gag AL} SIS KILLED THE SNI F F TR \DE 239:“ agg‘ewmplé" or what an invention Q? Goad d a businm: take the ' ' ““53 - -â€"-. n ï¬r: ) of wholesale *1" 1“ wm ‘m 190;; laid in a large 5 ‘4 “19 mew mum At that time â€glam ““3 cm {as one of the rare ldvcrtisinggs ’ mu; declared to be me ‘ wry soul andb mainsprinn of business. 3ct were is at least one case 3n u‘cx 1d 50!. 3. mm being nearlv ruined. b3 udxcrâ€" (ismg. 1).: ï¬rm in qucstion nré’l’rgn soap .rpnulaclm-ers. About two yaks ago the dzrecwrs set aside a large sum for Exten- “We advettising. The ukult v as :1 NS?) “ 02m; path: the public for their “ares Suflwï¬ï¬here was _a famine in fat. Tul- Iow'wer'ï¬ up ï¬ve? td seven shillings a hundredweight. The'ï¬ml had enormous contmcfs omhupd, 'which they had to ï¬ll 2'3 1055.). i Cause andeftoct in the world of com- nwnce ammsfuues apparently in flat. con- :xadiction. A :news company, like any other commercial undertaking, mmraH‘y likes as much business as passibbt. Yet mt. chainnan o! a \\ ell-known teLxgraph campany complained that the Basiaâ€"Jap- anese war hit them very severely (mm a ï¬nancial point of ciew. The fad. was that. {he} had not on}; to kee ep :1 great munbex of corrcswndmts in the ï¬eld; but .hat as Japanesé is a language with; which few Emopcuns are familiar, their? ex'pensos Were increased 50 per emf. by the engagement- of interpmtms. ‘ Northc reason of the sudden jump or 331w£ceuL in the price. of ootlonwvas a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico, a storm which .combined with an exceptjunany high tide. .flooded Galveston and utterly mum/ed its \varemuses, .in which the the enormous qunnlily or 50,0“: bales of cotton were.awaiung shipment. to Eng- land. 111:190‘2 a number of large British firms so! maul-brokers were pinched in similar msm'onby a sudden rise in the przce of «Remand two went to smash. And yet theA crop was not a particuariy poor one: Seine years ago a certain ï¬rm of wholesale perfumers came within an ace 02 min, and were only saved by heavy sacriï¬ces on the part of the principals. The cause was the outbreak of an insur- rection in the Balkans. To those who do not know what part Bulgaria plays in the world or scent. this explanation sounds ridiculously inadequate. bulcause and et- !cct are linked as follows: "Nearly all the altar or roses in the world comes from the Maritza Valley. in Bulngrin. The ï¬rm in question had con- tracted to supply a large quantity of ihis marvellous scent at about a guinea and .a half an ounce. W hen the revolt bl kei cut, :thc growers loll. their gardens undl took to the hills Consequently. attai- osc human-1y three guincas an ounce, and w: ï¬rm lost thousands of pounds. lHARD HIT BY ADVERTISING. The other day 1:» important dyeing company applied to be allowed to reduce its.capilnl by about half, and the applica- tion was granted. IL was no question at bad management nor anything of the kind. Simply that me color 0'! the British Army uniform has been chganged from scarlet ‘lo khaki, and this ï¬rm had en- joyed the greater part of lhe scarlet dye- ing contracts. They estimate the extent of their loss at a quarter of a million sterling, says Pearson‘s Weekly. All or a sudden a new law is passed, ï¬ckle Iashion changes. a scare originatrs, or some new invention supersedes the article which your ï¬rm is turning out. Dcwn go your shares. You either sell on! at an enormous sacriï¬ce, or ruin starts you in the lace. ~You have money to invest, and 30mg; body tells you that 5310» andvsuC-h ï¬n industrial is :dxï¬â€˜rig remarkably well. You buy ,Sharwér an interval, and for a time 'a“! is rosy. Your dividends are 10, 15, perhaps 20 per cent., and you believe yourself rich for life. Changing Color of British Army Uniform Caused a Firm :1 Serious LOSS. [10“! SCARFS, INVENTIONS AND FA- SHION AFFECT TRADES. DEATH T0 INDUSTRIES from my 'waist to my feet. I Just :a'i comm] over my towels and blend- der and my legs had no more fmhng than if mey‘wcre made 0! wood. Three nthrr doctors sun-ed :0 cum me. but =thcir‘tx'eaunenl also was a failure, and for over eleven months I lay in tea unable to‘movc. Dr. Williams†Pink In“. ‘7 , -- Pius were then advised and I was shown testimonials of others who had been cured of paralysis through them. [thought a. supply and: in less; than back. but at. the time I paid little an knthon to the injury and continm-d my work. As time went on. though, the pub!) became more severe and. 1 econ found myself unable to m any- thing no maner how right. It was not long bozore '1 had to stop work ax. together and comm a doctor. He :lreated me but his treatment did not help me and .1 rapidly grow worse. I had to take to ‘my bod, and in the lame Lula: my spine might receive strength .1 was encased in plaster of nuts least. Tbs am not' help me; £1357 could fee). the paralysis slowly creep- ing over me Lill_‘I_ was totally paralys. 0' inc Pills and began taking them. Gradually they broke the chains or disâ€" case that bound him, and ï¬lled his whole body with new Now, We and vigor. Mr. McDonaki saysiâ€"‘I am a (armor and in consequence mm, a great. deal 0! hard wax-k to do. One clay while about. my wank I injured; my .L...J. L_,A ,. A. .- >- ,. -~-> when hé mad or whét Dr. w: 11mm Pink Pills had done for 0!] :cr sum'rus (tom pmlysis. in? pmcmfag a supply a year he was a helpless invalid. He was paralyzed from his waist. to his kc: and for nine monihs lay in bed umsed- in a plaster or pnris cast. Four M the best doctors in Prince Edward Island “we unable to help him and- he seemed doomed to a life of miswy nod «Spain But hope came to him Paralysis, no matter how slight, ls a k'rrible affliction, but to be paralyzed from waist to the tool. to be a helpkss cripple, totally dependent upon what others do for you, is a condition as wretched as man could: pmsibly bear. Such was me state of Mr. Mlnn J. Mc- Dsnald, of Rice Point, REJ. For over no Suï¬sm Paralyzed From Waist to Peekâ€"Enema in Haste? 61’ Paris for Nine Months-Dn Wflliams’ Pink Pills cure After Your Doctors Had Failed~Tha cure Youchad for by a Well known clergyman. Another * Modern Miracle Paralysis Permanently Cured .. u... . ~L~Ju KM“ Two pled'b‘posing causes of a _cold. must be carefully nolcd. Either 1pc body is exposed whm weakened by fatigue or constitutionally depressed to a cold cur~ rent of air, as on a draughty railway platform. t3 dump sheds or claims. or eve-n ~lo the dcvilalizcd alumsphm'e r0â€" sulllng {roux lcztfng a ï¬re lefori- \x'whlch one has been carefully dozing got gra- dually lmv, or the pores of the skin are Opened in a viliated and Warm almos- phero. such as a cmwdel church, blmpc'» or theatre. Than «11st ma‘v r: inblneg and a cold the!) resume}: dï¬uhiy ~cvcr>u Frequently Persons mm than 021149 The prinmry cause of a cold is 1.11:1an of puzc, [.0531 1131.1311dly \0 1.111101 Ming-rooms are nec‘sarily full of im- puzc air, and if artiï¬cial lightâ€"especi- ally gas- '1'.g11tâ€"1’s used in them the air becomes vitiated. , Slight Attacks 01 Cold May be Treated . Succesél’ully by Recourse to ' Fresh Air. BEST WAY TO CURE A COLD ‘ Disease attacks the lime ones through the digestive organs. Babys Own T'Lblels are the best thing in the world for all stomach and bowel trou- bles of children. They act quickly and are absolutely safe. If necessary the Tablets can he ens-lied lo a powder or dissolved in water. Mrs. Wm. F. Gay. Si. Bleanois. P. E. 1.. says:â€"â€"â€l know n! nothing to equal Baby's Own. Tablets for the cure of stomach- and bowel troubles. I cannot speak too liivrli-l} at this medicine and do not. feel saie- wilhâ€" ‘ out a box of Tablets in the house' i Sold by Incdicinc dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. \Villinms' Medicine (20., Brockville, Ont. I SOUND HEALTH Prejudice is the barrier pride erects to keep use}! from getting hurt. The average man would sooner pre- varicatc than say, “I don't know.†As sum as some people got to know each other well â€my begin to quarrel. Perhaps "Iaint heart ne’er won lair lady" because it preferred a brunette. It is just as hard and desirable to m-is» understand some people as u i: is to understand dbexs. No-man is as (Banger-nus as he thinks some women thinks he Is. You can’t do anyfhing very we". if you (20:11. want to do it. It is mud 10 say which lingers longer vu bore or a suspicion. More physith and less physio is what many peopic want. 0m? friend is cconomicul where our en my L‘i stmgy. ï¬vvua. I" aunt, “NJ. ullpOI'LS \VCI'C‘ :1,- 00". cases; in July, 1906. they wore barely 2,000. One Liverpool ï¬rm is xweputcd to huge lost. $60,000 by this scare. We all know how the revelations as to Chicago beef-packers’ methods simply destroyed the trade in imported tinned goods. In June, 1905. imports were 27,- Patience is often merely laziness. The average man is bco selï¬sh realty to enjoy life. Scares like the typhoid and oyster, ox- lhe arsenic in beer are what manufactur- ers and tradesmen dread worse than any- thingelc :. How many people are aware that lhe snuff trade in England was prac- tically killcd by a scare? Dr. Has’snll, the well-known analyst, analysed forty- tm-ce brands of snuff, and found chloride of lead in nine and oxide of load in three. metals, and its price was £25 an ounce. Not that. calcium is in itself a rare ele- ment. It is, in fact, one of the common- est in nature, being one of the two con- stituents of chalk and limestone. But at that time the only known process for extracting it. in its pure state was long, tedious, and costly. Early in 1905 two German chemists devised a simple elec- trical process for isolating calcium. The price tumbled to eighteen-pence an ounce! FAMILY PHYSICIAN ALSO TELLS "0“? TO AVOD ONE. kw doctors and other medical treat, mom had) hopelessly failed. These Pills actually make new, rich, rod blood, teed the starved nerves and bring health and strength to. every part. of the body. This is why Dr. Wil- llams’ Pink Pills cure anon apparently hopeless- cascs as Mr. McDonald‘s, and it is why they have cured thousands and thousands of sick, dlscoumgefl people in every part of the world. b‘old ly all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a hex or six boxes 401‘ $2.50 from The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co., Brockvillc, Ont. ]! you are sick and the treatment. you are now taking does not help )ou give Dr. Williams Pink Pills a fair trial. They have cured thousands at- In corroboration of what Mr. Mc- Donald says, the Rev. D. MncLaren o! Charlottetown, P. E. 1., writesâ€"“I vis- ited. Mr. McDonald many times during his innex. He was attended by three or more doctors and put in- plaster pure, and everything imaginable \\ hich might be or beneï¬t “as done (or him without success. He had lost all power of his body from his \\ aiist down and I think he was nearly a year un- der treatment before he began to use Dr Williams’ Pink Pills. X was with him the day he first mmed his bicr toe and lrom that time on he gradually improved and [or the last kw wax-s has been perfectly we†I can vouch for the cure Dr. Williams Pink Pills eileck‘d in his case.†three months they made'a remarkable change in me. I was able bu get out of had and crawl along the floor on my hands and knees. Gradually my limbs became stronger. Soon I could walk with the aid 01 a cane and' inside of nine months after I had; tcgun the use of the Pills I was totally cured, and once more able to do light, work. Now I am as strong as éver I was and can do my work about the farm without, the least trouble. I think Dr. \ViL- Imms‘ Pink Pills are with-out. an equal, fur, besides my own case, I know of two other cases 0.! paralysis cured. by them. Two young girls who had been cripples and whom I advised to try the Pins." MINUTE THOUGHTS. q . â€A 34% g EBB. ALL GRILDBEH The world has never learned; the name of the genius who conceived 1h: idea. of spreading butter upcn hi3 I‘m-cad, a combination of fond ï¬laments move pal- atable. more wholsome and more uni- versally popular than any that the com- bined wind-nu of all 1h“ pI‘O-f0£.~0l‘s who have ever lived hm L20 n able to devise. <.- V‘a‘v‘l, “T“ 10 rplieve pain. Specially recommended 1m Ncmulgm, Headache Rheumatism, Gum Catawba} Golds etc. For sale :30 auits_ at all drug, is1~s or Lyman Knox (Ilarkson, xviiblcsalc di'uggiél§,-‘:IT6: ront-o.‘ “1 mad-Sum,†EejBEiéll the Cheerful Idiot. “the window-glass Lrust charges for its panes.“ â€I‘M trusts.†.rcmarkod the socialistic bearder. “give me a pain.†“- nï¬ .7-.v .M.Vu u‘rull- uuul. [IU\\CVUI'. this may be, it is well known that. Par- mcltxe‘s Vegetable Pills, distilled. from room and herbs, are a sovereign rm:- «ly in caring all disorders of the (11'- gesuoau. same that. Nature pmvide§ awcure for every disease which neglect and ignor- ance have visited uponrmzm. However. In Nature‘s Storehouse Thu-o. arc Cuzx‘aâ€"Mcd cal. ( xpcr .mcnt; have s :ovm canclusivcly um there are medicinal virtuvs in even ordinary plants growing up around us which give them a value that cannot Lu estimated. It is held by . n... IL_| ‘- Unless a hum has something a wee bit bad about him he is- mighty uninter- esting to the average woman. thon in doubt as to me other follow' 8 stlmengtn apologzc instead of smiling (I. ï¬ght. It is funny how much more a. man expects his wife. to believe than he does of his friends. Success is the result of making the world have as high an opinion of you usnyqu do yourself. Tricre is nothing that pkaï¬â€˜s‘a wo- man quitu so much as L‘cing able to pose as}; martyr. Should the chest or bronchial mbes b~ ch'cfly affected, the same 1_n-o(;alltinns as~ lo clothing must to observed; porous and not too heavy flannel or ct'wr vests 'sh0uld be worn, and misnmned chost "protectors" thrown aside.â€"London 'l‘.l- Bits. If the eyes are ï¬rst attackml. they must. not be unduly tried, exposed to dust. strong artiï¬cial light. or bad air. If the symptoms oommonly commence in the throat, than a daily garglc \Vllh cold water should be had. the throat sluiced every morning with cold water, and neither unduly exposed nor mumm up ,fwihh handkerchiefs‘ mumers, boas, oilï¬ghifug' collars. It spoils a gift for a woman 20 take Ih-g price mark of! before she sore it. A genius is only a tool that happens tr be a fad with the world. Bosidx‘s these general mks it will be wsll if persons wry liaMc to colds wil take care that’ no ingress be given [0 lb: malady. Thus. if a cold usually com- moncgs in the teltlx. those should- le a'- tl-ndod lo. and decayed or unhealthy slumps removed, Amie}? faid mm be rammed whore anmmils when applied as directed, l'f'h'ï¬V'e Dam. SDCCIQUV recnmmtmdna which opens the 10-ch of the akin, gen- tle exorcise, ï¬moderaw clothing, and abundant Irrsh air are the (swntial 1w quisitcs. Drugs, hommopathic or allora'hic, are «really useless, and poumccs are not. needed it me amvo directions are car- out. The ihirst is host relieved by grapes, fresh lemonade. or tamarind water. To avoid rccurrcn'sc of the com- plaint, moderate Living, LITTLE OR NO ALCOHOL, For the ï¬rst twenty-four hours, or even longer. according to the severity of tho symptoms, nothing but. a break- Iasbcupful of barley water and milk, ln equal proportions, every four hours and a little fruit. must. be given. The hand-a and face should be spongod with tepid water night. and morning. When the severity of the symptnm: dim‘nfshes. bread and milk, macaroni or rice pud- ding, soup. or other light diet should be continued until the appetite returns and the ordinary diet can be taken, but the patient. had better seize the ï¬rst. Inv- arable. opportunity to gwt, gentle outd/Jor exercLse. This treatment is for the se- vere form of colds. 1N CLEAR \VEATHER. Thom must be only just enough bod- covc-ring to be comfortable. When a warm bath is given i! should be in the bedroom. the windows should be shut, and the immers'on must Le all over ex- cept the head, and not one part at a The tightness of the chest is best. rc- IlQVCd by a warm balk) at bed-time, fol- Paved by rubbing into the chest a spoon- lul of hot olive oil or lanolin, either or which will em‘ct the purpose, though the smell of the latter is against its widcmread use. lf lhis lullcr symptom of tightness, or pain in my chest, is at all swore the patient. must be put to bed in an airy room, a fire burning, and the window a few inches open To relieve the “stuffy" s-cnsat’on about the nose there is nothing better“ than the application of tsc iallow candle of our grandmothers. As, however, mod- em talfow candles frequently contain m-senic, plain unsalted lard, or almost any kind of thick grease, may be sub- stituted. For the tickling sensation in the throat there is no remedy superior ti I'nsext lea, mad: by pouring boiling water on fresh seed. then slightly sweet- ened, ucidulutcd with lemon juice, and we usual liquorice left out. to going from some warm place to the open air, whcn, us a matter of fact, they have already taken ccld in a close, UN VENTILATED ATMOSPHERE. Slight or partial attacks of cold may he beatcdï¬ucccssfully by immediate xe. course to fresh, pure air, gently walk- ing 1991119. hegt my; 0.! Q any} takinï¬r a warm bath at night, swak'ng the legs in but musuu-d and: water to remove me hpzld congestim, anq grinking a warm, thin grueT bnforé sloepmg {o induce na- tural pc-r.~pfruti<m. The wLndows should be partially open if the weather is dry. \U‘I‘ 'ON THE FRI-IE I‘HS’I‘. UNREQUI’I‘TED GENIUS. PETâ€. POINT AND PA'I'HOS. TANGO. A Requisitc for the Rancher.-â€"â€"0n the cattle ranges of the West, where- men and stock are far from doctors and apoth-ai-ies, Dr. 'i‘honms’ ‘liclx‘ciric Oil is kept on hand- by the intelligent as '1 ready made medicine. not only torinnny human ills: but as a hem“ and: cattle nmlicina OI surpassing merit. A homc‘ and cattle rnnvhor will find matters greatly simplillvd by using this 01']. uh FOR RAZOR USERS. A razor is one of the most nocoszary toilet requisites oi‘ the man who is his own barter. 'l‘lici'oim'e, it good razor is a thing to long for, and, when pro- cured, to cherish. It is a notable incl that a good razm‘ can only be known after using it for some time. An 09;- pert has said that. it is practically im- sslble to tell the quality of a blade ..y looking at it. A razor costing sev- enty-five cents may turn out to be a bet- ter article than one at four times the price. In strapping a razor, the blade should be drawn across the stmp from the heel to the point, at the sqgne time icing the full kngth oi the strap. ’n s laving, this motion should be reversed, the blade travelling from point t: heel. The reason of his is that the edge of the blade has tiny, saw-teeth,‘and the opposite movements uselhosc to the best advantage. Some men man-fat leisure tie for the divorce court. Mm Jonesâ€"“You soon: to have implicit conï¬dence in your husband." Mrs. Snxilhâ€"lâ€"“(in course I have. He never turns pale when I tell him he talked in his sleep." It is. a. well. known fact that. Ramsays Pain’ts beautify and give 1.3!» to every- thing they touch. 'l‘hcir brimum-y. pur- ity of color and. power for mvvoring gives them unchallengm lmdoxrship. Your dealer sells them at a price mm vsm please you. and guurnmuw every cam. Write A. Rzunsny Sun (20.. Montncnl. (-0:- pack of Souvenir Picture Post Cards of â€cums. “Eggâ€"“So vou admit that them “as one time in your life “hon \ou really wanted the earth." Wa'ggâ€"“Yes, when I was seasick, a thousand miles from land." WHAT DO PEOPLE NEED who are run do um mic, pals listToss? " Ferrovim," the be “mica, It bulfds, makes «tron . it gives new life. nor. are many tonic: but on y one †Frewvin." “Yos. my boy?" he said 10 a bright-lam- inp kid who held up his hand. while the light of gum’us was in his eyo. “To bal- ance his tail!" shouted the bright boy. ls Highly rccomnwnJod as affording in- slnnl mliof from painâ€"~Ncuralgia. Hond- ache, Gout, leunmtism. (luwrrlml Colds. Sample, 50 cents. All dx‘uggisls or Lyman Bros. 5; Co., wholesale drug- gists, Toronto. A Cure for wstivmcm.â€"~Costivoncss comes trom the refusal oi the excretory organs to. perform their duties regularly {min contributing causes, usually dis-A (u'ucnd‘ digestion. Parmelce's \‘cgllabie Pills, prorated on scientiï¬c princip't‘s, are so cmnpounded that certain ingredi- ents in th-a-m pass through the stomach and act upon the bowvts w as to rc~ "NYC their trmpor and zit-misc them to proper action. Many thousands am pi't‘rpunxi to bear testimony to their power in this impact. It sounds pretty In a report. of a social affair to say that {he house was illumin- ated with candles, but. it means a. lot. of grease. Just now when nmwy is Start-v. it is won for every one. to look around and we where they can obtain their home und horsonul mods ut. the onust cost. The W. H. Scroggle. Limited, Departâ€" ment. \\'.. Montreal, Que" are fast, milk in; an enviable reputation for thorn- Mlves us “Universal Providers." and the pmplc of Canada are not, slow to take advantage of the splendid money sav- Ing oftvrs this firm makm to customers not residing in Montreal. 'l‘h'us' ï¬rm has just tamed a wlondid largo beau- tifully illustrated Catalogue which is mailed: tree to anyone who asks for it. Rotter send for one to-dny. \\‘o under- xtnnrl that while those prices are excep- tinnuhy how they also pay transporta- tzon charges on the goods they sell. sonwthing which no other ï¬rm of this kind in Canada dws. They are u thor. onghty rotz‘mble house und readily ex- change anything which duos not. give nt-soiuto satisfaction 01' you can get. your money back if you prefer it. “I beg your pardon,†she said meokly. "first being the cash, give me three pounds, please.†Aï¬d the young housewife looked senrchingly at the grccngroccr with her keen grey eyes; 7 Theâ€"main {altered an instant, and then, boldiy meeting the sharp orbs of me in- quirer, replied min ï¬rm voice; ‘Tlnése {Ire hand-picked tomatoes, mud- am.†. MONEY SAVED 1S" moxm EAR-NED. "You charge twice as much for that: wmuww as they do down the street. Why is that?" “The sun shines no! on all alike," Said the maid unto the man: “For some girls it merely fwckles, While others it does tan." N0 GROUND FOR SUSPICION. Mr. Arthur Tennison. 88 London Smec, Toronto, uys : “ For six or nun yam I wu troubleï¬with indigution 1nd dylpcplh. Two much :cidity of (h. Mom-cu, tho doctors said. originated tho traumas. I tried scores of Maudie: without “nil. Eventually I and Plvcnml Imd this brought immedint: relief 1nd cure." All dl’lfl‘illsol um; 50:. Pre- put-A only by Dr. T. A. Slocum. Ltd. Toronto. rnounouuczo Sl-KEEN Y6 HIS GREATES’I‘ NEED. NOT THE SAME. SOCIETY NOTE. OVERA \VED. PANGO. >,7 then hus- Mrs. Nzlggi-t~ “I wonder how you'd like i: if I gal new-muHamish and inaiswd Upon \x'vnrmg mvn's clothes. Mr. NuggnL-"(HL I hun-n't any four of _\'-:\1;:' «WW doing mm. Men‘s clothes EFL nc‘ver very expensive. Will 3110111 111411111 relief 116111 pain (-ausfld ’IV \4‘111'18 g11l.H4:11daCh(-s Gout 11111-11111ulis111 (111111111111 (11111;. Sampx‘c 51: (101115. All dx'uggists 01' National Drug (11).. London. “I mun» our romance is cndr‘d now." “Why?" "Her folks haw H!u\'l‘(l intoum {10115.9 that my {alkq vacated." In the treuhnh-nt uf alumna: Cum- plaiuls, [he muzt effective rcnlmy that can be max! is Dr. J. l). Koliu-gg‘s Dy- sontm'y Cordial. IL is a standard prv- mruliwn. undsmuny people employ it in j-u-ofcrvnw 14'». other [Ingmarationa It is 4‘. highly rum-unlmM‘d‘ medicine and. ils sedative. and «:uymtiw qualities an» be? yond ()1]4"\H\6H. H has Law a 1.01quer medicine fur many yours and thousand»: can attest its superior qualities m (ovm'mmhu; dymulvry and kindred com- plums. “I am proud to say that my grandfatlwr made his mark in the world," observed "k. conceited youth. “Won. 1 suppoxe he wasn‘t the (July man in those duyx who couldn't write his name," replied his bored cmmmnkm. Some 107mb? marry {or love. and) re- main Illill‘l'.('d for witv. There um be mu: influence where there is Hut. grout. sympathy. What: :1 mun is Inxlhutu [-oll‘fc “'0- men are. apt. to gut 51:5,:iciws. Some mvn aw inâ€) Mars. “him the T05! spcuk HIC truth 0C..'a:~irvnu‘~‘zy. It isn‘t ham! tu borrow tmqu: any at your fr-énn‘ls \x'Lll lund mu it. anm‘y is a good thing to haw. so 1011",,r as ,mu haw n in Ihe right place. The linings \w don't know “‘0. knnw ‘8re mum mom! than the. thing»; we din-'rw we anv. A man nvwrr (menu-rs what :1 ronznrk- llblt" monwry Pm has 1mm he Ink-s to forgot wmclhing. No man is as clmcr us his ï¬ancee thin-ks he is. H tukw plvnty of caumgc nut to be Coward. It- is good tc laugh, but it is better It is good tc lawn, but iii.» belt er ‘Lu {ml Kin“ laugh: Hg. Even 2i mm. miss mu) make a hit 'wixeir sh? gipws 117). Tim lu‘si mm: in do a thing: is wnen it. is «:miwu'cni. iiwryihing 10mm to the pomie who ‘wcrk \viiihriimy wail. Nd: Cna'ms, 14k Gull-ï¬ned, I'lase f1)! Pb vtOS. ‘ Ladie: r: ckComb TulkliSte- S‘,he11 Se! M’flh B: 31.: 1:.Umxs S‘gneb Rng,1';,Gnld PM so for hm Initials. A new lot of prizes havc bean placed in me packages. Ask your gm 'rr far :1 package of “THE NEW FOOD." Open Salt Cellars. Cut Glass, Slez'nng Silver 'l‘c-p. Cold Men Fork, Silver-plated, Roget's Best Make. “THE NEW FOOD" 1L prize he: bcen Iplacz-d in ï¬ery pack- age. Already THIRTY-SIX Brue (:erds c-uJing in LADIES GOLD \\'A'I‘()Hl-Ԥ, hme been mloeaned, am- SI'ZYENI‘Y- FIVE Red turd“. {inch one of those cards has bu.“ {‘3va in a package of “NEW FOOD." The Rod Cards give the finder the choice of the lolluwmg tau-Leos: Boys’ Nirklc Watvh. Table Cover. One Yard Square, 03.- mask. Balby Ring. Sd'd (Enid. Sfdebom'd Covers, 'l‘uo Yards Long, Linen. nave yOu. tried a pzmkage of “THE [\‘EW FOODâ€? It is ma’dv of the Choic- csl White What, then Mmmfo Red and flakci. No kitchen can produce a be!- {or mude or cloatflr article {or luxmun Consmnpt'on. in order tu introduce Sailors cam. away on, Uumhahilcd w ]:mds in more iempt-ratc regions. how ever, have nmnagod to sums: {4 r much longvr periods. Thus. Hr:- on.“ M the (Zurol'ne. wrocked on Duc-io Maud. in Hr, SuuLi)‘ Puriï¬c. in July. 1883. lived there qu'-Le cantor-{ably until 18km n†in May. 1895; \vhilelwwurvxmrs of mg whak’r Essex were threw ways and four months on me nm'gnboriny “('ndm‘son Island, ore being found and “usual. Considered simply as a {0.1 â€f on- dura'nco, l-hcir explu‘t ls rt-gur-dod by old navigators in they: \vak‘rs us mm. short. of errvellous. an' to (m. months is generally considewd {R about the limit during which casum'ays can ex. ist under and; circumstaxm-s m those lu-fitudec. Indeed. the crew of 010“.“ men belonging 10 the Norwegian sh‘p, Karl. which was wrecked (n this V0“. same: group in April. 1883. were all found dead of ï¬larvuum and ('xposupc within less than nine wmks itfl<'!'\xard::. Wrecked on Dude fslmnd, in the South Paciï¬c. Few Imme stirring stories are re:ord~ ed in the, annals q! the 5-911 mun that recently made public by the ï¬fteen sur- vivorS of me BrLtlsh barque Dunitmuld. who were cast away on Dmuvmo nannt Island. 'l‘hislriwlpud fragment (I peat- covered 105k ï¬g Situated right. out of 1m: {inch of shipping near thé edge of the Antarctic ice. amp barrm am] dose» late. to an ulmcvst mcomoivnblc dogma \‘ct. the mm manage] 10 :ufsist mm- 0', for eight months. living on 1>-.~nguin flesh and soul moat, varied by am (w- cusioflal dish 0! Mil-birds pggg. Thou had. hnu'eVCl'a n11 but giw-n mp huï¬o when they were rcScuod. on Nnu-mhnr 16111, by the exploring 511i)», “st!qu which brought than H) duc comm [0 New Zraland. FORTY MONTHS 0N masmr 15m Re . r- Black Watch Black Plus The Chewin Tobacco of (be '6'- "Oiu‘ PxiJo" Gold A?) Fountain Pen. Bureau Cover, Ducks; Putt. m, Four "TH E NEW FOOD " (IOULNESS IMMINHNT. NOT WOHHYING. ‘- SAGI‘: SAVINGS. PANGO. In order to make room for lar ger and faster mach running order, as it has just been thoroughly overhgjid bIt is in good machinist. Y a C°mpetent The Wilson Publishin Co 73 Adelaide St. West,g Toroétgjimited Will be Sold for $400 Cash A GAMPBEIJ. PRESS Miss \‘vrcâ€"“Mr. Desmond, why did you gm 10 the dining-mom hvforo you greeted lh') hosh‘ss?" Ml'. )Mhmondâ€"“Well, 1110 hasth will kwp‘ but, the refreshments sccnwd to be getting away." dirmue of the skin. like barber's m‘h. is cured by Women: Comte glone. But where the blood I: loaded with in: urlty. such as Salt Rheum, Weaver’s Syrup 2. so should be used. I~‘m- more Hum 11 “wk :1 school-leach†had been giving lessons on Um dog. and so. whm the inspector came down und chose that very subjhci, more sec-med m‘vry pmspoct of the class dLetinguishing iibf‘â€. Things wvre progressing quiie salisruoumily. and the teacher was con- grutukding himself on the (roublc he had taken. whm. alas! a question was asked \vhivh made him twmhlc {or the reputation of his schvlars. “Why does a dog: hang: his tongue on}. of his mouth?" asked the inspector‘. “John." said â€11‘ poliiica} leader’s. \t'ife,‘ “3011'“ have lo get a new (“woman asâ€" mgnod to this heat; Bridget doesn't like 1th prianl one.†“All right," said ho, “and while I‘m about it. 1’“ 1:14. am: thut likes hie mmt rare. I‘m getting tired «If overdone beef.†Mother vacs' Worm Exterminator has [he lungcst sale of any similm- pre- paration . rid in Canada. Lt always gst sixlit’ucwiqn by restoring mum to the mu; folks. 'm-i‘n. Ho .«12/‘Ce‘drd in disarming and unma‘kiwg Ur leader, in “-1141: h: as. c verzd ms pupil. tho duke‘s son. He u‘ once knelt down and offcxcd the ernv-v-his own sword. and the young rt-pz-obatv: tun it through Crigh‘ons hcuz‘t. “'15 Wonder of His A90 in Scholarship and Accomplishment. 'l‘lu: lower of this honorable name was .lumcs Crichton. wtm was born in Scullzmd m 150.». He was lhe wonder of his. agr- in scholm'slup and in all the nicoruplshmmls thnl could distinguish a pcnll mum. At. the age of 17. in Paris, he chailongoj all the most famous scholars of the lime to :2 public discus- sxm, in wEl’ch he held himse?! rvau‘y ‘0 auswx 1' (my quesli/m in theology, jurisâ€" prudence. xmdiclnc. loch. mallmnalics or in any other science, In any one of lwdw languages and in eithfl' pro-‘0 or Verso. In this boast. lxe succeeded, nnd It was Um that the title of Admiruble was gm n 10 him. The Duke 1)! Mumun, in 1582‘ unplayed. m mus tutor fur his Ln. a_ léssi_rat/‘d yoxm mag. 913:3 yfar Ialc? (Inc 1.0.1 WEE 65c nTght dux'iné [‘19 carnival :zs~uulled' Ly thre? mashed BURIED fflï¬ï¬‚INï¬ PIES Mr. C. V. Motor: is a Custom: Broker and Insuronc - Agent at St. Cotharlneo, Ont. He writes the lamâ€"Bah Co. :8 follows: " I have been a sufferer for years thh itching piles. I have spent many donors on a veriised remedies for Piles but got no relief. A friend of mine advised me to try Zom-Buk. I had but little faith in my remedy to cure me. but tried one box and I go: relief u once‘ I have used {our boxes and um complemly cured. Ic-nnol thunk you eno h for such as woodedul curative solve. have recommended Zom- Buk to my friends and they too were outed." Imnx_'rgxs_pxsxtxgnox:._A_ Rarely 199;: 3U3TWR0KER 8. Frank Wilson Sons, 73-81 Adelaide St, West Plats Z 000 to 10 0008 quare Feet Each Steam Power, Heat, Electric Light Fire Sprinkler System, Lowest Insurance. Most Central Location. Four Large Freight Elevators ldeal Manufacturing Premises m TRUTH BUILDING MANUFACTURERS THE ADMIRABLE CHICHTON. Try a Seasonable Diet and Give Your Stomach a Chance. Shredded Wheat with Strawberries will be found wholesome, appetizing and much more nutritious than meat; also with raspberries, peaches and other fresh fruits. _2.â€".MZC_ZQ ad POn>dm .2 dong/2.0 «<=nâ€"u 1â€"20 Two REVOLUTION 43x56 inch bed, cost $2,500, It Will Tone Up Your Liver and Stomach. Sold by all grocers. PRINTERS LOWEST RENTALS, INCLUDING $034 by d! (ll-n.1- v'm m3 «em we. or (In lib: ink Co..Toronto AGENTS WANTED. A rolhbie mu: in em city and town in Canada with wuerwotks m as a patent micle noodod in eve homo. hotel and public building. 5.11- 1: d§§ 2. Butler: can And am making 85.00 3 60.3. 'rize a: once {at particulars. Geo. 1'. C010. Owen Sound, Onurio. Lindsay upright pine und 9:001, 8255 ; 015 ush' “4 96 pct month. 7 LS octaves, thru ’ handsome mun! wood can. double “wood. 1'0?! hy- Snc cm and action. Only in use three month. Fully .muceed. A ï¬ne bands. c. W. LINDSAY. Limit“. “2 8t. Catharina 8t. Wat, MontreAL A man was recently being tried for murder, but the evidence against him was so weak that the judge dimmed the jury to ï¬nd a verdict or “Not Guilty.†and notified the Court of his intention ‘0 stop the case. But the youthful coun- se-I for the defence wanted the opportun- ity of becoming famous. He asked per- mission 10 address the Court. “Certainly. Mr. Canlspout.†remarked the judge. “We’ll hear you With pleasure; but ï¬rst, for sulely‘s sake, we’ll acquit the priSv omen." It is only narssary to road the test!» mommy. to be {tonvinwd that Hollo- way's Corn (Luz-0’18 unequuncd fur the removal of Corns. warts, dc. It is a complete extinguisher. gï¬â€™iEEBGROI/Q? ACANOE C9 ’ L-la A. J. PATTISGE COMPANY B A N K E R S A N D FINANCIAL AGENTS 33 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO Orders fur Cobalt Stocks cxcru!» 0d .0n Toronto Minï¬ng Exâ€" change or Boston and New York curb (zu- cash. A GOOD FARM for sale. Not Particular about location Plans (in price Pam! (inscription, and res.- son for selling. State when possession cu: be had. Will dot] with owners only. Cormpondentsâ€"Chas. â€end a 00.. members a! the New York and Boston Siock Exchange. Shocks bought and sold on New York, Boston, Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges 1? cash or margin. IRITIOH AMERICA. DYIINO 00. L. Dart-â€Mn, Box 984, Rochester, 5'. Y‘ YOUR OVERGOATS [WANTED'ï¬' to has: {tom o'uor having PRKVATB “IRES. FOR SALE. PHONE M I3" wwww+w than How 'liilie 1c room sh: knew this Hour ufk‘!’ hour mm length. through the n: ceaseios; strife and mvr sound imible 1-7; the n or sea in :1 storm-Aha Masking «m :1 \‘L’Hd anj This roar gnaw louder ovorpmvcrlng :11! 0121., n. fugim‘c crowned in 12". boat. 1:91.;an and un without disp'uying 1h" ‘0': nesx- that she \N‘ils twin: . +m+£€+ï¬+bi§£é 81 CHAPTER \‘211. 913 43 .‘f sul- Tim darkx “a“ m tzng (1 :H! and his mf- mnï¬ they §t Tho warm- oz Course av while she 11:- 131‘“ akast \x? had been :1 “my? ï¬nal Th? ch: (rm-r. the back 10 her. VOL. :0. NU. FUILED ' her to -. Duzmg (’K “A“ m c in :15 :Il‘im brown «,oltage 'i‘ know ihv Lh’ TM“. a! d IO“ '3" H11] 1 U10 -- A TA?