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Millbrook & Omemee Mirror (1905), 4 Jun 1908, p. 3

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)nt., wntcs: “I have teat n I first got the instrument 1s, and after appiying It [Or ntrnublcd wzth it since. I and Wuuld not be Without Circe} Roofing, Corm- ky lightst Finiais. me. Will be sold 5 Car at 22 cents tlâ€"i , K, ONT, anyâ€"one at a tune. I! c purchas'c pricc. You let)». on DON'T take care n‘t (90 3;: thing to it ? my, isihe length of how lux-g )ou have been sick, trobabilit) mt while. when roofing right. 00! economy. :en‘ ‘Oshawa' sting! »o ‘Oshawa‘ shit-gin] 9g. not said: file, for “Oshzwa' rsbingled. ’OshaWa' shinglcd. :3 will it, stay so, I] :r Sale. rfuIJy given mum: science 1 WC“ known z ‘ Oshawa‘ shmgltd' if 'Oshawa’ slfingled; loo )‘taxs, if ‘Cshawa‘ t is the question you )0! economy. roof if:_\on patch it no. No! how long it are of :n~â€"â€" €>S TON, of weighing years roof 1)) tbcg length GIN L‘r order for this nd 4 11). sizes on ‘ot, MONTREAL dz Well ‘0 OK STATION. 1(‘0 yea vsâ€"at least. TIONS. Doors, Prepamd 00., .muxly stamped in or faith cure. sclcnuist and mil Runn’ng, hop. step and jumpâ€"W. McCafl'rcy. W. Lowcs. Standing broadjump-«W. McCaffrey J. B. Grout, H. Bcalty. Boy’s rac:. 100 yards. under 15 gearsâ€"K. Griffin, McBncn. Mcu’ s muc, 100 yardsâ€" M. Shcnn, Ms: Brien. Greasy pigâ€"V. Mitchell. bat Mcu’ s raceâ€"J. Dobson, joseph Bayes. After the tand sports the crowd adjourned to the nvcr, when: a great dcal 0! fun ensued owr the aquatic sports. The: committce was as follows: Dr. Sutton, (chair), L. Sixsou, H. Hayes, secretary. Judgesâ€"Land sportsâ€"W. B. Harvey. Water sportsâ€"I. B. Grout; starter, jus. Shcrwuod. Bclofi Is a. list of the winners and pletS: ’l‘hrcqâ€"lcggcd raceâ€"W. Mitchell and A. McQuade. V. Mitchcll and '1‘. Ingram. Bil-”R ”ICCâ€"“f. O'Ncill, ‘V. LOWBS. Girls under 14, 50 yd. race;E. \Vcthcrup, A Wmdnzu. n. Magce, Uzncmce. ‘l'hc matters were meal by Mr } C. EJtun, of Toronm, In his auto, and the course was along King St. 'l'hc trophy is a sliver cup to be: run for by amateurs. The wmncr In three suc CcssiVC years gas the cup. ‘In the: afternoon a football game between Omcmcc and Bethany was won by the home team by l o. The gamc was follow“! by the {and sports on the same gmunds. The sack race: was run in beats on account of the: numbcr of entries, the wmncrs com pcting in n fiuai. The: jumping cunLcst butvrcen W. McCuff.cy, 'l'o ronto, and W. Lowcs was close, and the necrd was-38 fcct 10 inches. Mitchell. , Smglc canoe macâ€"W. Mieehefl, V. V Smm'mingmce, so‘yardsâ€"H Bczmy E: McCullough. ' Li Hi LY- ‘l'bc first annqu five mllc Marathon for UN: Umcnmc Challenge Cu ) donated by Col 5am Hughes. M l’., ins run in the: lorcuoml, not less than twelve entries brill-r made. The outâ€" 5 dcrs, all but onc, dwppcd out at (ll: firs mile and the L1“: “as finished in the following order: 15:, Geo. LL. Pres ton, Lindsay; 2nd, W. LUWcs, Omc mcc; 3rd, H. Watcm), Oglczncc; 4th, H. Magce, Umcmce. The celebratmn of chtona Day in Omcmcc was actumpunicd by very but rather, but the bright sunshine \ms :1 compsnsaxion. EVcrything was atizs best in nature and thc large crowd enjoyed thcmsclvcs thoroughly. Physician’ s Prescrip- tions Accurately DIS- pensed at WYLIE‘S. Rccv: Griffin and .\fr ]. T. Bcatty mm: 3: Ottawa this Week, rc. having th: Station mun-d to Sturgeon St. Victoria Day w. n. S‘l‘INSUN. ()MEMEE hv huymg your Stove or Rzmgc frOm Mrs LA. “'5 he has returned from a pleasant wsxt wnh hcx parents in Tuonto. Soda Fountain gomg m full force at \Vyiic's. Mr. Wylie is having a“P4hu Garden" arr-dug. ed In 1:15 [cc Cream PAI'IOI'S. WANTED â€"â€"A Good ‘smm Bov to learn the Printmg Trade. One who has passed the Entrance exam. preferred. Apply to the Mirror Office, Mlllbrook. Mrs Sutton, Mrs.-Grout and Mrs. T. C. Stephenson, mm: in Toronto this wcck. Mrs. I .\[or ison returned from Pctcrbow on Jazsday, utter a pic 154m visxt. I The Misses Bessie and Katie Cumcron. of Port Hope. were guests of 31155 Sun Lunb the: past weak. Mr. Iohn Bovd and daughter, Mrs. W. H. Mitchell, were gucsts 015123. 1'. Shu, Manvers, last wwk. Miss Mona \Vilson has returned fro-n .1 pleasant VlSlt at Pctcrboxo 16,000 Rolls to chome fromâ€"The largcitaxmmucnz of Wall Papers cvcr sh um in the cuunty. Borders same prlcc gszliuzlgiug. ;\ cull sulicitcd. }’.\RSON§. \Vvlie has the zoo} gooJIs, and the: prices an: nght. Hth can SAVE DOLLARS Remember the East and \Vest Victoria Farmcrs’ Institute and Victoria County Educational Association Excursion to Ontario Agricultural Cul‘legrr, Guelph. on June 4th an-l 5th. See bills and programs for full iurticulars of this big event. The program is very extensive anJ should prove benctidal to 4.11 who go. Spacc forbids us to reproduce the items on the programme. but anyone can obtain a capv by writing Mr. F. H. chd, Lindsay. gBoots and Shoes promptly and ncazly repaired by Mr. juim Rowland at hxs rcsldchc, King St. A call is most respectfullv sohcucd. The Day We Celebrate. HCOME! to the Garden Party mum mc .xusrnws of (iuts’ Lanna ui (jurist (Hum!) (mm :,c on FTIJJ), June 12th 1908. Tea Served trum 5 to 7 pm. Very Speczal Attracnons Omcmcc Cutizcns Band wxll furnish choic: music. Admissmn 25c. Com: and have a good time. Miss johnson, l’xesidcm. Mrs. Wyhc, Sccrclary. OMEMEE NEWS. Aguzmc Sports. macâ€"H. Realty. Koyle. at 0mm 0 VM CD race-“W. Mitchell, P. Parsons and V. Mrs. Scott Raff captured her and knee from the first, and each succeed mg number only dccpcncd lhc favor- ablc impressum. Almgvthcr- the concert was adu- hghtful [rant and was listened to by thc most appreciative and discrimina‘ tmg audicncc ever aSScmbled in Omcmcc. Mn. {Night's magnificent rendition of the “\"ctcrzm Song” roused the audxcnce to the highest pitch of cmhu smsm. HIS Satond number “Ah, I hav: slghcd to rest me,” from Verdis 1| 'l‘ro more was splcndidly sung. and in response to an insxstcnt encore, hr sang “Off to l“hi|a¢.lclphin” in a manner allhzs own. Mr. lighl’s Singing is above criticism. Hrs sympathctic voice and vcrsnulc szflc satisfics not only to the most cultured musical car but appeals to the hum of [he ordin- m'y concut :0 r. Mrs. Blight’s playing of the accum panimcnts was faultlcss. Shr: support- ed the singing admirably. and ~showcd true musical tam: m never allowing the accommmmcnt to predominate over tlac voice. The Banana Social at Bethel on Thursday was quite a success,and a real good time was enjoved b\' all picscnt. Refreshments wen- sérved,a{ter which an excellent program was rendered. Rev. \V? H Buckler sangabeautiiul solo, his daughter, Miss Lillian, play ing the accompaniment. Mr 'Felford sang comic songs to the delight ofall. Miss Lila Parsons sang a solo in good voice, Miss Amy Parsons playing the accom- paniment. Rev. H.1’cckover more than pleased the audience With his excellent address. teacher” ware expressive and true to naturgt. \\'hv|chcr rcndxlion of “The Southern Mnmmv” was immxtuble. Why not cute ltâ€"eradlcale 1,: wits. Putnam’s (‘nrn Extrnclnr? Nn 1min or snreâ€"“l’nnmm’s” Is a guaranteed suc- Ccaa, Lu ll. Mrs Scmt Raff's- interprstatmns of “An apple orchard” and Kipling’s “L’Envoi,” were a revelation to thus; who only cxpccted to hear clocutxon Her charactcr studies from Mary E. \VilKins and “'l'he diatrict school Mrs. Eaton Ind to Izcspond to recalls after each song. Mrs. Eamn’s nch, su’cet voice has chclopcd womlcrfuliy in the last year. Hcr songs, “Autumnal gale” and “Love could I only tr” that" Wcrc: wcllrcndcrcd, cnuuciutiun clcur, and tum: full and satisfying. "Spring 15 hcrc" sung with abandon. The: audience more and Mrs. Walker rcspnndcd‘ Mn. “'11”:ch first humbu' “Hm Making” “as hrautifull) rendn‘cd (1111: her swuct, lngh. poucmzl sopranu volco was' brand In lull mh 1111mm- 511:: was cnthuslasmully mulncd and gun: “Marjmy.” Her Sccmul snug “.Xn 0pm Scent” was dchghttul, mu; word being dustinrt, and the chmnx "Spring 15 hcrc" sung with the: greatcnl abandon. The: audience dunandcd more and Mrs. “hiker generousl) 'l‘hc- Iastclmt‘us “What the Daisies say” was picttlly sung, and at the last rdmin each member of thc Chorus produccda daisv and plucked thr petals as thcy sang “()m: 1 low, hm I lovc.” i Iv‘llnbl, JUPHUIU, A115. J. (. v:8an iCuntralto. Mr. Arthur Brigh', Bun ‘tone, Mrs. Scott Ruff, elocutionlst, Mrs. Arthur llhght, accompanist 'l‘ht' choir ofthe church \Vcrc asflatcd in four choruse» by the soloistsand Mrs. K. W. Eaton, ut- I'omnto. The opening chorus “\\'here are you going to My pmtty Maid?” was splen- didly rcndexcd. Its humorous .stfle‘ caught the ilUd‘ICHCC at once. He Km‘ens Setting of Kipling’s Recen- sional, With Mr. Blight‘i‘an the solo, was sonorothy sung. ' "The Laws mth the dt-Ih‘nteair" pleased everyone with its 03d fashionrd words and mu:ir,and Mr Walker's rendition of the wlu left nothing to he desired IS YO'UR CORN TROUBLESOMEJ under the auspices of the Ladies" Aid of the Methodist Church. The Artxsts, a” from Toronto, Wcrc Mrs. john C Walker, Snprunu, st. j. (T. Eaton, grand concert was given An nrprm‘mtiw a: audlcm'c {zlkd the I Omcmce, on the zqtl‘ ,, _-.. n .uxu l5 pllh Into h? The evil of a foul stomach is not alone the bad taste in the mouth and tli a foul breath caused by it. but the corr tion of the pure current of blood and th , dissem- ination of disease throughout tho body; Dr. Pierce's Goldvn Medical Discovery makes the sour and foul stomach sweet. It does {or the stomach what the washing and sun bath do for the cliurn~tthsolutely rcmot’es every tuiutiug or corrupting ele- ment. In this way it cures blotclms, pimples, eruptions. svrofulous sm-llings, sot-vs. or 0pm eating ulcers and all humors or (1i: eases arisi m; from bad Mood. If you have bitter, nasty. foul taste in your mouth. coated tongue. foul Mouth, are weal: and easily tirvd, fool den-ssed and (iospouilcnt, hu ve {rt-quent limidm-ht-s, dizzy attacks. gnawing or distrvss in stoni~ ach, constipated or irregular bowols. sour or bitter risings aftor outing and poor appetite, those symptoms. or any con: idur- ablo numlwr of tlwm, indicati- tlmtyou are suii‘oriug from bilimnsm-ss. torpid or lazy liver with the usual accompanying indi- gestion. or dyspepsia. and their attendant domugomr‘uts. 13 very careful about, her churn. She Scull it thoroughly after Izsinq. and gh It a sun bath tu sweeten it. 'She know; that if her churn is sour it will t‘ ' - butter that is made in it. The stomach ié I. churn. In the stomach and digestivé and nutritive tracts are performed pro- cexees which are almost exactly like the churning of buttvr. Is it not apparent then that if this stomdch-churn is foul it makes M!) 9.)] which is um inm n -) nu '31" Successful Entertainmea! L'mtiw ard emhusmsttv Hi the Opera “011ch u the 25th May, when a t was given under the the Ladies" Aid of the K: 33'1“ pwmfi. or a By cull: idcr- )f thou]. indicate thatynu are n bilimnsm-ss. torpid 0r lazy a 11511ng accompanying Inui- spcpsxa. and that nucnunt \_ V,,rl....\ uh ms stomach-ch fin) is foul it 1 which is put into it? a foul stomach is not alone in the month and the foul 111:5? In" oL-- “NUâ€"5 .L Toronto, Out This school is noted far émd near for the superior education given to the studemsand for the remarkable succes> ol'ns gradmtes. College open the en tire year. Begin now. Our training will make you independent. Write todax tor catalogue. W. J. Elliott, Principal, ,Cor' Yonge‘ paying from $35 to $l00 per month by uttcnding the popular A ELUOTT fl --\ 7 G. A. Den n, Sm: -'l‘rens. ll. Mulligan, Honorary Member. The (‘luh has bright prospects [or good seasan, €52 5?. Dr. Frederick J. Snolgrove ' B a. 111.11, 111ch“), PHYSICIAN " â€"â€":5URGEON _â€"oBs1E11<1(:1L1Nâ€"â€" Bank of 'l‘uromo- I Citizens. H. A Suns S. E Eukins I" “7 Hurulmm J Deyell (‘ R Dawsmx, v. 8k J R Eakins v 9k J B Sandy, 8k 23 '1‘ Leah, 6k l2. Bank of Mantrenl (i A llatheringtun ll Mulligan I 'l‘umpklus J Dawson R F Haney, y sk ( ll \\‘inslow.y. Bk (3- A Dean, sk l0 R J Dunk, sk 21. The lullowing offin-ers for 1908 were elected at. u. meellug held on Tuesday evening; J. l)eyell. President. '1‘. Leilh, View-Pres. OMEI-ZEE The Bankers and Citizens had an in- teresting Bowling: Mawh on Tuesday ew-ning on Mr, H. Mullignn’s green. The scores are as follows: The following are Hue prize winners at thu Vlciolia Day L‘embrutlon on May 2511:: Boys Hm: race-W, Fair, R. McBride. Bays race under H yrs.â€"('la_rk, 11M- sarvl and Hunter divide 2de money. 80; 3 rate: under 16 yrs â€"U Nultruss, H. Manley. “'3. RIM}: Matchâ€"0.01M", W Brnoe 'l‘hnming atoneuJ McKnight. High Jumpâ€"J Hnfl'umn. J Huffman. One mile ruceuN Belch, C. Nuttrasa. FOR UP-TO-DA'I‘E JEWELRY. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, "1- ' MILLBROOK. R. A. Parquhanon. Prim. con. 'l'h» prince nf entertainers Marsha] P. “’ildt-r says: H) mnei is Pqu tu me, and .~\\‘lft tn 0an. It ensures againm rough»: and (-nle. It uiwn vun pun-l :qu and kills the. germ ufdlsaaae. ll hPIpR the \‘nh'P. d llrt‘nthlllu' Nasal Fatal-HI, 'l‘hruzu 'rrlt Mun and Lung: 'l‘rnnhlps. It brings tnlht‘se snti'ernxg organs the balsam Index) air tl.e_\' vmuld get. In the Pine and [Cm-uh pms forests The air that shun-s out Bronchial troubles Slflnfziifl SEHWL . . British Canadian Business College Toronto. (mr "mung-morn trains mom young purple Ilmn uny other In ()ntnmu! 'l'h. rn- must. m~ u rvason; \vrlle for“. Special Course for Teachers. Ids“ Courses. Patel-bore Business College. Gm). Sputum. Principal. Ynuslmplv breathe and inhale HS Inedn-zuiun in drv uir form Which den ”'an the germ He that mumeu hppl’uss- I l . ‘ .‘ L’s nnfn question of Hymnei havhxg Urt‘d amne nne else but will il» reach suuruwn parllcnlur case If its culd .n the head. t'uturrh, Hrunchilis, Pnelr mania. (Tullpur anv alfacxinu u! the hlealmm: urguus A [much says yrs, and n ill relund (he mm-e)‘ it it {aim NH Ulhw prepare-dim; fur Lise name pur- pose van sucemssmlly (10 this. because lht‘ Hyumel system H! Ireamuent IS dif- l’t'rflrt {rum any! him: else PREPARE FOR POSITIONS MILLBROOK NEWS That Is what Hyomei wxll do in all forms of Canarrh and Troubles of The Breathing Organs. Mr. Andrus and family resided m Omeune [or some time and their triemla lmre will join the Mirrur Ill ex- tending Lennon sympathy to them‘ I. Elliott, Principal, Cor. Yonge‘ and Alcxnndcr Sts, Toronto. Hyunwi mmplate outfit, $1.00. .md sympnlhzzmg friends Called at .he home after the accidrut had 00' curred to break the news as gently "b gmssilde, Last. night Andrus remarked to a tellow empluve that. he did not think he sham“; “as safe, and although he had uulhlng to do \\ 1th the unu'hill- Hry. it is said [hut/he attempted to thlell it “uhuut consulting the man nhuw duty It “as to see In the Having 0! all bells and nmchihru u- :ellerul. ‘ A very and meesnze “as recewed In anay by a, [ovum and devmmi lather. It Was a leiegrum lrom [mou- ‘io which announced the dent“ of Mr. ueorge Anuruu, no» 01 Mr. Mun. Andrus, turnkey at the Victoria (‘uun- (y jud, There Were no particulars nu “'3 )elluw pic-cu of puper ms to how he death had occurred. on“: Hml he did been Very buddcul)’ Julie-d. 'l'hc .4Lher “ms grief slrxckeu. M's. Andxus, the 301m}: man’s mother, in Waiting in l‘ornnto, mlh ner dallghh‘r, Mrs. Albert quty, (“l"HH, at whose plm-e (.isurve um:1 boarding, and was present \\ hen kind BOWLING ON ”-112" GREEN. A former Omemee Resment Killed in Toronto. 24;?”qu “Show Me” Proof. . STEELE’S, Best Diploma Courses, Shorthand or Commer- cial. Also Jr. Martric. Take summer term, $20 3 mos. $10 by mail. En- ter any day. Address, OH TARIO. Yongc Bloor About. Eighty-Five nor :4 ofsuid {mm Is clean-d, the remainder hulng swamp lull-i The so“ lsc'uy lmun. ’l‘ht-ru ure erected on the premises a frame dwnmnzmnc and one lxnlrsmrles high. 20 x 26 with frame addi- tions 37 x 16 and 12 x16, a frame barn 30 x 50, and‘smd 16 x 30. TERM.“ Ton per cont. of the purl-ham money must be paid «town at the timf- of sale and the hnlancn tharvot’in thirty dur- therenrtur. without inn-rost. Wiii be sold subject. to present tenancy trrminnting on the First day of March nuxt litltlth. the purâ€" chaser to be entitled to the proportionate amount of the rent» in the mv'uniim e. The Vendors shall not. he honmi to produce any title deeds other than lhoue in their pours- sion. The purchasxer must. muke all his objectiongto and ret‘misltiom-~ on title. in writing, within fifteen days from date of NIH. and in «h-t’ant‘t or so doimz shall be doomed to have accepted the title uncon- dittmmlly. 0N SATUflDA Y, THE Twemielh Bay of June, 1908, at, Two o'clock in the urternuon. tho Nari h Hull‘or Lot. NnmberIx. In the second (hm- cosslon nnhe Township 0: Emily, mutulu- ingune Hundred acres [none or less. Pursuant in the provisions or the Last Will of Murgurea Ann Nu-lsun. late or line Village at UmHm-e. in the Four” of \‘lu- tori“. willow offlem‘ge Nelson, lnlle ul‘ llu Township of Emily in the mld (‘unnty of Victoria. l-‘armur. (locoumd. thew will be (”rated for sale by Public Auullun, at. the The property ls minimféviihélitin-lirév'a'nd one hll‘lfmUej (ynlhgf‘che V'Hlmze or (nnemec. Them “'7”! bra n resarvwl hld. For further particulars mu! condition“)! sale apply to the undersigned. William Earl and Richard J. Grandy. New Work Shop Twn lmrrors cruwdml inln one life- the prmluct nl poor digestiun and a polsnnell system There iq just one cure for this lerrlllle uomlillnnmplenu (J {nodâ€"but mind \‘nu, lmul properly digested: that’s the nlilllcultx; to im- prnve the digestive pnuer ml" the. atom- auh. Get rich nutritious hluml, streng- then the system and lltivvoul pnismw, ~tll9n Camus vitallty, endurance, pun- er Ferromme doe? all this and mum. it makes Rick people wvll, ueak people strong, changes "nerves” and insomnia inm robust health. 'l‘ake Farrnzonu. and, health IS yours. :30 cents at. all dealers. Executors of “'1”, (HIEMEE P. O- Dated this 10”) day of may. 1908. Mr. Edward Grundy, a first class mechanic, is in charge: of T. J. Parsons’ Stove Tin Emporium. New W or: and all repairs Will be done sntisfactmy and at reasonable: prices. OfValuable Real Estate Cnmmercia] House, in Umemee. 7 A share ofthe publlc patronage is respectfully solicited. Yours Truly, ARE YOU SLEEPLESS. NERVOUS? Then don’t load your stomach with c-mgh 83 Hips Send haul in: me.“ 'uâ€" tiou through the nostrilsâ€"mun! it into the passages that are subject to (with and catnrrh Easy to do this with Catarrhoznne, which cures ach in ten minnms. Even to the lungs gut-:3 the healing vapor of (‘ahtrrhuzohe ~21” through the lmmchinl when, nostrils and air passages-fiver)!“ ha e n trace of disease reumins W1”‘(':lhlrrh.zult9 follow. Yon’H not have c this, our wii' you suffer from muffins, bronchitis ur throat, trouble IH‘nlarrhoznno is used. Get it to day. ‘25 cents and $100 at. all dealers. Home” lner Ihal liquids and momtnre is havred from He Bronchial Tubes and Lungs It’s thedry air of Hm mej that. reaches the 81ml. A. Leach guarantees It. The di'ectinns for 3min: it vary, hm the principal is always [he mum, that of deslrnymz all the germs in “-9. air you breathe and havmg it rmmh the air pursues with dry medimliun from the Pine and Eucalyptus (meals. I! the attack is lwulm'lml um! lllfl'nllleu Severe, speedv relief u'lll (mum in mm! "mes and :l. pcrdszeut use of “gomei le cure .x A marked increase in trnnMPfi 0! (hp breathing organs Is nntecl in many In. ‘ulules. It you “I“ uulv have M, “me! at hand to use “ill: the first attack 0! (‘nld in the head, l’nenumnm, (‘uids BFUIICHHIH, Huarselwss, Sow 'l‘hrual, (.‘mnp, in mm any :espiratnry ufiecllnu the {mum‘s n ill be quivklv (H'Prmmm Epidemic Influenza. Grippe. Catar- ran Troubles. Pneumonia Increasing. Nn tnnié gives finch lasting unml health; trv it yunrbed. said my all dealer» in 500,, boxes. For the aged and “924k “ho nee} strengthâ€"for those rnn «hm u and thin â€"fnr (he sit-kly and uervnns “'3... [wk shu‘iug p'mver-nothing compares u in. Ferroznna., ARE YOU SUBJECT TO COLDS? Umuplele m- t in $1 These clumgw: are wrought in a na! urn! u'av fur Hm ruamm that errv. zune (mate the causes “mt. «Xe Le these troubles. ., ’Nutnral circulation quick' v fwlnus and [hat fullness in the ill-.111 so «H» lnrbilg and alarming, tun quickiy, purse-s nu av . ’1‘! u tint result uf theae changes is increased strength. '1 his rexnnrkuhly remml)‘. \Vlnh'h hm- cured t8; :4 of lh‘uurnmln at (‘nnmhun people, increases Hmrmmm'y the (llges ln'e loner. Hllmnlawu Hue lnrmutmn ml blood, the rich, red kind that nuts I e“ lilv into the men es These ax mplulus may gm“ “urge ver) quicklv il ”my are n: t Irralml I.) PerrI-z he. Yul] III ml. lIIIIld up the 'IBI’VUIIS H‘SH‘IH. 'l'hiutnn he Incum- pIiHth in nu nlher \Iu_\ d" Hmruughh and permmnehll)’ as b) the we of ler- I'UZUHQ. Your friend; may unticv a slight thickening of flpuech, or that )uur nmnmry ludecxdeh tailing. - a V" "r "I r-“'-; H. 599nm like stillness but. 3 ..n 5mm discover there’s a luck at" powerâ€"that the endurauu'e “1‘ this ur that u.uac!e In nut wmu. it ought. to be. AUCTION SALE 'luc‘ anon firm by mumtular “euk- neuuâ€"u frenug Hm! lnreuleuee para-3- sm, or b) ulullneus 1n the head that nullcutes upprnachmg apuplnxy Changes In the nerVul-la 5) Stem man- Hrs: uuâ€"nmnlveanluwn'. The First Sign or Mania-I Decay-1 Mming utfiensral Breakmn. T J. Parsons, .OMLMLL ON'II. Cause for Alarm. Losing Muscular Pew? -';;e ANNIE W. IVORY, ’l‘li.‘.CHl-ZR. Piano and Theory. Pupils prepared {or "‘ x: 1mination. Terms Mo‘ielzxte. 41‘ch u! the plaster relieves the tight- nmn and strain, draws out [he son-“ens muses the pain. The pHnulrang qnul‘ Ilnes of Nen'llme enable it to Mmk to the very core nf the trouble. 8 I! you ex;.9rim can feeling: of warmth mm In liefllmt prnves the danger i: panel For wank (flu-mumm- llnrnat and ten- «lmmv t.) c Hds lhe Nervi inc trentmenl thI-a all 0 bars. try it. OPEN ALL YEAR. Our ~\‘nmmvr x‘usslnn tumbles mndenm tn sl :n‘t. mu“ l-ill'h,‘ and Luke 2; on”! lnumu comm-n. Write for cxuulnglw-nl‘ nul' old- usl and "103‘ reliable school,1hc 'I Nervxlilm l'uruus l'laster. RFHel comes in an lmur. 'l‘lne mumer- irritant 'l‘iglmwss and whevzing meum y« In trouble :3 devpsemed. '1‘” he in m dangerous. Inflammation must be- drawn-nut. at olive. IHIL) He throat and vines! \ch herfilmhmual put on TICKETS GOOD FOR 60 DAYS Berihs in Tourist Sleeping Cars at small extra cost. if secured in advance. Apply to any C.P.R. Ticket Agent for full informafion and free copy of Homcseekers' Pamphlet, or write VERY LOW RATES June 9, 23 Aug. 4, 18 July 7, 21 Sept. 1, 15, 29 Return 2nd Class 'E‘ickets l‘lu- notninamon amt return by M'- clanmliun ‘uf Mr. J. J. I'replun, an thn- hart-‘Imtt fur Hurt Durham in the MM Leg'vlalurv, (mine «41' In thmmk an Mundny last and Seemed tu Inert Hm apprm'nl 0! butt. pnlittt-at [MUMPS Mr. Rnlwrt Vance moved and Mr. (‘harles McNeil berondvd the nominattun. The nomination pruceedinga over a. public meeting “as Item in the 10th Hull. Ree-re Given in [he t‘lmir.) Mr. (has. Mt'NMt, President nf the Cnnsvrvmhe Ass ('iutmn, spoke lnntly and made way [or Mr. Preston, n In.» “as t-llet‘rvu to the (who. He thanked the «Return for the great hnnur cunterrrd and enn- t‘nieM-e uhm’rn, in returntng him by zn-clutnution, and then gun-t n resume ml the work «I the \\l.ttnr_v guvern- ment. The nwetinu vlnwtt \\ ith chevra fur the King and Mr. l’testnn, nfhâ€"r ulnivh Mr. J. J. 1’" nton, M l' P for Rust ltnrtnun, tN-etvrd {early cungm tnlatmnu 1mm numerous frietula. I British American Business College, Yonge and McGiil Stsv, Toronto; '1‘. .\I. WATSON. Principa Numb-Wag! Excursions "th on!) $3 (14-. Hraau e healing Hydnvi mm! are In.“ qnh-k'y 3 on u m ul‘l n-liel'fmm (-amr'h and hem! (:uldu If It does lint. help .Vlm News will nut he a po-nuy'u ex- pPlIH“, 35 \. lmm-h Harm-s 0“ rPfuml Um mum‘y.‘ The c: Inplele Hyuuxel uutfi MB. JJ. PRESTGN BY ACCL. Hymnal aclu Mm u x-firutn'e inn-ma! air bath, and has the- same healing and altllsvplil', t-fl'e-ct us the air win-re Um Pine and Emmi) pm: {Ilrt‘HIr‘L’Hfi ufl' their fragrant um] lmmng hulsuum. Hraau e healing ngnwi and are In.“ From all Ontario Stationsto Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton and principal points in Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta at 1:. m the healing on: and balsams of ”Sulllei “inch medicalc Hu- uir Mm breathe reaching the must relume uh m-lls in «In: nun-u. II. was and lungs, killing .nlltnuurlml germs and re. lur- qu health In the mucus memhrzum e. W WNW'W Nature has a. remedy for catarrh 8px Iemlcvnlds a d hrum-Mtis n. .x 1 hr lmuer nan ”mum: Llc stomach with Illtflliclhfl uuu urugs. IS YOUR CHEST “WHEEZY?” Byeathe Byomei and be cured nf Muarm. nrJncmua, Asthma, ”BEOMEMEE. i. B. FOSTER. Dist. Pass. Agent. Toronto IN A BflbA'l‘fl THERE'S fibbl‘. Leave on Tuesday; SOLD BY J. H. Carnegie,AM. P. P‘ for East Victoria File THE BANK 8F TU Omemee Brant-.11, J. B L. GROUT . Manager. 1 0a 1'! Sax/’irig’fiDe; Interest Credited 4 Tarmer’s 5;.» 13 Notes accqned for (ollection. These Notes "Hy also be lcl’t as Securitv for loans. Secrfi . v. wwnvâ€"‘lxll‘lfl; a'vnuyulul3 appeal' :sun multiplies? B .w..re of mercury rugs used indiscrlmizmterâ€"they may L.:e 53' :em. Twenty years experiencein the mént of these diseases enables us to prescribe ' up We n me!“ 3L5 that \Ml positiuij: cure all blood '1, 1' a: .»; res of 3.1.: worst chsmcter. leaving no bad ether; 0: the system. Our New Method Trent- 11‘ cnt w311 p-trTZy and enrich the blood, heal up ineml d v --f' \. , .. . I 9‘ -‘° . ; »1 umrs, chur theskxn, remove haze paws, taken 9 ,/ czzt hair will gr w in, an sxvofk 21 glands 8'11! re- My{;. 1‘ rm to a. 110:1);le "andiiivn, and the patient will ' [rel :.' r1 Icok likca diflcn mt per on. ”Pl-r2504 2:» 3;». 5a,, ' v a ricer-mt for Irvafimc-‘t are guarartoed'n um- ~ but: can: if instruczions are followud. 1‘ in (rm-ht =.;< rejmu‘ condition, you can consult us FREE ”v.4. by: “Le u‘ i..c-m:z;_~<‘t(~:‘ Sim Vt \. ) have 10 mpumfion .‘WVC been cstnhli In ‘rv: 7' 9n \nnre "a E’fi-afizam‘; 5; r7: Mush-.mhmufiahu ” ‘ .4... 32:: Egan ’51 {Eris-weir! Sts, Detroic, Mich. .239 ‘ bioodâ€" dis ur person You may now and! poisua sti} ".0 run flu: in; L3 ihe or mineral ruin the s: treannén specificrc: t" .»; (cs 0 etl‘ccts :1 n‘cntwiii :=1t1L\rS,( czzt Emir v: 1‘ it: to an (re! :2' d 10 v a ru-(‘t‘fit CAPITAL RESERVE FUND ASSEI‘S .0} offers a perfectly safe deposxtory for Farmer’s 82119 Notes furnish, Free 01% Qharge Blank: mNotes __â€"â€"f-â€"â€"â€"nâ€"â€"â€" 5‘ prepared espéciafly for Sales; " . #3: kw I.“ ESTABLI‘SHED‘IB >gie, M. P P, the Popular Membelj Victoria Elected by Acclamation. I m‘ pen: on has 'been rcmoud from the system. 1 L'uu may hwe had smne d‘seax: years ago. Wt now and then some sx mptom alarms you. Some poisun minim-1.5 in y. -ur system. Can you afiord '10 run flu: ml: of more serious symptoms appear- 4<4L-. if you ever had any contracted or heredi blood disease, you are never safe until them We also c2 *3"; STATIONERY. , TOILET ARTI- CLES PATET MEDICINES, DRUG SUND- RIES C O N- FECTIONFRV. FANCY CHINA CIGARS PIPFS TOBACCOS. DRUGS, Pure, Fresh, and at Right Pr“ ms WYLIE s, $ 4,000,000 4. 500,000 ‘ 39,000,000.

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