was possible. This specimen was seen Pu the flats Ilcar a]: head of Nccdlcr’s ,pomd. I hope in “ bag†the next f‘mipe†of thxs kind that I flush. J‘hcre is no clo-c season for this bird, 83' 5W5! “'9'? .‘w- It is: certainly “coming to†one .“apmtâ€at least in Millbrwk. Cross- jssg the ï¬elds yesterday behind this Jellow I picked up two dead birds, a ,nam'c song sparrow and a “ downy †.WUOdPCth’T. both victims to his gun, ï¬nd either of which in Mt: probably .wcrc muncasurahiy his supcnor in all ; that makes lives bencï¬ccnt or beauti Jul. Ihavr but one excuse to offer .for having failcd to lodge a complaint 'pbcforc a Magistrate. The brave sports- man disappeared before idcntiï¬cation DEAR Sunâ€"May I call your atten 2110:) and that of your rcadcrs to a mat~ ï¬cr whwh should bc one of interest and .eoncern to every cnizm. I mean the Holccuion of native son; bards (more Ipamcniarly in this, the nesting Season) :ï¬gainst the prowling loafer or â€161 g{houghthnzs idler and his gun. A $2 5 1 ï¬uc is the “ big suck" which m othcrl t,¢:Ouummiti~c.«s is now being used, to dc itcr or puntsh those whosc high “ aim" jn sport :5 fuiï¬lled m the killing of an innocent “ grcy†bird or the crippling pf a-‘robin. One such ï¬ne in a come pzmnly has a most execllcnt effect. FOR UP-TO-DATE JEWELRY. Issuer of Marriage Licunses, Ml LLB ROCK. Edita- “ Mirror." l‘he watering cart IS settlmg accounts «with the dust on ng St. Mr Richard Wallace has the contract, and has startâ€" fd ï¬ght Keep at It DicK. Dr. Russel! was in Peterboro ,_-on Mondav. (Get your clothes made like new‘ ‘by haying; men} dyed by Parker's Dye Works, Peterboro. Harry Richards, Milflnook agent, at his .store, D. Chamber’s old stand. Your patronage is [espectfully gsolicited. I am also agent for -the Pcterboro SteamLaundry. H. Richards Miflbrook, June 8th. Messs. 1215. Porter, john Armstrong and W. Trcnouth left last week for ~.Manizoba. M rs. Mauve], of Elizabeth, N. 1., is :1 goes! a! the home of Mr. and M rs. J. C. K613. Don’t forget that the recollection of «quality temams long after the price i< :forgnuen. The Carey Rooï¬ng Co.â€" ,‘I.. S. Clarry, Agent, Millbrook. Mr. Jos. 'l'homdyxe, Sc, 15 here on s: wsxt. He has been residing in Que- ;ba: for some ume. Choice Wines and Liquors at the right price. ’Phone orders promptly attended to. A. LEACH, Millbrook. Messrs. H. W. Johnston and W. I. E. (mm were wsitoxs to Peterburo #35! week. Priming that attracts immediate at ftcmion Is no doubt the kind you are 1wxing fur. We print no other kmd. Sand your orders to the Mirror Oï¬ice, King St , Millbtook ‘X’I‘LRH Ruddy was It) Petcrboro on ta professï¬zmal vtsrt thts week. 3' .E. RUSSCH preached two :10 nt sermons m the Methodist church 33s: Sunday, whrch were greatly appre- xiated by the large congregations. '9’ Empty Ox! Barrels for sale: «cheauâ€"Amiy at the Electric Light Plant, Milll)rook.â€"â€"3t Rev. W. C. Allen was m Toronto ’ths week. Yonfheadncbuwmmse. J. STEELE’S, A! Shy rate,‘youseem to be getting rid of it on auction-sale principlem “going, going, g-o-n-e!†Stop the auction 33!}; Ayer’s Hair Vigor. It certainly checks falling hair; no mistake about this. It acts as a regular medicine; makes the scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair, for it's nature’s way. its: Bird KIHem Rd“ mud» . The best kind of a. toatimonislâ€" t l‘Som 10: over sixty yam.†My v. '. “um" 30th of SARSAPAMA. ’ yer gag-“smug“ , Turner, M â€Xian-ooh Yours 8m, 5. HUN'I'ER P. Donnelly in“ Charge. 103. H. BURNS? EmshandsaltMeats BUSINESS CHANGE Having purchased the Butcher msiness of Mr. john McBride, I m prepared to please the public t FIRST QUALITY will do it. <crvc Seems to be in sight; would it not be WC" for you to bcgm so that you may hem a positron to cummand, mazcnd of being commanded ? According to a late order it l5 neces- sary that all Rolls shall be sent in at least one week before Camp. Will all interested kindly call and see the Captain soon as possible. The tn: e for camp has been ï¬xed so that it will be convenient for all. The pay now is nne dollar a day {or three year men and upwards according to rank. The 46th Begimentwill Go Into Camp at Colman; on June 18. If you’re not already a customer of Carey’s Rooï¬ng try us With a sample _._..I, ,, AI , ' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.Jos. Perrin and Mr and Mrs H Lang. of Cavan. ‘ al'.\'a)s onvhand. , Fiehflewleed Vegetables in season. Mr. L. S. Clarry was in Pater- boro yesterday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Rxchard \‘IcVinney, of Spacuse, N. Y., were guests at the home of Mr aa;d Mrs. R Edmunds thxs w.cek MeSsrs. Errol Hansman and Cecil V. Pym spent Sunday in Pctcrboro. arder the next tune you are needing a 00f. â€"Agent. Lb hClarr). Moved by Coun. Kells. sec. by Coun. Doak, that Messrs. 'l‘horndyke and McKmx’s request be granted.â€" Carried. Moved by Conn. Dunk, sec. by Conn. Kells, that the following accts. be paid : H Nattrass, spec. constable. . . .$5 00 } Handiey “ and work 7 75 R Wallace, carting .......... z oo Wm Bruce. work ........... so ‘ R Irwin, work .............. 2 50 Tidy Sons, flOWers .......... 5 3 5 Moved by Coun. Dock, sec. by Coun. Kells, that a Cement 2 in. sur-l face walk he built in front of Mr. '1'. G. Kell's lot. West of Mrs. Ferguson’s rcsidence.â€"Carried. Coun. Kells was appointed to supervise the work. ‘ Council then adjourned W. W. GILLOTT, Clerk.‘ A deputation from the Citizen' s land, Messrs. McKlm and I‘horndyke waned on the Council asking the usual grant of $59 for 1906. The Reeve reported on behalf of Committee re. replacmg of dead trees by‘good ones. Mr. Gordon Mclvor appeared be- fore Councfl, requesting Council to put a few loads of gravel between the residences of Mr. Doak and Mrs. Donneiiy, said stnp belonging to Mr. McIvor. Consideration promised. Court of Revision then adjourned, and Council Immediately met for the transaction of general busincss. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of previous meeting Were rcnd and conï¬rmed. ' A trial order solicited. Moved by Coun. Kells, Sec. by Conn. Doak, that the Assessment Roll of 1906, as reviscd, bc accepted.â€" (hmcd‘ Moved by? Coun: Doak, sec. 7 by Coun. Kclls, that the Assessor’s request was granted. The Assc'ssor asked that one dos;r be taken off: “j. J g. Byam’s assessment Council Chamber, Millbrook, lune 4. Counczl met at 7 30 p m. as Court a of Reviston. Moved by Coun. Nccdham. sec. by Coun. Doak, that assessment on the Ferguson Estate rcsidcnce be reduced lrom $1 100 to $looo.â€"Carricd. Moved by Conn. Doak, see. by (oun Needham, that Mr. Howarlh’s :qucst be granted. â€"Carricd. Mr. F. R. H'owarth asked i0 have Ins name entered upon the Assessment Roll M r. R. W. Clarke. executor, appur- c‘d re asScssment on residence on King St., belonging to the Ferguson Estate, _a_nd occupied by Mr. Pickup. cd. Movad by Coun. Doak, sec. by (Jenn. Kells, that the assessments of the C. P R. and G. N. \V. be conhrm Appcals against the Assessments of the C. P. R. and G. N. W. Tel. Cos were heard Dr. 'lurncr appeared for tth P. R. andCupt Leach for the U. N. W. Moved by Coun. sec by Coun. hoak, that the Rccve take the chair.â€" Carri: d. Presentâ€"The Reeve. and (buns. Doak, Kells and Necdham. Absent- Coun. Dcycfl. 1,1iQPI\}E 10k, . D. LEA CH, TOWN COUNCIL. Capt. No. 4 Cu, Millhrook. Ofï¬ce and Store, ‘ Milllwook, Ont. King St., (gp. Dam. Hold. , P.'S.~â€"'1’ers‘nns having small lots of sgock, chapels, 8m, to sell, I will be pleased to-put ghem up at auction any Saturday, ‘ " l l. E. N. The undersxgncd wishes to inform those mtcndmg to have auctio‘h salcs that he Will be pleased to have a‘call from them. 'l‘crms reasonahlg. ’ 1.. E. NEEDHAM;‘ Arr I N The annual flOWer suvice will be held in St. John's Church, Cavan, next Sunday, at 7 pm. There Will be ro mornmg semce that day. Vc- do not do things to meet com- petitxon , “I: make a Lâ€Rooï¬ng that In- vites compct: tinn '1 he Carey Rooï¬Irb ' Co. Aventâ€"L. S Umr}, MilIbrIIok. Mrs. H. McCartney. Mrs. Wm. PcndIy. Miss 15 KricgeI. and Mrs A III. Sneltgrove attended the wed ding of Mr. (1. McCartney to MIs Doyle. at the home of the bride' 5 parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Adams, Campbellford, on 'luesday. . E. NEEDHAM, AUCTIONEER. The l’rcsbvtenans have purchased an extra acre of land fur Cemetery puvpnscs, m d had a bet: this we..-K making utcnsnc Imprqumcms to tho: Ccmctcry. FISHING STRICTLY PROHIB- I'l'EDâ€"Notwc IS hereby gchn that ï¬shing :5 strictly ,prohibited on the creek from the: (i. T. R. Dump to the West Boundary Linc. l’cr:ons found lrkspasdng on these waters uftcr this notice will be prosecutcd accordmg to law. 'l‘hclucal Fislnng and Hunting. l’rutccgion Association has passed 1 resolution to this effect. Sc: posters for further par:icu!ars.--2t I 1 Mr. Joe Burns has a new dch\'cr_\’ rig. The tendcxs {or the contract of cement walks and crossings wue opened at a special mmtingotthe Council last‘cvcning. There were three_tcndexs received as follows: , «s3 V\-\’alk. Crossings. \V. Thcxtoh "from ft. 18c. ft. Russell Stuart 15c. ft. 20c. ft. Budd (t McClxrry Ioc ft. molt. The last lender was ac<.epted. Mr. Geo. McCartney and bride were ,«zur-sts at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Mc- (Iaxtncv, King St, yesterc‘luy. It is to be hn )cd that at other ses- l sionsa much larger number will be prcsmt. ' On behalf of the spa-akcrs. Mr. FraSc-t knot bc‘ng so ‘ modest ’ as his C0"cflguc5â€"â€"n‘l'dc a courteous rcplv to thc Incalty-s‘flx of marks tegdcrcd :hcm. Mr. (Ewen alts-5 Sp kc in glowing terms of the splendid addresses of the visiting delegation, and expressed his regret that so few :wmled themselves to amend such an Important meeting The President, Mr. T. A. Kelly, put the motion to the and emc, and it was unanimously carried. Mr. Kelly said he was pleased to notice: that both newspapcrs uf the :uwn ere rcprcsen tcd at this mcctmg a brief and interesting address. and he was pleased to second Mr. Doak's motion. Mr. Dunk, j. R, a. leading seeds man, gave a slum but pomtcd address, and in conclusion he desired to mom: a hearty vdtc of thanks to the visiting speakers for their execllcnt and helpful addrcsscs. Capt Winslow, a grain merchant of mqny years experience. also dclnercd ber of samples and also illustratmns of “reds Were shown those [.rcsmt. and which proved quilc interesting PcrnnMallsâ€"Perennial Sow 'l'histlc. Blndslrr (Summon, ('ouch Grass or 'l‘witch, (,Turlcd book, (.‘anadn Thistle, Bird \chd. These and others. no lcss harmful, were refund to. and the: diffcrcnl methods of dcstroflng them Wcrc fuily and clearlyexpla'ntd. A luxgr: num' Annualsâ€"Wild M usta‘rd. “"ormScL-d Mustard, Ragweed, Blue Burr, Wild Oats, Pig Weed. Sbw 'J'hxstlc, Catch Fly, Corn Cockle, Doddrr. Biennialsâ€"Falsc Flax, Shepherd’s l’urscfl’igecn Weed. Rcd Root, Bur- docK, Swect (Slow. r, Blue Weed. Among the mos‘i injurious weeds found upon lhc farm: arc the follow mg : The speakers were the same as in the alternoon, and as we have h:{ore referred to the ahihty of these gentle- men to handle their subjects, ll. Li not necessaly to repeat it here. Everyone present were Well pleased with the helpful information given. The fall wheat tield across the way from Mr. Fair’s was visited and some valuable lessons given re. noxious weeds found. and the best method to get rid of them. It is to be regretted that a larger number Were not present to listen to the remarks and sugges- tions of the speakers. Eyening Sesston. The evening session held in the town hall was not largely attended, but those who availed themSelves of the opportunity to attend Went away with many valuable hints, re. the eradication of noxious weeds and also with further knowledge of raising better crops. Mesars. Raynos’, Frazer and Nash gave chcllcnt addresses. The ulenti ï¬cation ot weeds found in ï¬elds was poin'cduut. 'l'hc midge fly, that is now acm‘e depositing eggs. was also rgfcned to. The necessity of the bumble bee as a tcrtihZcr of red clover was fully explained. and the speaker strongly urged the protection of then}. 'l'l. r." , l, . n um: one man appeared. However, soon after a number of others cum, and a good meeting was hcld. The delegates complained of havmg to wait an hour in Mr. Fair’s ï¬eld be- fore on: man gppcarcd. However, SPECIAL INST“ UTE SESSIONS. The meetmgs held on Friday after- nOun and chmng, under the auspices ot the East Durham Farmers’ institute, were not largely attended. although of great vain: and Interest especially to the farmers. -â€"-â€"o<°>o ~__ “The: Faun];- Hera†and \K'cckly Saar 82’“): MIRROR will he sent to any address in Canada, (heat Britain or I} S. to Jan, rt? 19c] fur 50c. MLMcCurtney is: son of Mr and Mr! H. McCariney, town, and resided heréï¬p to accepting a situation in Pet- orbo‘ï¬g.‘ The bride was also born in Millbrook. is u' ueicu a! Mrs. Wm. Pondry and. In well and favorably known ln'this town and vicinity The Mirror juiua with many friends of both in attending heath"! Inongtam-latlons gn'ngaod wishes to thé‘huppv couple Upon their return from their tfip Mr. and Mrs McCartney will reslde at 846 Dubllu slreet.â€"Examluer at June l2th. The principals of this interesting event ere Mr George B. McCartney c-f Patel-born, and Leona. Do. le, {onrth (laughter of M r. John Adams. Banner street, Cnmpbellhnd, at whose resi- dance the wedding took place, the ceremony being performed by Rev. A. C. Reeves, BA , the pastor of the Pros- byterian church, in the presence of the immediate friends of the contracting parties. The bride ts a graduate nurse of Nicholle Hospital here, and is wide- ‘ Ly known. Mr. McCartney is also well known here. He has been on the staff of the Golden Lion for the past seven years, and upon the eve of his “ed- dlng he was presented by the members ofthet staff with a handsome marble clock. as an evidence of their esteem. A! (.‘ampi-Jellfurd this afternoon, at 1 o'clock, a. ueddmx of much Interest m Peterboro residents took Mace. Both the brlde and groom are we}! kuowu 1n the city, and are Very popular. A noospaper can t afford to its readers like that" and subscriber blew out again leaving his name. But, say, " he concludcd, " you jest have the old gentleman makc lhcm corrections will you? 'l‘cn lungcâ€"nol chuI--’nd the biggest one {any pounds, {our ounces, not twanty pounds a.: it is here. v l Ignt 'in yesterday llul I don't ical seem to have got the hang of things here yet. l.00k< strange. Seems like they’d been a fresh deal all round ’nd , I’d got into the discard somehow. I lseem to be all inâ€"nothin doin’. as y’ may say. james Deyell’s moniment in the New C(nnnettion buryin' ground nd Niddy llogan' s the on y, “hat 3' might call familiar things I’ we seen yet. 'l’ime don’t seem to have monkeyed with either of ’em. Niddy, hy the “av, was just tellin’ me the number of years he has spent in Ireland and difl‘erent places in America before he settled down here. Say, he’s a. wonderful old man for his years. I ï¬gured it up, so many years here, so many years there, and accordm’ to his own ï¬gures he’ll be 139 next August. He was tellin' me he attributes it all to Shoo Fly breakfast food and the total absence of mental worry. l a dry eye in the audientc whm he cuncludcd except Mr. Armstrong's Own eyr'. I’d ’a' been in bclorc almut that pit-cc in lhc paper only, )" sec, I’ve been out Ohio and Indiany ways for quite a spell ’nd I’m no hand a \n'ilin'. ' t We examined the paper and para- graph with interest and explained that Mr. Haytcr was -â€" “ Oh, yes 1 know,â€r he interrupted, “ peggin’ away at his garden of course, cultivatin’ spinach 'nd the Simple Life ’nd blister ; in' his nose ’nd hands in. the sun (0 ter in’ fruits of the yearth for a thievin’ generation to break tln‘u 'nd steal. I’ve kicked a picket or two oflhn that fence myselfwhen I was flccter of foot, ’nd it was the proper fad as y’ may say to pick yer fruit in the gleaming. Ihave fourteen bird shot in my person at the present time “hich was presented to me ï¬fty years ago on >lt'll an occasion. I was loiterin' in one of jinlnne Arni- Strong’s Northern Suy apple trees after the test of the hunch was over lllL fence when the presentation took place: Mr. Armstrong made the presentation himselfin feclin' terms, ’11"! then: wasn't MCCARTNEYuDOYLE As he followed the direction of Ed- } ward Hogan’s thumb and stood inside i the door of the “ MIRROR " Oï¬ice he looked like one who should be on ‘ familiar ground but had Somehow lost his bearings. “ Mr Mr. Hayter down yet? Because," he continued. turning out the musty contents of an inside: pocket and producing an old safl'ron tinted “ Messenger,†“ he made a leetle mistake in the Weight of them there ‘ lunge me ’nd Nathan White ’nd joe Eycrs caught at Hugginses on the 24th, ’nd more ’11 that.†mounting the ofï¬ce stool and smiling indulgently on the staff, “ Scarlett, y’ see. wasn’t with the party at allâ€"which, makes as y’ may say two errors, doesn’t it ? †He was a veritable galley drawn, ï¬rst proof, Of Old Subscribers this ancient vision who sat before us, the white (lust of time and many roads on head and feet, a lean accusing finger on a paragraph marked H good Luck at The River 2 †The date line of the paper indicated an issue ofjunc, A. l)., 1866. An Old Subscriber with a Grievance “ It’s never too late to mend.â€-Old Prov A CORRECTION. mislead the old without u: n33 Incly Ull [UL terms right i l)on' t forget the place. Union 81., {Special Auction Sale DBXt Saturday at 7 30 p m W. m 1 E N eedham stand. V1 e will use 3011 right. K 1- A‘: â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" I‘ on ’t forget the \Vuman’ 5 Institute, Mceti :g m the Tom} Hall to mgh1,£i Thursday. Iune 14th NURSE BROS.' LIVERYâ€" \Veâ€" will be: pleased to have aï¬call lrom you when Vou need a ï¬rst- class lu-ery outï¬t. Terms right. IlAï¬l‘ r M. 'l‘. Butcher Son, dealers in Furmture. Stoves, and Household Goods. Second hand goods bought and sold. Houses and lots for sale. Agents for nursery stocx. Corner of Sizncm: and Water Sts., opp. Ontario Bank. Pcterboro.â€"â€"Box 599â€"21“ Cavan Council next page. Mrs. H W. Johnston, Miss Annie hells. Ihe Misses Mary A and Mannie Fair, Mrs. J D Fair and children, Mrs. (Dr ) Dore" and chiidren, Mrs. (Rev) Wm Johnston. Mrs. (Dr.)Tunier and Babe, Major Winslow,Coun. TA Kelly, Hours '1‘ G and J C Keila, J W Walsh, D Milliuan, A J Fallis, Richard Nurse, R J Doak and daughter W S Given, ll Mien, Sum Perry, H M Wood, R Vance, E \V‘ anprev and F R Howanh. There were ï¬fty adults and one child's tit-Let Sold in Mil'brook for the excursmn to Uueiph this morning. The follow-in: are among than: who went: ‘ A trmnmxo IS Muwnoox ---Mr. J. D. Fair, one of our hardware merchants, went to the station to see his ezfe and familv comfortably ï¬OlLOJ in the train for their trip to Guelph Unfortunately the train pulled out at or quick.nnd he not caring to risk h'e limbs by jumping 03‘, luv! to put up with the inevitable and go With the crowd to Carmel, where he got a ‘tie’ pass back. We understand he made {net timeback even breaking “Jiumu’u Reynolds’ record." fur a short distance. Sherring of Hamilton would he left in the cool shades, of defeat i! entered against ‘ Dawson. "I had only to try Dr. Hamilton's l’llls to appreciate their merit" wr-tes Miss Annie S. Bryce, ol Woodstock. "My svstsm was out oforder. My s_\stem was out ofordsr. Myblood una weak and thin. “Jada nasty. murky cumplexlona. My skin was hard and dry. The ï¬rst boxU! Dr. Hamilton’s Pills made a complete change. I felt better at once. Healthy color came into my face. lnabeut three weeks I was cured " Dr. Hami l- lon's Pulls effect an easy cure. Try these good pills, 23¢, per bllx, or live boxw for swo, at all dealers. There are a HIHuhl-r of youths “u- make a practice of robbing bicds nests. and \\ ho may not be a“ a. e o! the fact that there Is a heavy penalty for thus breaking the law. The next. one caught In the not w!“ be made an example of " A word to the wise ls sufficient." Be sides Leirg contrary to law It isa mean act. Lots of people huve this. watery blondâ€"they eat plenty hm don't (Lao-mt. \\'l.en digestion ls pnor fund isn’t con verted into nourislnnemâ€"in conse quence the body rapidly looses atrengt h To positively renew healthuxoxhlug equals Ferrnzwne. I! excites sharp up, pelite,-â€"umkes the stomach «Eigebt, forms life sualaining blond Abundant strength is sure to lnllow. ll 3'. u need more vitality, extra. energy, belle-r nerves, then use Ferrozune, the medi- cal triumph of the age. 17m:- cents lmysabux hf ï¬fty L'llucolute Coated tablets. Mn. J. So'rmmx has a ï¬ne framed pic- In re of the Sex-gram Queen's and King’s Plate winners up m and including 1905. The frame is about. four by three feet, and the Engraving: shows â€.8 plate winners, arranged in an nislong circie in front of the Grand and Judges stands. The hnrses appear in natnxai icoiors, and the riders in costume and colors worn at the race, name of each horse and date of “inning the plate given The border is wavy green, showing nimve Grand Stand "'1 ioe Guineas" strung in gold chain, in bar demand beneath in center of herder " The Cup.†it is a handsame engrav- il 2, suitably framed, and will be nun h admired. “ Infurno,†winner 1905, is said to the grandest specimen of the Canadian thoru'bred eyer seen on the turf. Her Skin Was Yellow Every druggist sell: Dr. Leonhardl'u Antl~PilL or a sample will be sent free by The WHson-Fyle Co , Limited, Ni- rgara Falls. Ont. 2‘ I have been a great suffers: from Dyspepsia. for many veers. I have been treated by local (loco ture and have taken Mr. M. N Din-on nearly all tine adver tleed remedies with only temporary relief, "any at all, but since using Antl-l‘iil at bed time for the past three months, and ï¬nd they regulate both stomach and bowels. My old time vigor has returned. so that my spirits are buoyant and temper normal. As a result of this unlmped for experience I am in duty bound to give all credit to this wonderful remedy, Anti-Pill." The remedy that cured Mr. Dafoe so completely is surely worth a trial. 502 Something New And 13 Delighted Feels Like a Boy. Water in Your Blood A TGRDNTU MAN TRIES A WARNING. Mr. M N. Dafoe Manager the Dust- lcss Brush (‘0, 29 Gulborne 8L. Toron- to, II telling his uiends howho foulzd neuth after yearn of illness and pain He says; 34W :33 at MOORE'S during this BIG YneuSav $5011 a1$ flPmnHas All of the above mï¬st be turned mto Cash including Fresh Sugars, Teas, Currants. Raisins, (Icrrnls, (‘anncd Goods. Bottled Goods, and Confectionery. Also Pipes. 'l‘obaccos, Broom<. Bru~hcs. Rugs, jewelry, Spectacles, Papcr Bags, all Weights, and Wrapping Paper. (‘1‘. ALSO THE STORE FURNITURE. Blg Sale Starts Wednesday. May 30. Grocery Stock All Guaranteed . Fresh and Good. One Door East of Mr. ; Jewelry Store 1‘ ,_ -u' v..- trade, and glxzaranuc uuxixc s2. 1'- ction. 1 “1.11:11'1-c11argc 011111 1,1111 '1111 shoe 1111;111:1111: .11. win as 11511111 pm >111†111111111111 10 3111151111115. 211.11 1.11-1111r You want 11211111 mam.- 111 facton 11015 1.1111 51.1115 141111155, b1-_ i can 511111111 you “1111 the 11151 (4011115 at 110121 111111 F. ‘59 1'41. sprcia1line of 11015' School 8111112543150 :1 full 5101211111 1.1.111 valises. c. 1'1 \ ‘ c I have purchaSmI the harqus business of Mr. “'11:. Sir in. and will commuc the said business m :m up to did-.- snlc. hmmg secured the services of :1 ï¬rsz-vluss ham css mukcx, who xvii! :1“qu to this drpzznmrn: of flu: Lusmcss. MILLBROQK. Grocery Stock This is 1 Ben: Fidc Sale as Mr. Moore is Giving up Business Bring in your Harness and get. it reg-aired W’Before the Sprlng Rush). gumm BANE MILLBROOK, : to sell pumm-‘anw -M~a~‘:s~* Veterinary Suz'gmn to His Mzujcstg’s 1411: 1’ B, C an; Millbrook Branch a»)! 76) Deposits of $1 (‘0 and upwards nceiwd and ï¬rm-us: aIIOWc-d at current xzntrs. Inn-net added to principal thcc :1 )«var. Every facility afforded Faxmexs for thin Bunkâ€; Business. Sale notes cashed or taken tor (tollecuon. Ofï¬ce on King St, ï¬rst door \VL-st ( oilins' Ban}.- SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Farmers’ Banking. S.â€" Calls Ly Telcyhmxe by AUCTION AND PRIVATE SALE, ail of his Special Sale Note Forms FREE on anzliwtugn Established 1857. Eead {E32, The undersign- d has been .J. LANG- F. R. HOXEIARTE-l', be turned mto Cash within TEN DAYS, and to do so they will be Slu-XUGH'I'ERI'ZD. Ever Held in SALE. “ Money Saved is Money Earned.‘ prompt!) attend d tu. instructed by Auctioneer. R MANAGER z: 31: 4 / 335 O O , has.» ""491â€,, 33 g, run BRIO. ‘. Steele’s Tsz'nnm. 06 'Cl) ,. .. y latest ami s‘ t any duad )ods at max .:m 58%": in) r635 or :05qu nd S‘s!“ “‘11: A. may, 0! I . ‘,__.._ .v, «Arum n. 6659 Special ‘9 MILLINERY DEPAR HI UKESSMAKINC [Hil’ I date: of order. \\'c m 1‘ undo: lo ordcr from 0:1! Cheaper lnzucxnis mil DRESS Goons Dizmzl rcduced priCcs {0: this \Vash Goods LI ( L'l Grenadines. (ii agiums '1‘ .â€" 2) ughtcrs “(the K :1." tench-r :21 -§r thanks 10 Mr 3 1.011;}: for {rowing raps) lhflr {at the occasion READYAIADE CLOI‘H and $7.50. I curry (3: made :11 Canada. equm prices are about iiu: d: should see our stock of folk and other style 5:: The pruécmh o! (h: amount -d a: 3:333. '1' .- 2) ughtcrs oft'ac The Store Every Man should be in the carry the Williams. G n to date styles. All kin Stank.- Dry Goods Dept.â€" â€"I’ L uohums. Lace and Cl below other dealers. C kinds of $th: goods 11 Land, punk, and fail [in Cakes on hanJ. 'WANTEDâ€"sopoo 002. E “7001 manufactured at (0110‘ Van, 20c. duublc. Mdnufa' The grounds were pc;{ 4‘: ; that nature and due akil} hf Mrs. Lung?- haJ dumc iu.’ 1.1 more beauty was ad-Ic.i ? y :1 -d lus’y datsl.uiu'~~‘ <12. ; vagina: u! :33: King. You! “all 'i'uir,’;.-n : Nut “I: was! plasma; (:41: grogmm vms a 11m 2...Ii Lu be'lï¬'ccfl ()-n< natrr. i’c‘?t:!::\ï¬ 1:: V1“:- duiw, rhc: {02:11.3 ricum thc foot in“ pit-Ms: 2.01 :n- xi :- 'l'hc game: was (as: rut-.5 m» :c, nutmuuate acudrm l0 .‘.3 lit-[var Icing (he unly dng' idc-a! game and delightful pm CHA N. B â€"â€".‘.L,i., Gouda Maxim Full line of white and choc Boots we carry full 1m Thc cxg‘cH-tm fciltï¬izuk‘hix were pt-rhaps even more 241 it u'rrc pusqblc- than an) c. up by the good ladies u?†:' Mme. The program “'1", x. good. Mr Pym m' .‘Jza‘iiim, Smithson ol' Bailicboro, Mr and Muss Lila Parsons uf < rendered beautiful mlm, a‘i 4 wet: handy and dcscn'cxih' B'ctc handy and (km-1 \u oi. Ma's» Lunny w' 1:; drlighled (lac largc au nu; ï¬uc n1:itat‘on.. The garden par'u‘ hcld (2n 11 tlful hum of Mr. \X'. H. Lg “’cdm-sday. junc 61h, was pg, mom sucu: slul onc m'cr incl} ï¬tting “Huge. The !J.;- 3:1: ll ng. undcl H‘hoit‘ magic“ 1' u. held, (ksu'x‘c mac» 1 r :3“: umireng eff-ms u: mama; L‘ ï¬nd; a splcndid M10 . 5,. “:71 u did much ("Injuyzurm L; g“ 1 ' .Wr'. I‘ A. Kcily, of M was :a town yesterday on Mr. «in. Adams, of Wm“! -‘ x-3suinu fricmis In ()mqu ï¬tting for h‘s mbscnpti -n< that luv couid not hve m M. the «eddy m1: of the Mn‘ such a ‘ dry’ plao: (1 mn. 1' 1 requon a ncfrs'y pain-r mfg ; to kccp him In tnuvn “1:1: 2 hilppcllings. Mr. Adams hen a reader of the Mum: csm'; lmhmt n2. Mr. one Lytlc, Pro; the ..12n~Wardcr. \ died quite suddenly 0n :1 He was 52 years old,andi Will be gr atiy regrettnf“ (:00 -\ 5 nc' J N .. a< - i ' latest and 5:311: 1 any shade. 'i )ods at rcnsonabh an saw: money 2) rc‘ss or cosxumc gu nd scv. \Vm. ( u: Subscribe for Mi CARMEN l’AK'lY A1 Hair (3 . AlclkL‘ {"61