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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 20 Jun 1907, p. 3

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$14,400,000 $11,000,000 Ii trax:sacud 5 that may wrat three y'y of nuns, uhrn It‘ll grows tin-m, a! alum! i ' . ' - l 1me. of Freud) Kips is. valisn, C. a, and in London ,Mexicq OUT TREAL ANAGER 11 ch. tended to. . Steele’s 59,831 168,001,173 p0 its. that rcmmd the s as can be ’ 521‘")? en )y 's 'anth nil! be NYC 56 public be found 50!): ething IN CHARGE MISS BRANNAN. You Can Save Money by Buying Groceries Here. Drensglflakmggl Ladies Tailoring Every Department‘Filled With New Spring and Summer Goods. Uwfiuads House James Dobson, :â€" Oznemee. Anangcmcnts have m‘ plctcd for the DouroF Man: on 'l’ucsday july Edward Grove, Douro. ticnlars will be annou‘ paper. A grand chnval mil be! Bethe! on Ty nda" , June 27 sen-ed from ' to ~ .m., afxrr J l D an CXCCHL‘nt program. cnnsis! vocal and instrumental music, re rccitatxons, dialogues, eta, w rendered, commencxmr at 8 c sham. Everybody com. A txmr anticipated. The (-nrdcn Pam he! nday Iaxt was a "rand s fin! ball mt! h hczme n t I h rcsu 'tcl' m :1 tic. 'l was excellent nmi :ix~ s1: co :ld by dc ilcd. Mm tributed sew-m} tannin. U Iiubted all. We hop:- tn be fumn-d with a large .nwdon m july, from MiHbrook. Cw n and Mann-rs. Emily Diatrict and Band WI” storm Milibmok on 12th jn‘y. Prc-parations are being made :ulrcady. Fishing has bo-gm, and sMh-m] of the boys have captund was] good Buss and Lungs. See the Grand I‘emmtron at Um: Pre-bytrnan Lawn Social. Rcfresh ments ser cd {n m 5 to 7 5mm. The Garden Party hvld at Ida on Friday LN was a grand S'H'CCSS The ,. _ _ Banana Festival at Sat ..,.,.., u) Lanaman Genera ICE (:RE\.\I SJVIAL‘AI St. (:0. PhTERBORO. ()llt-" Jamcs’ Church (lelc'fl, Exrih‘. undc-r the {luspiccs of: the Sn :duy Schmd, I MARRIED. on I‘nday cvmamgjunc 215:, 1907.] (‘Otneil (. . . (.‘omc and sue the Fish I’und, jack 1 d” ' ‘ O‘Hellv‘At and NJ and other anractionsâ€"â€"Good,I unce 0! the 1”“? 5 PM mmfc furm~hcd. .v\n’mf>sinn 2; cents I 19th june, "y RCV- R M1 ChiIer-n :5 «ram. Prm‘crds for Sun- 0‘! (){llemum Mdvlilc day School. I. H. 'l‘cncy, Superm- 90:11:21], Ofthe To“ tcndcnt. to 311:: (tr-n.” 13.. I 'nship Millinerly Dept. Mrs R. Kill-4h, Pxince Albert. is a guest at Elle home of Mr. and Mrs. R j Countney. The Kiz'kficfd Lift Lock will be formal v Op; ncJ by Hon. Mr. Lcmicux. Postmaster General, m 1,3» o‘closk 0n the afternoon of S turday, July Oh. Department i; charge of Miss Thain. [3‘ Try Wyhc‘s 1c: Cream, Soda. Sunnijm, “and Harwn~0nly the l’urcst (Iru.~!nd I’ruxb and Fun: juiCcs used. (Thursdixy) The Banana Festival at Bethcl -wiH be held on 'l‘hursdly, jun: 27th, In st ad of july 4th. “011’: turgct date, junc 27ah. (Hlt: wcck from tomght, A cordial imitation is extended to the citizens of Millhrook, Cavan and Manvcrs to attend the big cclcbraliou to bc held in ()mcmcc on July 1 Omcmce and Lmily intend to rcciprc- c. tc on July 12th. DUL’RO PICNIC The many friends of Dr. Camoron Will be: plcased to learn that h: has rccovercd from his recent illness, and has resumed his practice in Pcterboro. The Dr. is maxmg preparations to ctcct a fine house at the corner of Charlotte and Stewart strccts. Douro Plcmc to take announced in tgram, cons of mm: H Hummer- and tic The prormm .1)“ «Inner .1" that Mus Lough con- rvadmgs which de now been com- music, readings 9th at King Further par afirr winch will I): ....,_v .V .u|. HilllCl ' .1” that , ]. “'ethvrup, of bmcmcc. 'I‘hc Ccre gh run-9 man)- was pcrfonncd by thc Rcv. M. inch de 5 Wil; m. uf “Miami, the hridfl part) 9 standing undcran :zr: h of cmrgrccna ay by her 4') (-01“. ‘ The hzilc was giwm. aw . C? i hrrc. fathvr, am} was gowhc-d In White Or gam‘y, mmmcd “uh rm Court ,' nit}! L‘lCC inwrtirm The hridc's g-ning "‘TCUSCS, ‘ 3““? suit was of blue lady’s Cluth wnh Hung-ml ’ Whit: Allow-r . n.l.,...,v-r.. -..-. . . A Huvcr lace. he“ at gm Id this lock 'I'hcy n-ceivcd a muqu ofvcr) ‘ pretty and main! presents, among them being a handsome parlor Sci, the gift of thc gumm. The brides cake which was a ver) dainty one wan a gilt of the bridu's bruthcr-in law. Mr David Erskine. Toronto Jet 'I‘Lcy will reside in Omemw. The Mirror joins in extcndmg best wfshes to thr happy couple. S‘HH')‘, mmmcd will: AHnu-r lace. nith ILICC inscrtirm The bride's g-ning away suit was of hhlc lady's Clot}. thh whit: Allow-r unbzmdrry waist, and White hat to matvh 'l'hcy Were unat- tm led. The parlur was prcttilly decorat-d for the ocvasiun with ever. grccns and flowers. UEfiEiMEE’S FASHIONABLE One week 3! pr using Ferrozuno you'dieei like new. you’ll apprerhue what reni robust health means. In a month y'm’il scarcely credn the push your vignr and hedzh have receixed- ,Ferrnznne is more than numic ho- causo its Work lasts, its bonefltn ra- ingiu and are not tamporurv. i: restores health where other irehtmenia fail, mud orpwchliy In the spring time it oimnid hr and by eyorv man, woman and chiid Try it; fine per box;ur nix hunt! {or $2 50. Sold by a“ jdeulnu l‘hw injust the time to use Ferro- znne; it excites splendid appetite, gives mutation splpndul and, supplies nour- ishment («.r all weak organs. At. once you {eel hum am! and strong, Nutriti- ous Na d courses through your veins, supplies strangth and life. makes you ‘. tingle u ii]! animation 3. .d muhiuou. 3 No more headache. No: e of that tired langour. l Ynn leel like duing things because ' l-ern zone complete y renews and 'strengthe: a your w hole I\ shun. l For sprh‘g dehility no medicine on out}: given such qn'ck, lasting bexzefifa us Ferrozone. It has raised thousands from downright weakness. given them pmfevt health simply bet-mus it can- tainu the fortilving elenwnla that run- down systems require Spring house-cleaning In the Solemn July of every g-vod housekeeper,â€"this thaw, let it cmxm.em~e with your own sn-tnm. A 1 HI» organs are dept ased. “.9 liyer is slow, kidney 3 are unheal- thy. In Collin quence you me limhu vitality in low.colur Ia had, appetite ponr and ’0': need medicine. You Should Cleanse The System at Once With Proper Medicine. YOUR BLOOD UNHEALTHY IN THE SPRENGTIME. A her a no“ spaper has yeiled itself hoarse in an Pfl'urt tn persua-ia peupfe to patroniz» home mmchnuls and acci- «hmtly stumbles on the fact. that some or these same business men “ hom he ha endeavnrinu to pron-ct are sending auay their job printing, it rather l!mk“8 his faith in mankind and makes reciprocity look like a lead dime with u hole in it. And they do It right here In Midland.-~.\lidland Angus. Why not cleanse and pmify IlIo “ hole In Islam, In In) :0: strengthen the stunmch, enrlc the blmul and assist the ovulaxed digestive organa? knell} done with Dr llamilton’ s Plllr; their ucIiun is most gunning. ln exery case the) gne il‘. e exact assiuhu. er the ailing 0: guns require. \ nu ’ll lvel fit and fine eat will: a relinh. M98}: like a tap, have .1 clear color, and restful sloep Ifynu regulate your a} stem \\ iIlI Dr llamiltnn’s l’ilia. Price 25c. box, at all dealers pel" i Subscribe" for Mirror. WHEN YUU EAT 'IOO FAST. You have indigestion, perhaps cramps or In any case the system is nverfo uled with matter that shuqu he ahmlv'ated. Breath gets bad, 93 ea Junk dull, Lend- uches are frequent. sale all and singular every part and parcel at his \\ hole platorlul parapher- nalia, and to give up fishing as a __ rv~ Bru. irwin of the Durham Chronicle has been out on a fi~hlm2 expeditien which he writes of in his paper as {oi lawnâ€""The editor nf this paper pur- chased a hnnd new fishing outfit for 24th of May, and after following the "wanderings “Him Samoan River {or a distance Hf Shinethinp In“ nu... M uuvau i return. (‘amrrhozoue’s hen'~ l g vapor is breallu-d right int» the lungs. destroying the cause of Asthma and succeeds in the most chronic cases. Try It Two sizes, 26c and $100 at all dealers. I ~â€" 04.50“â€" SHAKE HANDS W 1"“! .\.<'I‘!I .\l.\, A“!tu dia'mssing is asthma. But worse ifpmalble when combined with Bronchitis. Reiieve-l quicker bv Catar- rhuzone than anything elseâ€"cured so thoroughly by "(‘ntnrrhozone" that It doesn't return. (‘amrrhozoue’u Imn'- and week I ml! further news regarding camp We here. It is nuw almur tune to turn out the lights, there they go nmv. Darkness compels me to quit writing. endeavor to give l’cter Stimson and Buglcr 1 the right ham! men of the ( Peter is ()ffiCe-r's orderly, and is the Masvntt‘ No. 4 has got the strongest. th b33- gest, and the \ViScat men .u Culllp. 'l‘o night the grentest wrestling match ever witnessud will take pluve on the “cook box” at :1 o'clock. bk“ tween Sam the light weight and (4“) the heavy Weight; Peter Nipple chchC James Inhnstcn and Bert Hender- son are the best soldiers In the regi-i men! EVcrything going meal and gravy. (4: a dandy. k"‘I-iston Camp and wandcrcd mm the: “Mirror" office, cxt wcck I ml! STRAYED FROM KINGSTON. Kingston gxrls think Omc-mec boys will be back to Omcmcc big Celebration on Dunlimon fullowmg “cm: got away from the handsomcst in the Kingston, and Buglcr Banks are u... vuyuul|lcll I his paper as {01‘ DeceasL-d was born in the County of Caledon. Inland, and of this paper pur- fishing outfit for he! ’1)”0\\i| g the Augean River {or my less than M- him; only a few 'cilled to nfl'er for r every part and Istorlul parapher- up fishing as a The whole 0mm the exceptinn nf' came to Canada when 16 years old, Settling in Hope 'l‘ownnhip. where he learned the trade 0! nonng In what was known as Sultrr'S Mill. He was svhooled at "Newzy." In poiitn‘s he was :1 staunch (Sonsu‘vutne, in reli- gion, Presbyterian. ‘ His Wife. nee jane He“, was a1 daughter m" the. late “’11:. Best. of Cavun She and tun I'lfnuu'flurn (40':) new ixlpcr is of the Cog-man)" ’OU'. Two Step .‘l;\ :ot away from A; may} Who enjoys wandcrcd mm his SQCIal glass 111“”43' 9f Should take Bu-Ju. Don’t be delmrred frnln e'rength and rpirit, dun’t give in to illness and des- i pall’. l’erroz .ne supplies tune and ‘vxgor Nnrough which all functiuns of \s'onmnly life are nmiulumed and toni- fied. From New Richmond. Quebec, cumes the foHowing statement from Mrs. Isinlure Boissnnenuh: "I take deep pleasure in testifying to the pnw- erfnl influence of Fern-zone. For years my daughter has been pale and sicklyâ€"showed signs of advanced an- aemia Her lips um 89 a bite and her cheeks so (humid u! Culnr I feared Cull. sunny-(inn I can certitv Ferrozone made nu exec-Hem cure, And lo-‘day my daughter's Imam: in the but," 50c per bu; pt Ml denim In conclusion the speaker urged his hearers to elner Into service with God, to make a covenant with (Thrirat Then they ehnuid confess it. um! mm 1-6 ashamed of their reliuiun. '1 hey sin-uh! tell it lo that mocking blend and to“ that profane and foul-mouthed man that they \rnuh] not permit the nanm of God Io be taken in vain ROSY CHEI'IKS FOR PALE GIRLS “In the world to come,” salt] the Speaker, ‘Hell would be populated very largely, not wlth the wicked, luut “ith those whose religion is d'vided betneen God and the world." The e were the people that the (level was gathering in, persuading them to halt halfwuly beteeen God and the world. ' "Rev. Mr, Lnngfeldt nskel his he 1r- ars ”they were not ”pm: to uh‘e a double Beerceâ€"tn lead n. double lifeâ€"- and to combine spiritual and secular thlngs‘ G d would not uckrowledge such u life, which he regarded as an impusslhility. C barlés A mag: w [(de inu) his SQCial w a) from “a..."w Frl \c \1Hu and "HUIHIHHI." RPV Mr. Langfv-ldt is an efnqnent and form- {nl speaker, and his sermon on this occasion was listened to v ith rapt ut tentfon. Spare “i” not permit t-fpuh- llshing the excel‘eut sernwn in full but “9 quote from the l‘lxummer the following: Rev. E. A. Lungfeldt, B A .rrenched an inspiring sermon to :1 lame gather- ing of the (f 0 F . at St Luke's churvh, Peterluwn, on Sunday evening last. ”in text was takes fr:-m St. Matthew V1,, 24, "No man can H‘JYu luo mus- ters. fur either he “in hate ”maze and love the uther, or 8156 he n H huh! to the nne, um! despise the nther. Ye cannot serve Gnd and "HUIHIHHI." va u yawn hhennd tuodnughters. 9" Mrs. Abe. Lzchy. of ()memee a and Miss Ann }« I’vlr. :4 home. ' together with seven runs, viz: ‘l \ViHmm, of Cumbruy: julm, of ' I ()ps: Imiuh. of Innetville: Waller. ’ of Basswood. fink; Alin‘rt, of 1 Pctcrbor'o; I\’<'\'. Harry. of Salt- cants, Sash, and Izscob of Buffalo, ‘ N.Y., survive him. The funeral on Friday to thv Emily Ccmcruy w as vcn' largely attended, many Ornnqcmen 1m- ing pl'eSent to pay thrir pccts to a low] and much loved ”H‘OHIPI‘. Rev, Mr. Pecknvcr con Iducted the funeral serum-c. lust ras- Of Bass Peta-rho] CDiItS, S; N.Y., su The f Emily (3 ave. a urge cox. At druggists, in: or by mail. V 7; ”h THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO" LIMITED Br. WINDSOR. ONT. 80 It ~ M' R" DEATH OF ALEX FEIR. he : At the advanced age ofS] years ‘0; there passed away on Welnesdny, June 12th, One ofthe most res- I pected resxdents ofthe l‘owuship ‘, of Ops, in the person of the lute ‘ "3 Alex. Feir. a : DeceaSed was born in the “ r- County of Caledon. Ireland, and b It came to Canada when 16 years old, Settling in Hope where he leurneJ the unlhng m what Saltc-r's Mill. He at "Newzy." In poiitn‘s he was :1 staunch ConServutne, in reli- gion, Presbyterian. His Wife. nee jane Bu“, was a daughter m" the late “’11:. Best. of Cavun She and mo daughters. :Mrs.Aht-. LnnHey. of (,‘memee and Miss Ann 1‘ Fur. :4 home. together with seven runs, viz: l\\’ilh:nn, of Culnhlu_\‘: john, of I ()pS: Isuinh. of Innetville: Walter. of Basswood. SJSL’; All I Peterhnm- L’m- "-------- 'I‘ou‘nship. trade 0! was known as was svhooled n-rr, of ,f I. I Buâ€"Ju cums Rheumatism, (00. 50¢. a large bar. At druggists, or by mail. 73 )ungfeldt, B A .rrenched Icrumn to :1 lame gather- F . at St Luke's churvh, \ Sunday evening lust. FPFVH‘CF, UI‘PP. A friend and comfur 9-. an uneeualng aid in every hum-e fur the hundred and one ailments that. dn turn up» Nev - line is too valuable to be without. It something causes trunh'e, ift't’a cramps indigo-allot) or headache, Not-Vilma cures. For c. ‘d on the chest. aching limgn :r lame bat-k rnhnn Nervlline and grt 9339 at. once. As a family safe- gttud null ing is known to exvell l'olson’n Nervillne Get the huge 25c. bottle from 5 our dealer. The Advam-e Wishes Mr. 3: d Mrs Stillman a very pleasant vacatimz visit among their eastern friends. and trusts that the furmvr may be remnrac' to vigorous heath again â€"Fruzer Advan- Clnlliwack, B C, MM 18 "May the Lord watch between us wLile we are Muse-m one {rum Un- other” By using tlnia little gift you l) H: may still be able to keep an e) e on us, and wherever you go our afl'ectionate wishes go MN: 3011, hoping fur your happiness. It must. he an encouragenmnt to you to leave the l'xmm-th League In such a flourishlng and helpful (olldillon, am. we shall try and keep lt So, with Gud I help and the many helplnl ideas you have given us cu am... a uuup unwresl m, and spark so much “we and thought on it, that we have received inspiration which we hope will never die out Yuu have been always really and willing in spite of manifold other duties and ill heal ll to fill any gap cause I by absent menu-l bets, and your talk! “llll us have al-i ways been of the must llelplnl anal loving nature. l Since, underyourunspices the Lea. gue was organize-l, and throughout your stay with us, you have tak en such a deep interest in, and spent so much “we and thought on it, that We are Surly evening {or the p gnndhye. MO'I HERS. ‘HERIC 11‘ IS! Our Wurk tog: pleasant, and we: uur rulatirms us Aid Sm-iety must As evidence of the esfeem in which the retiring pastor and his wife have been held by tneir [eople no pubis}. below addresses presented to them b_\ societies cunnected with the church. The Ladies’ aid assembled at the Par-l nonage on Saturday evening, bringing an abundant supply uftlainty etables an I syent 1t delightful social time. Addresses were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Stillman and a substantial gilt in money madeto the latter by the ladies. The addresses were as follows 2â€"â€" The Chilliwsck Methodist Ladiex' Aid. ’l‘o Rev. It F. Stillman. l Dear Slr and Pastor, In accordance with a unanimous ex- pression of feeling towards you at our meeting on Tuesday last, we hereby temiemon these few lines wherein we seek to assure yrn of our thanks for,1 and apprccmtlon of your kindly he'p- x {nlness at all times and in all cir~ t cnmstunnes timing the three years of 1 your pastorate ' re sun)" to have to meet this {or the purpose of bidding you l a year's leaveufahaence and Ins mun) l‘riemla hupe that; at the end uf that time ha may be able to resume hitI chosen work Fur a time Mr and Mrs Stlllman will Halt their old lmtnea at (‘am‘pllelllord and Omemea. Ont , and lafer in the summer may return lrll British Columblu. - uurcu, and MH leave (u day nr Mon- day with {amih fur the cunt. 0n ac count. uf III-hauls n he has ueen grant. d .1 year's Invent-Absence and his man) friends hupe that at the end ufthul time ha muv be ahlnm nun"... Li- nev. u. nsmlman and and Wire ' Remembered by Their Friends. ‘Wlth the pron-um w-ek Rev R. I“. Stilhuan closes ms Inw- war term uH x-aazur of the (hHliwuvk MPthOd M thumb, and MH have m (la) nr “on- «m with famih fur the cunt. 0n ac count. uf III-haul: In he has mean vrnnh J Rev. 3. F. summaifind and BARE WELL PRESENTATION. we sincerely reg together has been made r” us well as a 0 your Penpl“. “’8 may that Your Inspection Invited. Yam: patronage S4 licited. Prices Right. ‘ ”PHONE 456. 383 WATER ST. Storey Leary Storey 1 Last yéar was our banner year, but we are our flourishing city and supply the dcm not only from Pctcrborn but from mhcr plnrvs as well. We have not been (IN: to do this in all cases durin Any young man or woman who thoroughly understands 1300ka 15 a competent Stcnogmphcr and 'l‘ypewritcr is Certain of a good posit You Will make no mistake in getting a dctermim-d Io km-p p ands made on us, for office a g the L'Nt tu-n Nothing Succeeds Like “v. ' ’ is very complcte, and the best values possible. ome in and you ml! be conwnced that this is the place to buy. Our prices are as I-()\\' as any in the trade, and our goods are of the best quality, that’s why this store is termed The 42.30. .1’ ,«u-.........‘ '} Bicyclc RaCc ..... .......... 18 Slow Bicycle Rlcc, so yds (last m n 19 Fat Man’s Race. 100 yds. rs! Box 2nd Box Cigars by (j. N 3 mns undcr 14 yrs., so yds. Race, 6 (Iiris under 60 yrs., so yds. Race . . . 7 Running Hop, Stcp and Jump .. .. 8 Standing Broad jump ............. 9 Running Long jump ............. Io Tub Race ....................... 11 Walking (Aircasy I’oic ...... . ...... 12 Double Canoe Race .............. 13 Single Canoe Rice ................ 14 100 yds. Rave, Boys under 15 yrs, .. I5 100 yds. Marathon Rave .......... It? Swimming Rnca, 50 yds ............ 4 Egg Racc.....;.. 5 Girls undcr 14 yrs. 6 Girls under 60 yrs., I Boy's Wheelbarrow 2 Thrcclqucd Race 3 Sack Race ....... If you want to save money you the way. \Ve sell paints painting. 1.00 p. mll cover. And on a good surface it will cover more than that N o ‘paint will do better, and very few paints will do as well. Maximum covering capacity, easiest spreading qualities, longest wear, and greatest economy are what we claim for S. W. P. It’s the one safe paint to use. Always gives satisfaction. If you want to save money in painting let us show u - - " ‘ * “A" {Jan “u“. ur- , , MUNYAY JULY is! 1907 360 . Square Feet . PRINGLE, Principal, Petexlorfi- WATER ST., PETERBORO, Hub for Farmers. WWritc for Our Handsome ('ircular‘ This is especially true when applied to 7' [7’5 SHERW/N-W/LL/AMS PAINT ORIENIEE, 011130 . (Emmy 81 05’s, ua. cuzuxges 06 wagons, all kinds nplements Harness Rugs, Whips, Blankets, c. Op9n to the Worid Cricket Match, St. Simons of Tor- > vs. Omemee Cricket Club. The following Program of Sports Will be contested: Race S WagODS, all s, HarneSS, Rugs, ' A... 0-, xst flux Cigars by by C. Nixon. SOLD BY TO BE ME”) AT {0} all k‘i’nds of gage nds Bookkeeping a good position. the G. Graham, I’ctcrboro; Succes s km-p pace with. Mike assistants. .3 .3 .3 .3 nl a] 7 7 \T‘fl f9. .3 O .J .D .3 7 .D .1 7 .1 â€"\y 25

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