“Indeed!" “Yes; I‘d been trying to buy out my mext neighbor at. half price for years and joculd payer bripg him to terms until “I suppo§e to educate your daughter in music costs a great deg}. 9‘! Igogxey?" @8110 came home? ous one. and perhaps a little life pass- es out. If Baby‘s Own Tablets are kept in the home minor troubles can be promptly cmed and serious ailments thus met-led. And the ’l‘aarlkts can be ‘ven with equal safety to the new m babe 01' the well grown child. ‘. ll. Gondmn. Martinville, Qua, sz-“l hme used Bubys Own Tat» nd have found, lh-Clll. in every w 21y ‘ry. I am ays feel safe when l have them did? S dd by medic ne deakm or by mail at. “330 a box {mm No symptom that indicates any of the ailments of childhood should be allowed to pass without prompt attention. The little ailment may soon become a seri- For Rheumatism. and an Kidney. Liver, Bladder and Urinary Aflcclivhs. An eminent physician informs us that. ho has Used ihe foilmxin i piescripnion in his pxzicLice to: u num‘mr 41: mars d found it \ei'y <ixci-stui in the Wont of kiddie}. iixexx bladder and (actions, and is imsurpassâ€" ' rheumuiixm dx n ma ' Wwï¬Ã©â€˜m ".fArxi. «loses will .;e\'e:‘«:~ pafns in the disordmm kidneys (teak-rs or by mail at.“‘2_60 a box {mm The Dr. \Viuiams' Medicige (30., Brook- vme, Ont. “w-\â€"_ 1ption is one ounce of . of nitrc, one ounce of com. ‘ vtmosa and tour ouncvs of syrup 03': arb, taken in dessert spoon'ul dam m water, after men‘s and at bed- Etime. These ingredients axe harmless and inexmnsive and can be obtained at any reliable drug store and mimd to- gether at home. Ruszia is mn‘emplating the construc- 13012 01 a huge new waterway across Siber‘qa nearly parallcl with the course £5 mg TransSiherian Railway. It is ‘propo ed to connect ï¬xe gxcat Siberian rivers the Tobi lishzxn lrl sh Oh and Wenicssei, and other less important streams by canals or light. railways, and with a. View or this: the Russian ï¬ovcrmnent has ordered extensive sur- veys to be taken. ï¬isiiï¬ii Sheriévbrought it. all back for An UncapsiZabIe Canoe We are Ontario AgBIII-Se wme tar catalogue and, pnccs. buxuylcvc Iunsv of Sty 1e: Canadian Gas Power a; Launches, Limited, Toronto Peerless . Dried Beef ’Unmie the ordinary dried , beefâ€"4.11m sold in bulkâ€"- Libby’s Peerless Bried Bee! Tbmes in a sealed glass jar in which it is packed the moment it is sliced into those 'delicious thin wafers. You can take your children, y“: . with absolute sazety m a ' 5‘5“?" °1‘ 170“" My mend ‘0? a paddle v v . \ lig-t'ntwtgâ€"bgddliz as the extra weight is slight. , ’1 / We are Ontario Agents. Wme fer catalogue and prices. Complete range Vienna Sansage, Rages Qï¬vx, etc, and see how delightfully dif. Just try a package of any of these, such as OxTongue. libby’s Peerless Dried Beef is only one of a Great numhef' of thgrade, ready to serve, pure food products that are prepared m libby s but White Kitchen. ‘ None of the rich natural flavor or goodness escapes 3r dries out. It rmches you fresh and with all the nutri- ment retained. A SPLENDID PRESCRIPTION. RUSSIA'S NEW WATERWAY. It absolutely woxft ppsetfwwg'g §ink1 gs high grade- in quality andâ€. 4-- _.- A PAYING INVESTMENT. GRILDHBHD HANGERS. “Che$tnUt†Air Cgmngrtment Canoe Nature' 3 purest and best {God in?†ng 1 and healthy body.’ i a c ear ls lnvlgorfflnz Without Being Heating. Try 2t. Sold by all gracers D1†ferent they are om others "’ t 7' vhaveeaten. 1W, McNeilâ€: Libby. Chicago Now for Strawberries and Shredded Wheat. Bulldon 0' Erwin-s nnd I‘m-ache.- 7 Food ‘1 Ptoducts BEYOUR OWN BAROMETER now T0 FORECAST THE “WEATHER “'ITIIOUT INSTRUMENT;- ll jhey appear misty above, and in â€the form of long sweeping “cuflalns,†sometmles called “cows’ tails,“ below, rain ol «1 more or less heavy nature will certainly follow‘ if the cloud under ob- servaticvn is mov‘pg in the direction; of 2m albslerwer= If, an the contrary, the cloud has clear-cut ‘edgos and merely a brown, smoky hue in its general mpccl the chancas are that it will pass over wilhoul causing any precipbtalion what- ever in its passage. Such cloud! as the latter ai'e Here are Some Very Interesting Hints to the Amz'neur Weather Prophet. As a weather prophet. “the man in the street.’ might. be described as a dead failure. Not that he admits his ignor- ance for one moment. Indeed, hema- ther prides himself upon what. he con- siders to be his ability 00 forecast the wca‘her for the next twenty-four hours by the state of -the wind and sky. And when you comment upon the fact that nine out of, every ten of his forecasts are wrong, he blandly rte-marks that. 01 course, you cannot be sure of anything In this world oLsurprTses. A great black cloï¬d appears in the 'sky. and he immediately dries, “Fetch out your umbrella and mackmtosh." But the reader of this article wiLl not. bur. den himself with these things until he has carefully examined the edges 0! that black cloud. Seconflenp- Year Girlâ€"“Huh! Id be satisï¬ed with a man I thought 3 could me with.†First Leap-Year Ginâ€"J1 d proposn if I could find a man i thought I could not live w M039 The Demon.. Dyspepsia.â€"â€"In olden times it was a popular belief that de- mons moved invisibly through the am- bient air! seeking to enter into men and trouble them. ALlhe pmnt day the demon dyspepsia is at large in the same way, seeking habilatlgn in those who by careless or uflwxse mï¬g invim him. And once he enters treman it is dxmcult to dislodge him. He; that ï¬nds himself so possessed should know thaLa valiant [fend to do battle for him with max unspendoa is Pamelce‘s Vegetuble m which are ever ready [or the trial. may be conï¬dently anticipated. II. how- ever. on the contrary. it. aprears in long spx’x-aLs stretching out Ianâ€"shaped (mm the horizon. and being appzumtly “weii rooted" (it the term he allowed) in cir- mostx-alus, a thin white sheenaflen cov- ering “19 whole of the sky, and thick~ ening generally as it advances. then ‘t may be fairly 5:1!er concluded mat'mfn, and probably wind, is situated in me dix'ecgion to which the root-ends con- verge. Du not try to fz'Jrecast the weather by the changes of the moon, for that lum- inary has no jnfluenc; whatever on meteorological conditions. Mr. Humor. however. shows how a man may be his own larometer even by remembering Certain 02d weather sayings, which have stovd the test or practical application in the present day. In nine cases out of ten. for instance, the 03d saw, ‘Ra'n before seven, ï¬ne before eleven,“ proves true. Wd by some to a “g. 0 sheep lying‘down. It certainly resembles bundles of woo). more than anything eke. Such a sky usual'y pre- c-edcs a gale by about half a. day. If, however. the â€wcol‘ is seen in detached piece , 11. is indicative cf very fine wea- ther of yrolongcd duration. \, A‘njther lruc saying. amply veriï¬ed by the, woathnr of 1907. is ‘Thunder in Spring (0L1 will bring." Then. again. the appeararibe of cir- rusâ€"Lo quote the technical name of those dedicate, feathery clouds. some- times seen in tan-shaped groups, ow- ing to the effect of perspectiveâ€"4n a. clear sky may have two meanings. and those quite different. 'I! .w true this is may be found by a!- row mg the ihoughh- -o t :1er bu}: over a {{w years. and 1" wll Lnsmnt y cc u‘ to annn‘ whz iakcs an) ink'h gont inâ€" (axed. n th ueathcr that :1 gm. n«r w' R). t‘tqw m. thundcxstorms in Max h um! A1 nil is fzoqm-ntf y (one 111 "ht say :11- ways) follow (1 b} a cool Way and Java, with more ttumdcmtamls and 'o. gaod deal of rain. being genera‘aly loaded with blight. which is found Ln the shape of flies and caterpillars on New and plants after Thus, if a clear blue sky on a sum- men's day beccmrs gradually necked with light Rattlers of cirrus which just as gradually melt. away again, leaving the sky an even deeper blue than before a long term of , their passage. Often the same form of cloud, under a slightly different aspect. may signify wholly diflcrem meteorological condi- tims. Take, for instance. the “mot.- fled clouds," cr “mackerel sky" as it is /‘ ccmmonly known. It is exceedmg'y pretty from a pmluylmeE'ï¬em COMMON IN SUMMER. VERY FINE WEATHER JUST AS DIFFICL'LT. head January. 28th .is the Fatal Date in . History. “Jan. 28th stems to have been a death day 0! great monarchs, for on that date in 815 died Charlemagne. King of Frame and Emperor of Germany, the great/35:, «of the Frunkish Kings and the ï¬rst Teu- ton on whom the dignity of Roman Em- pezox‘ was conferred. He was a. relig- ious and patriotic mun. affectionate 10 his family, and having a waxy high con- wption of his public emf . _ 4vln 41‘: .u... wymuu. v. A-av .vâ€"~r ~ n .7 v , 0n the same date, in 1547, died our “Bluff King Hal." whose character has been variously estimated, according to the reading of the events of the period given by me different historians; but. -â€".n~ _ __..â€". -0 ‘.:n ‘cuw- v4 “v , . under any view. he was a man or vig- orous intellect; strong passion, and im- mmse force of will. Completely break- ing from Rome, Henry became “Pro- tector and Supreme Head of the Church and Clergy of England"; while during his reign Wales was incorporated with England. and Ireland ra‘sed from 8. lord- ship to a kingdom. i Another mongreh’Who died on this date was Abbas the ‘Great, of Persia, who died in 1628â€"8 monarch whose fume spread over Europe. On this day, in 17:25, also, died Peter the Greatâ€"the ï¬rst monarch who took the title of “Emperor of All the Rttsslas." He abo- lished the patriarchal dignity, to curb the clergy, and established the “Holy Admin‘stmtivc Synod." of which he was the head. His great reforms also ex- tended to all departments of the state, for which mighty task he had only his own unoonquerahle genius and energy. 1NDIGEST10N 1‘ There are twenty drugs to help your digestion for a time. but there is on‘y one medicine that can positively cum your mdigesiiozn for good. To any one with indigwtion a half dozen boxes of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills are worth all m. purgatiVes 'und mixtures in the country. After all those things have failed Dr. William-5’ Pink Pills have cared the worst cases of indigestion by going straight to the root of the trou- ble in the blood. You can take a purgalive to tear limo-ugh your bowels and make a clean sweep of your food, whether it is digest- cd or not. You can take stomach bib lens to create a false appetite-4f you don‘t. care what happens after you. swal- low your meal. You can drug your stomach with tablets and syrups to di- gest your food [or youâ€"it you don't care how soon you; ruin your system alto- gothcr. You can do all those things-â€" but don’t call it “curing your indiges- tion." There is only one way to cure indigestion, and- that is to, given yom- syslem so much good. pure, rad blood: that your stomach and liver wul hayé strength enough 10 do their natural work in a healthy and vigorous guy, That. L: why Dr. Williams’ Pink/pins cure indigestion-they actually make new blood. Hero is the proof. ‘ Mp, R. Mch-kcll. St. Thomas, Ont., sayg;_ “About a year ago my sysloiivbocame generally wrecked. My S‘tOHchI} was always in a slate of nausenm’rhc sight of any kind of food often ,lm‘ned my stomach and I would urge from the lab]% \Vllhout eating. .D'gc“)rs advised different medicines. wh’ich I took with- CUt beneï¬t. Fwy'l became so run down that I bfl to quit, “fork. For two months I" tried to build myself up with the/(lid of doctors. but. as time wenllï¬ï¬â€™ and my condition did not im- ï¬r‘ï¬y‘o I became much discouraged. Then a lrionzl told me he thought. Dr. Wil- liams‘ Pink Pills would help me. and I began their use. In three woks time I Dr. William’s Pink Pills Succeed It is because Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills make new. red blood that they cure such common ailments as anaemia, with al: its headaches and backache)“ rheu- matism. ncuralgia,Sl. Vitus dancemar‘; Hal paralysis and. the secret ailments from which women and young girls suf- for so mtrch. You can get the pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine (.20., Brock- ville. Ont. Corns 0mm" inInh-rable pain. Hollo- way‘s Corn Cure removes the twublc. Try it, and see what amount. of pain is saved. was so impmved that, 1 went back '0 my wox‘k. but. I commued using the pills until I had taken twelve boxes, and now my stomach is strong. and I am ready for a. good meal three times a day, and life now really scans worth living." Teacherâ€"“If a vehicle with two wheels is a bicycle. and one with three wheels a tricycle, what is one with one wheel?" Scholarâ€"“A \\'lwclban’ow." “Why doyou say that Brown is sel- ï¬sh?†“Because he always wants the things that I want myself." Lfldy (m‘mging cook~“\\hy did you leave your last place?" Bridget Maloneyâ€"“Whoi, mum the mistress said she cudn't do wihoub me. so Oi cam? In 111" conclusiun that Oi was “0th mare than she w as givin‘ Inc and lif‘ at wanst!†Money paid will be rcfundod where Pango fails when applied as directed to mlieve pain. Specially recommended {tr Neurulgia Headache Rheumatism, Gout Calnrrhal Golds etc. For sale 50 cent; at all druggists or L',)man Knox 8r. Clmkson, “holcsule dluggisls. -0- ronto. After other Remedies “Fail. DEATH DAY OF. KINGS. ISSUE NO. Eli-08. SELFISHNESS. HER DREAM PANGO. CAN BE GURED RIGHT. Sold by all Dmggists and General Stores and by mall TEN CENTS PER PACKET FROM N0 DEAD FLIES LYING ABOUT GROW RIIUBARB IN YOUR To cultivate the very ï¬nest rhubarb, you do not need any garden at all. but just a corner of e. cellar, and an old barn-1 0r deep box. Bore a dozen holes in the sides of your barrel for ventila~ n. vuâ€" -Vv, tion, and a few in the bottom for drain- age. Then place in it a layer of cin- (1915 about two inches deep. and cover this with ordinary garden. soil. Now plant your roots side by side, and cover them with another layer of earth. Water them occasionally. and keep the top of the barrel covered with a piece cl carpet. It is true that rhubarb can be bought very cheaply, but that grown in the way describfxl will be far mcer than any you could possibly buy. Have you tried a. package of “THE NEW FOOD "‘I It is made or the Choic- wt. White Wheat, then sham-cockcd-and flaked. No kitchen can prorguce a bet- ter made or cheaper article (or human consumption. In order to introduce .8. prize has pct-n placed in every pack- age- Alre y THIRTY-SIX Blue Cards oallin _ 1‘ LADIES' GOLD WATOHES. have em. redeemed. and. SEVENTY- FIVE Red Cards. Each one of these mgds has been found in a. package 0! “NEW F000." C1araâ€"â€"“When Tom proposed to me he admitted that he had more money than brains." 7 Maudeâ€"~“Wcll. I‘ve no reason to doubt it. although I understand he hasn't a dol- 1121' to his name." A Magic MILâ€"Dyspepsia is a £00 with which men are constantly grayp‘ling but cannot. exterminate. Subdued, and to all appamnccs vanquished. in one. it makes its appearance in another direc- tion. In many the digestive apparatus is as delicate as the mechanism of a watch or scientiï¬c instrument in which even a breath of air will. make a. varia- tion. With such persons disorders or the stomach ensue tmm the most trivi- a! causes and cause much suffering. To these Parniciocfs Vegetable Piiis‘ai‘o re- ccmmcnded as miid and sure. The Bed Cards give the ï¬nder the choice of the following articlw: Boys‘ Nickle Watch. “Our Pride" Gum Nib Fountain Pen. Bureau Cover, Duchess Paitsrn. Four Pieces. Table Cover, One Yard Square. Da- mask. Bauhy Ring, Solid Gold. Sideboard Covers, Two Yards Long, Linen. Mrs. Aâ€"“Mcn are so queer after the honey-moon. If you mm them your love Is growing cold they don‘t even glance up from their newspaper's." Mrs. K.â€" “;\'0; but tell them the soup is growing cold and they jump about ten feet." Is Highly recommended as affording Sn- stram relief from pain-Neuralgia, Head- ache. Gout. Rheumatism, Catarrhal Colds. Sample. 50 cents. All druggisls or Lyman Bros. ($0., wholesale drum gists, Toronto. 6 “65$ Salt Celmrs, Cu‘. Glass. Sterling Silver Top. Cold Meat Fork, Silver-plated Rogers‘ Best Make. TRUE. Use your precious time as you knew the value of jtâ€"awhich means that you should not crack nuts with youtgold watch. . Sometimes a woman after paying $20 for a hat tells her fricnds it cost $30, and her husband that it cost $10. Many maple have card of Sable ls- land, “lhe graveyard of the Atlantic," but few have any idea of what the place is really like. It is silua.ted1 about. 150 miks from Halifax. and as its nanio in- dicates. it is “an island of sand. †Though many people entertain the idea that it is a zugged rocky island upon which shins we wrecked by scores, the {act is lhat shipwrecks on Sable Isl and now-adays are qui‘e a rarity. And as fox rocks, why, there is not. a rock on line entire island- as large‘as your mu I’srmeily it was a frequent occurmnce for the lite-swing crews to be cut of! from the world for months at a time; but now all iS'changed. An upetCâ€"dale Marconi station. has been erected, and the little“ sand- heap" is now an import- ant. unit» in the Vast wireless syslgm o! the North Atlantic. , "Elcié'éh'éms, 141: Gold-ï¬lled. Place In: Photos. The superiority of Mother Graves' Wm-m Exterminator is shown by its good effects on the children. Purchase a bottle and give it a trial. ‘ 'Eeiéi'és‘ Back Comb, Torwise Shell. Set {With Brilliant-s. in me packages. Ask your grocer tor a package of â€THE NEW FOOD." "'s'ï¬nét Bing, 10k Gold. Mace {or Two Initials. A new lot of prizes have been placed LAZY OLD SORES sinful and d gm gobbling? 10%;: m8: ï¬tment withiiggggags' era. a as on agun: 0 do with Weaver's Syrup. ' an“ the blood ARCHDALE WILSON. HAMILTON, ONT. “THE NEW FOOD†GRAV’EYARD OF THE ATLANTIC. be“! “Tun NEW FOOD" STILL POSSIBLE. PANGO. Wilson' 8 Three hundred times beb- tcr than sticky paper. FLY PADS CL'AJMAR. *‘rcc Play in Sale 0‘ I'uluknl “Iodii'ine In England. Great Britain is the happy hunting ground 0! the nmdicul quark, if um cam behave a umbnr of Mn: (lhnmisls' Axm. ciutian of London. [In is qnotwd in Dur- rick's British Repnrt us saying Um! two years ago {he nnmml 5.1m: of ln‘omichn‘y medicines i9 Great Britain mnountvd bo $40,â€),009. .. V._,', In the United States and in most Eur- opean countries 50an lusgislntinn oilhex. exists or has been nttï¬mpwd to limit or stop the trams in secret mnodios, In England. absolute {rm play is given to it It has 1308" found expadiont f0? â€â€˜0 safety of the public to regulate the sale of poisons. but patent medicines, cur- iously enough. were exempt from the provisions of the law, a privilege which they enjoy together with logtu quali- fied practitionem._ In most countries the dnaling in modi- cinal drugs and chemicals is ‘l‘i‘sm‘ved only to persons qualiï¬ed by training. studies and examinationqhnt is. to pharmacists. In England, by a curious misunderstanding of the functions of n pharmacist. he is recognized by in“, merely as a "poison seller," and any one who pleases may supply the public will. medicines‘lhe identity or purity or Mic-re- apoutic value of which he may be ab- solutely ignorant. and by the Simple de- vice of packing them as a mOdicino and keeping the composition sacral, he is able by means of adVPrli-somont, to substitute himself for competent and qualiï¬ed 59,». vice. 0! what use are a cat's! whiskers? Are they moreiy to give puss u hamlsz-mc. nwx‘iial appeurmlcï¬. or have in y u 12;;5- ti‘nct use? The latter is the case. They are orgm‘s of much. each (m0 Ming; 0 mnected with the nfl‘vos of the-lip 'I he slightest contact of [hose whihkcw w.!.h any object. is. thl‘xu‘fm'o, M1 by {he um- mal. although the hairs themselv‘s m»:- insensible. When :1 Mon is stenlm: through the jung‘e his whnkurs “an: mm of any obstacle which may rc‘azd his progress. _or of any bush. Mm"; might ruslle if he (ouchvd it m p713;- ind. 50 his whiskezs. in wnjumw’," xx ith h s paddcd feet enable him In {fr {lzroug-h the thickest glowth thh a , 11.! ly silence. B1:f[‘110...... C‘nnagas (1:1):le Lake .. Crown Reserve Cobalt. Central City of Uobalt .. .. ....... 33%.053- Drummond 50.200 168.000 Foster ...... 238.4%) Kerr Lakeg..." .. .......... 302.070 King Edwiard .. .. .. . ...... 127.230 Lu Rose $50,000 2181.052 Mob: nley .. (36.540 1.372550) N pissing . ..... 184,220 1 543.110 Nuva Scotia .. ....... 227.555 Nancy Helen .. ....... 1.50.520 O‘Brien 254.810 £357.!30 Right of Way 252.240 Provincial .3.; 143.210 Standard .. 30.730 Silver Leaf .,... 190.620 Silver Cliff ......... 52,000 Silver Queen .. 110,310 . 631.510 Towns’te .... .. ...... 85.100 'l‘enxiskami 3:11.13. ....... 5990K) Tcm‘skan ng ............. 325.390 Tret-hewey 124.850 997.430 Watts .......... 180.630 The total shipments for Lhe'wcck were 919.020 pounds. or 459 tons. The total shipments tvom Jan. 1 to data are M.- 123248 pounds, or 706’; buns. The total shipments fur the yvnr 1007 were 2. .- 081,010 pounds, 01‘ 14.040 tons. valued at $6.000.000. In 1904 the camp pm- duced 158 tons. vaiucd at 3130.217; m 1905. '21.“ tons. valued :11. 31.473.100; m 1906. 5129 tons, valued at $3,900,000. COBALT ORE SIHrf‘MIiNTS. Following are the weekly shipments from Cobachamp. and 1110.34;- wau Jan. 1 to date: “But. I don‘t know you. nmdam." the bank cashier said to the woman who had presented a. cheque. But this woman. instead of saying hnï¬â€˜ghiily‘ “I do not wish your acquain- tance. sir!" merely replied with an en- gaging smile: -. n . x “Oh, yes, you do. I think. I'm the ‘rod- headed 01d virago‘ next dam to you. whose ‘scoundrelly 1mm mys‘ are al- ways reaching through the fence and picking your flowers. \\‘lu-n you started to town this morning yum- wife said: ‘Now. Henry. if you want. a dinner {1L tr eat. this evening yau‘ll have to leave me a little money. 1 can‘t keep this h< use on plain water and ten cents a day_’ ,. ~ I: u n l- irV‘zHcre’s your money. madam," said the cashier. pushing it um'ards her and cc ughing loudly. The other day. when Mr. Awry mur- ried Miss Small. :1 sub-Milm' hmdud {he report of the ccwmuny “.‘wvry-Smnll \\'Mdjng." but lhu cnmymsitm' lull-w 1hâ€!- H‘ and set it up, “A very Small Wed- ding." ii is the Farmer’s Friendâ€"Jim farm. er will flnd in Dr. 'l‘homus‘ Eclectric Oil a potent remedy for wounds or pains in the body or for aficclions of me respiratory organs and for house- hold use generally. He will also find it conven‘ent friend in treating injured harms, cattle. em, or relieving mom when attacked by colds. coughs or any iluntdmd ailments to which they are sub- JCC . Studentâ€"“Sonmming is prvying on my ' II mznd. Will afford instant. relief from pain caused by New-algin. Headaches, Gout, Rheumatism, Culurrlml Colds. Sammc 50 cents. All dx'ulggists or National Drug (10., London. Ptb‘fessorâ€"“IL must be very hungry." A. J. PATTISON CO. REPORT. WARNED BY [US WHISKJ‘ZRS flavor The big blagk plug chewing tobacco PARADISE FOR QllAlIKR, Black Watch QUICKLY ATTENDED TO. ,s 62.030 Lake .. .. .. .. Reserve ........... Centmk .. ......... (,‘xobalt .. .. ....... 0nd ....... . 50.260 -..- o... a... ...... Ekeg. .. .......... lwz‘ard .. .. .. . ...... e 50.000 2y .. 66.540 ..... 184,220 nous. .. ....... Hole .. ....... 251,810 {Way 11115â€; ....... .eaf .... 21111 . ........... Queen .. 110,310 an ng ............. Iey 124.350 POOR PASTURE. GREY! IWHHI. June 3rd. 1908. PANGO. WOOk 0nd May 30. SincP Ore in tbs. Oxc Remark- able for richness and pleaï¬ing Ja n. 1. in tbs. 610,8 3 0 515.530 246.455 40.07: 1:36.39!) 333.053 153.0%!) 238.49») 392.070 1272 10 1811352 “HEADACHE, WEAKNESS, Husbandâ€"“I'm afraid I'm becoming crrss-Oyed. my dear.“ WifF‘The idea! Why do you think that?" Husbandâ€"“This thing of frying to look at my income and our experwzs at the same time is slowly but surely getting its work in." PaXpita/don, shortness of breath and bloating after meals are the most prom- ment sympmm. Manumctured by Pemna Drug “amniac xmrbus. The abnamm! c-mstiun wiil continue if not attendnd to anl win cause an exhaustive drum on ‘13-: Sys- tem. The best available medicine is Dr. .L D. Kellogg's Dysentrry CordiuL 'z: cioars the stomach and Lowels a! 2:0. tanks. wuntcracts the inflammation and restores the organs to healthy action. She (in evening costumeyâ€"“Is not my dross becoming, dear?" The change cf dietary that came: with spring and summer has the affect m weak stomachs of setting up mflamma- tx-on. resulting in dyacn‘ery and chozera Mar. 3! cw a of ‘ eart trouble are caused by: reflex â€tax-bums. ~- Den ng err/mt; of the stomach and liver prodrme a'mptoms of heart troub . lieâ€"“Well. it may be coming. but is not some of it rather late?" “I Suffered With for Catanh of the stomach is a. very fre- quent cause of sympathetic heart dis- €388. “I consider Peruna better than any other “amount-9.1: nothing else could. I suffered for yem and years Vita n_.: -nmbkl uuuuu u an vuu. u 5 ‘ ‘ - J. Dana‘s“ nu. JV...» .._.. .V , 0 to cure me. I headache and weakness. 1 never expected to and anything, saw one day, in “La Presse,†that Pawns was excellent and I tried it. One ad been $100 a bottle 1 bottle produced a. change in me and it tho price I: would have paid it gladly. I have take: six homes and an entirely cured. Please accept my thanks and best wishes for your Penna." ,__________â€"â€"â€"--â€"â€"-â€" headache and weakness. 1 n saw one day, in “La. Presse,†1 bottle produced a change in would have paid it gladly. I I "Please Accept My T'tanks and Best W i-tlws For Your PE=RU=N . †Miss Wilhelmina McChules of Paw- ueaa, Ont. writes: “I have proved Zara-Bake. healing balm for eczema! My ftlher had it very bad on his hands and 1 they were swollen very much. One night; he decided to try Zen-Balm I had previ-i ou’sly used it for Ringworm which I couldl1 not remove untll I tried Zem-Buk. This: removed the Ringworm in u very short tlme. ‘ In the morning father" hands were very; much improv . He therefore continued} using Zam-Buk, and the eczema is now all‘ .gone. I hold Zam-Buk in high esteem n5 ~ n ““38 balm‘ 2 Healing. Soothing, u ‘9 . . hmmm um Miss Albina. Chanvln, No. 50 Rue Agnes, S The Conboy Carriage 00., Limited, Toronto. TEE CONBOY CARRIAGES have a proventia! reputation for style and durability. Don't Buy uunl you see your nearest Carriage Agent and get full particulars, or write for No. 48 catalogue, showing our new and handsome designs 1m mos. 33 Scott St., TORONTO. aDAU’TERB . Stocks bought and sold on all exchanges for cash or margin. __ Cobalt orders executed for cash. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED. DKX'ERGING. Ir; Peruna Drug Manufacturing Company. Columbus DELAYED. A. J. PATTISON 6: (30., INVESTMENT BONDS. :t trouble are caused! Sn'ch a condition at the Stomach n cos. »- 'also liable to produce headaches or the E the stomach and worst sort. gems of heart trouble. Medicines that palliate the symptoms Anna/J1 '1: o 17va fre. win 1161'?! lead to ‘cme. gnu and turn, 39;. v: pdd from an Zun- uk 03.. Toronto. Me Entirely." than any other yamcdy. TOXS OF IRON consumed m: yes.- in net!!- rice. In “Fermv‘im.†the but tonic, it is no :iewdy maaipcksed ch12 the teak and sick}, (e: .111 possible 11mm: and beneï¬t 2:0: it. It is the eflect which Pawns has upon the stomach, healing the mucous memo braves and restoring the natural tune- tion of the stomach, that causes Perm to bring such prompt tenet. bamï¬M €21.49. b 3â€..qu Run .9 301.“â€" amnv. Pun Sin mu ï¬vuvav 13w. «$33...on no on v 3.3.: vino; pica E «31... V35? was†run Enema UEKME. want u" awmmn. mazumfl ova IE 13 Grimm 3:3 I an? <13 ï¬n on? no 3.98%. 92. H. 00?. 0.40†Hang. Gavin: In Abyssinia. the hi tents belong to the wit" A rosgm‘sibie agent in every city in Canada to represent Tho Larder City cold IlnEng 60., Limited For fun particulars appiy Henry [1. Darren. 8 Colbornc 51., Toronto. V ad caning. rm: ‘1 . meld" mm: the "' â€m5?! AMERICAN DYEING CG .0134th '1'“:ou In anmwwub m lo: «I. lean-.1. CARPET DYEING And C‘s-inn; This I: n min!“ with the St. Henri, Mona-en, Cm. writes : giERBOROU ï¬CANf-IF (‘0 I“ ~ â€" â€"â€" g’ctzmai gr; gnaw {warm Phone Main 13“ WANTED. HARMONIZED u it (mm In†"um- with heart trouble. OE C9 ,, “Lin, (54‘. want. t