“““““ J “‘v u {but nexce, Miss Ethel McKay, to Mr .W. R. Fisher, of Winnipeg. The. ~ ccrcmbiiy took place in St. Paul’s â€Presbyterian Church, and perfonucd by Rev. Mr. Fisher. father of groom, assisied by Rev. -» Dr. Drummond. It was on: orthc most fashionable wed dings that has' taken place 1:) that city I for mam] a day. t- L.‘ , , ,Mrs. fig: R'r ' son, of Toronto, -'_‘ “(as in sown‘lalsp calling on friends Two Bank Ctubs‘ and two other nnks . of our 80st go to Peterboro F nday (Evening. \Vc wish them all success. Mr. W. D. Nugcnt was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. 31:315.]: Bridgman-1h, inst chk. ‘ MIL LB ROCK.» ON T A‘R F0. uOfï¬ce in Turner's "Drug Store. AUCTION SALE. â€"I E. Need Linn: Auctioneer has rcceiwd instmc (ions from Mr. Ld (hristic, to offer . None genuine without the Tradélï¬ark, which is a picture of a lmyholding a roll at Rexflintkote R00? in his arms. has been in actual use since 1873, and has given the best of sat- lsfaction at all times. It is as Flexible at'60 years as when ï¬rst applied ; will not crack or break or go to pieces (remember this A _ i 7, , n ,f, ,,_-L _-_f--. I wish to announce t0'the PURLIC that I am Agent for Three of the LEADINU 3(cady-Kootmg puunpamcs in the United States. Their Rooï¬ngs are approved of by Architects Bull'dcrs, also by Fire Underwriters throughout the U. States and Canada. “UL’IICU , "u: Ilv. v-‘I-vuu . -. h" v is no paper roof.) Can bé pu;on ‘Flat o‘r S’teep Robfs wnh perfect case. Only One Grade Manufacturedâ€"and that the STANDARD. PROOF. Makes a Handsome Roof (in w‘eflings, as well as on all other buildings. Color, Steel Grev.’ ’Eiyï¬kooï¬ng has been in use for 35 years and has given good fwi’sfaction; REXFLIN'I‘- COTE gives FIRE ï¬protection, is l , DUST and WATER PROOF. Manufactured in Four Di egg Thicknesses. Beg to say auvone intending » Rooï¬ng this season, now is the time to begin to look about it. Jcim sell you Rooï¬ng from $2.10 up to $4 60 per square. Your ,p'imonage solicited. Drop 15 a First-Class Rmï¬ngâ€"Flexilï¬gml Durable, also FIRE Beg to say anvone intending \ is the time to begin to look about it. $2.10 up to $4 60 per square. Y0] me a Card for Samples and Prices. Strictly ï¬rst class. Used extensively 0‘11“?“ kinds of buildings. ' particularly dwellings. Never needs painting. ' Lmight say that I am in a position to book orders for the Peterbomngh Sand Stone Brick, now being largelv uScd. Also Agent for the john Dohcrty (Surniu) Engmes, both Marine and Stationary. L. S. CLARR‘Y, The various properties of the late W. H. Sou-den, situate in Mxllbrook a: 1d Cavan are offered for sale by chry Mulligan, and may be purchas- ed m Separate: lots or otherwise. All applications must bc made to the undersigned who is empmvcred to Sc“ and convey. H. MULLIGAN o/ASPHALT RbOFING W. Montgomery, g-‘M. 1D. ~A Rflï¬bcr Tired Baby Carriage. Brake, and Upholstered in Old Gold, wuh Parasol same color. It is practi- cdlly as good as new. Mr. J. H. Theme. of Ops, was in ion: yesterday on busmcss. :{lso {Coal Oil Stove (heater) one ban-net, handle to carry it. Good as ncw. .Both articles will be sold at a great BWJlmna: like: this only ,gomcs once in a long time. MILLBROOK, WE. Mxllbrook, 24th Dec. 100;. goes to Bloomï¬eld. l’tcton District. and Rev. W. P. Rogers comes to Islillbrook. chcrboro Uistnct, and the Rev. Dr. Marvm IS mentioned for Cavan and Rey. Mr. Scxsmilh for Newburg b. There are 8 candidates for admngssion and z for ordination 13 go to college. Mr. Fred Pendn" was a visitor 3'1!) Toronto 3351 week. LOSTâ€"â€" On the Sunday immedxate- 1y pteccding Easter Sunday, between Bethany and Franklin, 21 Carriage Rug. The am: who {09nd itwitl be suitably rewarded hnytuming it to Rev }. u. McKee. Bethany. Further Millbrook news page 3. Mr. and Mrs. 'I‘. J. Lang, and Miss Maria, their daughter, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mitchell. Emily, on Sunday. According to the ï¬rst report from the Bay of Qumtc Cunfcrcncc now in scssmn at Lindsay, Rgv. G. lif‘Clarc ’PHONE 39. “9.1:. and Mrs. w 5 Graham, of zftfg’kasaut. we m Hannkon City rCCemly attgrfding the marriage of I an erH .h I,l_ lull wticulars. gMiHbmnk Newss REXFLINTKOTE ROOFING FOB‘SALE. CAREY’S MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE ROOFING ?roperties for Sale. Call at the MIRROR Ofï¬ce (or < l -:un:-\|u :nulvn xx L‘lbll’ ‘1 nun". T.†T, I. ~ Lang, for ai'li‘and 01:3: 5 hcvnlle’s Mother; Hcr Daughtrr, Nell â€aâ€; We guarantee 0‘" \ Busby; A Lispmg Lass. Deb. \Vclcamc nice of Harness. we “53 "“5“"? ' to a‘good tune and good supper. he I! the best stuck. It you “13‘“ â€A“ ! cream, bananas, etc., extra. Grand ‘ RY HARNESS I a" give YO“ ,3 1 music m" be rendered by the Mill- ' M 8151' comglclc (or $26.50- “‘5 ' brook (‘ilizens’ Band. Admissmn, mgbes: uukcs of Boots Shoes. adults 25c . children 15c. Rev. J. C. . «V p v . you want to ’12? money bu} “’5 Brown, Pastor. IV. Bclch, bcc’y. , _ . I A ‘, ’ ' ’ Physician and Surgeon, Manamaâ€Inrfleaï¬vfluoï¬ug‘i LOOK FOR Attorney Manager, Just Brrlvod-One cm of the (Old Rehab a) Star B and Partial"! Cement. We are also handling the Lukeflrld \Ion- ark Brant. 711- or are the two My“ Brands an the Market. tudm . A cur or Ilcsh ï¬rm 1.1m» jun: urrlu-d. unda-sn 0. our a! Brit! uh (‘nlu nb‘.» Slunzles New Brnnsnick 2m! Cum? <h|ugles “1.32.25 par \l. ('nll and we ourtls Sm-hmmtta to 25 Inch. 100 suck»- u! \a't m 90:: per harm-l. ’00 ‘bx to «w R. For 2 wevksonlw. mam-um (‘ 91110“! $18" [Her ‘lmrrel. Lumlwrand (‘mol :nndnll grmlosnr Shingles on'hund. thave lust rem-had ncau-nH‘ Ivar Bu't Shingles which le be m‘d cheap Don’t Miss This Grand Opportunity. Big Sale Still Goes On. Mrss E. Francey, of Millbrook, who is in agtendancc at the Omemec High School, spent Victoria Day at her home. Mr. W. S Graham gth 111:: Mxrror a friendiy call on Monday. Miss Emma Hmk, of Peterhom, vasxtcd hcr Millbrook and Cavan rcla tives last week. Mrs. Shield and Mrs. McAdoo, 0| 'Mt. l‘lcasant, were- an town amending the Woman’s Institute Sessxon on \IOnday. Mrs. Arthur Wood and children, of Peterboro, \vcre guests at the home: of her sister, Mrs. H. Richardg, last week. =‘ ' DIEDâ€"In Millbrook, on Saturday. May 30, Frederick G. Fowler, second son of Mr. G. Fowler, aged 4 month: and to days. Mr. H. A. Sims was in Torontolast: week. The many friends of \«ï¬as Crystal Stewart will be wrry to learn that she 15 not able to attend to her duties in the Post Ofï¬ce, owing to Illness. X\ e hope that after a good rest, she will soon be a’bluto take her place behmd the. wicket again, where she has for the past two or three was been most couxtcous and uhh-vmg - 17 Cents was paid for Eggsilat‘7h‘e Millbrook Market last Tuesday, ’E’nd they will probably go'to 18cts. next. Tuesday. .MFSs'E. Adams was .1 visitor'to' Lindsay last wock, the guest at the homes of her brothers. Mcssrs. A. E. and 1). Adams. Mr. H Bumhaï¬ngmcer. of Peter- born. was a guest of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Bumham, last wgtck. ‘ Come One! Come All! to .the’, Garden Party underthe auspices of St. Paul’s Church, Bethanv, to be held on the lawn of Mr: Isaac Preston, on Tuesday, June 16th. A good program wfll be prpvidcd. Tea and refreshments served from 5 to 8 p. m. Bethany Bamd‘ in} attendance. Admissxon 25c and‘ 13c. Robert Morton and Wm,“ Grifï¬n, Wardens. See bulls. ‘ We underï¬tand that Conn. 'l'hextohf has purchased Mr H Hubbemd’s ï¬ne. roan team. Mr. Chas. Human (a Millbrook Old Boy), now of l’erih, was in town last week on business. The 46th Regt. win go mto Camp at Kingston on Monday, Isth day of June next. The Rolls hqv: to be sent in not later than Saturday, June 61h Will all Wishing to go pleas: can and sign at their earliest convenience. E?†GARDEN PARTYâ€"Under the dlrcttion of the Fallis Line E. L. 0! C. E, will be hcld on the grounds of Mr. Richard Fallis, on Friday,}une nth. 'l'ca served from 5 to 8 pm. A program of musiv, and an cxcdlcnt P11), "The Bachelor's Divmce,’ will be rgndcred Characters : A Wealthy Baéhclor, Samuel Singlcton; Nephew, Ned Singleton; A Pxodxgal Sou, ‘Dr.’ New]: Busby; A Histrionic Artist, Rolinda Bruton - “A Merry Widow.†) Neville’s Mother : Her Daughtrr, Nell MILLBROOK, ONT. W. D. LEACH, BOY M in brook In; ...., u,'.. - .M 5 391', Mrs. Walsh and Miss Dickson. 0! Putt-11mm. Were guests uf Mrs. Camp- bell. Wednesday. Mr. Martyn Pclhick has purchziscd the Lin-ry Busmcss frum Mr. Edwu‘rd Christie, and asks fora continuance 01 lb:- patronage given Mr. Chlintic, and WIN be pleased to welcome many new customers to his up to date Livcry. (‘Fronx The Morning 'l‘imcs (Indcpcn. dun), Petcrlmrough.) ‘ That this is a period of indcpend cncc of thought and action 1.†llic political affairs of our country is’quite cvidcnt ï¬om lhc number of iudcpcnd- cm candidates who are Sucking clcc- [ion in the: various constiwcncics. It will be ()leTVCd that Rev. Dr. Hus hack is running in North 'l‘ommo, as an Independent Liberal. There is quite a large number (if Indcpcndcnt Conscrvaliws in various constituencies throughout the l’rovinCc. and lllt'l‘c arc Indepcndcuts of various kinds gcncr- ally. The spirit of independence appears to haw: reached the East Riding of Northumbciland, as is evident by the number (if prominent CunScrvaichs throughout the Riding “ho an: sup- pmling Mr. 1.. 1". (Harry. the Libcrai Candidate. Mr. Clarry is a young man, whose integrity has never been questinncd, and his ability is fast becoming recog nixed. He is broad-minded. genial in his mannar, and full of determination to earn :10 1.1 successful issuc anything he undcrmkcs. It 15 little \x'ondcr,;there£mc, that he is rccuving the su'ppm‘t :not only of the: Independent cleciozs uf mm: Rid- mg, but of a great manyLuxwum-atn'cs as well. l’crhaps the Situation in so far as East Northumbcrland 'is .con ccrnéd. was put as \ch1 as .it .065le be, by Mr. Bcrt. lelcspiu, at one: of Mr. Clurry’s meetings at "l‘rcut Bridge. Mr (Elllcspxe, whu is a well knmm rcuident of the 'I‘awnshlp of Per-try, .took the piatform, an.) announced:that'ulthough he had always been a strong Conscr- vative, he thought that this was an 0c caslon when party tics Could bc relax- ed and a umtcd effort made to elect a young man “ho “(Mild prove to be a worthy rcprcsuntatiw of the Riding. 0n .Vlnmlny evening List, a number of the friends of Mr. James Armstrong, gathered in lhe Town Hall to present him with a token at their appraezm'liun and to express their regret that he was about to an West. An address (a. copy of which is given below-“was read by Mr. McMahon. and Mr. Walter normally made the presentation. Several speeches were dealia'ered, all epeaking ln glowing terms of Mr. Arm' strong as a good citizen. After the progenmtinn and address, to which Mr Aruvsrrongtumde 1| suitable reply. he lvge'ksmrwd to Mr. H N.tttrass’res- iaura‘nt u here an excellent repastMns partaken at and a. good rime enjoym. ‘ For He's a. jolly go nl 1-‘,.ellow "‘ ï¬nd ‘other selections were sung. a'nd ‘Jimm‘ie†indeed felt that. he wasleavâ€" ing inany “arm friends The Mirror joins in hearty goo! wishes lo Mr. Armstrong for his future success. a Mr. (Slurry has been puuing up an excepmmally dew-r ï¬ght, and has an- nounced that ha: wants a gomfl clam campaign. He has stmrd time and again that if he cannot be clmlwl by fziir and honest means hc prcfcls to be dcfcatcd. The following geutu men muve short addresses: Me srs. J. B. Sandy. I N Tompkins, R Cochrar 6. .LJ. Fair, HF. w. Bmghtm, H. BhMalmn. W. Don- neliy. Ehl’elmry, P. Haudlev. and §'. 0:5ri‘dn, yho acted as cI-ahmuu WIMI mjucu mutiny, Flaws ‘ THE ADDREsS: ~ application to the Postmaster at l o- DunA,Eluxxn,â€"h has been lean ail buurg, Out, and at the Department 0f by 5cm ligam- frlenils in Mlllhroo‘k, â€blâ€; Works 0W“ that y.†are about to take vnnr depab lenders will not be considered un- turn fr(lu1;:;§r‘nidst and we feel that less made on the printed forms sup- you can not be ulllowed to depart. mth- plied, and siuned with the actual sig out some slight taken of the «a: eem in nagnes 0f ten(1leriers. h d \\ hleh vou are held by all u lm havé n acceplet L )uque on a C artere the Pleasure if your acquaintance. \\ a bank, pamhle to the order Of the Hon- . . ‘ '. ‘ ) V . . media gxpmto 5 on 0m» 50"â€, and oumble the Munster ol 1 ubhc \\ mks, ' tor tlnrteen thousand dollars ($13,- regret thatyou‘ have would†n l" Wm 00¢ 00) must accompany each tender l)('sl â€Ita’eds lygo West to join ““1! This C'lI'C -†b {- lit 'd If * others in seektnï¬ your fortune and ‘ ‘6 ‘1"? “l 5: or u l‘ I “e I la ï¬e must. ï¬lth , ' ' .partx tendering dtClltltS the Contract w ' 5°" etery “"9" or falls to complete the work contract ed for, and will he returned in case of non acceptance of tender. The Department does not bind it- self to accept the lowest or any tender. made your pile {ii will return foam 32am and llya , 3onr old imp .g. ‘ runndflms and y . ‘qld friends \\'q 5 bag In Meant to 3‘ ~this travelling ‘ By order, FRED GELIN AS, Secretary. f Department of Public Works. iveleftbeuiud - Ottawa, May 27’ r908 flaw donors, .._.* Newspapers will not be paid for this ' ' gtlycrtisement if they Insert it without. ; uthority from the Department. in times to come it _. recall to yon :Igued on bghalf c. .5 f" Harv ‘ ' ,1 . ahon AK'VL‘ , “ ph_ ‘. a Nearly every one likes a ï¬ne hair dressing. Something to make the hair more manage- able; to keep it from being too rough, or from splitting at the ends. Something, too, that will feed the hair at the same time, a regular hair-food. Well-fed hair will be strong,and will remain where it belongsâ€" on the head, net on :he comb! The Spirit of Indapenflence The boot kind of ate-timonial- “Sold for over sixty years.†Address and Presentation. A Hair DreSSizzg ï¬nd. by J. c. Myer Co . Lou-91!. m A180 unnutmturcr': of SAC'JAPAZILLA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. 33"“ 'Ihe Department does not bind it- 3““ self to accept the lmwst or any! tender. ,‘ “c Biting ‘ By order, I! a ‘2 ‘ FRED CELIN AS, 9m in' Secretary. f -'I)epartment of Public Works. vmx ’n..-...‘ 11'... -- "v.0 FARMERS’INSTITUTE ()N Thursday, June 11th, Via. G. 'l‘. R. Special 'l-min. Every one. is Invited to come along, do not make any mistake, as this is the old original and rcliahlc trip run every year by the Furmcrs’ Institute of the dis- trict Keep you eye on the date and um: table. See: the pustrrs at station for furthcr particulars. Tram luaVcs Millbmuk 2;} 735 a m. ‘ SECR ETA RY OF COMMITTEE. Otlmulme Naviuuliun ('ompanv stemuers will leave as fallows: Steamer ()tonabee will le‘wy Peterboro at 8 30. calling at all points on the river, Re- turn tuck-vs from l‘eterlmro 5m: , Hale's Bnd 8 40¢ , and all other pomls on the river 230 Thesecond great. annual Furmere’ Picnic at My] Wyhl, Rice Lake, under the ansyicea of the farmers ofthe (‘onnties of l’eterboro, Hastings, and Nortlmmberlund and Durham will take place on Thursday, June :5, 19918. Summer Munurch wi]! leave Bewedly at 8 awn , Gurus Landing at. 8 45, Hur- woml at 9 15, Keene H: 30. Ketmn ‘ickms from Hnrwood 200., all other poims 25c. Eleamer Rainbow will leave Trent Bridge at 7 11.111, Hastings at 830, Birdsull's at 9.30, Rubins’ Landing at 1030, and Hiawatha. H 30. Return ticketsfrom Trent Bridge 4043., Has- Nngs 35c . and M] other points 25. The ï¬rst meeting of the Mlllbrook Court of Revision on the Assessumn Roll fur 19h8 was held Monday night. members all present except (0.". De: all The Reeve In the chair. AH steamers will leave 5 o’clock. John Cracker and S. 0. Russ‘ assessments mate reduced S: OH) each. and Thomas Solhern’l $700 R. Ingram appealed against assess- ment of $330 on his residence as too high. Assessment confirmed. The aswumnem roll as ï¬nally rm‘is. ad I'm- )908 was deciared conï¬rmmj. ()u mono“ the (hunt adjourned. TONSORIAL ARTIST MILLBROOK, ONT "EXCURSION Trinity Church Garden Party will be held NEXT 'l‘ucsduy, June 91h, at the rcsxdcncc of Mr. Wm. H. \Vool. Sn, 1 2 Inâ€: South East-u! Ihc Maush Church, commenting at 5 p.m. 'l‘ca from 6 to 7. Do not muss ll’. The Millbmok (.‘ttlzens’Rand ml] be in attendancm A vurk-d program ml! be rendered. Admission 25c and 15c #2:: Cream, Bananas, Candlcs, extra. ,olom:} Sycr H. Blukcly, Wardens. Havmg purchased the Burbrrs Busmcss from Mr. Armstrong. I'rcs‘ytc- twdy when a contmuszc of the hbcr- a} patronage given him, and will en- deavor to conduct the busmess in such a manner as “'1“ meat your suppurt. I have secured the servxces of :1 ï¬rst class 'l‘onsorial Artist in the person of \V. I). DONNELLY. I WI†keep in stock the best lineS m choice cigars, cigarettesand tobaccos Aluo pipes, etc. Call and see mc. _ R. JACKSON, Opposite 33th of Toronto , \ 'J‘O'I‘HE , Agricultural College, An accepted chccque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Hon- curable the Minister of Public Works, lor thirteen thousand dollars ($13,- 060 00), mun accompany each tender This checque will be forfeited if the party tendering declines the contract or falls to complete the work contract cd for, and will be returned in case of non acceptance of tender. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed “ Tender for Cubourg Harbour Break- waters," will be waived at this ofï¬ce until 4.30 pm. on l\’lonclay. June 29, 1908, for the construction of two ,breakwaters at Cobourg, Northumber land County, Ontario, according to plans and speciï¬vation to be seen at the ofï¬Ces of H. J. Lamb, Esq" Rem. dent Engineer, London, ()nt.; J. (E. Sing, Esq" Resident Engineer. Con- federation Life Building, Toronto, an application to thel’ostmaster at (Lu- buurg, Ont., and at the Department of Public Works. Ottawa. Tenders Will not he considered un- less made On the printed forms sup- plied, and signed with the actual sig natures of tenderers. " GUELPH. R.‘ JACKSON, Annual Farmers' Picnic. (successor to Ins. Armstrong,) THE MARSH GARDEN PARTY WM. COLLINS. CUU RT 01“ B laVlSXON. ANNUAL “$3 fur lmme m. But never by Medicine swallowed. 51111175. Sprays or Doucnes. ___.-- Catarrh is not a blood disease and â€â€˜3‘ ‘5 why it cannot he cured bl“ 3"" medicine lakenlnl tlwslomtwh CB“ nrrh is a germ trouble contracted from the germ-laden air you breathe Inward ‘l‘hese germs fasten themselves in the tissue and air cells of the lnreuthmg OfL'nnli, multiply by millinns. cam-e lit-IGPZIHH, coughing, raising of mucous, discharge frnm the nose. llrklinz in the throat and other symptoms that. can only be reached hyme dry alt prlncipal ol’ l’lymuel. , It medicates the air you breathe Will: the curative prnpemes of the Annual. ian Encalypma Forests where caturrh is unknown. ’J‘lu- reason you get rerief in a minute 01' um from “)umr'i 13 because it dvstrma exery ('alarrhal germ in the air you breathe, and in: dry penetrat- ing aroma “in reach the innermost. re- uemws of the air passages. killing: mil- linns nf germs a minute. 'l‘heir de~ s‘ructinn menus {rut-don) fur Oppreased FFRpirMury (mums. A. Leach sells Hyomei nmleru guarantee of satisfac- tion or moxmy hack Price $l-00- Miss Virgxe Fee and Miss Cunsolus .of l’cterhuru. and Mr Gmdnn Crown, of Toronto, have been guests at thc home of Dcp-Rccw '1' A. Kelly, "l'hc Maplcs.’ Rev H A llcn ()th met With an unfurtunalc :lCCldclll on Saturday. He was attending to his hursc's fuot when It kicked him in the face and broke his nose. Mr llcn ()hcl rcccivcd other slight hrulws, but hova to be out In :1 few days. which will Ln: plcasmg ale-We; u) a host ol friends. but who will bc sorry to learn of the ScrlOllS mishap The Woman‘s leslit'utc hcld a very such-ssful meeting on Monday. 1‘11†rcport nuxt \Vcck Messrs T1105. 8; Jns. McQuade were in Millbrook, 'I'UCsday. Mr C V l’ym, of Lindnfly. was here I'chday on busmcss Mr. Mart. Pethlck is adqu a Band Rig to his leery. Mrs. Wm. l’ntchard of Hams- ' ton, and her sister in law, Mrs. I Porter, spent Saturday at Zion. . , Rey. H. B. Kenny, liulleville, wasa guest at the home of Mr. Wm. 'l‘hexton, on Tuesday ofthis weex. Mr. Kcnny was on [us wav to attend Confexcnw 111 Lindsay. A Rainbow, Social and Garden Party will be held under the auspices of the Ebenezer E L , at Mr, Ephraim White'! "Cedar “hive.†ml Friday, June 19, 1908. Foot ball match, lwtueen Beth any and Umemee Sr. Cluha, Base hall between Franklin and Fleeiwtpbd, after whirl) an A lulu-per will he serv- ed from 5 30 to 8. The Millhrouu 12n- izens Band will render Band Salem-timid Vocal Quartet'es, Dugms, M: Don‘t m‘os this treat. Admisamn 250. Children lSe. Ice Cream, Bananas, (’andies, c.. extra. (‘nugh mixtures "days" a culdâ€"hu' dun’t cure. Abwe all else. keep the bowels regular and sliumlate the elim- inating organs More valuable illnll anv cough Syrup are Dr Hmuiilou‘a Pi is. 'l‘hev clear the svstem of uvuv trace of coldâ€"the «lull headache. zu'h imz limbs and cough disappvars. Take the pills before retiring, they work while you Sleep, and by morning your cold is broken and passes quickly away. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton’s Rev, Dr. Marvin, l’as‘or Rev. LG McKee, Assistant Pen-v Stewart, sec I’ll vs; i ll ETadication of Weeds. The Provincml and Dominion Departments of Agriculture are (:0 operating in holding a number of meetings for the beneï¬t ol far- mers who produce grains, gt‘a55cs, clovers, etc., for Seed purposes. These meetings will he a beneï¬t to farmers who are interested tn the General Improvement of farm crops, the production of seeds. cultivation of the sod. and the erathcution of wee 's, and will be held under the auspices of thy: seed branch of the Do ninion De- partment of Agriculture and the Farmers' Institutes of the Cute. rio Department of Agricultute. of Ottawa. who will attend the meeting, has charge of the Ontario work c=rried on under the dime- tion ofthe Dominion Seed Branch Mr. Ravnor's widé’ experience as an Institute worker in all Provin- ccs of the Domtmon, and in some ofthe States of the Union, places htm in a position to render ex- cellent services at all farmera' meetings. HELD MEET The only meeting to be held in this district will take place at We Town Hall, Bethany, Frlflauunslï¬ , Don‘t forget the Date and the place: June 15m, Bethany Town Hall, at 7 p.111. Make it a point to attend this very Important meeting. Catarrh Now Curable in the interests of . Pruductian of £0011 Seed and 1908, at 7 p.m. Mr. T. G. Rayner, B. S. A, A..J VANCE, President, AJ Fallis, Secremy. TO MOVE OFF A COLD. SPECIAL 25c. E D. Farmers’ institute. box“. NB The Sick Made Well No matter what disease you suffer with, nor how long )ou have been sick, if no Vital urban is irrc arably dcstroycd. in all probability will cure you. No medieme, .lrugs'. elecmcu’), [Mental science or faith cure. But a natural, rational method discovered by :1 WC“ known sclenuiat and physician. (me OXYDONOR vnll serve an enme familyâ€"one at a tune. It WI" last a lee lime. and there 15:10 expense after the purchase pl‘lCc. You can apply ()XYDONOR at home while you rest or sleep. Mr. Wm. Bars, 196 York St, Toronto, Ont., writes: “I have great pleasure In recommending your O‘xydnnm. When I ï¬rst got tin: instrunxcnt I was suffcrmg from Scumicu fbr about four months, and after apphing n for ï¬ve weuks it left me a“ at once and haw not been trouhk'd \mh it .slllCtt. I can highly recommend It as a good fannly docwr, and Would not be without it for double the pncc.†BEWARE OF IMITATIONS._ The genuine has lhc mum: of hr. 11. bunch;- its metal parts. 364 ST. CATHERINE ST.. West, MONTREAL. Another Car of Fresh Gâ€"re v Lime. Will be sold to any person drawing cï¬" the Car at 22 cents a. bushel (70 lbs). It will pay you to book your order for this car. Drain :I‘ile 2, 21-2, 3 and 4 in. sizes on hand. Seed Buckwheat For Sale. Prices on our stock cheerfully given. Any “ Oshawa"-shingled roof is good for 100 yearsâ€"at least. Roof economy is a plain, easy pxoblcm of weighing wars against dollars,â€"of dividing the price of the roof by the length of time it will stay a good roof. How long will it stay a good roof? That is the qufslion \ou want a plain answe: to when you consider roof economy Not how long it wxll be a good enough roof if \011 patch it and paint it and tinker “ith exer} war 01 mo. hot It,“ long i! will be a pretty good root if \011 take good care of 1t- We can supply von with Steel Shingles. Faxed Rooï¬ng, Corm- gated iron, Conductor Pipes. Metal Shutters Sk\ Lighls Finiais. Steel Sid "£1. Steel Ceilings, an Tmiwhs, Metal D0015 Prepaxcd Rooï¬n-U, \ entilators, Statnan , Edda} Latins. J. W. FRY, How long it thl be a G 0 O D roof if you DON'T take care of it. ? How long it will stay gnod if \011 dont do a thing to it 3 lbs real test of roof cost, the test of 1061 cconcm), is the length of time the roof will Sla) \\ 1nd proaf, â€"\\ithout repairs- mo pars. if ‘Ozhzma slungled' Damnprootwwitlmut 1ep:1irs~~100\cals. ll ()5hmxa’sl1ingled; Rust and :nilde v prcofvâ€"mtllout lepalts-~100 ycaxs, if ‘Cshawa' shingled. Fifi“ pYOOfrwithom ropairsâ€" mo years, if ‘05h4wu‘ .shingled. Water prooLâ€"withont repaus~1uo yxs, if ‘Oshzm'a’ shinglcd. hoof agaihst ALL the alumnus-"how long will it. 51a} 50, that roof you me gomg to buy ? ‘ Thn't the test, and the Mk test worth Your while. when \ou spend good money“ to cover any building: worth rooting right. That's the yardstick that mensurcs real roof economy. A twentv-ï¬ve vear guarantee sah guards cx‘en' ‘Osha'wu‘ shingi ed roof A Plain English guarantve thm sms no ‘Oshawa‘ shirghd roof wiil‘leak, nor need repan‘s, nor need painting, nor catch the, {or twentyrhve years. _ Rooï¬ng Right. AGENT, MILLBROQK, CANT, ‘ecllar Peo CAPITAL PAID UP : $14,400,000 REST : $11,000,000 UNDIVIDED PROFITS : 159,831 TOTAL ASSETS I $168,C01,173 Former Custon (rs of I) c Onlaxiu Yank 13mm!) “in be accommodaud as huuMHc. (LEBAN, Branches at '11] important ( cntres in Canada and in London, England, 5:“ \mL, (.hicago, Spokane, Mexico, and Nrwfoundland. W’Every description of 3 Banking†Business tralzsactcdfï¬ii Interest Added 4 Times aYear en H. SANCHE CO, MMANAGER. Millbrcck Branch COMING WITHOUT MEDICINE. Savings Deposits. \Vritc for FREE BOOK No 96. Est. 1817. YDONOR FOR THE MILLBROOK STATION. plainly stamped in sh Niss Mona \W: from a. pleasant v2: air. Iohn Bax-d Hrs. W. H. Much 015115. f. Sim, Week. The Misses IL Cameron. 0! I’m guests of Miss a past Wu: k. [6,000 Ram 10 c Iagcww'uucu: u: sholn in the count pncc 15411.13}:gi PARSONS‘. Soda Fountain force at \Vuxc‘s. having a. “Pdm 6.1 cd In lus [cc Cicau‘ Pctedmo on 'Ju pleasant visxt. chv: Grifï¬n and 3 'crc 1! Omar: xhzs w i the Station mchd to . jun: [21†1908- i w 7 p nu, Very S Omcmcc Citizens choice music. Adu and have a 8""d m madam. Mrs. \1 gBoots and SI neatly rcyancd by at has rcsldchc, b most fca'pcctfulh' su very cxtenswe an bencï¬ad to 411' (grinds us to WW 0'“ [he pm'vram can obtain a com I . H. Reta. Lmd “71436 hdS the :5 the prices an; “,4: Mrs Sutton, M Mrs. 'l‘.C. Stephm Toronto this wcck. Remember the‘ Victoria Farmers Victona Count“ Assoa'auon Excu Agricultural Colh jnne 4th an-i 5Yh‘ programs for tui this big event. ' Mrs l. A. “311:" from a plcasam u parents in Taunto. HYnu can 5k“; by huymg vour S'uw': W. I). SI‘IXSUN. U WANTED -â€"A Bov to lawn the P One who has pdSScd Physician’s tions Accura paused at WT Victaria Da at “adv: _ Luc antral» (lads! Cam an, ()1 The Celebration of \' on'ctucc u‘a: :M‘Cuuxy. hot wathzr but the b “'4‘ a Cvillp: AISJUUN. at its has! in natuxc crowd cnj wcd Uncmsd‘ exam. preferred. ‘ Mirror Ofï¬ce, Mdii; [he ï¬ts: annu- :1 ï¬x: 4 for the U‘ucnacc l donatcd by Col. Sam f v.15 run in zinc turcnuun t'chrc entries h-‘ig m: S‘chs, all but uuc, «hop (in mile JuJ the nvc «- the following order: 151‘ ton, Lindsay; 2nd, W, mac; 3rd, H. “Hahnâ€, H. Magce, U.u;zucc. The lumlcrs wax: 3:. C. Enon, of 'l‘urunzu, ; the come: was sign: trophy is 3 «£ch (up to amateurs. The Viiuuct Ccscivc years gas the: aflcmoon a (mum! - Omcmcc and Bum“) the home team by a was followed by the the same gruundS. was run in hcgzsm number of entries, z pain: in a ï¬nal. conical haw-«n W. x ronto, and \T. Lowcs u the “Cor-1 was 35 {cut .1 T l a he c After the 13nd spa adjourned to thc m-cr, :4 deal 0! fuzi cxchd or; sports. ‘ 7 Tim cumaniucc: was ‘ Salton, (ciuiz'b. L. 555' secretary. juigusâ€"Lm B. Harvey. “mar slums cutter, jus. Shrrwmnd. Below xs 1 11:: of (he puns: 'l‘hrc:-l¢ggcd meg-w and A. McQquc. Y. M‘ Ingram. Sr}: raceâ€"W. O‘Nci! Gids under x4, so “'cthcrup, A “'mdram. Runn'ng, hop. ach a “CCafl'rcy. W. Lanes. Standing bronijump» J. B. Grout. li. Batty. Boy’s me; 103 yar‘ years â€"R. (irn'tiu, MC“: Mcn's ram, 103 yud Greasy pigâ€"Y. Mud l-‘at Mcu’s tau; -j. 11 flaycs. _ h Liuï¬ 13'. MN: 03106 TLXCS Mlldk'“. OMEME Swumnin; ratc, 50 Vi E. McCul‘lv "-331- The Day We Sanglc came mac 310x .‘ison!