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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 21 May 1908, p. 4

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Occurrences in the Land That Rcigns Supreme in the Commercial World. kéiniâ€"rig" $15550; Témlékh‘m‘zh’é' if ES. 539000 'l‘m-thcwcy 679,916, Watts 114,. .430. ‘- ".- The i'nkvmmax during-3819 past year. in spite of a drop of 363¢htsger 85,000 on earned income, has increoSellgilqy‘ ml: 1y two-thirds of a million pounds; ::_ .‘Mr. Wm. Middleton CampbellrJ. 1)., fall I... of Dumbartonshfrc, andjo: Camls .' : "fish-an House, near 'Helensburgb... has 7» :fagain been elected Governor of the flank of England. ,' ‘ .3 The persons in recei-pt‘of pauper 1'8- i‘alle! in. London .on April 4 aned ‘ ., 3233779, on as per 1,000 01" the popula- yfian. as compared win: 23.1 per 1,000 ;, J3)? the previorrs.)'eac. 4 ‘ lam»? Wows" - «a true: the milk be sold shéfifitbc go. . '01 5W“ .0 he led hisdenfthupg, , ~ â€"â€"w' *.â€" Shcc Store Salesmanâ€"“What size would: you like, madam?" Miss Lar- iunâ€"‘l‘d like a No., ‘2; buLthere’s no 1151: mlking about that. You may as well-4m“) me your No. 5‘s." ‘ the!“ avcs' Worm Extermifiétor; one of the ggincipal came: ’ P8155 sickly children should use R20- N in children" and; 30 . m the system. 4 In the Iasi three months gold to tfié talue "or over six and a half million sterling has been slipped to Londoa 1min Cgpe Town. 5. A _ ' One of the best-known hop growers it; Kent is emigrating to Ncw_’l.ealand because he cannot make hop-growing in England pay. . - « ,A I. A commencement hasflbccn made ,m'th the consuuction o! a laxge new .ggeing dock in West Holbom? South Yd‘ In an old bowlex hat, hung on a gooseberry bush at Shipdam. Noxfolk. a pair of mbins hme nmdc their nest. Mx. Asquith is the 13m Prime Min- isteb‘wm can claim Oxford as his almu match Cambridge has suppléed 12. The, S:ilvation Army self denial week has realized 8363.350, an increase (-1 mgr $85 qur‘last year. The expenditure on barracks during the past decade' has been $46,20i,495 in England. In Manchester the gramophonc will b: intmduced in all the public parks and recreation grounds. The houses of worship of London will accommodate nearly a million and a hail people at one time. RBOROI‘; Md [J . :3" nAnm: m w m FREE BOOK NE\\'S BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND . Improved Farm, 640 acres of splen. idid wheat. land, a rich chocolate loam ton a clay sub-soil. Sixteen milw from ;Wamer, a thriving town on the A. R. 1. C035 road forty-eight miles south of 1Lamar-lager, titty acres cultivated, house . of seven rooms, stable f-sr eleven horses. _n!1 termed and cross-fenced. Price $17 .per acre. Terms eight dollars cash and 5 balance eacy. Also unimpmved land in selected districts at from eight to fifteen dollars per acre. 1! interested let me furnish you with full particulars. Av- erage y'eld last. year. 35 bushels wheat W, Tomato. Ottawa, Quinn citv 31:;wufl m Canada with waterworks to all n pntent utlcle needed in every home. hotel and public building. Sells u Ii ht. Hustlers can And are making 85.00 a day. 'rito a: once for. particulars. Geo. 1'. Cole, Owen Sound. Ontario. Ming ITIeanlng! citv 22:» . M pc’ucro. 'ot one bum»: 1d {rozm gxain raised in He Iothbridgc District. 1'. E. PATTESON. Mhbridge. Alta. per acre. Ranches $3.40 to $6 per acre. Mortgages and Land Agreements for sale. The Cook Brothers, Arcola, Sask. Write 10-day. “Arcola _Farms and \loose Mountain Ranches. Farms strong. pmmanem and well located. Tums to suit any practi- cn: farmer. lmpxovcd farms $15 to $25 sale. Sent free on request. Your name on a. postal will bring 11. Write to-day R. w. BASLIV. 351 um new“ liq“ Denver, cola. “ HOW THE BANK WAS SAVED” Telb how a. young ma?! saved the bank by a wise investment. Every swck buyer and investor should read this book. Not. to: for 3310. No: particular about location- Plom five price 3: description, and rea- son to: «Hi: . St; when pouosaion m ho had. W‘ deal with owners only. A GOOD FARM AQEIYTS WANJ'ED, A'rroliablo man in eve: hummus-anointing. “m “NBA! 0"!“ 3°.” “Eng-"Inch”. ova-ulna. L Darbyahiro, Box 984. Rochester, N. Y‘ fiinms FOR SALE. ' 'WANTEDâ€" The Pango Company, Toronto; Our readers to note that the celebrated French remedy, PANGO, which has been and is sold under a guaranteeâ€"that in cases “here the outward application, as directed, fails to relieve P8111. moneys paid Will be refundedâ€"still stands. In no case, not- withstanding tbe large am increasing sale,“ has a refund been asked for. Recommended for neuralgia, headache, rheumatism. gout, caiarrhal acids, stir! joints, etc. Ask your druggisl. {or a sample and do not accept a substitute. You will be pleased with it. Price 25 and 50 cents. to hear from owner having WANTED or wholesale _ Lyman, Knox Clarkson, Limited, Ton-onto. Lyman Brosfa 00.. Mailman, Toronto. of ‘the “poinvulx- Â¥hPalg_Gsick 25.1 or 1,000 cr- " raw ‘ p 7‘,» Worms'fire mama godd; of snff‘riqg on hpMcupgif’f‘ ‘ ,v A: ”Jan ' Paléx sickly children should use Mo- ther - {ages' Worm Exterm'métor. Worms» . one of the gym-incipal causes or sutf’figg in children :‘md- shotfltkbe y .. . fm the systemHJ ' "they're all right. Now, Mary. don‘t gel excited; keep calm and cool. It cant. be helped now; we must bear the e. \ibltatd. 11.: {I ProvidenCc with pliil- ()5c1131]v 77 “Then its mother!’ gasped the WHO “)oux molhex’s safe. Gel. on \our things. but dont hurxy or worry. ‘t's too late to be of any use, but i‘ll fly back and see whatlcan do. I only came j to tell ya: not to get excited." “For mercy Silks.“ implored the al- most fainting woman, “tell me the worst!” ”Well, if you will have it. the con- , sequences be on you own head, Mary. I've h'il‘d to prepare you, and. if you will knowâ€"(lain excite yow‘sclfz try and keep calmâ€"but. our kitchen chimney’s' on fire, and all the neighbors are in our front. gardenl"_ 131111.110 46.290. 563,810, (Toniagas'380; .9102 Cobalt Lake 180.610, Crown Reserve 40,006, Cobalt Central 107.180. City .1 (‘< 131111339600 Drummond 0'2 340.1’05101‘ 69.800, 238. 400 Kerr Lake 330. 710. King Eduard 127.240. 1.11 R11»: 1100001..901- (‘59 \chinlov ('10,.000 1.183.900. Nipissing 3"..910 1.230. 870. New. Scoliu 120 790 1131‘...- 111 1m 110120 0‘~=131:en 127. 500 1. - 70?!) ma ght (11' “03 GO.’170.1‘20,680. Provigcial 143.210 Standard 39 730 S1I~ vcr Queen 5:24. 200 Silver C1111 52.000 S11- \er Leaf 132. 800 Townsite 85,100, Temis- kg ming 237.250 T011115}. aming H. B. 63.9000T1tihcwcy 67 9,916, Watts 114,- Folloxiring are the weekly shipments from Cobalt. camp, and those from Janu- arstt to date: Several of lhc mast pmminmt mines have, for some time Leon making large and profitable shipments and it is ex- pccted that some of these will ‘be places on a dividend tasfs within a short time. Tremowcy‘and Foster appcar to be well managed and are making an'cxcellent showi.ng._‘ The Stock market, both in Toronto and New York, has shown unusunt ac- tivity and advances in prices for the higher class of dividend payer-s was in a number of cascs substantial. Some of the chungcs were from 5 to 8 points. The evidence of returning confidencc'in genâ€" u'ai. conditions and the unprecedented accumualion of money at financial cen- ters are factors in those results. We lookforflcmporary recessions, but feel that. purchases or the‘ better class of stocks can be profitably made. The mining stock market. has experienced very marked activity in the devotoped properties. 'I‘rettimvcy, Foster, Silver Leaf and Crown Reserve advanced from 5 to 8 points on inn-casing shipments of “'Cekly Market Letter. A. J. Pattison Co. in their wcemy news letter to clients, report as fallow-s: The municipal Bond market has been more active during the week than for some t'mc past. Large blocks of muni- cipal- Bands have b<cu taken up for in- xcstmcnt. to yield from 5 m 5% per cent. “Good gracicus!” cried the “ire; “the Chll‘lt‘f‘nâ€"-â€"" “Be calm!" he exclaimed hurriedly In his Wife; “don‘t excite yourselfâ€"you know you can‘t stand exciwmont, and it. might be worse!" Alndv who is subject. to heart dis- ease took tea last Sunday with a neigh~ hot and while sitting at table he: hus- band rushed in w. lhout a. hat and in his shut-sleeves. 11.: packe1 at a wage of $5 :1 “c; k and n scxerc struggle e115ue<l.c\01y one of those pamont trxing to be the 11151 to imervk‘w the on1plov.er Fortune has come strange]; to a Bir- minghmn man 1'11 poor cncumstanccs. He has :1 son “ho was ailing. n the family was a dimpbdated box, a relic of old timcs.Sm.15hing this up for fire- “cod. he found it hzid a false bottom. and contained a hundred potfect spade me gumeas woxlh about. $6 oz1c.h This has enabz «1 him to tide 0101' 11 bad ~pmiod and send his son to a sun tauum. Week ending May 0111 since January The London County Council will pro- ccm with the building or the new Coun- ty Hall at \V‘cstminstcr. The operalions will oxh-nd over a period of seven years and the estimau‘d cost. is $7H000000. Remarkable scenes were \vitneiscd in Holbom Circus, London. on Monday. Nearly 500 men applied for a situation Roughiy. about 60,000 persons die of tuberculosis each year in the United Kingdom. and it has been estimated that this means there are about 600,000 homes aflectcd with the disease. was the plea of a Fellham milkmnn. summomd for selling thin tea ishing cording to a return issued from the 5111‘) $1 496 889 gallons of \\ no were imported in casks into this cmmlly .‘n 1907.1n add lion 1,6818“ gallons was JmpOrkd in bottles. ILL» the custom in Males to place unite flowers on the graves of deceased wintivcs on Palm Sunday. 1‘ hm: prac- tice is characteristic of both the rich and poor inhabitants of the Principfli- 1 v. She ‘survived. A. J. PATTISON CO. THOUGHT FUL MAN. The hnusc-surgmn of a. big hospital was slal't‘ed one morning recently by the request of a young girl patient for an extra allowance of butter. “But. why, Pmy?’ he dvmanded. “dml’t you 13‘3“. sumvienl?’ “W011. 511'," she explained, “you 500. my swenlhoarl. is coming to soc mo m-«lay, and I want. my hair to Icok nice.” Hello“ ay‘s «Corn Cuxe is a specific for 1110 rcmox a] of coms and w.az"ts We have never heard of its failing to re- move even the worst kind. Some time ago an office boy, answer- ing the inhephonc for the first time in h's life, and not knowing how to use it. was told that..\vhen the bell rang: he was to answer it. When, therefore, Ia: heard it. ring. he picked up the re- cciver and shouted: "Hello! Whos there?” The answer came back: “I'm one hundred and five." “Go on,” said the boy. “It‘s time you were dead.” Leaking up from his ma ",nzinc an FW‘X {armor said \chcmentiy to his wife one night: “Do you know \\ hat. Id have done if I had been Napoleon?” “Yes: the wmmu answered. “You’d have settled down in Corsica. and spent your life grumbling about bad luck and hard times." . In Kashgar. Ccmml Asia, a divorce may be ubtumcd for the sum ofrsix cents. li.. saw: “1 hil\C used Baby 3 Own “lab- 11 is for loth my little b0) and gill for the \1iiiousnilim‘nis of childhood and ham found them always a splendid me- dicine. N0 mother should lo \xitlioul tin: ’lahicts in the home.” Sold by medi cine (ICillCls 01 Ly mail at 25 cents a box {10m “213 Di. Willimns’ Medicine 60., Brockville, Ont. “Must le awful carrying on at. the lodge." “I wonder.” “Seems to me like continual munh muse.” “WM; 50? ,_. “My husband says he has been through all the chairs.’ The ills of baby-hood and Childhcod are many and may .provc serious if not promptly cured. In homes where Baby's Own Tablcls are kept there is a prompt cure at» hand for such troubles as indi- gostlnn. sour slmnach, Colic, conslipa- bun, Kllm‘rltm’m, warms, teething truffles and other minor ailments and the '1‘th- lcls cam be administered as safely to a now horn baby us to the well grmvn (-hild. Mrs. Octave I‘uul'm, (kn-aqua. N. 'Iho \ccssion church in the \illagc o! Midlrm is the oldest $0005 :011 build- mg in Snolland. For upmmls of 160 years there has bcen a Secession con- gregation more, and the same 1111- «111101 church that “as c1octod in 1746. and the mansc built. 111 1803,111c still in use. ILLS 0F BABYHOOD The portrait of Robert Burns, for which the poet gave lhl'CO siltings in 1786 to Peter (or Patrick) Taylor, has, it is said. boon unmrlhcd in the shop of an Edinburgh. dealer in' sporting pic- tures and prints. Dennis Fox. a chimney sweep, who travelled through Pcrlhshirc and For- [.lrshin, “as dimmed in the ’I‘ummel the other day “bile txying b0 105cm: :1 shoop that had fallen in. At Gm'moum rcccntly several propor- livs. including five cottagrs. a dwelling hulb‘c. and mor 36 acres of land, were :_0M (0 Captain Ritchie, Kingston, for At the Licensing Court held in Edinâ€" burgh rcccnliy the grocers liconscs were reduced by ten. It was romlved to con- tinue the ten o‘cl<:ck c‘ming hour. The fish landed on the Scottish wads Inst month is returned as being valued at $736,160. making a total {or three months of $2.401.700. A Dundee linoloum company confms to having run their factory lust your a!- a log»: uf £10.000. Tho h=gh price of raw materials was the cause. Mr. and Mrs. 'Hctcher of Bollnnocn hum cnjoycd 7'1 wars of married life. They are both mm 00 wens of age, but still hmc excellent health. Ex-Sm-gcanlâ€"Major J. B. Ilurlford, whose death is unnounord, was connect.- ed with the Queen’s Brigade, Edinburgh, for 20 yours. Between 60 and 70 members of A and B Companbcs. Stirling Rifle Volunteers, have agreed to join the new Territor- ia! Force for a year. HMr. John Bruce Walker, Canadian commisszinncr of immigration, with head oflice at Winnipeg, is a natxvc of Troou. The new 'I‘orritoriul Army scheme will rrsult in the volunteer Iorce in Falkirk‘ (lish‘ict being diminishd} by over 3w men. The Scotch Iwncution Departmen; has issued a moummndum on nature study and the teaching of science in Scotch ~( l1(0'S - NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER BANKS AND BRAES. "a--- -C.-â€". "Ga 'w M. Grcouock two? Wombn “70m fined $2.40 each for failing to attend as wit, ncsscs. According to the sanitary inspector the population or Govan in June was 9.3.093. During the six months ending March the shipments of 0031 from Gx'ccnock bowed a decrease at 7.100 tons. Q A: S lThxee of the Dundee whaling fleet lune left. for the Arctic. wIn Gown last. month '17 pmsons died whose ages aggregated 1, 307 yoaxs. , n-..) FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND What is Going On in the Highlands and' Lawlands 01 Auld I. Scotia. . At. present there are 1,016 unoccu- pied houses in gown. , L..- .- (1..-. Palrick is ugitatingrfor a. wharf on the river within the burgh area. .4: v 21... I 155%.?“ I\O. 40g. LOGICAL. AND OF CHILDHOOD In China the property of the rather must. be cquailx fidwdgd among the chil- dren. ,- ' ‘ Newfoundland is, from a temperance point of view, a modern Utopia. Only within a radius of sixty miles from St. John’s, the capital, are intoxicants to be procuned. To sell liquor in a. pro- hibited. district. means the inflicting of n heavy fine. No liquor is sold on Sun- days. Hotels never have licenses, and an express trains only passengers trav- elling fifty or more miles may quench their thirst with intoxicating drinks. That these strict regulations have a good effect is seen in the fact. that the island, with a population of over 200,- 000 people, is kept in hand by 100 pc- lice. There has £1150 only been one mur- der n the last fifteen years. Cucumbers and melons are “forbidden fruit" to many persons so constituted that the least indulgence is followed by attacks of cholera, dysentery, grlping, etc. These persons are not aware that they can indulge to their heart’s content if they have on hand a bottle of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dyscntcry Cordial, a modi- cinc that will give immediate relief, and is a sure cure tonal] summer com- mcx- complaints. him-fink cums culs. burns. pimples. ulcers, ringwarm. and all skin dis. cases. All stoves and druggisls. 500 box, or from Zam-Buk 00., Toronto, Old Gentlemanâ€"“Have you no fam- iiy ties?’ Willieâ€"“Oh. yes. sir! Father makes me wear all his old ones!” Few men hme their fan: as on bank- notes. but most of us are satislivd if 134 remitted to get our hands on them. / 9 YEARS BAD LEG IIEALED BY ZAM-BEK. Mr. (3. Johnson, of Poplar Mill Creek, Athabasca Landing, Alla., says: “About nine years ago a running sore com- menced on my right leg caused by a rep-lured blood vessel. As lime went on it got worse. and my sufferings were intense. I had a very SOI‘O leg indeed, and had very small hopes of ever see- ing it healed. in fact I was told by sev- eral who had known such sores that I would suffer with it for life. When I was almost. in despair I heard or Zam- Buk and commenced using it. Other salves I had used caused me much suf- lfering, but Zum-Buk soothed the pain, and as soon as the. wound became clean it, was only a mailer of three or four days Lgfpi‘e it was healed.“ Kwang Su. the present Emperor of Ch'na, was only a few mon'hs‘ past lln"e years old when he was proclaimed ru- li: over more than four million square 'miles of territory and four hundred mil- lions of human Leings. King (:hulalon- Jim-n of Siam ascended the throne at fifteen. llis peweiful neighbor. Mutsu Hito, was acclaimed Emperor of Japan soon after his fourteenth birthday. King Ali‘xundex' of SCI‘ViZl. whose recent ter- rible death is still fresh in public me- :niory, was only thirteen. at. his acces- sion. and barely seventeen when he brought off. of his own initiative, the mup d’etat that made him absolute monarch in ewrything but name. Even so. however. he is the youngest. bl living European rulers; allhough. 0! mursc. not tho youngest to be pro; maimed king. That locord. as all the ““0: .d knows. boiungs to King \II-unso 0‘ Spain. who “as brjun a king. \Vilhflmina or IIuIland, 100.,â€" was a. quegn chuz‘e when 11 MW: girl in short. frocks. almuugh she was not formally crmvncfl until her eighteenth birthday. The New King of Portugal is Just Over Eighteen. Manuel IL. the new King of Pox-tu- gal, is :1 young monarch as xnunarchs go Indeed. had the murder of his fu- lhm- and his older brother occurred mly a few days before it did, he would have been at on:- and the sumo time a king and an “infant" in the eyes of the law. But, by I‘nz'tuguose custom the ‘men Prince attains his majority at ofghfcon. and “Mask-r Manuel," as he ’n'as until quite recently, is just over 'thnt ago. Dr. Will'LaJns‘ l’lnk Pills are the great- est medicine in the world for making new. rich blood and they have been curing anarm‘a and other blood diseases for nearly a generation. and are now re- cognized the world over as an invalu- able household remedy. Mrs. D. listaliroak, Brooklyn Road, N B., myszâ€"“My daughter Gertrude, who is now in her sixteenth year, was sickly from early childhood. we were 1 constantly doetorlng for her, but it did 1not seem to help her in the least. In fact as she grew older she sewed to grow weaker. She was always pale and listless. suffered from headaches, dizziness and palpitatlon of the heart. She did notVrest at night, and would often toss and moan the whole night. Finally she had to discontinue going to school, and as she was continually tak- ingr doetors‘ medicine without benefit I grew dismurageil, and feared we would lose her. Friends urged us to give her Dr Williams l’ink Pills, and I finally deeidml to do so. By the time .she hadi taken- three hoxes there was an improve- ment, and a little later she was able to return to school. From that on she grew stmnger. had an excellent appe- tite. slept well at night. and is now as healthy a’girl as you will see. I he- ll{-\'(‘ that Dr. \Villiams’ l’ink l’ilis saved her life. and as a mother I would re- eenmiend these pills to every family in which there are young girls. (1 b0: When the body becomes weak and run down, either from overwork, worry or severe illness, an examination of the bloodpwould show it. to be weak and watery. This condition is called anaeâ€" mia. which is the medical term for “bloodlessness.” The common symptoms arc-"paleness of the lips, gum-s and cheeks, shoijzfiss of breath and palpi- tation of the heart after the slightest cxertion,‘dull eyes and loss of appetite. Anaemia itselt is a dangerous disease ondmay gradually pass into consump- tion. It can only be cured by treating its causeâ€"which is the poor condition of the blood. The blood must he made rich and red. thereby enabling it to ear- ry the necessary nourishment to every part. of the body. A cure for Anaemia That is Sheer- ing Remarkable Proofs of Durex in Stubborn Gases. BLOOD MAKING ‘ TONIC TREATMENT CHILDREN \VIIO IIL‘LE EMPIRES. TEETOTAL NEWFOUNDLAND. A little girl had been allowed by her mother to visit the minislcr‘s family and stay for dinner. After the preacher had finished asking a hlwssing the child said: “That, isnt the way my papa- asks a blessing." “And how dons your papa ask a blessing?” inquired the minister. “WhBL he just says: ‘Good Heavens! ‘what a. meal!"- Tommvâ€" “111111011, J11111111.\\I1mo 111;; 5011 gomg 10 in smh 11 l11111y‘3 Ji1111'11y “1m "0ng 1101110.” 'I 1111111\~‘ ‘N 1114- ““"g 910d going 011 ll1l‘r1-‘3” .11111'111l)'â€"-- “\\ ell. mas going 1') spunk 1111‘. 131111- lTy (-n surprisckmut \1'h\ me you 11 such a hum?’ Ji111111_\~‘n1c:111sc if I 0011!. get home at once 1111 will be in and hell do 11; " ‘How to Cleanse tho Syslmn.â€"--l‘arme- 100's Vegetable Pills are the result “I Scientific study of ”10 «'lfocls of oxlt'acls of ccrlain roots and h(‘l'}JS upnn the di- gestive organs. Their use has deman- $1111th in many instunws that they ro- gulnte the action of Hw lixn- and tho kidneys. .purify the blood, and carry 0” all morbid accumumtinns‘ from thew-s- km. They are cmy to lake, and their action is mild‘ and beneficial. It isn’t the amount of monoy Cams. but the amount. he g counts. “Why do so many of plming tugolhm?’ [ho s t! 0 leader of the German safer." was tho lhoughtf music-Ewing fox‘cignvr.’ SCALD HEAD is dlsgustlng and obstinate disease, frequent in children. Treatment: Per- !qcb cleanliness and a. generous application of \l eaver' Cerate. Mothers will be glad to learn Why not keep up our home with a bright cheer appearance. t makes everybody happy. 1"!“ 03 you hep y. Ramsay's paints are happy pflmts, Thei’ ma. 0 things clean and new and 81"9 longer ife to the flame. Let your dealer PM" YO“ the colors with suggestions how to do "- _““_'“9 A. Ramsay : Son Co., Montreal, for ; .-__.-,. pack of picture post cards of Homes. Not a Nauscating Pm.~-T1w vxvix-iont of a pin is the substance whim (unfmlds the ingrodienls and makm up the pill 11mm. That. of I‘m'mL-kw‘s \‘ogvtnhic l‘ilis is so compoundm us 10 px'vscI'VO their muistuxfie. and they can 1c curriwl into any latiludc without impu'xing lht ir strength. Many pills in HM" 1L) 1mm them from adhering, .no mum! in Do“- dcrs. “hich prmo nzmwning to In“ taste Parmcloes \‘cgctaLlc I‘ii.s me so plcpared lhat they me ugmuiJL- 10 mi) mosl delicate. It's easy for the dofcnw candidntn who was promised the .sumrort «I! hi: friends to believe King David was right when he said “All men are liars." A certain judge. while passing through the scene of an Noam” mt. had a large stone thrown at his hmd. but as he happened (0 L: in :1 .st-. (31m; pasture at. the time it 1>4l~‘s<‘11 «Vt-r Lim. “You Sm." said ht‘. “(NYC-rill}: hrs friends ul’lonvurds, “that had 1 {won ‘nn um'ight judge I might have Lax-11 li'l‘cd.” ITCII. Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form 0: contagious “ch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol- (crd‘s Sanitary Lotion. ll. never (ails. Sold by all druggists. WEAK WATEBY BLOOD causes much trouble. That tired feeling and many more symptoms {allow in its wake. Try “Ferrovim.” It Is the best tonic to make you strong and well. All druggists sell it. “That lady.” said the new asst~tz211L “wished to know if ”we eggs \w-rr {Ix-sh. How do I It'll “IL 11 ‘ggs urn nut Irvsh?‘ “You don't,” x-cpii‘cd Uh: gmc-gr. A Wide Sphere of lispfu!mss.â€"â€"'I‘ho consumption of Dr.’1‘hnnu.s Ilclv‘chic 0-l has grown l0 gloat prupmtinm. \nt- \xithstunding the fact. that 1‘L has mm {been on the maxkct for CV'ox mm. mm: )czns. its prospclity- is as grunt am mm and the demand fox it in that 1w 1 iml has uly greatly incx'cascxl. It 1'. lumm 1m in all (ountxics. and \\ her-ow: mnmmc cl flesh supplies axe constant!) ask“! for. Dc Longâ€""’1 hear sou me hunting {r r .1 rich “ire." ShorHe; gh.»“m;_rht )"uU 'lre. ” Del Longâ€" “Bug anything! Short- lci ghâ€"“Nolhiug but my 11xU5115.l’ Senor Franco, Portugal’s fallen dicin- tur, on the morning of the day lull-.m- ing‘ the naval mutiny ut LiS-IJOII in April. (1906. signed: with his own hnml 2m wan-ants of arrest. nearly all of which new exccuiod in the couise oi the at. to: noon. Probably however the rccwid in mi; direction rests with l’clnr the (hull. “ho, while at Work in Dcplimd dm 1‘. \“311d,\\8$ recalled to llus~ia by :1 (10'1- spiracy of the Slnelilz. He at once is- sued mders for the arrest ‘or (‘Vf‘i'ybildy suspected qt being in any way impli- cated in the affair, and about 13.50:) por- r’ons were seized. Many of them} lulu- L-ehcadcd with his own hand. lwo lhilu- sand were lurtured and slain. and the rest were driven North into the lruzvn wildcrncas round Archangel, more tr) perish miserably. -- The Largest, 6,500 Persons, Was Made by Peter the Great. The arrest, the other day in St. P01. ersburg of thirty-live male and female Terrorists is a big enough coup in its way. But it is bkno means the big- gest on record. Indeed. no longer ago than March 20m. 1883, no fewer Ihfin two hundml Nihilists-Lens the Terrorists were then calledâ€"wore rcizcd by the. Tsur's secret. police in this self-sumo city, and the majority of them were deported forth- with to Siberia, never to 'be heard u! again. - ,...‘...A null. norm ! “I tors} lo the number of thirly-Hn-cc in all, whom he struighlway san to (Zuy. ennc wnhout any formaldh'aul: oln Dublin, on January 2801. 1882. Im'ly suspocls were arrested all together un- der the Crimes Act. And lh's was r01. lowed, a year later, by the Sinlulklnv- (ms seizure of twenty-one “lnvincilnlcs.” who wcm accused of complicily in Hm £1111erch 0! Lord Frederick Cm’mldish and Mr. Burke. When Sl. Regent. tried unsthCm-slully In assassinate Napoleon the lallu- Im'm-d the affair to account by promptly “1151“. mg out. a. list of political cumulus or his (over and above the aclual Conwim- .a’ ‘ chewing tobacco; fifilimIlEflâ€"IETJRFUPE so mam of wu m rmnm lhm?’ [ho 5cm Hm :hkcd ' the German Lam. “It \ as tho lhoughtful low}; of the nanny a man he gets that SURE CURE. “Now, my dear sir," .said Dr Fax ‘I cant cure you unless you promise to do évcrythmg I tell you.” “All right ’ said Skinner. "1 pro- mise." , “Good! Now, first. or al‘, pay me mx last year's bill." ' ' fl PRESS? Will bc‘Sold for $400 Cash In order to make room for lar . . . ger and faster machines ' ' runmng order, as rt has Just been thoroughly overhauled nyt axio‘xgwpfifo‘: . en machinist. The Wilson Publishing Co., Limited, Every organ fully guaranteed: Every organ shipped subject to approval. ' We pay the return freight if not fully satisfactory. A handsome stool accompanies each organ. BELL-75.0““? organ, by W. Bell dz Co.. Guelph. in attractive walnut case With music rack and lamp stands; has 10 stops. 2 sets of reeds in the 39 treble and one in the bass. coupler and knee swell. Special Sale Price DOM'N'ON‘540taV9 organ, by the Dominion Co.. Bowmanville, in solid wal- nut case with extended top; has 8 stops. 2 sets of reeds in the treble and ‘39 0"" "1 the bass, lamp stands. 2 knee swells, etc. Special Sale Price...... KARNâ€"s-octave organ. by D. W. Karn Co.. Woodstock. in very handsome wal- nut case attractively carved and panelled; has lamp stands, music rack. 9 800m. 2 sets of reeds in the treble and one in the bass. couplers. I knee '45 swells. Special Sale Price. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ......u -- - DOHER'TYâ€"A very handsome Soctavc walnut organ. by W. Doherty Co.. Clinton; has 12 stops, 2 sets of reeds throughout, lamp stands. music rack. ‘47 2 couplers and 2 knee swells. Special Sale Price . ........ DOMINION-A very handsome organ. by The Dominion Co.. Exhibition model design of case, mirror, brackets and cupboard for music under the music desk: has 10 stops. 2 acts of reeds throughout. coupler and 2 knee swells. ‘52 Special Sale Price .. SHERbOCKâ€"MANNINcâ€"A very beautiful 5-octave organ, by the Sherlock-Man- nmg Cm London, with high back. attractively carved. with mirror; has 13 Blobs. 2 sets of reeds throughout, 2 couplers. 2 knee swells. mouse-proof :58 pedals. Used less than six months. Special Sale Price . THOMAS-(metave walnut pianocasc organ. by The Thomas Organ Co.. Wood- stock. With mirror. rail top and fretâ€"carved panels: has 11 stops. 2 sets 01 '83 reeds throughout. 2 couplers. 2 knee swells. Special Sale Price 1 DOHERTYâ€"é-octave piano-case organ. by The Doberty 00-. Clinton. in ebon- 1 i291! 01180. with mirror top and lamp stands; has 11 stops. 2 sets of reeds 873 throughout. couplers. 2 knee swells. Special Sale Price i BELLâ€"é-octave piano-case organ. by W. Bell Co.. Guelph. in attractive wal- 1 nut case with mirror. rail top and trevcnrved panels: has 11 stops. 2 sets ‘83} of reeds throughout. 2 couplers. 2 knee swells. Special Sale Price . .. .. .. DOMINION-é-octave piano-case organ, by The Dominion Organ Co.. Bowman- ville, in solid walnut case. with carved panels and mirror rail top; has full length music desk, lamp stands, mouse-proof pedals, etc.; has 11 stops. 2 sets of reeds throughout. 2 couplers. 2 knee swells. Cannot be told $88 from new. Special Sale Price........ THOMASâ€"6octave piano-case organ. by The Thomas Organ Co.. Woodstock. in handsome mahogany case with mirror. rail top and attractive marque- try design in the panels; has 12 stops including couplers. vox humana, etc.. 2 complete acts of reeds, knee swells. mouse-proof pedals, etc. A 887 slightly used instrument. Special Sale Price . SHE-‘LOCK-MANNINGâ€"A very beautiful Sherlock-Manning organ in mahogany case. double veneered and piano finished throughout. with full length plain panels and music desk; has 13 stops. 2 sets of reeds throughout. 2 couplers. 2 knec swells, mouse-proof pedals. etc. Used less than a year. 888 Special Sale Price ...... DOMINIONâ€"Six octave piano case organ. by The Dominion Organ‘Co" in hand- some solid walnut, case with mirror. rail top and full swing carved panel: has 11 stops. including couplers. vox humans. etc. 2 completigts of goods. mouse-proof pedala'special folding pedal cover. etc. Specia fiale $94 rice ..................................................,, .................... . ...... ' a; ESTEYâ€"Six octave piano case organ, by the Estey Organ Co.. Brattleboro, Vt. This superb make of instrument. “the standard of the world in organ build- ing.” is in solid walnut case with carved panels. 11 stops. 2 sets of reeds throughout. 2 couplers. 2 knee swells. Used less ‘than a year. Special Sale 105 Price noumAv, WINTER alumna tags"? 05: PAYMENTâ€"Organs under $50-85 cash. and 33 per month without in- 3- mans over $50â€"$10 cash and $4 per month without interest. ' A discount 01 10% (or cash. ' below usual sell- Evory organ is an exceptionally good one and 11:: 13110:: :vfrayiur choice. Better ing values. An early order is advumble to secure 1. c 0!“ . before your 80nd your second and third choices m case the first. should be told order is received. .Did you ever decide that if you purchased an organ. you Would like any cer- tam make of instrument? If so. you will probably find it on thu 1m. S. Frank Wilson Sons, 73-81 Adelaide St., West Bonds yielding 4 to 6 1-270 always on hand in amounts to suit investors requirements, Stocks bought and sold for cash or margin on New Yoxk Boston, Montreal and Toronto stock exchanges. 33 Scott St., Toronto. Orders for Nipissing, Silver Queen, ‘Foster and all other Cobalt stocks executed for cash in New York and Toronto. ‘9?" ‘- Flats 2,000 to 10,000 Square Feet Each A. J. PAITISON C0. Steam Power, Heat, Electric Light Fire Sprinkler System, Lowest Insurance. Most Central Location. Four Large Freight Elevators. '1" HICL‘ :3;'/_'{-"‘ ,. “A_‘ / BARGAIN PRICES Ideal Manufacturing Premises IN TRUTH BUILDING MANUFACTURERS A Special Sale iorrespondents-Aâ€"CbaAs. Head Co., Membersvof New York and NEH-GLASS Bdston stock exchanges. INTENDING T0 LOCATE IN TORONTO WILL FIND TWO REVOLUTION .43X56 inch bed, cost $2,500: I88 YONGE STREET, TGRONTO, ONT. 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. LOWEST RENTALS, INCLUDING PRINTERS BANKERS, TERMS OF SALE PRODIGY. Tupsonâ€"“How is your youn 05!, daughter getting along with her music?’ “Splendidly,"ianswércd Mr. Cumru'. “Her instrumr says that ‘she plays Mozart in a way that Mozart. himse i. would never have dreamt om Phone, Main 1311 ’1

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