at liberty. Mme. Schenk has the consalat'on of knowing that. be- ing prudent enough to keep the num- I3†CAME FROM HEAVEN. THE PRECIOUS BAG. CANADA. Co., At the age of twenty-four ho emigrat- ed to Australia and started sheep-farm- ing mar McLboumn, when at that time was a little scattered hamlet of a bum d‘red h-ouscs. At. his amt-h Mr. Laid- law was Molhourne's oldest inhabitant. [Ia hail \vitncswd the growth of {he seL~ Uv-ment from a small village int») :1 great. city and the capital of the Common- wealth. bers of her Russian bonds, she will be able to procure duplicates in five years. Thus it, is that her spring cleaning cost her only $750. Australian Who Was Friend 0! Great Author. There are very few people now alive who saw Sir Walter Scott. One who in his youth received more than one pleasant and kindly recognition from the author of “Waverley†has ‘just passed away in Melbourne, Australia, There can 1w health and vigor only when the blood is rich and red. There are thousands of ‘young men- just. apâ€" proaching manhood who need the rich, red blood that only Dr. Williams†Pink Pills can make. 'l‘hey have no energy; time out at the least exertion. and who feel by the time they have done their day‘s work, as though the. day was a week long. in. some cases there is a further sign of danger in lho pimples and disfiguring eruptions which break out on the face. ThCuC’i are certain signs that blood is mil oi order and ihal a complele breakdown may result. in this omorgcncy Dr. Williums' l7:'nl< rli'ills is the medicine ihosc young men should lnlm. Those pills nclually make rich, red blood. They Clear lhe skin Here is the experience of Adolphe Rolland. of St. Jerome. Que†who says: “For more than a your -I suffered from {anal-at weakness. and I gradually grew so weak that, I was forced to abandon my \xork as a clerk. My appclitc failed me. I had occasional violent headaches and I began to .SMHOI' from indigesllnn. I was failing so rapidly thul I began to tear lhaL CuflStIlllptlUll was fastening itself upon me. Our lam- ily doctor heated me. but- l did not gain under his care. I was in a. wry dis- couraging state when a friend from Montreal came to see me. He strong- ly advised me to try Dr. \\‘illiams’ Pink Pills. I did 50 and inside of lhrcc Weeks I hogan lo fool holler. my ap- pelltc began to improve and- 1 scented to have a feeling of new courage. I continued the’pills till :1 had taken ,ton boxes. and I am now enjoying the list. lmal'!h I ever had. My cure surprised many of my friends who hogan to re- gard mo as incurable, and l Sll'llllgly advlrc other young men who are mud; to follow my example :nd give Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills.- a lair lrial.’ Bud blood in the cause of all cnmmon: dis- eases like anaemia. headaches. neural- gia, rheumatism. sciatica, indigestion. ail nervous troubles. general “mlumss and the special ailments thatonly “'0. mm folk know. Dr. Williams? Pink Pills. are the one cure. he‘ause they go right to the moi. of the trouble in the blood. They change the had blood in- lo‘ good blood. and thus bring.r h-‘uil‘lll. slrongth and energy. You can get those ‘pills lrom any ulcdicine dealer. or by ‘ mail at. We a box. or six bOXEs for $2.50 .l‘rom the Dr. Williams†Medicine (20., lBrock'rille, Ont. at the patriarchal age of ninety-three. His name was Robert Laidlaw, and his .garonts were near neighbors of Sir Walter. SKIN ERUPTIONS 0! btxnplcs and crthions and bring heallh, strength and- energy. Disappear Under a. Treatment with Dr. William‘ Pink Pills. GET AND KEEP MILK PURE BY OBSERHNG THE FOLLO‘VING ' RECOMMENDATIONS. Ontario Board 0! Health Sends Import- ant Rules to [.0031 Boards. 'No buzlding used for dairy purposes should be wilhln 100 yards 014m)! marzhy m‘ stagnant water. and no chicic- an coop, hog pen, privy or water closet should. b.- wilhln 100 {eel of the build- mg used l-ox- limping or handling milk. The surroundings at all buldings iéflrrsï¬shbuld not be-allowed to drink from stagnant pools,’ and shall have free access at an times to a pure water supply. . , Rccdmmendatiom drawn up by the Ontario Board of Health with a view to securing pure milk have been sent L0 the local Boards of Health by Dr. Chas A. Hodgwus. Every dairy should be supplied with .pure water. the source of which shall not be contaminated by any barnyard, privy, or other possible source of con- lamination. . All milk containing less than thirteen {or cont. of total sulds, of \\'h ch lhree and thrawuariers per cent. must be chmnlcaily dry butter fat. should be deemed below the standard required when ih-c same is intended for human consumption. KEEP BUILDINGS (‘I EAN. All luilid nt’s for stzibling cows should 3'“. so iocuiid that they will have good diniuzigc; the floors should be water tilg ii. and of some non- absorbing materi- a'. ail-<1 piopcrly glad“! and draim d. '1‘ he herd from which inc milk is sold shall not, include any sick cows, and cspcciaiiy none showing signs of tuber- culosis or conmgimis abortion, or one that is within thirty days of calvings 01 ten days nflcr calving. BE CAREFUL OF FEED . No mouldy hay, demmpcsed vogu- tabiqs. \vct bl'C\\'CI"S grains or any other muu‘rials that are unsound or will af- fecl' the taste or character of the milk shall Le led the evnvs. ' The surroundings: or all buldings must be kept, dean and in- good order. Tm slrubfvs whore cows are kept shouLd be u=ed {or no other purpose. COWS MUST BE WELL. Each cow shouid be allowed at least 500 cubic feet 0'! air space. "Th‘éicbrx’x'rsr éï¬bruldr be Kept clean and [0' this purpose should be groomed daily. ' KNE\V SIR \VALTER SCOTT. ‘ ' mini-y Ԥ".$*P5« WWW ~. AND PIMPLES No person should drink from any vessel or utensil, or the cover of any vessel or utensil, used in the delivery of milk. cooled to the temperature of 55 drgreos Fahrenheit within two hours after be _ing drawn. Ice should be used in cooling. Cooling tanks should be tighly con- structed. of non-absorbent. nmicrial, and fl-cquonuy cleaned. All drive-rs or wagons or other por- srms engaged in the sum or delivery of milk shouid be free from contagious cisvase. er‘s hands should be thoroughly washed and dried. No .bz‘esei'vativcs or other suhs!ancc should be added.,to milk for any pur- pose, and no part of the milk should to rcmovcd. The delivery of milk of such character should be sufï¬cient cause for the exclusion of the same from the municipality. No milk vessel Should be used that is rusty or otherwise unfit. All milk containers, vessels or uten- silLs being used in the delivery of milk should 10 so covered as to protect them from the rain, sun. dust or mud. No milk \essol or ulcnsil med in â€10 delivery uf mill; should be used {or any other purpose, mm] should- nol. Le used lhc second time without. having been lhomughly wzbhrd and slerllized. DON'T DRINK FROM BOTTLE. The collrction nf empty bottles or any vessel med in the delivery of milk, or milk (ickr‘ts. {x-mn any house where :1 contagiouw disease L9 known to exist shall he made only aficx‘ the house has ban fumigatcd and such bottles steri- lized Immediately after each cow is milked, the milk should be taken to the milk house, promptly starined through a ï¬ne wire gauze and cheese cloth, and The miik house shoukl be separately partitioned from any part of the dairy buildings. Mother vaos' Worm Exterminator docs not require the help or any pur- gah‘m medicine to cumplelc the cure. Give it. a trial and be convinced. The young: girl's air was pmslvo. “1‘-n-17‘lox'l‘()\\"" she said. “Reginald will conduct mn lo- tho llllar. Than-c.†she added, smilinglyl, “his leadm‘allip will end.’ Take LAXA'I‘IVE BROMO Quiniua Tablets. Druggista refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GRO E's signature in on each box. 25c. One of the. contemporary pants asks: “Where are. the bright girl; of the past?‘ Our own observation is that. some of them are administering cautious duscs of pamgoric to the bright girls of the future. ITCII. Mange, Prairie Scrukches an!) every form of conlagious Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- rm-d’s Sanitary Lotion. It neve: rails. Sold by all druggists. Any man who is smart, enough to make a poxitfcnl leadpr is capable of earning an honest. living it he wants to. “A man should think twice toforc he speaks." “Andv a. Woman three times be- Iorc she s‘ngs.“ PAZO OINTMEN‘I‘ is guaranteed to cure any of Itching. Blind. Bloedin or Protudln; P119: in o m 14 (1in or many a unded. soc. â€(sâ€"“II you loved me. why did you at first. refuse me?†Sheâ€"“I wanted to see how you would act." "But I mighL have rushed of! without. waiting for an explanation.' “I'd. locked the door.†ed its curative qualities still value it as a speciï¬c. and while it. retains its old friends it is over making new. It. is ccrlain that \x'm‘cvcr on-cc uses it win not be without it. ‘__Bé11cÂ¥â€"“G(xwti gracious! If she knew all about him“ she wouldn’t. want, lo marry him.“ It Retains 01d and Makes New Friomis.â€"â€"-'I‘imc was when Dr. Th-rnnas: Eclcch‘ic Oil had but a small field of du’stribulion, but nmv its territory is widosprcad._ 'l‘hoscmxyho ï¬rst recogniz- No}! â€"“A gill shouldnt marxy a man till she knows all about. him." If a girl is pretty she knows it just as well as a. man does. but she won‘t think any the less of him i! he 101.15 A LITTLE U11! '1‘ is the best of a.“ diet, yet it will not. make one and muscle but. “ Ferrovim" guilt) Try It. All drug and general stores. 81 o as. . METALUC CEIUNGS Metallic Roofing Co? Are Artistic, RUMBLE, SANITARY, and F IBEPBQGF Easily applied, cannot crack nor Fail em FILES CURE!) IN 6 T0 1‘ DAYS. Manufacturers rpgpx'xo WINNIPEg’ TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY us a sketch showing shape onot mn- "meats of your glunfls†:- and V. will estimates and limb-at“ â€90:“! true. N0 PRESERV‘ATIVES. COOLING THE MILK. WRITE US NOW ISSUE NO. 20â€"08. FATAL . They are. CaNIully Prnparod.~PiI‘ls which dissipate themselves in lhe staâ€" nmch cannot, be expected to have much cfl'cct upon. the intestines. and to war- Cumc costiv-eness the, xnodiriuc admin- islem‘d must influence the action of these canals. Purmulmfs \'n,‘gv1ubi€ Pills: are so made. under the. supervis- ion of experts, that tho 511.35%:an in them impended to oym-alo on m; intras- iincs. is retarded in axclign until they ei'ything forming part of the festival ‘or twelve days, which is the term of the festival, people use red colored [HW- cls. are dressed in red kirnonus. and receive no gifts which are not rendered prominent by red. They keep their pay. swans as clean as possibie. The idea 0! this peculiar institution would appear .10 be that the god of smallpox stays for twelve days in one family; so that during his short. sojourn thcy must coax and humor him as much m possible. that he may not leave any disastrous eflccts behind him." A wise mother will: never give her little one a sleeping draught. soothing mixlw'c ox- opiatc 01' any kind cxcvpl men the advice of a (‘U'lllllt‘l-Gnl. doc. tor, who has seen the child. All those thin-gs contain deadly yn'lisrin. When you give your beliy'ox- mung child Baby's Own Tablcls you have the guar- antee of a government analyst that this medicine does not contain one particle o! opiate or narcotic. and then-lure cannot possibly do hi’ll'm-uliul always do good.‘ Mrs. Goo. .\I. lx'vmpt, Carle- ton Place. 0111., sayszâ€"“l have given Bullys Own Tablets t0 my baby since he was two weeks old. He was: a very small baby, but thanks to the Tablets he is now ta big. fat. lmulthy Loy.†Sold by medicine. dealers ul‘ by mail at 25 cents a box from The. Dr. Williams Medicine 00., Brucln-ilic, Ont. Japdnese Red Festival to Kec'p Away Epidemic. There is an epidemic of smallpox in some sections of Toklo, and am uncipm smallpox festival is being «my gunâ€; ally revived by those who {our tho dis- case. It is thus described by the Japan Times: “Those infected with or appm hensi-vc of smallpox make u sort of table, {our {cot by two feet, which, (33)“ ering it with red cloth, they doimsit m the ,parlor. Upon it. they hcup bugs M rice, on top of which red goholl ~~1l0011h~ arly cut paper. considered by â€,0 m}- gar to be sacredâ€"is placed. ’l‘h‘s form: a. sort of temporary shi‘hno, below Which the family kneel and worship [01‘1“‘(1‘73 days. after which period all the i'iceund other articles and' Offe'l‘ings um um uwax, either in the river or by the roadside. to be touched only by dug; and menchanls. Simultaneously mlh this, the family, especially those izitugt. cd with smallpox, bathe themselw.s in red colored hot water, whivh is pro- duccd by boiling red beans. The Wad“ feature of this practioe is the l'HJllbss Willieâ€"“I say, father, what, is tho dif- ference between ‘wcll and ‘guod“."' Fatherâ€"~“I have notiCCd. my son. than about. the only time when )‘(AL are gocd 15 when you are not Well!" €15. â€Mamma,’ said um» libic, “do men ever go to heaven?†“\\‘h_\'. of Course. my dear. What makes 31Ԡask?" “Bo- causa I never see any pMurcs “I :m- gcls with whiskers.†“\Vcll," said the mother, thoughtfully. “5mm men do go to heaven, but thPy get more by a close shave.†SLEEPING DRAUGHTS 1.01. a coat. of mint turn your 1mm into a home. Lot Ramsay‘s Paints do it for you. They are made fur purily ‘1 style. purity of Cuba-r and wear and ton-r. Every can gxmrunhmj. YOU? denier has \lmu. \Vrilc ;\. Ramsay Sou Co., Montreal. for puck of Souven- ir Picture P0351. Cards u! Homes. Sheâ€"“I dreamt. inst nigh‘. you prcsrnt- 0; me with a lovely walking costume: lieâ€""'Yo-u did, eh‘.’ “Hi. try again to- nigh‘t. and see if you can dream who the mfschict is going 10 pay 111' it these hard times." The never failing medicine. Hallo- \ray’s Corn Cure, romwws all kinds of corns, warts, (+3.: vwn mo mm! dim- cuH, {0 remove. cannot withstand this \x'ondcrful remedy. __..... Husbandâ€"“Th9 duct ~r hid me I mud g0 to a ‘rn28}0\1.x-o.'u‘ \\'ifc»â€"“I)id he look at your tongue?" Husbaml-â€"“I\'o; Gentlemanâ€"“But I am afraid he wouldn’t make a gnml watchdog.†Mam (with bull WHENâ€"“Nut a good \valch. dog! \Vhy. 1m-~ him: your ‘au'i. it was only last. week that this very unmm! held a. burglar down by the “meat and beat. his brains out with his tail." Barberâ€"“‘Prefly short. sir?" (111510â€" UMPâ€"“\VCU, yes, 1 am. Just put it down on the slate, “H 31.11? Much obliged! to you for speaking of it.’ Hons-ckocpcrâ€"â€"“You‘re :1 Mg, healthy man; why don't. you gm to wx-rk‘.†'l‘rmmp.“l..mly. H! In]! yw- me trouble. Im an ‘unhu-ppy medium. “ “What. do you mean by that" “\\’vil. yer soc, I'm too heavy for light \mrk, 1141' too light for heavy Work." From October to May. Colds are the moat fro- nont. cause of liesdacha. LAXATIVE BROMO UININE removes came. K. W. Grove on box 250 A small Pill. but Powerfulï¬ They that J'Udge of (he powcl's‘ nf :1 pill. by i" size, “'Ould- consider l‘m-nwhe’s \‘o- fletablc Pm: to be lacking. It is a m. 1'0 wonder among pills. What it lacks m size it makes up in potency. The remedies which it can-rips are put up 4! thmc small doses. because they are s-,- poweriul that. only small «10055 are “‘qUh‘ed. The lull glrmglh of the ex- tracts is secured in this ful'lll and do their work thoroughly. 9N]! OF THE BEST old time remodiea for all skm affections. such as Eczema. ngwox-m, Scam- head and slmllar afl‘ectioux is Weaver‘s Cprmo. It is an ointment that has brought rehef to thousands. \.1\ “u old him about \uurs.‘ i Che; w ._.7 throughâ€" ï¬ll: stomach 10 [11c bow- WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE. Black Watch TO AVERT SMA LLP OX. SUGTHING MIXTURES' Tot: "‘ "wise son overlozdcs a lot of his ' 11s,. While any man can do mung, .vt bH'Qs a good man to do 1-: ght. {Sm leads the “ï¬rm in planting \mcrica in dew iutiug mom ._“Hm-. does your 213017201- cxcr â€Mk Ji mmyâ€" -“Wus in that. She QUEEN OF ACTRESSES PRAISES PERU-NA. I1 strengthens the nerves. The nerve centers require nutrition. If the digestion is impaired, the nerve centers become memic, and indigestion is the result. Penna frees the stomach of catgrrhtl congestion: and normal digestion is the result. Ida-Y?" “This here brass ring." “llow’d yer know it ain't nolhin' but bruss?‘ ' “He give it. tor me.“ In other words, Perm goes to the bottom of the whole dtflicnlty, when the disagreeable symptoms disappear. Mrs. J. C. Jamison, 61 Merchant street, Watsonvflle, 031., writes: “I was awfully worried about Johnny when he had it: at lust sick spell," said Mrs .Lapslz‘ng, “and \\ hen the doctor idld me he “as gomg to get well I wént fuizly delctcxious u [h joy “I was troubled with my stomach for six years. I tried many kinds of medi- cine, also was treated by three doctors. “They said that I had nervous dye» pepsin. I was put on a. liquid diet for three months. \\'o hmc no hesitation in 531 1.1g that Dr J. D. Kellogg's Dyscnk-r} Cordial is without doubt the lost medicine ever introduced for dyswnler)‘. diva-rrh-cm. cholera and an .«mmnor (rumplnin-‘s. ma sickness etc. It pr 1'11p1|_\' giws n-‘n‘of and boxer fails to «No L n In schcm-e Mothers should â€may be \\'it,!1~..~~m a bol- Ue when their children are Mining. I’lusbzmdm‘fl‘n. than was mmeth‘ng I was‘ goéng lo “arm-y ulmzt. and {m- me life of me I cant think what. it is.†Wifeâ€"“Why, Gmrgr‘, dear, what 1': UK- troublc'.“ beneï¬ting digestion. Pet-and Is not a nervlne nor a stimulant. It beneï¬ts the nerves by What’s Jimmy give yer {(r yer Lirtix- Ideal Manufacturing Premises m TRUTH BUILDING Flats 2, 000 to 10,000 Square Feet Each S. Frank Wilsan Sons, 73-81 Adelaide St, “'08 Steam Power, Heat, Electric Light Fire Sprinkler System, Lowest Insurance. Most Central Location. Four Large ’Freight Elevators. MANUFACTURERS The Pango Company, Toronto Our readers to now that the celebrated French remedy, FARGO, which has been. and is sold under a guaranteeâ€"that in cases where the outward applicnlion, as directed, fails to when: pain, moneys paid will be mlundcdâ€"slill stands. In no case, not- 'wilhstandlng the large. ano increasing sale. has a refund been asked for. Recommended for neuralgia, headache, rheumatism, gout, catarrhal colds, slifl joints, etc. Ask your druggist for a sample and do not accept a substitute. You will be pleased with it. Price 25 and 50 cents. “NAT ““8 \VROXG. HO\\' HF. KNE\\’. INTENDING T0 LOCATE IN TORONTO \VILL FIND ML'CU JOY. or wholesale Lyman, Knox Clarkeon, Limited, Tot-o; Lyman Bros. Co., Montreal. Toronto. LOWEST RENTALS, INCLUDING “I improved under the trootment,but as soon :51 gtoppod taking the med:- oino, I got bod spin. “1 took the medicine for two years, then I got sick ‘agdn and glare up all hope. of gettipg mod. “1 our s testimym or I man whose wow“ similar to minebdng cured by Penn, so I thought I would give it a “I procured a bottle at once and com- menced “15mg 11:. I have alien several bottles and 3m entirely cuyed. Nervtnes, such as con! tar prepara- tions, are (193% a. grout den»). of harm. Sleep medicines and headache powders are all nuke. â€"heart depressaaaé, a: should not be used. The nerves Would be all right, if the digestion were good. Parana corrects the digestion. 5,030 Fads About Canada. Frank Ye‘xgh‘a wonderful compihtim o! everyzhmg about (:mada in a nutshell. 20.0w gun; in £907. Ago at: wmtod. Liber-A slums. CANADIAN FACT: PUBLISHING ca, 667 Spawn; Av... Toronto. ' “I have y: W and feel Hire a emit person. I be- lieve Pct-um Is at that In claimed 52nd 25 cents for 1908 cation of A. J. PATTISON WMPAHY B A N K E R S A N D FINANCIAL AGENTS 33 808" STREET, TORGflTO Orders for Cobalt Stocks execut- ed .on' Toronto, Mining Ex- change or .Boston and New York curb (or cash. Stocks bought and sold on New York, BostonLMonireal and Toronto Stock Exchanges ‘0: cash or margin. v 0er n â€mam: “mas. rues: u ‘13" As he made (Ens doclara of the arange passenger We. his eyes mean ï¬nd his form shank with passions of a paw-«Ned and. main? and row-n And it was a. singer PR pnmmed. mus facing um as their hammer. at dead the deck of that sonar)’ He was mm. powerfuRy the lull vigor at physical inca'ma'tion o! tome. a “flednessz a man to be fly the hapless and sir~ good. For a moment {he two sa plated his eviHoc-kmg us 8011. d Ithrihl 1m.\'ersod th‘ the thought a! we siupen he was mednuflng. “By heaven!" then «jam “there is n k-chng at m Woods-y. 1M1 you baven‘ There‘s something more sad in that 0453' heed tune the lady on her ow some period (-1 your Hie you offense. and you square whh hor!‘ l The passenger azuc-kkd 1 “I‘m." he ackncw‘rdg years ag<.â€"â€"â€" But why L?! as stick Q0 the busir Mrs. We“! Ls nm‘: asleep mom to which ! lmx‘cme! ing jus! inkm )1 1mm {he cook. “he is in a drunk mung from m} aueni‘atm. M on deck \x'xmout m5 and make my escape wi “But. you will want :1 ed meter. “and cannot «hoax-rat. It would be_ “l haw: provided {or Wmdsey. mail pleased ‘lude of «be two mile. ndl have. non-Md the 1:: nsharc in dame duriu Fm Mackinac. and bou a rodskin and had it duly “But why in diguise?" “Evidently m prevent. 1 ï¬xing mo in my N cxpkxiued Woodsey. wfl s-mik». “That canoe am now («Sowing us in chm “Ah, I understand :1 “Met. pocring mm the d ‘1 thought. two or three caught a gimme) d (m “Exactly! x‘emrnxd \l mdskin. a! l mu now call; (mm :1) Drawing some loose 9c 9! his pockets. he syn-em ran and applied a mat‘ Two canoes dmv out 4 aslern. advancmg rap? and in another minute ‘1 1h.- sctrcnner. In 03x: 1 Was (1. rabkin. who. w marched up to \X'oodscy Iéne w‘PXh which he La up otha‘ and received :4 silver. than resuming l vaniflling in ‘ h» had C’ me. \nr- _v a “3:â€" as 10 main “Bu! has that r“ m way. ‘mm WW*;\"?. dema marked M‘OWFJ" “"9 has . my 1H0 be here." 885“" smiling oddly. “Naturally. 05 k “8qu as {A I “More are 10“ 9M 3‘1“"!- Endeflako a S“ “Forum’s 5° “mo “18‘! man my thaw."-u Ill: .â€" rVVV V ‘Koéihor are um»:- \ wonki pun-e in him H: dcnm you mu in 113' “I‘m! may be. but haw tang had dealir Immu- mch other than The two mm zoom" .11. .- I“! \< knmx 02:31 cum:- more The two mm: look“! “And now- what-'49 I in this matter. Mr. “‘0 Water. “You may how «am: {ion and siW.“~ Ho slipptï¬â€˜mio "w (- lighiod by a single km _ ,_ ‘ 1“- ,_ .n "l""‘ ‘ (Mac in 1310 door «I o simwmmstnmre ho ‘ ‘Shc's asleep," he N m‘avy humming Which jug. “Th9 coo}: » has piece I offered him 10 icauxflike slumber.†- - u F‘ Asï¬ amun '1 In“ ;,;';n-!.<‘:x§;731g-g hvr Thiï¬yw‘ighl onéifly 'O'fzkd‘ 3} Earl: hi3} was {mdmnms n! he the EW§ of her the vigor‘d hm- hm} dam witholgt diatom 11m 19. NU.‘ 5 CHAPTER U. ‘uraily. as in‘ we as x. 1‘03 ,‘ggonis‘xmént mx men 0? .3 ansxorcd mg Mme}! that no one a dark 13M bin. “flew it. and 23"“ mg G'KX‘CCl few 01 tumén mask in ho can